Statuses about a terrible mood. The best statuses about a good or bad mood

Does it affect the perception of others? So that everyone understands whether it is possible to have a conversation with you on this day or not, choose suitable statuses about the mood for your pages in social networks. They will help you fully convey your state and readiness to resolve important issues.

Statuses about mood for self-expression

  • The mood is excellent,

There is cash in your pocket.

The day off is today

I'm very, very pleased.

  • I'm in an epic mood today

Even heroic thoughts come to mind.

The day off has arrived -

Gave me the mood.

  • I’m in such a mood today that only travel can save it. And if you are not going to offer me an interesting trip, then you should not contact me.
  • It’s strange, but I perceive the same hit differently in a bad and a good mood. When it’s excellent, I hear only positive things, and when it’s bad, notes of negativity appear. I’ll go and turn on this song, otherwise I can’t figure out whether I’m good or evil today.
  • I smiled in the morning and the sun woke up. Although there were clouds, so it was better to smile.
  • How you treat the world is how it will be for you. If you laugh, you will receive sunshine; if you cry constantly, you will receive rain.
  • I'm in a creative mood - I can do anything.
  • Today I got up from that foot, but only on a cactus that happened to be near the sofa. Now I don’t know how to believe these beliefs.
  • Even the darkest clouds are dispersed by the smile of silent lips.
  • And I always smile, it’s better for them to think that I’m sick than to feel sorry for me.
  • People - strange creatures. There are so many good things happening around them, but they pay attention to all sorts of bad things and silently fall into depression.

It's better to write statuses about good mood, let people envy. After all dark thoughts attracts bad events, and only positivity can color everyday life with all the colors of the rainbow!

Statuses about a bad mood for social networks

Of course, a person is not obliged, and cannot, due to fatigue, troubles and weather changes, always be in a good mood. Statuses about a mood that leaves much to be desired also have a right to exist.

  • If you know how a time bomb works, then you should understand what my mood is now.
  • I urgently need to recharge my mood, it’s low on me.
  • There are days when only a bottle of whiskey and a purring pussy will help.
  • I'm not having a very good day today. Apparently, my rise began with a fall from the sofa.
  • I'm in in a great mood! Just don’t look at me with such doubt!
  • I'm in such a mood today that I want to kindergarten- to be fed, watered, played and put to bed at lunchtime.
  • Even the most better mood it will be spoiled if someone really insists on it.

And it doesn’t matter at all whether you post statuses about a good mood or a bad one on your social network page. The most important thing is that you express the emotions that are truly in your heart, and you will feel better for it.

Poetic statuses about the state of mind

Sometimes only in long rhymes you can fully express your emotional experiences. For example:

  • My mood is to move mountains,

Go to the goal, pave the way.

Let it always be like this,

So that beautiful paintings are not left behind the screen.

  • I'm always cheerful

Why be sad?

You need to live your life meaningfully,

Live with positivity.

Let the mood flow like a brilliant stream,

Delicious cookies to everyone.

Mood in short sayings

Of course, not everyone wants to write long and overloaded with meaning. delightful, can also consist of a couple of lines.

  • I'm fine, but my perfect order is a mess.
  • Why ask about my mood if you are not interested? In any case, the answer will be that everything is wonderful with me.
  • Watch out for me when I'm in a bad mood unless you want to see the bombs actually explode.
  • Life is beautiful if you smile at it.

Only a good attitude and head held high provide positivity in life. Laugh more often, the world loves our smiles!

Choose statuses that will fully convey your inner mood and state of mind. Don't be afraid to show emotions.

What's wrong with your mood? - It ended the other day.

When God was giving out a good mood, I was most likely sitting in the toilet...

I'm like small child when I don't have enough attention I cry, when there is too much attention it annoys me.

Are you in a good mood? No, I haven't heard.

Not apathy, not depression. And the fatigue...and everything just infuriates me.

My good mood and my mother’s bad are incompatible.

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can also be fucking bad...

If you see faces full of fake smiles, hear hundreds of phrases filled with hypocrisy, smell rotting souls. Congratulations, now you see the world as it is.

A person who does not know how to be satisfied with himself will never be satisfied with anything.

Sometimes it happens, you just want to forget and start living from scratch...

This is a strange thing - mood... It comes from nowhere, goes to nowhere, and when you call, it pretends not to hear...

Depression is when your life becomes like a sad black and white cartoon.

There is cesspool in the soul, emptiness in the head, anger in the eyes, and a dream in the heart...

Mood swings are so bad... they're so good... they're so bad... they're so good.

