Ivan Zhidkov: “Lily and I have an honest relationship. Ivan Zhidkov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children, daughter - photo And how is your relationship with Lilya?

Similar in many ways. He is resourceful, determined, with a sense of humor. I hope that these qualities are also present in me. When, due to circumstances, Maxim ends up in the village, he experiences an internal transformation that radically changes him. Unlike Maxim, my computer skills are very mediocre, but I actively use the Internet and maintain pages on social networks. And I watch our series from time to time - you know, I like this story.

— What did you have to learn for this role?

— I learned how to operate a chainsaw. And, probably, for the first time, filming did not exhaust me, but gave me strength. While working, we lived in Karelia, in the city of Olonets. Most of the story was filmed in an almost abandoned village. The hut where Maxim lives is real, but deserted. In addition to the film crew, locality Several ancient grandmothers live there. In such places the most valuable thing is energy, serenity and Fresh air. What we miss so much in the metropolis.

— Have you, like your hero, ever been betrayed?

- Not without it. I think everyone has had moments in life when they were let down or deceived. I saw everything: meanness, betrayal, decency, and nobility. I am not a vindictive person and am quite loyal to people. Someone said: “Giving chances to a person who betrayed you is the same as giving a second bullet to someone who didn’t hit you the first time...” My hero tries to resist human meanness, he fights. I prefer to avoid people who deceived me.

— So you won’t defend the truth with your fists?

— As a child, I often fought to prove that whoever is stronger is right. In fifth grade, my dad brought me to the boxing section. But even then I realized: you shouldn’t give up without a reason. The exception is indeed extreme situation. In fact, I only seem harmless on the surface. I can stand up for myself. But I try to be careful: not to get into trouble and not to risk my life. My character is not ideal: I am quick-tempered, it is difficult for me to concentrate on one thing. But I'm working on myself.

— Why did you leave the Tabakerka Theater? Don't like restrictions?

“I hated a certain convention and regime. And the fact that I owe something to someone, am dependent on something. Freedom is very important to me.

"Prince of Siberia". Photo: still from the series

— When you entered the acting profession, did you think about its addiction?

- Of course not. It so happened that I became an actor thanks to my dad. He once said: “Van, there are auditions for a commercial for the Telescope store, go…” They took me, I starred in the commercial. And then my dad advised me to try my hand at a theater institute. I attended preparatory courses at the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute (we lived in Yekaterinburg at the time), and then entered the Moscow Art Theater School.

— You’ve recently lost noticeably weight. Where did you start?

— At some point, I thought about how I wanted to see myself: unkempt and fat or fit and healthy? I chose the second one. I gave up alcohol, cut down on sweets, resumed regular boxing, and started running. These are all seemingly simple, basic things, but the result was not long in coming - I lost 12 kg. By the way, I also introduce my daughter to an active lifestyle: for example, during a walk, Mashenka (she is five years old) roller skates, and I belay her from behind.

— After the divorce (from actress Tatyana Arntgolts. — TN note) did you become a Sunday dad?

— I’m a dad who lives separately. I try to see my daughter as often as possible, I dream of going to the sea this summer with her. By the way, I’m going to go to Masha’s matinee. My daughter has a major key kindergarten: there she goes in for swimming and tennis. Mashenka already knows how to read. And recently I bought her a 3D pen. Such a newfangled thing with which you can create three-dimensional images. It turned out that it is not so simple! Let's study together!

- What kind of daughter do you want to see?

“I want her to be strong.” Life is a struggle where only the strong survive. I explain to her that complaining and sneaking around is bad. I also teach you how to keep secrets. So, Masha categorically forbids chewing gum, and I always buy it for my daughter. (Smiles.) This is our little secret with Masha. But in general I am a responsible dad!

- What about your personal life? Are you thinking about a family?

