Walkthrough of the game on the computer Siberia 3. Siberia (Syberia) - complete walkthrough of the game on Android, iPhone and computer with pictures

In this article you will find the player's first opinion about the premiere of Syberia 3, which took place on April 20, 2017. I'm not a fan of this series of games, but I enjoyed the first two parts. I can’t say that I received the news with great delight that there would be a sequel in 2017. However, the game has been purchased and I will give a preliminary assessment this product. Before purchasing, I studied a little the history of the Siberia game, because almost everything was forgotten in 10 years. However, there were no serious expectations regarding the third part.

I am from that category of people who are very difficult to disappoint, because I often find positive sides in any area. So, Siberia 3 was no exception. Despite the fact that on this moment(after spending 6 hours in the game), I can name quite a lot of disadvantages, I will be happy to continue playing it, because there are also advantages that significantly outweigh and leave a pleasant impression of the gameplay.

Having not the most powerful PC by today's standards (i5, 8GB, Geforce960, Win 7, 64), most games show decent FPS. Many people complain about frequency drops, which often lags. It's true, crane frames are unstable. Without leaving the cash register, we will continue to list

Disadvantages of the game "Siberia 3"

This is not yet a complete list of all the shortcomings of the game Siberia 3, but despite all this, I will continue to play with lags and something else, because

Pros of "Syberia 3" or "Siberia 3", advantages of the game

Is it worth buying Syberia 3, is it worth spending 1000 rubles on Siberia 3?

I think this will be enough for an initial opinion for now. Perhaps I’ll take a final look at the game after a complete playthrough. Maybe optimization will be brought up during this time. In the meantime, for those who are wondering whether to buy the game or not, I will answer. In order to Buy Siberia 3, if you meet at least two points below:

  1. the amount for the game will not significantly affect your budget, you can afford to pay twice or even more; in short - if you are near lava;
  2. if you can run around locations for half an hour without problems and without catching fire and still not find anything necessary to continue the game;
  3. if you are willing to put up with small lags, even if you have a powerful PC;
  4. if you are a fan of the Siberia game series (this is understandable);
  5. if your inner perfectionist is ready to withstand at least everything that is described in the cons above;
  6. if you are a fan of all kinds of puzzles and quests, but have nothing to play right now;

If assessed objectively as finished product premiere of the game Siberia 3, we get:

In any case, everyone has their own situation and attitude to games, to a given series, to a similar genre, draw your own conclusion. I hope the information provided was useful to someone.

You play as Kate Walker, a lawyer from New York. She arrived in the town of Valadilen to sign a contract for the sale of the Anna Voralberg mechanical factory to a toy concern. When Kate arrives in the city, she is greeted by the spectacle of a strange funeral: a tired horse drags a huge hearse in the rain, robots walk in step in front and behind, and a mechanical drummer leads the procession. The funeral procession is hidden behind the gates of the cemetery church. Kate goes to the hotel. As soon as the heroine enters the hall, control passes to the player. Let's together reveal all the secrets of the game on a computer, phone and tablet, both Android and iOS (iPhone and iPod). Screenshots of the game difficult places are attached.

Controls in the game Siberia on a computer

Left-click to indicate where Kate should move. Usually the cursor looks like a ring. In places on the screen where there is a passage to other locations, the ring is highlighted. Double-clicking the mouse sends Kate running.
Explore the screen with your mouse cursor. Where it changes appearance, some action can be applied there. The left mouse button is also used for actions.
If the cursor takes the form of a magnifying glass, you can examine the object close-up, or chat with an NPC, left-clicking on which will start a conversation.
If the cursor turns into a hand, the item can be picked up. If it looks like a pitchfork, you need to click on this place or use an item from your inventory.
The inventory appears when you press the Esc button on the keyboard or by right-clicking the mouse. The luggage is divided into two parts: one contains storage media - notes, faxes, newspaper clippings, books, the other contains quest items - adjustable wrenches, screwdrivers, wine glasses... To navigate between them, use the arrows located at the top. The word "Menu" at the top is the exit to the main menu of the game. For complex actions, first select the desired item from your inventory - it will appear in a frame at the bottom left of the screen - and then click the mouse in the desired place to use it.
Kate has a phone. If you need to make a call, select from subscribers or dial the number as usual mobile phone. Often, the further passage of the game depends on one phone call.
When the “magnifying glass” sign appears when you hover over a person’s figure, click the mouse and Kate enters into dialogue. Kate selects a topic from a notepad, after which the exchange proceeds automatically. The most useful words are task and help. Usually they are the ones who allow you to get necessary information from the interlocutor. Be prepared that sometimes you have to talk to the same character several times to solve a problem.

