We throw away unnecessary things. Old bags from stores

What to do on New Year's holidays? The best thing to do is to lift yourself off the couch by your braids and do something useful. For example, .

Soon the shops will open and you can go shopping. In the meantime - it is necessary that prevents you from becoming perfect. The women's site advises what clothes to get rid of!

What clothes do we not want to get rid of?

Look in your closet: what's there? Neatly hung things that fit you perfectly, that highlight your figure and hide its flaws? Things that you can endlessly combine to create fashionable ensembles? Clothes that you wear often and enjoy wearing?

Unfortunately, this is not the case for most of us. Our closets are literally filled with clothes that we haven't worn in a long time.

What kind of clothes do we not throw away, even though we should?

  • Old but still good. How often do we promise ourselves that after washing these panties will go to rags, but... we find them in our closet again! What about boots with worn-out toes that look untidy even after being treated with cream? But they “help out” when the street is dirty!
  • Giving birth to memories. This dress has been too small for you for a long time, but you were wearing it when your husband proposed to you. How can you throw this away?!
  • Which you bought by mistake. Or not entirely by mistake. “I’ll lose two sizes and I’ll be able to wear it.”
  • Dear. How can you throw away that awful, pilly jacket if it has a Dolce & Gabbana tag on it and you spent half your salary on it?!

Oh, so many items... And a lot of clothes... But this is all rubbish! Beautiful and Successful has already written about why it is necessary.

When to get rid of old clothes

  • When you. There is a version that " he will find happiness on the stove" So why not meet this happiness fully armed - that is, worthy of your prince in a white Mercedes?
  • When you're not alone. Of course, your man will leave you at the first opportunity, seeing you wearing panties “like your grandmother’s.” But there will be less passion in the relationship. Love and respect too. And just looking at your closet, stuffed with who knows what, doesn’t increase mutual understanding between spouses.
  • When you feel it's time to change something. Organizing your wardrobe is a kind of catharsis, a cleansing of everything unnecessary and outdated. Yes, you feel sorry for parting with old things, but what a relief you will experience when you throw out all this junk! And how much space will appear to let something new into your life!

Things to throw away: clothes that are time to get rid of

So, let's start sorting out our wardrobe! It's best to do this. Only she can tell you the truth: that in this you look like your mother, but in that you are pale as death.


Perhaps the first thing that needs to be sorted out in order to leave everything that is most necessary and beautiful is. What sometimes only we see and feel – and in extra-situations, other people too.

I know some women who wear new, beautiful underwear and pantyhose without holes only when they are going to travel by car ( “What if I get into an accident and they take me to the hospital? – there’s a chicane there!”). This is not a joke, this is how most of us act!

  • Immense panties. We all remember that scene from Bridget Jones's diaries :) It really makes sense to buy such panties if they are drawstring panties. And yet they must be in perfect condition!
  • Panties for “these days”. Almost every woman has one of these. They are usually hidden in the farthest corner. But really, why not spoil good underwear on menstruation? Of course not! An excellent solution is to buy special underpants for “these days” - those that you would not dare to wear in ordinary days, and those that will cheer you up, because on such days we are especially vulnerable! Let the panties be mischievous, funny or with a cute pattern, and it is better to choose a non-staining color - black, red or... 😉
  • Lingerie that doesn't fit you. Time passes, your figure changes, and your old bras and panties begin to dangle or cut into your body. It's time to replace your underwear with something more comfortable - and this belongs in the trash.
  • Linen that has faded and faded and has lost its elasticity. Why wear something that doesn't make you feel good? Such things should be thrown away first, it’s the talk of the town, but many of us wear them anyway!
  • Torn: the seam has come apart, the bones came out and so on. Usually we store such linen in the hope that our hands will reach it and we will sew it up, repair it, and so on. So, either repair it now or get rid of it immediately!

Clothes that highlight your flaws

In order to get rid of clothes that highlight your shortcomings, you need to at least know them. Undress and carefully examine your figure in a large mirror. It is best if you write down the noticed flaws in the figure on paper - this will make it easier to take them into account.

Then find articles about how NOT to dress according to your personality, and throw away all the clothes that make you look ugly. Yes, it’s a pity, but you shouldn’t be ugly just because it’s fashionable now? If you don't want to become a laughing stock, !

