Let them say that the adopted son was sent to a mental hospital. The adopted son turned over his millionaire father to Kashchenko in order to quickly receive his inheritance.

Just a year ago, 85-year-old Muscovite Igor Vladimirov lived in a three-story cottage in Troitsk near Moscow. And today his only refuge is a bed in a shelter for the elderly in Khimki. His adopted son Igor Nikolaevich - Igor Vladimirov Jr. - decided to leave his father with nothing and literally in a year brought him to almost poverty.


At Igor Nikolaevich's rich biography. In his youth he served in submarine fleet on Kola Peninsula and in Kamchatka. He started with the diesel project 641, and then became the captain of a nuclear submarine. Been to hot spots - Cuba, Vietnam, Korea. A total of 40 years at sea.

After demobilization, I returned to Moscow,” recalls Vladimirov Sr., “and when registering with the Zhdanovsky district party committee, the first secretary recommended me to work in the Moscow City Executive Committee. There I was hired into the city's administrative inspection, where I rose to the rank of department head. It was something between the police and sanitation. We were required to check the order in local areas, construction sites, etc.

The former submariner worked as an official for 17 years, and then founded his own business. By order of the mayor's office, he repaired facades, built underground passages, houses, and shopping pavilions. He invested the money he earned in square meters. Three apartments in Moscow, a villa in Spain, two cottages in the Moscow region, one of which is in Troitsk - a cooperative " Soviet writer", where many live famous actors and writers. And where until recently the chairman of the cooperative was Eldar Ryazanov.

Igor Nikolaevich estimated all his real estate at approximately 130-150 million rubles. Now it all belongs to his adopted son.


We didn’t have children of our own because of my wife’s health problems,” says Igor Nikolaevich. - That's why we adopted a baby who birth mother I left her in the maternity hospital. They doted on him. About seven years ago, my wife and I decided to issue a deed of gift for the entire property. We signed over all the apartments and houses as a gift to my son. Since then it has been his property.

In 2010, Vladimirov Sr. was widowed. The son often visited his father and promised him that he would live in the cottage in Troitsk until his death.

“Don’t worry about anything, dad,” Igor reassured his father. - Live in this house, I will help you with everything.

Every month Igor Jr. allocated 190 thousand rubles to his father. Of this, part of the money went to utilities for all apartments and houses, car maintenance (the pensioner had two of them), the rest was left for living.

I had enough money,” explains Igor Nikolaevich. - Besides, I have a good pension - about 40 thousand rubles.


Two years ago, my son changed dramatically. Stopped visiting and calling. And last January he suddenly suggested that my father go to the hospital to get his joints treated.

I agreed. An ambulance arrived with paramedics,” says Igor Nikolaevich, worriedly. “There were no doctors there, and I sensed something was wrong.” I say - where is the doctor? But they grabbed me by the arms, put me in the car and took my phone away. For some reason, there was a local police officer in the yard, whom we had never met in 17 years of living in the Soviet Writer cooperative. But he apparently confirmed that I was mentally ill. And they took me to a hospital where alcoholics are treated.

Igor Nikolaevich, where was your son at that moment? - I’m interested.

I didn’t see him and couldn’t call him, because the phone was taken away. I demanded to be released and went on a hunger strike. A week later, the doctors announced that I was being released. My son came to pick me up and put me in the car. I asked what was going on, but he just waved it off - we’ll talk at home.

But Igor Jr. brought his father not home, but to the branch psychiatric hospital No. 1 named after Alekseev (formerly "Kashchenko") in the village of Polivanovo. There Vladimirov was placed in a ward where 6 patients were already lying.

They beat me in the hospital,” recalls Vladimirov. - The treatment nurse kicked several times, urging me to move faster. In response, I wrote a statement to the head of the department. But there was no point. On the very first day, when I went to lunch, I saw that the person sitting next to me had two green snot flowing from his nose straight into the soup. He scooped all this up from the plate with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth. I didn’t have time to run to the toilet, I vomited right in the corridor. After that, I demanded that food be brought to my room. I was refused. I went on a hunger strike again, then the doctors backed down. I didn't go to the dining room anymore. I wrote a statement to the head of the department. But there was no point.

