The best varieties of carrots with detailed descriptions. The best carrot seeds: early-ripening, mid-ripening, late-ripening and multi-colored varieties Hybrid carrot seeds

Carrots rotting in the cellar are a problem that many gardeners face. There are many reasons for root vegetable spoilage, including infection in the cellar, dampness and high air temperature during storage. But in most cases, flabby carrots in winter are the wrong choice of variety.

Every spring, summer residents have a question about how to find the best carrots for storing for the winter among the abundance of beautiful bags of seeds. Many people choose based on the photo on the packaging, but this is wrong. First, let's get acquainted with the easiest species. Then we will find out on what principle we need to choose a variety that retains its taste and presentation well in winter.


The group of mid-season fruits includes fruits with a growing season of 100 - 120 days. According to experts, these root vegetables are sweeter and juicier.

Mid-season carrots accumulate maximum nutrients by the time of harvesting.

Let's consider the well-known and popular among experienced gardeners:

  1. Nantes-4.
  2. Samson.
  3. Chance.
  4. Moscow.


An old variety that gardeners in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region, and in general all regions without exception, have been growing since the middle of the last century. It takes 120 days to mature. Bundle ripeness occurs 50 days after germination. Carrots planted in May are ready for harvesting in September. If there is not enough time for cleaning, you can leave it in the ground until October. Nantskaya-4 in such a situation does not lose its presentation and taste. Average weight parameters - 150 g. Average length, within 20 cm. Important characteristics: yield from 6 kg per sq.m. and the deadline for storage is February.


Large carrots, which are stored in a cellar until May next year. Experienced agronomists recommend Samson to beginning gardeners. It can be grown in any soil, in any climate. With timely sowing in early May, Samson will delight you with smooth, orange root crops almost without a core. The average length of the Samson root crop is 20 centimeters or more, weight up to 170 g. Ripens 110 days from the appearance of the first shoots.


Stored until March. Root vegetables weighing up to 130 g have a good taste, are juicy, and have a classic conical shape. If you follow the sowing pattern recommended by the manufacturer (20*4 cm), the yield per 1 sq. m − 5 kg. Carrots Chance loves the sun, loose soil with a high percentage of humus (sandy loam, light loam.).

Late, suitable for storage

Varieties of vegetables with a growing season of more than 120 days are classified as late. Ripened carrots can be stored until a new harvest. This group of plants suffers less from diseases, carrot flies, and is rarely shot.

Queen of Autumn

A wonderful variety from Altai breeders, deservedly named by the queen. Root crops grown in fertilized, loose soil usually exceed the characteristics stated by the manufacturer: weight 230, length 25, yield 9 kg/m².


An interesting Polish representative, can be stored until spring. If the soil is infested with carrot fly larvae, this variety will be a good choice for next season. Resistant to fusarium and carrot fly. The fruits form long, weighing from 130 g.


Worthy of attention productive (from 8 kg/m²), with large (200 g), long (28 cm) root crops containing a large percentage of carotene.

Varieties of sweet carrots

The best root vegetables for baby food are sweet ones. They bring more benefits due to the high percentage of carotene. Among the late varieties that are sweet and can be stored for a long time, we can highlight:

  • Karotan;
  • Darling;
  • Emperor.


World famous carrots are rich in carotene. It is recommended to use it as a raw material for processing. Carotan is stored for a long time, its characteristics: deep orange color, cross-sectional diameter from 5 cm, length of root crops at least 25 cm.


Sweet, perfect cylindrical shape. Ripe root vegetables have an average length (15 cm) and weight (160 g), and are stored well. When sown in autumn, Beloved gives an early harvest in years with rich rainfall and does not crack.


Already in June you can enjoy fresh fruits if you plant an early variety with a growing season of 80 to 90 days at the beginning of spring. You can choose a productive variety that will feed your family in the summer and will be well stored in the cellar.


These are cylindrical, thin root vegetables, with an average length of 15 cm and weight of 100 g. Productivity – 5 kg/m². For winter consumption it can be sown in mid-June. To obtain early root crops, autumn sowing is recommended (October, November).


Easy to care for early variety. Artek can be stored well in a cellar. Burgundy-orange root vegetables with an average weight of 150 g and a length of 15 cm do not rot, are juicy and tasty. The fruits are ready for summer consumption after 1.5 months.

Fun F1

An early hybrid, ideal for summer bunch production. Can be grown for winter consumption. Root vegetables are bright orange, not large, from 50 g, have an average length.


Large carrots are good for making healthy juice and Korean dishes. Here are the varieties you need to pay attention to next season:

  • Canada F1;
  • Nandrin F1;
  • Russian size.

Canada F1

An unpretentious mid-late hybrid that produces good yields on heavy soil. Fruit weight from 130 to 500 g, length 20 cm, cross-section up to 5 cm. The plant is characterized by sweet, juicy orange pulp.

Russian size

A variety that produces root crops weighing up to 1 kg on light, fertile soils. The norm for carrots is large diameter (6 cm). The length is also not small - from 25 to 30 cm.

Nandrin F1

A popular hybrid among farmers from Dutch breeders. Short growing season up to 100 days. Carrots with a small core, cylindrical in shape, do not crack. The average weight of Nandrin F1 is 150 g. Root crops grow up to 20 cm in length.

How to choose carrots for storage

For beginners in gardening, choosing carrots suitable for long-term storage is somewhat difficult. It’s easy to get lost in the huge selection and take the first bag with a beautiful picture. This is not worth doing. Here is a list of characteristics that will help you choose a good variety for storage:

  • growing season from 115 days and above;
  • does not crack;
  • not susceptible to diseases;
  • suitable for growing in any climate, on any soil;
  • does not shoot.


Long-term storage is not only about choosing the right variety of carrots. This is the optimal planting time, proper care and choosing the optimal method for storing root crops.

The culture is very popular among gardeners, which means that it is possible to choose a variety that meets specific tastes. Thus, among the modern variety, you can select both imported and domestic varieties of carrots, guided by their characteristics:

  • traditional or new(you can also say domestic and imported);
  • long or compact;
  • neat shapes or unsightly, but tasty;
  • early, early ripening or recumbent;
  • high-yielding;
  • resistant to common diseases;
  • with a high content of nutrients, etc.

The colors of carrots can also be different: not only the traditional orange, but also optimistic yellow, deep purple or snow-white shades are found among representatives of the carrot kingdom. IN THE PHOTO: Varieties of carrots of different colors.