Clothes that make you feel uncomfortable

Discomfort is a sign that this thing does not belong on your body. It turns out that you cannot relax in it, you are constantly thinking that the blouse may wrinkle, that the seams are cutting into the body, and so on, and so on... What's the end result? Nervous look, distorted face and no charm 🙁

And also...

Here the site gives a specific list of things that you need to get rid of first. So...

  • Old sweaters. Stretched, out of shape, covered in pellets, out of shape - but they warm so well! So give them to the homeless, they need them more 😀 If warmth is important to you, not appearance, close this article immediately!
  • Inappropriate T-shirts. We get T-shirts after concerts, vacations, as gifts, or just like that... Often there are too many of them. A dozen T-shirts can be enough for all occasions - including sleeping and playing sports. And leave the stretched, faded and stained ones not for sleeping, but for those same homeless people.
  • Skirts are not age appropriate. Get rid of those that are too short for you, as well as skirts with elastic and gathered waistbands. Everything else can most often be used.
  • Blouses, tops. - this is a classic, only if they are really white! There is a hint of yellowness - throw it in the trash can! Question silk blouses and tops with open backs and shoulders - they suit only a few people.
  • Hats. One thing that is definitely rarely used is hats! Most often, they collect dust for years somewhere on the top shelves of cabinets. Only summer hats and sports caps will be useful - the rest can be safely thrown away.
  • Coats and fur coats are in terrible condition. The ideal coat and fur coat are jewels that will serve you for years if you know how to care for them. But get rid of the moth-eaten, torn and shapeless ones immediately!
  • Old down jackets. Get rid of those that are no longer in fashion, that you washed “unsuccessfully”, stained and matted items, as well as down jackets with faux fur - it rarely looks presentable.
  • My grandma's pants. Throw away washed jeans - even if they are from a well-known brand.
    A form of trousers that disfigures everyone - with pleats at the waist and legs that taper towards the bottom. Throw away any similar ones you find on your premises.
  • Uncomfortable shoes. Throw away the ones that are uncomfortable, those with broken heels (most likely they can't be fixed), those with peeling noses and stinky insoles. Old sneakers are also not a match for you. Question those shoes that you have nothing to wear with them.
  • Scary bags. The old leather bag is completely worn out, but you paid a fortune for it! So such monsters gather dust in closets for years. Add to them quilted handbags and cheap cosmetic bags given as gifts in supermarkets - and add to your cart!
  • Dresses that make you look like a bag. Do you have a floral dress with a tie at the back in your wardrobe? Most likely, this is the same model in which almost each of us looks like a sack of potatoes. Get rid of these clothes.
  • Unnecessary decorations. Most likely, you have a lot of different types of jewelry that came to you in different ways - you just really liked it, because you were young, as a gift, and so on. Some you have never worn, because you simply can’t imagine what it could be worn with. Others have broken down and are waiting years to be repaired. Don't have any illusions - you'll never bring them to the workshop. Better give it to someone or just throw it away. You will immediately feel better!

Got rid of it. But what next?

If after sorting out your wardrobe there are only a few things left hanging forlornly - REJOICE!!!

After all, it’s better to have just a few perfectly fitting things than a pile of junk, when you look at it you realize that there’s nothing to wear again!

Now comes the most difficult stage - to determine what is missing in your wardrobe and buy it all. And so that you always have something to wear, first of all!

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Minimalism is a special way of life. It presupposes not only the absence of unnecessary things, it also creates conditions for getting rid of unnecessary clothes. And the last thing is very important: the reluctance or inability to part with old clothes clutters up the living space more than constant purchases. Each thing has its own active life span, and it is important not to miss when it expires.

How to break up with unnecessary things Right? How to get rid of junk that takes up space but will never serve its intended purpose? I have my own algorithm.

Step 1. Winter or summer?

Initially, all things in the house are divided into two large groups:

  1. "Summer",
  2. "Winter".

In the summer I work with the first, in the winter, respectively, with the second. This is important, because in hot weather it’s hard for me to appreciate the relevance, warmth and quality of a sweater, and in terrible frost it is sometimes impossible to understand all the beauty of a sundress. That's why critical analysis here and now we expose clothes that are about to begin to be worn, because the season is conducive to this.

Step 2. Ideal or not?

Things for the season are divided into three more groups:

1. Ideal.
They're trendy, they suit your personal style, they fit great, they're high quality.

2. Good, but...
Overall they are not bad, but there is something wrong with them. Wrong length, wrong volume, wrong parameters. They can make you a little fatter, a little outdated, put pressure on your stomach, or bunch up on your back.