How nice it is to fall into hopeless despair. This gives you the right to sulk at the whole world.

Such a good mood today, which cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor can it be formulated in obscenities.

I appreciate every person who has made me smile at least once. Bad mood.

Again he appeared in my life... This terrible Frenchman De Pressnyak...

Well, hello, mood, and I thought we wouldn’t see each other this year.

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.

The autumn wind started playing the saxophone... My little sad autumn blues...


We are all familiar with the term “mood”. However, not everyone is able to manage it, and many succumb to negative thinking almost every minute. Every day we get up in the morning and fulfill our responsibilities at work, at home, and family responsibilities. And day after day, our mood rides like a roller coaster. What does your daily mood depend on? Someone blames everything on the leg with which he gets up from the couch in the morning, someone says that the weather is to blame for his thoughts and mood, someone generally blames the whole environment and his life, supposedly it was not a success and it is difficult for him to be this White Light, so unhappy and abandoned. However, there is another opinion on this matter. Not everything is as bad as it seems. Our mood largely depends on our inner World, how rich and developed it is, is how good we feel. After all, you have probably met people in your life who never complain about life, they are always cheerful, cheerful and look great. Not because they are special, but because they have learned to bring peace to their souls and notice all the beauty around them. To do this, you need to work on yourself for more than one year. Statuses about a bad mood will show you everything that a person under an emotional block may experience. Develop yourself, be kind to others and Peace be with you.

What could be more wonderful than the company of best friends? Who else will cheer you up, support and calm you down like they do? Instructive statuses about friends and friendship are appropriate on almost any forum and on any social network, regardless of whether they are positive or negative.

Statuses about friendship

Statuses about “friends”

Statuses about bad friends

People who care understand perfectly well that friendship has reverse side and true friends are a gift of fate. Statuses about bad friends, unfortunately, are not uncommon. They are often inappropriate, but they never cease to be relevant. Probably because they come from the soul.

  • If your friends are talking about you behind your back, cut them out of your life.
  • There are such friends whom it is a sin not to lose.
  • Everything in life comes back, and the one who betrayed his friends will soon find out for himself
  • The traitor does not realize that he betrayed himself first of all.
  • Betrayal good friend- this is always a blow below the belt.
  • Only my four-legged friend keeps my secrets better than anyone.
  • A person who has survived the betrayal of a friend will be able to survive anything!
  • Thank you, my bad friends! Your betrayal helped me become stronger.

Stories about bad friends It's hard to surprise anyone today. It would seem that everyone knows about the existence of the following problem, but mental pain is always unexpected and scary. Statuses about bad friends causing heartache, are the most discouraging.

  • Only a person who has experienced the betrayal of a friend understands what minor problems seemed global to him.
  • For some reason, backstabbing is done by those friends whom you protect with your chest.
  • I'm watching former friends, I see that they have changed even more (but far from better side) and I thank God for giving me the chance that separated me from them.
  • Man is the only animal that causes pain to others without purpose.
  • Let the sad experience make you more experienced, but not more tearful.

Statuses about pain

  • Looking at someone else's pain makes it easier to bear your own.
  • When a person is in pain, he feels how weak he is. When it is very painful, a person is overcome by anger. When a person is torn apart by pain, he no longer cares...
  • Physical pain is dulled when the soul hurts.
  • Breaking a dream doesn't hurt. It hurts to pick up the pieces.
  • He who does not know pain will never know this world.

Statuses about bad friends, of course, make many people experience mental pain. But it is much more painful to read the revelations of people who have experienced the betrayal of loved ones.

  • The heart is empty and the soul is empty when everything is there, only you are not there.
  • It hurts to remain friends with those we love.
  • It is impossible for a person to move forward when his soul is torn from the pain of memories.
  • Although the soul hurts, the heart still believes in miracles.
  • If it doesn’t hurt, it’s not life; if it doesn’t go away, it’s not happiness.

Only my favorite melodies playing loudly in my headphones can cheer me up)))

The mood cannot be understood with the mind, it depends on your desire and appears when it pleases!

Don’t touch me, I’m angry... To stupid questions like “what’s the matter?” and “what’s wrong with your mood?” I don't answer. Don’t try to wait for an answer - you may be sent far and wide!

It is a myth that the mood cannot be worse. It happens, just give a reason!

Best status:
Everything will definitely be fine, even if everything is unrealistically bad now!

My mood needs recharging more than ever... or a complete reboot... It's a pity there is nothing to plug into the socket to charge... except maybe my fingers?...

A bad mood couldn’t be worse - even run into the street... through the window of a nine-story building...

