What does “Limitedly fit for military service” mean? What does category "B" mean on a military ID? Limited fit for military service. Exemption from conscription in peacetime Which troops are recruited with category A3?

If young man After a medical examination within the walls of the military registration and enlistment office, he will be assigned the fitness category “B”, then he will be released from the obligation to serve in the army in peacetime conditions. In some rather rare situations, the “B” fitness category can be assigned to a conscript already within the framework of the first medical examination. In order to implement such a scenario, it is extremely important to pay attention to Special attention To preparatory stage before directly passing the medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

To do this, you will need to collect a package of documents (certificates, extracts, medical reports), which will act as official documentary evidence of the conscript’s serious illnesses, which do not allow him to undergo compulsory military service due to health reasons. During the medical examination, you will have to undergo an in-depth examination, donate blood and urine for testing, take a fluorographic image, and also undergo an ECG.

Procedure for assigning category “B”

Members of the medical examination commission at the military registration and enlistment office, based on the results of the examination, as well as on the basis of available medical reports, certificates and extracts, can assign a young man one or another category of suitability for military service. If during the medical examination any suspicious symptoms are discovered, the conscript may be sent to a medical institution, where, as part of a hospital, he will undergo an in-depth diagnosis of his health condition with a final accurate diagnosis.

To obtain the desired category, it is highly recommended that you first carry out a number of activities, consisting of collecting a package of documents that confirm that the potential soldier has a certain disease or pathology, which does not allow him to pass conscript service in the ranks Russian army.

For what diseases is category “B” assigned?

IN current list diseases that are used by military registration and enlistment office employees, there are full list diseases and pathologies, if detected, the conscript must be released from the obligation to perform military service.

The list of diseases that give the right to receive fitness category “B” includes such disorders and pathologies as:

  1. Moderate disturbance in the functioning of cerebral vessels;
  2. Injuries to the brain and spinal cord that led to functional disorders;
  3. Traumatization of the peripheral system, accompanied by disruption of its function;
  4. Chronic diseases of the ear canals, as well as hearing loss;
  5. Aggravated hemorrhoids, accompanied by prolapse of hemorrhoids;
  6. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  7. Absence of 10 or more teeth in the jaw;
  8. Chronic skin diseases;
  9. Curvature of the limbs, as well as flat feet;
  10. Congenital defects;
  11. Uncontrolled urination;
  12. With a height of less than 150 centimeters;
  13. If your body weight is less than 45 kilograms;
  14. Disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys, as well as other organs of the genitourinary system.
  • Impaired organ functions due to previous infectious diseases;
  • Acute venereal diseases;
  • Fungal diseases with damage internal organs, as well as tuberculosis.

16. Previous operations, after which disturbances occurred in the functioning of organs or systems of the body:

  • Oncology;
  • Previous chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
  • Benign neoplasms that negatively affect the condition of the body.

17. Diseases of the circulatory system:

  • Disorders affecting the immune system;
  • Failure of the hormonal system;
  • Functional minor disorders of the glands.

18. Mental disorders:

  • Painful sensations caused by mental disorders;
  • Personality disorders;
  • Various forms of dependencies;
  • Mild mental retardation.

19. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system:

  • Epileptic seizures;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system of an inflammatory nature;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system due to hereditary factors.

20. Severe diseases of the eyes and tear ducts:

  • Chronic conjunctivitis;
  • Glaucoma;
  • The condition of myopia of vision exceeding 6 diopters;
  • Farsightedness exceeding 8 diopters;
  • Significant loss of visual acuity.

21. Mild form of heart failure:

  • High blood pressure;
  • Damage to the aorta, causing disruption of normal blood circulation.

Can they be recruited to serve in the army with category “B”

Category “B” means that the conscript receives the status of being limitedly fit for military service. Upon receipt of this category, a young man cannot be called up for military service; he is automatically enlisted in the reserves of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The only situation in which he can be drafted into the army is the introduction of martial law. Only in such emergency circumstances can guys with category “B” be called up for service.

What do categories “B1”, “B2”, “B3” and “B4” mean?

In some cases, when passing a medical commission, a conscript may be assigned the category “B1”, “B2”, “B3” or “B4”. In such a situation, every potential conscript soldier should know that in reality these categories do not exist.

The assignment of such categories of suitability for service is a form of arbitrariness of the military registration and enlistment office employees or elementary negligence associated with confusion between categories “B” and “B”, that is, they are assigned English letter"b" instead of the Russian letter "B". If a conscript is assigned one of these non-existent categories in his case, then he will need to appeal this decision medical board.