Criteria for choosing a carrot variety

All varieties of carrots are good in their own way, so it is impossible to definitively answer the question of which variety of carrots is better. You need to choose the one that suits the conditions on your farm and will give the best harvest in them:

  • V heavy, clayey soil Root vegetables do well short, stocky, A long varieties more suitable for light soils;
  • short root crops ripen earlier; we can say that these are the best varieties of carrots for Siberia, since they have a short summer from sowing to harvesting;
  • traditional zoned varieties of carrots for the middle zone- this is the best choice for your own consumption: the plants are adapted to the conditions of the region, root vegetables have a high content of carotene, their taste is excellent;
  • For sales, it is better to choose new varieties of carrots of foreign selection, the goal of which was to breed smooth, beautiful, shelf-stable root crops that would be attractive to buyers;
  • round varieties ripen quickly, but cannot boast of high productivity; long ones, on the contrary, delight with friendly maturation, the dates of which have been slightly delayed.

Zoned cultures- these are those that were bred in your region of residence. Under the Soviet Union, special organizations, research stations, and fruit and vegetable sections of botanical gardens were involved in the breeding of such varieties. If they still exist in your region, feel free to contact them for varieties of not only carrots, but also other crops.

Carrot ripening speed

According to the speed of ripening of root crops, all varieties of carrots can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. early ripening(harvesting 65–80 days after sowing) - early, but not very productive, poorly stored;
  2. mid-season carrot varieties for open ground (ripen in 105–115 days) - more productive and long-lasting;
  3. late, autumn varieties(requires 120 or more days to ripen) - high-yielding, best varieties of carrots for storage until spring.

Variety or hybrid: what to choose?

The list of carrot varieties is now noticeably diluted with hybrids, the photos and descriptions of which are sometimes amazing: super early, disease resistant, incredibly productive, ideal in shape. All this can be achieved by seeds obtained from parents with clearly defined characteristics, for example, very early maturation in the “mother” and resistance to disease in the “dad”. As a result, the new generation of plants will have these characteristics almost 100%. Such seeds are marked with the abbreviation F1 - first generation hybrid. All Dutch carrot varieties of the first generation F1. By purchasing them, you can be absolutely sure that you will receive what the manufacturer stated (of course, if he is conscientious and values ​​​​his reputation).

Regular varieties are no worse, and even cost much less! The downside is that in ordinary varietal seeds there is a probability of deviations of characteristics from the reference variety (how high the probability again depends on the conscientiousness of the manufacturer). In other words, F1 is a sign of a guarantee that the harvest will be the same as in the picture (or very similar).

For ordinary amateur gardening There is absolutely no difference between F1 and regular seeds of various carrot varieties. However, this statement is only true if you buy your seeds from a reliable supplier, such as a specialty store. If you are offered seeds of the good old “Nantes” in a newspaper at the market, then most likely they were obtained from plants that have long lost the characteristics of the standard variety.

Climate is an important condition for choosing a carrot variety

To choose the best carrot varieties for the Urals and Siberia, you need to concentrate on those that can be cultivated in greenhouses, where they will not be disturbed by low spring temperatures and strong winds.

If you need specific varieties of carrots for open ground, then you need to choose them according to the speed of ripening, giving preference to early and medium-ripening varieties.

Late varieties of carrots are also suitable for the Moscow region; warm autumn helps the fruits gain sweetness and nutrients.

Early varieties and hybrids

These are the best varieties of carrots for the Urals and Siberia.


Dutch hybrid. The size of the root crops is average, the weight of each is 105–220 g. The shape is a blunt cone, dark orange in color (both outside and inside).


Large, smooth, bright root vegetables, distinguished by a reddish tint. The sweet flesh and thin core have made these carrots a favorite among gardeners.


The bright orange, ten-centimeter fruits of this variety have juicy pulp and a sweet taste. A fastidious variety, it feels good only in fertile soil and requires regular moistening of the beds. Resistant to cracking.


A variety with good adaptive abilities. Thick, uniform root vegetables can reach 20 cm in length. Resistant to bolting, diseases and hot summers. Capable of producing good yields on heavy soils.


A good variety for processing and freezing. It quickly gains weight, has a bright color and smooth skin. Used for making juices and baby food.


Tender, juicy, very sweet carrots. The mass of the root vegetable is 55–150 g. An excellent option for home cooking.


Dutch hybrid. The bright orange cone of the root vegetable is about 20 cm long and weighs 120–180 g. The taste is excellent. The advantages also include good productivity and transportability. Recommended for fresh consumption.


It got its name for its sweet taste: the saccharide content in this carrot is very high. The fruits are smooth, even, orange in color. Valued in baby and dietary nutrition, suitable for making fresh juice.


The variety prefers light soils. Versatile: equally good for canning and fresh salads.


A hybrid capable of adaptation. It develops quickly even in not the most favorable conditions. The fruits are rich in carotene and sugars. The weight of each carrot reaches 120–300 g.

Mid-season varieties and hybrids

Yield varieties of carrots that are good for fresh consumption and for winter storage. Mid-season varieties are very popular due to their versatility: they can be sown both in open and protected soil, the root crops ripen well and are sweet.

Also suitable for the Urals and Siberia.


High-yielding variety, suitable for sowing before winter. The shape of the root vegetables is cylindrical, each weighs up to 200 g. They have an orange color and a sweet taste, with a pleasant crunch. They are stored for a long time.


Long, powerful root crops with an elongated conical shape can reach 30 cm in length. Their weight varies from 200 to 300 g. They are well suited for winter storage.


Good for fresh consumption and storage. A medium-long root crop with a blunt tip, weighing 90–160 g.

'Autumn King'

The root crop is spindle-shaped, with a blunt end, leveled, uniform in color. Length 20 cm, weight 150–250 g. Excellent taste, universal use.

'Children's room'

The richest variety in vitamins among mid-season varieties. Neat, beautiful 20 cm long carrots are very popular due to their sweet taste and attractive appearance. The variety is used to produce juices and purees of the highest quality. It is also good for fresh consumption.


Variety from Altai. Combines high yield, keeping quality, exceptional presentation and delicate sweet taste. The stable yield of the variety makes it popular among summer residents and amateur gardeners.


A hybrid bred for growing on heavy soils. Reaches 25 cm in length. The fetal head is flat and greenish. The hybrid is disease resistant. Cultivated in areas with heavy clay soils.


Dutch hybrid. Smooth, large root vegetables of a rich orange color, tinged with red. It reaches a length of 30 cm. Suitable for growing in clay soils. Stores well and can be used fresh or canned. Resistant to diseases.


Cylindrical root vegetables with slightly pointed tips are brightly colored and weigh 85–110 g. They store well.


The leading variety in popularity. It is good for its plasticity and rapid adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Suitable for any region, including risky farming areas. The root vegetable has a conical shape, a blunt end, a length of up to 14 cm and a weight of up to 100 g. Carrots are richly colored and have an excellent taste.