“I am well aware that family is a lot of work. Tanya and I’s family fell apart, but we remained in good relations. I don’t regret anything and I’m grateful to Tanya for what we had. And today the most important thing is that I have Masha. I live by the motto: don't give up, look to the future with positivity and be honest. Now I don't know if I want new family. I'm not ready to create something new yet.

Photo: press service of the STS TV channel, from the personal archive of Ivan Zhidkov


Many people now know Russian actor Ivan Zhidkov. Biography, personal life of this talented person interesting to fans. Today he can safely be called one of the most popular artists in Russia; he has acted in films with many famous Russian directors.

According to Zhidkov himself, the best films with his participation are “ Storm Gate", "Kilometer Zero" and "Black Lightning", although the rest of the works are very memorable.

Ivan Zhidkov: biography, family, childhood

On August 28, 1983, in Sverdlovsk, present-day Yekaterinburg, a baby was born, who was named Vanya. The parents could not be happier with their son; he was their only child. After the breakup Soviet Union the head of the family, Alexey Zhidkov, went into business, his wife helped him in everything, and as a result of their work, the family lived in prosperity. Due to commercial activities, they had to move to Kaliningrad, but after some time the Zhidkovs returned to Yekaterinburg again.

The biography of Ivan Zhidkov tells that his acting abilities were noticed back in early childhood. Exactly then little boy Vanya, whose family was in no way connected with the world of art, was offered to star in a commercial for a computer store. His parents already noticed their son’s artistry and advised him to enroll in a theater school after graduating from school, but Ivan wanted to become a businessman, like his father.

It is not known what the guy’s fate would have been like if it weren’t for the C marks in his certificate; he didn’t study well, so in economics university in Yekaterinburg didn't arrive. Having listened to the opinion of his parents, Ivan goes to Moscow and successfully passes the exams at the Moscow Art Theater School for the acting department.

Theater stage

The biography of Ivan Zhidkov is very interesting, because the guy was destined to become an actor from the very beginning. While still a student, Oleg Tabakov himself was able to discern his talent, and he offered young Ivan the debut role of Peter in the play “The Last”.

In 2004, the young, handsome artist graduated from the Moscow Art Theater and ended up at Tabakerka, where he worked until 2007. Then Zhidkov decided to change the theater stage to a film set and never regretted it. From time to time he plays in enterprise performances, but he does not think about a serious return to the world of theater; cinema turned out to be closer to the actor.

Film actor career

Now it's already famous actor Ivan Zhidkov, his biography shows that even his first film roles were very successful and gave him an excellent start in his career as a film actor.

His film debut was the film “In the Constellation of the Bull,” in which he starred in 2003, in student years. After this work there were roles in such popular TV series as “Children of Vanyukhin”, “Soldiers-4”, “Deadly Force-6”. In 2006, the film “Stormy Gates” was released, and after participating in this sensational action film, Ivan Zhidkov became a prominent figure in cinema. First main role the actor played in the film “Kilometer Zero”, after which he was regularly offered to play leading characters. Zhidkov likes to act in short series and serial films, but he does not want to take part in “long-running” projects.

Ivan Zhidkov: biography, personal life

In 2006, aspiring actor Ivan Zhidkov met Katya Semenova, who was also already a theater and film actress. The flame of love flared up between the young people. They began to live together, but the love did not last long; a year later the couple broke up without having time to register their relationship.

The biography of Ivan Zhidkov shows that almost immediately after breaking up with Ekaterina, at the end of 2007, Ivan Zhidkov accidentally met actress Tatyana Arntgolts. As the actor himself recalls, after just a few minutes of meeting him, he was sure that he would marry beautiful girl. On top of everything else, Ivan and Tatyana began working together in the series “Love is like love.” The romance between them developed very quickly; after a year of romantic courtship, the couple got married and went to the Maldives for their honeymoon.

During the honeymoon, the young wife was already pregnant; on September 15, 2009, Tatyana gave birth to Ivan’s daughter Mashenka.

