A very tasty diet for weight loss. Delicious diet recipes for weight loss

Many people, regardless of gender, looked at personal photographs and realized “this was my ideal weight.” Awareness comes when plus 10 kg is added to the “ideal” weight on the scales. So what should you do in this case? - That's right, we need an effective diet for 14 days!

The best motivation for losing weight- this means every day, before eating, remembering your extra kilos, looking at your photos where your belly is visible, or putting a photo of yourself in a swimsuit on your phone screensaver for a few days.

If you are already slightly nauseous from low-fat kefir, eggs and boiled chicken fillet without salt and spices - this tasty and effective diet is just for you!

The effectiveness and focus of the diet

Not many women in the world have exactly the figure that they like and suits them. Excess weight is one of the main causes of various pathological diseases, depression and self-doubt.


  • Diet “Pushinka” minus 35 kg in 3 months
  • Diets that help you lose weight in a month
  • How to lose 10 kg in a week on a water diet?
  • Diet during menstruation for weight loss
  • Why does weight stay the same when losing weight?

When you realize you can look better first thing to do- This means starting to closely monitor your diet. Buy only healthy products, eat healthy and rationally. Learn the basics of a proper nutrition menu and first try to hold out for at least a week. Losing weight won't take long!

Carefully monitor the contents in the plate in the evening (in the evening, mistakes are unacceptable). Throughout the day it is necessary drinking plenty of clean water. At least 1 glass per hour.

So, we present to your attention an effective diet that promotes rapid weight loss and at the same time has a delicious menu and healthy recipes for proper nutrition, which should be prepared every day.

A common problem when losing weight— the weight stays at the same number and does not decrease. And every morning, for 2-3 days, this situation causes panic. It would seem, well, I don’t need a diet anymore! Now I've definitely lost those extra pounds! But the weight treacherously stands at one point.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • incorrect distribution of BZHU.

Solution: Avoid eating late with fast carbohydrates.

  • An unpalatable/strict diet leads to breakdowns. The so-called swing: throw off, pick up, throw off, pick up.

Solution: add daily calories and eat evenly healthy foods for quick weight loss.

  • lack of daytime activity. Passive lifestyle. According to the principle: I eat little + move little = slow metabolism.

Solution: move more often during the day. In sedentary work conditions, take mandatory breaks to walk and move around. Or mandatory morning cardio before work.

  • you eat as many calories as you burn.

Solution: reduce calorie intake or add exercise, which will help you lose weight quickly.

A tasty diet for quick weight loss will help you avoid all the reasons. To achieve results and lose weight by several sizes, you need a properly designed diet menu, adherence to the diet and daily calorie intake, which is calculated individually.

If you are used to eating delicious food, then a delicious weight loss diet based on proper nutrition will suit you.

Basic Rules

A tasty diet will help you lose weight comfortably. This nutrition system involves changing your diet within 14 days. If you use the suggested recipes, your metabolism will speed up and the total number of calories will be balanced throughout the week.

After a diet, it is advisable to reconsider your diet and start monitoring your health so that this weight loss never affects you again.

For a tasty diet to be effective, you need to follow 6 rules:

  1. Breakfast - 30-60 minutes after waking up. In the morning, the body is not ready to fully digest food, so there is no appetite.
  2. If you don’t overeat in the evening, you will wake up in the morning with a good appetite.
  3. The breakfast menu should contain carbohydrates and protein (mostly easily digestible product), because... it will help you stay full longer. Breakfast helps you cheer up, your head begins to think better, and delicious food will help with this.
  4. There is no exact answer to the question “What should the diet be: protein or carbohydrate?” So it is better to support the idea that everything on the menu should be balanced.
  5. Don't forget to drink a glass of water before eating.
  6. Do not violate menus and recipes.

Extra pounds in the body cause a lot of problems before the onset of summer. After all, you want to be the most beautiful, and wear any clothes without trying to cover every part of the body that has suffered from excess weight.

A tasty diet is a combination of proper nutrition, an effective menu and moderate physical activity to improve overall body tone. And even the weight loss diet for the lazy is adjusted to these rules.

