New traffic rules online exams. Exam tickets for traffic rules of categories C and D (SD) and subcategories C1, D1

On this page you can practice with online exam tickets for passing the traffic police at the traffic police with the latest changes in 2019. You will decide on all the tickets presented here when you receive your license during the exam at the traffic police. We advise you to go through all the questions of the online test for category A and B according to traffic rules before going to the real exam, it really helps. Such training will help you pass it without errors and on the first try. In 2019, this is very important, because according to the new rules, each mistake costs 5 additional questions, but read about this below.

  • Categories A, B and M
  • Categories C and D

New rules for the theoretical exam of the traffic police

Those who are going to solve online exam tickets for traffic rules by category as amended on September 1, 2016, should first of all become familiar with the new rules for testing the theoretical knowledge of driver candidates.

The procedure for conducting the exam is described in detail in paragraphs. 88 - 102 Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 20, 2015 N 995. According to the new rules:

  • In total you have to answer 20 questions in 20 minutes.
  • The questions are divided into 4 blocks, 5 tasks in each (from 1 to 5, from 6 to 10, etc.).
  • In total, it is permissible to make 2 errors in different blocks. Two incorrect answers in one block means that the exam is not passed (for example, if you answered the 1st and 2nd questions of the test incorrectly).
  • If you make 1 mistake, 5 additional questions will be added to the main questions. All 5 tasks will be on the same topic as the one you answered incorrectly. In total, no more than 10 questions can be added.
  • Errors in additional blocks are not allowed. You must answer all 5 or 10 topic questions correctly or fail the exam.
  • So, in order to pass driving theory tickets online, as in the traffic police exam, you must:

  • Solve the question in 20 minutes (1 minute is added for each additional question);
  • Make no more than 2 mistakes in different blocks and, if necessary, answer each additional question correctly.
  • The online traffic test on our website takes into account the rules for conducting exams in 2019. Therefore, here you can test yourself and pass the traffic police exam with additional questions for mistakes.

    How to pass the online traffic police test for free according to the traffic rules as amended

    To start online training, select any ticket. For each task, several answer options are offered. You only need to choose one. If you are in doubt about the answer, click on the “Hint” button. With its help, you can read a detailed explanation of which option you should choose. Explanations are supported by references to specific rules traffic.

    When you select the correct answer, the script will automatically switch to the next question. If you answered incorrectly, the correct option will be highlighted in green, and below you will see detailed explanation errors. Once you answer the ticket, a message will appear whether you succeeded in passing the exam or not. You can consolidate the knowledge of the passed ticket and solve it again. To do this, click on the “Go again” button.

    Tips for drivers on how to prepare for the theoretical exam in the traffic police

    We have some tips for future drivers who want to prepare for the traffic police test:

    Solve as many tickets as possible.

    Some of the tasks in the tickets are formulated in such a way that it can be really difficult to answer them the first time; they are trying to confuse you. If you pre-solve all the tickets, you will save yourself from making mistakes in the upcoming exam. New traffic rules tickets of all categories are available on our website with a choice of topic in the traffic police exam mode. These same tickets will be used in the real exam.

    Work on your mistakes.

    The site saves all questions that you were unable to answer correctly. Click on “My Mistakes” to see if you can get the answer right this time. The question will disappear from “my mistakes” only after you answer it correctly on the ticket itself.

    Spend time on problematic topics.

    When solving traffic rules, pay attention to which topics you understand the worst and work on them separately. This is very important for those who are taking their license in 2019, since 5 additional questions in case of an error will be on the same problematic topic. To solve problems for category B on topics of traffic rules, click on “Topics” and select the required category from the list (for example, overtaking, signs, driving through intersections, providing medical assistance, etc.).

    Keep track of time, but don't rush.

    Read the tasks and answer options carefully. Take your time with your choice, even when it seems obvious. During the online training of traffic rules on our website there is a time counter. With it, you can control how much time you spend on a ticket and work out a comfortable pace for yourself. Do not worry that your 20 minutes will expire, the counter is made only for your convenience and you will be able to solve the problem as much as you need, but do not forget that in the exam you will have to complete the allotted 20 minutes.

    Answer randomly.

