Grad and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems in action (15 photos). "Buratino", "Hurricane", "Smerch", "Typhoon": multiple launch rocket system

MLRS (rocket system volley fire) "Hurricane" is intended to destroy manpower, armored and lightly armored vehicles of enemy tank and motorized infantry units on the march and in places of concentration and destruction command posts, military infrastructure facilities and communication centers, remote installation of anti-personnel and anti-tank minefields in combat zones at a distance of 10 - 35 thousand m.

Considering the adoption of the M-21 Field Rocket System in 1963, the Tula State Research Institute of Precision Mechanical Engineering in 1963-1964 proactively carried out search work in order to study the possibility of creating a more long-range and powerful system in terms of the number of explosives in a salvo, with the help of which it would be possible decide promptly combat missions at ranges from 10 to 40 thousand m.

In June 1964, the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering submitted for consideration the “Project of a field multiple launch rocket system “Uragan”, which has a projectile range of 35 thousand m. The project proposed a system with high maneuverability, a travel speed of up to 70 km/h, high cross-country ability and the ability opening salvo fire in a short period of time. This system can be used to destroy openly located or hidden in field structures manpower, fire weapons, tanks, nuclear and chemical and other enemy targets and objects at ranges of up to 40 thousand m.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Defense Industry (MOP), dated December 28, 1966, in 1967 they began scientifically research work"Creation of a high-precision multiple launch rocket system "Uragan" (NV-121-66). The work was completed in December 1967 with confirmation of the possibility of obtaining the specified characteristics, carrying out theoretical studies, bench tests of engines, separation mechanisms, delayed deployment of the stabilizer, aerodynamic blowing and fire with model shells. The system was recommended for R&D (development work).

The results of the work carried out were approved by subsection No. 1 of section 1 of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Defense Industry and the topic was recommended for development work after eliminating the identified deficiencies.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and the Ministry of General Engineering No. 18/94 in 1968, a preliminary design of the Uragan multiple launch rocket system was developed. In September of the same year, the work was recommended for development work (from a TULGOSNIITOCHMASH (Tula) document from the early 1970s).

In 1969 - early 1970, work was carried out to compile and adjust the technical specifications for development work: “Army MLRS” “Grad-3” (at the beginning of 1970 it was changed to “Hurricane”). Apparently, these are the tactical and technical requirements No. 0010 of military unit 64176. The system should have included fighting machine, command vehicle, transport vehicle and arsenal equipment. It was proposed to use the following types of projectile warheads: cluster fragmentation, high-explosive (has a predetermined fragmentation of the body), cassette, intended for remote mining. The decision to develop other types of warheads (incendiary, cumulative, agitation, with special filling) should have been made by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering in the second quarter of 1970 based on the results of the preliminary design. The design of the projectiles was supposed to use one solid fuel for all warheads. jet engine with an unregulated nozzle over the entire operating temperature range. There were no replacement nozzles. It was proposed to use the ZIL-135LM chassis as a base for the MLRS. During the preliminary design, options for a combat vehicle and a transport vehicle on the tracked chassis of the MT-S transporter-tractor were to be worked out (option Tactical and technical requirements for the Grad-3 (Hurricane) multiple launch rocket system and technical specifications for finalizing the command vehicle ). The number of guides should have been 20 pieces. when using a chassis from ZIL-135LM and 24 pcs. on the MT-S chassis. But the exact number of guides had to be clarified after reviewing the preliminary design. For the transport vehicle, the Kraz-253 wheeled chassis was also considered as a base.

From a letter from Ganichev A.N. (TULGOSNIITOCHMASH) Elagin (GRAU) in military unit 64176 learned that the following contractors for the Grad-3 multiple launch rocket system were approved by the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering and the Ministry of Defense Industry:

Ministry of Mechanical Engineering:
Scientific Research Institute of Chemical Technology (PO Box A-7210, Moscow Region, Lyubertsy) for testing the powder charge and ignition system;
The Krasnoarmeyets plant and the State Instrument Engineering Design Bureau (PO Box B-8475, Leningrad) for testing ignition means;
Kazan Research Institute chemical industry(PO Box B-2281, Kazan) for an expelling charge for a cassette warhead;
Maslennikov Plant (PO Box P-6833, Kuibyshev) to create a contact fuse for a high-explosive warhead, a mechanical remote tube for a cluster warhead;

Institute "Geodesy" (PO Box R-6766, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk) tests and evaluation of the effectiveness of the warhead;
Research Institute "Poisk" (PO Box B-8921, Leningrad) to test a contact fuse for the combat element of a cluster warhead;
Krasnoarmeysk Research Institute of Mechanization (PO Box A-7690, Moscow Region, Krasnoarmeysk) to test the equipment of a high-explosive warhead, an explosive charge for the combat element of a cluster warhead;
Orsk Mechanical Plant (PO Box R-6286, Orenburg region, Orsk) for the manufacture of warheads and engines.

