Cabbage soup. Vegetable soup with cabbage: recipes What soup can be made from cabbage

Homemade cabbage soup is a type of vegetable soup made from common vegetables that are in any refrigerator. The unique thing about these soups is that they can be prepared in hundreds of different ways, depending on the desire or availability of certain vegetables. The soup is very healthy, like any other vegetable dish, it contains fiber, many vitamins and microelements.

There are many different types and types of cabbage used in cooking. The most common is white cabbage; it is available all year round. We don’t have time to eat all of last year’s cabbage before new ones appear - and so on from year to year. We make excellent cabbage from young white cabbage, and from last year’s cabbage, for the winter, etc.

Peel and cut into strips the roots, onions and peppers

  • Pour a little vegetable oil into a small frying pan, literally less than 1 tbsp. l. You want the oil to lightly grease the bottom of the pan. Fry the prepared vegetables over medium heat, stirring constantly. Very soon the vegetables will become soft and begin to change color. There is no need to overcook the vegetables, otherwise the first dish will have a distinct aftertaste.

    Fry vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil

  • Peel 1-2 cloves of garlic and finely chop it with a knife. You should not use a grater; there will be a lot of garlic juice. Add chopped garlic to well-fried vegetables, add a pinch of salt. Fry vegetables with garlic for 1-2 minutes.

    Add chopped garlic and spices

  • Dilute 1 tbsp with a small amount of warm water. l. tomato paste. Alternatively, you can use half a glass of good natural tomato juice. Add the tomato to the fried vegetables, mix well and simmer the vegetables under the lid over low heat. The carrots and celery root need to be completely cooked - usually 10-12 minutes is enough.

    Add tomato or tomato juice diluted with water

  • While the vegetables are stewing, bring 1 liter of water to a boil in a saucepan, add green peas and savoy cabbage, chopped as for. You can use a simple kitchen shredder or chef's knife. Salt the water with a pinch of salt and cook the cabbage and peas for about 15 minutes. During this time, the peas will cook and the cabbage will become soft.

    Boil cabbage and green peas

  • Next, add all the fried and stewed vegetables with tomatoes to the vegetable broth. Bring the soup to a boil and simmer over low heat for 8-10 minutes. To taste, add additional salt and pepper to the soup, you can add spices or aromatic herbs.

  • Housewives have been preparing cabbage soup for a long time, as they are original Russian and Ukrainian dishes. Our body perfectly digests cabbage, taking from it the most valuable microelements. Everyone knows that cabbage is rich in potassium, vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, fluorine and other elements. So beneficial for the stomach and intestines, it is a digestive regulator. Cabbage soup perfectly cleanses the body of decay products, toxins and waste.

    Recently, creamy soups with cauliflower and broccoli have become popular. True natives of the Mediterranean, the sisters of our white compatriot were used in preparing dishes from the cuisines of northern countries, where it is very cold. In moments of bad weather, cream soup warmed and nourished the body. In the 18th century, this was the original purpose of cabbage, a pureed dish.

    Cook's tip: cabbage soups are good for children, but not all picky little ones like them. For mothers, an excellent solution would be to prepare puree soup for their babies with the addition of cream or milk.

    How to cook cabbage soup - 15 varieties

    This incredibly rich dish is satisfying and appetizing. Thanks to its rich vegetable composition, the soup is also very healthy.


    • Four liters of meat broth.
    • 100 g bacon.
    • 480 g potatoes.
    • 190 g cabbage.
    • 380 g zucchini.
    • 250 g sweet pepper.
    • Celery root.
    • 300 g carrots.
    • 5 stalks of celery.
    • Two onions.
    • Two cloves of garlic.
    • Parsley, vegetable oil, salt.


    Finely chop cabbage, zucchini, peppers, carrots, stems, celery root, onions, and leeks. We saute the products in lean fat. Heat the broth to a boil and add the fry. Next add the diced potatoes. Season the soup with salt and pepper and cook over low heat for half an hour. At the end of cooking, add bacon strips, chopped parsley and squeeze out the garlic. Bring to readiness for another five minutes.

    Light, slightly fried soup, low in calories. This dish is good for fasting or dieting.


    • 350 g potatoes.
    • 100 g carrots.
    • 100 g of onion.
    • 350 g cabbage.
    • Olive oil for frying.
    • 80 g millet.
    • Salt, peppercorns.
    • Dried parsley.
    • Bay leaf.


