Experts talk about the benefits and harms of eating watermelon at night. Watermelon is a delicious summer treat

When you see a juicy, appetizing watermelon, you want to quickly buy it, bring it home, wash it and immediately start enjoying it. Stop! Since a diabetic was allowed to eat a few pieces of this delicious berries, then you need to figure out when it’s best to eat it so that the benefits for the body are maximum, and the sugar does not rise to a critical level on the glucometer. So, we decide when to eat watermelon: in the evening at night, in the morning, or maybe just before bed?

The morning starts with watermelon

Traditionally, most of us, when we wake up, immediately reach with sleepy eyes to the coffee maker to give ourselves a breath of vigor with a cup of aromatic cappuccino. Watermelon season has arrived. Why not change your habits and start your day with a portion of the vitamins hidden in a juicy ripe watermelon. Eating a slice of this delicacy on an empty stomach is beneficial and enjoyable. It will definitely be digested before breakfast, and a portion of freshness is guaranteed for the whole day.

Fresh watermelon juice, consumed not at night, in the very morning, will bring even more benefits to the body. One glass of such a noble drink contains very few calories (about 56), but it contains a real storehouse of vitamins. Give yourself a boost by drinking a glass of fresh juice containing potassium and magnesium, zinc and selenium, fluoride and manganese. It is also rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, niacin, thiamine, B6, B12, pantothenic acid.

Watermelon for dessert? Never!

People are used to eating berries and fruits for dessert. This may be a good thing, but not for watermelon! If you eat a piece of this delicacy as a dessert at the very end of the meal, you may experience digestive problems and a significant spike in sugar levels. This is due to the fact that before it gets into the stomach, the watermelon gets in line to be processed. And ahead will be what we had to eat before. These are all kinds of salads, soup or delicious chicken. While long time from above, the watermelon begins to slowly ferment, gases are released. After all, sometimes he will have to lie there for up to 3 hours. In addition, all sugar will be completely absorbed by the body during this time. So, as a dessert for a diabetic, watermelon is only suitable in the intervals between meals, when our stomach is completely free and ready to cope with the received portion of the sweet delicacy in 25-30 minutes.

Sweet watermelon dreams to you!

It is generally not recommended to overeat at night, so after 6 o’clock any meals are no longer advisable if you are going to go to bed around 9. But if you still have at least three hours before rest, then even a diabetic can eat a small piece of watermelon before bed. There will be no harm at all. It is not advisable to eat large number watermelon at night for those who have problems with urination. It is known that this product promotes frequent urination, so you probably won’t have to sleep in the first half of the night after a watermelon dinner.

It has been proven that watermelon polysaccharides feed our brain with serotonin when they enter the body. This substance has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, which becomes less sensitive to external stimuli at night (noise, knocking).

A piece of fresh watermelon at night is especially helpful for diabetic men. This product contains arginine, which manifests itself as the well-known drug Viagra. Arginine increases the amount of nitric oxide in the blood, which leads to increased nutrition manhood blood. So drinking watermelon before bed can even prevent erectile dysfunction.

Remember, eating watermelon before bed or at night should be done wisely. With proper consumption of ripe pulp in the morning, evening or at work during the day, sensitivity to insulin increases, thanks to the precise work of potassium and manganese. It is important to learn how to choose this huge berry correctly, then each piece for the body will become a portion of freshness, vigor and health.

Watermelon is the favorite berry of many people with a sweet tooth. It is juicy and sweet, so eating it is a pleasure. But many people wonder whether it is possible or not to eat watermelon when losing weight. There is an opinion that such a mono-diet will help to quickly reduce the hated number on the scale, cleanse the body of toxins and replenish the body useful microelements. Is this true?

How does the watermelon diet work?

There are several options for the watermelon diet. The most popular is a diet plan during which a person gives up his usual food for a certain period of time and eats only watermelon every day. After a certain time, he returns to his normal diet.

At the first stage of the diet, only watermelon is eaten. This usually lasts three days. Again, the features of this diet vary depending on the author, some recommend eating an unlimited amount of this huge berry every day, others advise limiting yourself to the following calculations: one kilogram of pulp per ten kilograms of weight. Here everyone chooses what is closest to them.

After this, some people return to their normal diet. Others gradually add other foods back into their diet. In one version, dieters eat only watermelon. The second version offers a breakfast of cereal with milk and a slice of cheese, and a lunch of boiled meat and salad. All other meals should be replaced with watermelon. So, will watermelon help with weight loss?

