Description of the Satan rocket. Satan is the most powerful nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile (10 photos)

Work to create a strategic missile complex R-36M2 began in August 1983. Their main goal is to refine previous version complex - R-36M UTTH. The updated complex, called “Voevoda” (or “Satan” missile according to NATO classification), was supposed to have higher anti-nuclear protection and the ability to overcome promising American missile defense. The development of the complex was headed by one of the managers of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau, Stanislav Ivanovich Us.

Implementation of advanced technical solutions

The creators of Voivode V.G. Sergeev, S.I. Us and V.F. Utkin

Development unique complex ended in September 1989. As a result of the colossal efforts of the Soviet military-industrial complex, it was possible to create the world's most powerful missile delivery vehicle nuclear weapons, which became a “headache” for our potential opponents for many years.

Thanks to the introduction of the latest scientific achievements, it was possible to increase the accuracy of destruction by almost 1.5 times, the duration of autonomous flight by 3 times, and reduce the readiness time for launch by 2 times. The modernized Satan missile could “pour out” a dozen constantly maneuvering missile defense invulnerable missiles onto the aggressor’s head. nuclear warheads individual guidance total mass about 9 tons.

The fight for survivability

The survivability of the complex, in particular silo launchers, has significantly increased, which allows launches even after a nuclear strike. The missile in flight became virtually invulnerable to the damaging effects of a nuclear explosion. This was achieved through the use of a special multifunctional coating and a unique head fairing.

Beyond competition

The Voevoda rocket, like all its predecessors, has a tandem stage arrangement. This is in all respects the most powerful rocket in the world, weighing more than 210 tons and over 34 meters long. For comparison, its American counterpart, Minuteman III, is half as long and almost 7 times lighter.

Tactical and technical characteristics of intercontinental ballistic missiles

Another Soviet know-how embodied in the Voevoda missile is a mortar launch. The rocket launches from the silo not with the help of the switched on first stage engines, but due to the activation of powder pressure accumulators, which literally shoot it out of the transport and launch container, after which the engines start.

However, the most big problem for our enemies it represents an improved complex for overcoming missile defense, which includes a whole cloud of false targets that completely imitate combat units on the final leg of the flight. In the event of war, the “voevoda” turns for his enemies into an all-destroying “Satan”, a nightmare come to life in reality, glorified in Hollywood blockbusters, from which there is and cannot be salvation.

Safety margin

The Voevoda complex passed its quarter-century mark at the zenith of glory and power. He still has no equal and remains in office as before. Five years ago, after another successful firing, the Russian defense department decided to extend its service life for at least the next 23 years.

“Voevoda” is a weapon of retaliation. According to some reports, of the 350 strategic missiles in service today, a fifth are accounted for by it. And in 3-4 years, solid reinforcements are expected - the new generation strategic complex “Sarmat”.

The most powerful missile on Earth today is the RS-36M or SS-18 “Satan” (according to the classification of NATO experts), according to Russian system designations, the weapon is called “Voevoda”. It has been in service with the Strategic Missile Forces from the late 70s to the present day.

This is the most dangerous missile for potential enemies, since there is no unattainable point on Earth for it, and in a matter of seconds its warhead will wipe out all life within a radius of 500 km2. Therefore, in the West, the RS-36M is considered the creation of the devil. The presence of such weapons prevents aggression from Western “partners” and serves as a deterrent to the outbreak of a global war.


Two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile“Satan” was developed on the basis of another R-36 missile, but the designers made significant improvements. The design of the weapon began in 1969, and the assembly of experimental samples was completed by the end of 1975.

In 1970, changes were introduced to the design to improve the reliability of the main parts and equipment. In the middle of the same year, all regulatory authorities approved the final project of “Satan” and Yuzhnoye Design Bureau received permission to produce the modernized RS-36M. The last test launches were made at the end of November 1979.

The Satan missile was created by specialists from the Yuzhnoye design bureau, headed by M.K. Yangel, and after his death - V.F. Utkin. A completely unique intercontinental missile was designed with improved technical parameters.

When launching rockets with a large mass, specialists were faced with the problem of their depreciation in the silos.

The designers of the legendary Spetsmash Design Bureau decided to use compressed gas to give acceleration at the start. A similar principle was called mortar launch, which was used for the first time for weapons of this size and weight. The use of such a scheme significantly reduces the mass of the combat unit and the costs of its launch.

In addition, specialists created shock absorbers that made it possible to launch more massive rockets than Satan. Thanks to the unique launch method, the RS-36M Voevoda was at least 30 years ahead of everything existing in the world missile systems.

The developers from Yuzhnoye Design Bureau and Spetsmash Design Bureau were also joined by Muscovites from KBTM. Project manager V. Soloviev proposed a pendulum mounting system in the silo. The project was approved by the Ministry of General Machinery and allowed for production, but the final form was adopted by the Spetsmash development with a mortar launch method using reinforced shock absorbers.

The final R-36M design included 4 types of warheads:

  1. single-block MS 15F171 with BB 15F172 – capacity more than 20 Mt;
  2. MIRV 15F173 includes 10 unguided high-speed combat warheads (BB) 15F174 - the power of each is more than 0.8 Mt;
  3. GC 15F175 with “light” BB 15F176 – power about 8.3 Mt;
  4. 15F177 multiple warhead with six 15F174 unguided BBs and four 15F178 guided BBs.

There were other developments, but they did not make it to series.

Mine installation technology and testing

To conduct full tests of the modernized missile system, a special launch pad was created at Baikonur in 1971. During the testing process, a dummy rocket was used, since testing such a weapon without catastrophic consequences for environment impossible.

Testers tested the ability of “Satan” to fly to a height of at least 20 meters. The performance of the engines and the timeliness of their starting were also checked. A total of 43 launches were carried out, 36 of which were successful, but 7 times the dummy rocket fell to the ground.

The designers provided a revolutionary installation method for our country according to the plant-start scheme. It provided for the complete assembly of the Voevoda at the factory, followed by installation directly into the mine.

As a result, the time the complex spent without protection was reduced.

The main risk remained only at the stage of delivery of the complex to the launch site. "Satan" was brought by rail, the container was reloaded without the use of a crane onto a special transport trolley. Using this trolley, it was delivered to the silo and automatically mounted.

The missile was directly docked with its warhead after it was refueled. To do this, about 180 tons of toxic and rather aggressive substances were poured into the tanks. After connecting the parts of the rocket, the roof of the silo was closed, sealed and handed over to the guard missilemen.

Design Features

Especially for new rocket KB "Energomash" designed the RD-264 engine, consisting of 4 rocket launchers RD-263 with one camera. It was installed on the first stage of “Satan”. The second stage was equipped with a single-chamber main engine RD-0228, created by specialists from the Chemical Automation Design Bureau, headed by A. Konopatov.

Further production was carried out at Yuzhmash in Dnepropetrovsk. Additionally, there is a four-chamber steering motor. The propulsion systems operate on unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine with nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer. The intermediate pan separates the fuel tank and the oxidizer container.

The stages are separated according to the principle of gas dynamics - the explosive bolts connecting the parts of the rocket are activated, and the gases from the pressurization of the fuel tanks are ejected through the windows intended for this purpose.