Controls in the game Siberia on a tablet or phone (Android, ios)

In the lower right corner of the screen, the square is your inventory. It has a telephone. Click the eye to read the contents of the found entries in the inventory. In the inventory there is an exit to the menu.
Tap on the ground - move.
A circle with an arrow - transition to another window, to another location.
Magnifying glass - examine an object.
Hand - take an object or use it.
The game saves automatically (the disk icon in the lower left corner lights up). To continue, when you turn on the game again on your Android, click Next.

If you don't have the required dialogue item, it means you haven't talked to one of the characters. Talk to the heroes on all possible topics!

Complete walkthrough of the game Siberia

Hotel in Valadilene

Passage at the notary's office

Walkthrough at the Voralberg factory

Cave with a mammoth

Passage in the church

We start the mechanisms at the factory

How to fix Oscar

Passage on the train

Passage of Barrockstadt University

Looking for Sauvignon berries

  1. We go through 1 screen. In front of you are the stairs to the lecture hall, but Kate doesn’t need to go there yet. Turn to the left wing (to where the moose skeleton is).

  2. The first door on your way is the library. Sign in. On the top floor, climb up the stairs and take the book that is upside down on the shelf. This is a mushroom guide. Let's remember the name Yangala-Kola - a mushroom that improves vision.
  3. Downstairs, on the reading tables, take the blue-bound book.

    After reading it, Kate learns all about the Amazonian cuckoos and that in the Barrockstadt greenhouse there are plantings of the Sauvignon plant that these birds love. We leave the library.
  4. We continue our way to the door at the end of the left wing, this is the rector’s office.
  5. Sign in. Talk to the three rectors. In the conversation, be sure to touch on the topics of money and Sauvignon. The rectors will agree to give Kate money to fix the jukebox in front of the university entrance.
  6. Leave the rectors.
  7. Go to the other wing of the corridor until you come across Professor Pons looking at the skeleton of a fossil animal. Talk to him about Hans and the Sauvignon plant. We return to the station to the caretaker. On the way, Kate's boss will call her.
  8. We also talk about Sauvignon with the caretaker. The conversation is interrupted.
  9. We go to the bridge with a fork, and then to the exit from the platform, to again encounter the caretaker on it. We make another attempt to ask him about the Sauvignon grapes. The caretaker sends Kate back to Professor Pons.
  10. Go on the train and take the mammoth figurine, the professor was interested in him.
  11. Go to the professor. Show him the mammoth. The professor is happy to see this artifact, he asks Kate to borrow it for study and promises to invite the girl to his lecture on yukols, then opens the door to his laboratory, which is located at the end of the right corridor. Follow him.
  12. In the closet to the left of the entrance, take the music cylinder. Then, in the front part of the laboratory, pick up the tweezers and the bottle with Yangala-Kola extract standing there from the table.

  13. Ask the professor about Savignon again.
  14. Go to the rector's office again. Ask about the same berries. The rectors admit that Sauvignon berries are grown in a greenhouse and wine is made from them, but they all hide this, since publicity could damage the reputation of the university.
  15. With information about the berries, return to the station. Talk to the station manager about them again. Realizing that all the secrets have already been revealed, he agrees to open the entrance to the greenhouse for Kate.
  16. Follow him to the far side of the bridge to the left and further along the curved alley. Exit through the open door.

