Hillary Clinton quotes. The most famous quotes by Hillary Clinton Statements by Hillary Clinton

She is rightly called the most influential “first lady” who has ever been in the White House. Now she is preparing to go there again, but in the role of President of the United States.

Presidents listen to her, world leaders respect her, she is known for her uncompromising character and is known as, whose speeches are often parsed into quotes.

On the eve of the presidential election, her memoirs are being sold in huge quantities all over the world. Everyone wants to know how difficult decisions were made for the woman who could become the first female president of the United States.

We offer you 10 of the most striking quotes thanks to which the world knows who Hillary Clinton is.

About Putin

President [George Bush - ed.] Looked into Putin's eyes and saw a kindred spirit there, however, I would like to remind you that Putin was a KGB agent. He has no soul by definition.

About values

“You should always aim high, work hard and love deeply what you believe in. When faced with obstacles, you should keep faith. When you fall, you should immediately get up and never listen to those who say that you should not move on.”

At a certain point in life, we begin to realize that most of the things that happen in our lives are beyond our control. But we can control how we react to them. I always try to remember this.

“Criticism should be taken seriously, but it should not be taken to heart.”

About my husband's betrayal

“I was ready to break Bill’s (Bill Clinton – “24”) neck! I had to hate my husband and support the president at the same time.”

About feminism

I certainly consider myself a feminist, I deeply believe that women deserve equal rights to men and equal responsibilities.

“If I want to knock this or that story off the front page, I just change my haircut.”

About Americans

"It is America's national shame that many Americans plan their weekend getaways more carefully than they plan their families."

The way out of poverty must begin in everyone's mind.

“You should never confuse career and life.”

- Hillary Clinton
Presidential campaign (April 12, 2015 – 2016), 2016 Democratic National Convention (July 28, 2016), Context: My friends, we "ve come to Philadelphia – the birthplace of our nation – because what happened in this city 240 years ago still has something to teach us today. We all know the story. But we usually focus on how it turned out - and not enough on how close that story came to never being written at all When representatives from 13 unruly colonies met just down the road. from here, some wanted to stick with the King. Some wanted to stick it to the king, and go their own way. The revolution hung in the balance. Then somehow they began listening to each other... compromising... finding a common purpose. the time they left Philadelphia, they had begun to see themselves as one nation. That's what made it possible to stand up to a King. That took courage. They had courage. Our Founders embraced the enduring truth that we are stronger together. America is once again at a moment of reckoning. Powerful forces are threatening to pull us apart. Bonds of trust and respect are fraying. And just as with our founders, there are no guarantees. It truly is up to us. We have to decide whether we all will work together so we all can rise together.

One of the most influential female politicians in the world is celebrating her 70th birthday. Engaged in public and political activities for about half a century, she went from lawyer to first lady of the United States, and then to senator and secretary of state. In 2016, she stopped half a step away from the presidency, but was never able to overcome this final glass ceiling. TASS has selected the main quotes from Hillary Clinton, thanks to which you can better understand her not only as a politician, but also as a person.

I grew up in a middle class family, in middle America, in the middle of the last century.

If I want to get a front page story, all I have to do is change my hairstyle.

The Bible says that you need to forgive seventy times seven (70 times seven - TASS note). I want you all to know that I'm keeping score.

It's hard to be a woman: you have to think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl and work like a horse - this is the poster hanging in my house.

I am often asked how I feel about criticism addressed to me. I have three answers. First, if you decide to lead a public life, remember Eleanor Roosevelt's advice and grow thick skin like a rhinoceros. Second, learn to take criticism seriously, but not take it personally. Your critics can actually teach you things that your friends can't or won't teach you. I try to discern the motivation for criticism - be it partisan, ideological, commercial or sexist - and analyze what I can learn from it, while discarding everything else. Third, there is invariably a double standard applied to women in politics - this applies to clothing, body types and, of course, hairstyles. You shouldn't let him stop you. Smile and carry on.

Perhaps my worst trait is that I take very personally the things that I think are right.

Whether you like it or not, women are always the target of criticism when they show too much emotion in public.

Faith is like taking a step off a cliff and waiting for one of two options: either you land on solid ground or you learn to fly.

We all face difficult choices in life. Our decisions and how we deal with them determine the kind of people we become. For leaders and nations, they can draw the line between war and peace, poverty and prosperity.

Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights. Let us not forget that among these rights is the right to speak freely and the right to be heard.

The last time I drove was in 1996, I still remember that day very well. Unfortunately, the Secret Service also remembers him, so I have never driven a car myself since then.

It's what I call the "talking dog syndrome": Some people continue to be surprised by women (including governors' wives, corporate executives, sports stars, and rock singers) who can handle themselves under pressure, be knowledgeable, and have a clear stance. The dog can talk!

I think I could have stayed at home, baked cookies and made tea, but instead I decided to pursue my profession, which I took up even before my husband began to lead a public life.

Pursuing a career and pursuing your life are two different things.

Too many women in too many countries speak the same language - silence.

My marriage to Bill Clinton was the most consequential decision of my life. We have been married since 1975. We had many happy days - many more than sad or angry ones.

Everything that happens in America happens in New York.

There are few problems in the modern world that the United States can solve alone, and even fewer problems that can be solved without the United States. Everything I have done and seen has convinced me that America remains an “indispensable nation.” However, I am also convinced that our leadership is not a given. It must be earned with each new generation.

Donald Trump did not invent sexism, and his influence on our politics extends far beyond this election. It looks like a planet that astronomers haven't exactly discovered yet, but know it exists because they can see its effect on the orbits and gravity of other planets. Sexism impacts our politics and our society every day, both subtly and directly.

by Stephen Colbert" September 20, 2017; "The Story of My Life" (2003); “Hard Decisions” (2014); “What Happened” (2017). Quote via Goodreads, Politico, CNN, BBC, Washington Post)

The former first lady, and possibly the future first female president of America. Hillary is known for her unapologetic character and skillful talent as a speaker, whose motivational speeches often go down in history. On the occasion, ELLE collected the most striking statements of the candidate for the post of 45th President of the United States.

"Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights."

“I believe that any task, if approached with optimism and a positive attitude, can be accomplished.”

“If I want to knock this or that story off the front page, I just change my haircut.”

“I am sure that you can disagree with a person’s opinion and enter into an argument with him without getting involved in the politics of your own destruction.”

“The time has long come when women must take their place - next to men, in the halls where the fate of their children and grandchildren will be decided.”

“I do not doubt for a second that without the active participation of women in the economy, politics, peacekeeping missions, and in various aspects of public life, no country will be able to fully realize its potential.”

Dignity comes from a sense of responsibility to others and upholding our common humanity.

“At a certain point in life, we begin to realize that most of the things that happen in our lives are beyond our control. But we can control how we react to them. I always try to remember this."

"The worst thing that can happen in a democracy - as in the life of every person - is to become cynical about the future and lose hope."

“We must always remember that only a positive outlook on life, as well as daily acts of kindness, can lead to good health.”

“Every moment spent looking back slows down our progress... In this world and the world of the future, we either have to move forward or not move anywhere at all.”

“The difference between a politician and a politician is that a politician thinks about the next election, while a politician thinks about the next generation.”

“Criticism should be taken seriously, but it should not be taken to heart.”

“The time has come to move from beautiful words to beautiful deeds, from sonorous phrases to sonorous decisions.”

“I have a million ideas. The country can’t afford them all!”

“Under no circumstances should you make decisions that are pushed by the press or other politicians. You need to remain quiet and think about what is important to you.”

“The path out of poverty must start in everyone’s mind.”

“You always have to aim high, work hard and really love what you believe in. When faced with an obstacle, you should maintain faith. If you fall, you should immediately get up and never listen to those who say that you shouldn’t move on.”

“The essence of smart power is smart people!”

“You should never confuse career and life.”

Hillary is known for her unapologetic character and skillful talent as a speaker, whose motivational speeches often go down in history. On the occasion, ELLE collected the most striking statements of the candidate for the post of 45th President of the United States.

“Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.”

“I believe that any task, if you approach it with optimism and a positive attitude can be accomplished.”

“If I want to get this or that article off the front page, I just change my haircut».

“I am sure that you can disagree with a person’s opinion and enter into an argument with him without getting involved in the politics of your own destruction.”

“The time has long come when women should take their place - next to men, in the halls, where the fates of their children and grandchildren will be decided.”

Dignity comes from a sense of responsibility to others and upholding our common humanity.

“I do not doubt for a second that without the active participation of women in the economy, politics, peacekeeping missions, and in various aspects of public life, no country will be able to fully realize its potential.”

“At a certain point in life we ​​begin to realize that most of the things that happen to us are beyond our control. But we can control how we react to them. I always try to remember this."

“The worst thing that can happen in a democracy - as well as in the life of every person - is to become cynic about the future and lose hope."

“We must always remember that only a positive outlook on life, as well as daily acts of kindness, can lead to good health.”

“Every moment lived looking back, slows down our progress… In this world and the world of the future, we either have to move forward or not move anywhere at all.”

“The difference between a politician and a politician is that a politician thinks about the next election, while a politician thinks about the next generation».

“Criticism should be taken seriously, but it should not be taken to heart.”

“The time has come to move from beautiful words to beautiful deeds, from sonorous phrases to sonorous decisions.”

"I have a million ideas. The country can’t afford them all!”

“Under no circumstances should you make decisions that are pushed by the press or other politicians. You need to remain quiet and think about what is important to you.”

“The path out of poverty must start for everyone in my head».

“You always have to aim high, work hard and really love what you believe in. When encountering an obstacle, you should keep the faith. If you fall, you should immediately get up and never listen to those who say that you shouldn’t move on.”

“The essence of smart power is smart people!”

“You should never confuse career and life.”