Who is Aiza of the Guf? Biography of Aiza Dolmatova

[b]Judging by the pictures and videos in the continuation of the post, the wife famous rapper Gufa did not bother too much about separating from her husband and is already actively building her new personal life;) Although Aiza Dolmatova tried to hide this fact from the press, she failed. Let's look further.

Aiza Dolmatova, it seems, did not languish alone for long after breaking up with her husband, the famous Russian rapper Guf. The couple has not yet decided what to do with the marriage, which is so rapidly coming apart at the seams, but 28-year-old Isa is already organizing her personal life with all her might. As we managed to find out, everything free time the girl spends time in the company of an impressive young man- famous Russian snowboarder Sergei Sterin. Ironically, her dear friend has a pseudonym similar to the name of her husband, rapper Guf. In sports circles, Sterin is called Goofy.
Earlier, Isa said in an interview that she left her husband Alexei Dolmatov (real name Guf - Ed.) because she could no longer tolerate her husband’s excessive addiction to drugs: she was tired of waiting for Alexei to come home from endless night parties.

However, the very next day after her revelations, 28-year-old Isa unexpectedly “changed her testimony.” In their blogs on the Internet, both she and Guf began to convince everyone that they had not broken up, but were just “solving problems.”
Both spouses still live in a prestigious high-rise building on Mosfilmovskaya Street. True, according to neighbors, in lately both come here on visits. Isa spends almost all her time at her parents’ house, where their three-year-old son Sami now lives. And Guf almost always hangs out with friends and returns after midnight.

But, as it turned out, Isa has another good reason for not showing up at home. A new hobby has appeared in her life - 25-year-old handsome snowboarder Sergei Sterin. A couple of days ago, having gone to see a doctor for examination, Dolmatova planned to end her evening with a romantic date. True, everything did not happen exactly as the girl wanted. Sergei, who was rushing to meet Aiza, was apparently in such a hurry that he got into a small accident in the west of Moscow. It was there that Dolmatova herself hurried. Having released the taxi, Isa got into one of the colliding cars and had a long conversation with her boyfriend.

On the front window of Sergei’s car there was a bouquet of flowers intended for Isa. As the conversation progressed, Guf’s wife began to calm the guy down with kisses and gentle hugs. But, realizing that the investigation of the incident with the traffic police officers was dragging on, Dolmatova left the meeting, tenderly kissing Sterin on the lips goodbye.

It is curious that just a day later, Dolmatova unexpectedly began accusing her husband of cheating on her Twitter and said that she had now finally decided to break up with him, since she was starting a new life.

Isa herself stubbornly hides all the details of her relationship with the famous snowboarder Sterin.

It's just mine good friend childhood, who gave me flowers, and in return I gave him a kiss,” Dolmatova, a little embarrassed, began to assure Heat.ru. - Now he helps me morally. In general, I have several such true friends who are always ready to help me. Now, for example, I was left without a car, and he helped me move around the city...

Aiza Dolmatova- now a TV presenter and fashion designer, and in the past - a manufacturer of popular youth jewelry, who gained popularity due to the fact that for several years she was wife and life partner of Alexey "Guf" Dolmatov, known as the frontman of the rap group Centr. Now this marriage is in the past, Aiza Dolmatova spends his life with a new companion, who has not yet adopted a son from previous marriage and did not propose to her. But it seems that everything is going exactly this way. For more information about Aiza Dolmatova’s new husband (for now - only potential) - read further in our material with the life story of Aiza Dolmatova.

With a certain degree of confidence, one can even say about the cult status of Aiza Dolmatova, which has been written about in detail in a number of materials modern internet publications - notes information portal website) as wife of Russian rap artist Guf(since 2008) and mother of the only famous son this popular hip-hop artist (respectively, since 2010). Aiza Dolmatova’s social circle was changing, but for some reason it traditionally included representatives of the intellectual elites who had gone through the crucible - the same Victoria Bonya, Olga Buzova or. By the way, the other part of the social circle was traditionally represented by pumped-up athletes - she is still dating Dmitry Anokhin, rising star riding a board on the water.

What is characteristic in the work of Alexey Dolmatova the spouse is mentioned more than once or twice, but dedicated Aise Dolmatova the song "Ice Baby" became one of the main pop hits of the 2010 season. Thus, positioning Ms. Dolmatova as a muse and inspiration for the musical creativity of Alexei Dolmatov bore fruit.

Aiza Dolmatova- muse and inspirer of the work of the Russian rapper Guf. who is also his mother only son Sami. Aiza Dolmatova became famous thanks to her husband, but it is worth noting that this girl has numerous advantages - in addition to her interesting appearance, she has strong character, thanks to which Aiza Dolmatova allegedly pulled out of drug addiction his famous husband. Thanks to her decisive actions, fans of Guf’s work had the opportunity to enjoy the musician’s new albums and tracks.

Aiza Vitalievna Dolmatova as a girl Vagapova born in the city of Grozny on December 10, 1984. A few years later, her parents moved to Moscow, where she graduated from school, and in 2000 she entered the health school, which she graduated in 2002.
Aiza Dolmatova She is distinguished by a decisive character, a thirst for adventure, a sociable and cheerful disposition, she knows perfectly well what she needs from life, and even better knows what she does not need. This purposeful girl received an economics education at Moscow State Linguistic University, and received her diploma thanks to her parents.

Aiza Dolmatova She is a very versatile person, she is great at snowboarding, dances well, has English. It’s no wonder that it was precisely such a girl that Guf turned his attention to and fell in love with. They met at the “Sorry, Grandma” club, and then after a snowboarders’ rally they began dating a few years later Aise Dolmatova a marriage proposal was made, which culminated in the wedding of this extravagant young couple in 2008.
Their relationship cannot be called calm and smooth - this is a family that loves to experience vivid emotions. As Guf himself stated many times, if not Isa- he would no longer be alive.

May 5, 2010 Aiza Dolmatova became a mother - she gave birth to Gufu’s son, who was named amazing name Sami, which translated from the Chechen language means “close to God.”
Aiza Dolmatova Together with nannies he is raising his son Sami Dolmatova and didn't let me near everyday problems her husband, who must earn cash there is still demand for his concerts among Russian teenagers.

Currently Aiza Dolmatova according to information from her PR channels ( Twitter and Instagram of Aiza Dolmatova enjoy well-deserved popularity) almost completely abandoned parties and completely dissolved in raising her son.
In addition, the talent of Mrs. Dolmatova manifested itself in the manufacture of designer jewelry under the 2 Short brand. Creative production takes place together with a companion - Vitalia Gospodarik (the wife of another famous figure hip-hop industry - Vladi from the group Casta).

Companions famous artists always arouse increased interest, but only some (and Aiza Dolmatova is one of those) this interest grows into its own mini-cult with all the accompanying consequences: fans, haters, own business, etc. In our near-hip-hop there is only one person who can be described as a home-grown Victoria Beckham or Amber Rose.
Whether you like it or not, this is Aiza Dolmatova, wife of rap artist Guf. Dozens of VKontakte pages are dedicated to Isa, and Mrs. Dolmatova Now read by more than 75,000 people (which is only a few thousand less than, for example, Basta). The heroine of our material appears in videos, produces jewelry, and it is she who is credited with the collapse of the Centr group. The number of her haters corresponds to the number of fans, but both of them will read this essay on given topics.
Next, we present the direct speech of Ms. Dolmatova- we quote the original source:

Rap, Aiza Dolmatova and snowboarding

I didn't listen to rap at all. I hung out with snowboarders, I had a column in Onboard magazine, " Nightlife with Aiza,” and for two years in a row she became “Best Snowboarder of the Year,” almost unable to ride. I was even sponsored by some companies. I also met Guf on the mountain, few people knew him then. Well, that’s how it goes entered into rap. Again, he mentions me in his songs, this influenced me. I don’t know any other rappers who dedicated so many lines to his wife. Lesha is such a rapper that he writes about his life, and I’m in it too. there will be too.

Romantic acquaintance of Aiza and Alexey Dolmatov

This is what we understand from the words of Aiza Dolmatova herself:
We met around 2005 and started dating a year later. There were only "News" and "Gossip", it seems, no album. There was the first concert of the Centr group at the Aloe club, where about fifty people came. And it seems I’m exaggerating. I ended up there by accident, as I had nothing to do with rap at all. I can’t say at all that I really listen to specific music, I’m calm about it. I don’t listen for the mood, for example. Then I went to clubs and listened to what they played there.
My skater friends were hanging out at Poklonka and people from the agency approached them and offered to go to a casting for an advertisement for a chocolate bar. I went with the company, and there was a really serious casting, there were about three hundred girls alone. And I'm fourteen years old. But somehow I got through and filmed. Then the same director invited him to act in films, but I was still little and my parents did not let me film in another city.

Aiza Dolmatova's parents

My dad is a retired FSB general. Although, as they say, there are no former generals or former FSB agents. I am a general's daughter, but I don't take advantage of it.

We quote the heroine herself:
I could, of course, scream before when I was stopped driving for violations, “My dad is a general!”, but that was a very long time ago. And he himself is such a person that when he was deprived of his rights for a violation, he did not bother to get any ksivs, he simply gave up his rights. Anyway, they’ll return it later with cognac. Previously, she asked him to make some documents so that she would be allowed everywhere, but he said that his daughter would not engage in such posturing. He doesn't know a lot about me (laughs). At first, a lot of “good” people gave him my photos, but now I have grown up and he began to trust me. I don’t harm anyone with these photos, I don’t offend anyone, I don’t engage in criminal activities. I explained that this is my life and I need to accept it. Or not accept it. Although he was born in Grozny, he is not a Caucasian despot at all, he loves me and Leshka.

Son of Aiza Dolmatova

After the birth of the child, nothing changed in her. That's what I wanted. Lesha, like an ordinary man, was afraid: “What if I’m not ready? I’m not ready!” I calmed him down and everything remained as before, except that after nine in the evening you need to be quieter and you can no longer smoke in the apartment. All. He has never seen any diapers or diapers, he is spared from this. Wipe a child's ass - he doesn't meet someone like that. I come from a Caucasian family, this is normal for me. Lesha is still such a mentally vulnerable person that this action can unsettle him. I’m exaggerating, of course, but creative heads must be protected. In the end, I know who I live with and play by his rules.

Aiza Dolmatova's account on the porn site SuicideGirls.com

It’s me, but I didn’t write anything there and I don’t even know the password for the account. They paid me a lot of money. In short, the Americans from Suicidegirls came, they wanted to attract visitors from Russia. They filmed a bunch of girls, by the way, I wasn’t one of the rappers’ girls. And they took me away and paid me a lot of money. It was not difficult for me, I love creativity in the nude style, I like this aesthetics. There is nothing wrong with this, it is one of the directions of creativity. Then they sent me a contract to participate in the tour, but I didn’t agree. Jumping around on stage drunk and naked is definitely not for me. And I didn’t write this blog.

Drugs and Aiza Dolmatova

I had never encountered a drug addiction problem in my life before meeting Lesha. I only knew the advantages of drugs - clubs, fun at parties, and didn’t even understand what it was about we're talking about in "New Year's". I listened to her like a seventy-year-old grandmother. And she seemed to know that he once had problems, but for seven months she didn’t even realize that they were continuing. And when all his friends started telling me, I got involved. But I will say that at that time I did everything wrong. Now I have experience and I blurt out instantly if anything happens, but I’ve already turned off the control. At that time he helped, but temporarily. This is a disease that does not go away. Like diabetes, you have to treat it all your life, otherwise it won’t work. And outside control is a mistake.

The popularity of Aiza Dolmatova among schoolgirls

The husband asks the same thing: “What does this have to do with you?” And I don't know myself. Somehow it happened that I always stood out everywhere, even at law school, even at school. And I’ve been on the Internet for a very long time, I write everywhere, even before I became Guf’s wife. For some reason there is always increased attention. I don't get into rap at all. Well, there are still songs about me, maybe that’s why. My husband, by the way, is upset. We are always like this with each other. He’ll boast about something, and I’ll say something in response, or I’ll start to wonder, I’ll say something very smart, and he’ll say, “Where did you go?”

Aiza Dolmatova’s husband and his influence on young people

I discussed this topic with him more than once. Especially during the period of his active “sobering up,” we talked a lot about whether it was necessary to return to this topic. But he doesn’t talk about the advantages of drugs, but about how to live with it and whether you need to live with it at all. Then, it attracts those who are ready to be attracted. I wouldn't shoot up if I heard songs about heroin. Many of my friends who are not in the know listen to Guf and don’t use it. And besides, he often talked about how bad he felt from using it. Here he sings the praises of grass, yes, there’s no escape. I have nothing against her. I generally like this aesthetic. In normal civilized countries, grass is seen as nothing shameful. I have snowboarding friends in Norway who work a lot, ride from seven in the morning, build jumps. They come home in the evening, cook an awesome dinner and then grab a joint. It looks very aesthetically pleasing. In our country, of course, all this is spoiled by some bottles.

The collapse of the Centr group. According to many fans, Aiza Dolmatova is to blame

I don’t really like answering this question, since the situation was so complicated that even without my participation the group would have broken up. If they say so, that means it was so. It’s even flattering when they call you Yoko Ono (laughs).
I put my hand on my heart - I never said: “You are the most talented, why do you need to work with others?” They were all different, but I loved both Slim and Ptah, and Gufu never said that he was the most important there. I know how difficult it is to work with him, he is the hardest man in the world. I know how Slim and Bird endured all his antics. They both invested a lot in Guf’s work, including. I won’t say anything bad about them, but I won’t say anything good either. They all stood there for each other. But, in my opinion, they raised hip-hop in Russia to where it is now. The collapse of Centr is generally cool beautiful story our hip-hop.

Aiza Dolmatova and the hit “Ice baby” dedicated to her

The first thing I said when I heard it was: “Where is this about me?!” But of course, I really liked it. And this was a very necessary song, because we had difficulties in our relationship at that time, and this song is an apology.

Feeling like a hit for the Dolmatov family

Oh, this is not about us at all. We don’t know how to think and calculate ahead at all. We joke that this is why we will never have much money, we can’t plan anything. Lesha generally treats money so calmly, he needs food and grass, and the rest is not so important. He just wants to do rap.

Aiza Dolmatova’s attitude to the Internet meme “Guf is dead”

Someone started it and for some unknown reason this meme “Guf died” spread so widely. Initially, I was very indignant, because my dad almost had a heart attack when he read somewhere that Guf died in an accident, and I had a miscarriage. But now we are calm, we even joked that if we called the album that, it would be a strong PR move. Let them talk if they like.

Jewelry from Aiza Dolmatova

When I spend all my time and attention on them, it feels like a business. But now I got lazy, found myself a job as a PR specialist and abandoned jewelry for a while. But I restarted the new one official website of Aiza Dolmatova aizadolmatova.ru with an updated collection of clothes and jewelry, and everything will start again. If I want to work, I have money; if I don’t want to, I don’t.

Fans of Aiza Dolmatova

I've been communicating on the Internet all my life, I just registered on "Twitter" and that's it. ICQ, VKontakte, forums, "lady"- everywhere. And these girls, they are young, mostly - they have some kind of unclouded consciousness, I need this. They give good advice, despite the age. I stopped meeting with them because of my busy schedule, because of my family, but I continue to communicate. The mother of one of them once called me and thanked me that her daughter stopped wanting expensive clothes after our conversation. I’ve just always been proud that my clothes are cheap, but look cool.

Aiza Dolmatova, Guf and creative stagnation

I didn’t get involved in this issue for almost a year when he didn’t write anything. And at the same time he behaved incorrectly, did not invite the muse to him. In creativity, you need to sit down and think about what needs to be done, and not run around shouting “I can’t write anything!” At some point, I sat him in the car and told him that he was looking for happiness in the wrong place. Hanging out with friends and so on is happiness for half an hour, but writing songs brings him real happiness. After that he composed many songs. I am very critical of his work and if I weren’t with him, I wouldn’t listen to his songs, but the album that will be out soon is simply a masterpiece, I’m proud.

Scandal! Aiza Dolmatova and Sergei Sterin. Divorce from your husband?

The mystery shrouded in darkness is the root cause of the decay in appearance friendly family Dolmatov.
At first, Sergei Sterin appeared in the life of our heroine. This athletic young man, it seems to us, appeared in it not by chance! And even though he remained in the annals of history as “just a friend,” he cannot be discounted. Then, as Aiza Dolmatova’s boyfriend, there was a fashionable metropolitan DJ, and Aiza was also credited with an affair with a rap artist named Kravets. Currently, Aiza Dolmatova is dating windfing athlete Dmitry Anokhin. All the details of this cohabitation will be posted on our website!

Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina (nee Vagapova; after her first husband - Dolmatova). Born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny. Russian media person, designer, fashion designer, presenter, blogger.

Aiza Vagapova, who later became known under the names of Dolmatova and Anokhin, was born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny.

Father - Vitaly Vagapov, retired FSB general.

She told me about her father: “I could, of course, scream before when I was stopped driving for violations, “My dad is a general!”, but that was a very long time ago. And he himself is such a person that when he was deprived of his license for violation , I didn’t get any ksiv, I just gave my license. Anyway, they’ll return it later with cognac. Previously, I asked him to make some documents so that they would be allowed everywhere, but he said that his daughter would not engage in such posturing... Even though he did. born in Grozny, not a Caucasian despot at all."

Regarding nationality, Isa herself said that she was “not entirely Russian,” without specifying details. According to some sources, she is a Tatar, according to others, she is a Chechen.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to Moscow. She grew up in the capital and graduated from high school in 2000.

However, she did not work by profession - she became interested in fashion design, creating jewelry and accessories. She also became an active party girl.

According to her, since childhood she dreamed of becoming a designer and began drawing her first sketches in the 6th grade. Her dream became a reality when, together with a friend, she opened a showroom, where they began creating handmade jewelry. Isa also started producing her own clothing line.

She gained wide fame after meeting the rap artist Guf (Alexey Dolmatov).

In Guf’s second solo album “At Home,” Isa was mentioned many times, and the song Ice Baby dedicated to her became one of the main hip-hop hits of 2010.

In November 2013, she became the host of the music “Neformat Chart” on the MUZ-TV channel.

In the summer of 2016, she took part in a television project on the Friday channel called “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman.” As part of the program, she exchanged lives with a simple girl Karina and went to a small village near Orenburg.

Isa Anokhina. Star Love Story on MUZ-TV

Aiza Anokhina's height: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Aiza Anokhina:

Isa herself noted that she sympathizes with Victoria Beckham: “I adore her! And her goals in life. She's cool. But I care about her like I care about Everest.”

Alexey Dolmatov, this is the real name of the rapper Guf, achieved popularity thanks to his songs and creativity. My musical career he started as part of the group “Centr”, which he created together with his friend and colleague Princip. The circulation of the group's first disc was only 13 copies. The participants simply gave it to their friends.

But that was just the beginning. Persistence and hard work brought results. Soon I learned about the group large number people. The guys released several joint hits, and then Guf went solo.

As a solo rap artist, Guf earned many prestigious awards. Then he abruptly disappeared from the scene, and several scandals erupted around his name.

Some of these situations are related to drug use, and some are related to separation from his wife Aiza Dolmatova. The explosion was loud.

The couple hurled a lot of unflattering comments at each other. And this is after a bright story of acquaintance and love.

From a modest girl to a beauty blogger

Ex-wife of rapper Guf Isa was born in Grozny, where her father worked for the FSB. But very early age her family moved to Moscow. Many of Aiza’s relatives and friends remained in Chechnya, so she and her mother regularly visited them. On one of these visits to relatives, mother and Aiza were unable to return home. They were prevented by the war that broke out in Chechnya.

Mother and daughter were forced to hide from the bombing in basements and were unable to leave the city for several months. The father lost hope of seeing them alive. But almost a miracle happened - mother and daughter returned home safe and sound.

This event left an indelible mark and influenced later life girls. She had a hard time in the capital.

The children did not want to accept Aiza into their company. They teased her for her accent and unusual timing. But the girl found the strength to cope with the situation and overcome her complexes.

The girl graduated from school and entered the Linguistic University. Having received her specialty, the girl did not work for a day in it. Isa decided to start designing and selling jewelry, especially since she was always interested in fashion. The girl was always aware of the latest fashion trends.

Isa started her business with her friend. They started selling their jewelry online, and a little later they got clients from the capital’s crowd. Thanks to meeting them, Isa received a pass into the world of parties and have a fun life. It was at one of the parties that she met her future husband.

Dating at a party

The girl met her future husband Alexei Dolmatov near a nightclub. Isa was heading to the party, and Alexey was waiting for friends. The guy immediately noticed beautiful brunette, she smiled sweetly in response.

This could all be the end of it. However, Aiza and Guf turned out to have mutual friends who were at the nightclub that evening. It was they who introduced the young people to each other. The guy and the girl were able to exchange a few phrases during the evening, and exchanged phone numbers goodbye.

Afterwards, they regularly crossed paths at various parties and events. Isa even taught the guy how to snowboard a little. This friendship gradually grew into romantic relationship and they ended with a wedding.

Family life

The lovers got married in 2008. The beginning of them family life it was like a fairy tale. Alexey was ready to literally carry his wife in his arms and fulfill any of her whims. Two years after the wedding, the couple had a son, whom they named Sami.

But happiness could not last forever. Soon problems began in the family. They were caused by drugs that the guy started using. Isa tried at all costs to help her beloved overcome this addiction. But she didn't succeed.

In 2013, the couple announced their divorce. They parted ways with scandals and mutual accusations. Guf accused his wife of drug use. Isa told on the pages social networks about her husband’s numerous infidelities and his addictions.

Life after divorce

To escape from the problems in her family life, Isa decided to realize herself in professional activities. She threw herself into her work. The girl began acting in films, dubbing cartoons and recording songs. She also took part in several reality shows.

Interesting notes:

After some time, the Internet star’s personal life improved. She met Dmitry Anokhin, a businessman living in Bali. Soon fans learned that Isa and Dmitry got married. They settled in Bali and only occasionally fly to Moscow.

The couple had a son, whom they named Elvis. Currently, Isa is busy arranging a family nest on a paradise island. She no longer plans to return to the capital and is going to raise her child in Bali.

She tries not to remember her relationship with rapper Guf. Isa devoted herself to her family, while she runs several of her own blogs, which have millions of subscribers. Looking at this, it seems that the girl’s life was a success, both in love and professional terms.

Photos of the scandalous couple

Let us recall that in winter, photographs appeared in the press in which Katie and rapper Guf were allegedly photographed sunbathing in an embrace by the pool. Since the quality of the photo was poor, the faces could not be seen, but random witnesses claimed that Guf and Topuria were vacationing together in Thailand.

Katie and I are friends. And after this ridiculous news we become even stronger friends. I don't know who is in the photographs.

In an interview, journalist and blogger Yuri Dud asked Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​who had repeatedly had problems with drugs, whether Topuria helped him in 2016, when the musician once again became interested in taking illegal drugs.

She had no idea about this. We met on the set of a video and sometimes met to drink tea. She constantly persuaded me, but I, being on my own wavelength, always merged. Then he turned to her for help and asked her to do something. She put me in hospital in Moscow several times...

In addition to rumors about an affair with Katie, Guf also openly and regretfully admitted that he destroyed his marriage with his own hands, although the entire CIS was rooting for their couple. Now, from whom she gave birth to a son, Elvis.

I cheated on my wife for a while. Almost immediately after the birth of a child or even during pregnancy. This is terrible... At some point I just stopped hiding it, I disappeared into strip clubs, hung out there for a couple of days. This was already in the order of things... At some point, she decided to teach me a lesson so that I would put myself in her place. She met some guy, kissed her, and it all ended up on the Internet. At the same time, she simply kissed.

Now Guf regrets the past, but the ex-couple managed to improve their relationship for the sake of their son. Now in