This can be done either at the military registration and enlistment office itself, by contacting the military commissar with an appropriate written complaint, or through the court. The judge will definitely make a decision in favor of the conscript.

Is it possible to change category “B” to something else?

Since the beginning of 2005, in relation to persons with fitness category “B”, it was decided to exempt them from the obligation to regularly undergo medical examination within the walls of the military registration and enlistment office. After such a decision is made, all young people with category “B” are exempt from military service in Peaceful time.

In addition, it is worth remembering that with category “B” a person is enlisted in the reserve ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Such a citizen can be drafted into the army only when martial law is introduced.

Conscripts are often interested in the meaning of health category “B”, which is assigned to a person with limited fitness for work. military service.

Classification of conscripts' suitability for service in the armed forces

Before being called up for military service, every person liable for military service must undergo a medical examination, or medical examination. Based on the results of the examination, the draft commission assigns each conscript a certain category.

  • Category A: absolutely healthy. Suitable for any service without restrictions.
  • Category B: generally fit for duty, but has certain diseases. Category B has 4 subcategories: from B1 - fit for service in units of the Marine Corps and Airborne Forces and to B4 - fit for service as a technical specialist in units with minimum health requirements.
  • Category B: limited fit for military service. This category has no subsections and indicates that the conscript has limitations associated with certain chronic diseases.
  • Category D: temporary category, meaning that the conscript is not called up for military service until full recovery. After recovery, he undergoes a medical examination again with the assignment new category suitability.
  • Category D: absolutely unfit for military service.

How to understand the definition - limited fit for military service

If, based on the results of the medical commission, category B is assigned, this means that the holder of this category is not called up for service and is sent to the reserve automatically. The military specialty of such a conscript is assigned according to his civilian profession or according to existing skills, if there is no civilian profession.

If there is military action on the territory of the country, carriers of category “B” are called up in the second place.

According to regulations Defense units of the second stage are subject to conscription in order to make up for losses.

That is, it is obvious that persons with a health condition corresponding to fitness category “B” have the opportunity to be called up for military service only during total mobilization.

What can a conscript with category B expect?

To summarize, we can say that in peacetime, persons with fitness category “B” cannot be called up for military service, and also cannot enter higher military schools.

Conscripts with category “B” cannot be enlisted in military service. Internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, or for example to the units of the Russian Guard (Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation).

During the conscription period, a medical examination is carried out to determine the degree of suitability. . What does it mean to be limitedly fit for military service? It is important to know who receives this category and what consequences this has for a man.

In our country, those liable for military service undergo a medical examination. It determines the compliance of human health with the requirements of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Fitness for service is determined by medical specialists. According to clause 18 of the Regulations on military medical examination (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), young men are assigned the following fitness categories:

Category "B"

Individuals in this category have serious health problems. In peacetime they are not conscripted and are listed in the reserves. VUS (military specialty) is assigned according to vocational education or based on existing work experience. In the event of war, men with this category staff second-line military units.

If a conscript does not agree with the category assigned to him, he has the right to undergo additional examination at a medical institution at the place of his registration.

Repeated examination has not been used since 2005 on the basis of Decree No. 886 of December 31, 2004. It is carried out only at the request of citizens.

Consequences of receiving this category

Certain diseases interfere with receiving driver's license or driving certain types of transport, occupation professional activity, for example, in the field of passenger transport. Similar diseases include: mental disorders, diseases of the eyes, ENT organs, vestibular apparatus, skin and musculoskeletal system.

If the man's health improves, he can undergo re-examination. If the outcome is successful, a note is made on the military ID to change the category to “A” or “B”.

So, a citizen called up for military service must have a state of health that allows him to withstand strong physical exercise. For this reason, people with category “B” on their military ID do not serve in the army. They will join the ranks of the country's troops only in the event of total mobilization.

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--> On the same topic

Serving in the army is the duty of every adult male citizen of the Russian Federation. The 2018 military draft has a number of important features, because almost every year new requirements for compulsory military service arise.

Regulatory legal acts define the conditions that must be fulfilled, because military service must be carried out by men who are physically ready for this, and they must also meet conscription age! Defense of the Fatherland in Russia, a multinational country, is strictly obligatory and has always been honorable, but in some regions there are also quite specific and important features for potential conscripts.

Military service in 2018

What are the main features of urgent conscription into the army? All adult male citizens of the country who have no contraindications due to their status or health must serve in Russia. Future conscripts must go through a whole complex the most important events which everyone strictly needs to go through:

  • at the age of 16 you must register with the military and receive a registration certificate;
  • Having reached conscription age and received a summons, it is strictly necessary to visit the military commissariat at the designated time;
  • the summons must be delivered personally to the conscript against his signature;
  • In case of failure to appear when summoned, the legislation provides for administrative and criminal liability.