An excellent variety for storage. Not susceptible to rot and mold. It is flexible to growing conditions, so it can be recommended for cultivation in any region. Medium size fruits: 14–17 cm and 90–160 g. It has a high content of carotene.


New hybrid. Good for winter storage and fresh consumption. It has a good taste, smooth surface, uniform orange color. Maximum fruit weight - 110 g.

Parisian carotel’

A variety with medium-sized root crops, up to 14 cm long, stores well, is suitable for all climatic zones and is successfully cultivated on any soil.


Also a universal variety: for all regions. The length of the root crops is medium, the color is orange, the shape of the tip is rounded. The taste is distinguished by sweetness and tenderness. The variety is suitable for use in the preparation of dietary and baby food; it can be stored and consumed fresh not only throughout the winter, but also until the fresh harvest appears.


A universal hybrid: good fresh, processed and canned. Uniform intensive coloring of root crops. The length of each is 18–20 cm.


The variety is used for winter storage or processing. The long, conical root vegetable has a slightly pointed tip and an orange core and bark. Each weight ranges from 116 to 180 grams. Good to excellent taste.


A variety with high yield. Suitable for long-term storage, processing, canning. The roots are brightly colored and have a rounded tip. The taste is very good. Do not crack during storage. The variety is suitable for growing in heavy soil conditions and is not afraid of diseases.


A hybrid bred specifically for storage. It tolerates winter well without losing its taste and beneficial properties. The medium-long, cylindrical root has a blunt tip and an orange core and bark. Reaches a mass of 160 g.


The variety is intended for juice production or long-term storage. The average weight of carrots is 135 g. The orange, smooth, cylindrical root crop is 20–25 cm long.

'Moscow Winter A 515'

Stably productive variety, resistant to flowering. Like other mid-season varieties, it is good for storage and direct use. The orange, blunt-ended root vegetable is 16–18 cm long. The core is round in shape and orange in color. Weight of carrots - 100–175 g. The taste is good and excellent.


It is used for growing in bunches, has good commercial qualities, and can be stored for a long time in a cellar or basement without damage. The weight of root vegetables varies between 100 and 230 g.


The long, cylindrical fruit with a blunt end is grown into a bunch (for fresh use). Weight from 83 to 170 g. Has good keeping quality.

Late hybrids and varieties of carrots: for winter storage

These are the most long-awaited, but productive and sweet varieties.


The leader in productivity among hybrids. The semi-conical shape of the root vegetable, its bright and smooth color, excellent taste, transportability and ability to be stored for a long time have made this root vegetable one of the most beloved.

'Queen of Autumn'

The roots are long, conical, bright orange in color. Tender flesh, crispy, juicy, carmine red. A variety of universal use: it can be eaten fresh, used in cooking, canned or stored.


The variety can be stored for a long time, or can be consumed immediately after harvesting: fresh or processed, or canned. The shape of the carrot is spindle-shaped, the surface is smooth, even, the tip is slightly pointed. The color of the outer part and core is orange. The length of the fruit is about 20 cm, weight - 120–250 g. Carrots do not crack or break.

‘Sweet tooth’

The variety is resistant to flowering, cracking and common carrot diseases. It forms blunt-ended orange-colored roots, the length of which is 18–20 cm. The core is practically absent, the flesh is tender, juicy, and sweet.


A high-yielding variety whose root crops contain an increased amount of beta-carotene. Corneloids are large in size, not prone to cracking, and are well stored until spring without losing their presentation. The length of each is 18–21 cm, the color is dark orange. An important feature of the variety is its inability to accumulate nitrates. Has a sweet taste.


A variety with good yield. Large orange roots with a sharp tip are 20–24 cm long. The large middle also has an orange tint. The weight of the root crop itself is from 94 to 144 g. It can be stored without problems until a new harvest; it is recommended both for winter use and for canning.


Cylindrical roots with elongated tips are red in color. Weight from 130 to 160 g. It is recommended to store the harvest in a cellar or basement, process it or use it fresh. The variety is distinguished by high yield and resistance to the main carrot diseases: Alternaria and downy mildew.


German variety. Valued all over the world for its yield and exceptional taste. Good for winter storage. Root vegetables are traditional orange in color, 20–22 cm long, weighing 60–70 g. They have a small core. Processed by any means, used fresh.

Review of carrot varieties and hybrids for 2017 - new items

Working to improve the characteristics of such a crop as carrots, breeders with enviable regularity create new varieties and hybrids. As a result, in a wide range of planting materials it is difficult to find the ideal option for specific growing conditions. Read the text on the packaging - responsible manufacturers place on the bag all the information about the characteristics of the selected carrot variety. If you have not yet decided on the choice of “your” carrots, we offer a selection of new products that many garden owners have already tried “in the field”:


A distinctive feature of this early-ripening variety is the good keeping quality of root crops, which allows them to be stored in winter for a long time. Plants with a semi-spreading rosette of leaves and dark green, medium-dissected, very long leaves. Orange root vegetables are long, cylindrical, slightly pointed at the end. They weigh from 90 to 170 g. From one sq.m. can be collected up to 4.74 kg. harvest. The ‘Barynya’ variety is in the State Register for the West Siberian and Volga-Vyatka regions.


An improved hybrid with medium-early (104–110 days) ripening periods. Long leaves form a spreading rosette. The medium-length root crops are smooth, leveled, cylindrical in shape with a blunt tip. Both the bark and the core are orange. Root vegetables weigh from 97 to 195 g. They have excellent taste and are suitable for the production of juices. The yield of the variety is 3.72–5.57 kg. per sq.m. ‘Bermuda’ is in the State Register for the Central Region.

‘Brilliance F1’

The mid-late hybrid ‘Brilliance’ has very large fruits that are characterized by a high carotene content. Productivity is high - from 3.24 to 8.42 kg. per sq.m. A rosette of medium-dissected, not too long leaves - spreading. The roots are cylindrical, the tip is blunt, the color of both the bark and the base is uniformly orange. The weight of one carrot is up to 250 g. The hybrid ‘Brilliance F1’ is in the State Register for the Central, Lower Volga, Middle Volga, North-Western and North Caucasus regions.

‘Taste of childhood

The variety is perfect for winter storage. In addition, root vegetables can be canned, frozen, or eaten fresh. The long green leaves of the plants are collected in a semi-spreading rosette. The carrots are dark orange in color, quite long, cylindrical in shape, with a slightly pointed tip. Root crops weigh 92–190 g. Productivity is 3.62–6.21 kg. per sq.m., in the Moscow region - up to 10.78. The early ripening (75–90 days after germination) variety ‘Grilyazh’ is in the State Register for the Volga-Vyatka and Central regions.