So six months passed. During this time, Igor Nikolaevich was lost by friends, acquaintances and... his young wife.


Evgenia Vladimirova is 52 years younger than her husband. She is an endocrinologist and lived in Vladivostok. There, in 2011, I met my future husband, who came there to visit friends. She was then 28, he was 80. Since then, Zhenya lived in two cities, often visiting Igor Nikolaevich in Moscow. Is it difficult to believe in suddenly flared up feelings? Certainly. But what doesn’t happen in life. Just remember the story of Ivan Krasko, who at the age of 85 married 25-year-old Natalya Shevel, and for the past year and a half they have been living amicably and happily.

By the way, Krasko and Vladimirov are old friends since the 50s, when Krasko served as commander landing ship. His example pushed Igor Nikolaevich to officially register his marriage with Evgenia in October last year.

Zhenya, how did it happen that your husband ended up in a mental hospital? You're a doctor, couldn't you do anything? - I ask Evgenia.

I was not in Moscow at that moment. In 2015, my father died, and I went to my mother in Vladivostok to support her,” she says. - My husband and I often called each other, everything was fine. And in mid-January 2016, he stopped answering calls. His son Igor explained to me over the phone that dad was in a sanatorium, he was depressed and didn’t want to see anyone. I couldn’t leave my mother and fly to Moscow then. Every two weeks I called Igor Jr. and every time I heard the same thing - “father is in a sanatorium.”


His friends, submarine fleet veterans Alexander Kharlamov and Gennady Shinkevich, helped Igor Nikolaevich leave the mental hospital. They wrote statements to the police and turned to the prosecutor's office with a request to find their comrade. And when they were informed that Vladimirov was in a mental hospital in Polivanovo, they immediately rushed to him. They brought food and some money. They said that he would soon be discharged, the prosecutors allegedly threatened with inspections. Vladimirov, indeed, was soon released.

No one met him, I didn’t know where he actually was,” Zhenya continues. - He refused the help of his friends, he’s an officer, he said, I’ll get there myself! I called a taxi and drove to my house in Troitsk, but everything was locked there, and the locks were different. He went to Yasenevo, to an apartment that he had also once given to his son. But there were already tenants living there and they didn’t let him in. Igor Nikolaevich spent the night in the entrance. One of the residents brought him food, mistaking the sick old man for a homeless person.

Why didn't he call his friends right away?

He was embarrassed by his position. True, in the end he still called and asked a neighbor for a phone number. Veterans helped him get into a nursing home. And he recruited me from the shelter. I immediately flew to Moscow.

Having come to his senses, Igor Nikolaevich wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office stating that he had been illegally kept in a psychiatric hospital for six months. Prosecutors forwarded the paper to the same hospital, and they responded that “medical activities were carried out correctly.” Vladimirov was very surprised, because in the extract there is a space opposite the line “main diagnosis”. I sent an official request to the chief physician of psychiatric clinical hospital No. 1. But there is still no response.

I also got through to Vladimirov’s friend, actor Ivan Krasko.

We have known each other since 1946,” said Ivan Ivanovich. - He good man, but his son is a disabled person of conscience, who, because of money, sent his father to the insane asylum. This is sheer impudence.


Now Vladimirov Sr. is suing his son. Igor filed a lawsuit to declare his father incompetent. But the judge ruled that Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov is healthy and can live independently. The son appealed and lost again. At the same time, he himself does not attend meetings; his interests are represented by lawyers.

“He’s afraid to look me in the eye,” explains Igor Nikolaevich.

Igor Nikolaevich, why does your son need your incapacity? - I ask. - After all, you gave him 150 million rubles?!

But all the property has already been assigned to the adopted son under a deed of gift?