2. Bad.
They went out of fashion, lost quality, stretched, and faded from washing. They may be loved, but the critical eye is unmistakable: these clothes have lost their original charm.

Step 3. Throw it away or keep it?

Three groups lie in front of you (you can even dump them carelessly). And here everything is easy:

  1. Ideal things stay in the closet and are actively worn,
  2. Things “Good, but...” are transformed - they can be altered, cut, changed with the help of accessories (for example, a belt). If there is no desire or ability to do something with them, you will have to part with them.
  3. Bad things are thrown away without regret. These are definitely the clothes that will never be worn.

A little more about "bad" things

  1. If you have gained weight, you can return to your previous figure, but you are unlikely to want to return to your previous wardrobe, which has lost its relevance during the “downtime”;
  2. Lost weight - your favorite things turn into shapeless bags, and you can wear them with a belt, but it will simply be ugly;
  3. We changed the style - your favorite midi skirt cannot be made mini by simply rolling it up at the waist;
  4. Growing up is especially important: 5 years ago, idiotic glasses, creepy plush platform sandals and an infantile denim overalls looked fresh on you, but today, alas, these are the same things from the past as rompers. They just don't suit you.

How to throw it away correctly?

There is just a sweater in pills, and you can use it for rags. But there is also a skirt bought with my first salary. There is a sundress in which you met your love. There is a lucky dress that I wore to pass my driving test (on the second try!). How to throw them away? How do I put them in the trash can?

Therefore, I do not suggest throwing away clothes or simply damaging them (for example, making a car cover out of a coat, which will be as frankly scary as the coat itself). To me, this is vandalism.

Clothes leave our lives like this:

  1. Given to friends or sold - the best things that have retained their quality and may attract someone else,
  2. Changes - you can exchange things with friends or other like-minded people, which will allow you to refresh your wardrobe for free,
  3. It is altered - for those who know how to do it, or know who to ask,
  4. Given to those in need (there are a lot of families like this, if you set a goal, you can easily find someone who will be happy to wear your old jeans),
  5. It is given to those who can make something special out of it.

The last one is very interesting. There are companies that make bags from old leather jackets. There are also craftsmen who remake old denim items into bags. And finally, there are families (not many of them) who make wonderful toys or accessories out of old clothes. I sent a whole package of my things to one such family, and I admire what they turned into. And most importantly, things did not disappear, they simply transformed.

Giving away clothes is easy and pleasant if it allows you to extend their life - just no longer in your closet or in your house dust. And most importantly, sold or given away items free up space and provide wide scope for choosing something new. When you only have clothes you like in your closet, it’s very easy to determine what’s still missing and buy exactly that.

A minimal wardrobe is a little creativity. You are not just creating your own set of clothes. And not even your style. You create a living space whose details delight you, because they simply cannot be boring. Oh no,

minimalism is very inspiring and interesting!

Why? More about this next time.

In the meantime, what do you think of the idea? Do you agree? Have you ever thrown things away?

The average household can contain up to 300,000 items. Large items and small trinkets accumulate in your apartment month after month, year after year. But what do all these things mean to you? You put scraps of wallpaper that remained after repairs, bolts, nuts, failed spare parts from household appliances...You think this will come in handy someday. You keep children's toys and clothes that no one will wear, pens without fulcrums, cards, letters, photographs, old cassette tapes and other things to which you have an emotional attachment.

Holy faith in the finest hour of old things

Many people firmly believe that unnecessary things should lie in the chest of drawers and wait for their finest hour. To some extent this is true. For example, your neighbor who recently gave birth to a baby will be happy with little suits, rompers and rattles as a free gift. Certain memories connect you with other objects that have been in your hands at least once. Some of them are too dear to your heart, which is why you can't imagine putting them in bags and taking them to garbage dump. Let's try to figure out whether all these things are so important to you.

How to determine the usefulness of an item?

It is much easier to exist in a spacious room, in an uncluttered space, where every thing that is in the closet is in active use. Psychologists advise conducting a regular audit of household utensils and getting rid of everything that you have not used for the last two years. The usefulness of an item must be determined based on the following parameters:

  • Will this item be useful to you in the future?
  • How much usable space does it take up?
  • How quickly can you purchase an alternative?