Protected by a casing, a network of cables and a pneumohydraulic system are carried through the body.

The digital computing system installed on board the Satan is responsible for the shooting accuracy. Combat equipment is characterized by increased reliability, accuracy, nuclear safety during storage, fire safety, and resistance to various types of radiation.

If potential adversaries use a nuclear strike on the R-36M's basing area, the heat-protective coating will help overcome the contaminated area, and gamma-neutron sensors will turn off the power plant, but the engines will remain in working order. The missile will continue to move outside the danger zone and hit the previously designated target. Thus, “Satan” is low-vulnerable to enemy nuclear forces and missile defense systems.

Design solutions have improved such characteristics as shooting accuracy by three times compared to the previously created R-36. The preparation time for launch was reduced by almost 4 times. Launcher protection has been improved 30 times.

Performance characteristics

TTHR-36M “Satan” is unique and still has no analogues in the world. The missile has excellent combat and technical characteristics. The most significant of them are presented in the table.

Rocket length, m34,3
Diameter, m3
Weight at start, t211,4
Head mass, t8,47 – 8,73
Fuel mass, t180
Stage I liquid fuel, t150,2
Stage II liquid fuel, t37,6
Dilution stage liquid fuel, t2,1
Oxidantnitrogen tetroxide
Energy-weight perfection coefficient Gpg/Go, kgf/tf42.1
Maximum missile flight range, km16000
Number of steps2
Flight reliability factor0,974
Reliability level2
Extended service life, years25
Warranty service life, years15
Air temperature for possibility combat use rocketsfrom -50 to +50°С
Wind speed for combat use, m/sup to 25
Rocket flight speed, m/sup to 3120
Number of combat warheads in one missile10
Control systeminertial autonomous
Startup typeMortar launch from a silo
Radius of guaranteed accurate hit to the target, m1 000

Despite repeated attempts by our so-called Western “partners” to destroy or significantly reduce the stock of these missiles in the country’s nuclear shield system, “Governors are still serving on the borders of Russia. They will work for the defense of the country in the Strategic Missile Forces Russian Federation until 2026

Combat use

Russia currently has 75 Satans in service. The missiles contain 750 nuclear warheads. In total, the Russian nuclear shield has more than 1,670 warheads, and half of them are “Satan”. But since 2015, some of the missiles of this modification are gradually being replaced by more modern combat missile systems.

The Satan has never been used in combat due to the fact that this very powerful deadly weapon can cause irreparable damage to the environment and humanity as a whole. The use of even one missile can lead to the disappearance, for example, of an entire state in the United States. In the mid-80s. The R-36M was massively replaced with improved units.

Instead of disposal due to its high cost, it was decided to use them to launch artificial satellites.

R-36M unavailable electromagnetic pulses, since the “Voevoda” control system is duplicated with pneumatic and electronic automatic machines. To overcome the enemy's missile defense, the Satan was equipped with decoys, both light and quasi-heavy, dipole reflectors and active jammers.

Thanks to the efforts of Soviet scientists and designers who worked on the creation of the Satan or Voevoda ballistic missile system, the most unique and powerful weapon on the planet was created. These intercontinental missiles are the pride of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces in our time.

Despite the enormous efforts made, potential adversaries of the Russian Federation have so far been unable to create anything similar in power and efficiency. Russia need not fear for the safety of our Motherland and its inhabitants.


1975 (MIRV)
15A18: September 18
15A18M: August 11

Manufacturer Yuzhmash software Years of production since 1970 Units produced 500
100 R-36M2 Years of use R-36M until 1982 Main operators USSR USSR/Russia Russia Strategic Missile Forces Modifications missiles of the R-36M family:
R-36M (15A14)
R-36M UTTH (15A18)
R-36M2 (15A18M)
R-36M3 "Icarus"
space rockets:
"Dnepr" (15A18) (conversion) Main technical characteristics

Weight: 211.4 t
Diameter: 3 m
Length: 34.6 m
Throwing weight: 8800 kg
Type of RF: 1x25 Mt, 1x8 Mt or MIRV IN 8x1 Mt or 10x1 Mt
Maximum range: 11000-16000 km
Generalized reliability index: 0.935

Images on Wikimedia Commons

The missile system with a heavy-class multi-purpose intercontinental ballistic missile is designed to destroy all types of targets protected modern means Missile defense, in any conditions of combat use, including multiple nuclear impacts in a positional area. Its use makes it possible to implement a strategy of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.

Main features of the complex:

History of creation[ | ]

Voevoda missile system
with R-36M2 missile

The development of the R-36M strategic missile system with a third-generation heavy intercontinental ballistic missile 15A14 and a silo launcher with increased security 15P714 was led by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The new rocket used all the best developments obtained during the creation of the previous complex - R-36.

The technical solutions used to create the rocket made it possible to create the world's most powerful combat missile system. It was significantly superior to its predecessor, the R-36:

  • in terms of shooting accuracy - 3 times.
  • in terms of combat readiness - 4 times.
  • in terms of the energy capabilities of the rocket - 1.4 times.
  • according to the initially established warranty period of operation - 1.4 times.
  • in terms of launcher security - 15-30 times.
  • in terms of the degree of utilization of the launcher volume - 2.4 times.

The two-stage R-36M rocket was made according to the “tandem” design with a sequential arrangement of stages. To make the best use of the volume, dry compartments were excluded from the rocket, with the exception of the second stage interstage adapter. The applied design solutions made it possible to increase the fuel supply by 11% while maintaining the diameter and reducing the total length of the first two stages of the rocket by 400 mm compared to the 8K67 rocket.

The first stage uses a propulsion system RD-264, consisting of four single-chamber 15D117 engines operating in a closed circuit, developed by KBEM (chief designer - V.P. Glushko). The engines are hinged and their deflection according to commands from the control system provides control of the rocket's flight.

The second stage uses a propulsion system consisting of a main single-chamber 15D7E (RD-0229) engine operating in a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering engine 15D83 (RD-0230) operating in an open circuit.

The separation of the first and second stages is gas-dynamic. It was ensured by the actuation of explosive bolts and the outflow of pressurized gases from the fuel tanks through special windows.

Thanks to the improved rocket with complete ampulization of fuel systems after refueling and the elimination of leakage of compressed gases from the side of the rocket, it was possible to increase the time spent in full combat readiness to 10-15 years with the potential for operation up to 25 years.

The schematic diagrams of the rocket and control system were developed based on the possibility of using three variants of the warhead:

  • Lightweight monoblock with a charge capacity of 8 Mt and a flight range of 16,000 km;
  • Heavy monoblock with a charge capacity of 20-25 Mt and a flight range of 11,200 km;
  • Multiple warhead (MIRV) of 8 warheads with a capacity of 1.3 Mt each;

All missile warheads were equipped with an improved set of means to overcome missile defense. For the first time, quasi-heavy decoys were created for the 15A14 missile's anti-missile defense system. Thanks to the use of a special solid-propellant booster engine, the progressively increasing thrust of which compensates for the aerodynamic braking force of the decoy, it was possible to imitate the characteristics of warheads in almost all selectivity characteristics in the extra-atmospheric part of the trajectory and a significant part of the atmospheric part.