Types of watermelon diets

Watermelon is an indispensable assistant for weight loss. It is advisable to consume no more than one kilogram of pulp per ten kilograms of your weight. The resulting mass should be equally divided into 5 meals. Carefully monitor how you feel; if you experience any discomfort or pain in the stomach, you should immediately abandon the chosen diet.

If it is difficult to strictly adhere to the chosen type of nutrition, then you can try a combined nutrition plan. For breakfast, eat oatmeal with watermelon, and for lunch - soup or baked meat (fish). For dinner, limit yourself to just watermelon. Remember not to drink alcohol.

But it’s important to remember that any lost pounds will come back if you exit the diet incorrectly. There is no need to suddenly introduce new products. You should gradually eliminate watermelon and increase portions of cereals and meat. Will help you consolidate the results active activities sports and reviewing the principles of your nutrition.

How the diet works

Adherents of the watermelon diet believe that the main advantage of the berry is its high liquid content. Water passes through the body and does not stay in it. Due to the active work of the kidneys to process large amounts of fluid, metabolism accelerates. This not only helps you lose weight, but also improves your skin condition.

Is it possible or not to have watermelon when losing weight in the evening? Do not rush to use it in large quantities at night. Firstly, the constant urge to go to the toilet will interfere with sleep. Secondly, there is a high risk that you will find swelling in the morning. However, you can eat a few slices in small quantities a couple of hours before bedtime. This will help saturate the body and discourage the desire to eat something fattier and higher in calories. This is a real find for lovers of cakes and pastries.


You should not abuse the diet for more than one week. After all, despite all the benefits of watermelon, it nutritional value quite limited. And, like any mono-diet, watermelon can provoke an acute shortage of beneficial microelements in the body.

Don’t think that it will help you lose ten kilograms in one week. The process of losing excess weight occurs due to the fact that excess fluid is removed from the body. The process of fat breakdown is slow, because watermelon contains a large amount of natural sugar, which increases its calorie content.

And lastly, if you have kidney health problems, you should not go on such a diet without first consulting your doctor. He will answer whether you can or cannot eat watermelon when losing weight. For example, if there are stones in the kidneys, a watermelon diet can provoke their movement, which will certainly cause pain. In the worst case, stones can become lodged in the urinary tract, requiring emergency hospitalization.

Watermelon is a sweet, watery berry that has a positive effect on the functioning of the body, even with large consumption. Thus, there are benefits in kidney function, liver cleansing, prevention of atherosclerosis and increased immunity. Since people often associate watermelon with summer and heat, the question rightly arises: Is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight? or not, because most people who want to lose weight choose this time of year to lose weight.

This is explained by the presence of a large number of vegetables and fruits, on which you can spend at least a whole day in hot weather without harm to health and with benefit for yourself appearance. Despite their wateriness, watermelons contain a lot of sugar, so it is prohibited to abuse it. But you should take advantage of the features of losing weight on watermelon fasting days or using them in order to reduce daily caloric intake for slimness and normalization of the functioning of internal organs.

Watermelon is rightfully one of the lowest-calorie foods, so it is possible to lose weight on it, but only if you follow the recommendations of nutritionists. The calorie content of watermelon berries and the content of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are presented in the table.

The water will come out before you go to bed. naturally and will not cause swelling in the morning. The berry should not be consumed at night, as it can cause insomnia and impaired kidney function, which will lead not only to morning swelling, but also to the formation blue circles under the eyes.

About the composition

The benefit of watermelon lies in its composition, which includes the following components indicated in the table.

Watermelon contains a lot of sugar, but it is fructose, not sucrose, which, when ingested in excess, turns into fat cells. As a result of the presence of fructose, watermelon can be consumed by patients with diabetes mellitus, but not large quantities.

The benefit is to improve potency in men, thanks to the content of vitamins A, E, C, B9, B6, B2, B1, PP. It turns out to prevent infertility, which is also explained by the content of lycopene in the pulp, a substance with antioxidant properties. The pulp contains dietary fiber that has a positive effect on intestinal function. Watermelon is recommended for consumption when high cholesterol in human blood – the berry’s diuretic properties help free blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

About the benefits for weight loss

The pulp of the berry in question contains a lot of watermelon fiber, which has a laxative property - it prevents constipation and helps the release of cholesterol naturally.