A formula that indicates that a thing has outlived its usefulness

Let us introduce the abbreviation PICHDRZ into the calculations, where PI is last used, H - frequency of use, D - high cost of the item, P - costs associated with operation, Z - costs associated with obtaining a new analogue. Now let’s look at the equation itself: PI (long time) + H (rarely) + D (minimum) + P (high) + Z (low) = no need to store.

Let's demonstrate how this formula works with a specific example. Let's take your old dress that is out of fashion. You can hope that in 5-10 years fashion will take a new turn and this item will be in trend again, but with the same degree of probability you can gain 1-2 sizes.

The last time you wore this item was two years ago, since then you have not worn it (rarely worn it). A similar dress can be ordered on the website of any online store within 5 minutes, and old things generally occupy 3/4 of your closet, which clearly interferes with normal functioning. And finally, when you compare prices, you come to the conclusion that you can easily afford to buy something similar in the near future. All conditions coincided, so it is advisable to take this dress to a landfill or donate it to those in need. This item, unlike vintage cars or pieces of art, will not increase in value in the future.

What to do with gifts?

Decluttering involves more than just sorting clothes, shoes or kitchen utensils. You feel emotionally attached to some things and don't want to lose touch with your loved one by getting rid of the gift. Try to remember exactly when this memento was given as a gift and whether it achieved its purpose. It is believed that after more than two years, the gift turns into an ordinary thing, and its usefulness can be considered using the above formula. With each subsequent year, this item loses its power more and more, so it will not be able to emotionally connect you with your chosen one the way new gifts do.

If you bought something, you need to get rid of something

To avoid cluttering the space to such an extent that it will take the entire weekend to clear the visit, we recommend that you adhere to the following rule. Every time you are about to purchase new thing, you must get rid of one unnecessary item. This will help you maintain balance.
Part with your old stuff without regret, because free space significantly saves your mental energy!

Life has become boring, monotonous, luck is not on your side, financial problems have arisen, or you can’t meet your soul mate? In this case, look around: if at home you are surrounded by old things that have not been used for a long time, but, as a rule, it’s a pity to throw them away, then this may be the reason for all the failures.

Very often, in order to bring something new into your home, you simply need to get rid of the old. Do you want to know how to properly throw away old things to attract new and good things into your life? Then read our publication today on the “Dream House” website and be sure to try to put the listed tips into practice.

Why you need to periodically throw away old things

According to Feng Shui, old things cluttering a house interfere with the free circulation of qi energy, and as a result, energy blocks are created both in the house itself and in its occupants. This is why poor health, failures, and dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life appear. In such a house you don’t want to do anything, apathy and laziness manifest themselves, it’s even difficult to breathe in it, and things seem to put pressure on the brain, provoking the appearance of negative thoughts.

Ideally, qi energy should look into every corner of the house, filling it and the people living in it with new vitality, giving happiness, health, peace of mind, financial well-being. When all the corners are occupied by some kind of rubbish or unnecessary things, then the energy does not even reach these places. One has only to take and throw away some of the old things, and the situation will begin to change.

How to get rid of old things: where to start

As a rule, throwing away old things starts with the closets, but no one bothers you to start, for example, with “cleaning out” the loggia, the pantry. Better yet, first get rid of unnecessary large items, for example, a worn out soft sofa or a crumbling chest of drawers, which no one will repair. Moreover, in the old upholstered furniture bedbugs and other insects that are dangerous to humans can live. So let's get started...

Balconies and loggias

On the balcony, find all the trash that was put away in case it “suddenly comes in handy”, but for six months, a year or more you haven’t even touched it. Look what's hidden in boxes, old suitcases and - there's probably something to throw away, if not everything! By the way, if you don’t need the suitcase either, then you can safely throw it away, the only exceptions being those.

What other unnecessary items can be found on the balcony? Look for junk in tool boxes; as a rule, there may be some parts stored there that you planned to “return” to their place, fix something, but never did, especially if that thing, the part from which is stored.

In general, it is best to use a balcony or loggia not for unnecessary rubbish, but as a place to relax, or to arrange a greenhouse there.


This is another place that can simply be filled with junk. If you decide to throw away old things, then you need to start looking for them in the pantry.

Feel free to throw away any broken equipment stored in the pantry, for example, an old one or one that you will no longer repair, but kept in case “what if I decide to do it.”

If food is stored in a pantry or closet, they need to be checked for freshness: old canned food can be safely thrown away; you also need to check bulk products and make sure that there are no “living creatures” in them; There is no room for rotten vegetables either.