Diet and menu for every day

This diet is not accompanied by a hunger strike, it is simple and effective: it allows you to lose up to 5 kg in 14 days.

The diet allows you to change the schedule of the days of the week in the menu. It is forbidden to change the order of eating for effective weight loss!

Daily diet - 3 meals.

Sample menu for the week:


  1. delicious cottage cheese casserole with cherries;
  2. Caesar salad";
  3. omelette with vegetables.


  1. oatmeal with banana and a spoonful of peanut butter;
  2. delicious muffins with chicken breast;
  3. cottage cheese with fruits and berries.


  1. vegetable salad;
  2. zucchini fritters;
  3. toast with salad and egg.


  1. smoothie made from yogurt, oatmeal and fruits ground in a blender;
  2. trout with pesto sauce;
  3. bread with cottage cheese and strawberries.


  1. oat pancakes;
  2. delicious fish baked with lemon;
  3. oatmeal with berries and fruits.


  1. toast with avocado and salmon slices;
  2. vegetable stew in soy sauce;
  3. muffins with vegetables.


  1. spinach quiche;
  2. chicken breast in batter;
  3. fruit salad.

Recipes for a tasty diet

Thanks to the huge hype created by girls and women all over the world in connection with losing weight a couple of days before summer, even a child knows what a “diet” is.

What should you eat to lose weight? The Delicious Diet offers modified recipes for the most delicious dishes. These are popular recipes that will help in losing weight and in the fight for a beautiful body.

For a tasty diet to be effective, you need to eat in small portions, excluding large portions and fasting.

The effectiveness of this “delicious” weight loss lies in the fact that a person loses weight gradually. This helps him maintain weight even after dieting.

This menu offers Caesar salad



  • Chicken – 300 grams
  • Bread with bran – 2 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves
  • Cherry - 150 grams
  • Cheese - 60 grams
  • Salt, seasonings

Delicious dressing:

  • Yogurt (1 piece)
  • Garlic (1 clove)
  • Mustard (1/2 tsp)



  1. fry the chicken;
  2. dry the bread in the same pan;
  3. Cut the fried breast, dried bread into cubes;
  4. Chop lettuce and tomatoes;
  5. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

Preparing the dressing:

  1. Pour yogurt into a bowl
  2. Squeeze the garlic there
  3. Add mustard and salt
  4. Mix well
  5. Add to salad

Muffins “Delicious diet” with vegetable filling



  • Broccoli - 3 florets
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Ground oatmeal - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Rice flour - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Milk - by eye, until mushy consistency
  • Salt, soda.
  • For the sauce: yogurt + mustard + garlic + salt.


  1. Mix raw eggs, ground oatmeal, rice flour, salt and soda in a bowl;
  2. Bring to the desired consistency with milk;
  3. Place 2 tbsp in baking dishes. spoons of prepared dough;
  4. Place vegetables on top and cover with dough;
  5. Place in a preheated oven (180/200 degrees) for 40 minutes.

Quiche with spinach

Quiche with spinach

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Whole grain flour – 100 grams
  • Oatmeal – 50 grams
  • Rice flour – 50 grams (you can do without it)
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp.
  • A little sweetener.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Water – 100 ml


  • Spinach – 100 grams
  • Adyghe cheese – 100 grams
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Some milk.


  1. Boil fresh spinach for just 1 minute;
  2. Mix the ingredients for the dough and roll it out;
  3. Place in the baking dish so that the edges touch the sides;
  4. Make a few holes in the bottom with a fork;
  5. Chop the spinach;
  6. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater;
  7. Beat eggs in a bowl;
  8. Add spinach and cheese;
  9. Pour some milk;
  10. Add sweetener and salt;
  11. Mix everything and pour into the mold onto the dough;
  12. Fold the edges of the dough and brush with oil;
  13. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

“Delicious diet” muffins with chicken breast

Quite often, people have not entirely pleasant associations with the word “diet,” since it implies giving up tasty and favorite foods and a constant feeling of hunger. But there is a unique diet called delicious. It will make the weight loss process enjoyable and at the same time simple. You can easily get a great effect by following a few simple recommendations.

