How to properly throw away your things. The energy of old things - the opinion of psychics

Many people try to throw out the trash bag in the morning or afternoon. Why are they doing the right thing? Why can't you take out the trash in the evening?- read below. And also, if you read the article to the end, you will find out how to properly throw away old things. Well... so as not to spoil anything for yourself.

This sign has roots in the distant past, but is nevertheless popular today even among those who consider themselves materialists. But still, whether you believe in omens or not, it is better not to take the trash out of the house after sunset.

What you will learn from the article:

Why can't you take out the trash in the evening?

1. So that money does not stop flowing

All Feng Shui masters recommend taking out the trash only before sunset. And they associate this with wealth in the house.
The fact is that the energies of day and night have polar meanings - yang and yin. By taking out the trash in the dark, we tap into Yin energy, which in itself is a state of peace, silence, and decline. But the garbage itself is the yang remains from the master’s table . Thus, the energies enter into dissonance, disrupting the natural flow of qi.
The night has its own tasks, and this is not taking out the trash.

2. To prevent gossip from spreading

This is what grandmothers who were far from Feng Shui said. But this theory also has its share of truth. He who is clean in his hands has no need to hide his dirty laundry under the cover of darkness.

3.To protect yourself and your loved ones

There is a very unpleasant type of people who practice black magic. As you know, objects take on part of the energy of their owners. And through these objects you can influence a person. When taken out in the dark, discarded items can play a cruel joke on their recent owner. It’s not that someone is specifically hunting for your things (but it happens – believe me!), but even things that accidentally fall into the wrong hands can have unpleasant consequences.

How to properly throw away old things

It is important to remember that even if you throw away personal items during the day, it is better to wash them first (if you think that they may still serve someone). If these are clothes or dishes, then it would also be a good idea to keep them in salt water for at least a couple of hours (just add salt to the water - table or sea). Of course, hardly anyone wants to tinker with garbage, but this will significantly protect you from outside energy influences.
Another option is to tear and cut clothes, break cups and plates (this is if you do not leave your things for those who may still need them).

So, you've collected a bunch of old things, decided to clean out your space and make room for new things. Sort out your things - clothes for clothes, dishes for dishes, newspapers and books, we throw them away without thinking.
Clothes - wash, keep in salt water
Dishes - keep in salt water
Jewelry and accessories MUST be kept in salt water.

We need to get rid of the old. Neat and careful people manage to keep kitchen utensils in perfect order for quite a long time. Their dishes rarely break, forks never bend, and pots and pans never burn. Sometimes they just start to get bored with this whole set of necessary things. Therefore, dishes that have lingered in the kitchen for too long must be forcibly broken or helped to get lost. Moreover, if a crack or a notch appears on the plate, if the cup has lost its pair and is left without a saucer. Don't look for new plastic pot handles in the store to replace them. In the wardrobe, it is also necessary to periodically carry out an “inventory”. Things that have become too big or, on the contrary, small, that were poorly washed or accidentally torn, clothes of grown children - all this needs to be torn, given away or disposed of. There will definitely be a person who will find a more worthy use for these things. While all this is stored, awaiting repair, fashion will “squeak” in a different way. And you have to keep up with it, managing to update your wardrobe. But the abundance of unnecessary things does not allow you to do this recklessly. As always, there is nowhere to put it and nothing to wear. And for some, a stack of these things can become a real gift, the very renovation that needs to be done in their own home.