Ministry of Defense Industry:
Perm Machine-Building Plant named after V.I. Lenin (PO Box R-6760, Perm) for transport and combat vehicles;
All-Union Scientific Research Institute "Signal" (PO Box A-1658, Vladimir Region, Kovrov) for the modification of the command vehicle.

Work on the creation of the Uragan MLRS was carried out on the basis of Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 71-26 of 01/21/1970 (order of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering No. 33 of 01/28/1970).

In order to check the activities associated with work to increase the firing range, 30 firings were planned for January-February 1971. with Uragan MLRS shells from a ballistic launcher placed on the ML-20 carriage. Shells had to be supplied with three types of plumage:
- knife type, feather thickness 7 millimeters, feathers opening to the longitudinal axis of the projectile at an angle of 90°;
- according to the Grad shell scheme;
- combined (combining the tail of a knife-type projectile and a “Grad”).

During the testing at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute of projectile variants with three types of fins, positive results were obtained. At the same time, the stability margin was about 12 percent.

In 1972, the Tula State Research Institute of Precision Engineering carried out work on the topic NV2-154-72 “Single-channel angular stabilization system for Grad and Uragan projectiles” (1st quarter of 1972 - work began, 2nd quarter of 1973 - completion) .

In 1972, the research for a single-channel angular stabilization system was carried out in two directions:
- based on an angular velocity sensor using gas-dynamic actuators;
- based on a contact angle sensor using powder pulse actuators.

According to the report of the Tula State Research Institute of Precision Engineering on work in 1972, this year they carried out theoretical calculations, modeling on analog electronic machines, experimental laboratory studies of a single-channel angular stabilization system, as well as its elements for unguided rocket projectiles of the Uragan and Grad types ". We determined the basic requirements for the system and system elements.

The stabilization system included an electronic converter unit, an angular displacement sensor, and actuators of the gas-dynamic type or pulse type.

It was determined that the use of a single-channel stabilization system in the Uragan and Grad projectiles improves their fire accuracy characteristics by 1.5-2 times.

Drawings were developed for the elements of the angular stabilization system, prototypes were made and tested in laboratory conditions. At the time the report was compiled or submitted, a batch of blocks of a single-channel angular stabilization system was being produced for flight testing.

In 1972, on the basis of the order of the head of the Second Main Directorate of the Ministry of Mechanical Engineering No. 17 dated December 20, 1970, TulgosNIItochmash carried out research work on the topic “Research on ways to create long-range projectiles for the Uragan and Grad systems” (NV2-110-71g ).

In accordance with the target task, we completed theoretical and experimental work, which demonstrated the possibility of increasing the firing range of projectiles of the Uragan and Grad systems through the use of high-pulse fuel and durable materials for the manufacture of the body.

In 1972, factory testing was completed, and the system was presented for field testing consisting of:
- unguided rockets with cluster fragmentation (weight 80-85 kg) and high-explosive (weight 100-105 kg) warheads;
- BM 9P140 installed on the chassis of a ZIL-135LM vehicle;
- transport-loading machine 9T452 installed on the chassis of a ZIL-135LM vehicle;
- arsenal equipment.

During factory testing, we obtained system characteristics that satisfied the basic tactical and technical requirements:
- longest range firing shells with a high-explosive warhead - 34 thousand m., cluster warhead - 35 thousand m.;
- accuracy of fire:
a projectile with a high-explosive warhead: in the direction Vb/X = 1/174, in the range Vd/X = 1/197;
a projectile with a cluster warhead: in the direction Vb/X = 1/152, in the range Vd/X = 1/261;
- reduced area of ​​damage by a projectile with a cluster warhead when the combat element approaches the target at 85-90 degrees:
manpower located openly - 22090 m2 (Eud. = 10 kgm/cm2);
military equipment - 19270 m2 (Eud. = 135 kgm/cm2);
- reduced area affected by a projectile with a high-explosive warhead:
military equipment - 1804 m2 (Eud = 240 kgm/cm2);
- funnel size:
depth 4.8 m;
diameter 8 m.

The combat vehicle has 18 guides; salvo time - 9 seconds, ammunition carried on the transport-loading vehicle - 1 set.

The combat vehicle was developed under the leadership of chief designer Yuri Nikolaevich Kalachnikov.

The system is constantly being modernized - for example, today there are a number of modifications rockets, as well as warheads for these shells.

Currently, the 9K57 Uragan MLRS is in service in the Russian, Kazakh, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Yemeni armies, and also, probably, in the Syrian army.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system was widely used in combat operations in Afghanistan. In the early 1980s, it was deployed and used by the Syrian military during the initial stages of the war with Israel. The system was applied federal troops in the Chechen Republic. According to open data last time the system was applied Russian troops in 2008 during the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict.