In a tasty diet, restrictions are minimal, and the main emphasis is on a balanced menu and the right combination of foods.

Products that can be consumed while losing weight should be natural. You need to completely give up sweets, baked goods, processed foods, fatty meats, and spicy foods.

There is no need to do a fasting day from the diet on Sunday, since all the efforts made earlier will be reduced to zero. There is no need to give in to advice to try a piece of cake. During the diet, be sure to drink up to two liters of regular clean water per day, without replacing it with other drinks.

The effectiveness of the diet, its features

How effective is such a simple, tasty diet for weight loss, what are its features, advantages and disadvantages?

A delicious diet for quick weight loss comes in five-day, three-day and weekly diets. It is not advisable to overeat during it. By following simple rules, you can reduce your own weight by four kilograms.

When losing weight, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Tea or coffee is allowed, without added sugar and, of course, plain clean water.

A tasty quick diet designed for seven days will allow you to quickly get rid of extra pounds. In this case, the process of losing weight will be pleasant, comfortable and tasty. It involves eating any foods that are low in calories. The menu of this diet is varied and familiar to many.

Thanks to this diet, you can reduce weight by 10 percent of your total body weight. Juices can be prepared from a variety of fruits, berries and vegetables. At the same time, it is advisable to avoid monotony. Servings of beef or vegetables can be increased without affecting overall caloric intake.

The most important advantage is that the menu consists of regular products. You can deviate from the recommended menu and cook what you like best. There are no too many restrictions on products.

This diet does not have any disadvantages as such.

Delicious diet menu for every day

There are two menu options for every day, which you can either alternate or stick to one.

First option: For breakfast, a few slices of hard cheese, a piece of wholemeal black bread and a cup of coffee. For lunch, fry chicken fillet in vegetable oil. As a side dish, prepare vegetables in the form of a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh cabbage. In the afternoon, eat feta cheese or cottage cheese, drink tea or coffee. For dinner, cook any meat in any form and vegetables.

Second option: For breakfast, make scrambled eggs or an omelet, wash down with a cup of coffee. For lunch, prepare a salad of sweet peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers, and eat ham. For an afternoon snack, take feta cheese or tofu, wash it down with a cup of tea or coffee. For dinner, cook meat with vegetables, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Food must be taken in small portions, and the transition to a regular diet should be gradual.

The best type of menu is considered to be a delicious diet for 7 days. Here it is necessary to use those products that contain a minimum amount of salt, sugar and vegetable fats. The proposed menu option can be more expanded and supplemented with your favorite dishes, or compiled independently. The main thing to consider is the low calorie content of foods.

It is better to cook with a minimum amount of salt. The total consumption of this product should not exceed five grams per day. It is recommended to sprinkle each dish with herbs, and they can be added both during the cooking process and in the finished dish.

Diet menu for the week:

  • 1 day. Olivier salad dressed with low-fat mayonnaise. You can eat about half a liter jar of it.
  • Day 2. Prepare steamed meat cutlets. Eat three of them during the day. There is also a vegetable salad of sweet peppers, cabbage, tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil. You can eat it in two servings.
  • Day 3. Prepare and eat “Herring under a fur coat.” The dish should be seasoned with low-fat mayonnaise.
  • Day 4 Boil one glass of buckwheat. Make a salad of onions and carrots.
  • Day 5 Prepare a salad of crab sticks, canned corn, boiled rice, herbs and orange. You can eat a half liter jar of it.
  • Day 6 One liter of any favorite soup and one hundred grams of rye bread.
  • Day 7 Completely focus on fruits that contain the least amount of sugar.

Before starting such a diet, you must consult with a specialist.

Lose weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 680 Kcal.

The word diet makes you shiver, and can you already imagine how you will have to eat tasteless foods like celery or boiled broccoli, snacking on unsalted lettuce? But no!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the most popular delicious diet options, designed for 3, 5 days and 1 week. You will be convinced that you can eat tasty and varied, and the extra pounds will not be able to resist.