    To remember the rules of the road as best as possible, work through the theory without reference to topics or tickets. This option is available in the online traffic rules menu in the “Random questions” section.

    Taking practice exams on the new traffic rules with answers and explanations will help you work through all the questions that cause difficulties. If you decided on tickets online, passing the theory at the traffic police will be a piece of cake. Take your time, pay attention, stay calm, and you will succeed! I trained on exactly the same online tests and I managed to pass the exam the first time.

    Attention! For exam papers to work correctly, please enable JavaScript in your browser.

    2019 traffic police exam tickets

    Official traffic police exam cards 2019.

    Tickets and comments are based on traffic rules
    from December 21, 2018(applicable from December 4, 2018).

    Examination tickets Traffic regulations of categories A, B, M are used to pass the theoretical part of the qualification exam in the traffic police. The preparation kit consists of 800 questions (40 tickets of 20 questions each).

    For successful completion exam and obtaining a driver's license at the traffic police, you need to solve a ticket consisting of 20 random questions. In this case, you are allowed to make no more than two mistakes. For each mistake made, the examinee receives 5 additional questions. Maximum time to pass the theoretical exam - 20 minutes.

    To pass exams for categories C, D, as well as subcategories C1 and D1, a separate kit is used:

    As practice shows, passing the traffic rules exam is not difficult. Most drivers manage to solve the theory successfully the first time. However, for this it is necessary to resolve everything several times exam papers 2019 online. You can start learning right now. Just go to the top of the page.

    New questions in 2018

    During 2018, 35 questions from the ABM set and 36 questions from the CD set were updated.

    New questions in 2017

    In 2017, several changes were made to the traffic rules, based on which 15 questions in the AB set and 10 questions in the CD set were updated.

    New questions for the traffic police exam from September 1, 2016

    Since September 1, 2016, updated exam cards have been used for the traffic police exam. Most of the questions in them coincide with the questions from the previous edition of the tickets. However, there are 32 new questions, which you can find out about in the articles:

    5 additional questions for a mistake in 2019

    Starting from September 1, 2016, when passing exam tickets, the new technique. For each mistake made in the main part of the exam, the driver candidate must answer 5 additional questions.

    The "5 additional questions per error" mode is enabled by default. To disable it do the following:

    • Click on the "Menu" button with three horizontal bars at the top of the tickets.
    • Click on the "Settings" button.
    • Uncheck the box "5 questions per error mode".
    • Click on the "Save" button.
    • The new regime will take effect immediately after you open a new ticket.

    If you wish, you can turn off the mode with additional questions and take the test according to the rules that were in force for the official exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate until September 1, 2016.

    Traffic police exam from the website

    On this page you can prepare for the traffic police qualification exam for free. We recommend using the following training plan:

    • Read the text carefully. Exam tickets are based on traffic rules, so you should not start studying before reading the rules.
    • Start solving exam questions in the "by topic" mode. Each topic corresponds to a specific section of traffic rules or other normative document. In the settings, it is recommended to set “Learning mode (easy)”.
    • Start solving 2019 tickets online. If you do not know the correct answer to a question, then do not try to guess. Each question is provided with a hint (the "hint" button at the bottom). Read the clue and choose the correct answer. There is nothing wrong with using hints during preparation. Just keep in mind that there will be no hints on the real traffic police exam.
    • After solving traffic police tickets you will have access to own page statistics. It contains information about all the tickets that you tried to solve. Passed tickets have a green background, unpassed tickets have a red background. Tickets that you have not yet accessed have a transparent background. Go back to the tickets marked in red and solve them again.
    • Get started handing over tickets in knowledge test mode. To do this, reset the statistics and select “Knowledge test mode (medium)” in the settings. After that, solve all the tickets in order again. You will still have access to the tips, but it is not recommended to use them at the final stages of preparation.
    • If you wish, you can solve tickets in exam mode at the traffic police, which can be enabled in the settings. This is the most difficult mode. There are no hints available in it, and you will learn the results of answering questions only after complete passage ticket.
    • The final stage - refresh your knowledge a couple of days before the traffic police exam. If you have enough time, then solve all the traffic rules exam papers 2019 again. If time is short, decide on multiple tickets of your choice. You can use hints to solve questions that you have forgotten. In the settings, it is recommended to select “Knowledge test mode (medium)”.