Root crops of this early-ripening variety, along with fresh consumption, can be canned, frozen, stored for the winter, etc. The leaves of the plants are not very long, medium-dissected, and the rosette is semi-spreading. The carrots are medium in size, conical in shape with a slightly pointed tip. Orange root vegetables weigh from 95 to 160 g. The yield is 2.83–3.55 kg. per sq.m. The ‘Grilyazh’ variety is in the State Register for the Volga-Vyatka region.

‘Children’s vitamin

A mid-season variety of carrots, with a marketable yield of 2.04–3.7 kg. per sq.m. The fruits have an orange bark and core, are long, cylindrical, slightly pointed at the base. One root crop weighs about 95–130 g, has good taste, and is suitable for winter storage. The ‘Children’s Vitamin’ variety is in the State Register for the North-Western region.


Mid-season carrots with long, cylindrical roots and a semi-spreading rosette of leaves. The color of the bark and core is bright orange, the taste is excellent, the content of vitamins and carotene is high. The yield of the variety is up to 4.75 kg. per sq.m. with an average weight of one carrot of 102–190 g. The ‘Derevenskaya’ variety is in the State Register for the Central Region.


The hybrid is mid-season, characterized by resistance to Alternaria, fruit spotting and root rot. Ripens in 100–110 days from the rapid emergence of shoots. Bright orange root vegetables have a conical shape and grow up to 20 cm in length. Average weight is 137–200 g. Root vegetables have good shelf life and excellent taste. From one sq.m. You can collect on average from 3.33 to 7.54 kg. harvest. The hybrid ‘Diamento’ is in the State Register for the Central Region.

‘Cadence F1

A disease-resistant hybrid during storage with aligned, uniform fruits. Late-ripening, from the moment of emergence of seedlings it takes up to 135 days to ripen. A plant with a semi-spreading rosette of medium-dissected leaves. Not too long, cylindrical root vegetables with a blunt tip are not prone to cracking and brittleness, and have excellent taste. Carrot weight is 98–172 g, yield is from 3.5 to 7.66 kg. per sq.m. The hybrid 'Kadans F1' is in the State Register for the West Siberian, Volga-Vyatka, North-West and North Caucasus regions.


A highly productive hybrid novelty of mid-season ripening from Dutch breeders. Root crops reach marketable yield after 115–135 days from germination. Carrots are unpretentious and grow well even on heavy soils. Very long, medium-dissected leaves are collected in a spreading rosette. The roots are smooth, medium in length, conical in shape with a blunt tip, and orange in color. They weigh on average from 115 to 205 g. They have good keeping quality. The yield of the hybrid is 4.33–5.9 kg. per sq.m. 'Canberra' is in the State Register for the Lower Volga, North Caucasus and Central regions.


New among carrot hybrids, resistant to root rot. Medium late ripening (117–120 days). The roots are smooth, cylindrical in shape, and completely orange. The average weight of carrots is 98–190 g. The taste of ripened root vegetables is excellent, the crop can be stored for a long time without deteriorating in properties. From one sq.m. you can get about 3.13–6.79 kg. carrots, in the Moscow region this figure reaches 11.05 kg. Hybrid ‘Natuna’ is in the State Register for the Central Region.


Another new product, characterized by a higher content of carotene and sugars in root crops, vigorous germination and resistance to diseases. Mid-season ripening (from 80 to 110 days). The weight of long, cylindrical root vegetables is about 80–153 g, the color of the bark and core is orange. The carrot pulp is tender and juicy, the core is thin. Productivity per one sq.m. is 2.95–5.03 kg. The ‘Nezhenka’ variety is in the State Register for the Central Region.

‘Refined sugar

The variety is characterized by early ripening (85–90 days) and high yields. Elongated conical root vegetables are distinguished by delicate juicy pulp. The carrot is large, about 20 cm long, both the bark and the core are orange. The root crop weighs on average from 90 to 190 g. Keeping quality is very good, the yield is 3.79–6.96 kg. per sq.m. The ‘Rafinad’ variety is in the State Register for the West Siberian, Volga-Vyatka and Central regions.

‘Sugar Queen

A mid-season new product, resistant to fruit blossoming and cracking. It takes 95–105 days from the moment the seedlings emerge until market ripeness is achieved. Long root vegetables with an elongated conical shape, orange, weigh 83–220 g, with excellent taste. The yield of the variety is on average 2.8–4.58 kg. per sq.m., in the Moscow region - up to 10.38 kg. per sq.m. Root crops have good keeping quality. The ‘Sugar Queen’ variety is in the State Register for the Central Region.


This new mid-season variety takes between 101 and 118 days to mature. The fruits are characterized by a high content of carotene, deep orange color, weigh on average 89–180 g. The shape of the carrots is elongated-conical with a slightly pointed tip, the taste is excellent. Productivity 2.71–4.28 kg. per sq.m., root vegetables can be eaten fresh, canned, frozen, and stored for a long time. The ‘Slavyanka’ variety is in the State Register for the Central Region.


A disease-resistant hybrid with mid-season (about 110 days) ripening time. The spreading rosette is formed by medium-dissected, not too long leaves. Root crops are of high commercial quality, are not prone to greening and overgrowing, and are excellent for long-term storage. The average weight is 92–179 g, length is about 20 cm. Carrots are cylindrical, with a blunt tip, shaped, colored in an intense orange hue, plastic, and are not afraid of mechanical harvesting. The yield of the hybrid reaches 6.58 kg. per sq.m. ‘Fidra’ is in the State Register for the Central, North-Western and Central Black Earth regions.

‘Chantane 5

A bloom-resistant variety with smooth fruits, characterized by increased shelf life and high carotene content. The leaves are of medium length and collected in a semi-spreading rosette. The core of the fruit is thin, the pulp is juicy with excellent taste. Carrots are medium in size, about 18 cm, have a conical shape and a blunt tip. Productivity 3.48–5.67 kg. per sq.m. The variety ‘Chantane 5’ is in the State Register for the Central Black Earth and Central regions.

‘Emperor F1

High vigor, uniformity of root crops and high yield are the distinctive features of this mid-early hybrid. Carrots reach technical ripeness in 90–95 days. On average, from one sq.m. you can collect 3.84–4.83 kg. large root crops of elongated conical shape. The weight of one carrot is from 195 to 250 g, the length is about 18 cm, the color of the bark/core is traditionally orange. Root crops are not prone to cracking, the hybrid is not afraid of Alternaria and leaf spot, and is resistant to temperature changes. 'Emperor' is in the State Register for the North Caucasus and Central regions.

Carrots are considered one of the most delicious, healthy and popular root vegetables. It is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its beneficial properties. It is a rich natural source of carotene and vitamin A, which is a fairly powerful antioxidant and helps strengthen human immunity.

