Svetlana Khodchenkova personal life latest. Svetlana Khodchenkova: biography of the famous actress

Future actress was born in Moscow, but soon her family moved to Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow. The girl doesn’t like to remember that time, because as a child she was too tall and thin. Little Sveta didn’t like her ears and hair, and neither did her peers, with whom the girl constantly had conflicts.

According to the star herself, she became more confident at the age of 15, when she began working as a model. Beautiful posture, height 180 cm, natural flaxen curls and sensual lips made both Sveta herself and modeling agencies believe that the girl was beautiful.

However, connecting your career with modeling business Khodchenkova did not intend to. Until high school, she raved about medicine, and saw herself in the white coat of a surgeon. But I had to say goodbye to the dream: it accidentally turned out that Sveta did not tolerate the sight of real human blood, and besides, by the time she graduated, she did not have sufficient knowledge in the field of chemistry and biology.

Beauty with shapes

The girl entered the Institute of World Economy in Moscow, from where a few months later she transferred to another specialty. Now she was attracted by advertising, but it turned out that there were very few opportunities for creative thought - just numbers and facts. She dropped out of college and went to preparatory courses at the Shchukin Theater School. Having passed the exams brilliantly, she was the only one who entered the course.

The coveted university was finally in her pocket. Now she was terribly worried that due to lack of diligence she might be kicked out, she leaned heavily on her studies and ate up her nervous tension sweets. As a result, by the end of the first course I gained 15 kilograms!

An appetizing blonde with curves was noticed by Stanislav Govorukhin, who was looking for just such a type for his film “Bless the Woman.” Now Svetlana calls the director her second father, who introduced her to cinema and gave her her first huge experience of serious work. But then the rumors that immediately spread about the young actress’s affair with the famous director shocked the girl. She called Govorukhin in sobs and was going to sue the journalists for libel! He reassured: “We still won’t prove anything. It’s better to say at least this than to say nothing at all.”

Her very first film work became significant for the actress: she received an award for Best Actress, and also became forever friends with Govorukhin, whom she thanked more than once in her interviews, and about whom she says that he can do anything! It’s even ambivalent to speak about her.

Lover's love

While still at Shchuka, she met Volodya Yaglych, who was a year older. Svetlana was the first to notice the tall, fair-haired handsome man, but she didn’t show it. When Khodchenkova was a senior student, she was approved for a role in the TV series “Quiet Moscow Courtyard.” She herself did not expect that the girl’s heart would tremble when her eyes caught on the cast. It turned out that Yaglych would play her husband!

On film set Serious passions flared up between “husband and wife.” According to the script, it was necessary to show a variety of emotions that arise between married couple, and these lovebirds looked at each other exclusively with loving glances. The director was angry; the team couldn’t film a single scene in the first take! Working on camera with real lovers turned out to be extremely difficult.

The young people began a beautiful romance, then they met again on the set - this time in the film "Carousel", and then decided to get married. The happy bride took her husband's surname. Khodchenkova she remained only as a stage image.

Living with an emotional and passionate actor, whose career was also gaining momentum, turned out to be difficult. They say that Vladimir was very jealous of his beautiful wife, started scandals and even raised his hand to her. Sveta was ready to endure a lot in order to save the marriage, but the betrayal of the stately Yaglych turned out to be the last straw. The couple divorced.


For several years, Svetlana carefully hid her personal life from prying eyes. It seemed that the actress was completely devoted to her work. Khodchenkova completely changed herself for the sake of roles, repeatedly showed her dramatic talent in a variety of roles, and even starred abroad, including in one of the parts of the legendary Hollywood film “Wolverine.” Over the course of ten years, her professional treasury included about 40 roles! Working at a frantic pace, Khodchenkova simply could not manage her personal life - it seemed to outside observers, but one day it turned out completely different!