In Ukraine, work was carried out to install an artillery unit on the KrAZ-6322 chassis modified for its installation. The time for the work has not been established.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system includes:
Combat vehicle 9P140;
Transport-loading machine 9T452;
KAUO (automated fire control complex) 1V126 "Kapustnik-B";
Educational and training facilities;
Topographic survey vehicle 1T12-2M;
Radio direction-finding meteorological complex 1B44;
Set of arsenal special equipment and tools 9F381

The 9P140 combat vehicle was built on a four-axle chassis of the ZIL-135LMP vehicle with high cross-country capability and an 8x8 wheel arrangement. The artillery unit consists of a package in which sixteen tubular guides are assembled, a rotating base with sighting devices and guidance mechanisms, a balancing mechanism, as well as hydraulic and electrical equipment. Guidance mechanisms equipped with power drives make it possible to direct a package of guides in the vertical plane from 5 to +55 degrees. The horizontal guidance angle is ±30 degrees from the longitudinal axis of the combat vehicle. To increase the stability of the launcher during a shot, there are two supports in the rear part of the chassis, which are equipped with manually driven jacks. Missiles can be carried directly in the guides. The combat vehicle is equipped with a night vision device and communications equipment (radio station R-123M).

Tubular guides - smooth-walled pipes with a U-shaped screw groove along which a pin slides during a shot rocket. Thus, its initial spin is ensured to give the projectile the stability necessary in flight. The projectile, when moving along the trajectory of rotation, is supported by the blades of the drop-down stabilizer, which are installed to the longitudinal axis of the projectile at a certain angle. A salvo of one combat vehicle covers an area of ​​more than 42 hectares. The main method of shooting is fire from a closed position. It is possible to fire from the cockpit. Crew of the 9P140 combat vehicle - 6 people (4 people per peacetime): combat vehicle commander, driver, gunner (senior gunner), crew numbers (3 people).

The package of guides is installed on the cradle - a rectangular welded platform. The cradle is connected to the upper machine using two semi-axes, around which it swings (rotates) when aimed at elevation angles. The combination of the cradle, the guide package, a number of components and parts of the locking mechanism, the sight bracket, the ignition system and others makes up the swinging part. Using the rotating part of the combat vehicle, the package of guides is given the desired azimuthal angle. The rotating part consists of a swinging part, an upper machine, a balancing, lifting and turning mechanism, a shoulder strap, a gunner's platform, a manual guidance drive, a locking mechanism for the swinging part, a hydraulic lock for the swinging part, and a locking mechanism for the rotating part. The balancing mechanism partially compensates for the moment of weight of the swinging part. It consists of fastening parts and a pair of torsion bars. The rotating and lifting mechanisms are used to guide the package of guides in the horizontal plane and along the elevation angle. The main method of guidance is an electric drive. During repairs and in case of failure, a manual drive is used. Locking mechanisms secure the moving parts of the installation during movement. The hydraulic lock of the swinging part unloads the lifting mechanism during firing and prevents the aiming from being confused at elevation angles.

The combat vehicle has a D726-45 panoramic mechanical sight. The standard PG-1M gun panorama is used as a goniometric and sighting device in the sight.

The launch system of the 9P140 combat vehicle provides:
- safe operation of the crew that serves the combat vehicle when firing;
- conducting salvo and single fire while in the crew cabin;
- conducting salvo and single fire while in a crew shelter at a distance of up to 60 meters from the combat vehicle;
- firing in the event of failure of power sources and main units of firing circuits.

The launch system provides the possibility of salvo fire at a constant rate (16 missiles are launched at a rate of 0.5 seconds) and the so-called “ragged” rate of fire (the first 8 missiles are launched at an interval of 0.5 seconds, the remaining missiles at an interval of 2 seconds). Thanks to the use of a “ragged” rate of fire, it can significantly reduce the frequency and amplitude of vibrations of a combat vehicle, and, consequently, improve the accuracy of fire.

To load the launcher, the 9T452 transport-loading vehicle is used, developed on the same chassis as the combat vehicle. Each 9T452 loading vehicle can transport 16 rockets. The machine provides loading (discharging) without special equipment. preparing a position, including from any transport vehicle, from another transport-loading vehicle or from the ground. The reloading process is mechanized, charging time is 15 minutes. Load capacity 300 kg.

The equipment of the transport-loading machine consists of a frame, a crane, a tray with a rammer, cargo trolleys, a load-handling device, an operator platform, a docking device, a rod, a crane rotation gearbox, electrical equipment, an alignment mechanism, and spare parts. The rammer tray is a folding beam along which the pusher with the rocket moves. The alignment mechanism aligns the axis of the rocket, which is located in the tray, and the axis of the guide pipe. The left and right carts are designed to accommodate missiles. The transport-loading machine has three electric drives, which carry out: lifting/lowering missiles, turning the crane, sending missiles into the guides.

