Foreign press about Russia and beyond. Vitaly Churkin, permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, died in New York

After the death of the popularly beloved Churkin, Pyotr Ilyichev became Russia’s permanent representative to the UN. Or rather, he is not yet a representative, but an acting one.
I haven’t remembered anything yet, but it’s a significant position. Sergei Lavrov was once the permanent representative to the UN - from 1994 to 2004.

But Vladimir Safronkov, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, managed to prove himself. He shaved off the English permanent representative in such a way that it became clear about whom the joke had been told for so many years: “USSR, MGIMO, future diplomats are sitting at the lecture. Teacher handing out sheets of paper:

Now try to formulate a response to the US diplomatic note in connection with the emergence of the Soviet nuclear submarine in the middle of Lake Michigan...

After some time, the teacher collects the sheets and begins to look through them. Shows one of them to the audience and says:

This is, in principle, the correct option. The only two comments: the expression “fucking macaque” should be written separately, and the words “fucking macaque” should be written in capital letters, since this is an appeal to the leader of a foreign state.”
I wonder if Safronkov decided to make a bright appearance in order to attract attention and compete for the post of permanent representative?
Very funny on this topic in this post. There are so many sayings that were previously unfamiliar to me! I especially liked the one about the moles and the bicycle and about the unique old man.
« Interview with Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vladimir Safronkov:
– Good evening, Vladimir!
- Evening at the house.
– Yesterday at the UN Security Council you reacted very emotionally to the attacks of your Western colleagues...
- Yes, lawless people. But it never happened that a sheep fucked a wolf! That’s what I told them: I am your grief, and I will live with you. Where you studied - there we taught, where you caught mice, there we flogged moles, where you go on foot, from there we ride a bicycle.
– Tell me, how would you generally characterize a representative who allowed himself such behavior?
– What can I say? There is no minced meat in the head, and you can’t add lard. I shit in my pants and says “rust.” As our boss Sergei Lavrov likes to say: the old man was unique, he wore a wig.
- Very interesting characteristic. But let's move on to the next question from our listeners. Tell me, what position does the Russian Federation adhere to regarding Assad?
- A wolf is a friend and brother to a wolf. A thief steals, a fraer plows.
– But don’t you think that this confrontation with the West due to support for Bashar al-Assad has a negative impact on our economy?
– We survived hunger, we will also survive luxury. There is money, all that’s left is to save it and bring it. But jokes aside, the situation, of course, is not simple, thieves’ life is not cheap, or as they say in our Foreign Ministry - we smoke Kent, fuck blondes, we ourselves go without shoes. But on the other hand, why does a wolf need a vest? He will tear it against the fence. We didn’t live richly, so don’t even start.
– It seems that so far our Foreign Ministry cannot boast of success in negotiations...
– The sausage also looks like shit. In general, as you all know: suit is not a horse, you’ll be lucky by morning.
– Are there any countries in the UN Security Council that sympathize with us?
– There are no kents among the cops.
– Maybe it still makes sense to somehow soften our position? The West has repeatedly spoken about lifting sanctions if something constructive appears in the dialogue...
– White bread is a sop to the cops. We are waiting for the West to realize its mistakes and send us a clear signal about the beginning of reconciliation between our countries. So to speak, nine, eight and the king will bring us a parcel.
– Thank you for the interview. It was short but informative.
- Thank you - a lot, you can thank me from the dacha. And what less words- the cheaper the telegram.
– Well, on this positive note we will say goodbye to you, Vladimir.
- The day has passed and the night is shorter, to all thieves Good night! Let me dream of a house, a sheep, a naked woman on the stove, a bowl of vodka, an amnesty decree!

In New York, the day before his 65th birthday, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin, died. Churkin was truly an outstanding diplomat, one of the most prominent representatives of our country in the international arena in recent years- and the words in the message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are not just a formality, but pure truth. And today, in his person, Russia has lost one of the strongest defenders of its interests before the West and the whole world.

According to the biography on the website of the permanent mission, he graduated from MGIMO in 1974 and since then has been engaged in diplomatic work. In 1992, Churkin became deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1994 - ambassador of the Russian Federation to Belgium, and from 1998 to 2003 - ambassador to Canada. Finally, in April 2006, Vitaly Churkin was appointed Russia's permanent representative to the UN. In this position, he was remembered by many as a bright diplomat, a patriot and a person who knew how to defend his position and the position of the country even in the most difficult moments.

Many remember Vitaly Churkin from his confrontation with the American representative to the UN Samantha Power, who has always been distinguished by aggressive Russophobia, categorical rejection of everything that comes from our country in the international arena and scandalous and sometimes completely absurd statements addressed to Russia. Churkin always “held the line” firmly, managing to defend and even promote our position in the UN.

However, he was noted for his bright performances and firm position even earlier. In 2006, shortly after his appointment, he proposed closing the Hague Yugoslavia Tribunal. “The tribunal, having proven nothing, was left without the “main accused”, on whose work three years and huge amounts of money were spent. What lessons does the Tribunal take from all this?” - Churkin said then. As a result, he concluded that the Hague Tribunal completed its work within the established time frame and there was no need to extend it.

At that time, such a firm and, moreover, “anti-Western” position of Russia was still a novelty, and, moreover, it met with severe rebuff, or was simply completely ignored. And, of course, the tribunal continued its work. However, Churkin, having found himself in the post of plenipotentiary representative, continued to steadily pursue this line and, years later, achieved that they began to listen to Russia - largely thanks to him and his efforts.

Churkin always defended the Russian position on Ukraine, fighting, in fact, almost alone against the whole world within the UN. And he continued until the very last moment. “As for the position of the representative of the United Kingdom, I want to advise: return the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands, return Gibraltar, return the part of Cyprus annexed by you, return the Chagos archipelago to Indian Ocean which you turned into a huge one military base. Then your conscience will perhaps be a little clearer, and you will be able to talk about other topics,” he said recently in response to the British accusations of Russia in the conflict in Ukraine.

Vitaly Churkin made a huge and invaluable contribution to the fact that today Russia is one of the key players in the international arena, having more and more influence and respect around the world. And his departure was a huge loss for the entire country and for Russian politics and diplomacy. However, this is a loss not only for Russia, but also for many, many in the world who expected and expect from us a balanced and unyielding position on the most pressing issues, who expect help and protection from Russia - including at the UN.

Back in 2013, long before Russia’s direct intervention in the Syrian conflict, Churkin defended not only our interests, but also the interests of the inhabitants of the Middle East region at the Security Council - and this could not but affect the change in the situation throughout the Middle East, on the current successes in the fight with terrorism, the fact that Russia was able to come to Syria and protect the people living there, and not silently watch as the hands of the United States wreak another bloody chaos.

The former main opponent of the Russian plenipotentiary - US Representative to the UN Samantha Power stated that "Vitaly Churkin, who died on February 20 at the age of 64, was a caring man who worked for cooperation between the two countries." "Devastated by the death of Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin. Maestro of diplomacy and an extremely caring man who did everything possible to overcome differences between the US and Russia," she wrote on Twitter.

UK Permanent Representative to the UN Matthew Rycroft expressed condolences in connection with the death of his Russian colleague Vitaly Churkin - with whom he repeatedly “fought” at the UN podium and was friends in life. "Absolutely devastated by the news of the death of my friend and colleague Vitaly Churkin. A diplomatic giant and a wonderful person. Rest in peace," he wrote.

Another former US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice stated "I am shocked and deeply saddened by this news. Vitaly was a tremendous force for the UN. Smart, focused, extremely effective."

“Churkin was a formidable adversary, but he always remained a friend. My heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Irina, his family and the Russian mission to the UN,” she added.

In turn general manager media holding "Pravda.Ru" Inna Novikova reported “It’s a pity for Vitaly Churkin. Apparently, my heart couldn’t stand seeing every day not always adequate and often rabid haters, for whom arguments and facts have no meaning, shaking off the sweaty hands of crazy girls like Samantha Power from my shoulder, while smiling, be ironic and not lose your presence of mind."

The British Permanent Representative to the UN, Matthew Rycroft, expressed condolences over the death of his Russian colleague Vitaly Churkin, with whom he repeatedly “fought” at the UN podium and was friends in life. "Absolutely devastated by the news of the death of my friend and colleague Vitaly Churkin. A diplomatic giant and a wonderful person. Rest in peace," he wrote.

“According to preliminary data, Churkin died as a result of a heart attack,” CBS News reported Representative of the Russian Embassy in the USA.

Also Churkin's deputy Vladimir Safronkov Associated Press that "the diplomat became ill in his office at the permanent mission - he was taken to Presbyterian Hospital, where he died."

Let us remind you that the next day after his sudden death, Vitaly Churkin would have turned 65 years old.

“He was not just a warrior in the field; he, like all of us, had and still has many supporters and allies, but Vitaly Ivanovich was on the front line for a very long time, defending his country under the fire of Russophobes and Western sycophants,” she added.

“It is they who are especially warlike and aggressive. Our representative at the UN knew that he was supported by millions. But he accepted and worthily reflected not only sidelong glances, but also pokes and kicks from those who sought to curry favor with their masters as diligently as possible,” - the expert believes.

“He was an excellent specialist, a very bright person, very strong-willed, very strong. Very faithful to duty and faithful to his profession. He aroused the admiration of his colleagues and the envy of his enemies. This is a huge loss not only for the foreign policy service, not only for diplomacy, but also for country. This is an irreparable loss. I cannot find words to convey the feelings of bitterness and compassion for his family and wife. This is a blow that is simply difficult to bear,” he said. Deputy Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Ryabkov.

“The head of state highly valued Churkin’s professionalism and diplomatic talent. He died in his post,” said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

About a great man and his tremendous contribution to diplomacy and defense of his country, as well as condolences and the loss of not only a colleague, but also a friend, loved one stated Russian Foreign Ministry representative Maria Zakharova - similar words also sounded in official statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

“There is probably some symbolism in this. He devoted himself completely to his work, completely devoted himself to his duty, his country, his convictions. He worked in an atmosphere of open opposition and confrontation, when our country was put at the center of all negative stories ", noted Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international affairs Konstantin Kosachev.

“He passed all this through himself. I often crossed paths with him at work. I observed him, as they say, from a close distance. I was always amazed at his perseverance, courage and self-control. Now you begin to understand what it cost him. He gave all of himself to his work , to your country. Eternal memory!” the senator said.

Let us add that in connection with the tragic news, the meeting of the United Nations Council began with a minute of silence.

IN the UN Secretariat stated that they were shocked by the news of the sudden death of the Russian diplomat. “We are shocked by the news of the death of Ambassador Churkin. He for a long time was here at the UN, and we express our condolences to his family, friends, and the Russian government,” said Deputy Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Farhan Haq.

“It’s disgusting to read these joyful cries about the death of Churkin, I feel sorry for the Ukrainians, they are all looking for the dawn of a new life in the stains of corpses,” he has already assessed the reaction of part of the Russian liberal opposition and many Ukrainians and the media of Square political scientist and media consultant Fyodor Krasheninnikov in his Telegram channel.

He is remembered primarily as a talented speaker at the podium of the UN Security Council, where he had to defend the position of our country,” the media write, publishing the most vivid and famous quotes the late diplomat.

Vitaly Churkin will be missed by everyone who in recent years has managed to get used to the “new voice” of Russia in international politics: bright, decisive, firm, principled, reasonable and not devoid of irony and self-irony. In many ways he was that voice. We mourn and express our condolences to the family and friends.

The sad news was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. On February 20, before his 65th birthday, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin, suddenly died. The department expressed condolences, as is customary in such cases, to family and friends, but this news saddened many people, and not only Russians. It is not surprising that the outstanding diplomat was loved by his friends and colleagues, but his death also shocked his opponents who respected him, with whom he had to fight at the UN, defending the interests of his native country.


Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported the circumstances of the death of Vitaly Churkin. According to Russian Deputy Permanent Representative Vladimir Safronkov, the representative was in his office at the UN mission when he became ill (Reuters). A little later official message appeared on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Everything happened very quickly, and despite urgent hospitalization, it was not possible to save the diplomat. Nothing is known yet about the cause of death. They say about such people that they burn out at work or die on duty. This is probably true. Churkin had not a job, but a service. And a calling. Vitaly Churkin devoted his entire life to the diplomatic service.

The youth of the future diplomat

Vitaly Churkin is a Muscovite, he was born on February 21, 1952. Father, Ivan Vasilyevich, worked as an aircraft designer. Parents came to the capital from the Vladimir region. Only son in his family he studied at a school that specialized in in-depth study of the English language, and stood out among his classmates for his excellent academic performance, especially in the main specialized subject. This is partly due to classes with a tutor, a woman who emigrated from America, but diligence also played an important role. As a child he acted in films in three episodic roles (the films “Mother’s Heart”, “The Blue Notebook” and “Zero Three”). As was customary then, Vitaly Churkin, not limiting himself to studies, carried out active social work in the Komsomol. It is not known exactly why the gold medal was not given to a student with excellent academic performance, but it is possible that his uncompromising character was to blame young man. However, the presence of official awards does not always determine future success. Vitaly managed to enter the most prestigious among Soviet universities Moscow state institute international relations, finish it, and then defend a Ph.D. thesis, learn, in addition to English, two more foreign languages- Mongolian and French.


After graduating from MGIMO, Vitaly Churkin was an employee of the translation department and in this capacity worked in the USSR delegation during the Geneva negotiations on SALT-2. Five years later, in 1979, he was sent to the USA, where he spent seven years. From 1982 to 1987 he served as second and then first secretary of the USSR Embassy. Then he worked as an assistant in the International Department of the CPSU Central Committee, and from 1989 - as press secretary of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After the breakup Soviet Union Vitaly Churkin's diplomatic career continued in the Russian Federation. Times were difficult. During the Bosnian conflict, he was the special representative of the Russian President in the Balkans. Vitaly Churkin was the first to hold briefings at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to which foreign reporters were invited, which later became the norm. Then - the post of ambassador to Belgium and Canada. Since 2006, Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin has been appointed to the post of permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations and representative of the Russian Federation in the UN Security Council. There he served the last years of his life.

"Mr. Veto"

Everyone who watched the work of the representative of the Russian Federation at the UN had a nagging feeling of injustice happening, when no arguments or arguments work, the evidence provided is ignored, and the culprit is known in advance. It was in this atmosphere that Security Council meetings took place in 2008, during the war with Georgia, and later, when with great difficulty it was possible to prevent attacks on Syria, and after the death of the Malaysian Boeing over the Donbass, and during the entire ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine , which continues to this day. Western diplomats were confident in their right to consider all world problems from a position of strength, which, in their opinion, was ensured by victory in the Cold War. The Russian mission had one weapon at its disposal, enshrined in the UN Charter - the right to veto. It was applied despite the obviously rude and even boorish objections of some foreign colleagues.

Confession of Samantha Power

Now these are things of the past, but Samantha Power, who was the US plenipotentiary to the UN during Obama’s second term, violated diplomatic protocol by approaching the table of the Russian delegation and trying to exert psychological pressure on its members or at least unbalance Vitaly Churkin. The behavior of the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Federation always remained impeccable, and his ironic remarks evoked smiles and laughter from the delegates from other countries present in the hall. Although on duty, adhering to the given public policy, they should not have expressed sympathy for Russia.

The American should be given her due; she appreciated the professionalism of her opponent, possibly projecting the situation onto herself. When Power learned of the death of the Russian representative to the UN, she did not hold back her emotions and wrote a message on Twitter to her “sworn friend”, in which she called Vitaly Churkin a virtuoso of diplomacy and a man full of compassion, who always sought to smooth out differences between the two great countries . Well, such recognition is an honor former colleague deceased.

The reaction of the Ukrainian press...

Samantha Power's condolences and regrets are quite natural, they represent a tribute from one professional to another after all earthly battles are left behind. In contrast to this manifestation of human feelings, the tone of the Ukrainian media reports and, even more so, the mocking comments on them seem completely monstrous. The death of Vitaly Churkin is covered with undisguised gloating by pro-government Kyiv TV channels and information portals. The late diplomat, whom his UN colleagues called great, and certainly outstanding, is being reproached for untruthfulness and even for the fact that he starred in a film about Lenin as a child.

... and comments

This Sabbath is accompanied by comments from readers who obviously consider themselves immortal and have the right to categorically judge everything in the world. Elementary cleanliness does not allow quoting these remarks. Fortunately, not all people in this state are like this, but the idea of ​​the country is formed by those who express their joy with savage enthusiasm. Ukrainian diplomacy in its professionalism corresponds to this level. For example, photos of that same unfortunate incident with Samantha Power (for some reason she was renamed Powers) are cited as an example of correct behavior in the UN Security Council. No comments needed.

Awards and merits

The work of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin for the benefit of Russia and the whole world was appreciated by the Order of Honor (2009), “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree (2012), as well as the Gratitude of the President of Russia and the Certificate of Honor of the Council collective security Collective Security Treaty Organizations. Behind these awards, not very numerous, as is customary in the diplomatic corps, lies a long and impeccable service to the homeland.

Eternal memory to Vitaly Ivanovich, faithful son Russia!

He suffered a heart attack on the territory of the Russian mission to the UN. The diplomat was urgently taken to one of the local hospitals, but could not be saved. Many Russian citizens who did not know him personally took Churkin’s death to heart. Over the 10 years that he spent as a permanent representative to the UN, Churkin turned into one of the symbols of Russia’s current policy - proud, unyielding, knowing its worth and not fawning over anyone, putting down presumptuous “partners” and ready to respond to a poisonous attack with a sharp word .