In 2009, at some holiday, Sveta’s friend Anastasia Zadorozhnaya introduced her to businessman Georgy Petrishin. They began dating almost immediately, but they tried not to advertise their relationship. Georgy came out of the shadows in May last year, and in the literal sense: after the performance where Svetlana was playing, he went up on stage and, with an elegant gesture, pulling out a box with a ring from his pocket, proposed to her. The touched actress accepted him.

For almost another year they enjoyed their engagement and mutual attention from each other. The wedding was planned for one of winter months, but literally a month before the celebration, Georgy and Sveta stopped appearing together. The press was alarmed by the disappearance of Georgy from Sveta’s list of friends on social networks, and then by the celebration of her birthday without her beloved. He did not refuse the comment, but did not give details of the separation. He only confirmed that because of hard work, the lovers decided to separate, each preferring his own career during this period of his life.

Now nothing is known about the personal life of the talented beauty.

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova is a well-known actress in Russia and abroad.

The girl appeared before the viewer in radically different images: she was the faithful and meek wife of a military officer in the film “Bless the Woman”, the cruel Elizabeth in “Bloody Lady Bathory” and the hot-tempered wife of a dentist in the comedy “Love in big city" Despite the different characters of the heroines, Svetlana always managed to get used to the role and surprise the audience with her talent.

Becoming an actress

Biography of Svetlana Khodchenkova is similar to incredible story from a typical Russian movie. The girl was born on January 21, 1983 in the village. Zheleznodorozhny and was raised only by her mother. The single mother worked almost around the clock, trying to provide her daughter with comfortable conditions.

Now it’s hard to believe, but as a child Svetlana had many complexes. Most of them were due to the fact that the girl had many classmates from wealthy families around her. Without fear dirty work, Svetlana Khodchenkova helped her mother earn money, but the family constantly lacked funds. The actress never forgave her father for the betrayal.

Having overcome her fears, Svetlana Khodchenkova entered the Slava Zaitsev modeling school. Tall, slender blonde with luxurious long hair They noticed right away that Svetlana was quickly offered lucrative contracts. At the same time, Khodchenkova began to receive indecent offers. That is why the girl quickly ended her modeling career.

Then the actress entered the economics institute, but soon realized that this topic did not interest her. Svetlana tried to find a solution and transferred to the advertising department, but this did not help either. The girl dropped out of college and decided to try herself in a creative profession. She carefully prepared for the exams and eventually entered the Shchukin Theater School.

Almost immediately after the start of training, actress Svetlana Khodchenkova attracted the attention of Stanislav Govorukhin. A very young actress was invited to play the main role in the film “Bless the Woman.” The girl successfully coped with the difficult acting task, because she had to create the image of her heroine, who was first 18 and then 45 years old.

After graduating from theater school, the actress began to receive offers, but not all of them were ultimately successful. Participation in the series “Talisman of Love” was then discussed for a long time by critics - many of them were perplexed how Svetlana agreed to star in such a banal movie.

In 2006, the actress took part in the project “Dancing on Ice”. During one of the training sessions, the girl slipped and received a serious head injury. Svetlana left the show - of course, no one condemned her for this. It seemed that the audience, on the contrary, was even more imbued with more love to your idol.

Subsequently, Khodchenkova starred in such films as:

  • "Zero kilometer".
  • "Sex and the City".
  • "When we were happy."

An interesting fact is connected with the filming of the first film on this list. Svetlana Khodchenkova's husband was against filming his wife in the nude, and the director demanded an explicit scene from the actress. Nevertheless, Svetlana insisted on her position and stated that she would not star in the film if the conditions of her participation remained the same. As a result, the viewer saw only Svetlana’s bare back and covered chest with a cloth.

Since 2009, Svetlana has starred in a number of films that are loved by Russian audiences. Among them are the comedies “Office Romance. Our Time" and "Five Brides", the disaster film "Metro", the thriller "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!" All of Khodchenkova’s roles in these films contributed to the recognition of the actress’s talent. In 2013, Svetlana was invited to Japan to film the film “Wolverine: The Immortal,” in which Hugh Jackman acted as her partner.

In 2016, Sveta’s filmography was supplemented by the successful film by Stanislav Govorukhin. Critics recognized the film “The End of a Beautiful Era” as the director’s best creation. The audience fell in love with the intelligent cinema, and, of course, the actress played not the last role in this.

The actress also starred in such popular films as:

  • "Classmates."
  • "Viking".
  • “You all piss me off.”
  • "Mata Hari"
  • "Life Ahead"

Wikipedia reports that soon the viewer will be able to enjoy the actress’s performance in the films “Dovlatov”, “Moscow in Love”, “Beyond Death”, “Walking in Torment”. Svetlana also plays on the theater stage. Her last famous work was the play “Love Story”.

Personal life

The personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova is largely hidden from prying eyes. The actress does not like to show off her relationship. Most often, she talks about some general facts in interviews.

Svetlana Khodchenkova met her husband in student years. Vladimir Yaglych studied a year older than her. However, their relationship began much later - the actress at that time was very interested in her studies, which took almost all of her time. free time. Then she clearly had no time for novels.

After graduating from college, the celebrities met on the set of the series “Carousel” and “My Prechistenka”. When the first series started on the screens, Vladimir invited Sveta to a restaurant to celebrate the premiere. After this, things began between the actors romantic relationship. Without thinking twice, Yaglych invited Khodchenkova to marry him, to which she, of course, agreed. The parents of both actors were happy about this union.

Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vladimir Yaglych got married in 2005. However, jealousy and constant reproaches from the spouse did not allow the marriage to last long. After 6 years, the actors announced their divorce. There were no children in their marriage.

Afterwards, Svetlana had a four-year affair with businessman Georgy Petrishin. The unexpected and beautiful marriage proposal from a lover was discussed in the media for a long time. At the finale of the play “Love Story,” in which Khodchenkova played, Georgy went on stage and took a knee. The actress said: “I agree!” - in the presence of a full hall of spectators. However, right before the wedding, the lovers quarreled and called off the engagement.

In 2016, the celebrity was in love with orthopedic doctor Kirill Masliev. Their romance lasted about six months. Afterwards, the media reported about a relationship with a wealthy businessman, but his name never became known to the public.

Now the actress lives in Moscow, works a lot in theater and cinema, travels and actively relaxes in her free time. Although Svetlana Khodchenkova has repeatedly created the image of a family woman on screen, the actress has not yet had children. Among her close friends are Elena Letuchaya, Anna Chipovskaya, Svetlana Ustinova. Celebrity fans closely follow the star’s Instagram, where they find out latest information about Svetlana's life.

At the moment, Svetlana Khodchenkova carefully hides the name of her lover, her personal life is closed from the eyes of strangers as never before. Only occasionally does the actress post photos where you can see the presence of a man in her life. It seems that Svetlana Khodchenkova, a biography whose personal life is a strict taboo, has begun to take the privacy of her life even more seriously. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova. Born on January 21, 1983 in Moscow. Russian actress theater, cinema and television.

For a long time lived with her mother in the city of Zheleznodorozhny.

At the age of 16, she worked briefly in a modeling agency.

At first, Svetlana did not plan to make a career in cinema: "I never thought about this profession. After school I went to study at the Institute of World Economy. I wanted to work in tourism and advertising. Then I entered the Natalia Nesterova Institute for extramural. I quit too", she says.

Svetlana’s search for herself ended with enrollment in courses at the Shchukin School.

He made his film debut in the film Bless the Woman (2003). For this film she was nominated for the Nika film award for best actress. She continued her career with the role of the clairvoyant Cassandra in the historical television series “Talisman of Love” (2005).

Stanislav Govorukhin launched Khodchenkova’s film career.