It would seem so beautiful famous couple can't break up, but it didn't work out as planned. The love passed, at first Arntgolts and Zhidkov simply stopped living together, and in January, 31st, 2014, they officially filed for divorce. On the day of the divorce, both actors were on film set, since this procedure was a mere formality for them.

Masha stayed to live with her mother, but when Tatyana is busy filming, the girl stays with her dad, fortunately there is an apartment ex-spouses located close to one another. If both parents are busy, then Ivan’s mother comes from Yekaterinburg to help, or Masha goes to her other grandparents - in Kaliningrad, where Tanya’s parents live. The girl does not suffer because of the divorce of her mother and father, since they have kept friendly relations and do not harbor grudges against each other.

Interesting facts from the life of Ivan Zhidkov

Biography of Ivan Zhidkov, like everyone else famous person, is very interesting, especially for fans of his talent. Some interesting facts from the life of this famous actor are now before you:

  • At the age of 12, Vanya looked younger than his age; those around him thought that he was still small, and he was 8-9 years old. The girls didn’t pay any attention to him at all; now it’s very hard to believe, looking at the handsome handsome man.
  • The actor’s favorite book is Stendhal, “The Red and the Black.”
  • Zhidkov's favorite writer is Jack London.
  • Favorite movie - "The Diamond Arm".
  • Favorite actor - Evgeny Mironov.
  • To film “The Smile of God, or a Pure Odessa Story,” Ivan Zhidkov left his job in the theater in 2007.
  • In the nineties, Ivan and Tanya Arntgolts lived in Kaliningrad in neighboring houses; after some time, in the capital, the future spouses lived in neighboring dormitories, they had a lot of mutual acquaintances, but they met only ten years later.

Ivan Zhidkov was born on August 28, 1983 in the city of Yekaterinburg. At the age of 9, he moved to Kaliningrad with his parents. Growing up in a family of businessmen, the future actor had a fairly practical outlook on life and was preparing to enter the Ural University. Polytechnical Institute. But fortune made its own adjustments, thanks to which fans are constantly looking for last news 2017 about the personal life and career of Ivan Zhidkov.

Noticing a beautiful pretty face young man, he was invited to appear in a commercial for a computer store. Due to the success that filming brought to Ivan Zhidkov, his father recommended that he reconsider his career aspirations and try his hand at acting.

Having listened to the opinion of his parent, whom he looked up to all his life, Ivan, after graduating from school in 2000, went to preparatory courses in theater arts. And having arrived in the capital, the first time he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, under the leadership of Evgeniy Kamenkovich. Ivan fully revealed his creative potential, becoming one of the top five best and most promising students. Therefore, no one was surprised by the fact that he successfully completed his studies.

Work in the theater

Oleg Tabakov, the legendary founder of the Tabakerka theater, could not help but draw attention to talented actor. Soon he invited Ivan to work. Very often Tabakov compared Zhidkov with Sergei Bezrukov - one of best actors Russia over the past 10 years.

It was in “Snuffbox” that the young actor played his debut role in the play “The Last”. This success paved the way for further growth. After the debut, Zhidkov was invited by Tabakov to the Chekhov Theater to play the main role in the play “Yu”, where Ivan played Dmitry. Following these roles, which brought unprecedented success, he played in the following plays:

Ivan Zhidkov in his youth

  • "Biloxi Blues";
  • “Sunday is super”;
  • “Overstocked barrels”;
  • "White Guard".

The last role, describing the personal life of Nikolka Turbina, brought Ivan Zhidkov fame and an award at the capital’s Moscow Debuts festival, as the news regularly reminds us of in 2017.

But in 2007, the actor decided to completely stop working on stage. The restrictions imposed by being tied to the state theater did not allow Zhidkov to fully realize his ambitions as a screen star. Having become very successful in cinema, he leaves the theater for filming. But, even despite the fact that Oleg Tabakov does not approve of this decision, the relationship between the director and actor remains warm and friendly.


