What does it mean to see green cabbage in a dream. Nuances of dream interpretation

Dreams are clues from the subconscious, thanks to which you can get an answer to almost any question of interest. The main thing is to decipher it correctly, to find a suitable one that explains the dreamed symbols. Why do you dream about fresh cabbage? The answer to this question is not clear; dream books interpret such a dream differently.


Depending on the gender of the person who dreamed about cabbage, the interpretation of the dream depends. So, A man who sees a vegetable should be wary of troubles at work and problems with colleagues. For women, the decoding will be different:

  • For girls cabbage in a dream means quick changes in your personal life.
  • For pregnant women- easy childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.
  • For married people- urgent news about pregnancy.

If you dreamed of a head of cauliflower, you are soon expected to receive a marriage proposal, but you should refuse it if the vegetable is too green, since this symbolizes the fickleness of your lover.

Interpreters also interpret the dream in which cabbage is present in different ways.

Interpretations of folk dream books:

  • Letny claims that pickling a vegetable means unexpected worries will arise.
  • Autumn interprets the dream as making a profit from an unexpected source.
  • Winter says that a loved one is spreading gossip behind the dreamer’s back.
  • Spring interprets the dream as the occurrence of an unexpected unpleasant situation.
  • The Russian dream book claims that a dark streak in life is expected soon if the cabbage leaves were rotten, and the Ukrainian dreamer will soon learn about the death of a friend. Lunar dream book warns of gossip that can seriously harm the dreamer.

Cutting a vegetable

To get the most accurate interpretation It is important to remember every detail. In particular, it depends on what kind of cabbage you began to chop in your dream.

  • Shredded color cabbage dreams of receiving important information.
  • Kohlrabi- improvement on the personal front.
  • Beijing- don’t rush into acceptance important decision, especially if it concerns marriage.
  • Broccoli- to problems with.
  • Brussels- the dreamer should moderate spending.
  • Marine- improvement of well-being.

Cutting or shredding cabbage leaves in a dream can mean the emergence of an unexpected situation that requires large financial expenses. Chopped cabbage can mean problems with children - the parent will probably have to help get out of difficult situation or actively participate in the child’s life, control him and protect him from committing wrong acts.

The dream can also mean:

  • Unexpected Events, which can be both pleasant and not very pleasant.
  • Embezzlement, unexpected purchases that can make a hole in the budget.
  • Arrival of guests, if the dreamer looked at the chopped cabbage.
  • Sadness, upset if the vegetable is crushed.
  • Pleasant surprise if the dreamer ate chopped cabbage.

Buy pumpkins

If cabbage is grown in a dream, it means receiving good news and pleasant troubles. Small, recently planted seedlings dream of receiving a present or a small amount of money, and if they are planted close to each other, it means wasted efforts and expenses.

A field planted with vegetables seen in a dream promises everyday difficulties, the emergence of difficulties in family relationships, vegetables that have unexpectedly grown or need watering are also seen as problems. Harvesting an already ripe harvest in a dream is not a favorable dream, warning of problems with making a profit from investments.

If you dreamed that they were buying fresh in a dream, this means:

  • According to the dream book Miller- to major troubles that will occur through the fault of the dreamer.
  • According to the interpreter Wangi- well-being, prosperity of business, making big profits.
  • According to the collection Tsvetkova- the appearance of ill-wishers, which will lead to negative life changes.
  • Freud thought similar dream a harbinger of obtaining a favorable result due to the actions taken.
  • By Slavyansky dream book - an incredible pleasant event that will happen in the near future.
  • By Esoteric- gossip about the dreamer and his loved ones that does not cause serious damage.

Also, a dream about buying cabbage can mean the birth of a child. Moreover, if the vegetable was not ripe, the child may be illegitimate, that is, the dream also promises betrayal of the partner.

What does salad mean in a dream?

Ready-made dishes containing cabbage as an ingredient in a dream don't portend anything bad, So:

  • Cabbage pie promises receiving good news, pleasant gifts, a joyful meeting.
  • Little pie stuffed with vegetables foreshadows intrigues behind the dreamer’s back, which will be exposed in time.
  • Salad from various vegetables dreams of a major acquisition.
  • The dream can also mean a crisis in all areas of life, if the cabbage is stewed, or getting a chance to correct the situation if the vegetable is salted. Sauerkraut dreams of the groundless jealousy of the dreamer or partner, and sea cabbage - of increased efficiency, vigor, and energy boost.