Here's how Svetlana talked about her first experience of filming a movie: “I was, of course, lucky. A first-year student got the lead role with Govorukhin himself! To be honest, I still don’t believe that everything happened like that. I was very pressed, I was afraid. I remember sitting in Govorukhin’s office, and suddenly he walked in Alexander Baluev. I barely managed to say “hello”... At the school I was met by Govorukhin’s acting assistant: “Are you Sveta? Very nice. We would like to offer you a role in a movie..." They auditioned for the role of a sister main character. When Stanislav Sergeevich saw me at the audition, he just said: “Wow, little girl!” And he decided to replay everything - to entrust me with the main role. Gave me a script. To my shame, I didn’t have time to read it. I was sent to the next office to finish reading it.".

Govorukhin at one time praised Khodchenkova very much. However, the director subsequently stated that he was disappointed in his protégé: "This bad experience. I kept telling her: “Sveta, don’t strive to join the herd! Stay the way nature created you!” But I always knew that you couldn’t stop her... I managed to cast her in one of my best films, “Not by Bread Alone,” and she took on what millions of girls in our country are suffering from. At the age of 14, they go on a diet, dreaming of becoming herrings. Sveta was unique, and now she has become one of many - she has turned into a “hanger”, there is nothing even to touch... She, of course, will be filmed, but she will never be a star! Never!".

Let us add that there were conflicts over plumpness even during the filming of the film “Bless the Woman” - Govorukhin categorically forbade Svetlana to lose weight, although the actress herself did not like her “plumpness”.

In 2005 she graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute, course of M. Borisov.

And since then, invitations to roles have poured in one after another, no matter who she has played during this time (see Svetlana Khodchenkova’s filmography below).

In 2008 she received the prize for best actress at the Festival of Polish feature films in Gdynia (film “Little Moscow”).

In 2011, the actress made her Hollywood debut in the film “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” Svetlana presented together with her American colleagues at the Venice Film Festival.

In 2012 she was awarded the Georges Award in the Russian Actress of the Year category.

In 2014 she received the prize for best actress at the Pyongyang International Film Festival (the film “Vasilisa”).

She played the Byzantine nun Irina in Russian film. In preparation for the role, I made a special trip to Greek monasteries, studying “how nuns behave, how they present themselves, how they move, how they walk.”

In April 2017, it was presented, in which the actress played the main role and starred in explicit scenes.

Member of the United Russia party.

Member of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia.

Svetlana Khodchenkova in the program "Looking at Night"

Roles of Svetlana Khodchenkova in the theater:

“These free butterflies” (Theater Center STD (VTO) of the Russian Federation “On Strastnoy”)
"Moulin Rouge Hospital" (Independent Theater Project)
“Santa Claus is a bastard!” ("Independent Theater Project")
“Theater with and without rules” (“Independent theater project”)
“Love Story” (“Independent theater project”).

Svetlana Khodchenkova is the face of Avon's Sensuelle fragrance. The commercial with her was shot by Pamela Hanson, a fashion photographer whose work regularly appears in Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle, and GQ magazines.

Svetlana Khodchenkova starred in the videos: “It’s always summer!” together with the group Disco Accident, singer Vera Brezhneva and actress and singer Nastya Zadorozhnaya and “Fragments of Memory” together with Timur Rodriguez.

Svetlana Khodchenkova in Playboy

Svetlana Khodchenkova's height: 179 centimeters

Personal life of Svetlana Khodchenkova:

On December 13, 2005, she married actor Vladimir Yaglych. The actors knew each other from college. After the wedding, she changed her last name, but in films and on stage she used her maiden name.

Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vladimir Yaglych

In the summer of 2010, Khodchenkova and Yaglych divorced.

According to rumors, the cause of the couple’s breakup was Vladimir’s jealousy, which provoked him into quarrels and even beating his wife. Some believed that Yaglych could not survive the success in the career of his wife, who at that moment was in great demand professionally.

Since 2011, Svetlana has been dating Moscow businessman Georgy Petrishin.