    Stick to this plan and then the preparation will go without any problems. The record of preparation for passing the theoretical exam on traffic rules is 5 days. If you have a few free days, you can try to set your own record. Although in fact the main thing is not the speed of preparation, but its quality.

    Attention! Don't try to cram the numbers of the correct answers or make cheat sheets. The real traffic police exam uses the same questions, but they appear in random order. So you won’t be able to get any benefits from cheat sheets.

    Traffic rules marathon - 800 traffic rules questions 2019

    The traffic rules marathon is a special mode that allows you to pass all 800 exam questions sequentially. You can enable this mode from the exam tickets menu:

    Passing the exam in marathon mode has the following features:

    • A driver candidate must solve all 800 questions.
    • You are given 800 minutes (13 hours 20 minutes) to complete the exam.
    • To successfully pass the exam you need to make no more than 2 mistakes.

    In practice, you can solve all 800 questions much faster. If you spend 3 minutes on each ticket, then everything exam questions will be resolved in 2 hours. So it’s quite possible to complete a marathon in 2-3 hours.

    Solving the marathon online allows you to repeat all the questions the evening before the exam.

    Passing the exam in the “Marathon” mode is quite difficult, but if you managed to do this, then you are perfectly prepared to pass the theory at the State Traffic Inspectorate!

    100 most difficult questions in the traffic rules exam in 2019

    The "100 most difficult questions" mode contains questions in which driver candidates most often make mistakes.

    Difficult questions are selected according to the following scheme:

    • For each question, the number of errors made in that question is counted.
    • The number of errors is divided by total answers to this question. This is the so-called rating.
    • In the "100 difficult questions" mode, 100 questions with the highest rating are selected, i.e. highest percentage of errors. These questions are displayed in random order.
    • Questions for the “100 easiest questions” mode are selected in the same way. The only difference is that the questions with the lowest rating are selected.

    You can launch the “100 difficult” and “100 easy” modes from the exam tickets menu:

    Preparation for the qualification exam in the traffic police

    The traffic police qualification exam consists of three parts:

    • Theoretical part.
    • The circuit is the practical part.
    • The city is the practical part.

    You can prepare for the theory test online directly on this page. Initial preparation for the race track can also be done online. To do this, I recommend that you read the series of articles "". As for the city, you can find tips on renting in the article "".

    If you would like to receive your exam papers in printed form, you can download the printable file here:

    Examination module for the website

    If you want to install the exam cards module on your website, then use the following html code:

    This code can be installed on any html page. The recommended width for installing the module is 620 pixels.

    After installing the code, your site will receive:

    • A complete module for passing the exam.
    • Both sets of tickets (ABM and CD) will be available for the solution.
    • All functions, including solving tickets by topic, student statistics, and recording record scores.
    • The ticket module is updated automatically and does not require additional actions. Therefore, the tickets on your website will always correspond to the tickets on.
    • Tickets will work on any site and do not require additional technical requirements to hosting. Data processing is carried out on our server, so the module will not slow down your site.

    Just install the code above and a useful section with traffic police exam tickets will appear on your website. Installing and using the module free.

    Good luck with exams!

    IN separate group Only passenger cars with trailers are highlighted.

    In short, the speeds are the same for trucks and trucks with trailers. The limit is 90 km/h on motorways and 70 km/h on other roads.

    Good luck on the roads!

    Why is the bus prohibited from moving? The traffic controller pulled right hand, and the bus turns left

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 10 question 6

    Inna, the bus can continue moving. Why do you think it is prohibited?


    Good afternoon

    There is an error in your prompt

    “However, you did not take the extreme left position on the roadway, so you are prohibited from turning left and making a U-turn.”

    Judging by the picture, we took the extreme RIGHT position

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 7 question 6

    Alexei, Hello.

    The phrases “did not occupy the far left” and “occupied the far RIGHT” do not contradict each other. What exactly do you see as an error?

    Do our paths intersect when we turn? He goes into the far right lane, and without interfering with his trajectory, I make a U-turn. Why should I give in to him when turning?

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 30 question 13

    Boris, if a collision occurs while making a turn, then the person turning will be to blame for the accident.