Seeing a cabbage salad cut into large pieces in a dream means receiving a large profit from previously invested investments or a bonus for excellent work. If the dreamer refused to eat salad, then there is a chance that he will miss the chance to make good money. If you ate salad in a dream, then the profit will be unexpected, but pleasant and significant.

Dreams about cabbage can have different interpretations, so when deciphering a dream it is important to take into account every detail. And, even if the explanation of the dream turns out to be negative, you should not perceive it as inevitable; dreams are clues from the subconscious, the timely deciphering of which will help you avoid troubles and not miss the chance to get something good.

Many people believe that dreams come for a reason. They contain hints. If they are deciphered correctly, then you can adjust the future in the right and beneficial direction. Let's, armed with such a philosophy, look at it head on. Agree, for a city dweller the vision is, to put it mildly, unusual. It definitely hints at something!

Subtleties of decoding

When wondering why you dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage, be sure to use this hint. Do not fool yourself, for example, those housewives who chose a vegetable in a store or at the market the day before. Fatigue most likely took its toll. The subconscious threw up images and events of the past day. The fact that gardeners also do not always have such a dream hidden information, no need to explain. Of course, if the day before they were working on exactly the bed where they planted this vegetable. Although, on the other hand, people who lovingly cultivate the land dream of beautiful heads of cabbage as a sign of money. This is a reward for your work, and there is no need to worry about it. You dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage vividly and figuratively - which means you should decipher it. You know, this rule works in any case. It makes sense to open a dream book only when the picture “stands before your eyes” after waking up. have such characteristic feature. They are not erased from memory for a very long time! Have you seen this one? Look for interpretations, think and analyze!

Various cabbage

You know, it’s very important to remember what condition your head of cabbage was in. This circumstance is of great importance for interpretation. Be sure to focus on it when you discuss why you dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage. It can be beautiful, full of juices, standing on the root or cut and lying in a barn (storage place), or even completely rotten.

Agree, these are completely different dreams, therefore, incomparable in meaning. In addition, it would not be amiss to mention the actions that you or another person performed with cabbage. Interpreters focus precisely on these circumstances when deciphering what dreams mean, including those with the presence of vegetables. Don't forget to remember what exactly you did. Cabbage can be chopped and bought, cut and planted, thrown away or fought with it. You understand that the most unusual plots are born in night dreams. If they include a head of cabbage, you need to pay attention to the nuances. They influence the solution. Let's move on to specific subjects in order to outline for the attentive reader the course and direction of our own reasoning.

Seeing cabbage in a dream

Let's start the analysis with a plot that is not burdened with specific actions. Many lines are dedicated to him in famous dream books. So, Miller interprets this image from the negative side. Seeing cabbage in a dream means coming under the pressure of negative circumstances, he believes. You need to be on guard after such a vision. The outrages of famous people and even the violence in their behavior will cause your worries. When the head of cabbage is just starting to bud, that is, it cannot be called ripe, you will have to face the treachery of others. Miller's dream book does not favor this healthy vegetable. Other, no less famous interpreters have a different opinion. They say that a head of cabbage should be taken as a sign of impending wealth. But only if it is beautiful, not spoiled, and not subject to rotting. Otherwise, prepare for losses. A spoiled or withered vegetable portends an outflow of money from your wallet, most often irreplaceable.


This plot is favorable for almost everyone. If you carefully cut and arrange large, beautiful, healthy forks, well-being will become your main ally and companion for a while, says the dream. Cabbage in a garden or field is a hint of a quick reward for hard work. In some cases, it is a sign of receiving completely unexpected, and therefore even more pleasant, profits. Miller's dream book, by the way, remains true to his dislike for this vegetable. He also interprets collecting it negatively. The vision promises special problems for people with families. They may experience their spouse's infidelity. The interpreter insists that this takes place in their lives. He sees perfectly well, and in this way he tries to warn a person. In fact, the question of what dreams about cabbage mean should be considered individually. There are too many discrepancies in specific interpretations found in the sources. It is recommended to focus on your own feelings. For example, harvesting has awakened a negative feeling in you, so you should look into Miller’s dream book. When memories of astral wanderings evoke pleasant sensations, read only good explanations. In your case they are more correct.