    Cut the potatoes into cubes and place them in the boiling broth. Next add the washed millet. Salt the broth and add bay leaf. Chop the cabbage and add to six-month potatoes and cereals. Chop carrots and onions and fry in olive oil. Transfer the finished roast into a saucepan. Boil the soup until fully cooked.

    Broccoli, as one of the varieties of cabbage, is a storehouse of useful microelements. Housewives love to prepare soup with her participation, as the dishes always turn out tasty and light.


    • 3 liters of water.
    • 0.5 kg chicken.
    • 0.5 kg broccoli.
    • 150 g rice.
    • 90 g carrots.
    • Leek.
    • Bay leaf, herbs, salt.


    Chop the chicken into pieces and place in a pan with water. Bring to a boil and cook for an hour with bay leaf. After a while, chop the carrots and add to the meat. We also add one stalk of leek here. Cook for another 15 minutes.

    Remove the onion and bay leaves from the pan, add rice and broccoli. Cook until the rice is ready. Season the finished dish with herbs and seasonings.

    This dish should not be confused with fish soup, as it is prepared using a large number of ingredients. The soup can be called fish soup. It turns out to be useful and bright.


    • 300 ml water.
    • 500 g salmon fillet.
    • 300 g potatoes.
    • 300 g cauliflower.
    • 80 g onions.
    • 100 g spinach.
    • 250 ml milk.
    • 100 ml cream.
    • 40 g butter.
    • 40 g flour.
    • 10 g Tabasco sauce.
    • 10 g paprika, salt, pepper.


    Chop the onion and sauté in butter until golden brown. Then add the flour, mix and fry for another couple of minutes. Transfer the vegetable to a saucepan, pour in boiling water and add chopped potatoes and cabbage umbrellas. Season the soup with salt and pepper and cook until the potatoes soften.

    At the end of cooking, add 2 teaspoons of paprika, Tabasco, milk, heavy cream. Bring the dish to a boil, reduce the heat level and add the fish cut into pieces. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes and add chopped spinach. Stir the dish and remove from heat.

    Not many people like to cook soup with sauerkraut because of the characteristic sourness of cabbage. If the dish is prepared correctly, it will turn out truly tasty and aromatic.


    • Pork ribs.
    • 300 g potatoes.
    • 20 ml vegetable oil.
    • 60 g onions.
    • 40 g carrots.
    • 50 g butter.
    • 20 g tomato paste.
    • 250 g sauerkraut.
    • 60 g millet.
    • Salt, bay leaf.


    Before preparing the soup, you need to boil the ribs or meat in three liters of water. Chop the onion and carrots and fry in butter with tomato paste. Place chopped potatoes into the broth, and after 10 minutes add sauerkraut and fry. After 5 minutes add millet. Season the soup with salt, bay leaf and simmer on the stove until done.

    Aromatic cabbage soup will bring all family members together for dinner. Even young little ones will appreciate the dish.


    • 500 g fresh mushrooms.
    • 1 kg cabbage.
    • 150 g onions.
    • 6 sprigs of parsley.
    • 100 ml vegetable oil.
    • 40 g flour.
    • Bay leaf, salt, pepper.


    Boil the mushrooms, remove, chop and sauté in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Shred the cabbage, place it in a saucepan, add a little liquid and simmer until done. Along with the cabbage, add bay leaf and salt. At the end of cooking, “dust” the cabbage with flour, mix and simmer for another 3 minutes.

    Strain the broth in which the mushrooms were boiled and boil. We put mushrooms, cabbage, chopped herbs, seasonings, and salt into it. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from the stove.

    Who would refuse a plate of aromatic borscht? Perhaps most of the citizens of our country love this dish for its satiety, incredible deliciousness and healthiness.


    • Three liters of meat broth.
    • 50 g dried mushrooms.
    • 500 g potatoes.
    • 180 g cabbage.
    • 180 g beets.
    • 120 g carrots.
    • Parsley root.
    • 100 g beans.
    • 120 g onions.
    • Two loaves of round bread.
    • Sour cream, herbs, butter.
    • 60 ml vegetable oil.
    • 80 g tomato paste.
    • 10 ml vinegar.
    • 10 g sugar.
    • Salt pepper.


    Wash the mushrooms, boil them, cut them thinly. Boil the beans. Chop the beets, fry them in oil, add sugar, vinegar, and tomato. Add a little water and simmer until soft.

    Chop the carrots, parsley root, and onion into strips and sauté in oil. Boil the broth, add cabbage and potato cubes. Cook for 15 minutes. Then we add legumes, mushrooms, stewed beets, and sautéed carrots. Season the borscht with salt and pepper and cook for about 10 minutes.