Front line overseas

The Permanent Representative to the United Nations is a special position in the system. If all other positions - ambassadors, department directors, even deputy ministers - imply certain restrictions on the number and range of issues that a person deals with, then the permanent representative to the UN is forced to delve into literally everything and keep everything under control.

It is no coincidence that the most talented and efficient, truly prominent representatives Ministry of Foreign Affairs It is enough to list the names of Churkin’s predecessors over the past two dozen years - Yuliy Vorontsov, . Vitaly Churkin fits into this series completely harmoniously.

The Security Council has always, from its very formation, been a field of continuous struggle of opinions and views, sharp picks and demarches, a place where diplomats tirelessly defended the interests of their country. Every day there turned out to be a colossal strain on the nerves, brain and heart. The mind and will of Vitaly Churkin turned out to be stronger than his body.

Te salutant

Rules for this cruel game everyone who participated in it knows. Churkin’s political opponents, whose confrontation with whom cost him so much strength, now pay tribute to the memory of a worthy opponent. They, like no one else, knew his worth.

Former US Representative to an International Organization wrote: “Vitaly was the most influential part of the UN. Smart, hard-working, highly efficient and with a great sense of humor. He was a worthy opponent, but always remained a friend. My sincere condolences to his wife Irina, his family and the Russian mission to the UN."

Her American colleague, who interacted with Churkin for four years, called his maestro of diplomacy and a very caring person who did everything possible to resolve differences between Moscow and Washington.

Former US Ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith spoke in an interview about Churkin as a diplomatic superstar. “He had a distinguished career as Russia's representative to the UN. It's not easy. But he defended Russia's interests very well in the Security Council. He was always very self-possessed and smart. I appreciate the advice he gave me. His death is a loss."

The current head of the American diplomatic mission in Moscow wrote: “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin.”

The fate of a diplomat

Vitaly Churkin was born in Moscow on February 21, 1952. He graduated in 1974, and then entered the diplomatic service - he began his career in the translation department of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, speaking English, French and Mongolian. He managed to work at the Soviet embassy in Washington, and in 1990 he was appointed to the post of press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Two years later, already in the position of Deputy Minister, Churkin, for the first time in the practice of domestic diplomacy, began to conduct regular briefings for foreign journalists, communicating with them on English in a direct manner uncharacteristic for the domestic foreign policy department.

In 1994, he was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belgium and Permanent Representative to, and in 1998, Ambassador to Canada. After five years as Ambassador at Large, Churkin was in the personnel reserve of the diplomatic department, dealing with problems environment within the framework of the Arctic Council, until on April 8, 2006 he was appointed to the post of permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN and representative in the Security Council of an international organization.

In this position he had to work at the most tense moments for the Russian foreign policy- during the conflict in Georgia in 2008, dramatic events in the Middle East and Ukraine. Churkin always took the blow with dignity, not letting go of attacks and not allowing himself to be pinned against the wall.

People's hero

Russian citizens saw Vitaly Churkin as a person cutting edge in communication with Western countries who did not hear or did not want to hear Russia. Pictures and comics were dedicated to him. Rollers on YouTube with his participation received hundreds of thousands of views.

On the Facebook page of the Foreign Ministry representative, thousands of citizens of Russia and other countries expressed their condolences.

“The loss for the country is irreparable. Reliable country support. Alone in the field Warrior. Condolences to the family and to all of us,”

Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin - Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN passed away on the eve of his 65th birthday. The diplomat, of which there are only a few in the world, died in New York from a heart attack on February 21, 2017. Vitaly Churkin has headed the Permanent Mission of Russia to the UN since 2006.

Thousands of people in Russia and around the world who knew, worked, respected and loved Vitaly Ivanovich responded to this irreparable loss.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed condolences to family and friends, as well as the staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the death of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, the Representative of Russia in the UN Security Council Vitaly Churkin.

UN Representative expressed condolences to the family of Vitaly Churkin and the Russian government: “The UN Secretariat is shocked by the news of the death of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vitaly Churkin and expresses condolences to his family and the Russian government,” said Deputy Spokesperson of the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergei Ryabkov:“Vitaly Churkin was irreplaceable as the voice of Russia on a key international platform. Of course, this is a huge loss. It will be impossible, very difficult, to replace him as a symbol of Russian foreign policy and the voice of Russia on the key international platform in the Security Council. Churkin was like a rock against which the attempts of our enemies to undermine what constitutes the glory of Russia are broken.”