Buy cabbage

Sometimes those people who have taken the trouble to decipher night visions think interestingly. When studying this issue The inconsistency of their conclusions is noteworthy when they try to understand why cabbage is dreamed of. Some people believe that buying a vegetable is a sign of pleasant events. However, they will only have an indirect relationship with the dreamer. A person will begin to rejoice for a loved one, on whose head incredible happiness will fall. Others say that this image is advice. Ahead difficult times. It is advisable to be thrifty and careful in spending, then a person will not notice changes in his financial condition. What to choose? It's up to you to decide. Be guided by sensations. But don’t forget about thrift!

Steal cabbage

Agree, such stories do not occur so often, even in the fantastic and unreal astral plane. However, the dream books did not ignore them. Here you should remember whether you were successful in the theft? The interpretation of dreams depends on this. Ill-gotten cabbage is a harbinger of exhausting bustle. A lot of small, sometimes annoying worries will suddenly fall on your shoulders. Try not to get irritated and wait out this eccentric period. Everything will pass someday. Take care of your daily responsibilities, making every effort to bring any task to perfection. Then there will be fewer mistakes that cause dreams of stealing cabbage. When the described adventure fails in your night visions, be patient. In the near future you will take part in a certain project, the results of which will have to wait a long time.

Rotten cabbage

This dream is an echo of the past. Interpreters believe that some mistakes made a long time ago will become a reason for worry. The person may have to face their consequences. As they say, greetings from the distant past. There is no need to stress too much, expecting universal troubles. On the contrary, you should accept the upcoming events as a lesson from a kind, caring teacher. Having understood the reasons for past mistakes, you will understand how to prevent them from happening again. Consequently, you will make your life more harmonious. Agree, this in itself is not so bad. When there were a lot of spoiled heads of cabbage, then take the vision as a hint of your own imperfection. It is necessary to think, analyze, rethink, and most importantly, learn. There are many mistakes behind us, so don’t step on the same mistakes. This is exactly what the dream warns about.

Cooking cabbage

Housewives often have troubles. It is clear that vegetables can also appear in them. has its own meaning. So, cutting cabbage in a dream means the chagrin of the youngest family member. More often we're talking about about children. You will have to spend a lot of effort to calm the baby. He will take his troubles seriously, begin to cry and repent. It is necessary to caress and encourage him. Shredding cabbage in night visions is a sign of minor quarrels. They will happen among the family. Try to extinguish them in time and deal with the underlying causes. Otherwise, the relationship will completely go wrong, the dream book warns. Cooking dishes from white cabbage means annoying guests. But feasting on them in a dream means a gift. All the more pleasant because you will receive it completely unexpectedly! By the way, a fermented product does not bode well either. This image is a sign of fate.

Cabbage for a young woman

Let's now talk about the personalities of dreamers. Decryption also depends on this. Or rather, interpreters single out only one special category people when they try to suggest the meaning of plots. For young women, a dream about cabbage may portend possible pregnancy. It’s good when the forks (or one head of cabbage) were beautiful and healthy. This means that the pregnancy and childbirth itself will be successful and not cause concern. Otherwise, you should take care of your health in advance. If a girl stole cabbage, then she has to decide difficult question concerning procreation. Interpreters recommend thinking carefully and not being led by emotions. If a woman cooks cabbage, she will have to take care of a sick family member. It's okay, her kindness and compassion will cope with problems. Taking apart a head of cabbage into leaves in a dream means illness.

The interpretation of visions about cabbage is very contradictory and ambiguous. But you should treat them very carefully. In general, it is recommended that each person develop his own system for deciphering just such dreams. They come rarely, as they say, but aptly. Guess what, you will be happy! Good luck!

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Why do you dream about cabbage?

  • Cabbage - well-being.
  • Crumbling is melancholy.
  • Salting is a profitable life.
  • There is a serious illness.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Cabbage

  • Dreaming about cabbage means unrest. Green cabbage portends treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.
  • If in a dream you cut and harvested cabbage, it means you are too wasteful.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about cabbage?

  • Eating cabbage in a dream means good luck will come to you. Cooking cabbage - you will get entangled in debt.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

See cabbage in a dream

  • The jealousy of a husband, wife, or lover is foreshadowed by a dream about cabbage. If in a dream you cut cabbage yourself, it means that you will have to suffer because of your loved one’s jealousy. If you see someone else doing this activity, it means that someone is trying with all their might to destroy your faith in your loved one.
  • Even worse possible consequences a dream in which you eat cabbage: it foreshadows the illness of loved ones, bereavements. At best, you will get away with losing a large amount of money.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern women's dream book

Why do you dream about cabbage?