The press wrote a lot of interesting things about Yegor: an advertiser, belongs to the golden youth, loves to play “Mafia” in the Moscow club Empire of Mafia. A womanizer who loves to have affairs with famous girls. His track record included Vika Daineko, another “manufacturer” Dakota, and even best friend Svetlana Nastya Zadorozhnaya. Problems were predicted for Svetlana, but Petrishin showed himself to be a permanent man.

Svetlana Khodchenkova and Georgy Petrishin

On May 28, 2015, Petrishin proposed to the actress on the theater stage. Svetlana agreed, it was announced upcoming wedding couples. However, it never came to marriage - they separated.

Filmography of Svetlana Khodchenkova:

2003 - Bless the Woman - Vera
2004 - Carousel - Tamara Onegina
2004 - Icon Hunters - Nezhdana
2005 - Not by Bread Alone - Nadezhda Sergeevna Drozdova
2005 - Loneliness of love - Irina
2005 - My Prechistenka - Agniya Tikhomirova
2005 - Realtor - Masha
2005 - Talisman of Love - clairvoyant Cassandra
2006 - Stalin's Wife - Zhenya
2006 - Alias ​​“Albanian” - Galina Ermolaeva
2006 - Four taxi drivers and a dog 2 - Kozyrkina
2007 - Zero Kilometer - Alina
2007 - Last reproduction - Elena and her copy
2008 - Small Moscow - Vera Svetlova
2008 - Real Dad - Lyudmila
2008 - Quiet family life- Maria Timofeevna
2008 - Crazy Angel - Alena Nekrasova
2009 - Pharmacist - Lyubov Nikolaevna
2009 - When we were happy - Elena Viktorovna Sintsova
2009 - Trap - Liliana
2009 - Love in the Big City - Nastya
2010 - Gangs - Anna Vladislavovna Egorova
2010 - Love in the Big City 2 - Nastya
2010 - Robinson - Lena Balunova
2011 - Office romance. Our time - Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina
2011 - Behind you - Kira
2011 - Short course happy life- Sasha Usova
2011 - Lavrova Method - Ekaterina Lavrova
2011 - Tailor Soldier Spy! - Irina
2011 - Pregnant - prosecutor
2011 - Five Brides - Nastya
2012 - Surprise me - Irina (Baghira)
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - Natasha Rostova / adjutant of the emperor
2012 - Moms - Irina Kozyreva
2012 - 8 first dates - girl in a taxi
2012 - Lavrova Method 2 - Ekaterina Lavrova
2012 - Metro - Irina Garina
2012 - Mosgaz - Irina Viktorovna Lavrova
2013 - Wolverine: Immortal - Victoria / Viper
2013 - Love in the Big City 3 - Nastya
2013 - Visiting $kazki - Yaroslav
2013 - Island of Luck - Lena
2013 - Vasilisa - Vasilisa Kozhina
2013 - Suspended Chronicles - Eva Stalkovich
2014 - Royal Assassin - Maria Gardini
2014 - Adventurers - Katya
2014 - Diary of a first-grader's mother - Masha
2014 - Kuprin. Yama - Zhenya
2014 - Loves - does not love - Ira
2014 - Executioner - Irina Lavrova
2014 - Champions - Svetlana Zhurova
2015 - Empire in the sky - Anna Petrova
2015 - Warrior - Katya
2015 - Horoscope for luck - Elena
2015 - The end of a wonderful era - Marina
2015 - Bloody Lady Bathory - Elizabeth Bathory
2016 - Shadow
2016 - 2019 - She has a different name - Lisa
2019 - Sect - Lilya
2019 - On the cutting edge
2019 - Moscow in love
2019 - Casanova
2019 - Hero - Masha

Svetlana Khodchenkova about herself:

"Gluttonous, interested, suspicious."

“For 17 years, I was very far from the idea that I would become an actress. I graduated from school, worked in a modeling agency. I liked it all so much that in the future I saw myself running along the catwalks at European Fashion Weeks.”

"The voice is also an acting instrument. I can speak in high notes, I can “mimic.” It all depends on the character. For me, as an actor of the Vakhtangov school, everything goes from external to internal. If you dress me and comb my hair in a certain way, I will start to feel different and my voice will sound different. Sometimes I specifically match the voice to the character."