Selection does not stand still, so today you can see seeds of various varieties and hybrids on sale, differing in ripening period, size and taste of fruits, keeping quality and transportability. How not to get confused among such diversity? What carrot seeds are best to plant?

Maturation speed

Depending on the ripening period, all varieties of carrots are divided as follows:

  • Early (from 70 to 100 days). Varieties in this category are not characterized by high yields and large amounts of sugar. The harvest is harvested approximately three months after the first shoots appear.
  • Average (about 100-120 days). They can be mid-early, mid-ripening and mid-late and combine the characteristics of early and late varieties. Carrots can be stored for a long time and retain freshness and taste in winter. At the same time, the harvest can be harvested quite early. Medium varieties are suitable for planting in cold regions. The harvest is harvested on average 4 months from planting.
  • Late (120-150 days). They have a fairly long shelf life, without losing their taste. The full harvest is usually carried out in September.

Which variety should I choose?

In order to choose the right variety, you first need to analyze your needs and decide at what time the crop is needed and what it will be used for (for cooking, juices, adding to canning or for sale). It is also important to consider what kind of soil is on the site. We suggest considering several guidelines for selection:

  • If the soil is light and loose, you can safely plant long-fruited varieties of carrots.
  • In early spring, it is better to plant varieties with short roots, since they are the fastest to ripen.
  • Round varieties of carrots grow quite quickly. But their yield is not very good.
  • If carrots will be grown for sale, it is better to choose imported varieties.
  • For personal consumption, it is advisable to plant domestic varieties. They are much tastier, healthier, and store better. And they are more adapted to our climatic conditions.

Carrots are a rich source of carotene. It is this that gives the vegetable its bright orange rich color. Therefore, the brighter the carrots, the more of this beneficial substance it has.

Dark varieties are not particularly popular in our country, but white varieties will not surprise anyone today.

When choosing the best carrot seeds, it's worth considering how sweet you want them to be. Sweetness can be determined by the shape of this vegetable: if it is blunt-ended, it will most likely be very sweet.

Carrots marked F1 are hybrids. Usually they are distinguished by great sweetness, but it is not recommended to collect seeds from the harvest, since the same variety will not be obtained the next year when planting them.

But still, the most basic criterion when purchasing is the ripening period.

Based on the above, when considering the best carrot seeds, it is important to carefully study the information on the packaging. There are enough characteristics indicated there to navigate and make the right purchase. At the same time, don’t be afraid to experiment. You can plant and grow several different varieties and find the one that suits you best.

We suggest considering the best carrot seeds, reviews and planting features.

Early varieties

These carrot varieties are designed for early harvest and young “bunch” products. The harvest begins within a month and a half to two months after the seeds germinate. Ripe root vegetables are not particularly sweet, have long shelf life and are not characterized by high yield. Seeds of early varieties of carrots can be immediately planted in open ground, but in regions with a cold climate, temporary covering with film may be necessary to protect the seedlings.

Let's look at which carrot seeds are the best.

Fun F1

This is an early hybrid carrot variety. From germination to technical maturity - about 3 months. The root vegetables are quite long - approximately 20 cm, average weight - 100-200 g. Carrots are recommended for fresh consumption.

Gardeners love this variety for its fairly dense, sweet and juicy pulp. According to reviews, carrots store well.


These are the best early ripening carrot seeds and are very popular among gardeners. The growing season of this variety is 80-90 days. Root crops are thin, smooth, cylindrical in shape. Length - up to 20 cm, weight - up to 150 g. The surface of the carrots is smooth, there are small eyes. The pulp is orange-red, rich in color, and quite juicy. The average yield is 4-4.5 kg/sq.m. m. The variety is resistant to diseases and cracking. When sown late, it has a long shelf life in winter. The purpose is universal. Prefers loose sandy soil and requires abundant watering.

According to gardeners, this is an excellent early variety with juicy, tasty and healthy root vegetables.


These are also the best carrot seeds. The fruits are cylindrical, quite large (20 cm or even more) and smooth. Already 3 months after germination they will delight you with their taste. The variety is high-yielding. It can be grown in any region of the country. Gardeners appreciated all these qualities, which is why Barynya is very loved by many of them.

Lagoon F1

New early ripening hybrid. The beginning of harvesting is possible within 75-85 days after seed germination. The carrots are bright orange, the core is small, there is a high content of vitamin A. The size of the root crops is 18-20 cm. The variety is high-yielding. The taste is excellent. Tolerates various weather conditions well.

Many gardeners have noted that these are the best carrot seeds. The variety received good reviews. Tagged:

  • Early ripeness.
  • Uniformity of root crops.
  • Good productivity.
  • Excellent presentation.
  • Excellent taste.

sugar finger

Belongs to one of the earliest varieties. From germination to technical maturity - 60-75 days. The shape of the root crops is cylindrical, the fruits are aligned, bright orange, up to 12 cm long and weighing up to 150 g. They are distinguished by juicy, very tender, sweet pulp and excellent taste. Suitable for growing in any climate zone. Sugar finger is resistant to many diseases. Productivity is high. Many gardeners have noted that these are the best carrot seeds.

Mid-season varieties

These carrots ripen in the fall. By this time, she manages to gain enough sweetness and juiciness. It is from these varieties that the most delicious root vegetables grow. The harvest is stored well. Let's look at which carrot seeds are good.


Excellent mid-early variety. Harvesting can begin 80-85 days after emergence. The size of carrots is quite large - approximately 18 cm. The shape is cylindrical, the color is deep orange, which indicates a large amount of carotene. Honey is stored for a long time and has a universal purpose. Reviews about the variety are only positive, therefore, when figuring out which are the best carrot seeds for open ground, it should definitely be mentioned.


This is a productive mid-early variety of carrots, characterized by high taste. The root crops are smooth, cylindrical, large, up to 20-23 cm long, fiery orange. The pulp is very tasty, quite sweet and juicy. The growing season of the variety is up to 120 or 130 days. Can be grown in any climate zone. Carrots are suitable for bunch production and for winter storage, since their shelf life is excellent.


The variety is mid-season and has good yield. The growing season of Vitamin Carrots is 110 days. The root vegetables are medium in size (10-19 cm) and bright orange in color. The distinctive features of carrots, according to gardeners, are a pleasant, delicate taste and long-term storage.

F1 Olympian

This is a mid-season hybrid. Ripens 110-120 days after the seeds sprout. The root vegetables are bright, quite large (can reach 23 cm in length), weight - 120-130 g. The pulp is juicy and quite tasty. The purpose is universal.