Take away everything you don’t use, repair shelves, cabinets, doors if they are broken somewhere, glue up the torn wallpaper, refresh the walls and doors with new paint. The pantry should be ventilated after such cleaning.

Cabinets and drawers

There is probably nothing harder than throwing away clothes and shoes, especially if they suit you very well, still like them or remind you of some event. Clothes and shoes, like no other things, “remember” your energy, so before throwing old things out of the closets, wash and dry them, wipe your shoes with a damp cloth. It is even recommended to burn things that are no longer suitable for anything. Everything old that has accumulated on things, especially bad ones, should not return to you or pass on to others. Therefore, either wash it away or destroy it!

You've probably already heard that you need to throw away things that haven't been worn for six months, but here everything is individual, depending on the situation or at your discretion. You can throw away everything old in one fell swoop, but it happens that your hand does not rise, then the solution will be to learn to throw away old things one by one, gradually, day after day...

In addition to cabinets, also check chests of drawers, ottomans, sofas, etc. What's stored in the built-in storage drawers in your bed? If these are bedding, then everything is fine, but if there are “trunks” with old things, throw them away mercilessly!

There are a lot of small drawers in furniture sets for the hallway, in children's walls and even in. They need to be checked for any unnecessary little things: checks, receipts, tear-off sheets of notes, old magazines and newspapers, broken pencils or written-off pens, etc. Do you still feel bad about throwing away all these old things? Believe me, your life will be better without them!


Another place for unnecessary things to accumulate in an apartment or house is the kitchen. Here's how to declutter your kitchen:

  • First of all, you need to find all the chipped dishes, plates or cups with cracks, teapots and sugar bowls with broken handles - we shamelessly throw all this in the trash, without regret.
  • Old, unnecessary and ugly utensils that you haven’t used for a long time are also waiting to be thrown away.
  • Next, you need to throw away worn-out kitchen textiles - towels, an apron, replacing it all with new and clean ones.
  • Go through the cabinets where bulk products and cereals are stored, clean everything and put things in order.
  • Remove anything that doesn't belong in your kitchen cabinets.
  • Check cutlery and all kinds of utensils. Feel free to throw away all those that have lost their appearance, lost their functionality, are broken or simply require replacement.

Also, carry out a regular cleaning and throw away unnecessary items each time so that it is as spacious, fresh and clean as possible.

What things should not be thrown away

  • antiques that cost a lot of money;
  • items in good condition that can be sold;
  • things from which you can make crafts, interior decor (provided that you are really doing this and not just dreaming of starting);
  • things that will be useful at the dacha (no fanaticism here, so that EVERYTHING doesn’t come in handy by accident!);
  • children's things and toys that can be passed on to someone “by inheritance”.

Many people really need to learn how to throw away old things without hesitation and without feeling sorry. Sometimes it is very difficult, but the result is worth it! When we get rid of the old, something new will certainly come into our lives, and it will definitely be clean and positive. Good luck decluttering!

It's time to start spring cleaning! Again, you turn out the contents of all the cabinets and nightstands onto the floor and begin to sort through the heaps of trash. “It seems like you don’t need this box, but it’s so beautiful! But this blouse reminds me of student years... Magazines from the early 2000s seem to be no longer relevant, but there beautiful pictures and the recipes are interesting, although I have no desire to cook at all.”

This is how mountains of garbage accumulate in the house, of which there is absolutely no use for many years, and they take up plenty of space. How to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment?

Every home has a bag or two of unnecessary things. Most often, the following items fall under this concept:

  • old dishes, extra sets;
  • outdated or broken equipment;
  • cloth;
  • toys;
  • magazines, newspapers, notebooks with notes;
  • empty jars and boxes;
  • stationery;
  • shoes;
  • all sorts of little things like accessories and hats;
  • expired cosmetics;
  • pieces of furniture.

Get ready to get rid of everything that does not benefit you and only interferes with your life, because it takes up free space and spoils the atmosphere of comfort.

Let's start getting rid of unnecessary things: 10 unusual ways

To begin with, it wouldn’t hurt to do general cleaning and throw away everything you don't mind. But this is just the beginning, and it will be more difficult to part with things further. Therefore, we offer you 10 techniques that will help you master the art of getting rid of unnecessary things.

Crucial 12 months

Most best way find out what things should be thrown away - keep track of what you use throughout the year. While going through the boxes, try to remember when you were in last time met with every subject.