Passing a medical examination

After receiving the summons, a strict medical examination will follow; all future privates of the Russian army will certainly undergo it, except for those with a legal deferment. The medical commission, after a thorough comprehensive examination, will make a decision on whether the conscript is fit for full service in the army. In total, current legislation provides for 5 categories of fitness for military service:

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unsuitable for passing military service;
  • unfit.

It happens when the commission cannot make an unambiguous decision due to various controversial circumstances. In this case, the conscript is redirected to an inpatient or outpatient examination at a licensed medical institution. After complete treatment and the decision of the doctors, a new conscription period is set. Next important stage sending to the army will require a medical report. A qualified draft commission will make its final verdict on the conscript. According to this conclusion, the future date is sent to send:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

Russian legislation provides for enlistment in the reserve upon reaching 27 years of age. From now on, a man is not subject to military service, regardless of his state of health.

Duration of service and time of organization of conscription into the army

The conscription dates in the future 2018 provide for two calls - the spring, which begins on April 1 and ends on July 15, and there is also an autumn, which will last from October 1 to December 31 inclusive. According to the law, conscription into the ranks of the armed forces Russian Federation possible only during these periods.


There are several important exceptions to the rules - citizens of military age from the Far North will receive their summons from May 1 to July 15, as well as from November 1 to December 31. Those who live in rural areas and are engaged in harvesting and sowing work, have a full right to implement the conscription in autumn time- from October 15 to December 31. Teachers have this opportunity - on spring call from May 1 to July 15.

The main branches of the military where they can be called up for service

In 2018, a potential conscript can join the following branches of the military:

  • ground troops;
  • air Force;
  • Navy;
  • strategic missile forces;
  • space forces;
  • airborne troops.

The specialty that the conscript had and his state of health are important. Traditionally, only the strongest and most physically resilient young people with a strong psyche and good health are accepted into the Airborne Forces.

Who will not be accepted into the army in 2018?

A citizen will not be required to join the army in 2018 if he:

  • has permanent job in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • works in Federal service security;
  • belongs to the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers.

There is the most important limitation - if a citizen nevertheless decides to resign from there, but at that moment he is under 27, then he will definitely receive a mandatory summons from the military registration and enlistment office!

The following will be avoided from conscription into active military service:

  • adult men with one or more convictions that have not been expunged for many years;
  • Citizens under investigation for a crime or on trial will avoid conscription;
  • serving their sentence in a penitentiary institution.
  • A university student will not serve if he receives full-time education;
  • graduate students;
  • the appearance of a second child in a legal marriage;
  • Fathers who, due to insurmountable circumstances, are forced to raise a child on their own and without support are not subject to conscription;
  • guardians of elderly citizens who have sick relatives as their dependents:
  • The ranks of the Russian army will not be filled by young men who have very serious health problems.


There are several other categories of citizens who are legally may not serve in the army - foreigners who served in the armed forces of another state and future military personnel who lost their older brothers during military clashes in hot spots. They will take you into the army if you have been expelled from a university and are studying by correspondence.

Diseases for which they are not called up for service

The diseases for which people are not accepted for military service are quite numerous. They can be divided into several large subgroups.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system with which they are not accepted into the army - scoliosis of the 2nd degree with a deformation of at least 11 degrees, flat feet, called bear foot in the 3rd stage, deformities and other diseases of the hands or feet - for example, the absence of several fingers, arthrosis and arthritis of the second degree or higher, affecting the legs.

Diseases of the organs of vision

Poor vision is an important barrier to military service: cataracts, retinal detachment, severe myopia more than -6, progressive farsightedness, glaucoma, eye injuries or the absence of one eye.

Cardiovascular pathologies

If a conscript has hypertension - pressure exceeding the threshold of 150 to 90,
chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is quite severe - periodic fainting and constant dizziness, the presence of heart disease and ischemia. We have listed the most important deviations that occur in real practice.

Hearing problems

The presence of chronic otitis media and complete deafness can become an insurmountable obstacle to military service.

Digestive system diseases

Difficulties with digestive system may well lead to a delay in military service. Such a reason may be a hernia that limits intestinal patency, pancreatitis in its chronic form, stomach and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids. Gallstone disease is a serious disease that interferes with service.