The main thing is not to take it out on a random passerby - you need to choose the victim extremely carefully!

There is absolutely nothing to do... Bad mood... Go hang yourself or something... What else to do in such bad weather?

I remind myself of a little girl - without enough attention I whine, and when there is too much attention, I start to freak out and be capricious!

Status is resting! Tired of the hostess changing mood!…

I'm fine. In some very bad way, but in order...

Why does a person have a sad fuck, because a person is simply fucked!

They got tired of it with “Everything will be fine.” It will be, I know. I feel fucking bad right now.

Life is like a carousel: it’s scary to jump off. and I'm already sick of riding

I went to the dacha, it’s better to be there alone and in silence, we got everything

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood!!!

Inflicting torment on your envious people means being in a good mood.

I will lend you a good mood, at interest.

It’s just an illusion that the mood is worse than ever. There is always room for things to get worse.

The shape of a smile depends not only on your mood, but also on the shape of your teeth.

- Why are you sitting on the floor? - It’s so convenient for me. - Why in the dark? - I save electricity. - Why is a tear rolling down your cheek? - I’m cutting onions. – In the dark on the floor??? - Yes.

Selling nervous system. Starts with half a kick!

– Why does the snow crunch? “It’s probably dried out because it’s not fresh.” - No... It’s just that the snowflakes’ spines break...

You write only when you are in a good mood, probably you are always in a bad mood!

There are moments when people love crime.

Everything wouldn't be so bad if it didn't leave much to be desired.

When God was giving out a good mood, I was most likely sitting in the toilet...

The mood is disgusting - don’t approach, it’s contagious!

I am in a dejected mood.

Is it worth ruining your mood by thinking about how your mood was ruined?

Smile: it makes people wonder what's on your mind...

Somehow my mood has deteriorated. - What kind of joy is this?

Everyone is so beautiful, smart, talented, but I’m such a crap in shoes.

The most the best remedy to treat mood - a joke injection or a money potion.

A bored mood is when boredom and passion surge in an instant.

Yes, I am the master of the mood!.. But he has a different opinion.

The events of your life directly depend on your mood.

I really want to send all of you, but you have nothing to do with it.

He told her: “That’s enough! You got me! I'm leaving you!" I'm leaving. I hear a shot. Shot yourself?! I'm coming back. Opened the champagne, bitch.

My mood doesn’t smell like violets, you know!

I'm so tired of everything, I really want to disappear from everyone for a day and return hand in hand with someone!(

I'm not vindictive or evil. I'm just indifferent.

A good remedy is to lift your mood by worsening it in others.

When you’re in a bad mood, but you put it in your status that you’re having fun and feel like a hero

Don’t yearn for impossible happiness, rejoice in the misfortune that never happened.

Where is my personal Carlson, who will say: “Calm, baby, just calm…”

Damn! I'm so sick of everything!

Are you in a good mood? No, I haven't heard.

You are just a treasure for me. I really want to bury you somewhere

Life is harmful, because people die from it...

There are days when the learned cat hangs a “caution!” sign next to him. angry dog."

Now half-light, now half-dark, now the wind at your back. Half alive... Half dead... Half...

I'm not upset because we didn't meet! I'm in a STUPIDLY bad mood!

Do you experience frequent depression and bad mood? Cuban Rastafarians will teach you to laugh.

You can’t fart happily with a sad ass.....

amazing...I’m strong...I’m overwhelmed...everything.

It all depends on my mood. If you are in the mood, you lie on the couch with enthusiasm. Well, if you’re not in the mood, then you lie on the couch without any inspiration.

We need to stop all this boredom.

Hangover... Bad mood... Quiet sniffling in my ear... The kitten is trying to instill in me: “Enough, Masha, drink on weekdays!”:)

To be out of place is to get into someone else's.

Fate often gives us people who are good for life experience, but not for life...

I wanted to lift my spirits and got over it.

That's it. the end. they've * fucked up everything. just got enough. what do you all want from me!? fuck off again. I want to get the fuck out of here.

The most important thing is to have a good mood, the rest is a matter of money.

Depression is when your life begins to look like a sad black and white cartoon.

Of all the states of the soul, it becomes more and more natural when we are brought into it...

Nothing particularly terrible's just that when you add everything up in turns out to be one HUGE BAD MOOD!!!

In essence, we have few reasons for being in a bad mood. But they're just different every day.

bitches!!! don't spoil my bad mood!!!

Do you think the mood can be bad and good? But no, it can also be fucking bad...

Dejection and bad spirits are not only painful for others, but also contagious...