    You must yield when turning because... this is required by 13.4 traffic regulations.

    Good luck with exams!


    Hello. Question: the question says whether it is possible to park a TRUCK in a parking lot in this way. And the hint states that using this method you can park a PASSENGER car, a motorcycle... Moreover, it is on the sidewalk, and not on the roadway near the sidewalk. But the answer is completely different. Please clarify. Thank you.

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 22 question 12


    Read the question correctly, and the rest is written in the hint. There is no word "parking" there. There is the word “stop”, that is, for no more than 5 minutes, etc.


    Thank you for quick response! Yes, I didn’t read the question and the hint carefully.


    Hello. What is the point of installing this sign BEHIND the intersection if its effect only extends to the next intersection? Then you don’t have to install it there at all, because in any case at the next intersection you can go in all directions...

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 35 question 2


    Is it possible to pass a truck on the RIGHT through a solid marking line? After all, I can’t drive very close to it and then drive around it.

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 37 question 10


    35-2: This image on tickets is drawn solely to test the knowledge of drivers. It makes no sense to install a sign in this form. In practice, such a sign is installed if between intersections there are left turns into courtyards that need to be prohibited.

    37-10: By ticket. You can’t change lanes through a continuous lane; you need to drive between it and the truck. There's enough space there.

    If such a situation arises in practice, it is better to stop and wait until the truck leaves the intersection.

    Good luck on the roads!


    The driver of the Truck did not violate the parking rules; sign 6.4 together with plate 8.6.4-8.6.5 do not prohibit parking of trucks

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 5 question 4


    Why didn’t the motorcycle driver violate it if the distance from him to the marking line remains less than 3 meters?

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 3 question 12


    Because there is not a continuous marking line there. Read the traffic rules.


    What's unclear? Because there is a sign saying “STOPING IS PROHIBITED” and a sign informs before and after the sign. This sign never allowed stopping, neither for up to 5 minutes nor for more than 5 minutes.

    for vehicles of categories N2, N3, O3, O4 - 1 mm;

    for vehicles of categories M1, N1, O1, O2 - 1.6 mm;

    for vehicles of categories M2, M3 - 2 mm. - what kind of equipment is this

    Ticket 2 question 18

    I've passed! thanks for the help!

    Anna, Congratulations!

    Good luck on the roads!


    Good evening!

    Based on what provisions of the traffic rules (specifically No.), we turn on the right turn signal when entering a roundabout intersection, and when driving in a circle, we keep the left turn signal on?

    Sincerely, V.V.

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 10 question 7


    Is it not sufficiently explained in the “hint” section of the ticket itself? Clause 8.1 of the traffic rules. Just not “at entry” but “before entry”.


    Based on what provisions of the traffic rules (specifically No.) do we turn on the right turn signal when entering a roundabout intersection?

    At a classic (or standard - according to configuration) intersection with a roundabout, entry and exit are connected with turn right. Accordingly, it is necessary to take the extreme right position in advance (and not necessarily when entering) - clause 8.5 of the traffic rules and turn on the right turn signal - clause 8.1 of the traffic rules.

    When driving in a circle, do we keep the left turn signal on?

    And if there is a 3-lane roadway, then how can I warn other road users that I am changing lanes to the left lane, moving in a circle?

    Again, at a standard intersection with a road junction, circling does not involve changing direction. Although we move to the left in a circle, we remain on the same roadway. Therefore, it is believed that when we move in a circle, we move straight. Accordingly, it is not necessary to occupy the leftmost lane in advance and a left turn signal is not needed.

    When driving around the ring, turn on the turn signals when changing lanes- appropriate direction.

    In conclusion, I note that not all roundabouts are standard in configuration (as in the ticket issue).

    Based on what provisions of the traffic rules (specifically No.), when entering a roundabout intersection, we turn on the right direction indicator, and, When driving in a circle, keep the left turn signal on?

    Vladimir Where did you get this information from?


    The driver of the car violated the stopping rule. But the motorcyclist also violated the distance from the dividing strip to the motorcycle less than 3 meters. Why does the tooltip say he didn't violate???

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 3 question 12


    Because I didn’t violate it, since marking 1.11 is not a dividing line.

