Why does macron have an old wife? Wife of French President Macron: biography, photo

Whenever during an election race, the attention of the public and the media is focused not only on the candidates and the methods by which they go to victory or complete failure. Their wives become living targets for journalists, fashion experts and, of course, amateur critics. Therefore, the victory of Emmanuel Macron in the presidential elections in France brought glory and all the ensuing consequences to his wife Brigitte.

"Mrs. Robinson"

“The new First Lady of the Fifth Republic, Brigitte Tronier, is 25 years older than the elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron. She is 64 years old, she met her husband when he was 15” - these phrases can usually summarize any Western or Russian article about the wife of Emmanuel Macron. This is usually superimposed on various fantasies of the authors: Brigitte must be suffering from pedophilia; Emmanuel is rumored to prefer men. But most of all, journalists concentrate on the age difference and the fact that Emmanuel was a classmate of Brigitte’s daughter and her own student. This amuses Freudian complexes and vulgar pornographic fantasies, from which even Silvio Berlusconi does not abstain, calling Brigitte Macron “ beautiful mother"for the President of France. As for the Russian media, not a single article about the new president of the country is complete without the formula 39/64, which frightens ordinary people.

There is a banal double standard here: grown men not only have the right, but actually have to date girls half their age, but if a woman over forty dates a 20-year-old man, then she is definitely a pedophile. It is often difficult to understand how men can like older and more experienced women. But how simple it is with Donald Trump, who has exactly the same age difference with his wife as Emannuel and Brigitte - only the other way around. Macron himself notes the double standard: “If I were 20 years older than my wife, no one would have thought to doubt that we could have an intimate relationship.”

At the same time, few people are interested in the first lady as a person. The wife of the head of state has always been an easy and convenient target for those who need to sublimate their frustration towards political system country or president. If a woman begins to publicly defend herself, she, in her own way, exposes herself to even more swipe critics. Articles that purport to defend Brigitte Macron from attack, as in the case of a recent analysis from GQ, go to the other extreme: her age becomes a fetish and a subject for objectification - she is a grown woman, and it is sexy. It all ends with quotes from the song “Mrs. Robinson" from the movie "The Graduate". At the same time, Macron himself not only does not hide his love for his wife, but also constantly tries to bring her out of his shadow. “Without her, I would not be who I am today. No one can replace her,” Emmanuel says in an interview with Bloomberg.

Before you hang cheap labels, it’s worth finding out who Brigitte Macron is. She was born in the city of Amiens in famous dynasty confectioners, was the youngest of six children in the Tronier family. She taught Latin in Strasbourg and then received a position as an acting teacher at a Jesuit school in Amiens, where Emmanuel fell in love with her. Despite the fact that most publications prefer to once again focus on the active male role in their relationship (Macron set himself the goal of getting Brigitte’s hand at any cost and sought it for 12 years), some still admit that Brigitte is the real political manager in their relationship. The first lady herself quotes Michel de Montaigne in a conversation about her relationship with the president. “My husband and I love to “polish each other’s brains.” We cannot live without this,” she says in an interview with Canal Plus.

Truly French First Lady

If you dig a little deeper, it is easy to discover that in French culture such relationships have always been the norm: Josephine de Beauharnais was six years older than Napoleon Bonaparte, and even for this slight difference she faced criticism and ridicule. The couple even had to correct the age data on their marriage certificate - according to the documents, Josephine was 4 years younger, and Bonaparte was 18 months older.

Josephine played approximately the same role in the fate of France that Brigitte played. Firstly, she became a style icon of the First Empire. It was she who introduced new styles into fashion every week, such as the famous Josephine dress, gathered under the bust, and the combination of white muslin and black silk. Her unique fashion experiments cost the emperor 3 million francs a year - an unthinkable amount at that time. Secondly, it was Josephine who inspired Napoleon to many of his actions, was his inner conscience and the main love of his life. The divorce from her was, according to many historians, the beginning of the end for Bonaparte.

It should be noted that France, in principle, has never had the concept of a typical first lady, always strictly following a certain code, as is customary in America. François Mitterrand led a life of two families and maintained a close relationship with the mother of his illegitimate daughter Mazarine, while his wife Danielle began an affair with Jean Balensi at the same time. Bernadette Chirac without hesitation told her biographer about how long she endured her husband’s infidelities. Nicolas Sarkozy's wife Cecilia could not stand it and left seven months after his election as president. The latest scandal Valerie Trierweiler's book became a part of the history of French first ladies, in which she published details of Francois Hollande's affair with actress Julie Gayet.