It doesn't matter. If another heir appears, then his mother, what's his name? official representative, will be able to challenge the deed of gift in court. Vladimirov Jr., apparently, understands this well, which is why he tried to hide his father in order to completely exclude his contact with his young wife. It is possible that he will continue to fight for the entire inheritance, which he does not want to share with anyone.

I have one more question. How can you illegally commit a person to a mental hospital?

This is a criminal scheme in which several doctors could clearly be involved. When a patient is admitted to the hospital, he is examined by the head of the department, the deputy head physician and the attending physician. This consultation decides on the duration of treatment. Who and how many of them received, I cannot say. But it is quite possible that there was a bribe involved. I had a case in Orel when a bandit was hidden from the police in a mental hospital. For money. But one doctor realized that the matter was dirty and reported to the police. The imaginary patient was taken away for an x-ray, and during this time the investigators conducted a search and found two Kalashnikov assault rifles and pistols in the room.

Those doctors who covered such a “sick” were imprisoned?

Fired. I don’t know of a single case where criminal cases were brought against doctors for such things. But I would strongly advise Vladimirov to file a statement with the police about illegally detaining him in a mental hospital. Let them check. P.S. Unfortunately, Igor Vladimirov Jr. does not answer my calls either. And I really want to know how he gave his father away compulsory treatment. In Russia, according to the law, even drug addicts cannot be admitted to a hospital without their voluntary written (!) consent. And Igor locked up his healthy father in a mental hospital for six months.

Igor Vladimirov had it all: successful career, profitable business, luxury home and beloved wife Raisa Fedorovna. For complete happiness, the spouses only needed an heir. Due to health problems, Raisa could not have children, and then the couple decided to adopt one of the orphans in the orphanage.

IN Soviet era Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov served in the submarine fleet, was in “hot spots” in Vietnam and Cuba, and led a nuclear submarine. After serving in the army, he succeeded in the construction business and began buying real estate.

Igor Vladimirov estimated his fortune at 150 million rubles. The old man, who was over 80, as a sign of love for his adopted son Igor Jr., transferred all the real estate to him, as well as 50% of the shares in the business. But the son turned out to be the complete opposite of his adoptive father.

At one point, Igor Jr. disappeared without a trace and stopped answering phone calls. He showed up only two years later in 2016, offering his father treatment at the clinic. Igor Nikolaevich, complaining about his legs, trusted his son, but at the entrance, instead of doctors, a local police officer was waiting for him.

The adopted son again betrayed his father, delivering him to the Kashchenko mental hospital. This time, former colleagues of Igor Sr. came to the rescue. They wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office, revealed the illegality of their son's actions and found temporary housing for a fellow service member.

Now the deceived father is suing his negligent adopted son. It is worth noting that Igor Jr. does not appear in court; lawyers act instead. Igor Nikolaevich is sure that his son is simply afraid to look him in the eyes.

The monstrous act of his adopted son received wide publicity: the Russian federal channel broadcast an episode of the program “Let Them Talk” with Igor Nikolaevich. You can watch it if time permits.

This is how boundless generosity turned out for 85-year-old Igor Vladimirov. I would like to believe that he will be able to return the property he has acquired, and that his adopted son will be punished for betraying himself. loved one in his life.

What do you think about this? Be sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments!

85-year-old Igor Vladimirov is a former captain nuclear submarine, later became a successful businessman, and is now in a homeless shelter. He ended up here because of his adopted son. Just recently, Igor Nikolaevich was famous and rich. According to the man, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital “thanks” to his only adopted son, Igor. Why doesn't the son let his father come home? Watch Let them talk - Adopted son took his father to a mental hospital 12/21/2016

As it became clear, Igor Nikolaevich owned the following real estate: a townhouse in an elite village worth 14 million rubles, as well as a cottage in the “Soviet Writer” village worth 130 (!) million rubles. Recent years Vladimirov lived in this cottage. “It’s very hard...after 50 years fatherly love realize this. — the 85-year-old hero of the program says before the broadcast about his adopted son, who, by the way, was named Igor, just like his father. The program will have to figure out how it happened that the owner of a big business and luxury housing ended up in a mental hospital, and his step-son won’t let him home? And what kind of young woman is caring for 85-year-old Igor Nikolaevich today, not letting him go for a minute?