A productive mid-late variety for universal use. Maturation period -

100-110 days. The root vegetables are conical, blunt-ended, orange in color, short in length - up to 15 cm, weight - up to 200-250 g. The taste is good - the carrots are crispy and juicy. The shelf life is long.

Late ripening varieties

These carrots are slightly inferior in sweetness to mid-season varieties, but they are stored better. As a rule, it has large root crops and is characterized by increased cold resistance, as well as less vulnerability to diseases. Let's look at the seeds of the best varieties of carrots for open ground.


The variety is high-yielding, late, unpretentious in care, ripens in about 135 days. The fruits are bright orange, the surface is smooth, the shape is conical-cylindrical. The size is large - up to 30 cm. The fruits contain a lot of carotene. The harvest is well stored and retains its taste all winter.

Vita Longa

A high-yielding universal variety, technical maturity of which occurs 140-160 days after germination. The root vegetables are dense, quite powerful, but at the same time tender and sweet. The length of carrots is up to 31 cm.

Gardeners love this variety for its excellent taste, good yield and the fact that it can be stored for almost a whole year.

Red giant

Among the best varieties of carrots, Red Giant seeds are considered perhaps the most popular. Root vegetables of universal use, very large, which fully justifies the name. The variety is one of the late-ripening, but this is fully compensated by its high yield. The carrot is red-orange, up to 25-27 cm in length. The average weight is approximately 140-150 g. The shape is in the form of an elongated cone with a blunt end. The root vegetables taste tender and sweet. The red giant has good resistance to major diseases and pests. The variety has a long shelf life.

So, we looked at the seeds of the best varieties of carrots. Now we’ll find out how to plant them.

Planting carrots

Carrots are quite capricious and picky about growing conditions.

Let's look at the landing sequence.

  1. The bed is prepared: the soil is dug up, fertilizers (humus or compost) are added. You can add a little sawdust.
  2. In the prepared bed, long, even furrows with a depth of approximately 2 cm are made. The distance between them is maintained at 20 cm.
  3. The bag is opened, the seeds are poured into the hand, then sown in the grooves and sprinkled with soil.
  4. The soil is compacted by hand.
  5. The first shoots should appear in about a week and a half.

To plant carrots, you need to choose sunny areas. Care must comply with the recommendations for the selected variety. After watering and rain, the soil must be loosened.

Like other vegetables, carrots must be harvested on time. Root crops damaged by frost may lose resistance to disease. The best time for digging up root crops is dry and sunny weather, when the air temperature no longer rises above 9-10 °C, but also does not drop to 0 °C or below. When harvesting, the tops are immediately cut off. Root crops are sorted. Only healthy and undamaged specimens should be selected for storage.

Probably the most favorite root vegetable among gardeners is carrots. And the reason for everything is its impeccable taste, but also its benefits. This is a source of vitamins and microelements, and what kind of dressing for soup or borscht can be prepared without its help? But in order to get a decent harvest, you need to choose the best carrot seeds among the varieties for open ground. You need to select not only for fertility, but also for taste, ripening time, and of course, resistance to diseases and pests. We will reveal all the nuances of each variety in our article; it will be useful and interesting. Let's get started.

With the development of technology in agriculture, many varieties and hybrids have appeared of almost any vegetable or root crop. Therefore, when going to the market to buy seeds, you need to understand exactly what your goals are and only then make a choice. The first thing you should think about is the timing of ripening; there are three main groups for this parameter, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Early These varieties are not very productive, however, they also have their advantages, such as early ripening and low sugar content in the fruit. After 90 days from germination, you can harvest.
Average They have absorbed the best qualities of late and early varieties. They have good shelf life, and you can enjoy carrots even in winter. And the harvest is harvested quite early, already after 4 months from germination. Can be grown in regions with cool climates.
Late It is grown specifically for long-term storage; it ripens approximately 140 days after germination. Harvest in September. Taste qualities are preserved throughout the entire storage period.

The brightness of the color is the amount of carotene in the root vegetable; the richer it is, the more beneficial it is. But not only the intensity of the color can differ, but also the color itself - from purple to yellow.

Make your choice based on taste; if you want to make juices, then it is better to buy sweet varieties.

If you planted a hybrid last year (the packet was marked F1), then even if you collect the seeds, you will not be able to use them this year. Unfortunately, one of the main disadvantages of almost all hybrids is that they do not produce a second harvest. Therefore, each time you will have to buy seeds again in the store. Basically, these are the sweetest root vegetables that children love very much. Don't forget about crop rotation in your garden, so change the location of your plantings every year. The best predecessors for carrots are considered: potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and legumes. What to plant after carrots?

Early varieties of carrots, the best seeds for open ground:

"Laguna" F1. A completely new hybrid, the main advantage of which will be the ultra early ripening period, only 80 days. Their color is orange, very rich and bright. The lagoon has a lot of vitamin A. The fruits are medium in size up to 20 centimeters, cylindrical in shape, with a small core. Not picky about the weather, it can withstand almost all its vagaries. They are planted in early spring and before winter.

"Alenka". It is a very high-yielding variety, and it also ripens quite quickly, in just 90 days from sowing the seeds. The color of the vegetable is orange, the size is compact, only 10 centimeters in length. But, juicy, sweet, tasty. It has good shelf life, especially in dry cellar conditions. It is demanding on the soil; it must be loose and fertile. Needs constant watering. It does not crack and has good resistance to various diseases.

"Amsterdam". Considered one of the best varieties of carrots, it has received reviews from summer residents around the world. It is very early, but highly productive; a combination of these two advantages is extremely rare. From sowing to harvesting it takes about 80 days. The color is orange, the vegetable itself is smooth, even, cylindrical in shape, the tip is blunt, the core is small. Weighing about 120 grams. It has high taste qualities. Does not crack. Fertile, loose soil with light loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable for cultivation. Heavy soils are not suitable for growing “Amsterdam”. Regular watering is required.

"Dutch". Another high-yielding and early variety, ripens in 90 days. Suitable for both growing in open ground and for film shelters. The root crop is cylindrical in shape, red in color with an orange tint. The length is average, about 18 cm. The core is small, red. It is often used to prepare baby food because it has very good resistance to nitrate accumulation. They are not stored for the winter; they are consumed fresh or processed.

"Touchon". They are very willing to grow stewed meat in the open ground; it is quite a popular species. It is characterized primarily by very fast ripening, from sowing to harvesting it takes about 75-87 days. The shape is smooth, cylindrical, the end is blunt. The color is very bright and beautiful. Length up to 22 centimeters, weight up to 145 grams. Smooth surface, small eyes. The composition contains a lot of carotene, hence the brightness, the taste is very good, children especially like it. Does well on loose, light soils; regular watering is required.