  • A bad dream foreshadows a series of minor failures and problems in all areas of life. Seeing unripe heads of cabbage means mistrust in love and infidelity in marriage. If you cut a head of ripe cabbage, be more economical; your wastefulness is a direct path to bankruptcy.

Dream Interpretation: Aesop's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about cabbage?

  • When small children ask how they were born, adults often answer: “We found you in the cabbage,” so the image of cabbage in your dream may be closely related to thoughts about children.
  • If in a dream you are watering cabbage beds, this means that you are too lenient about the mischief of your children, they will get used to the fact that you approve of their every action and will stop taking your opinion into account.
  • Cutting a cabbage fork - soon you will have to use the power of your authority to guide your child on the right path.
  • Cutting cabbage or preparing a dish from cabbage - such a dream promises you grief that your child will cause you, but you will have to not only console yourself, but also influence your offspring, since his experiences will be even more serious.
  • If in a dream you cut a cabbage stalk from a cabbage fork, then this means that you will have to fight with bad habit and your child’s destructive tendencies, it is important not to waste time while everything is still fixable.
  • If in a dream you dropped a cabbage fork and it rolled away from you, then this sure sign the fact that your child is moving away from you, and rather not physically, but spiritually, perhaps you devote too little time to him, and he withdraws into himself, and seeks help and advice from strangers.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

See cabbage in a dream

  • Dream about cabbage - always bad dream. Unrest can run rampant in a variety of forms. Seeing green cabbage in a dream means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage.
  • Cutting and harvesting cabbage means that with wasteful spending you are preparing disaster for yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Cabbage

  • cook - gossip;
  • there is a gift.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Cabbage

  • Seeing cabbage in a dream does not bode well. Minor failures and problems await you in all areas of life. Seeing unripe cabbage in a dream means that mistrust in love and infidelity in marriage await you. If you are cutting a head of ripe cabbage, then you should not be so wasteful, because your generosity will lead you to ruin.

Dream Interpretation: Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about cabbage?

  • Growing an ordinary one in a dream white cabbage or harvest - cabbage forks: you should wait for the visit of the person you would really like to see. Rejoice - the time has come for your hopes to come true, no matter how transparent they may have seemed before. If you dreamed of some other sprouts (Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, cauliflower, etc.), this dream should be understood as follows: someone loving is waiting for you to pay attention to him. Take a closer look around, and you will probably understand who it is. Buying cabbage at the market in a dream, choosing better forks - in the near future something unusual, but, of course, joyful will happen in your life: you may have to congratulate a person dear to you. For women who have recently gotten married, this dream prophesies imminent pregnancy. If you dreamed that you were eating cabbage, it means that unexpected, but always welcome guests will soon arrive at you. Prepare a treat! In the event that your dream featured seaweed, you need to wait for the recovery of one of your relatives who has been ill for a long time and seemed hopelessly ill. True, it may well be that this long-sick person will need very expensive medicine to get better - don’t skimp, don’t skimp on the money! Seeing cabbage salad in a dream means a quick find or accidental profit associated with a large sum money. Pickle cabbage in a dream - in real life you will be able to fulfill your long-standing and almost forgotten desire. Perhaps this will happen in the first week after sleep.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Cabbage

  • Wellbeing; crumble - melancholy; planting - a profitable life; eating is a hard life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Why do you dream about cabbage?

  • Growing cabbage is a symbol of improving life situation and health; Chopping a head of cabbage is a sign of negative emotions; Eating cabbage, especially raw cabbage, leads to vitamin deficiency, lack of vitamins I, C, A and deficiency of essential microelements, in particular phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and iron; to possible4 stomach or intestinal disease.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: self-instructional dream book (Vrublevskaya’s dream book), Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti, dream book of Martyn Zadeki, dream book of Schiller-Shkolnik, eastern women's dream book, dream book of the Wanderer, ancient French dream book, fairy tale-mythological dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (brief), old English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book), medieval dream book of Daniel, dream book of symbols (symbolic), dream book of the Otavalos Indians, Assyrian dream book, Russian dream book, Cleopatra's dream book, dream book catch phrases, Chaldean dream book, Shereminskaya's dream book, Veles' dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, Indian shaman dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, culinary dream book, and others.

Dream interpretation cabbage in heads of cabbage

Don’t think that pictures from dreams are just fantasies. In this way, the subconscious gives people hints on what to do in the future, predicts joy, or warns against rash actions.

Why do you dream of cabbage in heads of cabbage - a hint dream. A symbol that is directly related to finances, with cash receipts and expenses.

If you dreamed of such a vegetable

There are quite a few varieties of cabbage. These are white cabbage, red cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Peking sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, Savoy, kohlrabi, Chinese and kale. Any of them can appear in your night vision.

First of all, it’s worth understanding why this healthy and tasty vegetable is generally dreamed about.

Useful plant in the garden

Let's ask the dream book

Dream books treat differently the dream where you happened to see cabbage. Some publications even give negative predictions. The main thing is that this symbol is examined quite carefully by all of them, which makes it possible to understand why she is dreaming.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite

What does he think? this dream book, cabbage in a dream is a sign that the dreamer may get sick. In the near future, you should take care of your health. In addition, it is possible that you will lose something important to you.

In addition, the dream book considers the dreamer’s actions with this vegetable:

  • cutting it means sadness, melancholy;
  • planting - material well-being;
  • eating - to difficulties on the path of life.

Esoteric dream book

This source pays little attention to the consideration of this symbol. If you ate or planted it, it’s a positive sign. The dreamer will not need money.

But just seeing or cutting means that you will make an unsuccessful purchase or invest your money in an unprofitable business.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

When in night vision you are busy growing white cabbage in a garden bed, then expect a visit from a guest. This will be a nice person.

This vision means that now the dreamer’s dreams will come true, although recently this was impossible.

Buying a head of cabbage in a dream

According to Longo, when you dream of any other type of cabbage, then a certain person loves you devotedly. He's waiting for you to notice him. Take a close look at your acquaintances and you will be able to understand who this fan or admirer is.

Buying a head of cabbage from grandmothers at the market - expect an unforgettable joyful event.

This vegetable in a dream can even promise pregnancy. This is how the dream of cooking cabbage for a woman who has only recently become a wife is considered.

Eating cabbage - expect welcome and pleasant guests.

Salad from it - make a profit, you will be offered a profitable business, you will find a rather impressive amount of money. The financial situation of the sleeping person will improve significantly.

Engaging in conservation means your desire will come true. At the same time, the dream book sets a fairly short time frame - about a week.

Modern interpreter

This source views the vision about cabbage negatively. It is believed that unpleasant, difficult things await you financial situation, troubles in the family. The dreamer runs the risk of becoming seriously ill.

Culinary dream book

If you dream about fresh vegetables

Often, dream interpreters make predictions depending on whether they are dreamed by a man or a woman. This is what the culinary dream book does, believing that a head of cabbage can have different interpretation, depending on who dreams about it:

  • for a woman - it is possible that the dreamer is already pregnant and will soon find out about it;
  • for a man - the dreamer will again begin to communicate with a woman whom he knew as a little girl, but after that he has not met.

Miller's Interpreter

Gustavus Miller was of the same opinion as the Modern Interpreter. He believed that any dream about heads of cabbage was a negative sign.

See fresh cabbage - your life partner will betray or leave you. For those people who are legally married, such a vision promises betrayal by one of the spouses.

When you collect it from the beds, then with your rash actions and excessive spending you put yourself in a disastrous situation.

Dream book of the 21st century

When you dream of cabbage, the sleeping person will face great troubles, and they will be associated with the female gender.

Dreamer actions:

Chop vegetables in a dream

  • cooking a dish from it means a boring time spent, languishing in anticipation;
  • pick in the garden - beware of gossip;
  • plant - get news;
  • cut - you will be surprised;
  • eat - to receive a pleasant surprise, a gift.

A bright green vegetable in a dream predicts an event in which you will not be able to restrain your emotions, you will be angry, and anger will overwhelm you.

Do you dream about a lot of cabbage? The dreamer will be consumed by painful memories of the past.

The dream book considers negatively a dream in which you ate cauliflower inflorescences. IN lately you neglect your immediate affairs and therefore will receive a reprimand from management.

It is also a bad sign for a young girl if she eats cauliflower in your dream. Night vision foretells a wedding. But the groom will be chosen by the girl’s mother and father, and not by the dreamer herself.

Are vegetables growing right before your eyes? You have been unlucky for a long time, but now a bright streak begins, you yourself will be surprised how well everything will turn out.

Just seeing heads of cabbage means you will have health problems that may worsen chronic diseases. You should be more attentive to your body.