    Remove the top of each loaf of bread with a knife and scoop out the pulp. This way you will get two pots. Grease the bread with butter and brown in the oven for about five minutes. Pour the finished dish into pots, season with sour cream, herbs and serve immediately.

    Smoked meat creates a special deliciousness in the dish. The soup turns out delicious and aromatic.


    • Head of cabbage.
    • Two carrots.
    • One onion.
    • Three potatoes.
    • Smoked brisket.
    • Butter.
    • Leek.


    Take 400 g of brisket and cut into pieces. In a thick-walled saucepan, melt a piece of butter and transfer the meat. Simmer for about 10 minutes. Cut the onion, leek, carrot into half rings and add to the brisket. Cook for another 10 minutes. Chop the potatoes into cubes, and shred the cabbage randomly.

    Place the vegetables in the pan and add enough boiling water so that the liquid part covers the contents of the pan with an allowance of 5-7 cm. The soup should be thick. Boil the dish until cooked, season with salt, remove from heat and let sit.

    The dish can be safely included in your diet. You can cook it every day. Soup cleanses the body and saturates it with healthy vitamins.


    • Half a head of cabbage.
    • 100 g carrots.
    • 100 g of onion.
    • 150 g potatoes.
    • 200 g turkey.
    • Sunflower oil.
    • Salt pepper.


    Cut the turkey into slices. Chop the onion and carrots. Simmer the meat and vegetables in vegetable oil until the onions are golden and the meat is crusty. Boil two liters of water, add salt and bay leaf. Place the roasted turkey into the broth. Chop the potatoes into cubes and add them to the soup along with the rest of the ingredients. Simmer the dish for half an hour and remove from heat.

    A rich, nutritious soup suitable for every day menu. Good served with sour cream or mayonnaise.


    • 0.5 heads of cabbage.
    • 500 g beef.
    • 120 g onions.
    • 120 g carrots.
    • 100 g bell pepper.
    • 150 g of tomato.
    • 150 g potatoes.
    • 100 ml vegetable oil.
    • Salt, pepper, herbs.


    Peel the beef from veins, cut into 22 cm cubes and place in a thick-walled pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry the meat thoroughly, add chopped onions and carrots. Simmer the products, stirring, for 15 minutes. At the end add chopped pepper and tomato. Mix everything and fry for another 7 minutes.

    Pour 2.5 liters of boiling water into a saucepan with meat and vegetables, add salt and add a bay leaf. Let the ingredients boil for 15 minutes and add the diced potatoes. Keep the cabbage soup on the stove until the potatoes soften.

    Finely chop the cabbage and place it in the pan. Vegetable cooking time is 5-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the slices. When all the ingredients in the soup are cooked, turn off the stove and let the dish brew for a couple of hours.

    The soup is very easy to prepare. Preparation will not take much time, and the result in the form of a delicious dish will definitely surprise you!


    • 300 g cabbage.
    • A pack of milk.
    • 200 g carrots.
    • 200 g zucchini.
    • 20 g butter.
    • Salt pepper.


    Boil two liters of water in a saucepan and add the cabbage cut into strips. Boil until half cooked. Finely chop the carrots and cut the zucchini into cubes. Add vegetables to cabbage. When all the products are boiled, pour milk into the pan and add salt.

    Cook's tip: after the milk, add butter to the soup. It is important not to wait for the milk foam to appear. This approach will prevent the milk from curdling.

    Surely many people think that meatball soup is prepared only with noodles or potatoes. In fact, this is not the case, because cabbage is a universal product and allows you to combine a wide variety of ingredients.


    • 400 g cabbage.
    • 80 g onions.
    • 80 g carrots.
    • 300 g minced meat.
    • Salt pepper.


    In a heated frying pan, fry finely chopped onions and carrots. When the vegetables become soft, add shredded cabbage to them. Simmer food for 7-10 minutes.

    Boil two liters of water in a saucepan, add salt, add a bay leaf and add the roast.

    Form the minced meat into meatballs and place in the soup. Cook the dish until all the ingredients are cooked.


    • 500 g fish.
    • 300 g seaweed.
    • 300 g potatoes.
    • 100 g carrots.
    • 70 g onions.
    • 150 g pickled cucumbers.
    • 60 g butter.
    • Herbs, salt, spices.