  17. Go left to the bushes strewn with red berries. This is Sauvignon. Pick the berries.
  18. Return to the bridge, but do not climb onto it, but go around the platform to the right. Go to the place where several Amazonian cuckoos are hanging around under the stairs.

  19. Throw them berries.

Repairing the musical mechanism

Passing the locks and departure of the train

Clearing customs

Passage of Komsomolsk

  1. Get off the train and go right to the huge iron figure at the end of the station. On the way, Oscar will stop you, but refuse to help.
  2. Go to the metal ladder on the figure's foot.
  3. Climb up into the control cabin.

  4. Pick up 3 items from the shelf: a drawing of a giant, a fourth musical roller and a handle from the giant's control panel. The drawing shows that a winding mechanism is hidden in the figure’s leg.

  5. Take a look at the remote control to the right of the bed. Insert the handle into the center slot. Slide it up and the iron man will move towards the train. After driving a little, he will stop.
  6. Move the lever up a second time, it will move forward again and stop opposite the head of the train.
  7. Press the red button on the remote control at the top right and the giant will start the train.

  8. Press the lever down twice to roll the piece of iron back. Get out of the cabin and go down to the platform. Watch the video of how the man in red ran out of the train and disappeared.
  9. Get into the carriage. Stop by the phonograph and listen to the new music cylinder, which talks about Hans's work with the Russians.
  10. Move further along the carriage and you will find a tied up Oscar. His hands were stolen. We need to return them.
  11. There are wire cutters (pliers) lying on the floor next to Oscar, pick them up.

  12. The station is closed, we are looking for another way. Again we rise to the control cabin of the giant. Pull the lever up once. The giant will move a little. Go out onto the stairs and jump onto the canopy of the station.
  13. Use wire cutters to cut a hole in the iron wall.
  14. Climb into the hole. Go forward. Examine the closet on the left. Take the spark plug from the shelf.

  15. Go back. Return to the giant's cabin. Press the lever down 1 time. Get down to the platform.
  16. Go to the opposite edge of the platform.
  17. Pull the lever near the boxes. The elevator car will arrive. Get into it and it will take you up. Dan will call, but the conversation will not work out.
  18. On the left you will find a generator. Insert the spark plug into the center slot. Pull the lever and lights will come on everywhere.

  19. Feel free to head forward - deeper into the mine. After four screens, the tunnel will end with another elevator. We get into it and go upstairs. We've arrived.

  20. You will see a large door on the left, under a non-working monitor. There is a lever on the wall nearby, pull it. The door will slide away. This is the passage to the platform. But we don’t need to go there yet. It will come in handy later.
  21. Go right. Go up the stairs. There is a mechanical pianist sitting in front of the organ, examine him. Take a screwdriver. Go downstairs.
  22. Go down the screen and down again past the metal door. Turn left. You will see a ladder going up and a shield on bolts with an illegible inscription. Unscrew them with the used screwdriver.

  23. Go upstairs and enter the trailer to the left. The hand thief and at the same time the director of the abandoned plant Sergei Borodin sits in it. Talk to him by selecting the task topic. The director joined hands to finish the mechanical musician and organize a concert in honor of his idol - Russian singer Elena Romanskaya. And until Kate brings Elena here, he will not give up Oscar's hand.
  24. Go down the stairs and enter the Elena Museum hanging on chains. Go forward 2 screens until you see a desk with an open drawer on the left. Take out an album with notes about the singer and letters from it.

  25. After reading the notes, you will see the name Frank Malkovich. Maybe he knows where Elena is now. Calling mom(scroll through the list of numbers until you find the one you need). We learn that the singer is most likely at the Aralbad resort.
  26. Return to the director. Dan will call on the way.
  27. We talk with the director about the topic of task and Aralbad. He will say that a drunk from the cosmodrome can help you get to Aralbad if he is sober. A monorail runs to the cosmodrome. The director will turn it on when Kate is inside.
  28. We leave the office and go into the elevator car next to the right. This is the monorail. Kate goes to the spaceport.