Requirements of a tasty diet

In the shortest three-day option for delicious weight loss, you can lose 1.5-2.5 kg. Meals these days are three times a day. The diet consists mainly of eggs, cheeses, fruits, vegetables and lean protein products. Sweetness will be added by a small amount of honey, which can be introduced into the diet. Honey makes diet menus tastier and is a wonderful solution for those with a sweet tooth. Honey suppresses sweet hunger and helps to modernize your figure without stress.

In five days of a tasty diet, you can get rid of 2-4 kg of disturbing weight. You will be able to eat five times a day, which will help you avoid acute hunger, with tasty and healthy foods. The diet will be filled, in particular, with non-starchy fruits, low-fat fermented milk products, vegetables, lean meat, rice and freshly squeezed juices. Even the world famous supermodel Claudia Schiffer sometimes goes on this diet. Agree, her figure is an example to follow. And it’s also worth paying attention to the star’s nutrition. This diet involves eating in small quantities at approximately equal intervals and refusing to eat at least 3 hours before bedtime. Of the liquids on all options for a tasty diet, pure water without gas, empty tea of ​​any kind and coffee are allowed.

The seven-day option, which can also help you lose 2-4 kg, most confirms the name of the tasty diet. Just think, on certain days you can even eat salads (Olivier salad, crab sticks, herring under a fur coat) and at the same time modernize your body. The principle is a banal (but effective!) restriction of daily caloric intake. My only wish is to dress your salads not with fatty mayonnaise, but with a lower-calorie, lighter variation. Better yet, use yogurt with soy sauce and (or) lemon juice as a dressing. This will help the dish become less caloric and more healthy, which your body will certainly be grateful for.

Delicious diet menu for 3 days

Day 1
Breakfast: 2 boiled chicken eggs; a cup of tea of ​​any kind with the addition of 1 tsp. honey and a slice of lemon or a cup of natural coffee.
Dinner: up to 100 g of hard cheese (preferably not the highest fat content); tea/coffee (to which you can also add a little honey).
Dinner: 200 ml vegetable soup; for dessert - several any fruits (preferably non-starchy); tea/coffee with honey.

Day 2
Breakfast: 2 boiled or fried chicken eggs in a dry frying pan; tea/coffee with honey.
Dinner: up to 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese with a small amount of honey; Tea coffee.
Dinner: cook lean fish or meat (150 g) without oil; and you can add a little vegetable oil to a serving of vegetable salad (except potatoes).

Day 3
Breakfast: 2 eggs in any form plus tea/coffee with honey.
Dinner: several rye crisps; up to 50 g of hard cheese; Tea coffee.
Dinner: egg; tea with honey; non-starchy fruits in reasonable quantities.

Before going to bed on all diet days, you can drink a hot, slightly sweetened drink.

Delicious diet menu for 5 days

Breakfast: a salad of 1-2 favorite fruits and berries (but do not use bananas and grapes), seasoned with a small amount of homemade yogurt and a handful of sprouted grains; a cup of green tea.

Snack: 100 ml of any fruit juice and the same amount of yogurt.

Dinner: a serving of vegetable stew made from sweet peppers, carrots, cauliflower, a small amount of canned beans, onions, and any greens. It is recommended to cook the dish with water, but making a sauce using olive oil and low-fat sour cream is quite possible.

Afternoon snack: boiled or baked chicken breast (100-150 g) and a piece of rye bread. By the way, you can make a tasty and healthy sandwich from this set of products by adding a little of your favorite greens.

Dinner: 50 g of boiled rice, brown or steamed (cereals are measured dry); Add an apple or some other non-starchy fruit to the rice side dish.

Delicious diet menu for 7 days

Breakfast: 150 g Olivier salad.
Dinner: 200 g Olivier salad.
Dinner: 150 g Olivier salad.

Breakfast: 2 meat balls; 150-200 g cabbage salad.
Dinner: 3 meat balls; 150-200 g cabbage salad.
Dinner: 2 meat balls.

Breakfast: 150 g of herring under a fur coat.
Dinner: 200 g of herring under a fur coat.
Dinner: 150 g of herring under a fur coat.

Note: For the whole day, boil a glass of dry buckwheat.
Dinner: part of boiled buckwheat; 150 g carrot and onion salad.
Dinner: the rest of the boiled buckwheat.

Breakfast: 150 g crab salad.
Dinner: 200 g crab salad.
Dinner: 150 g crab salad.

Note: cook yourself about a liter of your favorite soup (borscht) for this day.
Breakfast: up to 300 ml of soup.
Dinner: up to 300 ml of soup; slice of bread.
Afternoon snack: several diet bread and some bread.
Dinner: about 300 ml of soup.

Breakfast: apple and orange salad.
Snack: several tangerines.
Dinner: grapefruit and 1-2 small kiwis.
Dinner: several medium-sized apples.

Contraindications for a tasty diet

The group of those who should not lose weight on this diet includes women in an interesting situation, nursing mothers, and teenagers.

If you have a chronic illness that requires special nutrition, or are allergic to some product from the menu, you should refrain from following this diet.

The benefits of a tasty diet

  • Losing weight without acute hunger.
  • The ability to choose an option based on your goals and time capabilities.
  • Losing weight on regular foods. The opportunity not to give up delicious dishes that you often have to say no to, even in non-diet times.
  • We get rid of excess fat ballast without psychological discomfort and departure from the usual way of life.

Disadvantages of a tasty diet

There are very few disadvantages to this diet. We will include among them, perhaps, not an extremely noticeable transformation of the figure. Losing a few kilograms is quite possible, but this method of losing weight is not suitable for significant changes.

If you choose the 7-day diet, it will take some time to prepare the salads. If you don't have time to cook, problems may arise.

Repeated diet

It is not recommended to repeat the longest option for a tasty diet for 1 week; repeat it earlier than after 2 weeks. The 5-day option can be done 2 times a month, and the 3-day diet can be repeated after a week.

For a tasty diet, to the delight of those who want to lose weight, but do not want to limit themselves, the most ordinary products from your usual diet are used. It is not at all necessary that they be low-calorie. This is the simplest and most diverse nutrition system that exists today. But in order to get a positive result, you must adhere to all the rules outlined in it.

A delicious diet is a vivid example of the fact that you can lose weight without dooming yourself to food suffering and all sorts of restrictions. After all, it is based on delicious and completely uncomplicated dishes. This power system fully lives up to its name. This is an ideal option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, love to engage in culinary creativity and cannot imagine life without goodies.

Scientists from Reebok University were able to prove that most people have a reaction to the presence of carbohydrates, fats and sugar in the foods they eat. All of the above helps to increase the level of serotonin - the so-called “happiness hormone”. But proteins were not included in the category of food “for pleasure.” Such findings call into question the very principle of fighting excess weight, accompanied by positive emotions. Although Russian nutritionist Mikhail Ginzburg has a different opinion on this matter. He believes that fats cannot in any way affect the production of “joyful” serotonin. But carbohydrates are a completely different matter. They are the secret ingredient of “food pleasure”.

What is the essence of a tasty diet?

All involve more or less significant dietary restrictions. Sometimes it comes down to eating just a few foods. An obsessive unpleasant feeling of hunger, a forced refusal of favorite delicious dishes, have a negative impact on a person’s emotional state. Therefore, immediately after completing the diet, many people who are losing weight pounce on their favorite dishes and products that were strictly prohibited for a certain period. The result is a quick return of the kilograms lost with such difficulty. Nutritionists call this the yo-yo effect.

The main principle of a tasty diet is to limit yourself in carbohydrates. But there is no need to be afraid. Of course, all buns, pastries, cakes and other sweets will have to be crossed out from the daily menu. But even such seemingly serious losses will not prevent this food system from remaining tasty. The fact is that her diet was made up in such a “cunning” way as to eliminate any manifestations of discomfort from the lack of her favorite carbohydrate treats. A strong argument in favor of this is the noticeable improvement in your figure.

So, as mentioned, a tasty diet offers minimal food restrictions. Its main emphasis is on a balanced diet and the correct combination of different products. True, it is still undesirable to overeat.