Zhidkov began acting in films from the moment he entered drama school. The melodrama “In the Constellation of the Bull” brought him his first rays of fame, which became his debut due to the high praise of critics. But especially famous in general public this role could not be given to him. This happened due to the fact that the film directed by Pyotr Todorovsky did not gain much popularity among viewers.

After filming the movie, Ivan was invited to play the role of Max in the serial series “Children of Vanyukhin”, where the actor played along with such famous actors like Alexey Serebryakov, Alena Babenko and Oleg Korchikov. After filming, they began to recognize him on the streets and ask for autographs, and the newly acquired fans continue to look for the latest news in Ivan Zhidkov’s personal life in 2017.

Still from the film “For You”

Since 2008, the actor has been invited to star in war dramas, which have received high marks not only from film critics, but also collected huge box office receipts in cinemas. These are films deservedly appreciated by viewers:

  • “Storm Gates” (Zhidkov received recognition not only from the audience, but also from the Russian Ministry of Defense, which awarded him the medal “For the unification of the military community”);
  • "Net";
  • melodrama “Kilometer Zero” (for which the actor received the prize for best supporting actor at the “Constellation-Tver” film festival);
  • comedy “The Smile of God” (award - best actor in 2009).

On the set of the film "For You"

According to audience reviews, in the film “Stormy Gates,” where the actor played the role of Private Konstantin Vetrov, he embodied in his character the symbol of Russian soldiers who fight in Chechnya for equality and freedom. In this film, the cast so sensually and believably conveyed the attitude of the military towards the war and their love for the Motherland that they could not leave either the audience or the critics indifferent. The film “Storm Gates” conveys the spirit of a Russian soldier who is ready to fight and die for the Motherland, freedom and equality of people living in his country. Thanks to this film, people began to perceive the military situation unfolding in Chechnya differently.

Since 2010, the actor has received many leading roles in Russian serials, including melodramas. Russian viewers, fascinated by the actor’s performance, watch TV series in order to see Ivan Zhidkov and enjoy his talent and charm.

An actor on the set of the film “Run!”

In 2012, Ivan Zhidkov plays a role in the melodrama “Night Violet,” which quickly gained high viewing ratings. And in 2017, viewers, with bated breath, carefully follow the developments in the series, enjoying the personal lives of the heroes Ivan Zhidkov and Natalya Rudkova, subsequently looking for the latest news about their favorite actors.

Personal life

The romantic story of how Ivan Zhidkov and Tatyana Arntgolts met for a long time was everyone's decoration famous magazines about the stars. The young people who lived next door while studying at the theater school met completely by accident. They believed that fate itself brought them together.

Actor with his first wife Tatyana Arntgolts

Later a short time After meeting, Tatyana and Ivan got married and celebrated their wedding modestly but tastefully. The popular actress and the rising actor got married at the end of 2008. And in September 2009, Tatyana gave birth to a daughter, who was named Maria. Everyone believed that there would be no more changes in Ivan Zhidkov’s personal life and in 2017 all the latest news about the actor would be related to Arntgolts and their children. And at first the couple did not disappoint their fans.

Ivan Zhidkov with his daughter

Happy married couple lived in perfect tandem. They often starred together in films and TV series and talked Interesting Facts from their family life and established traditions. But in 2014, an unexpected event happened. The family of popular actors broke up, but neither Tatyana nor Ivan focused on their divorce. Despite the fact that the young people began to live separately, they settled next door in order to raise their daughter together and not deprive her of mutual parental attention.

New novels

Ivan Zhidkov never advertised his personal life, so in 2017 the latest news is not full of variety. But unconfirmed rumors began to appear among media publications that after the divorce, the actor again began dating Ekaterina Semenova, a beautiful and charming beauty with whom he had a short affair during his student years.

In the early spring of 2015, Zhidkov himself attracted public attention to his personal life by announcing his serious relationship with Lilia Solovyova. The actor met a 23-year-old student in social network, and after some time their relationship developed into a romantic one despite the almost ten-year age difference.