Several compelling reasons

Logic dictates that new acquisitions are more likely when a person needs something. Therefore, you need to get rid of the old, making way for the new. As soon as it disappears old thing, then another one will be bought immediately, if, of course, it is really needed. So, unexpectedly and unexpectedly, a test will be carried out that reveals the need for this very thing. It may happen that it is no longer needed. There is a wise saying that tells the unreasonable “Plyushkins” that until the old goes away, the new will not come. Change is moving forward. And preferably without looking back. And if you touch a little on superstitions and mysticism, you can remember the Almighty, who supposedly does not help change life for the better. He simply does not see the lack, does not see an empty corner where he can throw manna from heaven. Old things are rubbish and rubbish that take up the wrong place. They do not add any life-giving energy, positive emotions, but, on the contrary, inhibit all life processes. Due to their accumulation, no changes or updates occur in life. By carefully storing all sorts of old things, people try to protect themselves from problems in the future, thinking about possible lack of money, but forgetting that the thought is material. Why program yourself for problems? Poverty and misery will haunt a person until he learns to throw away everything unnecessary from his life without regret, until he learns to easily and simply renew everything around him. Old things, like anchors of the past, pull you to the bottom. Music from yesteryear is good, it's nostalgia. And old perfume, pants and jugs are bad. This is programming yourself for life without change. Every thing from the past brings back some memories and makes you look back. And this is dangerous, you can’t go back to the past, you can miss the future. It must be mercilessly and irrevocably broken, torn, given away, disposed of. Anything needs to be done with old things, but just don’t store them, don’t fill the mezzanines, suitcases, boxes with rubbish, which will certainly be sent for later storage to the garage or basement.

Do you need to store old things? "No!" - say astrologers. They are echoed by esotericists, doctors and psychologists. Why?
I try to clean my cabinets regularly, every six months. At the same time, I often persistently fight the desire to leave something that I haven’t worn or used for a long time. With varying degrees of success.

Every spring I review things: I put winter ones on shelves and in boxes away, I place spring and summer ones on hangers so that they are at hand.
Kitchen cabinets also fall under attack: cracked plates and cups go into the trash without regret (they are easier to deal with than clothes!).
They say you should make it a rule to blacklist things that are not used more than a year. Nowadays I try to be guided by this rule. I set myself up to ensure that there are no things left in the house that could turn it into a museum or a landfill.

Recently I decided to look for an answer to the question: why do you need to throw away old things?

This is what Rami Blackt says about this, today he is an independent mentor-consultant for many political leaders, large public figures and famous businessmen from several countries of the world:
“Throw away old things, they have the energy of Saturn, and this planet is considered the personification of loneliness, misfortune and problems. It is believed that because of old things, new energy cannot enter the house. For example, if your entire closet is filled with old and unfashionable clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, then you are blocking the energy of access as if the Universe is saying: “Why do you need to earn money for new dresses?” And you really start earning less. The best thing is to simply give away your things to those who need it.
If a woman gets married for the second time, she needs to throw away the clothes she wore when dating other men. This is especially true for underwear, and in addition, bed linen. Because all this carries someone else’s energy, and on a subconscious level a man will feel it. He may not realize why he is irritated, but he will treat his wife worse. It is believed that old things left over from a previous marriage destroy a new family.
If you were seriously ill and there was a threat to your life, then after recovery you need to throw out the clothes you were sick in and get rid of the bed linen you slept on.
But there are cases when you can and should store old clothes. For example, a woman lives in happy marriage, and she has a dress that is associated with pleasant moments. You can take care of such a dress and then even pass it on to your daughter, because it carries positive energy.”

Such “happy things”, in my opinion, can and even should get a second life! It is from them that needlewomen can make real masterpieces of handicraft.
However, the second life of things is a topic for another discussion.

In the meantime, let’s listen to what esotericists say about old things: “By collecting unnecessary things just in case, we assume that this case will come and we will have to walk around, for example, in worn out pants. We are setting ourselves up for failure and trouble. Thus, we program ourselves and our loved ones for a life where we cannot buy new things, but are forced to wear old ones...
By leaving unnecessary things in the house, we thereby program ourselves for poverty. The desire to hold on to old things is a sure sign of the psychology of poverty. Old things not only do not provide the opportunity to acquire new ones, but also accumulate negative energy and contribute to stagnation in life, which can affect your well-being and luck in general...
Things that are not worn or used in everyday life die. Therefore, they carry information about death.
The space of the apartment is filled with information about the things that are in it. If an item was shoved into a corner or pushed onto the mezzanine as unnecessary, then what information was put into it? And if there are a lot of such things in the apartment, then the whole house is filled with negative, “dead” zones that form around unnecessary objects. The space filled with such things becomes denser and begins to push a person out of his own apartment. A person can get sick, and very seriously. Because it loses its vitality - its energy potential, wasting it on unnecessary things...
Energy potential leaks through holes in clothes...
All things that cause physical discomfort when worn should be mercilessly thrown away.
The fewer things we leave, the sooner our wardrobe will be replenished with new ones...
Keeping old books that we haven't used for a long time doesn't allow us to create space in our lives for new ideas and original ways of thinking. When too many books accumulate in the house, our thinking stops. Books must be released when their time comes. In the end, we should be left with a set of books that will reflect who we are today as we want to be tomorrow.”