  • Is there diabetes mellitus– in this case, you can eat watermelon only once a day. Patients are prohibited from spending fasting days on watermelons.
  • Whether there is pyelonephritis and kidney stones, such patients should refrain from such weight loss. Diuretic properties can provoke an exacerbation of an existing disease.
  • Do you know how to choose the right watermelon - the berry should not only be ripe and clean, but also without the addition of nitrates, which can cause disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose the right watermelon is presented in the diagram - it should be used as a guide when choosing a berry to the fullest extent.

To determine whether you can eat watermelon on a diet, you need to give factors why it is useful for weight loss:

  • the composition promotes the burning of fat cells, causing weight loss to occur faster;
  • the presence of 90% water quickly saturates the body, subject to low calorie consumption;
  • the absence of proteins and fats makes it less caloric, which is why it can be consumed while losing weight;
  • watermelon can be used to replace the usual sweets, which contain a large amount of light carbohydrates, and this negatively affects the figure;
  • carbohydrates found in watermelon pulp are digested into energy - they are not converted into fat cells;
  • the presence of a large amount of water in watermelon pulp helps remove toxins and heavy metals.

Timely removal of waste and toxins allows you to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, weight loss will occur naturally– incoming food will be promptly processed into energy in larger quantities.

About the dangers of watermelon for weight loss

Despite the huge number of positive aspects, watermelon is harmful for weight loss due to the following factors:

  • before eating watermelon pulp, you should not eat smoked or salted foods - this will only cause swelling;
  • Watermelon should not be included in the diet if a person is allergic to pollen and other allergens - this berry provokes an exacerbation of previously identified diseases of the same nature, which is manifested by itching, burning, and dermatitis of the perioral cavity;
  • If watermelon pulp contains a lot of nitrates and other chemicals, they will harm the body, causing nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and other health problems.

This is important: You cannot purchase watermelons during the cold season - these berries are grown in greenhouses with a large addition of various solutions for rapid ripening. The ripening of melons occurs only in August, so from August to October inclusive, you can safely lose weight on watermelons.

Watermelon diets

On at the moment There are two watermelon diets, the reviews of which are impressive and attract those who want to lose weight.

Diet 1

This diet is designed for only 3 days; if you are overweight and feel normal, you can extend it to 5 days. Most people claim that following a diet can help you lose 4 kg.

The watermelon diet menu is presented in the table.

While following the presented diet, the following are strictly prohibited:

  • sugar;
  • eggs;
  • carbohydrate products – these mean fast carbohydrates;
  • cereals;
  • fatty foods.

It is important to monitor your well-being during the watermelon diet. If you feel hungry, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir before bed and between meals.

Diet 2

The second diet is more nutritious and is therefore designed for 10 days. In this case, only watermelon is consumed in accordance with the recommended amount, and 2-3 pieces of grain bread are added to the daily diet. Watermelon pulp is calculated as 1 kg of berries per 30 kg of human weight. The result is that the diet is satiating and keeps you full for a long time. You should exit the presented diet correctly, for which an approximate daily diet has been formed.

For the watermelon diet to be effective, and overweight did not return again, you need to exit it correctly. To do this, over the next two weeks they use more vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, porridge. Be sure to include regular exercise in your lifestyle during the diet and after. gym. Without physical activity, you will not be able to lose enough weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of losing weight

Among the benefits of losing weight using the presented berries, the following points are highlighted:

  • you can easily calculate the weight of the product consumed;
  • minimal financial costs;
  • parallel improvement of the human body.

There are also many disadvantages of such weight loss, which are presented as follows:

  • load on the kidneys, as a result of which it is prohibited to adhere to a diet without consulting a doctor - otherwise it may lead to an exacerbation;
  • the rigidity of the mono-diet - not everyone can stand eating only watermelon for 10 days;
  • at first, only fluid leaves the body, which is why the breakdown that occurs will return the water and the weight will return;
  • Due to its diuretic properties, beneficial substances in the form of potassium and sodium are removed from the body.

As a result, we can conclude that before going on a diet of the presented nature, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. Despite the fact that the calorie content of watermelon is low and allows you to lose weight or simply get back into shape after the holiday the day before, the presented berry has contraindications for consumption in large quantities. This should be taken into account and if you have diseases, do not resort to such weight loss without consulting a doctor.

Almost every diet, the main goal of which is weight loss, is based on limiting calories in the daily diet of a person losing weight. In this regard, watermelon is one of the leading food products. 100 grams of aromatic pulp contains, as a rule, no more than 30 calories. There are various options diets and fasting days, where the only product allowed for consumption is the largest berry. But is it even possible, and in what quantities, to eat watermelon while losing weight, if in addition of this product Are there other dishes on the menu as well?

