International grant competition Orthodox initiative. Our official VKontakte group

Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church chaired by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' summed up the results of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2017 - 2018”.

The winners of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2017 - 2018” were: 289 projects presented in four competitive areas: “Education and Upbringing”, “Culture”, “ Social service", "Information activities". The grant fund amounted to 115 million rubles.

The winning projects within the areas were distributed as follows:

“Education and upbringing” - 109

“Social service” - 63 (of which 3 are “Shelters for pregnant women”)

"Culture" - 101

“Information activities” - 16

In the category “Small Towns and Villages” with the amount of grant support up to 300 thousand rubles. 69 projects became winners.

Applications for the competition “Orthodox Initiative 2017 - 2018” were accepted from September 1, 2017 to October 23, 2017 on the website

In total, 1227 from 73 regions entered the competition Russian Federation, 11 countries of the near and far abroad (including 134 in the “Small Towns and Villages” category).

Project implementation will begin no earlier than March 20, 2018 and will be completed no later than January 20, 2019.

List of projects that have received approval from the United expert council and recommended for financing in 2018, available at the link

According to the Regulations on the “Orthodox Initiative” competition, the Executive Directorate does not comment on the reasons for the rejection of applications and does not enter into correspondence or negotiations on this matter. Expert comments can be obtained from diocesan coordinators. Diocesan coordinators, in turn, can send a request to the Executive Directorate.

Attention winners! Instructions for further actions will be posted in personal accounts on the competition website

Date: 02/09/2016

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church announces the start of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017”.

The acceptance of applications for the international grant competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016 -2017” has begun

With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church announces the start of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017”.

Applications for participation in the Competition will be accepted from September 1, 2016 on the website Acceptance of competitive applications will end - 18:00 (Moscow time) October 24, 2016 Winners will be announced at a later date March 31, 2017

The Competition is governed by the Regulations on the International open grant competition "Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017" And Notice of the announcement of the international open grant competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016 -2017”.

As part of the “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017” competition, applications in the following project areas are considered:

Education and upbringing

Social service


Information activities

Within the framework of the “Social Service” direction, the special nomination “Shelters for Pregnant Women” is retained. The amount of grant support within the nomination can reach 1 million rubles. Grant funds can only be used to create a new assistance center and support the first year of its operation.

The Competition also maintains a special nomination “Small Towns and Villages” with the amount of grant support up to 300 thousand rubles.

The Competition includes 3 types of projects - local projects, network projects and infrastructure/system-forming projects.

Local projects are implemented by one organization in one or several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The winners can count on grant support in the amount of not 500 thousand rubles. (as was in last year), a - 600 thousand rubles.

Network projects are implemented in at least two constituent entities of the Russian Federation by two or more organizations. The size of the requested grant cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

Conducting the Competition, including technical support competitive procedures, organization of examination of received applications, financing of winners, receipt and verification of reports, entrusted to the Fund for Support of Humanitarian and Educational Initiatives “Co-operation”

Consultations with specialists from the Sorabotnichestvo Foundation can be obtained individually by email

Applications for the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017” continue to be accepted. With the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', the Coordination Committee for the promotion of social, educational, informational, cultural and other initiatives under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church announced the start of the competition in September of this year.

Applications for participation in the competition are accepted on the website. Instructions for filling out the application are available at.

Acceptance of competitive applications will end on October 24, 2016 at 18.00 (Moscow time). Winners will be announced no later than March 31, 2017.

The competition is regulated by the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017” and the announcement of the International Open Grant Competition “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017”.

As part of the “Orthodox Initiative 2016-2017” competition, applications in the following project areas are considered:

  • Education and upbringing;
  • Social service;
  • Culture;
  • Information activities.

As part of the competition, for each project area there is a special nomination “Small Towns and Villages” with an amount of grant support of up to 300 thousand rubles. The nomination “Small Towns and Villages” is aimed at supporting the initiatives of applicants from small towns and villages, as well as applicants, regardless of their place of registration, if the projects they provide are planned to be implemented in small towns and villages. It should help increase the starting opportunities for applicants from small towns and villages (especially those without experience in participating in grant competitions). Applications in this category undergo examination in a special manner.

Within the framework of the “Social Service” direction, the special category “Shelters for Pregnant Women” is also retained. The amount of grant support within the nomination can reach 1 million rubles. Grant funds can only be used to create a new assistance center and support the first year of its operation.