    Remove the fish from the bones, put it in a saucepan and add two liters of water. Cook until done. Cut the boiled fish into pieces. Chop the potatoes into cubes, add to the broth and cook until softened. Chop the carrots and onions and sauté in oil. Place grated cucumbers and chopped seaweed into the fryer. Cook for no more than 10 minutes. Place the finished roast into a saucepan and simmer for 15 minutes. Season the soup with salt and pepper. The pickle should be served with pieces of boiled fish and herbs.


    • 600 g tomatoes.
    • 100 g of onion.
    • 300 g broccoli.
    • Celery greens.
    • Half a glass of milk.
    • 40 g flour.
    • 80 ml vegetable oil.


    Boil broccoli umbrellas in 1.5 liters of water until tender. Remove the finished cabbage and leave the broth.

    Chop the tomatoes and place in a frying pan. Add chopped onion and celery greens. Stew the products for 15 minutes. Puree the finished roast together with broccoli in a blender. Transfer the pureed mass into the broth. Add salt and simmer for five minutes. Then pour in hot milk, add herbs and bring the soup to a boil.

    This soup is the perfect balance of simplicity and deliciousness. The recipe proves: to prepare a tasty, healthy dish, you don’t need to spend money on expensive products. It is enough to take what is in the refrigerator and kitchen bins. Let's get acquainted with another budget recipe for cabbage soup with cereals.


    • 400 g cabbage.
    • Onion head.
    • Half a glass of rice.
    • Dried cherry plum.
    • A third of a teaspoon of turmeric.
    • Salt, pepper, saffron.
    • Spoon of butter.


    We tear the cabbage into pieces with our hands and place it in a saucepan with a liter of boiling water. Immediately add washed rice and salt. Cook until soft.

    Melt butter in a frying pan and fry thinly sliced ​​onions. After two minutes, add salt and season with saffron and turmeric. Cook for a couple more minutes.

    Pre-soak the cherry plum in water, cut it into pieces and dip it into the prepared potatoes and cabbage. Next we add the fry. Season the soup with pepper and cook until ready for five minutes.

    Fresh cabbage soup is available all year round. After all, the ingredients that are used for such soup can easily be found in the nearest store, and most importantly at affordable prices. Therefore, in addition to the fact that the soup is very satisfying and appetizing, it is also economical. Although there are a lot of recipes for this first dish, despite everything it is an economical option, you will see for yourself.

    We have selected the most interesting recipes for fresh cabbage soups. Their amazing taste and ease of preparation make the soup itself unforgettable; each recipe is unique in its own way. Even the lean soups in our selection are incredibly tasty and beautiful.

    An integral ingredient in our selection is cabbage, which is very beneficial for our body. You can prepare a lot of the best dishes from it, and it is available all year round, at almost the same, inexpensive price.

    For the broth, you can use both meat on the bone and meat pieces.

    How to make fresh cabbage soup - 15 varieties

    This soup is one of the popular soups in the Czech Republic. It turns out really tasty and satisfying. It won't take you much time to prepare it. Follow the cooking instructions and you will be surprised by the incredible taste of this first hot dish.


    • cabbage (fresh) - 400 gr.;
    • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • sausages - 2 pcs.;
    • paprika (ground) - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Lard - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
    • cumin (ground) - 0.5 tsp;
    • pepper (allspice) -5 pcs.;
    • pepper (peas, black) - 5 pcs.;
    • oil (vegetable) - 1-2 tsp;
    • flour (wheat) - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vinegar (table) - 2 tbsp;
    • salt - to taste.


    Bring the broth to a boil and prepare the ingredients.

    Finely chop the carrots and onions and fry them in fat in a saucepan. Add paprika and cumin. Stir and fry for a few more minutes.

    Chop the cabbage and cut the potatoes into medium pieces.

    Add cabbage, boiling broth, potatoes, spices to the pan with fried vegetables, salt and cook for about 25-30 minutes.

    Cut the sausages into rings and fry in a frying pan, adding vegetable oil.

    Fry the flour in lard until it becomes creamy.

    Add flour dressing to the soup with sausages. Continue cooking for about 5 minutes.

    Salt to taste, add two tablespoons of vinegar, then remove from heat.

    Bon appetit!

    Perfect for people who fast and vegetarians, be sure to include it in your menu. The soup is very aromatic and very tasty, and also quite quick to prepare.


    • cabbage (fresh) - 500 gr.;
    • onions (bulb) - 10 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • oil (vegetable) - 6 tbsp. l.;
    • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
    • pepper (peas) - 5 pcs.;
    • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • lemon - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    First of all, chop the cabbage, grate the cabbage on a medium grater and cut the onion into medium cubes.

    Fry the onion in a frying pan, adding vegetable oil, fry until the onion is transparent. Then fill it with water and add cabbage. Bring to a boil.