In what quantities and is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight?

Probably, at the height of the summer season, when the body requires drinking a large amount of liquid, almost everyone who follows a strict diet is concerned about the following question: is it possible to eat watermelon while losing weight? It should be noted right away that it is possible, and in almost unlimited quantities.

This large berry with a shiny green skin and juicy watery pulp has not only pleasant taste qualities, but also a lot of useful properties for the human body. The most outstanding ones include the following:

  • Activates organ activity excretory system due to the huge amount of moisture contained in the sweet pulp.
  • Acceleration of metabolism, activation of metabolic processes in tissues and organs.
  • Saturation of the body with important microelements, vitamins, other useful substances.
  • Gentle removal of toxins, toxins and breakdown products, for example, after prolonged use of medications or diseases.
  • Despite sweet taste, pulp contains minimum quantity sugars and kilocalories, respectively, eating watermelon while losing weight is not only possible, but also necessary.

However, for some diseases of the excretory system, the amount of watermelon in the diet should be limited or eliminated altogether. This is due to the fact that the product has a strong diuretic effect and places a huge burden on the kidneys and excretory tract.

At what time and with what can you eat watermelon while losing weight?

As evidenced by reviews, those who have experienced various types diets, you can eat watermelons when losing weight in any quantity, in those cases, of course, when there are no possible contraindications. There is also no limitation on the amount of product or time of use. However, if you follow a certain diet, you still some principles should be followed, For example:

  • Depending on the type of diet, it is advisable to consume watermelon pulp separately from main meals. After breakfast, lunch, or a snack, at least 60 minutes must pass before you can indulge in dessert, including berries and fruits.
  • You should not eat large quantities of watermelon in one sitting. Despite the fact that the pulp contains a lot of moisture, and at the same time a minimal amount of calories, a large portion size expands the stomach, which is not a positive aspect in the process of following a diet.
  • You should not eat the pulp in the early hours and immediately after waking up. During this period, the body has not yet launched all processes at full strength, and a large amount of consumed liquid contained in the juicy pulp can have an impact on negative impact on the organs of the excretory system.
  • Those who suffer from swelling of the skin of the face and body should limit the amount of watermelons. Excess moisture can lead to swelling. Also this rule can be attributed to women in a state of pregnancy, which is due precisely to the tendency to the appearance of swelling of the legs.
  • Watermelon can also be used as a substitute for main meals, but it should be replaced plain water shouldn't. Despite the fact that the sweet pulp perfectly satisfies the body’s need for moisture and quenches thirst, when losing weight it is advisable to additionally drink regular purified or boiled water.

Is it possible to eat watermelon when losing weight at night and in the evening?

So, watermelon does not in any way affect the process of reducing excess weight, even when following the most strict diets, and even on the contrary, it helps to normalize and restore metabolic processes in the body. But here Is it possible to eat watermelon in the evening when losing weight?, or is it better to avoid its use during this period in order to avoid gaining excess body weight?

If there are no possible contraindications, you can not limit the amount of tasty and aromatic pulp even in the evening and at night, since eating the largest berry during this period does not affect extra pounds.

Thus, watermelon is not only not harmful for weight loss, even if eaten at night, but is it possible to speed up the weight loss process with its help? Quite. For this You should pay attention to a number of the following aspects:

  • It is advisable to replace all desserts with watermelon, even if they are allowed by a certain type of diet. The pulp, containing a minimum amount of calories, will be an ideal option both as a sweet and as a main meal.
  • Watermelons should be consumed exclusively during their natural growth and ripening period, that is, in late summer and autumn. Grown in greenhouses, or, even worse, through the use of toxic fertilizers, they will not only bring no benefit, but can also cause harm to the body.
  • To speed up the weight loss process, it is quite possible to replace one or two main meals with watermelon pulp. A couple or three slices will dull the feeling of hunger, while saturating the body with sufficient moisture.
  • When strong feeling hunger, it is quite possible to eat such a combination as fresh watermelon pulp and crackers made from rye bread. This dish also contains a minimal amount of calories, perfectly fills you up, without contributing to the gain of extra pounds.

If there are no problems with the organs of the excretory system, eating watermelon before bed is even beneficial. It is at night that the processes of cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and wastes are activated. And the benefits of watermelon in this case are invaluable.

