Why is the second child not being conceived? Reasons for not being pregnant with a second child

You are thinking about a second pregnancy, because only two can be better than one baby. It is better to plan a second pregnancy no earlier than two years after the first birth. And although now everything will be simpler and clearer, there are a number of differences and features that you should be aware of.

You already know that you need to plan a second child at least two years after the birth of your first child. During this time, the body will have time to rest, you will have time to finish, put your hormonal levels in order, and the cesarean section scar will heal.

Doctors say that women who give birth to children less than two years apart are more likely to suffer from pregnancy complications (toxicosis, anemia, late gestosis), and they have a higher risk of miscarriage. By the way, in this case, the child will also have a hard time: he may not have enough vitamins and nutrition, and the baby will be born with low weight or weak.

The difference between the second pregnancy and the first

Concealing a second pregnancy is more difficult than the first: the belly is visible almost from the beginning, and already at the end of the first trimester it becomes very noticeable. Muscles and ligaments, once stretched, lose their elasticity, and it is more difficult for them to support the growing uterus. That's why It is recommended to wear a bandage already from the fourth month of pregnancy.

The second pregnancy is not necessarily worse than the first

The course of pregnancy depends on many reasons. In particular, depending on the gender of the child: the manifestation of toxicosis is different in mothers of girls and mothers of boys. If the second baby is from another man, then he can also “behave” completely differently than the first-born.

Usually The second pregnancy is easier: You already know what to prepare for and you don’t feel as stressed as you did the first time. But this does not mean that minor troubles of the first pregnancy will not accompany you again (hair loss, swelling, hemorrhoids, toxicosis, etc.).

The second pregnancy is not always faster than the first

There is an opinion that the second pregnancy may be shorter by a couple of weeks than the first. Statistics refutes this idea, proving that the timing of all births is the same.

At least, there are no physical prerequisites for reducing the time frame. But psychologically, the second pregnancy actually proceeds faster . There is already one fidget in the house who doesn’t let mom get bored, and she doesn’t have the time or desire to be distracted by worries and anxieties about her unborn baby.

Forum member mom Lika told the story:“The second pregnancy is not always a happy one for a woman. But I have one friend who got married right after school and gave birth to four children with a difference of 2-3 years. She wore each pregnancy like a jewel. Her bliss was not disturbed by any family, world or political cataclysms. She didn’t constantly go to the gynecologist, didn’t get a bunch of mandatory vaccinations, she just enjoyed how she felt. During perestroika, poverty awaited her, she never went to the sea, and her husband was more at work than at home. But this family is so happy! I have never seen such happiness!”

The second baby is always larger than the first

At least classical obstetrics insists on this. Doctors say that each subsequent child weighs a little more than his older brother or sister. But, starting from the fifth pregnancy, the children are placed “smaller”: supposedly the woman is already tired and can no longer give birth to heroes.

After the first birth, the cervix shortens

After the birth of your first baby, the cervix becomes shorter. Its closure must be complete. If your cervix was injured during your first birth, tell your doctor about this problem to prevent the risk of miscarriage.

There may be no toxicosis at all

You will definitely be pleased with the fact that you can retreat. But the second pregnancy is so unpredictable that it may, on the contrary, upset you with more pronounced symptoms of nausea. It all depends on the body. If, while expecting your first baby, you had health problems, swelling, or protein was found in your urine, monitor your health more carefully, follow your diet and water regime.

The risk of Rh conflict still exists

If you had it during your first pregnancy, antibodies remain in your blood after childbirth, which can lead to hemolytic disease of the second baby. Therefore, when planning another pregnancy, undergo a full examination while carrying a baby, take a monthly blood test for antibodies, do it regularly, and monitor the condition of the placenta and amniotic fluid.

Second births are faster than first ones

During the first birth, the body needs 10-12 hours of contractions to dilate the cervix. The second time, the cervix opens in 6-8 hours. Accordingly, more efficient functioning of the uterus is accompanied by more intense sensations and pain. By the way, it is not the second, but the third birth that is recognized as the most painful.

Svetlana Ponomarenko, psychologist: “In the East they believe that life is given to a person as training in what will be useful to him in future incarnations. Therefore, if some problem could not be solved, a person will again and again find himself in the same conditions, again and again trying to cope with this task. Therefore, if your first pregnancy was not a very pleasant surprise for you, try again with full dedication. After all, we are talking about the most important thing in your life - your child. Let the second pregnancy be conscious, dissolve in this happiness!”