If you strictly follow all the recommendations, you can get rid of 1 to 3 kilograms of excess weight in 3 days. In addition, you will perfectly relieve your body and improve the functioning of the digestive system. As they say, it’s a small thing, but nice.

How to choose the right diet

It should be noted right away that a tasty diet has many options. Therefore, choosing the most suitable option for yourself is very simple. On the Internet you can find meat and lean, fruit and vegetable, gentle and tough, emergency and long-term delicious diets. It is advisable to view as many of them as possible before making your final decision. Then you will not only find the most successful way to lose weight for yourself personally, but you will also enjoy it.

As an example, let's look at the protein version of this diet. The main law of this food system is to obtain the maximum amount of protein from all kinds of foods. Naturally, by relying on chicken eggs alone, you will not achieve anything, except, perhaps, constipation. But if you include lean chicken, lean fish and cottage cheese in your menu, your weight will begin to decrease (without compromising muscle mass). The second most important law of diet is a sense of proportion. If you don’t start overeating, you will soon be able to try on those things from your wardrobe that just recently were too small for you.

Let's be honest: those who love to eat will have a hard time at first. People who have become accustomed to the daily consumption of carbohydrates and fats simply do not believe that protein foods can be as tasty.

The only solution is not to be lazy and look for recipes for this diet for at least a couple of hours. And when you see these recipes, you will understand that it is not only fatty and rich dishes that bring taste pleasure. And discover a new food world for yourself.

How to lose weight on a delicious diet

  1. Food must be taken at a strictly defined time.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to drink while eating.
  3. The drinking regime should be at least 2 liters of any liquid per day.
  4. It is recommended to add physical activity to your diet to speed up the achievement of the desired result.
  5. After completing each meal, you need to take a short rest.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • a varied menu that includes delicious dishes;
  • a drastic reduction in carbohydrates, allowing you to lose weight;
  • absence of obsessive feeling of hunger;
  • product availability;
  • ease of cooking.
  • general weakness is likely to occur;
  • there may be some decrease in performance;
  • sometimes dizziness occurs.

Sample 3-day menu

1 Having breakfastA couple of soft-boiled eggs. Wash it down with a cup of coffee or tea with a slice of lemon and honey (1 tsp).
Let's have lunchA piece of hard cheese (100 g). Wash it down with a cup of green tea with honey (1 tsp) or coffee.
Let's have dinner200 gram portion of vegetable soup. For dessert - fruit in any quantity. Drink a cup of good tea with honey (1 tsp).
For the nightWe drink a cup of any tea with a slice of lemon and a spoon of honey.
2 Having breakfastSee Day 1.
Let's have lunchA 300-gram portion of cottage cheese with the lowest fat content (you can add a spoonful of honey to it). We drink a cup of tea or coffee of your choice.
Let's have dinnerA 150-gram piece of dietary fish (optionally chicken or turkey) with a small portion of vegetable salad dressed with high-quality vegetable oil.
For the nightSee Day 1.
3 Having breakfastSee Day 1.
Let's have lunchA couple of whole grain rye breads with a 50 gram piece of hard cheese. Wash it down with a cup of any tea with a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey or coffee.
Let's have dinnerOne hard-boiled egg and fruit of your choice. We drink a cup of good tea.
For the nightSee Day 1.


A tasty diet, as evidenced by numerous reviews and results from those who have already used it, helps you comfortably get rid of a few extra pounds. After all, losing weight should not be accompanied by suffering and bad mood. Moreover, we believe that losing weight can and should be delicious!

But still, we note that in this nutrition system there is no balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, it is still undesirable to stick to it for a long time. It will not be effective for those who are used to constantly overeating. A very limited menu during the day and a fruity expanse in the evening is an excellent option for those who like to eat at night. But if you decide to go on this type of delicious diet, it would be a good idea to reduce your evening meals by force of will. Since overeating fruits will also not lead to anything good. Drinking tea before bed can cause insomnia for some people who are losing weight. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust this part of the diet according to your well-being. And, of course, if something happens, consult a doctor.