Problems with the genitourinary system

Conscripts with chronic enuresis, urolithiasis and hydrocele, sexual dysfunction and hyperplasia are not accepted into the army.

Other chronic diseases

Stuttering, which seriously distorts speech, will be an obstacle to serving. diabetes mellitus, obesity above 2nd degree. Patients with chronic hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, and cancer are also not useful in combat service. Mental problems are a serious reason for exemption from the army:

  • the appearance of obsessive states;
  • pronounced phobias;
  • chronic schizophrenia;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system.

The presence of chronic alcoholics and drug addicts in the army is contraindicated, but it will be strictly necessary to confirm the presence of constant persistent addiction, which is confirmed by relevant documents!

You can find a complete list of diseases with which you will not be accepted into the army in 2018 (list of diseases).

What categories of citizens are granted a deferment from military service?

A deferment for a potential military personnel is just a temporary opportunity to avoid the obligation to serve in the army. Along with its completion, you will have to repay your debt to your homeland. The following are the official grounds for not going to work for a strictly defined period:

  • state of temporary unfitness for service;
  • caring for a sick relative who is being looked after this moment no one to look after;
  • presence of a disabled child under 3 years of age;
  • pregnant wife more than 26 weeks pregnant;
  • PhD students defending their dissertation;
  • deferment due to higher or secondary education educational institution;
  • deferment for a schoolchild who must receive time to enter a university or college.


Postponement will only be carried out if there is necessary documents— diploma of education, certificate of admission to graduate school, medical certificate, indicating the presence serious problems with health

The number of deferments available is unlimited - you can get them not only after graduating from school, but also when a student transitions from a bachelor's to a master's degree system. You can only take advantage of a deferment for conscription when studying at an officially licensed institution!

Various forms of military service

Since 2017, the state has provided conscripts with the opportunity to independently choose the form of fulfilling their military duty to the country. Can choose:

  • alternative service for a period of 21 months;
  • contract service with full monetary and clothing allowance;
  • serve conscript service for a year.

By 2018, you can independently choose which military service is more attractive to you.


It is planned to gradually reduce the proportion of conscripts in the army, gradually replacing them with professionals. By 2020, more than 85% of its personnel should serve in the army on a contract basis.

Features of conscription into the army in 2018

According to the constitution, men from all regions of Russia are subject to military service, but there are several features of conscription. Conscripts from Crimea serve only on the territory of their peninsula, and in the Chechen Republic for several previous years, young men were not conscripted due to some local specific features. People from Chukotka, Yamalo-Nenets District and Yakutia must serve, but conscription there is adjusted, starting only on May 1 and ending on July 15. In terms of its duration in 2018, the service life will remain the usual - 1 year.

They help ordinary citizens understand “what it means to be partially fit for military service.”
Many people are interested in the question: What does “limitedly fit for military service” mean? On this topic Experienced legal experts, as well as employees of military commissariats and medical workers provide comprehensive information for everyone to review.

The degree of suitability of a conscript should be determined only by a medical commission, which every conscript undergoes. Being in category “A”, “B” or “C” implies the possibility of serving in the Russian army.

Absolutely healthy people are required for military service!

Categories of those liable for military service belonging to category “B” are not taken into the army, but are immediately sent to the reserves. However, before examining this classification category in detail, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the others. Today, all conscripts are divided into 5 main categories:

  1. Category “A” includes citizens whose health condition allows them to serve in the RF Armed Forces. A conscript belonging to this category may be enlisted in the troops special purpose, aviation, as well as airborne forces, etc.
  2. Category “B” implies the presence of some restrictions on the health of the conscript. This group of conscripts is divided into 4 main subcategories corresponding to certain health problems. In different situations, a conscript may serve in separate auxiliary units, or on submarines, or in infantry forces.
  3. Belonging to classification category “B” implies limited suitability for military service.
  4. Category “G” is considered temporary, assigned for the period of progression of a particular disorder of the body. After recovery, and undergoing a second medical examination, the conscript may be assigned category “A” or “B”.
  5. Group “D” includes persons diagnosed with serious pathological processes that do not allow them to perform military service.

The conscript undergoes an examination, during which medical industry specialists determine his relationship to the classification category. The final category is always determined in accordance with the established procedure based on the worst parameters.

Conscripts belonging to category “B” can perform military service with certain restrictions. Young people may be diagnosed chronic diseases, but exacerbations occur extremely rarely. This state of health is considered acceptable for military service.

  • "B1" - Airborne Forces, Marines, Special Forces;
  • "B2" Navy, tank forces, tractor drivers;
  • “B3” crew of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft missiles, and chemical troops;
  • "B4" - radio engineering services, specialists in security matters.