Walkthrough at the cosmodrome

  1. We move to the right and down. Then into the distance.

    On the way, we answer a call from Olivia, it seems she is courting Den.
  2. We climb the steps on the left.
  3. We go right past the rocket accelerator.
  4. We climb up a short flight of stairs.
  5. We go into the space capsule. Talking to former cosmonaut Boris Shatrov.
  6. There is a bottle of vodka lying on the floor nearby, we pick it up. A drunk man staggers and, going to look for his stash, falls into a trolley. We need to sober him up.
  7. Return to the capsule. Go down 1 screen. On the shelves on the wall on the left, take the papers (middle shelf) and the key (bottom).

  8. Exit the capsule. Go down the ramp along the short flight of stairs. On the right side of the fence you will see a valve with a flywheel (valve) in the form of a wheel. Give it a spin. Hear the murmur of water.

  9. Head to the nearby control panel at the bottom of the screen. Turn it on with the key found on the shelf.
  10. Move the lower horizontal lever to the left and the cart with the body will move to the left. Push the leftmost vertical lever up and the minecart will move under the pipe.

  11. Pull up the vertical lever with curved arrows drawn next to it and water will pour onto the astronaut. The drunk will sober up. You can talk to him, or you can not talk to him yet.
  12. From the drunk, step to the right. Then, past the round structure to the right, up to a metal staircase reinforced between four trusses.

  13. Rise to the airship with birds flying around it. But to go there, you need a key. Return to Boris Shatrov.
  14. Start dialogues with him on the topics of the airship and birds. He will give you the key.
  15. Go back to the airship. Inside, pull the lever near the autopilot. He does not work.
  16. You need to see the astronaut again. He changed his location. Go down the stairs under the round structure and now go left. He is there. Talk. Boris will ask Kate to help him take to the skies in exchange for help launching the airship.
  17. Go up the steps. Enter the control room of the command post.
  18. Examine the control panel on the right. On the left next to the remote control there is a cross-shaped key. Take it and insert it into the panel slot.
  19. Then slide the cover at the bottom right of the panel, you will see broken wires. Connect the wires.
  20. Turn on the device by pressing the lever above the wires to the "up" position. The screen will light up green.

  21. Remove the hemoanalyzer from the panel and place it in your inventory. We probably need the astronaut's blood to run the centrifuge. Leave the wheelhouse and go downstairs.
  22. Use a hemoanalyzer on the astronaut to draw blood.
  23. Go up to the control room and insert the hemoanalyzer with blood into the hole in the panel from where you removed it earlier.
  24. Without confusing the sequence of buttons, press: 1 - button with up and down arrows. The light on the panel will light up. The capsule outside the window will rise. 2 - press the button with the syringe. The analyzer will tell you that there is a high alcohol content in the blood.

  25. Touch the needle of the hemoanalyzer to dilute Sharov’s blood with your own.
  26. Press the button with the syringe again and the corresponding light will light up.
  27. The third button with two circular arrows will spin the capsule with the astronaut and take him to the spacecraft lift.
  28. The last button (with the triangle) will send Boris into the sky. The screen will say “launch started”. Before leaving, he will say something about the airship and throw something on the ground.
  29. Go downstairs. Under the deserted launcher Search the ground and find the bell crank thrown by the astronaut.
  30. Go down past the astronaut capsule and straight to the rocket boosters. Behind them, look for a barely visible metal staircase behind them. Climb up.

  31. Go deep into the screen to the cage with the hawk. There is a mechanism next to her. Use the crank lever on it. The hawk will fly free and scatter the birds that are preventing the airship from taking off.
  32. Return to the airship. Pull the lever next to the pilot and watch the video of Kate's flight to Aralbad.