The combat vehicle is loaded in the following order from the top tier: lift the rocket, place it in the tray, unhook the load-handling device, and send the rocket into the guide.

A special feature of the four-axle wheeled chassis ZIL-135LMP was the location of the power plant behind the four-seat crew cabin. This power point consisted of two eight-cylinder V-shaped carburetor engines ZIL-375. At 3200 rpm, each engine produces up to 180 hp. The transmission has an on-board design: the wheels of each side are rotated by an independent engine through a separate gearbox, final drives and transfer cases. The wheels of the first and fourth axles are steerable, with independent torsion bar suspension with shock absorbers. The wheels of the middle axles are close together, do not have elastic suspension and are rigidly attached to the frame. The machine is equipped with a centralized tire pressure regulation system. The vehicle has very high maneuverability and speed characteristics. When driving with a full load on the highway, the maximum speed is 65 kilometers per hour, and without preliminary preparation it can overcome fords up to 1.2 meters deep. The fuel range is 500 km.

The ammunition of the Uragan multiple launch rocket system consists of the following rockets:
- 9M27F having a high-explosive fragmentation warhead;
- 9M27K having a cassette warhead with fragmentation combat elements;
- 9M27S with an incendiary warhead;
- 9M59, 9M27K2, 9M27K3 having a cassette warhead with anti-tank mines;
- 9M51 with a warhead with a volumetric detonating effect (during the war in Afghanistan it showed high efficiency).

The maximum firing range is 35 thousand m; for destruction at shorter distances, rings are put on the missile that slow it down in flight. The flight range of a cluster projectile with a small ring is 11-22 km, and that of an unguided 9M27F rocket is 8-21 km. In the case of using a large braking range, the flight range of a cluster projectile is 9 - 15 km, and the 9M27F projectile is 8 - 16 km.

The complex can be operated in conditions where the enemy uses nuclear, bacteriological, chemical weapons V different times year and day, at an air temperature of -40... +50°C. in different climatic conditions.

The Uragan multiple launch rocket system can be transported by water, rail or air.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the 9P140 MLRS “Uragan”:
The mass of the combat vehicle in combat position is 20 tons;
The mass of the combat vehicle without crew and shells is 15.1 tons;
Dimensions in stowed position:
Length – 9.630 m;
Width – 2.8 m;
Height – 3.225 m;
Wheel formula - 8x8
Number of guides – 16 pcs;
Rotation of guides – 240 degrees;
Recharge time – 15 minutes;
Cruising range on the highway – 500 km;
The time for transferring a combat vehicle from traveling to combat position is no more than 3 minutes;
The time to leave the firing position after firing a salvo is less than 1.5 minutes;
Temperature range for combat use – from -40 to +50 °C;
Surface wind – up to 20 m/s;
Relative air humidity at 20..25 °C – up to 98%;
Dust content of ground air – up to 2 g/m3;
Application altitude above sea level – up to 3000 m;
General characteristics of rockets:
Caliber – 220 mm
Weight of solid propellant powder charge – 104.1 kg
Maximum firing range – 35 km;
Minimum firing range – 8 km;
Temperature range for combat use – from -50 to +50 °C;
The temperature range for short-term (up to 6 hours) stay of the RS is from -60 to +60 °C.

New work by Pavel Cherepanov, a model of the Uragan rocket system, captured by DPR troops from Ukraine as a trophy no later than July 2015. The model is for sale!


Material taken from here:

The BM-27 Uragan multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), 220 mm caliber (GRAU index - 9K57), was widely used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the battles in the Donbass. Usually so serious artillery systems are located far in the rear (maximum firing range 35,800 m, minimum - 8,000 m) and suffer relatively small losses during combat operations. All the more surprising is the list of losses of equipment of this type among Ukrainian warriors. All installations of this type, used during battles with the separatists, were part of the 27th ReAP (later renamed the 27th Brigade, ReAB)

The regiment was created in 2008 by pushing into it all the available Uragan MLRS from the entire Ukrainian army. In theory, the regiment should have 36 9P140 installations - (4 installations in a battery) - 12 batteries:
1st Rocket Artillery Battalion
2nd Rocket Artillery Battalion
3rd Rocket Artillery Battalion
4th Division-Directorate
In fact, at the beginning of the fighting, the regiment had about 30 installations and about 20 TZM 9T452 (transport-loading vehicle).

The regiment first “checked in” in the Donbass in July 2014.
“On July 3 and 4, firing was carried out - the third to deter, the fourth to defeat the enemy. The moral and psychological state of the personnel is cheerful. We showed in the ATO zone that we have serious weapons on our hands,” said Major Dmitry Gorb, deputy commander of the 27th Sumy Rocket Artillery Regiment for work with personnel.

The first to be targeted was the 5th battery of the 27th regiment. They dubbed themselves “Sumy boars”))). Already on August 5, it was fired upon in the Gorlovka area. 1 person was killed and 1 person was definitely injured.