    Add carrots, bay leaf, salt and peppercorns. Continue cooking for about 15 minutes.

    Fry the flour in the same vegetable oil and add it to the soup. Bring to a boil.

    Remove from heat and let the soup steep for about 15 minutes.

    Before serving, add a slice of lemon and herbs to the soup.

    Bon appetit!

    You will definitely like this soup. It is indescribably tasty and satisfying, truly home-cooked. The cost of the ingredients is very low, and the soup lasts a long time, so it is a very tasty, economical option for the first hot course.


    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • legs (chicken) - 400 gr.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • paste (tomato) - 2 tbsp;
    • millet - 200 gr.;
    • spices - to taste.


    We put water with meat and one peeled onion on the fire. Don’t forget to remove the foam; after it has been removed, add spices to taste. Cook over low heat until the broth is ready.

    Chop onions and carrots and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Add tomato paste and flour, fry until the paste acquires a dark shade.

    After preparing the broth, take out the meat and set aside separately to cool. Add the cereal to the broth and continue cooking for about 15 minutes.

    Add the contents of the frying pan to the broth with cereal, add cabbage. Continue cooking over low heat.

    The meat has cooled down, now it can be cut into pieces and added to the soup. Sprinkle the soup with herbs and spices to taste. Continue cooking for about 20 minutes.

    Remove from heat and let our soup steep for 15 minutes.

    Bon appetit!

    This soup is incredibly aromatic, light and has a very rich taste. We recommend preparing it in the near future; your loved ones will be grateful to you for such a delicious first course.


    • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • cabbage (fresh) - 150 gr.;
    • cabbage (Brussels sprouts) - 150 gr.;
    • broccoli - 150 gr.;
    • parsnip - 1 pc.;
    • onion (onion) -1 pc.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • oil (olive) - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • peas (green) -80 gr.;
    • beans (green) - 80 gr.;
    • greens - to taste.


    Carrots, parsnips and onions should be cut into small cubes.

    Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the carrots, parsnips and onions, fry for about 3 minutes.

    Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them to the pan and stir, add about 2 liters of water, and bring to a boil. Cook until the potatoes become soft. Then add pepper and salt.

    Cut the broccoli into small long slices and add them to the soup along with peas, Brussels sprouts and beans. Continue cooking for about 7 minutes.

    Finely chop fresh herbs and add them to the soup. Remove from heat and let the soup steep for 15 minutes.

    Bon appetit!

    An incredibly tasty soup, you must try it, there is no meat or broth in it, and the taste is simply amazing. Preparing this soup is very quick, and the ingredients can be found in any store at inexpensive prices.


    • cabbage (fresh) - 1.4 kg;
    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • onions (bulb) - 2 pcs.;
    • carrots -2 pcs.;
    • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • sour cream -100 gr.;
    • oil (vegetable) - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • bay leaf - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    We put water in a saucepan, put it on the fire, bring to a boil, add salt and reduce the heat.

    The cabbage should be finely chopped and the potatoes cut into thin strips. Add potatoes and cabbage to the water.

    Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add carrots and chopped tomatoes. Simmer using water.

    Pour the contents of the pan into the broth. Salt, pepper and add bay leaf.

    Before serving, season the soup with sour cream.

    Bon appetit!

    If you don't have tomatoes on hand, tomato paste is an excellent substitute. Instead of tomatoes, add 3-4 tbsp. l. tomato paste.

    After you try this soup, you will remember your childhood, very light and rich aroma. This soup is very simple and takes very little time to prepare. Perhaps this recipe is the most successful and most delicious of all the varieties of recipes for these soups.


    • beef - 600 gr.;
    • cabbage - 300 gr.;
    • onion -2 pcs.;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • tomato - 1 pc.;
    • oil (vegetable) - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • celery (root) - 50 gr.;
    • parsley - 1 bunch;
    • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
    • pepper - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    To prepare the broth, place the meat in a saucepan, add water, bring to a boil, do not forget to skim off the foam. Add 1 carrot, 1 onion, celery root, chopped parsley, 3 cloves of garlic to the broth. Cook the broth for 1 hour. Add pepper and salt and continue cooking for about 45 minutes. The broth is ready.

    Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots.

    Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil. After peeling the tomatoes, cut them into cubes. Add to carrots and onions. Fry for about 5 minutes.

    Shred the cabbage, mash it with your hands and add salt. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes.

    Add the contents of the frying pan, cabbage and potatoes to the broth. Cook until the vegetables are fully cooked.