Passage of Aralbad

How to make a cocktail

Walkthrough of Escape from Komsomolsk

Passage of returning to Aralbad

If you liked the game and its passage was interesting and exciting, play the second part of this unforgettable adventure, where, together with Hans, Kate will rush off on a train in search of Siberia.

Once outside the Valsembor gate, turn left and go all the way to the lighthouse. According to the plot, this is not necessary yet, but is necessary to complete the “Walsembor Nightmare” achievement. Talk to the lone fisherman and the achievement is yours.

Return to the gate and move right. Walk around the imposing white ship (later you will find out that it is the Crystal ferry) and talk to the drunken captain Obo. When you regain control, board the ferry. Enter any door, go past the chairs and go up any stairs. There on the table you will find the captain's diary.

Take it and read it immediately (J). You will need this to receive as many as four achievements in the future - “A Strong Argument”, “A Screenwriter’s Nightmare”, “Crime and Punishment” and “A Dark Past”. The "Screenwriter's Nightmare" achievement is more difficult to obtain than others - for this you need to perform all optional actions in the game ahead of the logical chain ("Nightmare" you will receive for one of them absolutely randomly - the author of the text earned it along with the "Cassandra" achievement). The "Strong Case" achievement can also be earned later, just follow the prompts in this walkthrough. It is important to read the diary before you talk to the other characters in Valsembor. Get off the ferry and go to the local cafe, which is nearby (the door next to the man sitting on the bench).

Talk to the waitress - she will turn out to be Sarah, the granddaughter of the inventor Steiner, from whom we must take the prosthesis. After the dialogue, exit the cafe and turn left. Go to the end of the street and try not to get confused by the constantly changing camera angle. Go into the workshop and talk to Steiner. The inventor will become ill, and we must help him find a cure. To start getting the “Grumpy” achievement, immediately try to go out the door, then examine the wind-up bird on the shelf to the left of the shop owner. There is a cup to the left of the bird, take it and go down to the basement. In principle, you don’t have to do this, but in the basement there is a hint on where to look for the medicine. This is a note above the table with a prosthesis, which says that the medicine must be taken three hours before dinner. We return to Steiner and examine the clock that hangs on the wall behind him.

Place the cup on the stand under the clock. As you know, Europeans serve dinner at eight, which means you need to set the dials to five. Immediately after this, the clock mechanism will fill the cup with medicine. Give the cup to Steiner. After a short conversation with him (and automatically completing the “Dark Past” achievement), go down to the basement and find a reel with a film about Baranur in a cardboard box near the stairs. Place the reel in the projector and watch the movie. Next, after talking with Sarah upstairs, go down to the basement again and talk to the inventor. After that, flip the switch on the ferry model and get the "Grump" achievement. Then return to the cafe and find Captain Obo there. He is very drunk, so ask the bartender for help. After the sobering cocktail is ready, return to the captain and in the dialogue choose the following answers: “Flattery,” “Walsembor needs you,” and “I offer redemption.” Get the “Crime and Punishment” and “Strong Argument” achievements.

After you have persuaded the captain to transport the yukols, return to the Crystal (to the location where you took the diary). Climb the stairs to the bridge and talk to Obo. He will hand you a piece of paper with the password - 0509 - and give you the task of loading the hold with coal. Go out onto the deck and turn the valve next to the ladder all the way. The hold doors must be completely open.

Go down the ramp and go to the large gate opposite the Crystal. Find an active point on the wall next to the entrance - this is a panel on which you need to dial the code given to you (0509). Enter the hangar and roll the coal cart to the end of the room. Go back to the door and switch the lever (1), then take the folding chute (2) and the steel bar (3).