If you are in a bad mood at home, call a friend at work.

I'm in the mood. Somewhat bad, but in the mood.

While beauty begins to save the world, freaks will destroy it!

In life, a bad mood should be expressed by a pensive mood, bow-tied lips, meaningful sighs, melancholy in the gaze, lack of appetite and sexual desire, tears, lying on the bed, sniffling nose into the pillow.

When cats scratch your soul, it’s not just like that. They are the ones who bury the shit...

WHAT I have in my soul does not fit into the status...

Life is shit, no matter how you twist it... don’t twist it, otherwise everything will fall on you!

He was so gloomy that even thoughts stopped visiting him.

Everything can be attributed to a bad mood, even people

We hide tears behind glasses, bad moods behind smiles, broken hearts behind beautiful appearance. And everyone believes that everything is always fine with us.

Well, hello, mood, and I thought we wouldn’t see each other this year.

I wanted to drown my problems in alcohol. Swim, you bastards!

They say that if a person really wants something, it will come true. Apparently I'm not human...

The long-awaited Monday has arrived. Signature. Club “Depression”

There was one good idea... But she died of loneliness and melancholy..

It's hard to forget the person who at least once made you smile when you were in a bad mood.

Why don't I answer you? because there is no desire!! =(why? because I’m not in the mood!! why? I’M NOT FUCKING IN THE SHOWER...

If I show you my teeth, it doesn't mean I'm smiling at you!

I want to become a little child again, without problems, without worries and suffering...((

I would send you, but I see that you are from there!

Rain... Only he gave comfort - stroked her hair, her face... Hid her tears in his drops... Hiding her pain...

Life is harmful, because people die from it...

She left, inspiration returned.

Only our technology is in a bad mood, and only our technology knows how to take offense!)

Nothing spoils the mood so much short term like a parachute that doesn't open

If your friend is in a bad mood, don't worry, it's not sexually transmitted.

in my opinion, because you love someone, you absolutely cannot suffer. After all, when you are in a bad mood, you can just think about Him and your soul will immediately feel warm)

For some reason, it’s so arranged that when a person feels bad, he feels good with someone who also feels bad...

Nothing lifts the mood of guests more than crookedly pasted wallpaper!

A light knock was heard. The mood dropped.

Type “amuse me Google” into Google and look at the first link... how did we get it.

Best statuses about the mood on! They say that a woman's mood is as changeable as the weather. Now she is overflowing with happiness, smiling at you, and love is visible in her eyes. But a few minutes pass, and a formidable Valkyrie appears before you, ready for battle! If you want to always be aware of the mood of your other half, tell her or him about! Let your loved ones choose statuses about mood and share them on their page on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

Statuses about mood for all occasions!

It’s drizzling outside, it’s damp and cold, and you forgot your umbrella and are now wondering how not to get wet on the way home. And the neighbor has a new car. A work colleague is going on a weekend picnic with the whole family, and you have a report. Perhaps you had a quarrel with your loved one. Statuses about a bad mood will help you find support and sympathy from friends on social networks! But then a stripe appeared on the horizon clear skies, the rain has stopped pouring, a colleague has offered to help with the report and invited you and your family to join their picnic. You called your husband first, and now everything is just fine with you. Then don’t forget about our website, quickly replace your previous saying on your Internet page with statuses about a good mood. Share your mood with your loved ones!

Cool sayings about mood!

Do you like to joke? In the noisiest company, are you the first laugher and ringleader? The first of April is for you main holiday in a year? Are your friends surprised by your ingenuity and sense of humor, and have your pranks become legends among family and friends? For you, the main thing is the preparation process itself, and at the end of the joke, do you take funny photographs as a souvenir with all the participants? Cool statuses Are moods always dominant on your page? Keep it up! After all, it has long been proven that laughter prolongs life!

Sad quotes about mood!

Does your girlfriend like to watch romantic comedies and animal movies? Will she never pass by a stray kitten? Do her friends respect her for her kindness and sincerity? She is so one in a million and you love her for who she is. On her page you can only find quotes and sayings with meaning? Who said that statuses about a sad mood are bad? Sometimes you need to stop and think about your soul. And on you will always find excellent selection sayings about sad mood. There are so many different things that happen to us that Olympic calm can hardly be our constant response to all cases. Sometimes a person wants to be pitied, at another moment he is in a hurry to share his joy with everyone. Sometimes he strives to express sympathy, sympathy, or even hostility to someone. One of the best expressions of mood are mood statuses, which tell your friends whether they should bother you at the moment.