If you could lose weight by lying on the couch, eating fried lamb in a bite with white bread and washing down the whole thing with red wine, fitness centers around the world would be on the verge of ruin, and the concept of healthy eating would radically change. However, people have not yet learned to lose weight by eating fatty meat, which means that nutritionists around the world continue to practice creating new diets. Another innovative solution - a very tasty diet. She allows you to practically not change your diet and still lose pounds.

Do's and Don'ts

And again the damned fats and carbohydrates are out of favor! The reality is this: in order to maintain a tasty diet, you need to exclude them from the diet as much as possible, and pay special attention to the consumption of proteins. The essence of the diet comes down to eating exclusively natural products. Baking, sweets, semi-finished products, fatty meat, any spicy food is now acceptable only in pictures.

You can’t take a break from your diet on Sundays - your weekly effort will come to naught if you start putting everything that doesn’t fit into your mouth. Don’t give in to your friends’ persuasion to eat a cake for company - in your case, it won’t be limited to just one cake. Of course, do not forget about the need to drink 2 liters of water a day, without trying to replace it with juices, soda or alcohol.

Those who like to chew meat at night will rejoice at the rare opportunity to devour chicken and fish, but mostly they will have to chew vegetables and fruits. A delicious diet is designed for 3 days, then you can take a short break and continue to fight for the coveted weight category. If after a month you feel normal, then your body will be able to withstand any abuse, and after resting for a couple of weeks, you can return to the diet again.

Menu creation

The basic commandment of deliciousness is that you need to get as much protein as possible from wherever possible. You must understand that boiled eggs alone cannot solve this problem, but lean chicken, fish and cottage cheese - very much so. The second commandment is to observe moderation in everything, and then there is a tiny chance that the trousers from the latest collection will fit on you.

The first day.

  • Breakfast- two soft-boiled eggs with green tea.
  • Dinner- a glass of tomato juice, vegetable salad in olive oil with a slice of black bread.
  • Dinner- vegetable broth, fruit.

Second day.

  • Breakfast- low-fat yogurt or kefir.
  • Dinner- baked fish with celery, green tea with honey.
  • Dinner- one egg and fruit.

Day three.

  • Breakfast- a piece of cheese, one egg, a few carrots.
  • Dinner- lean chicken (150 gr.), cabbage salad.
  • Dinner- cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt.

This menu is approximate, but in general a tasty diet is based on this principle. It is worth noting that the menu only lists three meals. If between them or at night you are overcome by hunger, keep in mind that you can have a “quick” snack with an apple or a glass of kefir, and not with smoked sausage that accidentally came to hand. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water before meals - this will protect you from overeating.

There is no point in hiding: it will be quite difficult for food lovers at first. People accustomed to eating fats and carbohydrates are distrustful of claims that something can be tasty. Spend a couple of hours searching for delicious recipes for your diet, and you will realize that not only fatty foods can bring pleasure.

Protein salad.

Boil two eggs soft-boiled. Add 100 g to them. boiled chicken fillet and squid. Mix two egg whites with 100 g. cottage cheese, water and herbs. Place in the oven and bake until done.

Chicken stew.

Stew the chicken pieces, add cabbage and water. After ten minutes, add finely chopped tomatoes, peppers and beans to the pan. Continue simmering for 20 minutes.

These delicious diet dishes do not require culinary talent or special ingredients, and their taste can pleasantly surprise those who think that chops and dumplings are the end of the world.

When people give up the stupid idea of ​​losing weight only through diets, the number of people suffering from excess weight will decrease sharply. Having somehow lost weight, they will face another problem - too much excess skin! I would like to advise you to gain excess weight again and then the problem with sagging skin will be resolved, and then sign up for a fitness club and start losing weight correctly.

Even while on a tasty diet, one should not forget about physical activity. If laziness is a quality that is in your DNA from birth, go to the gym to correct your genotype. As an option - or go for a run in the morning. If playing sports is in no way included in your plans, then dreams of a slender, fit body will remain on the pages of glossy magazines. And remember, it’s not the girls on the cover who have too much Photoshop, it’s your refrigerator that’s too big and too much free time.