One of the technical innovations that largely determined the high level of performance of the new missile system was the use of a mortar launch of a missile from a transport and launch container (TPC). For the first time in world practice, a mortar design for a heavy liquid-propelled ICBM was developed and implemented. At launch, the pressure created by the powder pressure accumulators pushed the rocket out of the TPK and only after leaving the silo the rocket engine was started.

The missile, placed at the manufacturing plant in a transport and launch container, was transported and installed in a silo launcher (silo) in an unfuelled state. The rocket was refueled with fuel components and the warhead was docked after installing the TPK with the rocket in the silo. Checks of on-board systems, preparation for launch and launch of the rocket were carried out automatically after the control system received the appropriate commands from a remote command post. To prevent unauthorized launch, the control system accepted for execution only commands with a specific code key. The use of such an algorithm became possible thanks to the implementation at all command posts Strategic Missile Forces new system centralized management.

Control system[ | ]

The developer of the control system (including the on-board computer) was the Electrical Instrumentation Design Bureau (KBE, now JSC Khartron, Kharkov), the on-board computer was produced by the Kiev Radio Plant, the control system was mass-produced at the Shevchenko and Kommunar factories (Kharkov).

Tests [ | ]

Roll tests of the rocket to test the mortar launch system began in January 1970, flight tests were carried out from February 21. Already at the first launches at the Kura test site in Kamchatka, the control system made it possible to obtain an azimuth-range deviation of 600x800 meters.

Of the 43 test launches, 36 were successful and 7 were failures.

The monoblock version of the R-36M missile with a “light” warhead was put into service on November 20, 1978. The variant with a multiple warhead was accepted into service on November 29, 1979. The first missile regiment with the R-36M ICBM entered combat duty on December 25, 1974.

In 1980, the 15A14 missiles, which were on combat duty, were re-equipped without removal from the silos with improved MIRVs created for the 15A18 missile. The missiles continued combat duty under the designation 15A18-1.

In 1982, the R-36M ICBMs were removed from combat duty and replaced with R-36M UTTH (15A18) missiles.

R-36M UTTH [ | ]

Development of a third generation strategic missile system R-36M UTTH(GRAC index - 15P018, START code - RS-20B, according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO - SS-18 Mod.4) with a rocket 15A18, equipped with a 10-unit multiple warhead, began on August 16, 1976.

The missile system was created as a result of the implementation of a program to improve and increase the combat effectiveness of the previously developed 15P014 (R-36M) complex. The complex ensures the destruction of up to 10 targets with one missile, including high-strength small-sized or particularly large area targets located on terrain of up to 300,000 km², in conditions of effective counteraction by enemy missile defense systems. Increased efficiency of the new complex was achieved due to:

The layout of the 15A18 rocket is similar to the 15A14. This is a two-stage rocket with a tandem arrangement of stages. The new rocket uses the first and second stages of the 15A14 rocket without modifications. The first stage engine is a four-chamber liquid propellant rocket engine RD-264 of a closed design. The second stage uses a single-chamber propulsion rocket engine RD-0229 of a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering rocket engine RD-0257 of an open circuit. The separation of stages and the separation of the combat stage is gas-dynamic.

The main difference of the new missile was the newly developed propagation stage and MIRV with ten new high-speed warheads with increased power charges. The propulsion stage engine is four-chamber, dual-mode (thrust 2000 kgf and 800 kgf) with multiple (up to 25 times) switching between modes. This allows you to create the most optimal conditions when disengaging all warheads. One more design feature This engine has two fixed positions of the combustion chambers. In flight, they are located inside the propagation stage, but after the stage is separated from the rocket special mechanisms the combustion chambers are brought out beyond the outer contour of the compartment and deployed to implement the “pulling” scheme for disengaging the warheads. The MIRV itself is made according to a two-tier design with a single aerodynamic fairing. The memory capacity of the onboard computer was also increased and the control system was modernized to use improved algorithms. At the same time, the shooting accuracy was improved by 2.5 times, and the readiness time for launch was reduced to 62 seconds.

The R-36M UTTH missile in a transport and launch container (TPK) is installed in a silo launcher and is on combat duty in a fueled state in full combat readiness. To load the TPK into a mine structure, SKB MAZ has developed special transport and installation equipment in the form of a high-cross-country semi-trailer with a tractor based on the MAZ-537. The mortar method of launching a rocket is used.

Flight development tests of the R-36M UTTH rocket began on October 31, 1977 at the Baikonur test site. According to the flight test program, 19 launches were carried out, 2 of which were unsuccessful. The reasons for these failures were clarified and eliminated, and the effectiveness of the measures taken was confirmed by subsequent launches. A total of 62 launches were carried out, of which 56 were successful.

On September 18, 1979, three missile regiments began combat duty at the new missile system. As of 1987, 308 R-36M UTTH ICBMs were deployed in six missile divisions. As of May 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces included 74 mines launchers with R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 ICBMs, equipped with 10 warheads each.

The high reliability of the complex was confirmed by 159 launches as of September 2000, of which only four were unsuccessful. These failures during the launch of serial products are due to manufacturing defects.

A joint Russian-Ukrainian venture was also created for the development and further commercial use of the light-class launch vehicle "Dnepr" based on the R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 missiles.

R-36M2 [ | ]

R-36M2 missile without TPK. The first stage propulsion system is covered with a pallet.

On August 9, 1983, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau was tasked with modifying the R-36M UTTH missile so that it could overcome the promising American missile defense system (ABM). In addition, it was necessary to increase the protection of the missile and the entire complex from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

As a result of the use of the latest technical solutions, the energy capabilities of the 15A18M rocket have been increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket. At the same time, all conditions for restrictions on dimensions and starting weight imposed by the SALT-2 agreement are met. Missiles of this type are the most powerful of all intercontinental ballistic missiles. In terms of technological level, the complex has no analogues in the world. Used in a missile system active protection silo launcher from nuclear warheads and high-precision non-nuclear weapons, and for the first time in the country, low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out.

Compared to the prototype, the new complex managed to achieve improvements in many characteristics:

To ensure high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult combat conditions during the development of the R-36M2 complex special attention focused on the following areas:

  • increasing the security and survivability of silos and command posts;
  • ensuring the stability of combat control in all conditions of use of the complex;
  • increasing the autonomy time of the complex;
  • increasing the warranty period;
  • ensuring the rocket's resistance in flight to damaging factors ground and high-altitude nuclear explosions;
  • expanding operational capabilities to retarget missiles.

One of the main advantages of the new complex is the ability to support missile launches in conditions of a retaliatory strike when exposed to ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the missile in the silo launcher and significantly increasing the resistance of the missile in flight to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The rocket body has a multifunctional coating, protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation has been introduced, the speed of the executive bodies of the control system stabilization machine has been increased by 2 times, the head fairing is separated after passing through the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions, the engines of the first and second stages of the rocket have been increased in thrust.

As a result, the radius of the missile’s damage zone with a blocking nuclear explosion, compared to the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, the resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and to gamma-neutron radiation by 100 times. The missile is resistant to the effects of dust formations and large soil particles present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion.

Stationary missile system 15P018M includes 6-10 intercontinental ballistic missiles 15A18M , mounted in silo launchers 15P718M , as well as a unified command post of the UKP 15V155 high security.