WITH new lover Liliya Solovyova

And in October 2017, Ivan Zhidkov’s personal life began to sparkle with new colors. Pregnant Lydia regularly delighted fans of her chosen one with photographs of her growing belly. She shared her experiences with her subscribers and talked about how her pregnancy was going.

On October 18, 2017, Lydia Solovyova gave birth to Zhidkova a healthy, handsome son, whom the young people named Stepan. The actor, delighted with the birth of the long-awaited child, did not hesitate to publish photographs of Lilia directly from the maternity hospital on his official page. In the postscript to the photo, he talked about how his son was born at three in the morning, how the birth went and what feelings the young father and mother were experiencing.

Ivan Zhidkov now

Despite the fact that some fans of Ivan Zhidkov began to think about how the birth of a son would affect the relationship between Ivan and his daughter from his first marriage, Lydia dispelled all doubts. Maria and Lydia have known each other for a long time and get along well. They go shopping together and often spend weekends together, because Tatyana Arntgolts tries to maintain friendly and close relations with Ivan. Tatyana and Ivan understand perfectly well what they have common child, which bound them together for life. Therefore, they try to be loyal and adequate to each other’s new personal lives, without showing jealousy or causing scandals.

Ivan Zhidkov

Professionally, Ivan Zhidkov can be called lucky, a darling of fate. After school, he left Yekaterinburg for Moscow and entered the Moscow Art Theater School on the first try. Then he was immediately taken to Tabakerka and to the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. He made his film debut with Pyotr Todorovsky himself, in the film “In the Constellation of the Bull.” At the same time, he starred a lot in TV series, including “Soldiers-4”, “Storm Gates”, “Network”. " Actor's life consists of ups and downs, everything can change overnight. One moment you are in full demand, then suddenly there is silence, no offers, and you sit without work for six months. But I always, under any circumstances, remain an optimist, I believe that one should not give up or give up,” says Zhidkov. After a difficult life period and increased work he is once again full of enthusiasm and strength.

- Vanya, you got married early - at twenty-five. Is it really so at a young age Did you believe that this was serious and for a long time?

— When people get married, they want to believe that it is forever. Why get married then? And I was simply convinced that this was my family - and it would be for life. And when my acquaintances told me (and there were many of them): “Come on, Van. You’ll get divorced, you’ll see!” - Naturally, I didn’t listen to anyone. I sincerely thought that this would not happen to us. And Tanya believed too. For the time being... If I say that things didn’t work out for us, because we are absolutely different people- This will probably sound banal. But it is true! Tanya is very calm, organized, hyper-responsible, she has clarity and order in everything. And I am terribly emotional, explosive, I get excited instantly. Also stubborn. Vigorous mixture! And Tanya is also a girl with character. In short, it was difficult for us to agree on anything in principle. And in general, we needed different things from each other. What Tanya wanted, I could not give her, and vice versa. Gradually, the points of contact between us disappeared completely, we existed in parallel, each lived his own life... Love passed, the tomatoes withered. (Laughs.) Although they wrote a lot that Tanya left me for Grigory Antipenko. This is complete nonsense, from the realm of science fiction. I hope I have the right to clarify. Grisha has nothing to do with this at all, he’s just Tanya’s partner in the play “Two on a Swing.” That's all! And the rest is speculation, which was inflated by journalists... So no one left anyone. We separated by mutual consent. This did not happen overnight, but accumulated and matured for a long time. And when Tanya’s impulse arose that it was time to call it a day, I picked it up.

— Did you experience the breakup painfully? After all, you lived together for almost six years. The period is considerable.