    Read the definition of what it is dividing strip:

    ""Dividing strip" is a road element, allocated structurally and (or) using markings 1.2, separating adjacent roadways, as well as the roadway and tram tracks and not intended for the movement and stopping of vehicles."

    Horizontal markings:

    "1.11. - separates traffic flows of opposite or similar directions on sections of roads where changing lanes is allowed only from one lane; indicates places where it is necessary to allow movement only from the side of the broken line (at places of turn, entry and exit from the adjacent territory);"

    “Line 1.11 is allowed to be crossed from the side of the broken line, as well as from the side of the solid line, but only when overtaking or detour is completed.”

    And paragraph 12.4 of the traffic rules:

    12.4. Stopping is prohibited:

    in places where the distance between solid line marking(except for marking the edge of the roadway), a dividing strip or the opposite edge of the roadway and a stopped vehicle less than 3 m;


    I DO NOT agree, on ticket 11 the correct answer is A and D

    - - - - - - - - -

    Ticket 11 question 19


    Ticket 11 question 19

    The G position actually, of course, also provides blocking, but worse.

    The rear wheels, of course, will hit the curb, but tangentially, that is, unreliably.

    So, of the available answer options, the best is still A and B. There, the wheels will immediately climb onto the curb, and at a good angle, not slipping.

    Option B: the front wheels are higher than the rear wheels on a climb, because of this they are unloaded and create less resistance when trying to climb onto the curb. At the moment the wheel hits the curb, the body receives a torque, which further unloads the wheel. Generally speaking, position B is best for climbing on a high curb, if you suddenly need to do this. If the car still fits one wheel onto the curb, then there will be no more obstacles in its path, and it will roll to the middle of the road.

    Do you want to feel calm and confident during the traffic police exams? Is it important for you to pass the theory the first time? Then sit down and practice. If you solve one ticket every day, in a month and a half you will master the theoretical material. Last couple Weeks it will be possible to repeat selectively difficult questions or solve those tickets in which many mistakes were made.

    How to work with tickets on the site

    Our service acts as a kind of simulator for preparing for the exam of drivers of categories C, C1, D and D1. It is best to exercise regularly. Daily practice will teach you to quickly and confidently answer questions in conditions similar to exam ones. Please note that the website contains current tickets, with the latest changes made annually by the traffic police. These are the tickets and questions that will be on the exam.

    Before starting training, register on the site. Then in personal account Your statistics and time counter will be visible, and you will be able to select difficult tickets and questions. Use different shapes works:

    • Study for exactly one hour today. Check how many tickets you can make.
    • Tomorrow, thoroughly sort out one ticket. Try to understand the logic of the question, consider the situation from different positions.
    • The next day, select 5 difficult tickets and solve them.

    Before the exams, it will also be useful to refresh the material in your memory and go over the tickets again.

    How the exam for categories C and D works

    Now the theoretical exam is taken like this. The exam itself lasts 30 minutes. This is enough to gather your thoughts and answer 20 questions correctly. The result is evaluated as follows.

    • If you answered correctly, you passed the exam.
    • Make 1 mistake - you get 5 additional questions and 5 minutes of time. You can't make mistakes anymore!
    • I made 2 mistakes - in this case, options are possible. If questions are in different topic groups, the computer offers 10 questions and 10 additional minutes of time. There is no room for error. If both questions are in the same thematic group, the exam is considered failed.
    • If you made 3 or more mistakes, you failed the exam. You'll come next time, in a week. Fortunately, the number of attempts is unlimited.

    Important: exam tickets on the website are updated regularly and now contain the “Five additional questions per error” mode.

    What you need to know about training in categories C and D

    Traditionally, training in categories C and D takes place in two stages, theory and practice. You can study them sequentially, or you can study them in parallel; you master the tickets and at the same time undergo practical classes. Do not forget to analyze the road situation while driving and look for similar cases in theoretical material. This way the material will be remembered better.

    Question answer

    At what age can you get a license?

    Licenses of categories C and C1 are issued to people who have reached the age of 18, and for categories D and D1 you can take exams and receive a mark on your license after reaching 21 years of age. There are exceptions here. Those who have served in the army and have experience driving category D cars can take the test upon reaching their 19th birthday and completing the program vocational training. At the age of 21, all they have to do is confirm their right to drive a vehicle of this category.