Even if we managed to scare you a little, there is no need to worry. Each organism is individual, and the way someone’s second pregnancy went does not mean at all that the same course of events will repeat for you. After all, this is not the main thing: you will become the owner of double happiness, and no minor troubles can compare with this.

Have a peaceful pregnancy and easy birth!

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Motherhood is a miracle given to us by nature. Once having felt all the joys of the birth of a baby, after a while the woman is ready to become a mother again. But it happens that the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. A woman buys ovulation and pregnancy tests in batches and wonders: “What’s wrong and why can’t I get pregnant with a second child? What to do to make what you want happen?” Well, let's figure out how to get pregnant with a second child.

The essence of female physiology

Oddly enough, the problem of the inability to get pregnant arises not only among those couples who are planning a baby for the first time. Often married couples who already have a child also worry if they cannot get pregnant with a second child for a long time. Both childless and established mothers write in the Google search bar: “how to get pregnant with a second child.” But before looking for the cause and ways to solve it, it is important to understand: how long does it take to become pregnant before you start to worry?

If you managed to get pregnant the first time from the first cycle, and you have been planning to conceive a second child for several months, but pregnancy does not occur, do not despair! It's hard not to worry. But you were younger then. It is known that the older a woman gets, the less often she ovulates, and accordingly, the chances of quickly becoming a future mother are significantly reduced. Gynecologists say that in women over 30 years of age, ovulation occurs less frequently than before. This means it will take time for what you want to happen. The female body is not a Swiss watch; it cannot work accurately under all circumstances. Research confirms that only 20% of women become pregnant with a second child from the first cycle. The remaining 80% have to wait at least a year before their second pregnancy occurs. Therefore, if you are wondering why you can’t get pregnant with a second boy or girl, think, maybe your time hasn’t come yet?

PLANNING FOR A SECOND CHILD ❓ Ideal age difference between children 💜 LilyBoiko

Conceiving a second child

Secondary infertility

There is also no need to worry if you have recently become a mother and are still breastfeeding your first child. It is known that breastfeeding prevents ovulation, and therefore pregnancy. There may be no periods from a month to six months or more. The problem is high levels of prolactin in the blood. In addition, the body has not yet had time to recover and gain strength to bear a new life. If you haven’t been able to get pregnant for more than a year, you still don’t need to worry. It’s better not to be upset if you can’t get pregnant with your second child and don’t ask yourself: “Why can’t I get pregnant with my second child?” Try to figure out the reasons and start doing something together with your husband.

Remember that today the diagnosis of “infertility” is practically not made by doctors. As such, infertility, which cannot be overcome, virtually does not exist. And with the modern level of medicine, every woman can become a mother.

What could be the reasons

The reasons why you cannot get pregnant with a second child may be related to the following aspects:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

Physiological reason

The reasons related to the physiological aspect are very extensive. Most likely, you will need to visit some doctors to find out why you cannot get pregnant with a second child the first time. Let's look at the likely health problems that may prevent a second pregnancy for a year or more.

  1. Partner's health problems. Do not rush to blame your body for all failures. Problems with men's health can also be the cause of a long-awaited pregnancy.
  2. Violation of a woman's hormonal levels. A woman’s hormonal system is vulnerable; it reacts to many factors: lack of sleep, overwork, stress. Unfortunately, the life of a modern woman is not devoid of all this. If you are unable to get pregnant within a year and experience menstrual irregularities, it is most likely due to female sex hormones.
  3. Inflammation and genital infections. It is known that inflammation of the reproductive system can occur completely unnoticed. Often you will not find any symptoms indicating that a sexually transmitted infection has settled in the body. However, it can be a serious threat that prevents you from getting pregnant. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions in the pelvic organs - these are the consequences of sexually transmitted infections in women. A sexually transmitted infection can be “caught” in the maternity hospital (both after a caesarean section and after a natural birth) or through hygiene products in public places.