    Let the soup brew for about 2 hours.

    Bon appetit!

    An amazing combination of cheese and chicken meatballs. The soup has an unusual and, most importantly, very bright taste. It turns out very aromatic and satisfying. We recommend preparing it in the near future, please your loved ones and yourself with a new, delicious first course.


    • cabbage (cauliflower) - 200 gr.;
    • minced meat (chicken) - 400 gr.;
    • cheese (processed) -200 gr.;
    • oil (vegetable) - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs (chicken) -2 pcs.;
    • vermicelli - 100 gr.;
    • potatoes - 300 gr.;
    • leek - 150 gr.;
    • carrots - 100 gr.;
    • celery - 150 gr.;
    • bread - 100 gr.;
    • parsley - 1 bunch;
    • dill - 1 bunch;
    • pepper (black, ground) - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    Chop dill and parsley.

    Mix eggs, minced chicken, herbs and bread in one bowl. Add pepper and salt. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Place the bowl in the refrigerator.

    Cut carrots and celery into thin strips.

    Peel the potatoes and cut into medium cubes.

    Cut the cheese into small cubes.

    We form medium balls from the minced meat and make meatballs.

    Fry celery and carrots in vegetable oil until the vegetables become soft. Add leeks and fry for about 3 minutes.

    Bring the water to a boil, add melted cheese into it. Stir until the cheese is completely dissolved and bring to a boil. The cheese broth is ready.

    Add cabbage and potatoes to the cheese broth. Bring to a boil. Then add the fried vegetables and continue to cook, adding salt for about 7 minutes.

    Add vermicelli and meatballs. Mix everything well and cook for about 11-15 minutes. Pepper and salt to taste.

    Bon appetit!

    An incredible soup, with its help you can lose extra pounds and also satisfy your hunger. A very tasty and unusual soup that has a rich aroma. You'll love the very quick preparation. After all, such a soup will save you in difficult situations, when you need to cook something quickly and not spend a lot of time on it.


    • cabbage - 500 gr.;
    • onions - 5 pcs.;
    • celery - 3 pcs.;
    • dill - 1 bunch;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • pepper (Bulgarian) - 2 pcs.;
    • parsley - 1 bunch;
    • salt - to taste.


    Wash, peel and cut all vegetables into pieces. Fill the pan with them and add water. Add salt and pepper, spices to taste.

    Cut the onion into rings and fry in oil. Add to soup.

    Put the pan on the fire. Cook over high heat for about 12-15 minutes, then reduce the heat and cook until all the vegetables are cooked.

    Bon appetit!

    The soup is really easy to prepare, as well as tasty and filling. The ingredients are easy to find in the store, and what is there in the store, they are easy to grow in the garden. And please yourself with such a real soup.


    • cabbage (fresh) - 300 gr.;
    • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
    • leeks - 100 gr.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • dill - 1 bunch;
    • pepper (black, ground) - to taste
    • bay leaf - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    Bring 2 liters of water to a boil.

    Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium cubes. Add to the pan and cook for about 5 minutes.

    Finely chop the leek.

    Peel the carrots and cut them into slices.

    Cut the cabbage into thin strips.

    Add all the vegetables to boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes over low heat.

    Add chopped dill, black peppercorns and bay leaf. Continue cooking for about 3-5 minutes.

    Before serving, season the soup with sour cream or sour cream.

    Bon appetit!

    Dietary, light, tasty vegetable soup for your figure. This soup can be eaten if you are on a diet; it has a low amount of calories, so it is perfect for people who are on a diet.


    • cabbage - 600 gr.;
    • peas (green) - 800 gr.;
    • pepper (Bulgarian) - 2 pcs.;
    • carrots - 6 pcs.;
    • tomatoes -5 pcs.;
    • onions (onions) -2 pcs.;
    • bouillon cube - 2 pcs.;
    • salt - to taste.


    Pour 3-4 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

    Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into half rings. Bulgarian pepper strips. Shred the cabbage.

    Add all the vegetables to boiling water and cook until they become soft.

    Use spices to taste and add salt.

    Bon appetit!

    Hearty, nutritious and truly homemade soup without meat. It can be easily prepared in a slow cooker, thereby saving your time. A very interesting soup, cook it soon and you will be grateful to us for such a wonderful recipe.