1. The first recorded loss was this installation. The car number and battery are not installed. "Hurricane" was destroyed on August 20-22, 2014 in the area of ​​Petrovskoye. (surroundings of Saur-Mogila). Judging by the lowered jacks, the launcher was in a combat position at the time of destruction. Two TZMs from the same 27th regiment were also destroyed there. And one TZM was captured by the “separatists” intact. She was simply abandoned in the bushes.

2. On September 1, 2014, a column of the 27th regiment was ambushed near the village. Osykovo. Two Uragan MLRS installations were destroyed.

3. The second destroyed vehicle from the same convoy.

4. 09/03/2014 together with the command of “sector D” in the village. Pobeda, Lugansk region. The “camp” of the 9th battery of the 27th ReAP was covered with artillery fire. Result: two BM-27 installations were destroyed. The rest are damaged. The regiment also suffered heavy losses in personnel.

5. The second installation was destroyed there

Almost the 9th battery of the 27th ReAP was completely destroyed.

“They wanted to destroy our equipment without sparing people”
“There were no signs of trouble that day. On September 2, the soldiers of the 27th regiment were given the order to leave the base near the village of Pobeda. The next day, there were still 38 guys left in the regiment’s camp: some were fiddling around with equipment, some were calling their relatives. They died in trenches and hangars. At 19.10, three shells from the Smerch rocket system hit our camp,” Dmitry Gorb, deputy regiment commander for work with personnel, major, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. – We are sure that they fired from Russia, they fired purposefully to destroy our equipment.
And the opponents succeeded - 15 units of heavy equipment, including the Uragan, which can hit a target at a distance of 36 km, were destroyed. Some installations were turned upside down by the force of the impact, and 20-ton combat vehicles burned to the ground. As of September 5, 17 missing, 4 killed, 13 people “information is being clarified,” and three wounded.

6. On September 29, 2014, near Volnovakha, as a result of an artillery strike, another BM-27 Uragan launcher of the 27th ReAP was completely burned out at the firing position. Pay attention to the lowered jacks - the launcher is in the firing position.

7. Most likely, one of the “surviving” launchers of the 9th battery after the local armageddon on September 3, subsequently also went “irrevocable”. This is how it looked on December 20, 2014 on SPAM, in the area of ​​Svatovo.

8. On October 29, 2015, information appears about another destroyed BM-27 launcher. There in the Svatovo area.

9. On the same day, two more launchers were destroyed.

In addition, the “separatists” captured at least one launcher from the 27th ReAP. On July 23, 2015, she was caught on camera at the VSN repair facility.

In addition to all of the above, two more TZMs were captured in the Amvrosievka-Saur-Mogila area back in August-September 2014.

Based on photo and video evidence, the 27th separate rocket artillery regiment, during the hostilities that took place in the Donbass from July 2014 to October 2015, irretrievably lost 11 launchers of the BM-27 Uragan 9P140 MLRS (10 destroyed and 1 taken by the enemy in as a trophy), which is 30.5% with a staff strength of 36 vehicles. If we take into account the information that there were never regular 36 launchers in the regiment, but only 30 vehicles, then irrecoverable losses amount to 36.6% of the available materiel. Plus, at least 7 9T452 transport-loading vehicles were lost irretrievably.

Later, in November 2015, a huge amount of ammunition was destroyed as a result of an explosion at the joint missile and artillery weapons depots of “sector A” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Svatovo, a Ukrainian-controlled part of the Lugansk region. At the same time, the 220-mm Uragan MLRS division from the 27th Sumy Rocket Artillery Brigade was completely destroyed. Also, according to open data, more than a thousand shells for the Uragan and a certain number for the Smerch MLRS were lost at that time. In terms of equipment, the following were lost in Svatovo: one 9A52 Smerch combat vehicle, four 9T234 transport-loading vehicles for the 9A52 Smerch BM, seven 9P140 Uragan combat vehicles, eight 9T452 transport-loading vehicles for the 9P140 Uragan BM).

The model was built “based on” photographs of Ukrainian equipment, I did not find detailed photographs of the DPR “Hurricane”, only one blurry photo from the repair shop, and several photos of transport-loading vehicles. Therefore, I simply painted over the white stripes with bright green paint, but did not depict the DPR inscriptions - I didn’t calculate the width of the stripes a little... And I don’t have such skills, depicting letters with a free brush is a very risky business.

I don’t want to comment in detail on the process of building this model; the assembly is very labor-intensive, or rather time-consuming. It doesn’t pose any particular difficulties, but each subassembly—cabin, launcher, landing gear—is like a whole independent model. A bunch of small things that tend to get lost in the process... Eight huge and heavy resin wheels are also a separate epic. The painting is also divided into several stages, each more tedious than the other... I did different shades of green for the landing gear and the launcher. The red and black camouflage of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is depicted on the cockpit, and the “pregnant” stripes were previously blown out and masked with tape. Weathering - as usual, no frills. I tried out a new thing - a marker with liquid chrome, for coloring the headlight reflector and mirrors. Amazing thing, gives the effect of a natural mirror shine! The very last step is to paint over the white stripes with bright green paint.

Trumpeter 01026 - 1/35 9P140 TEL of 9K57 Hurricane
Miniarm B35147 – 1/35 Resin Sagged Wheels I-159 for MRLS (BM-27) Hurricane
Voyager Model – BR35140 9P140 TEL of 9K57 Hurricane Lenses and taillights

The model is for sale!

Pavel Cherepanov


The URAGAN multiple launch rocket system is a very old product. I had to remember about it only because Ukraine is actively using the URAGAN MLRS in the war against the Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

Design and development history of the URAGAN MLRS

As usual, it all started with the desire to create a rocket system that could fire at the enemy from a distance excluding a retaliatory strike. In the fifty-first year of the last century, the BMD-20 rocket launcher was adopted. It had a rocket with a caliber of two hundred millimeters and a length of about three meters. The warhead contained thirty kilograms of explosives. The main disadvantage was the short firing range - only eighteen kilometers. The rocket's non-folding stabilizer caused many problems. Because of this, the launch guides turned out to be very bulky.
Therefore, development began various options missiles with a folding stabilizer and increased range. The caliber of the rocket gradually increased and reached two hundred and twenty millimeters. I don’t know why, but this caliber is organically not pleasant to me. I would make a missile of two hundred and forty millimeters in caliber, since missiles of this caliber were in service with the Soviet army.
The launch guide itself is a pipe with two grooves. The rocket enters these grooves with its protrusions and receives a small rotational movement. At first they tried to place twenty launch tubes, but it turned out a little cumbersome. Therefore, the URAGAN MLRS with sixteen launch tubes was adopted for service. The funny thing is that a hurricane cannot shoot during a hurricane. When the wind is more than twenty meters per second, it is prohibited to shoot, apparently they are afraid that the wind will bend the rocket when leaving the guides.
The guides themselves are installed on a ZIL-135LM all-terrain vehicle, which has four drive axles and large-diameter wheels.

The bottom photo shows two jacks that are lowered to the ground before the salvo. These jacks reduce the rocking of the vehicle during a salvo and improve the accuracy of fire.
The machine has two engines with a capacity of one hundred and eighty horsepower, which are located immediately behind the cabin. The fuel reserve is five hundred liters. The fuel is located in the main tank with a capacity of three hundred liters and two spare tanks of one hundred liters each. The fuel reserve is enough for five hundred and seventy kilometers. Maximum speed on the highway sixty-five kilometers per hour.
The launcher's pointing angles in the vertical plane range from plus five to fifty-five degrees. In the horizontal plane, the guides can be adjusted thirty degrees in both directions.
For loading, a special vehicle is designed, which carries sixteen missiles and has devices for loading the URAGAN MLRS. It is made on the same chassis as the launcher.

The rockets have funny basins on their noses. This is a special device for reducing the firing range. It’s just that the URAGAN MLRS physically cannot shoot close. Therefore, devices are put on the rocket to increase its resistance in flight and reduce its firing range. In my opinion, you can forget about accuracy of fire in this case.

If you enlarge the photo, you can see the basin on the nose of the flying rocket.

URAGAN MLRS missiles

The rockets are the most ordinary, compared to even a little primitive. But it was these missiles that were the first to receive cluster warheads.

Rocket 9M27F

The simplest one has a high-explosive warhead. The maximum firing range is thirty-five kilometers. The minimum firing range is ten kilometers. If you put a basin on the nose of the rocket, the minimum firing range will decrease to eight kilometers.

1. rocket length - 4833 millimeters
2. rocket weight - 280 kilograms
3. warhead weight - 99 kilograms
4. explosive weight - 49 kilograms

URAGAN 9M27K MLRS missile

This is the first missile with a cluster warhead. It contained thirty fragmentation combat elements. They were located in five sections of six around the central pipe.

The combat fragmentation element weighs 1.85 kilograms, contains three hundred grams of explosive and has three hundred and fifty ready-made submunitions. The striking elements are cylinders made of hard steel pressed into a polyethylene sleeve. Thickness of a steel sheet penetrated by a ready-made destructive element:
1. at a distance of 10 meters - 6 millimeters
2. at a distance of 50 meters - 3.5 millimeters
3. at a distance of 100 meters - 2 millimeters

URAGAN MLRS missiles for mining areas.

There are three types of such missiles. Two are intended for laying tank mines and one carries anti-personnel mines.
The warhead of the 9M27K2 missile contains twenty-four PTM-1 anti-tank mines. This is very ancient mine, all she can do is break the tank track.

It’s not very clear from the photo, so I’ll have to explain it with my fingers. The mine has the shape of a prism with three sides. The mines are located around the central tube of the warhead, eight in three rows. The disadvantage of a mine is that to detonate it you have to run over it. It does not damage the tank hull. That is, it disables the tank but does not destroy it.

So that it doesn’t happen again every time, I’ll tell you using the example of this warhead how a cassette weapon works combat unit with any mines. Before the salvo, the warhead deployment time is set. After the specified flight time has elapsed, the rocket is ignited powder charge. Due to the increase in pressure, the fuses of the combat elements are cocked and at the same time the deceleration systems are activated. A further increase in pressure ruptures the rocket body and the mines are dispersed into a certain area. The deceleration system blocks the fuse for a while so that it does not go off when the mine falls. After a certain period of time, the mine fuse blocking system is turned off and the mine becomes in firing position.

The warhead of the 9M59 missile contains only nine PTM-3 mines.

True, this mine is much more effective than the previous one. It is made in the form of a prism with four planes. All planes of the mine and one of its ends have cumulative notches. The fuze reacts to change magnetic field and works under any point of the tank. If you run over a mine with a caterpillar, the tank will only suffer damage to the chassis. But if a mine explodes under the bottom of the tank, the tank will certainly be destroyed. The mine also explodes when you try to move.
The warhead of the 9M27K3 missile contains three hundred and twelve PFM-1S anti-personnel mines.




One of the artillery formations of the Western Military District (WMD), stationed in the Moscow region, received 8 Uragan multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and 16 transport-loading vehicles as part of the rearmament program. The head of the press service of the Western Military District, Colonel Igor Muginov, told TASS.
“These complexes will significantly increase combat capabilities artillerymen during defensive and offensive operations. MLRS are designed to destroy any group targets, open and hidden manpower, lightly armored and armored military equipment, artillery units, tactical missiles, command posts, communications centers and other infrastructure of a mock enemy,” the officer specified.


Newest jet systems Multiple rocket launchers (MLRS) "Tornado-S" (caliber 300 mm) and "Uragan-1M" (220 mm) are already entering service with the Russian army.
This was announced on Saturday by Colonel Mikhail Osyko, head of the department for state defense procurement (GOZ) of arms and military equipment of general purpose forces and interspecific support means of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for provision of state defense orders, on the air of the Russian News Service radio station.
“Today, instead of the MLRS “Grad”, “Uragan” and “Smerch”, we are now entering service with new complexes: instead of “Grad” - “Tornado-G”, instead of “Uragan” - “Uragan-1M”, instead of “ Smercha" - "Tornado-S". They operate at higher ranges, they have more powerful rockets"- said Osyko.
The effectiveness of their defeat, according to him, is much higher.
RIA Novosti

Development of the M-22 Uragan anti-aircraft missile system for the Soviet Navy was started according to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 13, 1972. This Resolution specified the development of the 9K37 Buk military air defense system. These complexes were unified according to the anti-aircraft guided missile. Shipborne universal multi-channel complex medium range"Hurricane" was developed at NPO "Altair", chief designer G.N. Volgin.

Anti-aircraft guided missile 9M38

The Uragan air defense system uses the 9M38 missile, universal for the ground forces and navy, created by the Sverdlovsk machine-building design bureau "Novator" under the leadership of chief designer L.V. Lyulev. IN ground forces The 9M38 is part of the Buk air defense system.

The 9M38 missiles and its modifications (9M38M1 and others) are single-stage with a two-stage solid propellant engine. The missile is capable of maneuvering with an overload of 20 g. The maximum flight speed of the rocket is 1200 m/s.

The missile is equipped with a semi-active homing head, an autopilot, an active radio fuse, a fragmentation warhead, a dual-mode solid propellant engine, as well as a turbogenerator and gas drives operating on hot gas. Before a missile is launched by self-propelled firing or launch-loading systems, a flight mission is generated. In order to maximize the capabilities of the missile and expand the affected area of ​​the complex, additional information is used that is transmitted to the missile via a radio correction line. To receive radio flight correction signals, the rocket has a special channel for receiving and processing the received information.

The missile is aimed at the target using the method of proportional navigation based on signals from a semi-active radar homing head, which includes an on-board computer. Up to 3 missiles can be aimed at each target simultaneously.

The target is hit by warheads that include an active-pulse radio fuse, a high-explosive fragmentation warhead and a contact sensor system. The radius of the target destruction zone is 17m. Contact detonation of the warhead is used when firing at surface targets.

The anti-aircraft guided missile is delivered to the fleet in a fiberglass transport container, completely ready for combat use without checking on-board equipment, and does not require routine maintenance over a long period of operation (up to 10 years) in all climatic zones.

Specifications anti-aircraft guided missile

Weight of the rocket warhead, kg 70
Rocket length, mm 5550
Rocket mass, kg 690

MS-196 launcher

M-22 air defense missile launcher © NPO "Altair"
Target illumination radar antenna posts © NPO "Altair"

The MS-196 launcher (MO index 3S-90) is a deck-mounted, easel-type launcher with one launch beam and a lower missile suspension. A drum-type storage device with two concentric rows of vertically arranged guides designed to hold 24 missiles. The rate at which missiles leave one launcher is 12 seconds. The weight of the launcher without missiles is 30 tons. The cellar area is 5.2 x 5.2 m, depth - 7.42 m. The rate of rocket descent is 12 s.

The PU was developed by Design Bureau "Start" (formerly GKBKM - compressor mechanical engineering), chief designer A.I. Yaskin.

Control system

The Uragan shipborne anti-aircraft missile system does not have its own target detection radar, since, according to the designers, the creation of a detection system that duplicates the main ship-wide station will lead to unreasonably large labor costs and weight-dimensional characteristics of the complex. Therefore, the Uragan receives information from the ship’s general three-dimensional radar detection and target designation station.

The complex's control system includes information display and fire control devices, a digital computer complex, a target illumination system and a television sighting system. Radio projectors of the illumination system are placed on the ship's superstructures in such a way that their maximum simultaneous use in any direction is possible.

The ship's control system ZR-90 operated from the general detection radar MR-700 ("Fregat-M") installed on the main mast. The coordinates of all detected targets were sent to the central post on the OI-5Ts device (aerial information multiplier). Searchlights for radar illumination of targets (OP-3), two target extrapolators (OI-14), a target distribution device (OK-10VP), televisions (OT-10), a fire control device (OK-10) and others - this is a rather complex circuit transmission of primary radar information to the missile itself. Theoretically, the control station was capable of providing tracking of 24 targets and firing at 19 (if the ship had the appropriate number of teleoptical sights and illumination spotlights), but in practice these figures were 12 and 6 targets, respectively.

The readiness time of the complex from a cold state does not exceed 3 minutes. During combat, the complex can operate autonomously or with centralized control from the ship's general air defense control systems.

"Hurricane" ensures stable operation at any time of the day, in any weather conditions and with sea waves up to 5 points.


In 1974-1976. The large anti-submarine ship Project 61 "Provorny" was converted into Project 61-E (experimental) to test the Uragan complex with the Fregat radar. Anti-aircraft guns were removed from the ship missile systems"Volna", and in place of the stern they placed prototype new multi-channel air defense system "Hurricane". In the future, it was planned to install two of the same bow ships and modernize at least four ships according to this project. These plans were not destined to come true, and the Provorny remained the only frigate of Project 61 armed with the Uragan air defense system. And “Provorny” itself was scrapped in 1990.


The Uragan air defense systems are armed with EM pr.956. The lead EM pr.956 "Modern" (serial number 861) was laid down in 1976, launched in December 1978, and in the summer of 1980 it underwent acceptance tests in the Baltic Sea; on December 25, 1980, an acceptance certificate was signed.

The Uragan air defense system itself was officially put into service only in 1983. By mid-1992, 15 Project 956 EMs with this complex were put into operation.

The complex was installed on Soviet destroyers of the Sovremenny class (Project 956). From 1985 to the present, 16 ships of this class have been built, and after 2000, 2 destroyers will be built for the Chinese Navy.

On EM pr. 956 there are two launchers M-22 air defense systems, which are located respectively in the bow and stern parts of the ship directly behind artillery installations AK-130-MR184. Missile ammunition - 48 pieces.

The maximum range of hitting targets with the Uragan complex at an altitude of more than 1 km is 25 km, at an altitude of 25 m and below - 12 km. Firing zone - 360o. The maximum speed of targets hit is 830 m/s. The number of simultaneously fired targets (determined by the configuration of the complex) is up to 12 units.


For export shipborne air defense system"Hurricane" is offered under the name " Calm"Currently, the Shtil complexes are supplied to China as part of the armament of the Project 956E EM, and to India as part of the Project 11356 frigate, Delhi class EM.


According to A. Pavlov, on EM pr. 956, starting with “Bezuderzhny”, a modification of the “Uragan” air defense system is installed - “Uragan-Tornado”. The new complex has doubled the far border of the affected area to 70 km ( Most likely this is a typo, and the far border is no more than 40 km - approx. Air Defense Bulletin), the lower boundary of the lesion is reduced to 5 m.

IN Western press there was mention of another modernization of the Uragan air defense system - "Ezh". This complex is expected to use the new 9M317 universal missile from the Buk-M2 land-based missile system.

A. Pavlov "Destroyer "Modern"

A. Shirokorad "Rockets over the sea", magazine "Technology and Weapons" No. 5, 1996

A.V. Karpenko "Russian rocket weapons 1943-1993". St. Petersburg, "PIKA", 1993

V.V. Kostrichenko, A.A. Prostokishin "Singing frigates". Large anti-submarine ships of Project 61.