Eternal memory and low bow

Director of the Department of Information and Press of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Official Representative Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova: “This is a tragedy for our department and domestic diplomacy. This is the greatest professional, an extraordinary personality, a bright person who let everything he does through his heart. Vitaly Churkin worked almost 24 hours a day, which amazed and aroused admiration. This is a man who was admired not only by those who loved him, but also by his opponents. Great diplomat. An extraordinary personality. Bright man. We have lost a loved one."

Russian Ambassador to Great Britain Alexander Yakovenko:“I am shocked and saddened by the news that Ambassador Vitaly Churkin has passed away. High level diplomat and good friend"- Yakovenko wrote on his Twitter page. - An outstanding Russian diplomat passed away at work. We express our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin.”

Deputy Secretary of the General Council of the Party " United Russia» , member of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Sergey Zheleznyak:“Russia today suffered a great loss in the person of an outstanding diplomat, a unique person, one of the best sons of our Fatherland. Vitaly Ivanovich was for many years at the forefront of our country's foreign policy. Unfortunately, the Russian diplomatic corps in lately suffered bitter losses. We will mourn for a long time over Andrei Karlov, who was vilely killed in Ankara. Today, another worthy name of Vitaly Churkin has been added to the mournful list of outstanding Russians who have passed away, who, I am convinced, will be remembered in our country and in the world for many decades and his experience will be studied in diplomatic universities.”

“The death of Vitaly Churkin is a colossal loss for Russian diplomacy,” said Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to international organizations in Vienna Vladimir Voronkov. - I’ve been communicating with him quite well in recent years, so this news is like a blow to the head. This is a huge loss for us all, swipe", said Voronkov. “Among those who now work as permanent representatives to international organizations, he was, of course, the number one figure."

Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva: “The sudden death of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vitaly Churkin was a huge loss. We mourn the tragic death of Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Permanent Representative in New York. We express our condolences to the family and friends.”

Chairman of the 71st session General Assembly UN Peter Thomson: " The news of the death of a dear friend, Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, caused deep sorrow. The Russian Federation and the UN have lost a figure with an excellent understanding of international relations.”

Churkin “was on the front line”

“Vitaly Churkin carried out a mission of global scale and global responsibility, which he absolutely complied with in terms of professional and human qualities. This was noted in the entry on the page in Facebook networks Head of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs Konstantin Kosachev. - The position of a representative to the UN is one of the highest and most responsible positions in the diplomatic service of any state; for Russia, as a state - a permanent member of the UN Security Council, it is also a mission of global scope and global responsibility. Vitaly Ivanovich absolutely corresponded to this mission with both his professional and human qualities. Deep knowledge of almost any problem of our time, a subtle sense of the approaches and interests of partners, multiplied by an accurate understanding of the national interests of their country, combined with an instant reaction and an amazing sense of humor.

Now I understand how - through the soul and through the heart, sparing neither time nor health... In recent years, without exaggeration, he was on the front line, at the very forefront, the first to take blows directed against Russia, but without missing a beat one of them."

Acting Chief of the press service of the US State Department Mark Toner called the news about the death of the permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN sad news.

US Ambassador to Moscow John Tefft expressed condolences to the family of the deceased Russian permanent representative to the UN. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and loved ones of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin,” the diplomat wrote on the embassy’s microblog on the social network Twitter.

UK Permanent Representative to the UN Matthew Rycroft expressed condolences on the death of Vitaly Churkin: “I am completely devastated by the news of the death of my friend and colleague Vitaly Churkin. He was an outstanding diplomat and amazing person. Rest in peace,” Rycroft wrote on his Twitter page.

Member of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation Vasily Likhachev:“He was a man, a diplomat from God. And the point is not even that he knew several languages, the point is how he realized that potential, the potential of a patriot, the potential of a politician, Russian politician, who very well represented and knew the interests and priorities of the Russian Federation. And he knew how to very quickly find solutions in order to promote them to the international community, to ensure and protect them.”

AwardsVitaly Ivanovich Churkin:

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (February 15, 2012) - for great services in protecting and promoting the interests of Russia in the international arena.

Order of Honor (February 2, 2009) - for his great contribution to the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, many years of impeccable diplomatic service.

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (October 27, 1994) - for his great personal contribution to the preparation of meetings at top level on o. Corfu and Naples.

Certificate of honor from the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (December 20, 2011) - for active and fruitful work on the development and deepening of military-political cooperation within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.