Yes, it’s easier to part with small things, but what about large things? And I’m also very sorry to part with the books with which my bookcase is filled. And so far, to be honest, I don’t feel like throwing them away. Some were taken to the dacha - and they stopped there. Apparently, we need to get serious again about... no, not books, but first reconsider our attitude towards them. After all, many, indeed, are taken out only in order to brush off the dust from them.
I put some of my clothes in bags and place them next to the trash can: as a rule, after a few hours the bags disappear. It happens that we take things to the dacha: for alterations or use of clothes as work clothes, I offer something to low-income neighbors.
I've heard people sell things through message boards on the Internet. And what? Maybe a boring set of dishes, old curtains or a carpet from which a child is allergic will serve someone else. I don’t have that yet: everything serves the family.
What are you not ready to part with? With clippings of old newspapers (although the Internet has now collected all the information for a long time!), with my publications in various newspapers and magazines, with some drafts of my poems, with children's and youth diaries and notebooks with poems, with old notebooks with many notes, with letters and postcards; with drawings, crafts and the first diaries of his sons. I also have two dresses in my closet that I loved to wear when I was pregnant, several concert costumes that at one time gave me a lot of pleasant emotions.
Probably, someone will someday send these things to a landfill as having no value. But now they give me good memories and fill me with good energy. Let them be with me...

Decluttering is not just about getting rid of unnecessary things. This is the philosophy and psychology with which you should begin any major cleaning of your apartment or house. If you tend to hoard things, my article is for you.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

First I suggest thinking about what a thing is. What options come to your mind? Try using Google or opening a dictionary. It's simple. A thing is an inanimate object. You may have heard the Dalai Lama say, “People were created to be loved, but things were created to be used. The world is in chaos because everything is the other way around.” Think about this phrase.

How often can we scold children or loved ones who ruin our things! You will want to argue that everything costs money, but it is impossible not to notice how psychologically and emotionally dependent we are on our car, laptop, new shoes, beautiful service.

We started thinking about things too much. We spend our energy to earn more more money, with which we purchase things again. Perhaps you travel a lot, shop good books, eat in restaurants, but still you probably have a famous gadget in your pocket. We also take things on credit because we can’t stand it. Therefore, the very first thing to start with is to answer a few questions for yourself. simple questions. You can write your answers on the worksheet if you want to get started.

  1. What is my relationship with things?
  2. Do I part with things easily? What am I especially attached to?
  3. Are there things in my apartment that I haven’t used for a long time?

Why get rid of unnecessary things?

What bonuses do we get when we change our lives by changing our space?

  1. Space saving. I think this is quite logical. Less things - more space. If your closets are bursting at the seams, it might be time for you to declutter.
  2. Saving time and effort. Fewer things means less time to clean them. You don't have to run around the apartment, wondering where to put things. You know exactly where the keys, sweaters, robe and bags belong.
  3. Saving money. People who value their space are less likely to make impulsive and thoughtless purchases. You will no longer be able to purchase the eighth set or the tenth evening dress, because you know exactly what you need.
  4. Inner harmony. I am convinced that our inner and outer worlds are interconnected. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to start changing through decluttering.
  5. A place for new things. Yes, yes, if your house is littered with unnecessary items, you may think that you have everything. But if you allow yourself to get rid of what you don't use, something new will definitely take its place. This is not magic or mysticism.
  6. Controlling things. Now you will know exactly how many forks you need. There will be no shoes, sandals or boots lying around in your hallway. Each item now has its rightful place.