Psychological reasons

The reasons do not always lie in problems with the physical health of a man or woman. The psychological aspect is also very important. It has been proven that 30% of couples who cannot conceive a child for a long time experience so-called psychological infertility. It is often associated with a woman’s obsession with quickly becoming pregnant with a second child the first time. We can measure our basal temperature every day, we can buy ovulation tests, waking up and falling asleep with the thought of conceiving a child. If you are worried about why you can’t get pregnant with your second child, your body is under stress. And stress is known to block ovulation. A vicious circle, isn't it?

Stress in the body can also cause conflicting feelings. Today you want a child, and tomorrow you are already afraid of such global changes in life, the jealousy of the first baby. After all, you remember the sleepless nights of the baby’s first year of life, and colic, and “I don’t want to give birth.” Thus, the desire for a second child and the reluctance to change the established way of life seem to compete, preventing conception.

How to quickly solve the problem

Any problem can be solved. Tune in for this. And start taking action. In less than a year, your first baby will have a brother or sister.

Physiological aspect

Remember that a physiological problem cannot be solved on its own. Therefore, find a good obstetrician-gynecologist who can not only find out the causes, but also help you cope with them. In addition, the doctor must be right for you. How to find it? Go to a special forum or read reviews on the Internet. Such a specialist does not necessarily work in a private clinic or see in a large office with modern equipment. This could be an ordinary local obstetrician-gynecologist without a bunch of certificates, but someone who loves his job, someone who knows what to do and how you can get pregnant with a second child within a year. There are usually queues for these. But there are only a few of these among hundreds of doctors.

  1. A partner’s health problems will be revealed by a spermogram, to which a urologist will refer him. According to doctors, after taking medications and adjusting your lifestyle, everything usually goes back to normal. So, if the treatment is successful, you and your husband will definitely be able to conceive a second child within a year.
  2. To determine whether there are problems with hormones, your doctor will prescribe a blood test that needs to be taken on certain days of your cycle. If there are hormonal imbalances in a woman, you should not only undergo treatment under the guidance of an obstetrician-gynecologist, but also try to avoid stress and overexertion. Also, you need to find out if there are hormonal imbalances and eliminate them.
  3. Before talking about the presence of inflammation or genital infection, you need to undergo the following studies:
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs; with its help, the doctor tracks ovulation;
  • smear to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • checking for patency of the fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingography, hydrosonography, diagnostic laparoscopy).

Treatment of sexually transmitted infections occurs with the help of antibiotics and antimicrobials. If the infection has not become chronic, its treatment is very successful. As a rule, both partners must be treated, otherwise there is a risk of re-infection.

If there are problems with the patency of the fallopian tubes, the doctor will suggest a surgical operation (laporoscopy, fertiloscopy, pertrubation). According to doctors, after such an intervention we can talk about planning a second child, although not from the first month after the cycle is restored.

Psychological aspect

As we have already found out, we cannot cope with physiological problems on our own if we fail to get pregnant the second time. With a psychological problem everything is different. First of all, its decision depends on you! Of course, you can seek help from a psychologist who will help you find the root of the problem. But only you must overcome the psychological problem.

Therefore, if you notice that the idea of ​​having a second child is becoming obsessive, try to switch to something else. Do what you love, go for walks with your first child, take the whole family on an unforgettable trip. Don't think about pregnancy! There are so many interesting things in life!

As soon as you relax and “let go,” conception can happen on its own. When you experience conflicting feelings, with the help of a psychologist or a loved one, try to sort them out. Are you planning a pregnancy just because your friend Masha is already pregnant with her second child, and you still have one child? Or were you just thinking about why not get pregnant with a second child? Do you really want a baby or are you trying to get pregnant because your husband wants a son? If this is your desire, “spoiled” breasts or sleepless nights cannot scare you. If you are worried about your career or financial independence, figure out what is more important to you. Perhaps you just need to wait for a more opportune moment, to create the most suitable conditions in order to get pregnant the second time.

Many people believe that folk remedies and advice from friends can help them get pregnant. However, if you are following the path to solving a problem that is preventing you from becoming pregnant with a second child, do not forget about the general recommendations for successful conception.