    • Lentils - 100 gr.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • celery - 1 stalk;
    • cabbage - 200 gr.;
    • broth (chicken) - 400 ml;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • dry basil - 0.5 tsp;
    • sugar - 0.5 tsp;
    • thyme (dry) - 0.5 tsp;
    • curry - 0.25 tsp;
    • pepper (black, ground) - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    Add lentils to the pan and add 200 ml of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for about 12-15 minutes. Rinse and rinse the lentils and return them to the pan.

    Add chopped onion and celery, shredded cabbage, diced tomatoes, carrot cubes, chicken broth, finely chopped garlic.

    Season with spices, sugar, pepper, thyme, basil, curry and salt. Cook over low heat for about an hour and a half. If the soup is too thick, you can add a little water.

    Cabbage is very popular in Ukraine, and not only. It is usually cooked in fatty broth. It is very aromatic and tasty. Be sure to cook it, it's a really good first hot dish.


    • pork - 500 gr.;
    • cabbage (fresh) - 500 gr.;
    • lard (pork) - 150 gr.;
    • potatoes -3 pcs.;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onion (onion) - 1 pc.;
    • millet - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • sauce (tomato) - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • seasoning - to taste;
    • pepper (black, ground) - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    Wash the pork thoroughly under running water. Place in a saucepan with 3 liters of water. Bring to a boil, collecting foam. Add shredded cabbage and cook for about one hour.

    We wash the millet and add it to the soup.

    Cut the bacon into cubes and fry it in a frying pan until the cracklings are cooked, add salt to taste.

    From the soup, take out the pork and add cracklings.

    Fry carrots and onions for about 2 minutes. Add sauce, seasonings, pepper and simmer until soft.

    In a separate pan, boil the potatoes until fully cooked, adding salt to the water. Afterwards you need to peel and mash the potatoes.

    Add the potatoes and fried soup, continue cooking for about 12-15 minutes over low heat.

    Let the soup steep for about 30 minutes.

    Bon appetit!

    A very tasty and light soup that can save you even when cold. Also suitable for lunch at work. Prepare it soon and your loved ones will be crazy about such a masterpiece.


    • squid - 150 gr.;
    • cabbage - 400 gr.;
    • rice - 80 gr.;
    • broth (chicken) - 200 ml;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • tomatoes - 200 gr.;
    • broccoli - 150 gr.;
    • basil - 10 gr.;
    • salt - to taste.


    Cut the squid into small pieces.

    Divide the broccoli into pieces.

    Bring the broth with squid to a boil, add broccoli and bring to a boil again.

    Add tomatoes and rice to the soup, cook until the rice is completely cooked.

    Salt and add fresh herbs, as well as garlic. Remove from heat and let the soup steep for about 10 minutes.

    Just before serving, add sour cream or yogurt to the soup.

    Bon appetit!

    A very low-calorie, but at the same time very tasty and quite filling soup. The soup contains many healthy vegetables for our body. Please your loved ones and friends with this soup.


    • cabbage (fresh) - 300 gr.;
    • cabbage (white) - 300 gr.;
    • carrots - 2 pcs.;
    • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • pepper (Bulgarian) - 1 pc.;
    • celery - 150 gr.;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • greens - 1 bunch;
    • basil - to taste;
    • turmeric - to taste;
    • pepper - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    We wash and clean all the vegetables.

    Shred white cabbage. We separate the cauliflower into inflorescences.

    Cut the carrots into thin strips. Cut the bell pepper into cubes.

    Bring the water to a boil and add cauliflower, then white cabbage, bell pepper and carrots. Continue cooking over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Celery root should be cut into pieces. Chop the onion and cut the tomatoes into cubes. Finely chop the garlic.

    Add the chopped ingredients to the soup and continue cooking for about 5 minutes.

    Add spices, squeezed lemon juice and salt to taste. Remove from heat after 5 minutes.

    Let the soup brew for about 15 minutes. Sprinkle the soup with herbs.

    Bon appetit!

    Quite an unusual, and most importantly very tasty soup. It takes little time to prepare, it turns out so fragrant and beautiful that all your friends and acquaintances will ask you for the recipe.


    • cabbage (fresh) -200 gr.;
    • beef - 300 gr.;
    • radishes - 100 gr.;
    • egg (chicken) - 2 pcs.;
    • cucumbers - 300 gr.;
    • noodles -300 gr.;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • cilantro - 50 gr.;
    • sauce (soy) - to taste;
    • pepper (cayenne) - to taste;
    • sugar - to taste;
    • pepper (black, ground) - to taste;
    • vinegar - to taste;
    • salt - to taste.


    Cut the meat into thin strips and fry it for about 5 minutes in a hot frying pan, adding a small amount of vegetable oil.