A first lady like Brigitte could only appear in France, with its rich culture and history of relationships in which big difference age does not bother anyone. The classics loved to use this theme in their works. French literature. The most a shining example One can name the relationship between Honore de Balzac and his muse and inspiration Laura de Bernis, who was more than twice his age. It was Madame de Bernis who supported the young writer in his desire to engage in literary work, paid his bills and never ceased to believe in his talent. She inspired Balzac's iconic works about the so-called woman of Balzac's age who helps her to a young lover on his way to wealth and fame. The writer was next to Laura de Berni before last minutes her life.

The image of a woman who remains sexy and attractive into old age has found its place in French cinema. Stars such as Daniel Darrieux, Fanny Ardant, Catherine Deneuve and Isabelle Huppert have become cult figures in France and beyond. Thus, Brigitte Macron is not the first and is unlikely to be the last.

What is good for a Frenchman is death for an American

The French voter is accustomed to strong, powerful and well-dressed first ladies. In the United States, this look went out of fashion with Jackie Kennedy leaving the White House. The next archetype in the history of US first ladies was the “mother of the nation,” and Nancy Reagan brilliantly played this role. However, this role quickly showed its inconsistency - such female images are quickly destroyed due to their artificiality. Time passes, and people realize that behind this there is nothing more than a team of makeup artists and speech writers. The final blow to this role model was the death of Princess Diana, whose life was another example of a seemingly ideal love story and another “motherly” image. In reality, the number of fairy tales about the prince and princess, and even with good ending, tends to zero, and women quickly get tired of playing the role of a sex bomb or the Virgin Mary. And even though these archetypes have a good effect on the instincts of voters, it is impossible to pretend to be an artificial character for a long time.

This is why Melania Trump's image failed: it is impossible to easily project the image of a strong first lady to the masses if you are hiding in Trump Tower. When your relationship with your husband becomes so tense that it is no longer possible to hide hostility in public, then you can’t pretend to be a caring wife.

Brigitte Macron decided to take a different path and not emulate either Melania or Carla Bruni. Delphine de Canecaude, a Parisian stylist, said in an interview with L "Express: “She is a rock and roll young lady. She doesn’t say to herself for a second: “M not 64, I can't afford to wear skirts above the knee." Huge heels, sleeveless dresses, leather pants- she is ready for anything. She's just a superwoman" The French call her their “Jane Fonda,” and this is no coincidence. A beautiful olive tan, Louis Vuitton bags, double-breasted coats, bright details, skinny jeans - this is the image of a woman who has lived her whole life by the principle of “never slow down, only forward” and is not going to change it just because now her home is her residence French President.

Many political scientists noted that 48-year-old Marine Le Pen also lost because she chose a too conservative style for herself, which made her look old. From the very beginning, Emmanuel Macron's wife demonstrated a youthful approach to life and, first of all, to her own. Brigitte made a bet on young France and was right. After the elections in the USA and France, when one nation is hopelessly disillusioned with the image of a beautiful doll in a Chanel suit, and another begins to fall in love with a woman who breaks age and social stereotypes, the images of the “loving mother of the nation” or the “virgin queen” no longer work. The time has come for a real, living woman who can support her partner, but will never allow anyone to consider herself not equal to him. And it doesn't matter how old she is. As Brigitte’s daughter from her first marriage, Tiffany Ozier, says, in the provinces the French admire what Brigitte does. “I always meet people who admire the work mom does, how she supports her husband and how involved she is in his life,” she adds.

At times, Brigitte's influence even becomes too noticeable; the French press accuses her of overshadowing her husband. Macron himself reacts to this succinctly: “Her role will be the same as it was before the elections - I’m not going to hide my wife, since she shares my life with me and her opinion matters to me. There was always balance in our relationship, and Brigitte was always by my side in the most difficult moments.”