  1. Do ovulation tests from days 10 to 17 of your cycle. This way you can understand when the most favorable moment for conception will come.
  2. Have romantic evenings with your husband. Candles, delicious food and a relaxing atmosphere relieve stress and promote successful conception.
  3. Get enough sleep and don't overexert yourself! We can get pregnant the second time if the body is rested.
  4. Go on a trip. About two months.
  5. Start taking prenatal vitamins, especially folic acid. This way it will have time to accumulate in the body and will be enough for the full development of the baby.
  6. Don't forget about exercise. When you actively engage in sports, happiness hormones are produced. In addition, the more active the blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the better they work.
  7. When you look through photos of your little son/daughter, remember the happy moments. This will help you stay positive.
  8. Your diet should be healthy and balanced. Get into the habit of eating healthy foods now if you haven't already.
  9. After sexual intercourse, you can take the “birch tree” position or just lie quietly.
  10. Pray. Prayer can put you in a gracious mood and believe in your strength.

Love. Husband, first child, myself, life. Love as much as you can. And the second child will not keep you waiting!

Often after the birth of the first child, when parents want to have several children, they want to give birth to a second one as soon as possible so that they have a minimum age difference. This also happens when you wanted twins, but only one child was born and the early onset of a second pregnancy will help partially resolve this issue. In other words, many are interested in ways to quickly and accurately get pregnant immediately after the first birth. And many young parents are looking for ways to get pregnant after the birth of their first child. The same rules apply here as for the first birth, but various problems may arise, the solution of which determines the success of subsequent conception. Therefore, women who want to become pregnant must undergo a medical examination.

Methods to get pregnant faster

First of all, you need to undergo an examination regarding your health after childbirth and whether your body is ready for a second pregnancy. Even if the reproductive system has started working again, sometimes other areas remain depleted and this will block conception.

Expert opinion Hormonal levels, the functioning of the pancreas and other organs can have a strong indirect effect. This applies not only to women, but also to men, whose sperm count may decline over time. It happens that the sexual partner changes after childbirth and then attempts to conceive from him may be useless if he has infertility.

So, in any case, the examination will be an excellent start for trying to quickly become pregnant with a second child.

In matters of how to quickly conceive a child, it is better to look at the problem from the medical side. Having highlighted the main advice from doctors on this issue, you can concentrate on the fact that in order to get pregnant faster you need to:

  1. Do not put everything off for a long period and try to conceive even before the onset of your first menstruation before pregnancy. The fact is that the first cycle goes without it and many accidental pregnancies after childbirth occur for this reason. Moreover, after childbirth, the body is quite predisposed to re-conception, since all processes associated with the birth of a child improve the situation with a favorable conception. Another reason not to delay the birth of a second one is age, over which the reproductive function fades.
  2. Take vitamins and nutritional supplements that should help the body recover after childbirth, support during breastfeeding and provide good conditions for another pregnancy. To do this, you need to consult a doctor to choose a complex that is suitable for your particular case. You can also find out from him how to quickly get pregnant after taking this or that drug.
  3. A special diet that will promote the generation of germ cells for both men and women. Fresh vegetables and fruits are already fully recommended for pregnant and postpartum women. Before the birth of the second, this is also important. Moreover, slaves, meat and other protein foods will also not be superfluous, since they help form body tissues and the reproductive cells themselves for conception. Particular attention should be paid to calcium, since after the birth of a child there may be a lack of it in the body.
  4. A very useful piece of advice on how to get pregnant quickly for the second time is to let go of the desire to become pregnant. This often creates psychological blocks that lead to temporary or permanent infertility due to psychological reasons. This does not mean that you shouldn’t make calculations and try, you just don’t need obvious zeal and fanatical desire. This applies to both internal sensations, for which you need to be distracted by something else, and to external factors, it is better to simply devote time to caring for an already born child.

How to get pregnant quickly: answers to questions about problems

The fact that a woman managed to give birth for the first time does not mean that the second pregnancy will occur as easily and in some cases problematic issues are created that interfere with conception even under favorable conditions in the past. If you cannot get pregnant for some time, the following types of examinations should be carried out:

  • Check the patency of the fallopian tubes, since during complications during pregnancy they could be damaged and sometimes adhesions form on them;
  • Analyze the state of the vaginal microflora, because with hormonal changes it can also change and become unfavorable and aggressive for sperm;
  • Get tested for infections that can enter the body during childbirth, or in any other situations, which also causes difficulty conceiving;
  • Track the ovulation calendar, since after childbirth it may be irregular, and accordingly, attempts to conceive will occur with an unacceptable error;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs provides a fairly wide range of information about why problems with conception may occur.