Notice what resonates the most? Do you like the idea that decluttering can help you save resources and keep things in check? If yes, I suggest you continue.

What prevents us from getting rid of unnecessary things?

  1. Perfectionism. This is where excuses begin from the series “my husband won’t support me”, “my mother constantly buys things”, “it’s impossible to do it perfectly”, “a teenage child will still clutter up his room”, “if only I had new apartment" All this hinders us not only in decluttering, but also in life. If I can't do a perfect cleaning, I'll live in a mess. This is the wrong way. How to get rid of it? Just start doing and observing, doing and observing! Stop on time. This seems difficult if a person is used to constantly bringing things to perfection. Just start. Not in one day. Gradually.
  2. Half measures. We start things and don't finish them. How is it treated? We start and finish. Just an effort of will, there are no magic pills here. The problem is the opposite of perfectionism. Read the article to the end, let’s start getting rid of half-measures now.
  3. A vicious circle.“I have a lot of junk at home, I’m tired, I have no strength, I go and buy more, and everything goes on in a circle.” What to do? Stop bringing unnecessary things and stop making impulse purchases. And here you can also include eternal excuses like “I’m pregnant”, “I’m giving birth”, “I gave birth”, “now I’m on vacation, I’m resting” or men’s “I changed my job, we’re moving, my wife gave birth, I’m still one". Of course, it is important to understand that only you can break this circle. How? Start doing now, not tomorrow.
  4. Habits. We put things in the wrong place. Accustom yourself today to put things immediately in their place. They took it, used it, put it in order, put it away. It's very simple and saves a lot of time. Teach this to older children too. The child threw the thing, you call and say: “Pick it up and take it to its place.” But! It is important to show where to put it. If something doesn’t have a place, it will continue to wander around the apartment.
  5. Blaming others. We can talk as much as we want about how the husband clutters the apartment or the mother constantly carries jars of jam into the house, and the wife filled the closet with clothes, but it’s better to look at yourself. Are we all right? How do we ourselves tend to accumulate?

Answer yourself these questions:

  1. Why do I want to declutter? What will this give me?
  2. What's stopping me from getting rid of unnecessary things?
  3. How did my parents feel about things? What did they say about them? When did you throw it away or give it away? What habits have I adopted?

Make time

You must understand that decluttering will take you from 20 to 120 minutes a day. So take a piece of paper, a pencil and get started. Describe all the rooms that are in your apartment. Plan a day and time to begin your space analysis. Spend a little more time in the kitchen. Don't spend more than two hours a day on this activity. Take it easy on decluttering.

Respect other people's things

Important: We don’t throw away other people’s things without permission! We do not put pressure on the husband, wife, parents, mother-in-law. These are their things and their rules! As for children: it’s important here that if the child is small and you know for sure that he won’t notice, get rid of it. If the child is older, negotiate with him! We don’t throw anything away without the owner’s knowledge. Teach children storage rules. Tell us where the toys, books, and clothes are.

What will you need before you start decluttering?

  1. We will need garbage bags, large and small. It is important that there is a large volume and a small one. In addition, the bags must be very durable.
  2. Containers where to put things. If you have everything just sitting on shelves, it's a mess. Fix Price and Ikea will help you. There is no need to buy everything at once, but if you yourself see that there are not enough containers, buy more, but without fanaticism. Budget option shoe box.
  3. Boxes are large or made from shoe boxes. There you will temporarily store what has not yet found a place. Just go there, otherwise you will live in a mountain of things!
  4. Notebook or notepad, tape measure, pen or pencil. This is necessary in order to write down if we need a container, and measure the shelves and space.

How do you know which items should be left at home and which ones should be gotten rid of?

Option one: We throw something away if we haven't used it for more than a year.