Walk with a rod along the coal supply pipes past which you rolled the trolley and knock on each one. For this, a little later you will receive the “Sage” achievement. Roll the trolley to the pipe, which responds with a dull sound, and click on the magnifying glass icon (if you can’t do this with the mouse, move the cursor to the pipe and select the magnifying glass icon using the arrows on the keyboard). Next, apply a gutter to the pipe and activate the button on the side. The full trolley is too heavy for frail Kate, so head towards the motorcycle-like forklift. Examine the panel. Remove the button (1) using the knife that is already in your inventory, place it in the groove (2) and slide the lever (3) up until it stops. After watching the cutscene, go to the loading crane and enter the same code (0509) on the panel. Go up the stairs. You will see the following panel in front of you:

Buttons (1) switch cameras with a view of the crane, so that from time to time you can monitor the correctness of your actions. Next you need to do the following:

  • Move the lever (5) that rotates the crane tower to 9 o'clock.
  • Press the capture button (3). The trolley is now in the air.
  • Move the valve-moving lever (2) to the left twice.
  • Move the valve turning lever (6) up.
  • Move the valve turning lever (6) down.
  • Move the valve moving lever (2) to the right.
  • Set the lever (5) that rotates the crane tower to 12 o'clock. At this step, use the buttons (1) to check whether the trolley is located exactly above the open hold. If so, move on to the next step.
  • Press the reset button (4). Now the coal is in the hold.

After descending from the crane, you will find Obo at the control panel. He will send you to replenish your water supplies. Climb onto the deck of the ferry. There is a hose next to the hold where you loaded the coal. Use the lever on the side to open the water supply hole, insert the hose into it and secure it again with the lever. Get off the ferry, go up to the tank, which is now standing next to the Crystal, and pull the lever. Return to the captain, who will inform you that he does not have the key to the ferry. We go to Steiner, but bad luck, he went to the hospital with a prosthesis. Sarah will give you the handle from the layout in the basement. Go down to the basement, use the handle on the hole on the side of the table with the layout and turn on the light with the toggle switch. Read the sign about the construction of the ferry; in the text you will see the numbers 98, 60, 80 and 30. On the ship's paddle wheel, set these numbers in the reverse order - 30, 80, 60 and 98 (in the latter case, simply move the arrow as far to the right as possible). With each correctly entered number, the miniature anchor on the bow of the ship will lower. After the last number, pull the chain, the roof of the layout will open and you will see the key. Take it and notice the number 50% written on it. This is not a full key, but a smaller copy. Go to the table next to the one on which the prosthesis used to lie. Under the table there is a box with blanks for keys, take one. Next, pay attention to the device on the table.

Open the cover (1), place a copy of the key there and press the white toggle switch. Then place the blank under the cover (2). Turn the knob (4) so ​​that the pointer on the scale (3) points to 200 (since your key is a half copy of the original, you need a scale of 200%). The red button on the machine body will become active, press it and take the finished key from under the cover (2). If you did everything correctly, you will receive the "Master Locksmith" achievement. Return to the bridge and insert the key into the hole on the dashboard (the only active point). But you can’t sail yet - the port locks are closed, and only the mayor can give permission to open them. With a sigh, we drag ourselves to the mayor - walk past the cafe and turn right, go to the square with the rally. A bearded man stands in front of the protesters on the terrace. Chat with the dissatisfied and go up to the mayor. In the dialogue with him, select the answers “Sorry to bother you”, “Leave the city with the Yukols”, “Think about the elections” and receive permission to open locks, a scheme and the “Lobbyist” achievement. Return to Obo, then go to the lighthouse near which the fisherman stood, but do not go up the stairs, but go through the door next to which the captain is standing. Take a helmet from the table, cylinders from the corner next to the door, and a wetsuit from the hanger. Inspect the cylinders (the required pressure is indicated on them) and place them in the device to the left of the entrance. Then pay attention to the shield.

Press the green button and turn the gray toggle switch so that the pressure gauge needle points to 180. Lower the holder onto the cylinders and turn the oxygen supply knobs one by one. Having received full cylinders, go to the changing room with a lifebuoy on the door and click on the active point. Kate will dive into the water on her own.