At the end of summer there is such an abundance of vegetables and fruits on the market that it’s time to diversify your diet to the maximum. Winter is ahead, when not everything can be found even at a high price. For example, melons are a seasonal product; you need to have time to enjoy them the whole year ahead. And if you consider that watermelon for weight loss - best friend and assistant, then there is an even stronger incentive to go to the market for a striped miracle.

How to choose the right watermelon

Watermelon is used very often for weight loss. Is it possible to miss the opportunity to lose weight and still eat such a tasty and sweet product? But do not forget that you will need to choose the right berry. Do not take watermelons that appear on the shelves with early spring, they are saturated with nitrates. These are not at all the same minke whales that have slept under the hot sun.

But even during the season, you need to carefully inspect the watermelon. It should be smooth, with a dried tail, and without signs of rot. When tapped, the correct fruit makes a dull sound. A good watermelon is a berry weighing approximately 8 kg. Small ones are most often unripe, and overly large ones are most likely grown on synthetic additives.

Be sure to wash the purchased watermelon and start cutting it. The pulp should be bright, juicy, with sugar grains. It is undesirable to eat berries whose pulp has become too fibrous. Finally, it's worth doing a simple test. Dip a piece of pulp into water, if after 20 minutes it retains its shape, the watermelon can be eaten, it does not contain nitrates.

Does watermelon help you lose weight?

Of the many foods that are recommended for weight loss, watermelon is the most delicious. Its use does not cause discomfort. For the most part, this berry consists of water and dietary fiber; the calorie content of 100 g is only 25 kcal. Consider for yourself: in order to start losing weight, you need to consume no more than 1600 kcal per day. By cutting back on our diet, we begin to feel hungry. And here it comes to the rescue delicious dessert, which contains only 250 kcal per kilogram. We can really use watermelon for weight loss, thereby brightening up our path to a beautiful figure.

Its low calorie content makes it possible to use it for snacking with virtually no restrictions, which means that the body will not suffer from hunger. After all, we all know that prolonged stress from malnutrition leads to the fact that the body begins to actively store fat. Thus, even after a strict watermelon diet, there will be less chance of quickly regaining what was lost.

How to eat watermelon correctly

These are just general points, but they are useful to know in order to get the most out of watermelon for weight loss. Try to “stretch out the pleasure” as much as possible. The longer the act of chewing and swallowing occurs, the more “calories” your body counts. Long-term exposure to receptors completely blocks the feeling of hunger.

Watermelon is a great alternative to sweet desserts. It should be consumed instead of tea, which is tasteless to drink without sweets and cakes. After a light meal, watermelon will very well create a feeling of absolute satiety and comfort. Moreover, it can also be used as an aperitif for the main course, which will somewhat reduce hunger.

Not only natural sugar, but also a large amount of fiber plays a role. Watermelon for weight loss is chosen partly because of its high content of dietary fiber, which, swelling in the stomach, allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

How to correct your figure with the help of a miracle berry

The watermelon diet can be very varied. It is best if the weight loss process is long and planned. Try using a nutrition system in which watermelon will be consumed instead of all tea parties and sweets. You don’t have to worry about complex calorie counting and don’t cut yourself off from other foods. But then dinner is also replaced with watermelon. Moreover, it should be at least 3 hours before going to bed.

Additional rule: at least 30 minutes must pass between the main meal and eating watermelon. The berry contains a large amount of liquid, which dilutes gastric juice and contributes to indigestion and the development of putrefactive processes. This is an easy and comfortable option that you can stick to all season without harm to your health. He is the leader among those who used watermelon for weight loss. Reviews paint rosy prospects: gradually, without any effort, the weight is steadily decreasing.

Fast weight loss

Not everyone wants to wait a long time; most of us want results now. And in this case, a watermelon diet helps a lot. Like all express methods, it gives quick effect, but then it’s difficult to maintain the achieved result. It lasts only 3-5 days, it depends on how much you can stand. The menu is very simple and unpretentious. You can eat watermelons without restrictions (about a kilogram of pulp per 10 kg of your weight). In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water.

If you are a big fan of watermelons, this diet may not cause any inconvenience. But you shouldn't get carried away. Like all mono-diets, this one impoverishes the body, as it is not able to provide it with the entire set necessary substances. Therefore, 7 days is the maximum you can afford.

Weddings and other special events are often postponed until the fall. And often at this time of year, women use watermelon for weight loss to prepare for ceremonies. Reviews confirm that, without experiencing the stress of a half-starved existence, you can lose 1-2 kg per day.

Fasting days

This is an alternative between the first and second options. Losing weight with watermelon will also be effective if you start eating exclusively striped beauties one or two days a week. In this mode, you can evaluate the body’s reaction and decide how suitable such a diet is for you. After preparation, it is easier to decide on a 5-day course.

How often in summer period do you buy sweet juices and carbonated drinks? Many people do this regularly, but they contain a significant amount of sugar. Replace them with a simple homemade drink. To do this, cut the watermelon pulp and freeze it in portions in the freezer. Then put the frozen cubes in a glass and pour clean water. This drink perfectly quenches thirst and does not contain excess sugar.

The second point that becomes an obstacle on the way to slim figure- This is the consumption of high-calorie foods. Fried, fatty foods require huge amounts physical activity, which we so lack in modern world. During a diet, watermelon can help you; replace too high-calorie foods with several tasty, sweet slices of the same weight. At the same time, the fullness of your plate will not be affected, and the extra pounds will begin to melt away.

Transition to a normal diet

Any diet requires a period of consolidation of results. Failure to comply with this rule often leads to the fact that the excess quickly returns. And even with a “bonus” in the form of a few kilograms on top. This once again confirms that the process of losing weight requires clear planning and compliance with the necessary conditions.

When finishing the diet course, you must set yourself up to the fact that for now you cannot eat fried, starchy and sweet foods. Start returning to your normal diet with boiled cereals, the next day you can add low-fat dairy products. Then add boiled chicken and fish, and a variety of vegetables. For some time after finishing the diet, you can eat watermelon for weight loss at night. This may be the whole dinner or part of it. The transition should take no less time than the diet itself, and it’s good if you make adjustments to your regular menu on an ongoing basis. This will help avoid relapse.

Positive aspects of the diet

We have already dealt with the question of whether watermelon is ok for weight loss. Definitely yes, because it is a berry containing a lot of liquid, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, natural sweet substances: sucrose, fructose, maltose, glucose are healthy carbohydrates that help, and do not hinder, becoming beautiful.

The main advantage is that such a diet is easily tolerated. This is not torment, but happiness - to gobble up a sugar watermelon by both cheeks and at the same time become slimmer and prettier. Many people note that there is no characteristic feeling of hunger. And indeed, if you weigh 80 kg, then you can afford a giant berry weighing 8 kilograms per day. Usually no one can even handle that much.

Another plus is high efficiency. True, part of the weight loss is due to fluid loss, which means that soon some of it will return. The great merit of watermelon is its ability to remove waste, salt deposits and toxins. This leads to normalization of metabolism. That is, you can definitely eat watermelon while on a diet.

Contraindications for the watermelon diet

There are also reverse side medals. Not all diseases allow active consumption of this wonderful berry. Since watermelon is a powerful diuretic, it is not recommended to indulge in it for various kidney pathologies. First of all, this includes urolithiasis, because movement of large and small fractions and blockage of the ureters can occur. If you have pyelonephritis, you should first consult your doctor.

Like all mono-diets, watermelon is disliked by doctors for its severe menu restrictions. As already mentioned, this, on the one hand, impoverishes the body; it does not receive enough necessary substances. On the other hand, it leads to frequent breakdowns after finishing the diet. If you choose this option, then immediately think over the dietary menu that you will adhere to after the course. It should include more vegetables, cereals and boiled fish.

Watermelon on the Dukan Diet

Today it's getting very popular diet Dukan. Watermelon fits into it quite harmoniously. In some sources you can find information that it is prohibited in this diet due to its high sugar content, but this is not so. The course is divided into several stages, each of which has its own goals and limitations. But once or twice a week it is allowed to use small quantity melons, watermelons and peaches.

The author of the method says that it is better to give up fruits in the first and second stages of weight loss. From the third, called “consolidation”, they can already be included in the diet. But minor deviations from the course in the form of a slice of watermelon or an apple will not cancel the result, but will only slow down slightly.

Let's sum it up

Watermelon is a wonderful gift sunny summer, which must be used as food for health and weight loss purposes. It is not necessary to adhere to a strict diet; it is enough to replace dinner with this berry in order to notice in a month how your figure has tightened, the circles under the eyes have disappeared and the condition of your skin has improved. But if you urgently need to get yourself in order, then watermelon will easily come to the rescue. In just 5 days you can lose up to 10 kg and shine at a gala event.