"Fun F1" A hybrid with a short ripening period, only about 3 months. The pulp is sweet, very juicy, dense. The length of the fruit is about 20 centimeters, such a specimen weighs up to 200 grams. The ending is stupid. It tolerates storage well, but it is better to eat it fresh, as it tastes better. Does not crack and does not bloom. Productivity is about 350 -450 centners per hectare.

"Lady". From sowing to harvesting a fairly generous harvest, about 100 days pass. Contains a lot of carotene and has high taste. Resistant to discoloration, most diseases and cracking. The shape is cylindrical, the surface is flat and smooth. Suitable for growing in different climatic conditions. Loamy and sandy loam soils are better suited for planting. In the spring, before planting, it is recommended to apply complex mineral fertilizers to the soil.

“Lady” will please the gardener with a rich harvest

"Sugar Finger". One of the record holders for ripening time, after 65 days, the harvest can be harvested from sowing the seeds. The cylindrical shape of the fruit is familiar, but the size will surprise many, a maximum of 10-12 centimeters, while the weight reaches 120 grams. Orange color with pink tint. There is an increased content of sugar and carotene. Taste qualities are at a very high level, tasty, sweet and juicy root vegetables will appeal to all those with a sweet tooth. It is used in baby food and in making juices. The yield is 4-5 kilograms per m2 of planting.

Sugarfinger - created for baby food and juices.

Medium ripe varieties of carrots, best for open ground:

"Tip-Top." Medium early, ripens 130 days from planting - has high taste. The shape is cylindrical, up to 21 centimeters long. It has a smooth surface, orange color, with bright flesh, crispy and juicy, tender but dense, with a high level of carotene. Intended for fresh consumption, but can be stored for a long period of time in the cellar, right up to spring, especially if the seeds were sown in summer. Not afraid of heat and drought.

"Vitmainnaya 6". Carrots ripen in open ground, 110 days after sowing the seeds, and are considered one of the best for their benefits to the human body. The length of the root crop is up to 15 centimeters, weight up to 200 grams, orange color, cylindrical shape. It has a small core, which does not differ in color from the pulp. The yield is approximately 5-7 kilograms per m2 of garden area. It is well stored in winter, juices are made from it, canned and frozen, and also consumed fresh. Sugar content is about 9%.

The soil suitable is light, loamy, sandy loam. It is sown at the end of April or beginning of May.

"Losinoostrovskaya 13". A very popular variety of carrots, one of the best, especially often and with pleasure used for preparing baby food. He considers it to have excellent taste, nutritional value, and attractive presentation. The base never turns green, since the root crop is completely immersed in the ground, but is easily removed from there. It is grown in the southern and central climatic zones in open ground; in the north, this method of cultivation is impossible.

Vegetable up to 15 centimeters long, weighing up to 120 grams. The shape is cylindrical, the tip is rounded. Productivity 5.6 kilograms per 1m2.

"Nantes 4". A very popular planting option for your needs. It ripens in 95-100 days, which is quite fast for medium-ripe varieties. The shape is elongated, cylindrical, the color is bright orange, the length is about 19 centimeters. The pulp is juicy and crispy, consumed both fresh and stored for winter. Select fertile soil for cultivation, preferably light soil, and organize regular watering.

"Chantane Royal". It takes quite a long time to ripen, up to 140 days, but if well cared for, it produces a decent harvest, up to 8 kilograms per square meter. The length of the fruit is about 15-17 centimeters, weighing up to 170 grams. The color is orange with a red tint. It has a conical shape with a rounded end. They are consumed both fresh and processed. The core is small, the flesh is sweet and juicy. Contains a lot of carotene and can be stored well in a cellar or other dry, ventilated area. Good resistance to rot and bloom. Feels good on light, sandy and loamy soils.


"Perfection". New from Russian breeders. Ripens in approximately 140 - 150 days. Quite productive and contains a lot of beta keratin. The root crops are large, up to 21 centimeters, resistant to cracking, cone-shaped, and have an excellent presentation that can last until spring. Feels good on different soils, is not picky about this aspect, but the maximum yield can be obtained on light, fertile soils. Regular watering is required.

"Sirkana F1". A Dutch hybrid of carrots, very fresh, and not yet gaining popularity. It has “Nantes type” fruits. Excellent yield indicators and long shelf life will undoubtedly please the gardener who decides to experiment. Ripens in approximately 130-140 days. The root crop has a cylindrical shape, 21 centimeters in length. The tip is neat, oblong. Any type of soil is suitable for cultivation, and “sirkana” is also unpretentious to watering.

"Olympian F1". Ripens quite early, as for a mid-season variety, in just 110 days. “Olympian” is quite long, approximately 23 centimeters, weighing up to 130 grams. The pulp, bright orange in color, due to the high content of carotene, is juicy and tasty, crispy. They are consumed both fresh and stored. Productivity is average.

Seeds of the best, late varieties of carrots for open ground:

Such plantings have one goal, to grow a crop for winter storage, so their main and important quality will be keeping quality.

"Bayadere". It looks quite good in terms of yield, and is also not demanding in care; from sowing the seeds to harvesting, it will take about 130 - 140 days. The root vegetable is bright orange in color, it has a smooth surface and a conical shape. The dimensions are impressive - over 28 centimeters. It contains many vitamins, especially carotene, has excellent shelf life, so even in early spring you can enjoy the taste of a fresh vegetable.

"Vita longa". It takes a very long time to ripen, up to 160 days, but it bears fruit very abundantly. The vegetable itself is of impressive size, up to 30 centimeters in length, conical in shape, with a blunt end. Weighing up to 450 grams. Suitable for both processing and long-term storage, it is also used as a base for juices and baby food. The pulp and core are orange, brightly saturated color, the taste is excellent. Contains a lot of carbohydrates and keratin.

"Red Giant" A very powerful and productive late variety of carrot. It ripens within 150 days. The root vegetables themselves are impressive in size, up to 27 centimeters, and have a conical shape. The core is juicy, the taste is very rich. It stores well all winter and is suitable for both fresh consumption and processing.

"Red without a core". As the name implies, the main feature of this species is the absence of a core. However, it is not only known for this, it has excellent yield, and the ripening time is average, for late representatives - 130 days. The root vegetable is orange in color, crispy, dense, reaching up to 21 centimeters in length. The shape is smooth, the taste is good, sweet, and has good keeping quality. Light and airy soils are better suited for cultivation; it requires abundant watering.

"Flyovi". New, late look. It takes a very long time to ripen, up to 170 days. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, intensely orange in color. The length of which reaches 25 centimeters and weight 200 grams. It has juicy, crispy flesh, with a huge amount of vitamins. Suitable for long-term storage, can be consumed both fresh and processed. In order for the seeds to germinate, they should be soaked in warm water, at room temperature, for 24 hours, then dried at a temperature of +16C until they become free-flowing. They are planted in open ground to a depth of about 3 centimeters, the seeding rate is 3 grams per 1 m2. Needs regular watering and fertile soil.