Interpreter for the whole family

What can cabbage mean in a dream? Such a dream promises trouble in family life, conflict situations with loved ones. Minor troubles and disappointments will be with you all the time.

Picking it in the garden means you yourself will cause quarrels and upset a loved one.

The cabbage falls out of your hands and rolls away - to the loss of something very important to you.

I dreamed of watering the beds

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The symbol in question is a sign that the dreamer will have to languish in anticipation.

When you see not the vegetable itself, but only its head, you will soon experience difficulties.

Seeing cabbage growing means you will receive long-awaited news or welcome guests will come to you.

Interpreter of Aesop

Watering cabbage beds in a dream means you turn a blind eye to any sins of your children. Of course, you shouldn’t educate the future generation too strictly, but it’s also wrong to let things slide.

Your children may get used to this behavior and will no longer take into account parental prohibitions or requests.

Cutting off a head of cabbage in the garden - one of these days a situation will arise when you will need all your authority in order to influence the behavior of your son or daughter. But you will have to adjust your child’s behavior before it’s too late.

Cutting it or preparing a cabbage dish means a difficult period awaits you. This will be a time when you will have to console yourself, and also console your child, because his feelings will be even stronger than yours.

Cutting heads in the garden

The stalk that you cut out of the cabbage is a bad habit for your child. Such a dream speaks of many things. Firstly, your child is addicted to a bad habit, and you have to find out what it is: smoking, alcohol, gaming. Secondly, you will have to make a lot of effort to help your fragile psyche and cope with this addiction.

Drop a cabbage head from your hands and it rolls away from you? You lose contact with your offspring. The fact that you communicate little and do not react in any way to your child’s calls forces him to seek support outside the family. Come to your senses before it's too late and take care of your child.

Women's dream book

This interpreter views the dream about cabbage as extremely negative. Whatever plot a woman sees in a dream, if it is connected with cabbage, then you should not expect joy and prosperity in the near future.

When it is green cabbage, then the sleeping woman will be betrayed by her loved one. Collecting it, cutting it in the garden - you will incur big expenses and you will be deeply unhappy about it.

Type of cabbage

Of course, you can rely on the fact that the prediction will be the same, regardless of what kind of cabbage you saw. But it’s better to pay attention to the type of cabbage you dreamed about:

Other interpretations

When you dream of fresh cabbage, it is important what exactly you did with it in your night vision. The outcome of the prediction will depend on your actions in night vision:

  • Eating it is a positive sign. Pleasant moments, positive changes await you, good guests who you want to see.
  • Pickling cabbage is a sign higher powers, that you should take care of your finances, cut down on expenses, since a difficult period lies ahead in material terms.
  • Peeling a head of cabbage means you will incur unexpected cash expenses. Every cabbage leaf is a certain amount of money. And, just like in a dream, you simply throw them away. When you dream about something like this, you should keep your money to yourself, do not lend money, and do not invest in dubious matters.
  • Cutting cabbage is a versatile symbol. Everything will depend on the mood in which you did it. If with joy, then a joyful period and positive changes will follow in real life. If you were forced to cut or you did it with anger, then the dream book says that the consequences can be the most dire.
  • Harvesting cabbage for the winter will significantly replenish your family budget.
  • Selling it is also a positive vision. It promises the sleeping person success in work and successful purchases.
  • Buy - you will witness something unusual.
  • Stealing cabbage from someone else's garden is a dream, which has two meanings. If you managed to steal it, then you will be overcome by minor troubles. And when nothing works out for you, then this is a sign from higher powers that everything will work out if you just have patience and don’t do rash things.

If the cabbage in your dream was rotten, then a period of disappointment, quarrels, squabbles, and misunderstandings awaits you. At some moments it will seem to you that the whole world is against you.

In dreams it is contradictory. On the one hand, it is a symbol of wealth and good luck, but on the other hand, it is a messenger of serious bad news that may not be related to finances.

When determining the meaning of cabbage in a dream, it is important not only to remember maximum quantity details seen, but also your own feelings. For example, when chopping it, you can experience fatigue, joy, or even aggression. The taste of cabbage may not match its appearance. All these and many other details change the interpretation of the dream, so let’s take a closer look at why cabbage in heads of cabbage is dreamed of.

The meaning of a waking dream

The meaning of cabbage heads depends not only on the plot of the dream, but also on the source chosen for interpretation. In most cases, this is a warning about upcoming changes in real life. Some dream books consider cabbage auspicious sign, others assign it an exclusively negative meaning. To get a complete picture of the role of sleep, it is recommended to compare interpretations from several sources.