    Add finely shredded cabbage to the meat. Add cayenne pepper, add salt and stir, reduce heat to low and simmer for about 10 minutes. Transfer the contents of the pan to a bowl and allow time to cool.

    Boil the noodles, then rinse under cold running water. Place in a bowl and add oil so that our noodles do not stick together into a lump.

    Grate cucumbers and radishes.

    Finely chop the cilantro and garlic. Mix them with salt, vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable oil and pepper.

    Beat two eggs, add salt and a couple of tablespoons of water. We fry several omelettes. Let the omelette cool. Roll the omelettes into tubes and cut thinly.

    Add soy sauce to cold water along with a spoon of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. salt and mix the mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.

    Place the beef stewed with cabbage, chopped omelet, vegetable salad and noodles into deep bowls. Fill them with water, vinegar and soy sauce. Serve to the table.

    Bon appetit!

    Step 1: prepare the ingredients.

    First of all, pour purified water or meat or vegetable broth into a deep saucepan; the amount can be adjusted depending on how thick the soup you want to cook. We put the liquid on medium heat, let it boil, and in the meantime we work on the rest of the ingredients. Using a sharp kitchen knife, peel potatoes, onions, carrots, and remove the top, almost always damaged, leaves from cabbage. Then we rinse them under cold running water along with the tomatoes and herbs. We dry everything with paper kitchen towels, place it one by one on a cutting board and continue preparing. Immediately cut the potatoes into cubes 1.5–2 centimeters in size.

    Shred the cabbage into strips of arbitrary length and width of 5–6 millimeters.

    Grind the carrots on a medium or coarse grater.

    Chop the tomato and onion into cubes, the first 1 centimeter in size, and the second up to 6-7 millimeters. Finely chop the greens, distribute everything into separate bowls and place on the kitchen table the remaining products that will be needed for preparing the dish.

    Step 2: cook cabbage soup - stage one.

    As soon as the liquid in the pan boils, put the chopped potatoes in it and cook them 5 minutes, periodically skimming off the light white foam with a slotted spoon.
    Then add shredded cabbage, bay leaf and continue cooking them together for some more time. 10 minutes.

    Step 3: prepare the dressing.

    Meanwhile, turn on the adjacent burner to medium heat and place a frying pan on it with a piece of butter. After a few minutes, when the fat has melted and warmed up, add the chopped onion and simmer until translucent and lightly golden brown, about 2–3 minutes.
    After it has browned, add the carrots to the pan and sauté them together until soft, this will take another 4–5 minutes. Then put the soup dressing aside.

    Step 4: cook cabbage soup - stage two.

    When the vegetables in the pan are almost ready, add a dressing of carrots, onions and butter.

    Then tomatoes and chopped dill. Season everything to taste with ground black pepper and salt. We are still preparing the first hot dish 5–6 minutes, then turn off the stove and infuse the soup under the lid 7–10 minutes. After that, using a ladle, we pour it into plates in portions and serve it to the dinner table.

    Step 5: Serve the cabbage soup.

    Cabbage soup is served hot as the first main course for lunch. Serve it in portions in deep plates, optionally seasoning each with sour cream, cream or fresh chopped dill, parsley, cilantro or green onions. A wonderful addition to this dish will be fresh, pickled or pickled vegetables, salads, and bread. Enjoy delicious instant food!
    Bon appetit!

    A good, but not ideal, alternative to butter is vegetable oil, but in this case the taste of the soup will not be as delicate, and parsley will do instead of dill;

    If desired, 5–6 minutes before the dish is completely ready, you can put pre-boiled and cut into portions meat into the pan, for example, chicken, duck, rabbit, beef, pork or duck;

    Very often the set of spices is supplemented with dried fennel, cumin, tarragon, rosemary and basil;

    Together with onions and carrots, you can stew lettuce peppers cut into small cubes or thin strips.

    Most often, various first courses are prepared with it. Recipes for cabbage soups amaze with their diversity. They add potatoes, carrots, onions, celery, millet, beans, various meats and sausages, fish and seafood, buckwheat and herbs. You can add aromatic herbs and spices to them to make the taste brighter and richer. You can also prepare original puree soup, traditional borscht or cabbage soup.

    The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

    Adults and children like these dishes. Cooking them is quite simple and even a beginner can cope with such work. Some of the options presented are great for a vegetarian menu. This treat is prepared on the stove or in a slow cooker. Microwaves are used less often. This takes very little time, on average about half an hour. During cooking, it is important to maintain the temperature specified in the recipe so that the vegetables become soft, but not too mushy.