“I am a hyper-emotional person. I can get upset over little things. The intonation with which they talk to me is important to me. I can be criticized, but these things must be said in the right tone. The stick method is not for me, with me you can only use carrots.”

“In general, I’m very afraid of responsibility! And when I find out that I’ve been approved for a role, almost the first thought is always to refuse.”

"I'm willing to accept that love can fade. But I also believe that if people want to stay in a relationship, they will."

Recently famous actress Russian cinema Svetlana Khodchenkova got married. Although this event took place secretly and in a close circle of family and friends, journalists could not help but notice the luxurious engagement ring with diamonds on the ring finger right hand actresses. Her chosen one was Georgy Petrishin, who is a famous businessman.

Svetlana and Georgy met exactly three years ago in a cafe where everyone gathered after the Golden Gramophone ceremony. This was facilitated by a friend and colleague in the three-part film “Love in the City” Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. Before this relationship, the guy was in close contact with Victoria Daineko, and also did not breathe coldly towards Anfisa Chekhova. But it was clearly destined to meet the businessman and actress. Ardent feelings immediately flared up between them, and there was love at first sight.

Former relationships of Svetlana Khodchenkova

Khodchenkova was not bored at all in her time. She had already been married once for about 5 years. Her ex-husband was Vladimir Yaglych. The young people met at the Shchukin School when they were still students. Vladimir studied one course higher. Despite the fact that Svetlana really liked the guy with his charm, the relationship between them did not begin so immediately.

The year 2003 was marked for the actors by filming in the film “Quiet Moscow Courtyard”. In it, Vladimir was supposed to become the actress’s husband. The young couple at that moment already had feelings for each other, so they did not have to pretend to be in love. Apparently, since then, close friendships began. love relationship between Vladimir and Khodchenkova. In 2005, she married him.

But apparently it didn’t work out, and they divorced in 2010. The reason for this divorce was Vladimir’s quality of falling in love. Naturally, Svetlana could no longer tolerate this. They probably played a significant role common signs By Chinese horoscope, ex-spouses- Roosters, and, as everyone knows, it’s simply impossible for roosters to get along in the same cage.

But despite all this, the couple was truly happy. Their love was also sincere, namely the kind that only happens for the first time. Yaglych considered his wife good and faithful companion, and Svetlana, in turn, thought that her husband was a reliable companion and protector. What else could they think at such a young and naive age? But fate decreed otherwise. Since then, the actress has been trying to keep her personal life tightly locked and not comment on any changes in it.

After the breakup, Vladimir Yaglych did not grieve for a long time and started short affairs one after another. Later, he began a relationship with Oksana Dominina after filming the show together.” glacial period”, in which she was his partner. The couple didn't look too bad. After some time in his relationship with Oksana, Yaglych even stated that he wanted to go with her to the registry office and give birth to many children. But, unfortunately, this relationship also did not last long. Probably, the reason was still Vladimir.

New relationships of Svetlana Khodchenkova

For some time, Svetlana was single, until in 2011 she met her future husband. The actress never ceases to note the fact that she feels behind Petrishin as if behind a stone wall and is completely confident in her future together. It is impossible to note the complete idyll that reigns in their family.

She does not confirm that the movie star Khodchenkova got married, but she does not deny this fact either. Together with their husband, they, like two secret spies, remain silent and have no desire for anyone to disturb their peace in their personal lives. In addition, Svetlana strictly forbade all her friends to comment on her new status.

Undoubtedly, Svetlana was attracted to her future chosen one by such positive traits like: slimness, a wonderful sense of humor, seriousness, erudition and much more. Khodchenkova is very Strong woman, and in order for her to fully open up, the same person must walk next to her through life. strong man, just like her.

It was a huge dream for Svetlana to have the opportunity to act in a Hollywood movie. Fortunately, her dream came true, and she became Hugh Jackman's partner in one of the parts science fiction film"Wolverine. Immortal".