    How much does it cost to take the theory test?

    The cost of the theoretical test: traffic rules exams are taken free of charge. You only need to pay the state fee, which is necessary to obtain a plastic driver’s license.

    What documents need to be prepared?

    To obtain category C and D licenses, you must submit a package of documents to the traffic police:

    • statement,
    • passport or equivalent document,
    • military ID (for those liable for military service),
    • receipt for payment of state duty,
    • document confirming training at a driving school,
    • medical certificate established sample.

    If driver license you already have them, you also need to present them. The new rights will include marks about all available categories.

    The program is designed to prepare for passing the theoretical traffic rules exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for driving licenses of categories “B” and “C”, as well as subcategories “B1” and “C1”. Content exam tickets for traffic rules "BC"(including graphic objects) fully complies official tickets The traffic police used to pass the traffic rules exam in 2019.

    Registration traffic rules programs "BC" very simple and possible in several ways. You can evaluate its quality in advance (5 BC traffic rules exam tickets are available for training and 1 minute instead of the required 20 in exam mode).

    There are 2 preparation modes:

    • Training mode. There is an opportunity to study questions like on "BC" tickets(80 tickets for 20 questions), and by topic. Here you can see the explanation (comment) for each question; if you give an incorrect answer, the system will notify you about this and ask you to give the correct answer.
    • Exam mode. 20 minutes of time are provided (+5 minutes for every 5 additional questions). Questions are generated randomly from four thematic blocks. Each of them has five questions. If you made one mistake or two mistakes in different thematic blocks, then for each mistake five additional questions are added on the topic where the incorrect answer was given. If more than two errors are made, two errors in one thematic block or in one of the questions in an additional block, the exam is not passed. The exam ends either when the time runs out or when you have answered all the questions. At the end of the exam, the results are displayed. You will receive an explanation for every question answered incorrectly.

    You can answer questions either using the mouse or the keyboard (the corresponding number keys are for answering questions, space bar is for skipping a question).

    Please note that in exam mode, when the “Show incorrect answers” ​​option is disabled, questions are marked with a question mark. The results will be known only after the completion of the exam.

    Screenshots of the program:

    Is stopping within 5 meters of a pedestrian crossing prohibited?
    Yes, but not from the transition, but before the transition. You can stop behind him even close, there are no restrictions.

    Ticket 2 - question 3

    Is it allowed if you serve a business located in a designated area?
    Sign 3.4 “Truck traffic prohibited” does not prohibit the movement of trucks without a trailer with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 26 tons that serve enterprises located in the designated area. This provision applies to vehicles of subcategory “C1”, since their permitted weight does not exceed 7.5 tons.

    Ticket 2 - question 13

    Why do you have to give way to a bus on a secondary road?

    Ticket 9 - question 12

    Is the distance between the truck and the marking line less than 3 meters?
    The broken marking line does not impose any restrictions on stopping and parking.

    Ticket 10 - question 17

    Using fog lights separately from low beams in insufficient visibility?
    No, only together. In the new edition of the rules, clause 19.4 it is written - “Fog lights can be used in conditions of poor visibility With low or high beam headlights." This means only together.

    Ticket 15 - question 9

    Is the car on my right?
    He turns right, and you turn left, so during the maneuver he will be on your right, and you must give way to him. This is the situation depicted in this question.

    Ticket 18 - question 13

    Why shouldn't you give way to a car driving on the main road?
    This intersection is a controlled intersection, and the traffic order at it is determined not by priority signs, but by traffic signals (clauses 6.15 and 13.3). Simply put, a traffic light cancels the “Give Way” and “Main Road” signs.

    Ticket 22 - question 3

    Correct answer: If the overall height of the car with its cargo is 4 m?
    No - if the height of the load is 4 meters. Everything is explained in detail in the commentary to this question.

    Ticket 24 - question 11

    Why can't you overtake a truck if it is moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h, isn't it slow-moving?
    The traffic rules do not say anywhere that slow-moving vehicles are those moving at a speed of less than 30 km/h. Slow-moving vehicles are considered to have a “Slow-moving vehicle” sign on the rear.