People who come into our lives. Some people are meant to be temporary in our lives, and that's okay.

People don't come into our lives by chance,
At least sometimes we marvel at fate.
And she's a cheat, seemingly by accident
He brings the people we need into our Life.
All of them are whatever they are.
They leave a mark on our Souls.
And it doesn’t matter joyful, offended,
After all, there are no accidents in nature.
If you met a Person in your life.
This means that God decided to tell you something.
So you better take courage
And try to understand all the “lessons”.
Examine carefully and diligently.
Paragraph by paragraph, following correctly.
Happiness, joy - be sure to remember.
They came into your life for a reason.
All the grievances, fears, mistrust,
Learn, close your textbooks.
And forget about what's been done
So that the pain doesn't keep up with you.
Now think how much joy
God sent you through People.
So rejoice at every new meeting,
The Almighty has thousands of ideas.


Ninochka, thank you very much)) but I’m so tired of this. It seems to me that it’s useless to even try to prove something of my own. They’ll take it away anyway ((I think it’s like this for everyone. I really don’t understand the meaning of these actions, but)) I once posted a quatrain as a status in my classmates - I didn’t post it here - I thought I’d add it - and I was shocked when I saw how it was taken away. There is even one smart guy who corrected the verse from the masculine gender and posted it here. Can you imagine? There is no limit to human rudeness ((

For me, too, it started when I first found one of my poems on one site, and then... on 12 more sites. Basically, everywhere the author is honestly written - me, people simply inserted my lines in discussions, but what hurt me most was when I saw my poems on commercial sites either without authorship, or, like what, for example, I sent you, under a different name. This spurred me on so much, I was not lazy and sent letters to everyone saying that they were violating my copyrights, and I was forced to turn to the courts. There were those who apologized and deleted my works, with the rest while the correspondence continues...
But about rudeness, I agree with you. I really don’t respect this in people and I also get tired of its ubiquity in any form. Yes, spiritual purity is so lacking for many people now!
Thank you for answering me.

My good ones! As Tsvetaeva said: “A poet does not write poetry, poetry comes from above.”
And these are precisely the verses that came from above, but for what? Not for the author’s pride, not so that he fights to defend his rights. Are they yours then?
Let them diverge as much as possible, let them appropriate, once they appropriate, it means it has sunk into the soul, it means it has hit the mark, it means the person has accepted what is dear to them, opened their heart, let it into the soul... Isn’t that what poetry is written for...?
And I thank the author for this verse, which gave me great awareness and changed my life very much!
Thank you

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We usually don’t pay attention to the number of lonely people until we somehow find ourselves among them. So you lived, lived, did not grieve, and all the time someone surrounded you: now parents, now children, friends, acquaintances, loved ones... And suddenly...
How long can you live without communication? All alone? Hour? Two? Day? A week? So that it doesn’t weigh you down, doesn’t press you down and doesn’t make you unhappy... I can’t stand it for long...

It’s strange: when there is someone next to you, you somehow see, sense, feel everything around you differently... And the snow seems somehow special to you, and the rain doesn’t wet you, and the wind invigorates... And when no one - not even the sun is happy... And the dark spots on it become somehow blatantly ugly, and the head hurts, and the heart aches, and the mood does not rise above zero...

Why do we necessarily need someone to brighten up these painful moments of inner turmoil and fill our lives with meaning? Why can’t we figure out our own conditions? After all, by and large, the world is our ideas about it. If you change your ideas, the world will change!

I change them, I change them! But for some reason I definitely need a witness who would record these changes, or simply be present at the same time... Why?

I don’t know why! Needed, that's all! Without him, everything is somehow dull and gray, and I don’t need it at all. Laziness or what? How can you prepare a three-course dinner when you are alone, and there is a sausage and a glass of yogurt in the refrigerator? You’ll get another crust of bread, and that’s it, nice thing. Why bother, cook, fry, steam. I grabbed something quickly and was ready for work and defense.

It's another matter if someone is nearby. At this point, God himself ordered us to prepare something delicious. You can cook borscht or fry cutlets. To please and enjoy eating some delicacy together.

It’s the same in life. This “someone” is necessary to cook something, to strain, to make something out of your own life, because he is a witness, he can evaluate, he can share with you joy and sadness, if necessary. From his participation there is less sadness and more joy. Have you tried it? Yes, you all know this! And of course, internally, do not be at all proud of your loneliness if it happens to you sometimes.

But you shouldn’t panic and hibernate, give up on yourself and indulge in despondency over your imperfections. Because the point here is not perfection, but the fact that during this period of your life you need solitude! “It is destined in the highest council...” But why do you need it now - figure it out for yourself!

Maybe so you can learn to be yourself. Or maybe they should be able to appreciate others and not throw away real feelings and friends. Surely, it was given to you for self-improvement and soul-searching. Dig deeper, and suddenly you will find a treasure in your soul that you didn’t even suspect about, carried away by the pursuit of imaginary values...

To find something, you have to lose something. You can't say more precisely. What do you miss most in life? Now is the chance to understand this. Just don't rush. If you hurry, you'll make yourself laugh...

We are in such a hurry to get back to the state of “with someone”, we are so afraid of uncertainty and non-compliance with general statistical standards of life, where there should always be someone next to us, dear and warm, that we are ready to accept for him anyone more or less identifiable as "yours." Similar and recognizable.

Only before we even have time to fill a new salt shaker to understand our soul mate, we suddenly realize that this is not a soul mate at all. And we simply cannot handle the combined pound of salt that we definitely need to eat with her.

We also love to sort things out. We dismiss any connections that are not suitable for us, without even bothering to taste them. We’ve come up with ideals for ourselves and run around with them like we’re carrying a sack. But ideals, in principle, do not exist, because we are all living people, and nothing human is alien to us!

We need any person who comes into our lives for something. And accepting his presence in our lives with gratitude, we will learn to understand why he came. Perhaps to bring us joy or self-confidence, information or a lesson, to help or hinder us, to strengthen our character and develop our soul, or maybe to test our strength and try to destroy us? Figure it out! For this you have a head and a heart, a body and intuition. But in any case, this gift must be accepted from life with gratitude.

We buy into our fears and fall into our own traps. And we think, proud people, that we learn from the mistakes of others. In fact, a person can only learn something by stepping on his own rake.

Other gardeners - lovers of such rakes in the same enviably constant version will have to experience more than a dozen on their cast-iron foreheads until the true meaning of the events happening to them reaches them.

And if I free my speech from allegories and put it simply, then in order to reduce trauma in such an important and necessary matter for every person as searching for “someone,” you need to follow just a few simple rules:

1. Be yourself.

2. Don't rush.

3. Be grateful to life for what it gives him at the moment.

That's all! It seems so simple, even elementary, banal and known to everyone. Just try to do this in practice! How many reservations, conditions, various obstacles will immediately creep out in abundance from various cracks in order to complicate everything, ruin and vulgarize.

Still, I'll try. After all, no one can do this for me. And if there is no one next to me now, it means that I have not yet learned to put these basic rules of life into practice...

I know that you are somewhere, my only, dearest person in the world. I'm coming to you, I'm waiting for you. For a long time. Patiently going through the rosary of events and dates, faces and touches. Peering into the trembling space of our invisible interaction, imbuing it with the bright thirst for our connection, I am filled with confidence and love. And I burn like a star in the sky. To make it easier for you to see me. And you are still not there... Where is you, my sun?

We meet people for a reason. There is always some reason why someone comes into our life and leaves it. And the hardest thing is to realize that some people are destined to be with us only for a short time.

The people who come and quickly leave our lives are usually those who open us to new opportunities and ways to grow and develop.

We don't want to let these people go because we start to get used to them. But we don't realize that some people are destined to be temporary in our lives, no matter how much we wish otherwise.

“Not everything has to become something beautiful and lasting. Some people come into your life to show you what is right and wrong, to show you who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, to make you feel better about yourself, or to simply be someone you can walk with at night and pour out your feelings. soul. Not everyone will stay forever, but we must keep going and be grateful to them for what they gave us.", - writer Emery Allen.

I remember my most vivid acquaintances and now I understand why each person came into my life, and how they influenced who I am today. I shared my deepest thoughts, fears, secrets and dreams with people who were no longer in my life. I don’t regret it, because at that moment it was exactly what I wanted to do.

It always seemed amazing to me that our lives intersect with the lives of so many people, and even if you have known someone for only a short time, you can influence their life and their story. It's very exciting to look at it all from this point of view.

The sooner we realize that not everyone is meant to be a part of our lives, the easier it will be for us to plunge into new relationships and value time with a certain person, allowing them to leave when the time is right.

We must make the most of the time we have with each other and focus on the present. Let go of expectations, assumptions and satiate yourself with as much communication with people as possible.

“I see a lot of people in unstimulating relationships—not just between guys and girls. Many people find themselves in stagnant friendships. If people were less afraid of ending things, they would get more out of life...You meet the right person at the right time and they fill something in your life. You fill something into it. But there is a limit to this,” singer Laura Marling.

If you lose someone from your life, don't lose yourself.

One of the main goals of life is to have loving relationships with other people and, in particular, to have relationships with the right people who support your growth as a person. All relationships play a role in how we view the development of the world and our character, but some relationships are more special than others. In our lives, each of us faces different relationships, but some of them are necessary globally for the earthly journey called life. Here are 3 types of people you need to find to create a happy and meaningful life.

Soul friend, soul mate

A soul friend is a person with whom we are always in harmony. We never feel uncomfortable being around. Of course, it is normal to have different arguments and disputes, but they are always resolved in a way that further strengthens the relationship. You can spend many years away from such a person, but when you find yourself together, the situation will be as if nothing has changed. This is because you resonate equally on every possible level.

When we meet our soulmate, we experience a strange feeling of closeness, as if we decided to include this person in our lives before we were born. This strange feeling of closeness in most cases arises from certain facts - we connected in past lives with this person and decided to reunite in this life to fulfill our mission together.

Contrary to what modern culture is trying to impose, it is not necessary for a soul mate to be of the opposite sex, it is not even necessary to be partners in life. Bound souls can manifest in the form of a mother, brother, sister, or best friend. Everyone encounters such a soul at some stage in their life. If you haven't found such a person yet, expect one in the future.

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Your reflection

Your mirror is a person who tells things as they are. They are sincere and honest, but are not interested in hurting your feelings. It's simply because they don't care about your feelings that they have such a strong influence on you. This is not about bullies who insult you. These are the friends who won't hesitate to tell you what they think about you and your actions. You often affect these people the same way they affect you. This is why you are like a mirror to each other, reflecting back what you need to improve in your life. It is quite normal for you to argue with each other, but behind your arguments lies a real concern for each other that cannot be shaken.

Your guardian

Your guardian is a mentor, teacher and guide. Brings you inspiration, positivism and makes you feel confident on earth. He will guide you through difficult times and help you become stronger and better. In some variations, the guardian is a family member, while in others the guardian may be a teacher, coach, or minister. If you have such people in your life then you are truly lucky, you should appreciate these people. If you don't have such people in your life yet, don't despair, keep working on your own development and sooner or later they will appear.

Nothing is by chance.

In this world where we are lucky enough to live, every meeting and chance acquaintance serves a specific purpose.

Sometimes we need people to awaken us and help change the direction of our lives; sometimes - to cheer us up and remind us who we are on this earth. And sometimes these are the ones that we meet only for a moment.

Ironically, we don't have to know the purpose of every person we meet, but we do have to remain open to whatever each new encounter brings.

Sometimes it is worth looking at the whole world as an interweaving of threads - silver or red, each of which reflects a meeting with a specific person, which may not even have happened yet.

Our whole life is interaction with each other. And although modern technologies, the Internet, and social networks are trying to convince us that this interaction can be minimized, something changes in our minds when we understand that everything in life happens for a reason.

Not all meetings need to be long; sometimes they can only last a moment. Maybe to detain you so you don't get into an accident, or to meet potential love. Sometimes the Universe sends us people to help us in our lives, even if they don't become something important to us.

And although we cannot predict it, we can prepare ourselves for these life surprises.

People who need to wake us up.

These are the ones who come for a long time. Sometimes these are our partners, kindred spirits. These are the ones who completely change our lives.

People who help remind us who we are.

Sometimes along the path of life we ​​begin to lose ourselves. In the daily bustle and worries, we forget about who we wanted to become, what we dreamed of (and still dream of), who we really are. We simply sell ourselves to adulthood and responsibility, forgetting who we really are. And it’s not even about the place of work or the city to live in, it’s about the soul and inner worldview.

And then there are people who come into our lives to help us understand who we are, so that we can begin to be ourselves.

People who matter for a moment.

When we start a conversation with a random fellow traveler and just can’t stop. Or when we simply exchange smiles with the person passing on the next escalator. And it really seems like some kind of unearthly connection that just has to exist.

Just because someone doesn't stay in our lives for long doesn't mean there's no meaning or purpose in meeting them. Everything has a meaning. And it is these invisible threads that connect us to each other that make life in this world so incredibly unpredictable, because we never know when we will meet someone who will force us to change our lives.