Design [ | ]

The rocket is made according to a two-stage design with a sequential arrangement of stages. The missile uses similar launch schemes, stage separation, warhead separation, and disengagement of combat equipment elements, which have shown a high level of technical excellence and reliability in the 15A18 missile.

The propulsion system of the first stage of the rocket includes four hinged single-chamber liquid propellant engines with a turbopump fuel supply system and made in a closed circuit.

The second stage propulsion system includes two engines: a sustainer single-chamber RD-0255 with a turbopump supply of fuel components, made in a closed circuit, and a steering RD-0257, a four-chamber, open circuit, previously used on the 15A18 rocket. Engines of all stages operate on liquid high-boiling fuel components UDMH +AT, the stages are completely ampulized.

The control system is developed on the basis of two high-performance digital control systems (on-board and ground-based) of a new generation and a high-precision complex of command instruments continuously operating during combat duty.

A new head fairing has been developed for the rocket, providing reliable protection of the warhead from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The tactical and technical requirements provided for equipping the missile with four types of warheads:

Thermonuclear charges are covered with a layer of heavy and dense metal - uranium-238 to protect against the laser weapons in the USA under the SDI program, as well as from kinetic and high-explosive fragmentation missile weapons.

As part of any type of combat equipment, a missile defense system is used, consisting of decoys, active radio interference generators, and dipole reflectors (EW).

Tests [ | ]

Flight design tests of the R-36M2 complex began at Baikonur in 1986. The first launch on March 21 ended abnormally: due to an error in the control system, the first stage propulsion system did not start. The missile, emerging from the TPK, immediately fell into the shaft of the mine, its explosion completely destroyed the launcher. There were no human casualties.

The first missile regiment with the R-36M2 ICBM went on combat duty on July 30, 1988, and on August 11 the missile system was put into service. Flight development tests of the new intercontinental missile The fourth generation R-36M2 (15A18M) with all types of combat equipment were completed in September 1989.

Launches [ | ]

On December 21, 2006, at 11:20 am Moscow time, a combat training launch of the RS-20V was carried out. According to the head of the information service and public relations Strategic Missile Forces of Colonel Alexander Vovk, combat training missile units launched from the Orenburg region (Ural region), hit conditional targets with specified accuracy at the Kura training ground of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Pacific Ocean. The first stage fell in the Vagaisky, Vikulovsky and Sorokinsky districts of the Tyumen region. It separated at an altitude of 90 kilometers, the remaining fuel burned as it fell to the ground. The launch took place as part of the Zaryadye development work. The launches gave an affirmative answer to the question about the possibility of operating the R-36M2 complex for 20 years.

On December 24, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. Moscow time, the RS-20V (“Voevoda”) was launched; Press secretary of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense for the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Vadim Koval, said: “On December 24, 2009, at 9:30 Moscow time, the Strategic Missile Forces launched a missile from the positional area of ​​the formation stationed in the Orenburg region.” According to him, the launch was carried out as part of development work in order to confirm the flight performance characteristics of the RS-20V missile and extend the service life of the Voevoda missile system to 23 years.

R-36M3 "Icarus" [ | ]

In 1991, a design for a fifth-generation missile system was developed R-36M3 "Icarus" , but negotiations on the START-1 Treaty and the collapse of the USSR led to the cessation of work on this topic.

Launch vehicle "Dnepr"[ | ]

"Dnepr" is a conversion space launch vehicle, created on the basis of the intercontinental ballistic missiles R-36M UTTH and R-36M2, which are subject to elimination, by cooperation of Russian and Ukrainian enterprises and designed to launch up to 3.7 tons of payload (spacecraft or group of satellites) to orbits with an altitude of 300-900 km.

The implementation of the program for the creation and operation of the Dnepr launch vehicle is carried out by the International Space Company CJSC Kosmotras.

The Dnepr launch vehicle is used in two modifications:

  • "Dnepr-1" - using the main components of the ICBM without modifications, with the exception of the fairing adapter.
  • "Dnepr-M" - version of the launch vehicle, modernized by installation additional attitude control and stabilization engines, refinement of the control system and the use of an elongated nose fairing, due to which greater capabilities for launching payload have been achieved, including increased maximum height orbits.

For launches of the Dnepr launch vehicle, a launcher is used at site 109 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome and launchers at the Yasny base of the 13th Red Banner Orenburg Missile Division in the Orenburg region.

Performance characteristics[ | ]

R-36M R-36M UTTH R-36M2
Rocket type ICBM
Complex index 15P014 15P018 15P018M
Rocket index 15A14 15A18 15A18M
Under the START treaty RS-20A RS-20B RS-20V
NATO code SS-18 Mod 1 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 3 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 2 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 4 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 5 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 6 "Satan"
Mine launcher (silo) Silo 15P714 type OS-67 Silo 15P718 Silo 15P718M
Main performance characteristics of the complex
Maximum range, km 11 200 16 000 10 500 11 000 16 000 11 000
Accuracy (QUO), m 500 500 500 300 220 220
Combat readiness, sec 62
Conditions for combat use
Start type mortar from TPK
Rocket data
Starting weight, kg 209 200 208 300 210 400 211 100 211 100 211 400
Number of steps 2 2 + dilution stage
Control system autonomous inertial
Overall dimensions of the TPK and rocket
Length, m 33,65 34,3 34,3
Maximum body diameter, m 3
Combat equipment
Head type "Heavy" monoblock "Light" monoblock MIRV IN MIRV IN "Light" monoblock MIRV IN
Head mass, kg 6565 5727 7823 8470 8470 8800
Thermonuclear charge power 18-20-25 Mt 8 Mt 10x500 Kt 8x1.3 Mt 8 Mt 10x800 Kt
KSP PRO quasi-heavy decoys, active radio jammers
Developer Yuzhnoye Design Bureau
Constructor 1969-1971: M. K. Yangel
since 1971: V. F. Utkin
V. F. Utkin
Start of development
Launches of throwing models
Total launches
Flight development tests
Launches from launchers from February 21, 1973 since October 31, 1977 since March 21, 1986
Total launches 43 62
Of these, successful 36 56
Adoption 1978 1979 1980 1988
Manufacturer Southern Machine-Building Plant

Comparative characteristics[ | ]

General information and basic performance characteristics Soviet fourth generation ballistic missiles
Rocket name RT-2PM R-36M2 RT-23 UTTH RT-23 UTTH (BZHRK)
Design Bureau Yuzhnoye Design Bureau
General designer A. D. Nadiradze, B. N. Lagutin V. F. Utkin
Organization-developer of nuclear warheads and chief designer , S. G. Kocharyants
Charge development organization and chief designer VNIIEF, E. A. Negin VNIIP, B.V. Litvinov
Start of development 19.07.1977 09.08.1983 09.08.1983 06.07.1979
Start of testing 08.02.1983 21.03.1986 31.07.1986 27.02.1985
Date of adoption 01.12.1988 11.08.1988 28.11.1989 -
The year the first complex was put on combat duty 23.07.1985 30.07.1988 19.08.1988 20.10.1987
Maximum number of missiles in service 369 88 56 36
Maximum range, km 11000 11000 10450 10000
Launch weight, T 45,1 211,1 104,5 104,5
Payload weight, kg 1000 8800 4050 4050
Rocket length, m 21,5 34,3 22,4 22,6
Max diameter, m 1,8 3,0 2,4 2,4
Head type Monoblock