Option two: questions from the author of the book “Declutter Your Life” Andrew Mellen.

  1. Do I (do my family members) use...currently and/or often?
  2. Is this thing beautiful? Do I (or my family members) enjoy looking at her?
  3. Does it satisfy... practical purposes?

Option three: Question from the author of Marie Kondo’s book “The Magic of Tidying Up”. Do I like this thing?

Do you know what's really important? Focus on the things you leave behind! Yes, yes. We must take each item in our hands and analyze it. Should I leave it or not?

If we look at what to throw away, then usually we choose few things, or emotionally we get rid of what is really necessary. You can choose any decluttering method for yourself.

Most popular books

  1. "Declutter Your Life" by Andrew Mellen.
  2. "The Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo.
  3. “Simplify Your Life” by Erin Doland.

You can choose the decluttering system you like, but it’s important to remember that it should be tailored to your reality. There are no rules that suit everyone. Each of us has our own characteristics. The rule or storage system may not work for you. Don't go into denial. Get rid of prejudice. Take the best from each book.

It's also worth remembering everything you've read above when you decide to make your purchases.

Here, too, there are rules that should be followed:

  1. Don't buy anything you can borrow or borrow. Do you really need this thing? How often are you going to use it?
  2. Go to the store with a shopping list. This will help avoid problems. If you see something you need, put it on the list and cool down. And if you really need this item, you can purchase it next time.
  3. Be careful at sales. This is where we often buy things that we don’t use later.
  4. If you buy an item, think about whether it will be combined with other items in your wardrobe.
  5. Products. Here it is worth remembering that you need to go to the store well-fed.

And finally:

  1. Be “here and now”, sort things calmly. You are in no hurry.
  2. Try to be alone. This will make it easier for you to study everything carefully.
  3. Remind yourself that you are more important than your things.
  4. Find out where you can donate your unwanted items. Usually this charities. Don't forget about recycling.

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Housing is a special place that is imbued with the energy of its owners. Kitchen utensils, furniture, clothes, various souvenirs, gifts and plants - all this is not only a part of everyday life, but also collectively makes up the “mood” of the house. But it happens that an apartment or a house is burdensome and makes you feel spiritual emptiness, despondency and irritation. In this case, the housing can be cleaned. However, it becomes extremely uncomfortable to be in it.

It's all about the energy of the house and the presence of things that a priori should not be in the home.

If you want to make living in a house or apartment enjoyable, then you definitely need to know which objects and why are capable of accumulating negativity, influencing its inhabitants in a negative way. in the best possible way. We provide you with a list of things you need to get rid of right now. Certainly, we're talking about not about obvious garbage. Rather, it’s about the one that is usually justified as “it will come in handy somehow.”

Bottles and waste paper

Every home accumulates various kinds unnecessary things: bottles, string bags, packages, etc.. All this “good” begins to weigh down the inhabitants of the house over time. They are haunted by failures, overcome Bad mood and even depression.

Old magazines, newspapers, booklets and advertisements- all this clutters up not only your home, but also your internal condition. The same applies to bottles (glass or plastic). Storing them on the balcony or in closets does not allow the energy in the house to circulate normally.

In addition, you should definitely get rid of old receipts, pieces of paper, notebooks with unnecessary notes and other small, barely noticeable, but littering your home garbage.

According to Feng Shui, waste paper collecting dust and empty unused bottles attract poverty and quarrels.

You need to get rid of this garbage as quickly as possible.

Old shoes, bags and clothes

Of course, it’s difficult to get rid of your favorite jeans that have been mended more than once or sneakers worn to holes. But it's definitely worth doing. Each item has its own service life. Don't take clothes, accessories and shoes seriously. If it’s a shame to throw them away in a landfill, then take them to a thrift store, where they will get a second life and delight new owners.

Remember that old clothes tend to accumulate negativity that a person encounters every day: conflicts in a store line, unpleasant looks on the subway, or a quarrel with a grandmother at the entrance.

All these evil things “remember”.