Let them say - The adopted son sent his father to a mental hospital

The hero of the broadcast in the studio of the program Let Them Talk. The story of Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov is impressive: in Soviet years the man was the captain of a submarine in Kamchatka; later, for 15 years, he worked in the Moscow government as the head of the administrative inspection. Then Vladimirov became a major businessman and built retail outlets and shops in the metro and underground passages. But why did things turn out so badly? further fate Igor Nikolaevich?

Igor Vladimirov:

- This is my tragedy. My wife died and my son became the only heir. We adopted him from the baby's home when he was only 3 days old. Such a little pig. Who knew that such a small pig would grow into such a big pig? My wife suggested that I give my son everything... Now people are surprised how I could do this, give everything I have. But I loved him and he treated me well. I helped him with his business, and using my official position, I helped him get everywhere with his “Cs”. I also helped him get into the Moscow government. I loved him like my own child.

— Before I ended up in a mental hospital, I lived in a three-story cottage with an elevator in the “Soviet Writer” village. Half a hectare of land. I bought an apartment for my son for 8 million rubles. I also have an apartment in which I am registered, worth 15 million rubles. But that’s not all: in Athens I had $200,000 on my book. I gave him power of attorney, he went to Greece and withdrew all this money, but didn’t give me a penny! He told me that he bought an estate in Spain with this money.

The cost of the house in which Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov lived

“Two years ago he stopped communicating with me. I didn’t understand what was going on, but then the lawyers explained everything to me. My son registered me in Kashchenko. I think he has big money it just went crazy. And the second reason: mine deceased wife, who suffered from neurosis since childhood. We had a conflict, we separated and I left her.

People who know Igor Vladimirov speak of him as very kind and generous man. For example, the former housekeeper of an ex-businessman, a single mother from Uzbekistan, Shakha Khasimova, admitted that Igor Nikolaevich gave her an apartment in Vatutinki.

Igor Vladimirov and his common-law wives

“Even before the housekeeper Shahi, I knew this blonde girl you see in the photo. We lived together for several years civil marriage. She had to return to her native Vladivostok to support her mother when her father died. One day I went to a hairdresser and asked to cut my hair. Only one girl agreed. This was Shah. I gave her 2-3 thousand, but she refused the money. And then I bought her an apartment. She became my common-law wife. And then my son got angry when he learned that I bought Shah a house. He even brought a certificate to the court stating that Shah has an apartment.

— Now I live in a shelter, I have my own room. Clean, tidy everywhere. But I often miss my son. After 50 years of loving him, it’s scary to realize what happened. My son called the doctors and deceived me, allegedly offering me an examination at the hospital. The orderlies grabbed me and soon I found myself in Kashchenko...

In the program studio: Evgenia Vladimirova, the official wife of Igor Nikolaevich, who is 52 years younger than him:

— We got married recently, but we have known each other since 2005. We have mutual feelings, despite the huge age difference. His wife Raisa Fedorovna was still alive then. We met in Primorsky Krai. We had an affair, then he flew to Moscow, but we constantly called each other and our affair continued until 2009. I did not insist that he leave the family, but in 2008 he left his wife and we began to live together. Raisa Fedorovna died 2 years later, in 2010. My dad died, and I went to Vladivostok to be with my mother. Until this year, I continued to call and keep in touch with Igor Nikolaevich. He has been to Vladivostok more than once and knows my family. Yes, he gave me an apartment as well. And as for his son, I’m sure that Igor is taking revenge on his father for his mother.

Guests of the program: folk artists Russian Federation Lyudmila Polyakova and 86-year-old Ivan Ivanovich Krasko with his young 26-year-old wife. Watch the online free episode of Let Them Talk - The adopted son sent his father to a mental hospital, broadcast on December 21, 2016 (12/21/2016).

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