Meteorite according to the dream book. If you dream about a Comet, what is it for? Modern interpretation of the vision

The appearance of a comet is an infrequent occurrence, so since ancient times it has been considered a harbinger of great changes. Its appearance was associated with the most large-scale changes in the life of mankind. And if you dreamed of a comet, then you can find out the interpretation of the dream from this article.

Let's look into the dream book: a comet is a symbol of global progress in life, a stormy career, social, personal or spiritual growth and development. See a comet - it will appear surrounded by new person, which will change your life for the better. However, it will not be possible to maintain a relationship with him for a long time. However, do not be discouraged: people come and go, and each person plays some role in our lives.

Looking at this cosmic object with the naked eye - you will feel conflicting feelings, but in the end your mind will prevail over your feelings, and you will make a balanced and sensible decision. Through a telescope, you will have to choose for yourself what to do: according to conscience or in accordance with duty.

How much imagination is enough?

Why do you dream about a comet? Pay attention to the color of this symbol. The interpretation of the dream directly depends on this:

  • Red – changes will occur in family life. Such a dream foreshadows a stormy, passionate romance.
  • Orange – success in professional and public spheres. Career or professional growth is quite likely. For people of creative professions, such a dream foreshadows recognition and glory.
  • Yellow - for a sudden celebration or party that will have a positive effect on your mood.
  • White – growth in the spiritual sphere. Yours will change life principles and value system.
  • Blue - for pleasant chores before an anniversary or holiday.
  • Green – changes in life will take place calmly, without sudden jumps.

I dreamed of a comet flying across - get ready for sudden challenges of fate; be prepared to make decisions quickly. But don’t rush to worry: you will overcome everything and achieve new heights in your activities, become more decisive and self-confident.

Why do you dream of a comet flying slowly across the sky? Towards successful movement in the direction of the goal. Did the cosmic body move quickly? To an unexpected gain, income, sudden advancement of a long-stalled business. Comets flying among or falling to the ground are a sign of good news.

Flying in dreams and in reality

Seeing an asteroid falling in your night dreams means good prospects will open up for you. If you dream that you are on an asteroid, it means that you will successfully complete some important task.

A meteor leaving a flaming trail is a symbol of brilliant and dizzying success. Just don’t rush to boast about it: few people around you will be sincerely happy for you, and it’s absolutely not necessary to make extra ill-wishers for yourself.

A barely noticeable comet in a dream is a sign that you are not confident in yourself. Engage in self-development and raising your self-esteem. You can do anything, you just need to believe in yourself and your strength. If celestial body blinded you, then expect to meet an old friend or distant relative whom you have not seen for a long time. This meeting will give a boost positive emotions and will cheer you up, and perhaps provide useful information.

Did you dream of a space object falling on you? You may be abusing someone's trust or concern. To save good relationship, think about whether you are testing someone’s patience.

She circled above the house where you live, which means that you will soon experience a feeling that was previously unusual for you. And this will not necessarily be a feeling of love. Maybe it will be compassion or joy for a friend's achievements. Seeing a comet fall to the ground and fly into a house means an addition to the family or its expansion with new members.

This description is given when interpreting dreams about this cosmic body. To get a deeper interpretation of what you saw, pay attention to the details of the dream by reading the relevant sections of the dream book. Author: Olga Lupandina

To dream of this divine, awe-inspiring object floating across the sky (a comet)- means that you will be haunted by unexpected trials, but by courageously entering into the fight against these adversities, you will rise from mediocrity in life to the heights of glory.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Comet- warns of impending problems. A sign of bad news, evil, epidemics, broken hopes.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream of a comet- this promises loneliness and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dream about a comet- means that some rare, unexpected and very significant event in your life can have long-lasting consequences.

Comet tail shape- often serves as a clue to what kind of event it is and what consequences it can lead to.

Dream book for the whole family

Comet- you will be required to accept lightning speed and, of course, the right decision. How decisive you are and how correct your choice is will determine your future. At best, your life will change radically and, most importantly, better side. But also worst option not so terrible - in extreme cases, nothing will change.

If the comet is reddish in color- then future changes will occur in family life. Any other shades imply changes in public life.

Dream book for a bitch

Comet- unexpected trials will fall to your lot, which you will bravely and courageously overcome and achieve glory and honors.

New family dream book

If you saw a comet floating across the sky in a dream- unexpected tests await you. Bravely enter the fight and you will reach the heights of glory. But to the young woman similar dream - promises sadness and anxiety.

Modern combined dream book

If in a dream you see this awe-inspiring celestial body rushing across the sky- unexpected severe trials will fall to your lot, but you will bravely overcome all difficulties, rise above human mediocrity and rise to the pinnacle of glory. For young people this dream- portends bereavement and sadness.

Eastern women's dream book

Comet flying across the sky- dreams of serious trials. For young people, such a dream portends loss.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dream book of the 21st century

Comet in the sky- is a harbinger of the unexpected life trials, requiring concentration of will and strength. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an outbreak of love passion.

A dream in which you saw the glow of an asteroid- means that all your plans are devoid of reality.

For a woman- such a dream means betrayal of a loved one.

English dream book

“I never dreamed of a comet,” said the wise Ptolemy. - But it is known that this dream foreshadows great and innumerable disasters: famine, wars, merciless and massacres.

The Man Who Dreamed of a Comet- can expect any misfortune, a change in everything for the worse.

Seeing a comet in a dream- postpone the trip you have planned, give up an exciting but risky undertaking, try not to get into dangerous situations. Otherwise, you will have to suffer greatly.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

See the comet- foreshadows quarrel, discord, war, pestilence and famine.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Did a comet appear in a dream? A significant and extremely unexpected event that will occur soon will have lasting consequences. Why else do you dream about this image? The dream book believes that it is necessary to consider all the details of the dream.

Act quickly!

In a dream, did you happen to see the sky through which a guest from outer space was flying? You have to make a literally lightning-fast decision. Your distant future depends on how correct it turns out to be.

A sky with a comet also means that you will face a difficult test. The dream book insists: if you pass it successfully, you will earn fame, honors, and prosperity.

Did you dream about a tailed comet flashing by? Boring life will suddenly excite the acquaintance with an unusual person, however, he will stay near you for a short time.

According to Miller

If a comet appears in the night, then you need to boldly enter into the fight against troubles. But a young woman can see the same vision before heavy losses and sadness.

Ready for a change?

Why do you dream about a comet? In a dream, this is a symbol of rapid spiritual growth, creative upsurge. If you had to observe the movement of an unknown body, then a sense of duty will prevail over conflicting emotions.

Did you dream of a bright dot that was moving very quickly? The dream book guarantees the progress of an important matter. If an object suddenly flares up and goes out, then a series of serious changes and mysterious situations lie ahead.

Decoding details

You should definitely decipher all the features of the space object.

  • Asteroid - excellent prospects, unexpected success.
  • Meteor is an illusion, a deception.
  • Blue color - a pleasant incident.
  • Red - danger, trouble.
  • Burning - death of a loved one.

A red body promises changes in family life, and any other - in social life. The shape of a comet often indicates the nature of the event, and its tail often indicates the duration of the consequences.

Your plans are unrealistic!

Why do you dream of a particularly bright star that flies directly overhead? In reality, you will bring an extremely risky business to a victorious end.

However, it is bad for a woman to see such a plot. It means betrayal of a loved one. Did you see a tailed comet? The dream book warns: you are making unrealistic plans.

For better or worse?

Did you dream about a shooting star? Wait for news from afar. The same plot symbolizes some shocking incident.

Moreover, character directly depends on general atmosphere dreams. If she is gloomy, then expect bad things; if she is pleasant and bright, then vice versa.

In addition, a falling comet hints in a dream: what you have planned will not come true very soon, perhaps in a few years.

Dreams come true!

There are more positive interpretation sleep. Why do you dream, for example, that a space wanderer is falling? The dream book guarantees the fulfillment of your cherished dreams and well-being in the very near future.

Children's dream book

What does Comet mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream of a Comet - It will appear soon in your currently boring life interesting personality which will bring a lot of fuss into your life, but will not stay near you for long, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book

A comet in a woman’s dream, why?

Dreaming about a Comet – Seeing a comet flying across the sky in a dream means unexpected trials. Go through them boldly and you will overcome the mediocre side of your life and rise to extraordinary heights. For a young woman, such a dream portends bereavement and sadness.

Dream book for the whole family

Why do you dream about Comet?

Comet - You will be required to make a lightning-fast and, of course, correct decision. How decisive you are and how correct your choice is will determine your future. In the best case, your life will change radically and, most importantly, for the better. But the worst case scenario is not so terrible - in the extreme case, nothing will change. If the comet is reddish in color, then future changes will occur in family life. Any other shades imply changes in public life.

Ukrainian dream book

What does it mean when you dream of a Comet?

According to the dream book Comet - Troubled times, war, famine, pestilence, as the dream book says - the predictor.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Comet?

To see a dream about a Comet - A comet in the sky is a harbinger of unexpected life trials that require concentration of will and strength. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows an outbreak of love passion. A brilliant meteor that leaves a trace means the illusion of success, success from deception. Seeing an asteroid in a dream means that wonderful prospects await you. If in a dream you saw that you were on an asteroid, it means that you will successfully complete a risky undertaking. A dream in which you saw the glow of an asteroid means that all your plans are devoid of reality. For a woman, such a dream means betrayal of a loved one, which is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Comet - A sign of great upheaval in the country (epidemic, coup, military conflict); personal misfortune, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book

Seeing a Comet in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Comet - Seeing a comet in a dream is a bad sign, promising quarrels, war, illness or famine. If a comet fell on you in a dream, this is an omen of future disasters. If you dream of comets flying among the stars, such a dream means the death of a distant friend or relative.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Comet according to the dream book:

To see a dream about a Comet - Warns of impending problems. A sign of bad news, evil, epidemics, broken hopes.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Comet:

Comet - Seeing this divine, awe-inspiring object floating across the sky in a dream means that unexpected trials will haunt you, but by courageously taking on these adversities, you will rise from mediocrity in life to the heights of glory. For a young woman, this dream foreshadows bereavement and sadness.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dream Interpretation: Comet in a dream

Comet - A difficult year with many disasters.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Seeing a Comet in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream of a Comet - War, famine, disaster; tough year with many disasters

Gypsy dream book

What does it mean if you dream about a Comet:

Comet - Seeing a comet in a dream foreshadows quarrel, discord, war, pestilence and famine.

In a dream, a comet or other cosmic body may appear before an important or especially joyful event. the dream book will tell you in detail why you dream about a guest from outer space.

Why do you dream about a comet?

A tailed cosmic guest, a comet, falling on the dreamer in a dream promises him not only pleasant news, but downright stunning. The information will be so powerful and relevant that it will simply change the entire life of the sleeper. He will be ready for self-development, self-knowledge and self-improvement. An inspired person, inspired by his own successes and having learned the secret of the universe, can move mountains and turn back rivers if no one puts a spoke in his wheels.

If you happen to see a comet rushing at breakneck speed across the sky, then such a vision cannot be called good, since it promises famine, war, devastation and general chaos. And if she maneuvers between the stars, then we should expect a quick death close relative. When a comet falls to Earth at full speed, killing all living things and destroying cities, the dreamer will have to experience poverty, because his financial situation will sharply worsen.

Why do you dream about a satellite?

If you dreamed of an artificial Earth satellite flying across the sky and blinking, then soon the dreamer will receive powerful support from the outside. It is not necessary that this help will come from people. It is possible that the Higher Mind itself paid attention to the dreamer and will help him in every possible way in business, and in life too.

If you dreamed natural satellite any planet, for example, Jupiter, this means that the dreamer will finally find his soul mate and will be very happy in marriage. It is also possible that the sleeper will have new friend who will never betray him, sell him or let him down. When a satellite leaves its orbit and falls to the Earth, leaving an impressive crater on its surface, then such a vision foreshadows the sleeping hard times, which reliable friends will help him survive.

Why do you dream about an asteroid?

Anyone who sees an asteroid in a dream need not be upset: this celestial body is a symbol of success and a harbinger of opening prospects. A particularly favorable dream is one in which the dreamer sits on an asteroid and travels around the galaxy on it. If a person holds a piece of an asteroid in his hands, this means that all his ideas, even the craziest ones, will be brought to life and successfully implemented.

A falling asteroid is a harbinger of future disappointments, and if it flies with incredible high speed, then you should expect difficulties that will soon arise in life path. When a cosmic body falls not far from the dreamer, this foreshadows an early meeting with a person with whom you can safely connect your destiny. An asteroid flying past but not falling promises a quick move to a new place of residence. Watching the movement of an asteroid in a dream means travel or long journey. If a cosmic body exploded before reaching the Earth, you will have to carefully think through and weigh all your decisions.

Why do you dream of a meteorite?

Any celestial body you dream about can cause conflicting feelings. Meteorite is no exception. From such a vision, the dreamer can experience both indescribable delight and primitive fear. Naturally, to correctly decipher a dream, one should also take into account emotional state, and the general sensations of the sleeper.

When a fallen meteorite arouses the dreamer’s interest, this is the first sign that even his most risky undertakings will be successful and will not cause any complications. If a meteorite destroyed a house or an entire city when it fell, then soon the dreamer will meet a person who will greatly influence his fate.

Knowing for sure that a meteorite fell, but not seeing it - good sign. This promises a serious change financial situation. A meteorite falling under your feet is a harbinger of a romantic date, and if it falls somewhere nearby, then a bright and joyful event will soon occur in the life of the sleeper. Meteor shower predicts changes in life, but, according to the Bulgarian fortuneteller Vanga, such a vision promises planet Earth a global catastrophe at the level of the End of the World.

Why do you dream about a car?

It is not easy to see the car in all its glory in reality, since it burns out instantly and leaves behind only a trace. But in a dream everything is possible. Therefore, seeing a golden-colored car, there is a chance in reality to receive an inheritance, and this will be a complete surprise for the dreamer. A silver car portends the purchase of a new car. It’s not hard to guess what color it will be – metallic silver. A fireball that leaves a red mark on the sky is a harbinger of ill health, and a green one is a harbinger of lack of money.

If the car flies too quickly and there is absolutely no trace left of its flight, then this is not very good sign. Such an anomaly means that the plan is not destined to come true or is destined, but not immediately. Such a tedious wait is clearly not part of the dreamer’s plans, so he will alter something and radically change it, but such actions will not bring the desired result.