If you don't want to pull a lot discomfort from the past, then you should definitely regularly update your wardrobe with new things.


Living in megacities, we are drawn to flora And fresh air Therefore, we have the habit of making the window sills of homes as dense as possible with pots of flowers. However, thoughtless landscaping can bring not only negative energy, but also diseases.

It is worth understanding which plants will become real helpers, and which ones will bring grief to the house.

  • Feather grass or reeds. These plants become a real magnet for serious illnesses and even death.
  • If you don’t want there to be quarrels and discord in your home, then don’t have vines in your home.

The exception is grapes, which, on the contrary, attract abundance and good luck to the house.

  • Do not forget to remove spruce trees and branches that are usually placed on new year holidays. This plant emits grave energy.
  • Immediately throw away bouquets that have wilted. They fulfilled their purpose.

Ideal plants for the home would be:

  • Flowers with rounded leaves.
  • Plants whose leaves stretch and grow upward.
  • Plants with masculine Yang energy: lemon, chlorophytum, dracaena, sansevieria and asparagus;
  • Plants with feminine Yin energy: money tree, violet, begonia and cyclamen;

Remember: to create an ideal energetic microclimate in the house, it is necessary that both plants with male Yang energy and flowers with female Yin energy be present in the home.

Kitchen utensils

Kitchen utensils are a kind of symbol of the house and the family that lives in it. Dishes broken in a fit of anger or accidentally become an accumulator of negativity and destructive energy.

A cracked or broken plate, bowl or saucer should not be stored in your home, so as not to attract destructive energy.

Don’t hesitate for a minute and remove rusty knives from the house.

A damaged knife blade can collect all the negativity in the house.

If a person picks up or cuts himself with such an object, he risks letting in bad energy.


As for the mirror, it itself is a kind of window into the other world. With its help, various magical rituals. And when a person dies in the house, it is customary to close the mirrors altogether, because in them you can see the wandering soul of the deceased.

If the house is broken mirror, then do not be surprised by failures and illnesses.

Feng Shui experts say that such a thing not only stores all negative energy those people who looked into it, but also begins to let out all the bad things when the mirror cracks.

Photographs and paintings

Of course, today it is fashionable to hang art-house photographs or paintings by contemporary artists depicting creative subjects on the walls. The main thing is that these stories do not carry negativity.

Remember that the message pressing on the psyche may also be hidden.

For example, negative energy and despondency may well be conveyed by a picture of trees fallen to the ground or photographs with war stories. You won’t realize it, but such pictures have an extremely bad effect on the psyche.

You should not keep photographs and portraits with your image at home that have deteriorated. According to Feng Shui, this means attracting family discord and destruction of friendships into your life.

If there are photographs of deceased relatives and loved ones in your home, be sure to store these photographs separately from other photos.

Gifts from ill-wishers

Sometimes we have to accept gifts from people who are completely uninteresting to us or cause negative emotions. Without thinking about the consequences, we accept gifts and then keep them at home, forgetting with what energetic subtext these things were presented.

  • It is not recommended to accept a mirror as a gift from an enemy. Moreover, keep such a gift at home. By accepting such a gift, you risk “giving away” your vitality and beauty to your giver.
  • Esotericists warn that gloves are also not a gift that should be accepted. Whether it’s mittens that protect from the cold or versions of gloves for decorative purposes, such a gift will not bring good to your life. Through such a gift, the giver can easily penetrate your life and begin to control it. If you have such gloves in your house, but you don’t wear them, it’s better to get rid of them.
  • Malachite products are a bad gift. This mineral transmits the energy of destruction. By giving such a gift, your enemy can take away your destiny, and you will not live your own life.
  • Another gift from an enemy that cannot be kept in the house is pectoral cross. Together with it, the donor can easily transfer a lot of negative energy to you.
  • Among the gifts that should not be accepted and then stored in the house or carried on oneself, feng shui experts highlight piercing and cutting objects. Sabers, knives, cutlasses or daggers around the recipient can create a negative aura that provokes crimes.

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