Collecting forks in the garden beds

Picking cabbage from the garden beds can be accompanied by various emotions, which must be taken into account when interpreting a dream. If you did this with a feeling of sadness, anxiety or fatigue, then you may experience similar feelings in the near future in reality. Joy and fun when planting cabbage indicates good changes, receiving unexpected news, arrival long-awaited guests or other pleasant moments.

Nuances of dream interpretation:

  • Carefully cut cabbage heads in the beds is a warning about the need to start saving your cash. Unreasonable financial expenses can cause a serious deterioration in your financial situation.
  • Collect fresh heads of cabbage good quality portends a visit from a person whom you will be very glad to see. This will be an old acquaintance or relative with whom you have lost contact, but you have long wanted to restore it.
  • If you are harvesting but are afraid that someone will see you, then in real life you need to be more restrained and be patient. Probably the source of problems or failures is your desire to get ahead of current events.
  • Inspect empty beds after harvesting cabbage heads means memories of the deceased and a loved one. You may be flooded with memories, regrets about mistakes, or a feeling of missing this person in real life.
  • I dreamed that you were picking cabbage in a field or garden- this may mean the end of a difficult life stage and the beginning of a favorable period. If before harvesting you inspect an area with many large and ripe heads of cabbage.
  • If you are collecting unripe heads of cabbage, then such a sign indicates a serious risk of excessive jealousy in real life. The symbol indicates the likelihood of betrayal, excessive demands of the other half, or unfounded claims leading to constant scandals.
  • Collect cabbage from the beds may mean deterioration. In this case, we mean not only the risks of any diseases, but also a general loss of strength; to prevent such a condition, you need to be more attentive to your body and get more rest.

Buy a vegetable

If in a dream you had to buy heads of cabbage, then you need to remember the process of acquiring it down to the smallest detail. The appearance of cabbage, its color, quality, size - all this can change the interpretation of the sign.

The simultaneous presence of white and other types of cabbage in a dream is considered a good symbol. Such a dream will only foretell good news and a favorable period in life for the implementation of any ideas.

When interpreting a dream The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • Buying heads of cabbage in a dream for the fair sex, recently married, can symbolize pregnancy. When interpreting a dream, it is important to take into account details such as the freshness of the forks, their size and appearance, if available negative factors, then the dream must be interpreted according to other meanings.
  • Buy cabbage that has larvae, caterpillars, or clearly visible signs of damage. leaves by insects is considered a bad sign, indicating the presence of many ill-wishers around you. In the near future, there is a risk of slander, conspiracies and gossip, which can significantly ruin your reputation.
  • Choose the largest head when buying cabbage means doing the right thing in reality. Perhaps you will find the answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time, you will be able to avoid deception thanks to it, or you will conclude a profitable deal.
  • If, when buying cabbage, you separate its leaves and check the quality, then in real life you may have health problems. The sign portends a cold or a general deterioration in health.

Plant cabbage

Planting cabbage in most dream books is considered a good and profitable sign, but you need to pay attention to the details of the dream special attention. Where you plant it matters. ambient atmosphere, your mood, as well as the appearance of the seedlings. In some cases, cabbage will portend global changes for the better, in others it will symbolize minor but pleasant events that will bring you joy.

When interpreting a dream, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • Planting cabbage in the garden portends profit and a stable financial situation.. In the near future, you will not only not experience problems with, but you can also get an additional source of income.
  • If, when planting cabbage, you remove weeds from the garden bed, then when you achieve what you want in reality, you will be lucky. Weeds in a dream symbolize difficulties that you can easily get rid of.
  • Planting cabbage in the garden is a symbol of a measured and stable life.. Some dream books prescribe to such a symbol the meaning of boredom in real life; the events taking place will not bring joy, and the result may be a slight depression.
  • If the seedlings are large and beautiful, then in the near future you may receive good news from afar. Probably, one of your friends or relatives will have a joyful event, or you will be invited to visit.

If the interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed of heads of cabbage foreshadows difficulties and sorrows, you should not take this meaning too literally. The dream is a warning, knowing about which you can try to avoid mistakes.

For example, if cabbage portends financial difficulties, then you need to try to be more economical. If a dream foretells family scandals, you need to reduce the demands on your other half and not conflict over minor reasons.