On various forums on the Internet you can often find topics and messages like “I really want to get pregnant, tell me how to quickly give birth to a second child.” This is where the variety of different, both useful and not so useful, tips begins. As a rule, those people who have succeeded immediately convince them that everything will be fine, the main thing is not to give up trying. To calm down and not be nervous again, it is better to look at the statistics that show how often an early second pregnancy occurs.

In advice on how to quickly get pregnant on video from experts, when it comes to a second child, many say that you should not breastfeed your child or do it very often. This is a completely reasonable assumption, since the body produces prolactin during breastfeeding, which blocks the occurrence of ovulation. This advice is quite logical, since during feeding it is not desirable for another fetus to appear until the first one is fed. If you do not breastfeed, the amount of prolactin decreases and it is quite possible that ovulation will begin much sooner. These tips on how to get pregnant quickly are quite effective.

In advice on how to quickly get pregnant, photos often depict poses that are most favorable for conception. Doctors recommend doing everything as it was the first time, according to a proven and proven scheme. Indeed, in this case, everything is very individual and the couple determines how quickly to get pregnant for the second time.

I want to talk about my unusual pregnancy - about joy, about struggle, about mistrust, about maternal premonition and simply about a miracle!

I decided to become a mother at a fairly conscious age - 27 years old. I already had a university behind me, an internship abroad, a position in a foreign company, novels and crushes. Age was slowly approaching thirty.

While undergoing a regular medical examination, I got into a conversation with the doctor, who told me about his twenty years of practice, about what kind of patients there are, and that he made the following conclusion: “In life, you can graduate from five universities, have as many husbands or wives as you like, but only the children will be yours forever!"

His words really stuck in my head! “Children, children... well, what kind of children can I have now? - I thought, walking into the office. - I don’t even know how to swaddle... and then, a conference is coming, and then a business trip, and then an exhibition.. " - thoughts were racing chaotically in my head.

After some time, I made a decision: if I don’t give birth before I’m thirty, then I definitely won’t give birth after that. And it so happened that one fine morning I realized that I was pregnant. An ultrasound confirmed the “diagnosis”: two weeks of pregnancy, one fertilized egg.

Without hesitation, I told this news to my boyfriend, who was on a business trip and was returning from it the same day. The joy knew no bounds! Both for me and for him. Hooray! I will become a mother!

But how? How to feed? How to swaddle, how to make these damn turundies? I knew absolutely nothing! Therefore, it was decided to enroll me in courses for expectant mothers. And naturally, such joy could only be “celebrated” by the highest happiness of loving people - intimacy. I apologize for such details, but this is precisely the most important thing in my story.

Two months later, as expected, I went to the antenatal clinic to register for pregnancy. Lying in the ultrasound room, I hear from the doctor: “Oh, mommy, you’re doing great! I congratulate you!” At that moment, I did not understand that the doctor was addressing me, since the office was large, and ultrasounds were performed on several pregnant women at once. “I congratulate you,” the doctor repeated. “You have twins!”

I understood that this simply could not happen! I began to reproach the doctor for being inattentive, that he attributed the photo of the previous mother to me, and asked to restart the ultrasound machine and check my stomach again.

So yes, I have twins! The news was out of the ordinary, I didn’t understand how this could happen and what to do next. No, I wasn’t afraid that there were two children at once. I couldn’t understand how this happened and why then at the first ultrasound they saw only one fertilized egg, i.e. one baby?

They registered me at the multiple pregnancy clinic, with a super-professor in family planning. After some time, as expected, I passed all the necessary tests and passed all the necessary examinations. At 26 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor recommended that I undergo some kind of genetic testing. As I was told, to identify the likelihood of genetic abnormalities.

They looked at my belly using some kind of miraculous device and made a verdict: “Mommy, you have one baby feeding on another, so you need to remove one baby.” I didn't quite understand.

How to clean?

Well, how, how - to clean!

Clean...i.e. have an abortion... but how will this “cleaning” affect the other child? They are connected to each other... No! I won't let you clean it!

This means there will be a down... at best. Then you’ll better give birth to yourself.

I won't let you clean it! Whatever the child is, he is mine!

And I kicked the door and walked out of the ultrasound room, hearing after me: “You don’t understand what responsibility you are taking on!”

With all the documents in hand, I returned to the doctor who took care of my pregnancy and told about everything, explaining that first the ultrasound showed one thing, then another. This fact interested the doctor, and he ordered a series of examinations, after which he stated that in his thirty years of practice, this was my second case. And it's called superfetation.

Superfetation is an extremely rare condition in which a second one can occur within 24 days of the first. As a result of fertilization of the second egg, some time after the start of pregnancy, two fetuses develop in the woman’s uterus, the ages of which are different. That is why a two-week developmental difference between my babies was diagnosed at every examination.

The doctor warned me that with such a course of pregnancy there may be deviations and pathologies, and if I want to keep both babies, then I must be aware of the level of responsibility and the possible consequences that can last a lifetime. But my mother’s heart did not doubt for a minute that I would give life to both babies at any cost. And I did it!

Yes, it happened, the doctors did not take risks. Two girls were born weighing 2400 g and 2600 g. They were born with cerebral and pulmonary edema...

I rejoiced and suffered at the same time. I so wanted them to live! Because they are mine! The treatment was long and difficult, I lost my job, my loved one, I was ready to give everything I have in order to raise my children. And God sent us a doctor who cured them. A lot was experienced and passed during the time until the babies fully recovered and became stronger.

As a mother, I realized a lot for myself, as a woman too. Now, almost 12 years later, I understand how right the doctor was when he told me that the children are yours forever. Today my twins Aliska and Margot are 11 years old, and looking at them, I never cease to be surprised and happy. And I understand that only a mother’s heart gives the correct answers to all questions. That only faith, hope and love can create a miracle, and no diagnoses or beliefs of doctors have any power next to the love of a mother.

To this day, my daughters sometimes ask me which one is older, and I still can’t believe that they are not twins, not twins, but two completely different children! Conceived two weeks apart, but born on the same day. Maybe someday I will tell them the story of their conception and birth.

I described this story of my life in a poem.

Risk is, of course, a cool thing.
Both noble and dangerous,
But it's better to think and know
Where is it worth it and what to risk.

Work, get married, study -
Where is the risky step here?
Don't feel sorry for yourself, don't be lazy,
Diligence and aspiration are a sure thing.

Spread risks where you can
On our life's journey...
No, take risks carefully
And find wisdom in risk!

Let me not consider myself wise,
Only once did I take a risk, friends,
But you know, I understand
Now that I took a risk - it was not in vain!

The story is complicated
Happened to me then...
I carried twins under my heart,
I was crazy with happiness...

One autumn morning,
Suddenly thunder roared...
Our medicine is “oh, a miracle”
She announced my sentence!

What very bad tests,
And the problem needs to be solved
That the diagnoses will be terrible,
And what is this dilemma...

That I need to remove my twins,
And I'm still young
And what else are there even three
I will be able to give birth, but for now...

And my heart is maternal
There were no doubts at all,
And I took a risk, and sincerely
Against everything and everyone!

I am the mother of beautiful twins,
We went together to first grade,
And I don't regret a single gram
What I risked then, and the chance
I justified my risk then!
I risked everything, I risked it!


Thank you for your support and understanding. Unfortunately, I am not a doctor, and I cannot accurately answer or explain all the timing, I only know that then the ultrasound took place in a super capital clinic with very cool equipment. The clinic specialized in multiple pregnancies and IVF. Perhaps everything is as you say, in any case, the result is obvious))) I simply described the situation that I encountered, but I am not able to explain the “whims” of nature.

Yes, at 2 weeks of pregnancy (obstetric), the body is just preparing for fertilization, in fact, there is no pregnancy yet. But maybe 2 weeks of embryo. I am also confused by the fact that the ultrasound machine recorded 2 weeks! I knew at 2 weeks (embryo) that I was pregnant. But, these days, the ultrasound machine did not detect the fetal egg. And no next week either. Only at 4 weeks (embryo) was my pregnancy confirmed. I was very surprised that, 12 years ago, the device determined such a short period of time for you. Based on my knowledge of the physiology of pregnancy, I am inclined to believe that the second egg was hidden behind the first, so the machine or ultrasound specialist did not see it. Of course, your doctor’s words surprised me very much, maybe such miracles really do happen...
And the husband... The husband is known on maternity leave, as they say.

Men are such cowards, they almost run away from the slightest difficulties. How can you be such nonentities towards your own children?

16.10.2017 14:39:06, Miss Padiukova

I want to tell you a “secret”. At a period of 2 weeks (this means the embryonic period, not the obstetric period, from the moment of conception, otherwise you would not have seen a single fertilized egg at 2 weeks of the obstetric period), they often do not see the second fetus, it is often visualized after 2-3 weeks . And there are quite a lot of such cases. I don't know why your doctor didn't tell you this. So your girls are quite fraternal twins. And in most cases, with twins, children develop differently, and it often happens that one child lags behind the other by 1-4 weeks in size.
Well, the fact that you were offered to get rid of one and you refused, well done! Happiness to you and your daughters!

Comment on the article “How I became pregnant with my second while carrying my first”

How I became pregnant with my second while carrying my first. The child is below. During my second pregnancy, I was spinning back and forth until 35 weeks. And what if the second pregnancy occurs after childbirth? My husband and I couldn’t get pregnant with our first child for a long time and didn’t expect...

How I became pregnant with my second while carrying my first. I have a second child with cerebral palsy (a serious medical error and a child before). My husband and I couldn’t get pregnant with our first child for a long time and didn’t expect that with the second. How can a nursing mother get pregnant and when?

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. I am currently 9 weeks pregnant. The first two pregnancies ended in caesarean sections. My second child has cerebral palsy (medical rude...

I am 40 years old, my son is 18 years old, I tried for many years to give birth to a second child, but it never happened... I had already put an end to this issue for myself, and then suddenly one friend became pregnant, after two unsuccessful pregnancies, and now suddenly a second one ...

This pregnancy was quite difficult, with toxicosis for 5 months, constant tests, IVs, 3 weeks of pregnancy, liver problems, and almost all in a supine position. God bless my doctors, with whom I went through all this.

Preparing for conception. Pregnancy planning. Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage, treatment, IVF. Two friends got pregnant and gave birth at 41 and 43. One is doing great, but the other has a child with the syndrome...

Did you carry successful pregnancies after STD with or without hormonal support? After visiting the doctor, I was puzzled by the question.. She told me that when pregnancy occurs, run to her for a referral for hospitalization and, like, in a hospital, with duphaston...

In 2, with the second, I became pregnant three months after curettage, and even without a complete cycle. I got pregnant immediately after the cleansing after the stylus, without even waiting for my period, I took Duphaston and inserted Utrozhestan, you tell the doctor about this, she did the tests...

Pregnancy is the same as the first, with exactly the same problems, nothing more. I gave birth to my first child at 36 years old, and my second at 38. Health problems include adenoids, which we seem to have outgrown, TTT, and speech therapy.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. I have both exactly at 40 weeks day to day. Although I read that boys are usually born earlier than girls and the second child is larger than the first.

I got pregnant on the day of ovulation or the next couple of days. days after it, but I still think that on the day of ovulation, less often than 3-5 days. Can conception occur on days 18-19 of the cycle? While breastfeeding my first child, my periods came only twice, and after the second I became pregnant again.

Girls, please tell me about your second pregnancy after your first premature birth. A friend gave birth to her first child at 28 weeks, her waters simply broke and the process began. I didn’t have any particular jitters with my second pregnancy, I got pregnant...

How I became pregnant with my second while carrying my first. They registered me at the multiple pregnancy clinic, with a super-professor in family planning. I am 42 years old, I am 28 weeks pregnant, my third pregnancy. My eldest son is 22, my youngest is 12.

Preparing for conception. Pregnancy planning. Hello everyone! My husband and I have decided to have a second child (our daughter is 3 years old), we plan to start trying in August-September, we would like to prepare ourselves for such an event, the gynecologist prescribed vitamin E and folic acid during...

Pregnancy planning: analysis and examinations, conception, infertility, miscarriage, treatment, IVF. Has anyone become pregnant with phase 2 deficiency? The housing complex said that a couple of months and everything would be fine (and before that I had been taking OK for 5 years).

How did you feel pregnant? Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. If you are pregnant, then these are the first days and it is too early to do a test. Is it possible that already in the first days this happens one week after conception, now 5-6 weeks - a nauseating state, you don’t want to eat...

Communication with the child before conception? Personal impressions. Pregnancy and childbirth. I myself didn’t think about conception, and when there was even a delay, I didn’t think it was pregnancy. But now I just learned that the soul of a child chooses its parents even before conception.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. Girls, don’t get me wrong, but the ultrasound gave me a slightly different date for conceiving a child.

Many women who have experienced the joy of motherhood begin to think about conceiving a second baby. Some, despite the excuses of others, persistently tell their relatives: I want to get pregnant with a second child, period! But it is important that this decision is, first of all, conscious, and the interval between the first and second births is appropriate.

Any qualified gynecologist will answer the phrase “I want to get pregnant with a second child” and ask you questions regarding your first pregnancy and your health, carefully study the history of your first birth and prescribe a whole series of tests that you should definitely undergo.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant with your second child faster

In order to become a happy mother of a second baby again, you need to adhere to some rules that will help significantly speed up the process of conception. Firstly, You need to count and determine the most prosperous days. Three days before their onset, you should abstain from sexual intercourse. In order to increase your chances of becoming a mother again soon, you need to have sex every day.

Secondly, you need to let go of the situation and stop thinking about your cherished goal constantly. Professional psychologists advise women not to constantly think about the fact of conception and not to cheat their partner. Sometimes the reason for a long delay in pregnancy lies precisely in this.

Thirdly, adjust your daily routine, rest as much as possible. Quite often it happens that after someone who wants to become a mother begins to rest and relax more, pregnancy occurs. Thirty-year-old women with this problem will need immediate consultation with a fertility specialist.

If all your attempts within a year are unsuccessful, then you need to consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe all the necessary tests and additional examinations. In some cases, a gynecologist, after a series of additional examinations, gives a referral for IVF or ICSI. Modern medicine has come a long way and in any case there is no need to be upset and worry and your “I want to get pregnant with my second child” will become a reality!

What to do if you can't get pregnant while breastfeeding

Main: There is no need to panic under any circumstances. If your baby is breastfed, you just need to stop feeding your baby breast milk. When feeding your firstborn, prolactin can be released into the blood, which affects ovulation. And only after switching to artificial feeding can you plan for a second baby, and your desire “I want to get pregnant with a second child” may soon come true.

What to do if a second pregnancy does not occur

To resolve this issue, you first of all need to analyze the condition of your body, get tested, and get advice from a professional gynecologist. Make sure that the cause of infertility is you and not your partner. Many information sources also advise simply changing the situation and going to warm countries. Carefully analyze your diet, include foods rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements. Buy prenatal vitamins at the pharmacy and take the course.

Less than a year has passed since the first birth, but the second pregnancy does not occur - why?

“It hasn’t been a year since the birth of my first baby, and I can’t get pregnant, I want to get pregnant with my second child” - with these words, many new mothers come to see a gynecologist. Any specialist will tell you that you can plan a future pregnancy only two to three years after the first. Doctors have found that such a period of time is necessary for the restoration of the female body. Doctors do not recommend getting pregnant immediately after the first birth, as a miscarriage may occur, and there may also be certain negative consequences for the second baby.

It has been impossible to conceive a second child for more than a year: reasons

Today, there are several most common reasons why, perhaps, you cannot become a mother for the second time. So, Let's look at them:

  • Diagnosis of fallopian tube obstruction
  • A small percentage of active sperm in the ejaculate
  • Pathology of the uterus
  • Ovulation does not occur

According to recent studies, problems with conception arise most not among young spouses, but among families who already have children. And this is due to a significant deterioration in the quality of the partner’s sperm. If you have been having problems with childbearing for more than a year, then know that it’s time for you to see a doctor.

Expert advice on planning a second pregnancy

The best age for the second pregnancy, according to doctors, is thirty-four years. It is at this age that most women are healthy and provided with material wealth. In the 21st century, medicine has made great strides. If you have problems with childbirth, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, get competent advice and strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and prescriptions. And in order to For your “I want to get pregnant with my second child” to become a reality, you need to:

  • Don't be nervous and have an active sex life. Don't constantly focus on the problem.
  • Do not follow diets aimed at weight loss, as a reduced diet may deprive your body of the substances and elements it needs. If you still want to get your figure in order, then you will have to wait until the birth of your second baby. Choose products for yourself so that they are healthy and tasty.
  • Worry less and rest as much as possible - this motto in your life during this period should become the main one.
  • Move and travel more. A change of scenery can also help. And you will definitely succeed! The main thing: do not neglect all the doctor’s advice.

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