24 April 2017, 13:16

Macron is a figure with no clear ideological message at all (“neither left nor right, but quite the opposite,” as Macron himself says about himself) and with an unconventional personal life: he is married to his former teacher, who is 24 years older than him, and carefully nurses her grandchildren. It was his love story: many French housewives of Balzac’s age are touched by the feelings that the young handsome Macron experiences for his Bridget, trying this situation on themselves. And of course, technologies “targeted” at different electoral groups are literally copied one after another from Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Recently, there has been a bit too much of Mr. Macron in both newspapers and magazines. Touching photographs of the Ministry of Finance, tenderly holding his wife’s hand, even more touching photos of the Ministry of Finance bottle-feeding his grandchildren (although he is not obliged, not him...). The wife of the Ministry of Finance gives a detailed interview to the most popular weekly magazine Paris Match - and everything is only about her husband, about what he is like wonderful person. And when a certain young lady tried to take him away from Bridget, the Ministry of Finance pointedly sued her for harassment. “I love my wife,” he said then in front of journalists, and the entire female audience answered him “Ah!” It was then that it became obvious to others, including Hollande: Mr. Macron was aiming to become the next president of France. Why not? He looks like an exemplary family man and a tough nut to crack. And now he has his own party. In general, it appears that the charming and cunning Emmanuel Macron has every chance of winning the presidential election in 2017. At a minimum, he has already won over the female part of the electorate.

They met more than 20 years ago in a small provincial town, when Macron was studying at a Christian religious school, and Trono was his teacher. He was 15, she was 35, he was a student at the lyceum, she was a teacher. Agree, not a very classic story. However, even in France, free from all prejudices, it’s unlikely that anyone would like such a plot, so for a long time the couple did not cross the cherished line. They first met one-on-one when Emmanuel was in high school. Then Brigitte and the future French Ministry of Finance were completely innocently staging a theatrical play, and therefore spent every evening together. Now, looking at Madame Macron, one can assume that in her youth she was very pretty, and, to be honest, now Bridget is also in excellent shape. Joint studies lasted for two years. Emmanuel followed his teacher like a tail, accompanied her home, which, naturally, her husband did not like, but there was no way to confuse the stubborn teenager. On his 17th birthday, Emmanuel told Bridget: “No matter what you do, no matter how you dodge me, I will marry you.” Then the woman only laughed at the arrogant young man - in addition to her husband, with whom Bridget lived for quite a long time, the teacher already had three children. However, a few years later, the future Madame Macron divorced, unexpectedly, perhaps even for herself, and married Emmanuel in 2007, so the lovers have been happy together for almost ten years.

A little about Bridget)

Her family was involved in the production of chocolate products and macarons (funny coincidence:), a French confectionery product made from egg whites, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, ground almonds and food coloring.

Macron's opponents are debating the issue of the presidential candidate's sexual orientation and claiming that his wife is just a distraction.

Another problem for Macron - especially against the backdrop of compromising evidence on Francois Fillon - is correspondence with former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Allegedly, while still Minister of Economy, Macron discussed future plans with Clinton when they both became presidents.

Updated 24/04/17 14:29:

In my youth

The figure of the current President of France is a bright personality and attracts interest from not only his compatriots, but many other people from all over the world. Emmanuel Macron, whose biography will be discussed in detail in this article, is a young, energetic and ambitious politician. His life in lately is under the radar of the media and average people. Let's join them.

Brief information

Emmanuel Macron (his biography may well be an example to follow) was born on December 21, 1977 in the French city of Amiens. His father is professor of neurology Jean-Michel Macron, and his mother is doctor Françoise Macron-Noguez. By religion, Emmanuel considers himself a Catholic.


Almost his entire school life was spent in the local Christian high school. But already in high school, the future politician became a student at the elite lyceum named after Henry IV. After graduation, the young man began to deeply study philosophy at a university called Paris X-Nanterre, and then began to delve into the intricacies of public relations at the Institute of Political Studies, located in the capital of the country. Between 1997 and 2001, Macron was an assistant to the famous philosopher Paul Ricoeur. In 2004, the young man graduated from the National School of Administration.

Start of work

How did Emmanuel Macron start his adult life? His biography says that his first official job was the position of financial inspector at the Ministry of Economy in the period 2004-2008. He was personally invited to this department by Presidential Advisor Jacques Attali. After which the young talent became an investment banker at the Rothschild & Cie Banque, where for his active work he received the very respectful nickname “Financial Mozart” from his colleagues.

First steps in politics

Macron's activities in this field began in 2006. It was then that he found himself in the ranks of the Socialist Party, where he spent the next three years. But here it is immediately worth noting a fact that was pointed out by many French printed publications: Emmanuel did not pay membership fees or take part in any public events.

Moving to a new job

In 2012, Macron found himself at his next duty station - in which none other than the then-current head of the republic, Emmanuel, became his boss; at that time he began to replace the chief secretary of the president. Our hero stayed in this statue for two years, namely until the summer of 2014. And a couple of months after his dismissal, he became the youngest minister of state, taking the post of head of the economic department.

Once in power, Emmanuel began to initiate the adoption of a number of laws, among which was a document establishing amendments regarding trade, transport, business, construction and other things. The so-called “Macron Law” provided for permission for stores to trade on Sundays 12 times a year, and not 5, as was previously the case. As for the tourist areas of the country, these restrictions have been completely lifted there. In addition, the document contained a clause that stated the creation of cheap intercity buses, significant liberalization of lawyers, appraisers and other representatives of the “liberal” professions. According to the minister, this should have led to a reduction in prices for their services. At the same time, the law was perceived ambiguously by society and provoked various mass demonstrations and protests.

A year later, Emmanuel Macron, whose career at that time was going uphill, created a political force called “Forward!” In the fall of 2016, the politician announced his candidacy for the presidency. Moreover, during preparation election program he managed to publish the book “Revolution”, in which he outlined in great detail all the subtleties of the vision of the future of the country. This publication immediately sold out in enormous quantities and was recognized as a real political bestseller.

Progress of the election campaign

What did Macron Emmanuel offer his voters? The President of France, in his opinion, had to ensure:

  • height wages workers with low incomes;
  • expand the list of services included in compulsory health insurance;
  • increase the number of teachers and police officers;
  • attract investment in the agricultural sector;
  • eliminate pension benefits for government employees;
  • reduce taxes for the wealthiest citizens;
  • consistently reduce the state budget deficit, which the European Union insisted on.

At the same time, during the race for the presidency, Emmanuel’s headquarters repeatedly accused Russian media that they were allegedly spreading untrue rumors about their candidate. According to the results of the first round, Macron advanced to the second, where he was able to beat his rival Marine Le Pen. Moreover, the gap young talent was almost double. In many ways, experts explained his victory by saying that voters were simply afraid of the relative instability that could threaten them if Marin came to power.

On top

Macron Emmanuel, President of France, spent his first working day in this position on May 14, 2017. He ended up on at the moment the youngest head of the republic in its history. After he officially took over, he immediately even held telephone negotiations with top officials in the UK, USA, Turkey, Germany and Canada. And the next day I went to Berlin, where I talked with Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor, in turn, also welcomed her colleague and noted the high degree of importance of relations between their states.

Two days later, Macron held a business meeting with the chairman European Union Pole Donald Tusk. Together they announced their desire to strengthen the Eurozone.

On May 18, 2017, Emmanuel Macron, whose biography by that time had already shone on the pages of the world's leading newspapers, had a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin and discussed with him issues of resolving the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

A week later, the Frenchman attended the NATO summit, where he spoke with US President Trump and Turkish President Erdogan.

There is also an interesting scandalous fact associated with Macron. When an African journalist asked him how many powers are ready to provide Marshall Plan-type assistance to the African continent, Emmanuel replied that he does not think this project effective. Moreover, Africa's problems are quite “civilized”. For this president users social networks considered an absolute racist. In addition, Macron called it wrong for African women to give birth to 7-8 children.

And after the G20 summit, Emmanuel condemned Trump’s decision to withdraw from the climate agenda.

Political Views

Emmanuel Macron, whose personal life has recently become the subject of much public discussion, is a true Europhile and Atlanticist. He does not recognize the existence of a Palestinian state and is a supporter of a tough fight against terrorism. At the same time, it adheres to a policy aimed at accepting immigrants. Believes that it is necessary to increase funding for the special services, police and military. He insists on limiting the attraction of foreign investment and has a negative attitude towards the open demonstration of religious feelings by believers, but at the same time he believes that the current laws are quite strict for believers.

Marital status

Who is Macron Emmanuel married to? He and his wife have an age difference of 24 years. At the same time, today it is difficult to meet a person who does not know the name of his wife. Brigitte Tronier is the name of the legal half of the current President of France. Their love story deserves a separate story.

Macron fell in love with his chosen one while still a fifteen-year-old boy. And he was not at all embarrassed by the fact that she was his teacher, was a married lady and had three children. And at the age of seventeen, the young man completely confessed his feelings to Brigitte Tronier.

However, Emmanuel's parents were against this state of affairs and sent the guy to study in Paris. Getting a place in an elite educational institution Grandma contributed a lot young man. Leaving for the capital, Macron, in love, told Brigitte that he would marry her in any case. It is not known whether this confession served as a signal for her, but after some time she divorced her husband, with whom she gave birth to three children.

It is worth noting that the woman’s parents were the owners of pastry shops for five generations and gained fame for their almond cakes and macaroons. It is because of this that later the couple Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron were often referred to as “pasta” by some sarcastic individuals.

Ultimately, the lovers legalized their relationship in 2007. Thus, the now famous politician kept his word, given many years ago in his youth. And despite Macron’s criticism, Emmanuel and his wife (the age difference does not matter to them) have been living in perfect harmony for ten years.

What is Emmanuel Macron like as a father and head of the family? His wife’s children from her first marriage became like family to him. But the president has no blood heirs yet.

Only the lazy did not talk about the union of Emmanuel Macron and his beloved Brigitte. Many wondered how such a handsome man could choose a woman who was 24 years older than him as his wife? And the fact that she was his teacher does not give the press any rest.

We decided to find out a little more about this amazing woman and plunge into the time when she first met Emmanuel. Honestly, a bestseller could be written about this couple!

Brigitte Tronier's family

Brigitte was born in large family famous chocolatier Jean Tronier. She did not want to continue her father's work, although successful business still brings huge income to the family. Brigitte Tronier began teaching French and Latin.

First marriage

At the age of 21, Brigitte became the wife of banker Andre Louis Ozier. In their marriage they had three children: son Sebastian and daughters Lawrence and Tiffany. In 1996, Andre learned about his wife’s affair with a schoolboy. The fact that his wife exchanged him for some teenager literally infuriated him. But they filed for divorce only in 2006.

My first teacher

Brigitte's students said that she was an unusual teacher. She knew how to capture the attention of children, and her lessons were by no means boring. In addition, she also led a theater group, where Macron fell in love with her.

Love conquers all

When did the novel become known? general public, absolutely everyone turned away from Brigitte. Even her respected parents simply began to be despised: “People spat on the doors of their houses, hurled insults, sent unpleasant anonymous letters”.

Emmanuel's parents were also against his relationship with an adult woman. They repeatedly asked Brigitte to leave her son alone, but she only replied that she could not promise anything. In the end, they sent Emmanuel to study in Paris, but the two-hour journey did not stop the young man in love from visiting his woman.

In 2007, they tied the knot. Brigitte became for her husband not just a beloved woman, but also true friend, and also right hand. At first, it was she who was responsible for planning his business trips, meetings with journalists, and independently edited his political speeches. But she herself has no foot in politics - she just wants to be useful to her husband.

The first lady of France is called in the press behind her back as an eminence grise who rules behind her husband’s back. state affairs. There are also all sorts of tales circulating about the President himself. But french women They state one fact: the current President is smart, handsome, charming, and his wife is much older than him. Let's try to figure out what is the truth and what is the speculation of journalists and what the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron really is like (photo).

Let's start with the fact that the wife of the current French president is his schoolteacher, whose grandchildren Macron babysits on weekends. Since the French are passionate people, loving emotions, so most of the female sex of this country are perplexed as to why this happened. After all, Macron has many fans himself of different ages and why does he need an elderly wife.

It is true that Brigitte Macron is almost 25 years older than her husband. If you look at photos of Brigitte in her youth and now, there is practically no difference. In any photograph you can see how the eyes of a woman passionate about her work sparkle. Emmanuel's wife has seven grandchildren, and her husband is only 40 years old. She is a former teacher French and Latin.

Spouse current President France Brigitte Macron was born on April 13, 1953 in the family of Simone and Jean Tronier. In addition to Brigitte, the family had 5 more children. Her dad is a confectionery owner and chocolate maker in Amiens. The Troniers were a very wealthy family.

Brigitte got married for the first time in 1974. She bore her husband three children, who now have their own families. Brigitte first taught languages ​​in France, after which she moved to Strasbourg.

Tired of her unstable place of residence, the future bearer of the surname Macron returned to Amiens and got a job as a teacher at the local Jesuit lyceum, where Emmanuel attended. He was a classmate of her daughter Laurence. The bright student enjoyed attending classes and a theater class under Brigitte.

The wife of French President Macron: a novel

Their beautiful story love began in 1994, when Emmanuel was 17 years old. To become the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, Brigitte will need a long journey (photo). And then, so that their relationship would not become public and a scandal would not arise, Emmanuel’s parents sent him to finish his studies in Paris.

Almost everyone in their native Amiens knew about the romance between the teacher and her student. This city will never accept her as family after what happened. The teacher’s husband was the last person to find out about her infidelities. As relatives of the ex testify married couple, this discovery was a big blow for Andre. He would never have thought that his wife, the woman who bore him three children, was cheating on him with a boy. Especially with his daughter’s classmate. The husband did not suspect about the rival for exactly as long as they had been together for years.

Andre received Emmanuel at his home and was sure until the very end, just like the student’s parents, that he was friends with Laurence. Having learned the bitter truth, Oziera left them family home. Brigitte separated from her husband Andre Louis Ozier in 2006, and the following year she and Macron married.

She's always there

The President's wife first appeared in secular society at a diplomatic dinner in 2015, when Emmanuel became a politician. He briefly served as France's Minister of Economy. When Macron ran for President of France, Brigitte was his faithful assistant, although she remained in the shadows. But it is she who the husband trusts unconditionally.

She and her children helped him participate in election campaign and voted for him. The presidential candidate promised the people that if he wins, he and his wife will be equal in political activity.

And on May 15, 2017, Brigitte’s husband, Emmanuel Macron, became the President of France. He wanted to give his wife presidential powers of a certain kind, but the people began to collect signatures against this step. By the way, more than 200 thousand signatures were collected. None of the politicians expected such an onslaught from the French people. Having become the head of the country, three months later Macron nevertheless endowed the First Lady with representative opportunities, giving her an unpaid job in the Presidium. He made a statement to the country that his wife's position would not be paid for with taxpayers' money.

The wife of the President of the Republic of France, Brigitte Macron (photo), studies the problems of ordinary people and helps solve them. She analyzes where there are gaps in the legislation and then transmits the data to the government. The people, seeing that the wife of the head of state was trying to help in some areas of their lives, reached out to Brigitte.

Numerous requests, complaints, petitions - all this is sent directly to the First Lady and nothing remains unanswered. Its goal is to improve the social well-being of families in the country who are faced with problems that the state sometimes simply does not have enough time to solve.

Brigitte effect

The First Lady always looks one hundred percent. She is slim, tanned, and sparkles with her snow-white smile. She always wears exquisite outfits, which speaks of her excellent taste. There were rumors that the wife of the head of the Republic dresses in ultra-fashionable outfits donated to her by leading French couturiers. This turned out to be an invention of the common people and envy on the part of those dissatisfied with her husband’s rise to power.

She inspired thousands of women her age throughout France. With her story, Brigitte showed that all ages are submissive to love, no matter how old she is. Thousands of letters are written to her, where French women thank her for setting an example far from young women who thought their lives were over. Not a single wife of a French president who has been in power has received so many letters from ordinary people.

Some addresses touch on the politics and activities of the First Lady. But mostly Brigitte is written by people her age, who send her photos of themselves in their youth, talking about their failed love. Women thank the President's wife for her courage in actions, impeccable style and example of worthy relationships between spouses of different ages.

To communicate with journalists and her people, the First Lady has an assistant, Michelle Marchand. Due to the fact that Emmanuel became President, his wife at first had to hold back the onslaught of negativity about her age. It was Michelle who took on the role of a barrier to protect Macron from criticism.

Michelle developed her activities in such a way that gradually the French’s opinion of Brigitte changed dramatically. On fashion magazines you can see the stylish First Lady, articles about the love story of the President and his wife, advice from Brigitte on the pages of Internet resources. Michelle arranged this and much more during numerous PR campaigns for the wife of the President of the Republic of France Emmanuel Macron (photo).

Macrons always appear at all events together, holding hands. Almost every joint photo you can see the blooming President of France, who is not shy about kissing his wife in public. She is a powerful support for him, his muse to whom he dedicated his life.