With things in the closet, everything is generally simple: hang the clothes on hangers and unfold them reverse side. Turn every item worn at least once right side out. In a year you will see what remains untouched. If you haven’t worn it during all this time, you’re unlikely to wear it later. The same goes for other items.

Imaginary move

Imagine that the time has come to move to a modest, cozy apartment. There is little space in the boxes, so you can only take with you what you really need. Can you do without a juicer and toaster? There is a reason to get rid of them. In your “new” home, you are also unlikely to need cutouts from magazines from ten years ago and cute dresses from your school days. But put your favorite shoes and folder with documents away from the trash can!

Psychology of poverty

There is a theory according to which people who lack finances to organize their lives are prone to hoarding, not money, but garbage things. This is due to the desire to leave something “for a rainy day, what if it comes in handy?”

If you do not consider yourself poor and are striving to improve the quality of your life, immediately eradicate this habit.

Soon you will notice that life is really starting to get better. Positive thoughts and a new environment in the apartment are powerful prerequisites for achieving well-being.

Create comfort

It is impossible to achieve a warm, cozy atmosphere if your home is littered with junk. From this pile, select items that can be used to make your home more comfortable and cozy. For example, hang old family photos on the wall, put a blanket on the chair, make a panel of memorable little things. And don't forget to read.

But throw everything that turns out to be superfluous into the trash. Believe me, the apartment will become more spacious and much more comfortable.

Down with broken things!

Remember the main rule: never keep broken things. These include torn clothes or broken dishes. If something was not repaired immediately, the situation is unlikely to change in the future.

Tights with a crease even after darning will not look so great. There is no need to try to glue a broken favorite cup or vase - the seams will still be noticeable, and such objects attract bad energy. In addition, there is a pleasant reason to buy something new.

Rule of ten

This is a very useful and clever trick. Its essence is that every week you need to throw away 10 unnecessary items. For example, in 7 days, used cosmetics jars, dead batteries, a stack of scribbled papers, holey socks, etc. can accumulate. The rest will be found in the depths of the closet or on the mezzanine.

Don't forget that different types Garbage needs to be disposed of in different ways. In particular, this applies to batteries and accumulators, plastic and glass containers.

Thanks to this technique, you will soon get rid of most unnecessary things, and absolutely “painlessly”.

Gifts for no reason

Another way to part with unnecessary things is to donate them. Surely, in your closets there are purchases that are useless to you, gifts that have never been tried and other nonsense. Think about it, maybe someone you know could use it more. For example, you can buy an almost new food processor for a friend who loves to cook much more than you. Well, what if your gift doesn’t benefit her? Well, then relax, it's not your problem anymore :)

Learn to share

Children's things, books read, toys are memorabilia, but you can do without them. But there are people who lack precisely these things that are useless to you. Learn to share, no need to create a junk warehouse at home.

    Find out if someone you know needs items that you have in your “stocks”.

    Call orphanages and clarify the list of necessary items, or immediately directly transfer them packages with selected “goods”.

    Take things to the volunteer center, so people in need have the opportunity to get what they lack.

This way you will do a good deed and parting with what you have accumulated will not be so difficult.

Source of additional income

There is another very useful way get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment. Organize a sale! It’s very easy to do this today; you don’t need to stand in the market or in the courtyard of your house and offer goods to passers-by.

    Create an ad on free sites for selling things. If an item is expensive, it would not be a bad idea to advertise it for a symbolic price.

    Post an ad on your social media page. You can ask your friends to repost or send a message to thematic flea market groups.

    Take your items to the consignment center. This is especially true for electronics and household appliances, as well as children's things and furniture.

An alternative option is to arrange a barter. You can negotiate with friends or on special websites. For example, you can exchange a skirt you are tired of for beautiful jewelry or a blouse in a fashionable color.

Limit the space

To prevent debris from accumulating again after general cleaning, limit the space available for storing it. The closets should be spacious and comfortable. Leave a separate drawer or bedside table for the most expensive and memorable things, select a suitcase or a beautiful box, but nothing more. Balcony, mezzanine, attic, top shelves of a closet, drawers in a chest of drawers - this is not a place for storing rubbish! Store here only what you really need.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk throwing away something really important and necessary. To prevent the accumulation of junk in the future, reorganize your storage system. Surely you will have a lot of space freed up, so there is a reason to make a small rearrangement and update the interior.