Group "B"

Limited fit for military service if there are vision problems, for example

As mentioned above, this category includes conscripts who are limitedly fit for military service. At the time of assignment to this category, the young person will not be recruited into the RF Armed Forces. Serving under a contract is also not possible.

However, every representative of category “B” will be required to perform military service in a situation if a general mobilization of troops is declared in the state.

As soon as a threat to state sovereignty arises as a force priority, citizens who have been assigned classification category “B” will be drafted into the ranks of the RF Armed Forces after those liable for military service belonging to groups “A”, “B”. Consequently, restrictions on military service are relevant only in peacetime.

Citizens who, after passing a medical examination, are found to be of limited fitness can receive a military ID immediately. In such a situation, they will be assigned a military specialty acquired at some educational institution in the Russian Federation.

As soon as urgent mobilization occurs, category “B” conscripts are assigned to second-line units. If we take into account the provisions of regulatory legal acts on this topic, we can come to the conclusion that representatives of category “B” will serve as a personnel base to make up for the front-line losses suffered by the army.

Temporary unsuitability

Many citizens confuse the classification categories “B” and “G”. To be clear, we need to define what group “G” is. This category is assigned temporarily for six months or a year. When this period ends, the citizen has to undergo a medical examination again.

The list of diseases, when diagnosing which doctors assign classification category “G”:

  1. Tuberculosis, after complete cure of which the conscript is considered fully fit for military service, can be assigned to classification category “A” or “B”;
  2. Leprosy;
  3. Sexually transmitted diseases and other infections;
  4. Diagnosed obesity;
  5. Dystrophy;
  6. Schizophrenia;
  7. Drug addicts are registered in a specialized medical institution;
  8. Non-traditional sexual orientation, other mental disorders of the individual;
  9. Psychoses;
  10. Epileptic seizures;
  11. Cerebral palsy;
  12. Oncological processes of the brain, spinal cord;
  13. Diseases that impair vision;
  14. Absence of the auricle;
  15. Hearing problems;
  16. Cardiovascular system disorders;
  17. Throat diseases accompanied by breathing problems;
  18. More than ten teeth are located on the upper or lower jaw;
  19. Blood diseases, dysfunction of blood cells, thrombophilia, etc.;
  20. Euthyroid goiter;
  21. Diabetes;
  22. Schizophrenia;
  23. Dysfunctions of mental development;
  24. Multiple sclerosis;
  25. Encephalitis;
  26. Purulent form of otitis;
  27. Heart failure;
  28. Diagnosed hypertension;
  29. Severe forms of hemorrhoids;
  30. Asthma.

This is only part of the list of diseases and disorders, upon diagnosis of which conscripts are assigned category “B” and issued a military ID indicating the specialty being mastered.

Possible consequences for representatives of category “B”

Just the desire to serve in the army is not enough!

First of all, you need to understand that conscripts who, after passing a medical examination, were assigned classification category “B” will not be involved in urgent or contract service at a time when there is peace in the country.

The same restrictions apply to conscripts assigned category “D”. The difference between these groups is that the latter will not be called up even during a general mobilization.

  • Federal Service Administration;

Such prohibitions cannot apply to any other types of civil service or work in municipal bodies. What opportunities remain for those who want to devote their lives to military service, or simply repay their debt to their homeland?

At their core, such amendments imply the opportunity for people to undergo repeated examinations. Consequently, if a conscript was previously assigned classification category “B”, he can be cured, improve his health, and undergo a medical examination again.

Based on the results of the re-inspection, a decision will be made on an individual basis to change the classification category for the possibility of military service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. A conscript can undergo a repeated medical examination as many times as he likes.

There are many rumors circulating regarding the classification categories of conscripts. It is imperative to pay attention to the fact that category “B” implies the approval of minimal restrictions. For example, the inability to obtain a driver's license with limited fitness for military service is unreliable information. On this issue, the attitude towards one or another category of military personnel cannot play any role.

The only problem that can serve as an obstacle to registration is considered to be a diagnosed disease, according to which medical workers assigned the conscript classification category “B”.

Employees are not authorized to refuse to issue a driver's license to citizens whose military ID indicates a restriction on suitability for service. This rule also applies to other types of documentation.

In peacetime, citizens assigned classification category “B” cannot serve under a contract or undergo training in military schools. Such citizens are deprived of the opportunity to serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or other law enforcement agencies. Assignment to such a category implies automatic identification of a conscript into the reserve without undergoing military training.

Limited fit for military service - what this means will be explained by the video: