Adjectives and epithets to describe a person. Tasty, bright, juicy words, or English adjectives that characterize a person

We all dress up, disguise ourselves, wear clothes not only different colors, styles, but also styles. All this, of course, helps us express ourselves, as well as reveal our inner world a little. Do you need to be able to describe character traits in English?

Without a doubt. Imagine a situation that you want to tell about the guy or girl of your dreams, or maybe emphasize best qualities your character or describe something that you do not accept. All topics are very pressing, close and therefore popular. Write a description of a person's character English not quite difficult. We will help, offer our own version and vocabulary that you can use.


Of course, you won’t use adjectives separately. That is why we will give you verbs that will help you construct a beautiful statement.

to admire smb for smth admire someone for something
to appreciate smth appreciate something
to be a good mixer get along well with
to be a person of strong (weak) character have a strong/weak character
to be kind of person you like at first sight win over at first sight
to be a sunny soul kind soul
to have a bunch of bad habits have a bunch of bad habits
to have a sense of humor have a sense of humor
to keep one's promise/word keep a promise, word
to make friends make friends
to be like and soul of the party be the life of the party
to tell lies lie
to be devoted to to devote, to serve something, to give one's all
to behave oneself/ to like the way one behaves behave / like the way someone behaves


The list of the following words will help you create full description, describe the character from different sides.

admirable admirable clever, intelligent, bright smart foolish, silly, stupid silly modest modest
aggressive aggressive conceited arrogant frank, sincere frank, sincere noisy noisy
ambitious ambitious scurpulous/contemptuous scrupulous generous generous stubborn stubborn
witty, amusing witty cruel contemptuous gentle soft, noble patient patient
haughty arrogant sly, cunning cruel gloomy, moody gloomy polite polite
bostful boastful curious, inquisitive cunning, crafty well-bred well-mannered selfish selfish
bold, brave, courageous, fearless daring, courageous, courageous, fearless dishonest/ honest dishonest / honest greedy greedy sensible sensitive
boring, dull boring naughty capricious hypocritical hypocritical shy timid
bossy, snobish domineering envious envious jealous jealous sociable, talkative sociable, talkative
cheerful, lively funny evil, wicked evil, unscrupulous lazy lazy wise wise

Phrasal verbs

When describing a character, you can’t do without phrases that will help open your soul, “wash all the bones,” and talk about the special qualities of a person.

to argue with smb about smth- argue with someone about something

to bring smb up- bring up

to be getting on for smth- approaching a certain age

to come across as smth- seem

to get on with- get along, be friends

to get out of doing smth- evade

to get round smb- suck up

to get through to smb - find an approach

to go by- judge

to go on about- repeat incessantly

to hand smth over- pass from hand to hand

to let smb down- let down

to live up - come to life

to look back on smth- look back

to look up to smb (to look down on smb) — respect/disrespect

to pass oneself off as smb- to impersonate someone

to pick on smb- criticize, find fault

to put up with- tolerate

to rely on- rely

to see through smb- see through

to show off/to stand out- highlight intentionally/unintentionally

to stand up to smb- contradict, resist

to tell off- reprimand


to be the black sheep of the family- to be a black sheep

to be close to smb- be congenial

to be in the public eye- be visible

to get to the top- reach the top

to get one's own way- do things your own way

to have a heart of gold - have a heart of gold

to have a mind of your own- have your own opinion

to have a memory like a lie - have a leaky memory

to keep oneself to oneself- be yourself

to know one's own mind - know what you want

to put oneself in smb's shoes - put yourself in someone else's place

to see eye to eye- agree on opinions

to see things in black and white- judge categorically

a shoulder to cry on- vest to cry

to take smile to heart- take to heart

to take one's side- take sides

to have a lot of faults- have many shortcomings

to bottle up your feelings- hide feelings

to be born with a silver spoon- born in a shirt / born into a rich family

to sweet talk - flatter.

And now I will present to you a characteristic that concerns a certain person, it can be changed or supplemented.

It takes all sorts to make a world 1 . At the same time everyone has somethig positive and something negative. Some people are shy and don’t like to stand out 2. Others are bossy and pick on 3 everyone. I’d like to describe the character of my mother because she is ideal for me.

My mum is 50. She has two children. But she looks her best 4. My mother has intelligent appearance. She always is dressed spick and span 5 .

What about the character? My mother gets well with 6 people so she has many friends. Everyone says that she has a heart of gold. She is modest, calm, honest and frank. I always come to her when I need advice. Sometimes she is a shoulder to cry on 7 . But my mother usually speaks her mind 8 and never tells me off 9 . I think she is more practical and realistic, but from time to time she is sensitive. She has always taught us not to afford the heart rule the head. And when we pick on anyone we should always put ourselves in other people's shoes 10 . The only fault that she takes problems to heart 11.

So my mother is friendly and faithful. But there are some things which she dislikes. For example she hates cruel 12, sly 13 and envious 14 people.

I think that everyone must have a person whom it is possible to talk on equal with 15. I always can rely on my mum. There are a lot of different people in the world. And we should get well with everyone because negative emotions are badly.


  1. It takes all sorts to make a world— Everyone has their own quirks / There are many different people in the world
  2. stand out - stand out
  3. pick on - criticize
  4. looks her best - be as attractive as possible
  5. to be dressed spick and span — be dressed to the nines
  6. get well with - get along well with someone
  7. a shoulder to cry on — vest to cry
  8. to speak smb's mind - express your opinion
  9. to tell smb off — reprimand, scold
  10. to put ourselves in other people's shoes - put yourself in someone else's place
  11. to take problems to heart - take to heart
  12. cruel - cruel
  13. sly - sly
  14. envious - envious
  15. talk on equal with — speak as equals
  16. rely on - rely on

So, when describing a person’s character in English, do not forget to start with a general phrase and end with a logical expression. When describing yourself, also mention the negative aspects, this will emphasize your self-criticism, ability to analyze and correct. When judging other people, do not be too categorical. When mentioning their character traits in English, highlight 2-4 negative points, no more. Otherwise they will think that you are an evil person. We have provided the main recommendations on this topic. Try to create your own description yourself!

Sometimes in a conversation there is a need to describe someone we know or, on the contrary, a person completely unfamiliar to us. Moreover, we can talk not only about appearance, but also about personal qualities with which the speaker is dissatisfied or admired. In Russian, we can use participles, adjectives and stable speech patterns for these purposes. In foreign speech, all these means are also present, but most often, adjectives in English that characterize a person help us reveal the image of the character under discussion in all its details. Today we will look at a large volume of new words that allow us to colorfully and fully describe the qualities and appearance of any individual.

Adjectives describing appearance

A person's appearance consists of various factors. It is treated as relatively permanent signs: eye and hair color, timbre of voice, height, age, physique, facial features, etc.; and frequently changing properties: style of clothing and shoes, possible jewelry, accessories. The variety of adjectives allows you to convey both the general impression of people’s appearance and clearly differentiate each feature. The table below provides a list of various definitions that describe appearance person in a neutral, positive and negative way.

Description of appearance
Positive traits Neutral facts Negative coloring
Beauty and attractiveness: attractive - attractive;

cute - adorable;

beautiful/handsome – beautiful/handsome;

fit – excellent, ideal body shape;


bald – bald;

curly - curly;

blonde - blond;

redhead - red;

shoulder-length – long to the shoulders;

wavy - curly.

scruffy - sloppy;

fat – too thick, greasy;

flabby – saggy, flabby;

awkward - clumsy;

repulsive - repulsive, disgusting;

ugly - ugly;

Age and height:

young - young;

old – old;

tall – tall;

short – short;


presentable – respectable, representative;

well-built - well built;

gorgeous – magnificent, amazing;

well-dressed - well dressed;


chubby – chubby;

plump – well-fed, plump;

muscular – muscular

slender – slender;

thin - thin;

stocky – stocky;


pale – pale;

suntanned - tanned;

Of course, it is impossible to convey in one table all the English adjectives that characterize a person’s appearance or describe various nouns. But we tried to bring for initial study the most diverse and frequently used examples in speech. Next, we will consider what lexical means can be used to characterize the behavior, principles and views of an individual.

Adjectives in English that characterize a person as a person

All people tend to have a natural sensitivity and reaction to actions, which gradually turns into an individual manner of behavior, while simultaneously developing a special outlook on life and its values. The complex of these actions shapes a person’s character and precedes the formation of a full-fledged personality. According to the scale of the phenomenon, in various languages ​​there is such a huge number of words and expressions about the qualities of people that it is simply not comparable with similar vocabulary used to denote appearance.

For this category, we have also compiled a table in which adjectives in English characterizing human qualities are presented with translation. As mentioned earlier, there are about several thousand such lexical units, and, naturally, you cannot rewrite all of them, much less memorize them. We selected almost a hundred English definitions, which characterize an individual from a positive or negative side. For convenience, the words are summarized into small thematic groups. Let's look at them.

Expression of Personality Qualities
Criteria Strongly positive aspects Neutral qualities depending on the context of the phrase Sharply negative aspects
Behavior in society sociable - sociable;

punctual - punctual;

civil – well-mannered;

friendly - friendly;

noble - noble;

tactful - tactful;

communicative - sociable;

consider – delicate;

aloof – aloof, aloof;

self-confident - self-confident;

tolerant - tolerant;

dominant – dominant;

indifferent – ​​indifferent;

independent - independent;

practical – practical;

sneaky - sneaky;

vindictive - vindictive;

uncontrollable - uncontrollable;

arrogant – arrogant;

bad-mannered - poorly mannered;

boastful - boastful;

selfish - selfish;

maladroit – tactless;

Emotional states energetic – energetic;

determined - decisive;

happy – happy;

hot-blooded – ardent;

impressionable – impressionable;

cheerful - cheerful;

excited – lively;

excitable – excited;

impulsive – impulsive;

compassionate - sympathizer;

alert – alert;

thoughtful - thoughtful;

violent – ​​hot-tempered;

fussy – nervous;

unstable – unbalanced;

inert – inert, sluggish;

low – depressed;

pompous - pompous;

angry - angry;

The ability to think, learn, create able - capable, talented;

creative – creative;

bright – smart;

understanding – understanding;

clever - smart;

adroit - dexterous, skillful;

quick witted - resourceful;

imaginative - gifted with a rich imagination;

keen - insightful;

ordinary - ordinary;

forgetful - forgetful;

ambitious - ambitious;

incapable - incapable;

blunt - slow-witted;

small-minded – limited;

uneducated – uneducated;

foolish - stupid;

dim-witted – narrow-minded, slow-witted;

Strength of character brave - brave;

incorruptible - incorruptible;

fair-minded - fair;

diligent – ​​executive;

plucky – decisive;

courageous - brave;

purposeful – purposeful;

critical – critical;

stubborn - stubborn;

committed – convinced, believing in the idea;

calm – unperturbed;

devout – devout;

fearless - fearless;

proud – proud;

straightforward - frank;

weak-willed – weak-willed;

spineless - spineless, characterless;

irresponsible - irresponsible

faint-hearted – without willpower, faint-hearted;

indecisive - hesitant;

Other congenital or acquired qualities and properties easy-going – good-natured;

careful - caring;

wise - wise;

courteous – gallant;

dedicated – devoted;

polite – polite;

sensible - prudent;

gentle - gentle;

obstinate – stubborn;

candid – sincere;

shy – shy;

obedient – ​​obedient;

observant - observant;

playful - frivolous;

vain – vain;

greedy - greedy;

lily-livered – cowardly;

malicious - malicious;

stingy – stingy, miser;

cruel - cruel;

torpid – apathetic;

close – closed;

rude - rough;

boring - boring;

We have studied adjectives to describe various properties and qualities of people, and are now able to describe the character of any person in English. Let's continue to improve our English in the next classes!

No other language has such a rich verbal flavor as Russian: from high literary to slang, from artistic to colloquial. From school we know that the term “adjective” means nothing more than a sign of an object, depending on its shape, condition, character, color, size and affiliation. And it is this part of speech that has a degree of comparison, can be qualitative, relative and possessive. Many people are interested in learning about unusual adjectives that can be used to originally and clearly characterize a person, both positively and negatively.

A spoon of honey for your girlfriend

Stinginess with beautiful words significantly repels the fair sex from her beloved. A woman is sure that if a man is not able to appreciate her external characteristics and character, then he does not love her very much. Unusual adjectives that characterize a person, in this case a girl, will help to enrich your vocabulary and please your beloved. If it’s hard to wrap your head around all these epithets, you can use a pen and notepad. So let's get started:

  • Intoxicating, intoxicating, stupefying, magnetic, hypnotic - capable of turning your head and temporarily depriving you of your mind stronger than any alcoholic drink, it is difficult to resist the gaze of such a beauty.
  • Blooming, fragrant, elegant, chic, dazzling, irresistible, stunning, awesome - when her bewitching beauty and aroma do not leave a man indifferent for a second.
  • Irreplaceable, necessary - and no others are needed.
  • Flammable, volcanic, burning, explosive. Beware! This gentle-looking creature will give you some pepper.
  • Incomprehensible - when it is difficult to unravel and understand the whole essence of an attractive person.
  • Hospitable - this is a good adjective suitable for a hospitable wife, whose table is always bursting with delicious dishes prepared by her hands, and she does it all from the bottom of her heart.
  • Sensational - in other words, impressive, eye-catching and shocking to the public. This also includes the fashionable word “shocking”.
  • Outstanding, amazing, unique, inimitable, extraordinary - unlike others, distinguished by its exclusivity.
  • Authentic - this epithet will especially surprise your beloved, it means “real”, “genuine”.
  • Selfless - ready to make sacrifices, in this case for the sake of love.
  • Hellish (in youth slang “hellish”), deadly - a particularly dangerous type of woman.
  • Petite, fragile, graceful - these compliment adjectives will be appreciated by girls for whom the parameters of their figure are of particular importance.
  • Sunny, radiant, festive - this bright person cannot imagine her existence without smiles, a positive mood and positive emotions infecting others.
  • Seductive, sexy, sexy - such passionate adjectives emphasize the tempting intimate qualities of the beloved.
  • Playful, fiery, active - like champagne, a playful, energetic fidget, for whom it is terribly boring to sit in one place.
  • Mobile - always and everywhere on time, easy-going, fast.
  • Rebel is a rebel by nature.
  • Marmalade, chocolate, caramel, honey, strawberry - these are delicious and sweet epithets that men especially like to say to their ladies.
  • Creative, talented, brilliant - the emphasis is not only on external data, but also on the ability to think creatively.
  • Cosmic, fantastic, fabulous, magical - above everything earthly, the ideal of all life.
  • Obstinate, rebellious, unapproachable, snowy - these examples of adjectives will be appreciated with dignity by a woman who knows her worth.
  • Psychic, mystical, witchcraft, piercing, supernatural - this is how one can characterize an insightful woman, capable of looking into the most secluded corners of the soul with just one glance, possessing magical attractiveness and unusually subtle intuition; she cannot be fooled.

So you can list adjectives ad infinitum. If fantasy works very well, then original epithets will come up on the fly. And also these words will fit perfectly into congratulatory lines or are suitable for a fiery SMS message.

Praises for beloved men

Why should all the laurels go to women? Unfair. Good word and the cat is pleased, as they say folk proverb. Representatives of the stronger sex also have the right to frequent compliments heard from their significant other, for example:

  • Venerable, authoritative, stellar, super popular - he is popular with many women, but his attention is given to only one.
  • Phenomenal, ingenious, inventive, unique, exceptional - a man with high level intelligence, not devoid of imagination and creativity. This person cannot imagine his existence among everything boring and gray; he definitely needs to stand out.
  • The laid-back one is that same spontaneous boy whose behavior sometimes resembles a child, and this does not spoil, but only decorates the character of his loved one.
  • Skillful - a jack of all trades, not only in business, but also in the ability to love and deliver extraordinary pleasure in bed.
  • Unsurpassed, irresistible, divine - no one can compare with him, you won’t find such gold in the daytime with fire.
  • Fashionable, stylish, spectacular, entrancing, impressive, brilliant - a person with good taste, dressed to the nines, knows how to present himself in society, knows a lot about fashion and doesn’t mind showing off about it.
  • Charismatic - a charming man who is difficult to pass by.
  • Sports, athletic, muscular - a self-conscious macho who will be proud not of his beer belly, but of the six-pack on his torso.
  • Avant-garde, fantastic, creative, modernistic - a generator of endless original ideas, bringing them into reality.
  • Incorruptible - an honest person who is difficult to lure into the net material means.
  • Outlandish - a rare specimen in its nature.
  • Mind-blowing, paradoxical, unpredictable, enchanting - a surprise man.
  • Steely, inaccessible, self-sufficient, independent - a man famous for his strong freedom-loving character, whose heart and affection are not so easy to win.
  • Ebullient, stormy, seething, fiery, volcanic, sultry - his body and the flow of feelings literally melt, such a man makes you feel hot in bed.
  • Royal, majestic, chivalrous - a courageous man with noble manners, a real lion.
  • Deafening - causing the most violent and hot feelings.

Unusual adjectives can transform everyday dullness into a riot of bright, dazzling colors, give a kaleidoscope of positive emotions and give a person an incentive for further action.

Warm words to a friend

When writing a poem of praise for the birthday of a dear and priceless friend, a selection of epithets that are not worn out to holes will come to the rescue. They can be used not only on special occasions, but also in everyday moments.

  • Eccentric - constantly surprising,
  • Valiant - he is not afraid of anything in this life.
  • Impartial - this unusual adjective can be used to describe an open, honest person with objective thinking.
  • Unshakable - a persistent person with a huge reserve of endurance.
  • Resilient - an optimist who looks at life from a positive point of view.
  • Multifaceted - a versatile personality.
  • Irreplaceable is a unique person, without whom it is difficult to imagine existence.
  • True, undeniable, proven - such a friend will never let you down, set you up or betray you.

Examples of adjectives are inexhaustible, you just need to use your imagination to the fullest.

For a faithful friend

Truly reliable friends who do not covet other people's happiness and material wealth can be counted on one hand, but they exist. And they deserve sincere, warm speeches that justify their strong, unyielding character. So let's look at some:

  • Major is an incorrigible optimist, the soul of the party, who knows how to cheer up in a matter of seconds.
  • Indispensable, super-devoted - a true keeper of secrets, a truly faithful friend.
  • Revered - an honest, open person.
  • Indestructible - such a good adjective is suitable for a reliable, fighting girlfriend.
  • Savvy is an experienced woman who is ready to give practical advice.
  • Filigree - possessing many talents and skills.
  • Endearing is one of the most unusual adjectives, meaning “temperamental”, “energetic”, endowed with passion, ready to get involved in an adventure.
  • Guests are always welcome when they come.
  • Courage - endowed with the lion's share of enthusiasm, mischief and energy.

Now you don’t have to rack your brain over what adjectives there are to exclusively describe a like-minded person.

Bright epithets for mom

No one deserves as many sincere, truly good and warm words as the dearest person on earth - a mother. Her heart and soul will literally bloom from sincere epithets spoken to her. Adjectives can be used both during a conversation and in writing a sincere song, poem or wish. Sweet, kind, gentle, beautiful, good - everyday words that are often found. It’s interesting to know what adjectives there are that not everyone hears. So let's look at them:

Unusual adjectives will help you expand your horizons, choose a unique and clear description, and also conquer your loved ones to the depths of your soul.

Original words for dad

Father, like mother, is the closest and dearest person on earth. It is he who gives lessons in survival in crisis situations, guides you on the right path, teaches you to achieve your goals, no matter what the circumstances. Unusual adjectives that give a positive assessment of the father's character also occur; let's look at some:

  • Superheroic - brave, strong, like a knight, without fear.
  • Highly moral, well-born - a person with a noble character.
  • Punchy - going straight to the goal.
  • Brave - endowed with strength and courage.
  • Magnetic - eye-catching, endowed with charisma that does not exude.
  • Elite, luxury, first class - in other words, the best.
  • Cardinal - quickly, sharply and categorically making a decision.
  • Amazing, incredible, stunning - excellent, special person, not like everyone else.

Saying a toast or coming up with a congratulatory speech for your father using adjectives that characterize his personality is now as easy as shelling pears.

A little about colleagues

It is important to prove yourself not only among family and friends, but also among the work team, where not everyone can be pleased. There come times when you need to objectively evaluate not only your efforts, but also the skills of your business partner. The easiest way to do this is in a congratulatory form, by writing poetry in a postcard, using unusual adjectives that characterize a person, for example:

  • Competitive - an individual who is able to withstand any, even the most dangerous, competition.
  • Progressive - an advanced person who makes a significant labor contribution.
  • Unflappable - a calm, stable partner who is difficult to break.
  • Busy - an enterprising, intelligent person with a serious, responsible approach to work.
  • Enlightened - well-read, erudite, deep-thinking.
  • Experimental - with a huge amount of experience.
  • Efficient, constructive - an adequate person, capable of thinking logically and making the right decisions.
  • Innovatorsky is a creatively gifted person.
  • The jeweler is a very neat and efficient worker.

Heard about yourself good words the employee will definitely take note and continue to justify them, so as not to fall face down later.

Kind words to the teacher

In the fall, all teachers celebrate their professional holiday. The best gift for them it will not be a cake or flowers, but respect, discipline, diligent efforts of students in mental work and a bouquet of warm congratulations with unusual adjectives that characterize a person. This:

  • Respectable - deserving of respect.
  • Favorite - loved by many.
  • A decorous person is a strict person who has an understanding of the limits of decency.
  • The right one stands for justice, objectively assessing the situation and people’s actions.
  • Virtuoso is a seasoned expert in his field.
  • Status, aesthetic - having impeccable taste, well-groomed.
  • Modern - advanced, keeping up with the times.
  • Entertaining - interesting to listen to, you won't be able to sleep during lessons.
  • Bravura - always in a good mood.

The teacher will express great surprise when he receives such rare and pleasant adjectives - compliments from a student who is not too lazy to write them down.

Stimulating epithets for son

Every loving parent always sets her child as an example to others, is proud of his talents and achievements. Often words of praise sound in an ordinary form, but what if you give your adored son a surprise in the form beautiful wishes filled with unusual adjectives? Such as enviable, seductive, gifted, innovative, fearless. And also rocket, jet, egotistical, complacent, keen-eyed, chattering, original.

Eulogies for a daughter

Let's look at some of them: wondrous, meek, grasping, mischievous, most excellent. And also: brainy, fashionable, nimble, amazing.

Non-standard food ratings

When guests are served various dishes and they turn out to be very tasty, I want to say something original unusual adjective, not limited to the hackneyed: cool, cool, awesome, super. Let's take a look at them, this is a tasty one - very appetizing, you want to eat it. And also: heavenly, masterpiece, outstanding, unsurpassed, excellent, signature, phenomenal.

Extraordinary Ability Assessment

A selection of adjectives that characterize a person as a gifted person. For example: dizzying, super-genius, mega-talented, unconventional. And also: extraordinary, spherical, skillful, expressive, significant.

Unique comments to photos on social networks

In the open spaces of popular social networks Comments from friends and acquaintances often appear under user photos. strangers. To stand out and write clear, sincere words, you can use your imagination and choose a suitable unusual adjective, such as cool, ruddy, charming, captivating, delightful, expressive, crisp, awesome.

Youth epithets

For example: nishtyakovsky, awesome, trump, awesome, ace, high, mega, awesome, awesome, cool, high-end.

After reading the article, the thought will certainly come to you about what adjectives you can choose for another reason. This article is useful for broadening your horizons and enriching your vocabulary.

Being born new personality receives as a gift unique character. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.

Nature not only determines behavioral reactions, it specifically influences the manner of communication, attitude towards others and oneself, and towards work. A person's character traits create a certain worldview in an individual.

A person’s behavioral reactions depend on character

These two definitions create confusion because they both play a role in shaping personality and behavior. In fact, character and temperament are heterogeneous:

  1. Character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of a person’s mental make-up.
  2. Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.

Having the same temperament, individuals can have completely different characters. But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or exacerbating it. Also, human nature directly affects temperament.

What is character

Psychologists, speaking about character, mean a certain combination of individual traits that are persistent in their expression. These traits have the maximum impact on the behavioral line of the individual in diverse relationships:

  • among people;
  • in the work team;
  • to one's own personality;
  • to the surrounding reality;
  • to physical and mental labor.

The word "character" is of Greek origin and means "to mint." This definition was introduced into everyday use by the natural scientist Ancient Greece, philosopher Theophrastus. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of an individual.

Theophrastus was the first to coin the term "character"

The character seems to be drawn as a unique drawing; it gives birth to a unique stamp, which is worn by the individual in a single copy.

To put it simply, character is a set, a combination of stable individual mental characteristics.

How to understand nature

To understand what kind of nature an individual has, you need to analyze all his actions. It is behavioral reactions that determine examples of character and characterize personality.

But such a judgment is often subjective. A person does not always react as his intuition tells him. Actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, and customs of the environment where the person lives.

But you can understand what kind of character a person has. By observing and analyzing the actions of a certain person for a long time, it is possible to identify individual, especially stable traits. If a person behaves the same way in completely different situations, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision, this indicates the presence of a certain nature.

Knowing which character traits are manifested and predominant in an individual, one can predict how he will manifest himself in a given situation.

Character and its traits

A character trait is an important part of a personality; it is a stable quality that determines the interaction between a person and the surrounding reality. This is the defining method of resolving emerging situations, therefore psychologists consider a personality trait as a predictable personal behavior.

Variety of characters

A person acquires characteristics of character throughout his entire life; it is impossible to classify individual traits of nature as innate and characterological. To analyze and assess a personality, a psychologist does not simply determine the totality individual characteristics, but also highlights their distinctive features.

It is character traits that are defined as primary in the study and compilation of psychological characteristics of a person.

But, when defining and assessing a person, studying behavioral traits in social terms, the psychologist also uses knowledge of the meaningful orientation of nature. It is defined in:

  • strength-weakness;
  • breadth-narrowness;
  • static-dynamic;
  • integrity-contradiction;
  • integrity-fragmentation.

Such nuances constitute a general, complete characteristic of a particular person.

List of personality traits

Human nature is a complex combination of unique traits that forms a unique system. This order includes the most striking, stable personal qualities, revealed in gradations of human-society relationships:

Relationship system Inherent Traits of an Individual
Pros Cons
To self Pickiness Condescension
Self-criticism Narcissism
Meekness Boastfulness
Altruism Egocentrism
To the people around you Sociability Closedness
Complacency Callousness
Sincerity Deceit
Justice Injustice
Community Individualism
Sensitivity Callousness
Courtesy Shamelessness
Back to work Organization Laxity
Mandatory Cluelessness
Performance Sloppiness
Enterprise Inertia
Hard work Laziness
To items Economy Wastefulness
Thoroughness Negligence
Neatness Negligence

In addition to the character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (as a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were highlighted:

  • moral: humanity, toughness, sincerity, good nature, patriotism, impartiality, responsiveness;
  • temperamental: passion, sensuality, romance, liveliness, receptivity; passion, frivolity;
  • intellectual (cognitive): analytical, flexible, inquisitive, resourceful, efficient, critical, thoughtful;
  • sthenic (volitional): categoricalness, persistence, obstinacy, stubbornness, determination, timidity, courage, independence.

Many leading psychologists are inclined to believe that some personality traits should be divided into two categories:

  1. Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to perform certain actions and actions. These are goal-traits.
  2. Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity individuality and method (manner) of action. These are methods-traits.

Gradation of character traits according to Allport

Allport's theory

The famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of an individual’s personal characteristics, divided personality traits into three classes:

Dominant. Such traits most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.

Ordinary. They manifest themselves equally in all numerous areas of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, arrogance, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.

Secondary. These nuances do not have a particular impact on behavioral reactions. These are not dominant behaviors. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, and diligence.

A strong relationship is formed between a person’s existing personality traits. This pattern forms the final character of the individual.

But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. The human warehouse was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor traits can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict an individual’s actions, it is necessary to focus on the entire set of personality traits.

What is typicality and individuality?

The manifestation of the nature of each person always reflects the individual and typical. This is a harmonious combination of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.

What is a typical character. When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a specific group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. It is like a mirror, reflecting the accepted and habitual conditions of existence of a particular group.

Also, typical features depend on the warehouse (a certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the emergence of a behavioral type of character into the category of which a person is “recorded.”

Having understood exactly what characteristics are inherent in a given personality, a person can draw up an average (typical) psychological portrait and assign certain type temperament. For example:

Positive Negative
Activity Incontinence
Energy Hot temper
Sociability Aggressiveness
Determination Irritability
Initiative Rudeness in communication
Impulsiveness Unstable behavior
Phlegmatic person
Perseverance Low activity
Performance Slowness
Calm Inactivity
Consistency Unsociability
Reliability Individualism
Integrity Laziness
Sociability Aversion to monotony
Activity Superficiality
Goodwill Lack of persistence
Adaptability Poor perseverance
Cheerfulness frivolity
Courage Recklessness in actions
Resourcefulness Inability to concentrate
Sensitivity Closedness
Impressionability Low activity
Performance Unsociability
Restraint Vulnerability
Cordiality Shyness
Accuracy Poor performance

Such typical character traits, corresponding to a certain temperament, are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.

Individual manifestation. Relationships between individuals always have an evaluative characteristic; they are manifested in a rich variety of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of an individual’s individual traits is greatly influenced by emerging circumstances, the formed worldview and a certain environment.

This characteristic is reflected in the vividness of the individual's various typical features. They vary in intensity and develop individually for each individual.

Some typical traits manifest themselves so powerfully in a person that they become not just individual, but unique.

In this case, typicality develops, by definition, into individuality. This personality classification helps to identify the negative characteristics of an individual that prevent them from expressing themselves and achieving a certain position in society.

By working on himself, analyzing and correcting shortcomings in his own character, each person creates the life he strives for.

What positive qualities of a person’s character are most significant for work and a comfortable life in society? How best to describe yourself and what to include in your resume? Let's figure it out. To know your virtues in person, we have prepared a list positive qualities to characterize a person.


This is the desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy is manifested in external neatness, caring attitude towards things, accuracy and thoroughness in business. This trait is more characteristic of women, so it is especially important for a man to develop the habit of creating and maintaining cleanliness. Remember: order in the house means order in your head.


This is a caring attitude towards existing benefits, whether one’s own or someone else’s. It's about not only about material things, but even about the spiritual strength and vital energy of a person. This quality allows you to optimize the consumption of any resources, achieve more by saving little.


This is the lack of desire for profit. Selfish people are motivated only by personal gain. For sincere and selfless people, their own benefit is not important, they will help and will not demand anything in return, so they are trusted much more.


Respectful attitude towards others. Always. Even in cases where the situation is not conducive to polite and tactful treatment. By the way, this quality annoys boors. They want to quarrel, but a polite person does not enter into conflict with them. Politeness shuts up a scolder and conquers cities!


This is devotion, but not only in relation to close people, but also to one’s own worldview, ideas and views. This is an important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman, because it is associated with such a negative trait as jealousy. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person possessing this quality.

Good manners

These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. A well-mannered person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and compliance with the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, and society. There is never any shame in being a well-mannered person.


This is the ability to follow rules and routines. A disciplined person not only strictly follows the established rules, but also knows how to manage own time so that it is enough for all important matters.


This is an affectionate and caring attitude towards people. Responsiveness and attentiveness towards others, the desire to help and help out of difficult situations without expecting anything in return. This quality does not bring immediate benefits, but others appreciate it, and the kindness shown is often responded to with the same kindness and care.


This is a friendly attitude towards others. This is not only the opportunity to build friendly relationships with any person, but also the ability to behave openly and sympathetically towards people. A friendly person strives for mutual pleasant communication, therefore he has not only true friends, but also a lot of useful acquaintances.

Communication skills

This is the ability to make contacts. A person who has no communication barriers easily joins a team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life. A person with this quality will never be left alone.


This is a person’s ability to be responsible for what is entrusted to him, the ability to make difficult decisions and evaluate their consequences. Husbands are responsible for their wives, mothers for their children, and employees for their professional tasks. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for something shows himself as an independent and mature person.


This is a willingness to help, the ability to selflessly respond to a request, to help in a difficult situation. The advantage of this quality is not only the good attitude of others, but also the self-perception of being a kind person.


This is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, and comply with agreements. Particularly valued in industries where “time is money.” But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.


This is the willingness to make decisions, the ability to carry out plans without timidity or giving in to fears. Determination is the absence of so-called paralysis of the will, when doubts interfere with activity. Closely associated with fortitude and courage. They say about decisive people: “He has an inner core.”


This is a sober self-esteem, adequate perception own views and activities. A self-critical person does not consider his own opinion to be the only correct one, and has a healthy attitude towards outside views. But you need to remember the golden mean, because excessive self-criticism indicates low self-esteem.


It is the lack of intention to exalt oneself. It's nice to deal with people who have achieved a lot without praising themselves at every turn. Modesty is not only the absence of boasting, but also tactfulness in relation to others. This quality can manifest itself both because of respect for other people and because of shyness.


This is the ability not to give in to fears. They say, brave man not afraid of anything, but complete absence fear is not only recklessness, but also a syndrome of certain mental disorders. Courage is the ability to act despite fears. As an example, firefighters may also be afraid of fire, but perform their professional duty without succumbing to fear.


This is correctness and impartiality. At the core this concept there are ideas about good and evil, the laws of retribution for good and bad deeds. When assessing events, a fair person excludes predispositions and sympathy for anyone. A person is fair when he is objective.


This is tolerance towards people. Tolerance does not allow dividing people into representatives of other nations, ethnic groups and religions. A tolerant person does not reject someone else’s point of view, and is unlikely to allow himself to respond rudely to someone. Tolerance is a necessity in the modern world.

Hard work

This is the ability to have a positive attitude towards your own work. Hard work is not only the willingness to devote one’s strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks work and is unable to perceive his work with interest is a burden for the entire team.

Respect for others

This is recognizing the value of other people's views. Treating others with respect shows that you see the individual in every person. In labor processes, this quality is mandatory and manifests itself in distance and subordination.


This is a positive assessment of one's own qualities. Confidence is closely related to a person's ability to manage himself in ambiguous situations. A confident person knows his worth and is not afraid public speaking, V stressful situation knows how to control himself. Looking at such a person, you might think: “He knows what he’s doing.”


This is the ability to go towards a goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people who do not give in to difficulties and failures. Persistence in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and steadfastness of spirit. Tenacious individuals on our own reach heights.


This is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character. An honest person always respects his interlocutor, so he tells him the truth, sometimes even unpleasant, but necessary.


This is self-respect and a high assessment of one’s qualities, an understanding of value and significance. A person who has this quality is unlikely to decide on a low act, deception, or even ordinary swearing in a public place. This is beneath his dignity. For such a person, it is not even the opinion of others that is important, but his own assessment of his actions.

Sense of humor

This is the ability to perceive a situation from a comic side. It's even better to find that comical side in everything. Life is more fun this way, and people enjoy communicating with such a person. A sense of humor is an indicator of a person’s mental health. It is not known whether laughter increases life expectancy, but it can definitely save you from unnecessary sorrows.


This is a willingness to share with one’s neighbor, without absolutely wanting to receive anything in return. Generous people, for example, can engage in charity - helping those in need, donating funds to special funds. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.