R-36M is a two-stage intercontinental ballistic missile. It was equipped with a monoblock warhead and a MIRV IN with ten warheads. Developed at Yuzhnoye Design Bureau under the leadership of Mikhail Yangel and Vladimir Utkin. Design began on September 2, 1969. LCTs were carried out from 1972 to October 1975. Tests of the warhead as part of the complex were carried out until November 29, 1979. The complex was put on combat duty on December 25, 1974. Entered service on December 30, 1975. The first stage is equipped with an RD-264 sustainer engine, consisting of four single-chamber RD-263 engines. The engine was created at the Energomash Design Bureau under the leadership of Valentin Glushko. The second stage is equipped with a propulsion engine RD-0228, developed at the Chemical Automation Design Bureau under the leadership of Alexander Konopatov. Fuel components are UDMH and nitrogen tetraoxide. The OS silo was finalized at KBSM under the leadership of Vladimir Stepanov. The launch method is mortar. The control system is autonomous, inertial. Designed at NII-692 under the leadership of Vladimir Sergeev. A set of means for overcoming missile defense was developed at TsNIRTI. The combat stage is equipped with a solid propellant propulsion system. The unified control gear was developed at TsKB TM under the leadership of Nikolai Krivoshein and Boris Aksyutin.
Serial production of missiles began at the Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant in 1974.

On September 2, 1969, a government decree was issued on the development of missile systems R-36M, MR-UR-100 and UR-100N, equipped with MIRVs, the advantages of which are explained mainly by the fact that it allows in the best possible way distribute existing warheads among targets, increasing capabilities and providing flexibility in planning nuclear missile strikes.

The development of the R-36M and MR-UR-100 began at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau under the leadership of Mikhail Yangel, who proposed using a mortar launch, “tested” on the RT-20P missile. The concept of a heavy cold-launch (mortar) rocket was developed by Mikhail Yangel in 1969. Mortar launch made it possible to improve the energy capabilities of missiles without increasing the launch mass. The chief designer of TsKB-34, Evgeny Rudyak, did not agree with this concept, considering it impossible to develop a mortar launch system for a missile weighing more than two hundred tons. After Rudyak left in December 1970, the Special Engineering Design Bureau (formerly KB-1 of the Leningrad TsKB-34) was headed by Vladimir Stepanov, who reacted positively to the idea of ​​​​"cold" launching of heavy missiles using a powder pressure accumulator.

The main problem was the depreciation of the rocket in the silo. Previously, huge metal springs served as shock absorbers, but the weight of the R-36M did not allow them to be used. It was decided to use compressed gas as shock absorbers. Gas could hold and more weight, but a problem arose: how to contain the gas itself high pressure throughout the entire life of the rocket? The Spetsmash design bureau team managed to solve this problem and modify the R-36 silos for new, heavier missiles. The Volgograd plant "Barricades" began producing unique shock absorbers.

In parallel with Stepanov's KBSM, the Moscow KBTM under the leadership of Vsevolod Solovyov was working on the modification of the silo launcher for the rocket. To cushion the missile located in the transport and launch container, KBTM proposed a fundamentally new compact pendulum missile suspension system in the silo. The preliminary design was developed in 1970; in May of the same year, the project was successfully defended at the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering.
The final version adopted the modified silo launcher of Vladimir Stepanov.
In December 1969, a project was developed for the R-36M missile with four types of combat equipment - a monoblock light warhead, a monoblock heavy warhead, a multiple warhead and a maneuvering warhead.

In March 1970, a missile project was developed with a simultaneous increase in the security of the silo.

In August 1970, the USSR Defense Council approved the proposal of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau to modernize the R-36 and create the R-36M missile system with an enhanced security silo launcher.

At the manufacturing plant, the missiles were placed in a transport and launch container, on which all the equipment necessary for launch was placed, after which all the necessary checks were carried out at the factory control and test bench. When replacing old R-36s with new R-36Ms, a metal power cup with a shock-absorbing system and launcher equipment was inserted into the shaft, and the entire enlarged assembly at the test site, simplified, was reduced to only three (since the launcher consisted of three parts) additional welds at the zero mark of the launch pad. At the same time, gas exhaust channels and gratings that turned out to be unnecessary during a mortar launch were thrown out of the launcher structure. As a result, the mine's security has increased noticeably. The effectiveness of the selected technical solutions was confirmed by tests at the nuclear test site in Semipalatinsk.

The R-36M rocket is equipped with a first-stage propulsion engine developed at the Energomash Design Bureau under the leadership of Valentin Glushko.

“The designers assembled the first stage of the R-36M rocket consisting of six single-chamber engines, and the second stage - from one single-chamber engine, maximally unified with the engine of the first stage - the differences were only in the high-altitude chamber nozzle. Everything is as before, but... But to development of the engine for the R-36M, Yangel decided to involve KBHA Konopatov... New design solutions, modern technologies, improved methods for fine-tuning liquid-propellant rocket engines, modernized stands and updated technological equipment- Design Bureau Energomash could put all this on the scales, offering its participation in the development of the R-36M and MR-UR-100 complexes... Glushko proposed for the first stage of the R-36M rocket four single-chamber engines operating according to the afterburning scheme of oxidizing generator gas , each with a thrust of 100 tf, pressure in the combustion chamber 200 atm, specific thrust impulse at the ground 293 kgf.s/kg, thrust vector control by deflecting the engine. According to the classification of KB Energomash, the engine received the designation RD-264 (four RD-263 engines on a common frame... Glushko’s proposals were accepted, KBHA was entrusted with the development of a second stage engine for the R-36M." The preliminary design of the RD-264 engine was completed in 1969 year.
The design features of the RD-264 engine include the development of pressurization units for oxidizer and fuel tanks, which consisted of oxidation or reduction low-temperature gas generators, flow correctors and shut-off valves. In addition, this engine had the ability to deviate from the rocket axis by 7 degrees to control the thrust vector.

A difficult problem was ensuring the reliable start of the first stage engines during a mortar launch of a rocket. Fire tests engines on the stand began in April 1970. In 1971, the design documentation was transferred to the Yuzhny Machine-Building Plant for preparation of serial production. Engine tests were carried out from December 1972 to January 1973.

During flight tests of the R-36M missile, the need to boost the first stage engine by 5 percent was revealed. Bench testing of the boosted engine was completed in September 1973, and flight tests of the rocket continued.

From April to November 1977, the engine was modified at the Yuzhmash stand in order to eliminate the causes of high-frequency vibrations detected during startup. In December 1977, the Ministry of Defense issued a decision to modify the engines.

The R-36M second-stage propulsion engine was developed at the Chemical Automation Design Bureau under the leadership of Alexander Konopatov. Konopatov began developing the RD-0228 liquid rocket engine in 1967. Development was completed in 1974.

After Yangel's death in 1971, Vladimir Utkin was appointed chief designer of the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau.