After filming ended, the actress decided not to big break in her work, and together with her beloved Gregory went to the island of Bali, where the star celebrated her anniversary - her 30th birthday. Soon, eligible bachelor presented the most famous and noticed by everyone wedding ring with diamonds - it took place on Catholic Christmas. Naturally, Svetlana Khodchenkova answered “Yes” without any hesitation!

Having married Grigory Petrishin, the actress only shared how they understood her ideal relationship between husband and wife. For her it is love and friendship, mutual understanding and support. She never fully reveals herself to the man who is next to her. Thus, she is afraid of losing herself and becoming a read book for her beloved.

  • Name: Svetlana
  • Surname: Khodchenkova
  • Date of Birth: 21.01.1983
  • Place of Birth: Moscow
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Eastern horoscope: Boar
  • Occupation: actress
  • Height: 179 cm
  • Weight: 53 cm

Svetlana Khodchenkova is a Russian theater and film actress. Thanks to her extraordinary talent, hard work and excellent appearance, she achieved incredible success in the vastness of the domestic film industry. Recently, her name has become known in Hollywood.

Photo by Svetlana Khodchenkova

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Khodchenkova is a native of Moscow. She spent her childhood in Zheleznodorozhny near Moscow, where her mother had to raise her daughter on her own. The lack of finances in the family was almost always felt: working profession her mother could not provide a comfortable existence, so Sveta tried to be useful from childhood.

School time for Svetlana was not the most rosy. Looking at her wealthy classmates, she felt increasingly unsure of her abilities. In order to somehow change her inner mood, the girl enrolled in a modeling school. Having successfully completed the courses, she was even invited to a modeling agency. She devoted some time to filming, after which she received her first fee. But Svetlana did not like the life of a model. Having studied this profession from the inside and faced with unambiguous offers, the girl decided not to return to this environment.

Another field of activity that the schoolgirl dreamed about was medicine. But when Svetlana realized that she couldn’t cope with biology and chemistry, she abandoned this idea. As a result, receive higher education decided at the Institute of World Economy. So how did Khodchenkova become an actress? Everything can be explained simply: she quickly became bored with economic disciplines and the student transferred to the advertising department. However, she soon became disillusioned with this specialty. Khodchenkova’s desire to submit documents to the Shchukin Theater School seemed to flare up within her. Before admission, several months were devoted to preparatory courses, as a result of which Svetlana Khodchenkova was enrolled in the famous “Pike”.

Film debut

Svetlana Khodchenkova can undoubtedly be proud of her first film role. Having just recently become a theater student, director Stanislav Govorukhin drew attention to the first-year student. The audition for the role of Svetlana successfully passed and the filming process of the film “Bless the Woman” began. The young actress looked feminine, organic and at the same time very natural and convincing. But the role of Vera required the heroine to grow up, but Khodchenkova perfectly got used to the role of both an 18-year-old girl and a wise forty-year-old woman. The tandem with Alexander Baluev turned out to be convincing, and for the role of Vera the actress was nominated for the Nika Award.

The film “Bless the Woman” opened the door to the world of the Russian film industry for Khodchenkova, Svetlana, in turn, took full advantage of this chance. After the film premiered in 2003, the name talented actress does not leave the screens. The audience was eagerly awaiting following roles, Svetlana enthusiastically accepted more and more new proposals.


There is an opinion that Svetlana Khodchenkova is not too selective in her roles, but rather, this definition comes from “evil tongues.” Of course, one can only envy such a stunning career as an actress. And here we're talking about It’s not about selectivity, it’s just that Khodchenkova has time everywhere.

After the debut role, a series of new works followed:

  • "Icon Hunters" (2004);
  • “Not by Bread Alone” (2005);
  • "Realtor" (2005)
  • "Talisman of Love" (2005).

By the way, Stanislav Govorukhin was quite critical of his “muse’s” agreement to star in the television series “Talisman of Love.” The director described his bewilderment as follows: “Svetka is a good girl, but she has no brains...”, but then completed the phrase: “... everything went into talent.”

The filmography of the blond beauty was expanded every year. In 2007 – the main role in the film “Kilometer Zero”, in 2008 – big job in Polish artistic painting“Little Moscow”, as well as filming in the comedy “Real Dad”. Khodchenkova’s march through the expanses of cinema seemed impossible to stop. In 2009, the romantic comedy was shown in cinemas, which rewarded the actress with another wave of popularity.

"Sex and the City"

The success of the film project “Love in the City” was largely ensured by the star cast: Alexey Chadov, Vera Brezhneva, Vili Haapasalo, Vladimir Zelensky, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Philip Kirkorov. Svetlana also coped brilliantly with the role. Quite often one could hear the opinion that, against the backdrop of the two singers, Khodchenkova certainly won.

Positive reviews and popularity with viewers allowed the filmmakers to film several more parts. Already in 2010 charming actress again reincarnated as her heroine Nastya in the second part of the film, and in 2013 the premiere of the third film took place.

Continuation of creative success

By the age of thirty, Svetlana Khodchenkova’s filmography was already so rich bright roles, that one can only envy. She does not neglect roles in TV series, she completely and completely immerses herself in her heroines. With close attention, television viewers followed the development of actions in the television series “Mosgaz” (2012), “A Short Course in a Happy Life” (2011), “Kuprin. Pit" (2014).

Khodchenkova is equally good at portraying characters in comedies, dramas, and historical film adaptations. She seems to be capable of any role. Among the memorable works in cinema, one can highlight Nastya from the good comedy “Five Brides” (2011), Irina, the heroine from the disaster film “Metro” (2012), and the audience also remembered her heroine in the remake “ Office romance"(2011), in the film "Moms" (2012). And for her role as Vasilisa from the film of the same name, Khodchenkova was awarded the Pyongyang International Film Festival prize for best actress.

In 2015, Stanislav Govorukhin filmed Dovlatov’s stories. The director could not imagine “The End of a Beautiful Era” without talented Svetlana. The picture, according to most critics, became one of the most best works master of directing, and Khodchenkova in Once again showed her incredible acting talent.

On a Hollywood scale

In 2011, the popular Russian actress set out to conquer the global film industry. Colleagues on the set of the thriller “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” become Hollywood stars Gary Oldman, Tom Hardy. Svetlana fit into the team of eminent colleagues with all her inherent charm.

In 2013, Khodchenkova conquered a new level of cinema. Filming of the superhero film "Wolverine: Immortal" took place in several countries, including Australia and Japan. The Russian actress played the role of Viper - the prototype of the heroine from Marvel comics. Svetlana looked very organic, and the level of her performance was truly Hollywood.

Personal life

Svetlana Khodchenkova’s family life cannot yet be called as successful as her acting one. However, the actress has a marriage behind her, as well as a bright romance.

Svetlana met her husband Vladimir Yaglych at Shchuka. After professional activity brought them together on the same set and in 2005 the young actors registered their relationship. Five years later, their marriage came to an end. The reason for this was probably Khodchenkova’s growing popularity. Vladimir, on the other hand, could not boast of such a demand, and besides, he was distinguished by a jealous disposition.

The actress received her second marriage proposal on the theater stage. In 2015, businessman Georgy Petrishin decided that the time had come for him and Svetlana to become legal husband and wife. However, at the beginning of 2016, the relationship ran its course, resulting in the couple breaking up.

Present tense

Currently, Svetlana Khodchenkova continues to be one of the most sought-after actresses in the Russian film industry. One gets the feeling that this girl is working non-stop. Several films with her participation are released a year, and the actress is not going to stop there.

Behind last years viewers enjoyed the performance of their favorite actress in the film projects “Bloody Lady Bathory” (2015), “Warrior” (2015). The premiere of the historical saga “Viking” is planned for the end of 2016.