“When your entire way of life has been geared towards your family for several years, and it falls apart, you get a little lost. You ask yourself questions: “So what now? Should we start all over again? Although I had a place to live and what to live on, I was in a certain prostration... My parents lived together for more than thirty years, and although everything happened, they kept the family together. She remained strong. And, of course, I was disappointed that my fortress could not stand... But there was no frantic drama, no powerful stress. Tanya and I parted without any particular conflicts. It was a natural course of events, both understood what we were going to... We experienced a lot of good things together, and I try to keep only bright memories. This is a huge layer of life, but I treat the past as something that happened and passed. I don’t feel nostalgic, I don’t suffer, analyzing what happened, I don’t go back to what was bothering me. I learn some lessons for myself and move on. And in the present we have Masha.

— Have you explained to Masha what happened?

- No, they didn’t explain. She was three years old when we separated; she understood little then. We, thank God, did not share a child. No matter what happens between us, my daughter should not suffer. So for her, almost nothing has changed. We used to take turns leaving for filming, Masha got used to the fact that either her mother or her father was with her... Now she is already six and a half years old, and she understood everything, got used to new circumstances. Doesn't ask questions. It seems to me that everything went smoothly and organically for my daughter. I hope. After all, Tanya and I didn’t swear or quarrel in front of her, the three of us could go somewhere - to a cafe, to a cinema. We have normal relations. Things can get much worse during a divorce. And it seems like we don’t have any particular grudges against each other... So everything was done correctly. The main thing is that the child is not left without a family. He is with his mother, and with his father, and with his grandmothers, and with his grandfathers, everyone loves him. By the way, Grandfather and Grandmother’s cars are “concentrated” in Kaliningrad. Tanya is from there, and my parents also built a house there and moved from Yekaterinburg. It turned out so funny: we got divorced, and our parents live in the same city, communicate... Well, Masha, of course, stayed with her mother. But we are in touch with her all the time, calling each other endlessly. My daughter has a watch with a SIM card, with “mom” and “dad” buttons. And my daughter constantly calls me from them. On weekends I take her to my place. Even if I have filming or rehearsals, Masha goes with me everywhere.

— How does she feel on the set? Has he not yet expressed any desire to act in films?

- He speaks so well! She really enjoys the filming process. Masha has already starred in two episodes with me. She just ran in the frame, I picked her up in my arms. Nothing special, but for each episode she received two thousand rubles - she earned it herself. She puts them somewhere, hoards them. He recently said: “Dad, let’s go to the store and buy me a toy. Don’t worry, I have money!” But while we don’t touch her supplies, dad buys toys for her with his own money... (Laughs.) And she and I also participated in the filming of the STS channel program “Big Little Star,” hosted by Nikolai Baskov. Masha just fell in love with him! She ran after him: “Kolya! Kolya!". She didn’t burn there like a child, everyone was lying there laughing. This is a child with an incredible sense of humor. Masha can drive any adult into hysterics with her jokes, she is incredibly infectious and energetic... So, it was impossible to take her away after that filming. For a long time I remembered them, Kolya, and repeated: “Dad, let’s film somewhere else!”

— That is, if Masha chooses the acting path, you won’t dissuade her?

- Of course not. I think this will be correct and logical. Acting is in her blood; genes, as they say, can’t be helped. She feels natural in front of the cameras. Maybe, though, at first you’ll be very shy, grab your leg, and hide. She's still a child! But when she comes to her senses, it is clear that she is very artistic. And currently she wants to be an actress... But things can still change many times. In any case, she herself will decide what to do in life. And I will always support her choice and will help her as much as I can, no matter what path she chooses.

— In early childhood, Masha was your miniature copy...

“Now she has changed, she has become more like her mother.” And she is also very smart and obedient - this, of course, is like Tanya. When I take Masha for filming, she behaves just perfectly: she sits quieter than water, lower than the grass. An exemplary child! But, it seems to me, she doesn’t have much from Tanya. In character she was more like me. Such a “lighter” towards rock and roll - noisy, emotional, cheerful, sociable. We even have a common passion - karting. I love cars, speed, and I’m glad that my daughter enjoys it too. She sits next to her in the kart, is not at all afraid, turns her “childish” steering wheel and squeals with delight when turning. And it also turns me on: “Dad, come on! Drive faster!” And she and I drive very cheerfully, they even make comments to me: “Hey, you’re with a child! Where are you going?" But I control everything, I know that the most valuable passenger is with me.

Photo: still from the film “In Love and Unarmed”

— Do you and Tanya have any disagreements in raising your daughter?

— There are some inconsistencies, but that’s okay. The main thing is that we are not interested in entering into disputes; we have nothing more to find out. We make concessions to each other. And Tanya is very smart! She understands that the child also needs a father's upbringing. I have great respect for her for this, I am grateful... Although, I confess, sometimes I get so tired that Masha seems to be with me, but she is left to her own devices. In a few days spent with dad on the set, she turns into Mowgli, I don’t have time to comb her. Tanya, naturally, doesn’t like it... But I’m really trying very hard to be good father. Masha doesn’t have another dad, and there never will be! I want my daughter to be proud of me... For example, on February 23, Masha asked me to come to her kindergarten for a holiday. Of course, I went, because it was important for her. They held competitions in the garden - they forced us to run and jump on some balls. At the very first competition, the ball jumped out from under me, my legs parted, I fell, my vision went dark. But I somehow made it to the finish line... It’s clear that I took part in this without much joy, I agreed because of my daughter. And Masha was happy, she looked at me with such pride! You can endure a lot for the sake of this look... You know, with Masha I want to make up for what I myself lacked in childhood. There was a clear boundary between my parents and me; we did not have a trusting relationship. I didn’t know what it was like to have a heart-to-heart talk with mom and dad, to share something. They didn’t really babysit me, they brought me up quite harshly. I behave differently with my child than my parents. I want to be her friend! I want her to trust me completely, to tell me everything that worries her. It seems to me that a child should be pampered, within reasonable limits, of course. Here, too, you can’t go too far, after all, I’m a dad, she should respect me and obey me. (Smiles.)

- Masha asks you: “Dad, do you love me?”

- Things happen differently here. I'm annoying her with this. I keep repeating: “I love you so much, Masha!”, “How I love you.” And she tells me: “Dad, I know! Why do you keep talking about this?" I’m offended: “Listen and shut up, little one!” And I ask her: “Do you love dad?” “I love you,” she smiles and hugs me... Our relationship is changing all the time. Masha has grown older, and so have I. She and I are growing up together. And I love it - growing up with my daughter! Masha will go to first grade in September, we are choosing a school for her... And it seems so long ago, in another life, I went to pick up my daughter at the maternity hospital, she was taking her first steps. I remember how the midwife, giving Masha to me, said: “Here is a gift for you for life.” That's for sure! Now I will be responsible for this “gift” for the rest of my life.

- Would you like more children?

- Yes very! A son or another daughter. Children are happiness! They say that men usually want a son, an heir, more. And it doesn’t matter to me at all. When Tanya and I were told at the ultrasound that we were having a girl, I was delighted!

— Are you ready to start a new family?

“I don’t renounce my family, despite the fact that my ideal ideas about it are somewhat undermined. I was disappointed in the marriage, but not so radically as to give it up. I'm not in a hurry to plunge into family life... I raised the oars and floated with the flow. Let it be!

-Are you looking?

“You won’t believe it, but I actually had very few novels in my life.” Once or twice I got it wrong. Despite the fact that I seem so light, even frivolous. And the ladies seem to like me, I don’t suffer from a lack of attention on their part. I also have enough fans, I respect them, love them, am grateful that they exist... But it is very difficult for me to find a woman with whom I would like to connect my life. I also realized that it was pointless to look for someone based on certain criteria.

- But you are surrounded mostly by actresses! The acting world is a small place. Aren't you afraid of marrying an actress again?

- Tanya and I divorced not because she is an actress, and I am an actor... But in general, you are right, we are a specific caste. When there are two artists in a family, the mixture turns out vigorous. Therefore, it is better, of course, next time to marry someone other than an actress. I think so... (Laughs.) Now I prefer to just be friends with my colleagues.

— Are you satisfied with freedom? Do you like living alone?

- Well, I'm not completely alone. I have a girlfriend, Lilya, and she is not an actress. We met quite recently - a little over a month ago. And they began to live together, in country house. We decided: let’s try it - and we moved in together. So far so good. I finally left the metropolis for the city. I like that they take care of me: they prepare food, they wait for me from filming. And I take care of someone, that’s nice too. What will come of this? What awaits us tomorrow? Don't know. Wait and see. I’m not deceiving her, I’m absolutely honest. I don’t promise anything, I don’t make any wishes, I don’t make any plans for the future. Just living!

Gennady Avramenko

— More than two years have passed since the divorce...

- Yes, both the me today and the one I was in marriage are two completely different people. I have changed both internally and externally. Now I like myself much more! (Smiles.) I look at myself in films from the period when I was married, and I hardly recognize myself. Am I really this hog? To be honest, I let myself go. For some reason I relaxed, ate everything... But I was able to pull myself together and completely changed my lifestyle. I started exercising regularly and eating right. And he became different! This is my victory over myself. In general, it just so happened that in my thirty-two years I never knew what support from loved ones was. Just after the divorce, I had a very difficult period. I was sick for a whole year, constantly. Because of the illnesses, the body was only twenty percent capable. I treated first one thing, then another - in a circle. He spent a lot of money on medicines and doctors. And to hell with it, I had a break from work at the same time. And while lifting weights (I still tried to keep in shape), I tore a ligament in my shoulder. I had to give up sports activities for six months, and I also lost my outlet in the form of a gym. Well, complete trouble! At such moments you especially need support and care. And it becomes very sad when you realize that no one is around, you are completely alone. Although, when my tonsils were removed and I was lying in the hospital, my friend Zhenya Pronin came to visit me. He gave me a hippopotamus who sings the song “Lilac Fog.” It was very nice. But I still felt like there was no one to take care of me. Well, it’s okay, I managed it myself. But he became stronger.

— Do you have enough work now?

- Quite. I’m filming a series for the Rossiya channel with Alexander Domogarov. I play a positive hero, and Domogarov plays a negative one. This is my karma - playing good guys. And I really want to play someone nasty, terrible, vile... (Laughs.) I also recently returned to the theater stage. I haven't played in the theater for six years. And then suddenly they offered six performances at once. I was confused and tried to choose what was closest to my heart. Recently they released the entreprise “Wheel of Fortune”, in which I am involved with Stas Bondarenko and Glafira Tarkhanova. And now rehearsals are underway for another enterprise, where my partners are again Stas Bondarenko, Sasha Ratnikov and Zhenya Pronin... You know, I have learned to appreciate what life gives me. And I try not to refuse interesting offers. I am constantly working on myself. I want to be better! In relation to myself, I am a fierce warrior: I mercilessly fight my vices and weaknesses, I do not spare myself. To be honest, I am very lazy. But I fight laziness with all my might. I do a lot of sports. Every morning I run and shower myself cold water, V Gym I go regularly. And I have an extremely negative attitude towards alcohol. I didn’t drink any alcohol at all for two years and now I drink extremely rarely.

- Do you want to be young and beautiful longer?

- Oh, my grandmother tells me: “Don’t comb your hair back, you look so older than your age!” Do bangs, you look so young with her.” Is it okay that I’m already over thirty? So what, I should look like a pioneer? Or like Justin Bieber? What nonsense! I don't want to be forever young. But I have a desire to be in shape, to have an athletic, toned body. That’s why I play sports seriously, it has already become a way of life for me... And I am glad that I have matured, I have accumulated some life experience, and my level of awareness has become higher. Naivety and stupidity have decreased. But at the same time, my eyes still light up, I’m interested in life. I like to live! I want to move somewhere, develop, grow internally. Despite the fact that a lot is already behind me, I have the feeling that I am at the start.