The control system of the R-36M ICBM was developed under the leadership of the chief designer of the Kharkov NII-692 (NPO Khartron) Vladimir Sergeev. A set of means for overcoming missile defense was developed at TsNIRTI. Solid propellant charges of powder pressure accumulators were developed at LNPO Soyuz under the leadership of Boris Zhukov. A unified command post with increased security of the mine type was developed at TsKB TM under the leadership of Nikolai Krivoshein and Boris Aksyutin. Initially, the guaranteed shelf life of the rocket was 10 years, then 15 years.

A great achievement of the new complexes was the ability to remotely retarget before launching a missile. For such a strategic company, this innovation was of great importance.

In 1970-1971, KBTM developed designs for two ground-based launch complexes to support throw tests at site No. 67 of the Baikonur test site. For these purposes, the main equipment of the 8P867 launch complex was used. The installation and testing building was built on site No. 42. In January 1971, throwing tests of the rocket began to test the mortar launch.

The essence of the second stage of throwing tests was to test the technology of mortar launch of a rocket from a container using a powder pressure accumulator, which ejected a rocket filled with an alkaline solution (instead of real components) to a height of more than 20 m from the top edge of the container. At the same time, three gunpowder rocket engine, located on the pallet, took it to the side, since the pallet protected the first stage propulsion system from the pressure of the PAD gases. Then the rocket, having lost speed, fell not far from the container into a concrete tray, turning into a pile of metal. In total, 9 missile launches were carried out to study the mortar launch.

The first launch of the R-36M flight test program in 1972 at the Baikonur test site was unsuccessful. After exiting the shaft, it rose into the air and suddenly fell straight onto the launch pad, destroying the launcher. The second and third launches were emergency. The first successful test launch of the R-36M, equipped with a monoblock warhead, was carried out on February 21, 1973.

In September 1973, the R-36M version, equipped with a MIRV with ten warheads, entered testing (the press provides data on a version of the missile equipped with a MIRV with eight warheads).

The Americans closely followed the tests of our first ICBMs equipped with MIRVs.

“The US Navy ship Arnold was located off the coast of the Kamchatka test site during the missile launches. A four-engine B-52 laboratory aircraft, equipped with telemetry and other equipment, was constantly patrolling over the same area. As soon as the plane flew off to refuel, the rocket was launched at the test site. If the launch could not be carried out during such a “window,” then they waited until the next “window” or used technical measures to close the channels of information leakage.” It was impossible to completely close these channels. For example, before launching missiles, Kamchatka warned its civilian pilots by radio about the inadmissibility of flights during a certain period of time. Carrying out radio interception, American intelligence agencies analyzed the meteorological situation in the area and came to the conclusion that the only obstacle to flights could be upcoming missile launches.

In October 1973, by government decree, the design bureau was entrusted with the development of a homing warhead "Mayak-1" (15F678) with a gas-cylinder propulsion system for the R-36M missile. In April 1975, a preliminary design of a homing warhead was developed. Flight tests began in July 1978. In August 1980, tests of the homing warhead 15F678 with two variants of terrain-sighting equipment on the R-36M missile were completed. These missiles were not deployed.

In October 1974, a government decree was issued to reduce the types of combat equipment of the R-36M and MR-UR-100 complexes. In October 1975, flight design tests of the R-36M in three types of combat configuration and MIRV 15F143 were completed.

Development of warheads continued. On November 20, 1978, by government decree, the monoblock warhead 15B86 was adopted as part of the R-36M complex. On November 29, 1979, the MIRV 15F143U of the R-36M complex was adopted.

In 1974, the Southern Machine-Building Plant in Dnepropetrovsk began serial production of the R-36M, warheads and first stage engines. Serial production of warheads 15F144 and 15F147 was mastered at the Perm Chemical Equipment Plant (PZHO).

On December 25, 1974, a missile regiment near the city of Dombarovsky, Orenburg Region, went on combat duty.

The R-36M missile system was adopted by government decree of December 30, 1975. The same decree adopted the MR-UR-100 and UR-100N ICBMs. For all ICBMs, a unified automated system combat control (ASBU) of the Leningrad NPO "Impulse". This is how the missile was placed on combat duty.

“The project provided for a “factory-launch” scheme, i.e. the missile was transported from the manufacturing plant directly to the silo launcher. This procedure was used for the first time, and the high reliability of the missile systems was confirmed. At the same time, the time was reduced many times the missile being in an unprotected state: only on its way. Thus, during the flight test, the technology for preparing the missile for launch was as follows:

1. From the railway platform, the container was loaded onto a transport trolley (craneless loading was used: the container was pulled from the platform onto the trolley). Then the container was transported to the starting position, where it was similarly moved to the installer, who loaded the container into the silo on vertical and horizontal shock absorbers. This made it possible to move it horizontally and vertically, which increased its security (more precisely, the security of the missile - author's note) during a nuclear explosion.

2. Electrical tests, aiming and flight mission input were carried out.

3. The rocket was being refueled - one of the labor-intensive and dangerous operations. 180 tons of aggressive components were poured from mobile refueling tanks into the rocket tanks, so it was necessary to work in protective equipment.

4. The warhead (MIRV or monoblock) was docked. Then the final operations began. The rotating roof was closed, everything was checked, the hatches were sealed, and the silo was handed over to the guard. From now on, unauthorized access to the silo is excluded. The missile is placed on combat duty, and from this second it can only be controlled by the combat crew of the command post."
Let us note that the combat crew (duty shift) does not “control the missile”, but executes orders from higher control levels and monitors the condition of all missile systems.
Combat missile systems with R-36M ICBMs were placed in missile divisions that were previously armed with R-36 missiles, and were in service until 1983.
From 1980 to 1983, R-36M missiles were replaced by R-36M UTTH missiles.

Its use makes it possible to implement a strategy of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.

Main features of the complex:

  • launcher - stationary, silo;
  • rocket - two-stage with a liquid-propellant rocket engine using high-boiling propellant components (AT + UDMH), with a mortar launch from a transport and launch container;
  • the rocket control system is autonomous, inertial, based on an on-board digital computer;
  • The missile allows the use of various types of combat equipment (warheads), including multiple warheads with individual targeting.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Launch of the Voevoda intercontinental missile

    ✪ R-36M RS-20 SILO ISBM SS-18 2008 Derzhavinsk Kazakhstan

    ✪ TOP 10. The most powerful nuclear missiles (2019)

    ✪ The most powerful nuclear missile in the world P 36M SATAN

    ✪ The most powerful missile in the world RS-20V "Voevoda" SS-18 "Satan"


History of creation

The development of the R-36M strategic missile system with a third-generation heavy intercontinental ballistic missile 15A14 and a silo launcher with increased security 15P714 was led by the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The new rocket used all the best developments obtained during the creation of the previous complex - R-36.

The technical solutions used to create the rocket made it possible to create the world's most powerful combat missile system. It was significantly superior to its predecessor, the R-36:

  • in terms of shooting accuracy - 3 times.
  • in terms of combat readiness - 4 times.
  • in terms of the energy capabilities of the rocket - 1.4 times.
  • according to the initially established warranty period of operation - 1.4 times.
  • in terms of launcher security - 15-30 times.
  • in terms of the degree of utilization of the launcher volume - 2.4 times.