"Carlena." Late ripe and high-yielding. From sowing to germination it takes about 120-130 days. Conical shape, orange, intense color. Due to the large amount of sugar, this variety is not recommended for consumption by people with diabetes. It has good shelf life, even at low temperatures, and is not picky about growing conditions and soil.

How to plant and grow carrots.

Any gardener can cope with this task, the main thing is to know some rules and strictly follow them, then you will not care about all the vagaries of this root vegetable.

  1. Prepare the beds. It is necessary to feed the soil by adding compost or humus. To make the soil airy, sawdust is added to it. The thicker the layer of loose soil, the more beautiful and smooth the fruits will be.
  2. We make furrows in the garden, the depth of which is approximately two centimeters. The distance between furrows is 20 cm.
  3. Pour the seeds into the prepared grooves and cover with soil.
  4. Pat the soil down with your hand to compact it.
  5. Within a week and a half, sprouts will begin to emerge.

For sowing, choose sunny areas protected from the wind. Don’t be afraid to plant this vegetable when there is a threat of frost; it can withstand temperatures down to – 3C, unless this continues for a long period of time.

Care is quite simple, and is described for each variety. But there are also general, universal rules: regular watering and loosening the soil after it, as well as after heavy rains. Get rid of weeds in a timely manner and hill them up. That's all the simple rules.


Mikhail Viktorovich. Volgograd, 39 years old: For the first time I tried to grow the Flyovi variety of carrots, and I was pleased with the result, although I had to wait quite a long time for the harvest, but it was plentiful and lasted right until spring. The taste is simply excellent, I recommend it to everyone.

Lyudmila Yakovlevna. Mozyr, 56 years old: My husband and I grow it, our favorite type is sugar finger, our grandchildren are simply delighted with the taste of the fruit, and it ripens very quickly, try it, you won’t regret it.

Olga Petrovna. Kaliningrad 43 years old: “Golandka” is my favorite variety of carrot seeds for open ground, it ripens very quickly, and the rich harvests and tasty fruits can not only be eaten, but also sold on the market!

Whatever representative of our rating you like, remember that you need to choose based on many criteria, so make an informed choice. And do not forget that without proper care, no species will give you the harvest you are counting on, so work on your plot with pleasure and perseverance, and you will be rewarded as you deserve, we wish you good luck!

When we choose carrot seeds for sowing, we are primarily guided by the recognition of the variety, the yield, and we certainly want the fruit to have excellent taste. At this time, breeders have already bred several tens of thousands of different hybrid seeds. And if previously all people sowed 2-3 well-known varieties in their garden beds, now the range of gardening stores is simply amazing. Let's ask the opinion of gardeners and find out the best varieties of carrot seeds.

What determines the quality of the harvest?

The climatic features of each region of our country are so unique that seeds adapted to one conditions will be completely unsuitable in others. Experienced gardeners are well aware that for a high-quality carrot harvest, it is necessary to choose varieties of root crops that are zoned for their area.

Insuring yourself against extreme summer

Sometimes you can’t guess what kind of summer awaits us. If there is a prolonged drought ahead, accompanied by excessively high temperatures, even the best carrot seeds will not produce the expected harvest. If the summer comes with prolonged rains and moderate temperatures, then when the carrots ripen, they will partially produce cracked roots. To insure against weather troubles, experienced gardeners always sow both early and late varieties of carrots.

Carrots: seeds. The best early varieties of carrots

In our country, the early varieties Nantskaya-4 and Nantskaya-14 are very popular. Such carrots can be eaten within 2 months after the first shoots. It is quite juicy and has a high shelf life. Recently, the early variety of carrots Rex has become popular - a conical short root crop with a high weight and excellent taste. Despite early ripening, it is stored quite well throughout the winter. If we take into account the varieties that can already be eaten during the summer directly from the garden, then the Tushon root vegetables have the most tender and juicy pulp.

varieties of mid-season carrots

Mid-season root vegetables are good both for eating raw and for long-term storage. Which one should you prefer? What are the best mid-season carrot seed varieties? For example, the Incomparable variety has a characteristic red-orange hue. Vitamin carrots taste good. Small root vegetables are especially good for eating straight from the garden. If we consider mid-season hybrids that have proven themselves well recently, then the Losinoostrovskaya-13 variety will probably be mentioned in the ranking of gardeners’ preferences due to its high and stable yield. After all, every gardener will say that good carrot seeds are those that bring a rich harvest, regardless of the vagaries of summer.

Late ripening carrots

Late varieties of orange root vegetables are especially good for processing and storage for the winter. The main ripening occurs in autumn, and such varieties are not afraid of autumn frosts. As a rule, late varieties have an impressive mass and are distinguished by large light orange root crops. Everyone wants to buy good carrot seeds and provide their family with a quality product throughout the winter.

Who is not familiar with the situation when you have to go through the winter stocks of carrots from rot or discover the sprouting of tops on root crops. A very unpleasant moment is the flabbyness of vegetables. Housewives are very reluctant to peel old carrots when preparing cabbage soup. It’s much more pleasant to deal with juicy root vegetables all winter. Therefore, if we choose carrot seeds (the best varieties for long-term storage), then the Queen of Autumn variety would be an excellent option. Having sowed and grown carrots of this popular variety, you will not know what sprouts, rot and flabbiness of the preserved crop are. In addition, the Queen of Autumn has high taste qualities. They are sweet and juicy, so you can crunch carrots throughout the winter.

Universal varieties of late carrots include the Perfectiona variety. The root crop is tasty, juicy, medium in size, has a consistently high yield and is well stored. Gardeners also fell in love with a late variety of carrots called Yellowstone, which is almost yellow, tasty, productive, has an impressive size and can grow in different regions of the country.

Hybrid carrot varieties

It seems that breeders all over the world are working without days off or vacation, creating more and more new hybrids, one more productive than the other. Some gardeners of the old school are wary of them, believing that they require more careful care and that such carrot seeds are more capricious and demanding. However, the best varieties also exist among hybrids. The F1 icon next to the variety name indicates that the seeds are hybrids. Good carrot seeds in this category are Laguna, Cascade, Anastasia.

Excellent taste

Many people primarily value carrots for the taste of their juicy pulp, their sweetness and tenderness. In this matter, you can rely on the world's best breeders and varieties brought to our country from abroad. “What good carrot seeds!” - our grandmothers once exclaimed and gave a start to life in our beds to such varieties as Carotel Parisian, Chantenay and Amsterdam.