The two-stage R-36M rocket was made according to the “tandem” design with a sequential arrangement of stages. To make the best use of the volume, dry compartments were excluded from the rocket, with the exception of the second stage interstage adapter. The applied design solutions made it possible to increase the fuel supply by 11% while maintaining the diameter and reducing the total length of the first two stages of the rocket by 400 mm compared to the 8K67 rocket.

The first stage uses a propulsion system RD-264, consisting of four single-chamber 15D117 engines operating in a closed circuit, developed by KBEM (chief designer - V.P. Glushko). The engines are hinged and their deflection according to commands from the control system provides control of the rocket's flight.

The second stage uses a propulsion system consisting of a main single-chamber 15D7E (RD-0229) engine operating in a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering engine 15D83 (RD-0230) operating in an open circuit.

The separation of the first and second stages is gas-dynamic. It was ensured by the actuation of explosive bolts and the outflow of pressurized gases from the fuel tanks through special windows.

Thanks to the improved pneumohydraulic system of the rocket with complete ampulization of fuel systems after refueling and the elimination of leakage of compressed gases from the side of the rocket, it was possible to increase the time spent in full combat readiness to 10-15 years with the potential for operation up to 25 years.

The schematic diagrams of the rocket and control system were developed based on the possibility of using three variants of the warhead:

  • Lightweight monoblock with a charge capacity of 8 Mt and a flight range of 16,000 km;
  • Heavy monoblock with a charge capacity of 25 Mt and a flight range of 11,200 km;
  • Multiple warhead (MIRV) of 8 warheads with a capacity of 1 Mt each;

All missile warheads were equipped with an improved set of means to overcome missile defense. For the first time, quasi-heavy decoy targets were created for the 15A14 missile defense penetration system. Thanks to the use of a special solid-propellant booster engine, the progressively increasing thrust of which compensates for the aerodynamic braking force of the decoy, it was possible to imitate the characteristics of warheads in almost all selectivity characteristics in the extra-atmospheric part of the trajectory and a significant part of the atmospheric part.

One of the technical innovations that largely determined the high level of performance of the new missile system was the use of a mortar launch of a missile from a transport and launch container (TPC). For the first time in world practice, a mortar design for a heavy liquid-propelled ICBM was developed and implemented. At launch, the pressure created by the powder pressure accumulators pushed the rocket out of the TPK and only after leaving the silo the rocket engine was started.

The missile, placed at the manufacturing plant in a transport and launch container, was transported and installed in a silo launcher (silo) in an unfuelled state. The rocket was refueled with fuel components and the warhead was docked after installing the TPK with the rocket in the silo. Checks of on-board systems, preparation for launch and launch of the rocket were carried out automatically after the control system received the appropriate commands from a remote command post. To prevent unauthorized launch, the control system accepted for execution only commands with a specific code key. The use of such an algorithm became possible thanks to the introduction of a new centralized control system at all command posts of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Control system

The developer of the control system (including the on-board computer) was the Design Bureau of Electrical Instrumentation (KBE, now JSC Khartron, Kharkov), the on-board computer was produced by the Kiev Radio Plant, the control system was mass-produced at the Shevchenko and Kommunar factories (Kharkov).


Roll tests of the rocket to test the mortar launch system began in January 1970, flight tests were carried out from February 21. Already at the first launches at the Kura test site in Kamchatka, the control system made it possible to obtain an azimuth-range deviation of 600x800 meters.

Of the 43 test launches, 36 were successful and 7 were failures.

The monoblock version of the R-36M missile with a “light” warhead was put into service on November 20, 1978. The variant with a multiple warhead was accepted into service on November 29, 1979. The first missile regiment with the R-36M ICBM entered combat duty on December 25, 1974.

In 1980, the 15A14 missiles, which were on combat duty, were re-equipped without removal from the silos with improved MIRVs created for the 15A18 missile. The missiles continued combat duty under the designation 15A18-1.

In 1982, the R-36M ICBMs were removed from combat duty and replaced with R-36M UTTH (15A18) missiles.



Development of a third generation strategic missile system R-36M UTTH(GRAU index - 15P018, START code - RS-20B SS-18 Mod.4) with a rocket 15A18, equipped with a 10-unit multiple warhead, began on August 16, 1976.

The missile system was created as a result of the implementation of a program to improve and increase the combat effectiveness of the previously developed 15P014 (R-36M) complex. The complex ensures the destruction of up to 10 targets with one missile, including high-strength small-sized or particularly large area targets located on terrain of up to 300,000 km², in conditions of effective counteraction by enemy missile defense systems. Increased efficiency of the new complex was achieved due to:

  • increasing shooting accuracy by 2-3 times;
  • increasing the number of warheads (BB) and the power of their charges;
  • increasing the BB breeding area;
  • the use of highly protected silo launchers and command posts;
  • increasing the likelihood of bringing launch commands to the silo.

The layout of the 15A18 rocket is similar to the 15A14. This is a two-stage rocket with a tandem arrangement of stages. The new rocket uses the first and second stages of the 15A14 rocket without modifications. The first stage engine is a four-chamber liquid propellant rocket engine RD-264 of a closed design. The second stage uses a single-chamber propulsion rocket engine RD-0229 of a closed circuit and a four-chamber steering rocket engine RD-0257 of an open circuit. The separation of stages and the separation of the combat stage is gas-dynamic.

The main difference between the new missile was the newly developed propagation stage and MIRV with ten new high-speed units with increased power charges. The propulsion stage engine is four-chamber, dual-mode (thrust 2000 kgf and 800 kgf) with multiple (up to 25 times) switching between modes. This allows you to create the most optimal conditions for the breeding of all warheads. Another design feature of this engine is two fixed positions of the combustion chambers. In flight, they are located inside the propagation stage, but after the stage is separated from the rocket, special mechanisms move the combustion chambers beyond the outer contour of the compartment and deploy them to implement the “pulling” scheme for propagation of warheads. The MIRV itself is made according to a two-tier design with a single aerodynamic fairing. The memory capacity of the onboard computer was also increased and the control system was modernized to use improved algorithms. At the same time, the shooting accuracy was improved by 2.5 times, and the readiness time for launch was reduced to 62 seconds.

The R-36M UTTH missile in a transport and launch container (TPK) is installed in a silo launcher and is on combat duty in a fueled state in full combat readiness. To load the TPK into a mine structure, SKB MAZ has developed special transport and installation equipment in the form of a high-cross-country semi-trailer with a tractor based on the MAZ-537. The mortar method of launching a rocket is used.

Flight development tests of the R-36M UTTH rocket began on October 31, 1977 at the Baikonur test site. According to the flight test program, 19 launches were carried out, 2 of which were unsuccessful. The reasons for these failures were clarified and eliminated, and the effectiveness of the measures taken was confirmed by subsequent launches. A total of 62 launches were carried out, of which 56 were successful.

On September 18, 1979, three missile regiments began combat duty at the new missile system. As of 1987, 308 R-36M UTTH ICBMs were deployed in six missile divisions. As of May 2006, the Strategic Missile Forces included 74 silo launchers with R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 ICBMs, equipped with 10 warheads each.

The high reliability of the complex was confirmed by 159 launches as of September 2000, of which only four were unsuccessful. These failures during the launch of serial products are due to manufacturing defects.

A joint Russian-Ukrainian venture was also created for the development and further commercial use of the light-class launch vehicle "Dnepr" based on the R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 missiles.

R-36M2 "Voevoda"

On August 9, 1983, by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau was tasked with modifying the R-36M UTTH missile so that it could overcome the promising American missile defense (BMD) system. In addition, it was necessary to increase the protection of the rocket and the entire complex from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

Fourth generation missile system R-36M2 "Voevoda"(GRAU index - 15P018M, START code - RS-20V, according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO - SS-18 Mod.5/Mod.6) with a multi-purpose heavy-class intercontinental missile 15A18M designed to destroy all types of targets protected by modern missile defense systems in any combat conditions, including multiple nuclear impacts in a positional area. Its use makes it possible to implement a strategy of a guaranteed retaliatory strike. A strike from 8-10 15A18M missiles (fully equipped) ensured the destruction of 80% of the industrial potential of the United States and most of the population.

As a result of the use of the latest technical solutions, the energy capabilities of the 15A18M rocket have been increased by 12% compared to the 15A18 rocket. At the same time, all conditions for restrictions on dimensions and starting weight imposed by the SALT-2 agreement are met. Missiles of this type are the most powerful of all intercontinental ballistic missiles. In terms of technological level, the complex has no analogues in the world. The missile system uses active protection of the silo launcher from nuclear warheads and high-precision non-nuclear weapons, and for the first time in the country, low-altitude non-nuclear interception of high-speed ballistic targets was carried out.

Compared to the prototype, the new complex managed to achieve improvements in many characteristics:

To ensure high combat effectiveness in particularly difficult combat conditions, during the development of the R-36M2 Voevoda complex, special attention was paid to the following areas:

  • increasing the security and survivability of silos and command posts;
  • ensuring the stability of combat control in all conditions of use of the complex;
  • increasing the autonomy time of the complex;
  • increasing the warranty period;
  • ensuring the missile's resistance in flight to the damaging factors of ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions;
  • expanding operational capabilities to retarget missiles.

One of the main advantages of the new complex is the ability to support missile launches in conditions of a retaliatory strike when exposed to ground-based and high-altitude nuclear explosions. This was achieved by increasing the survivability of the missile in the silo launcher and significantly increasing the resistance of the missile in flight to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. The rocket body has a multifunctional coating, protection of the control system equipment from gamma radiation has been introduced, the speed of the executive bodies of the control system stabilization machine has been increased by 2 times, the head fairing is separated after passing through the zone of high-altitude blocking nuclear explosions, the engines of the first and second stages of the rocket have been increased in thrust.

As a result, the radius of the missile’s damage zone with a blocking nuclear explosion, compared to the 15A18 missile, is reduced by 20 times, resistance to X-ray radiation is increased by 10 times, and to gamma-neutron radiation by 100 times. The missile is resistant to the effects of dust formations and large soil particles present in the cloud during a ground-based nuclear explosion.

The first missile regiment with the R-36M2 ICBM went on combat duty on July 30, 1988, and on August 11 the missile system was put into service. Flight design tests of the new fourth generation intercontinental missile R-36M2 (15A18M - “Voevoda”) with all types of combat equipment were completed in September 1989.


On December 21, 2006, at 11:20 am Moscow time, a combat training launch of the RS-20V was carried out. According to the head of the information and public relations service of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Alexander Vovk, the missile training and combat units launched from the Orenburg region (Ural region) hit conditional targets with specified accuracy at the Kura training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Pacific Ocean. The first stage fell in the Vagaisky, Vikulovsky and Sorokinsky districts of the Tyumen region. It separated at an altitude of 90 kilometers, the remaining fuel burned as it fell to the ground. The launch took place as part of the Zaryadye development work. The launches gave an affirmative answer to the question about the possibility of operating the R-36M2 complex for 20 years.

On December 24, 2009, at 9:30 a.m. Moscow time, the RS-20V (“Voevoda”) was launched; Press secretary of the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense for the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Vadim Koval, said: “On December 24, 2009, at 9:30 Moscow time, the Strategic Missile Forces launched a missile from the positional area of ​​the formation stationed in the Orenburg region.” According to him, the launch was carried out as part of development work in order to confirm the flight performance characteristics of the RS-20V missile and extend the service life of the Voevoda missile system to 23 years.

R-36M3 "Icarus"

In 1991, a design for a fifth-generation missile system was developed R-36M3 "Icarus", but negotiations on the START I Treaty and the collapse of the USSR led to the cessation of work on this topic.

Launch vehicle "Dnepr"

"Dnepr" is a conversion space launch vehicle created on the basis of the intercontinental ballistic missiles R-36M UTTH and R-36M2 "Voevoda" to be eliminated by the cooperation of Russian and Ukrainian enterprises and designed to launch up to 3.7 tons of payload (spacecraft or group satellites) into orbits with an altitude of 300-900 km.

The implementation of the program for the creation and operation of the Dnepr launch vehicle is carried out by the International Space Company CJSC Kosmotras.

The Dnepr launch vehicle is used in two modifications:

  • "Dnepr-1" - using the main components of the ICBM without modifications, with the exception of the fairing adapter.
  • “Dnepr-M” is a version of the launch vehicle, modernized by installing additional attitude control and stabilization engines, improving the control system and using an elongated nose fairing, due to which greater capabilities for launching payload have been achieved, including an increased maximum orbital altitude.

For launches of the Dnepr launch vehicle, a launcher is used at site 109 of the Baikonur Cosmodrome and launchers at the Yasny base of the 13th Red Banner Orenburg Missile Division in the Orenburg region.

Performance characteristics

R-36M R-36M UTTH R-36M2 "Voevoda"
Rocket type ICBM
Complex index 15P014 15P018 15P018M
Rocket index 15A14 15A18 15A18M
Under the START treaty RS-20A RS-20B RS-20V
NATO code SS-18 Mod 1 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 3 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 2 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 4 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 5 "Satan" SS-18 Mod 6 "Satan"
Launcher Silo 15P714 type OS-67 Silo 15P718 Silo 15P718M
Main performance characteristics of the complex
Maximum range, km 11 200 16 000 10 500 11 000 16 000 11 000
Accuracy (QUO), m 500 500 500 300 220 220
Combat readiness, sec 62
Conditions for combat use
Start type mortar from TPK
Rocket data
Starting weight, kg 209 200 208 300 210 400 211 100 211 100 211 400
Number of steps 2 2 + dilution stage
Control system autonomous inertial
Overall dimensions of the TPK and rocket
Length, m 33,65 34,3 34,3
Maximum body diameter, m 3,0
Combat equipment
Head type “heavy” monoblock “light” monoblock MIRV IN MIRV IN monoblock MIRV IN
Head mass, kg 6565 5727 7823 8470 8470 8730
Nuclear power 25 Mt 8 Mt 10x400 Kt or
4x1 Mt + 6x400 Kt
10x500 Kt 8 Mt 10x800 Kt
Developer Yuzhnoye Design Bureau
Constructor 1969-1971: M. K. Yangel
since 1971: V. F. Utkin
V. F. Utkin
Start of development
Launches of throwing models
Total launches
Flight development tests
Launches from launchers from February 21, 1973 since October 31, 1977 since March 21, 1986
Total launches 43 62
Of these, successful 36 56
Adoption 1978 1979 1980 1988