Underwater, go all the way to the right. Not far from the round red valve at the bottom there is a gear and a square key, pick them up. Move further to the right, reach the second valve and insert the square key into the hole under it. Turn the key and open the door. Rotate the red valve clockwise until it stops, then lower the lever next to it and open the right airlock. Go back, look behind the opened door and find a chain in the wreckage of the sunken ship. Return to the first valve, pick up the remaining gears and install them together with the chain in this way.

There should be a large gear at the top left, and a stepped gear at the bottom. Turn the red valve counterclockwise, then lower the lever on the right. The exit from the port is open.

Olesya Klimchuk

Once in Volsembor, Kate hears locals talking about the lake monster and the Crystal ferry on the embankment. Near this ferry you can have a short chat with the drunk captain. Let's go to the tavern (optional) and find out where Steiner lives, a watchmaker and inventor who, at the request of Dr. Zamyatin, makes a prosthetic leg for Kurk.

We go to Steiner's shop, and the owner unexpectedly recognizes the heart of an automaton in Kate's medallion unique work Hans Voralberg, his friend and mentor. Suspecting Kate of stealing the mechanism, he became very nervous and felt ill. We urgently need to find a cure.

We examine the room and take the mug. We go down to the ground floor and see an almost finished prosthesis on the workbench. Above him, pinned to the wall is a note with the words: “Don’t forget to take your medicine three hours before lunch,” which, due to inaccurate localization, causes great difficulty in completing this task, falsely hinting at a time in the morning. Behind his back, Steiner has a blue illuminated watch, the only one of its kind. We put a mug on them and set the dial to 17.00. The medicine is given automatically.

Steiner tells us that the Yukols' route lies through Barapur, and wants to show Kate documentary about the tragedy in this city. There is no film in the projector; you can find it in a box on the floor, not far from the entrance. Kate learns what role the Crystal ferry and its captain Obo played in those events. The idea occurs to her that the Yukolov can be transported on this ferry if you persuade the captain. Steiner's granddaughter Sarah works in a tavern that the captain often visits, which is where he should be looked for.

But before that, let's board the abandoned ferry and read Captain Obo's diary (this is optional, but it gives you an achievement and a compelling argument in a conversation with the captain). In the tavern we try to talk to the drunken Obo, who is sitting at the very last table on the left, but unsuccessfully. We ask for help from Sarah and the tavern owner. After the captain drinks a sobering drink, he will become much more accommodating, and Kate will be able to convince him to transport the Yukols on the ferry. We get on board for the captain, and he gives Kate the first task: to load coal on the ferry, and the code for the coal warehouse and loading crane is 0509.

We go out on deck and open the coal hatch on the bow of the ferry. We go to the large gate of the warehouse and enter the code. Inside to the right of the entrance we see a trolley, take it behind the mesh fence gutter(look at it in inventory) and scrap near the box.

How to remove coal from a warehouse?

  • We use a crowbar to knock on the boxes with coal (the second to last one on the right side is full),
  • push the trolley to the desired box,
  • We look at the box close up (for those who play on a PC, the default key is number 3) and install the gutter,
  • press the button on the right on the box (coal fell into the trolley),
  • activate the lever that changes the position of the rails,
  • push the trolley (Kate shows that she can’t),
  • we get into the car behind the trolley,
  • use the knife on the top left button and remove it,
  • use the removed button from the inventory on the lower right switch and press it (it will light up green)
  • press the lever all the way forward.

Kate has successfully removed the coal, but now she needs to load it onto the ferry. We approach the tap and enter the same code. We go up to the cabin. To capture a minecart:

  • move the right lever all the way forward,
  • turn the lever on the circle a quarter to the left,
  • press the top button.

What actions need to be performed in controlling the crane in order to load coal onto the ferry, and the view on the crane monitor at the same time, look at the screenshots below.

The captain is satisfied and gives another task, quite easy this time: to fill the ferry tanks with water. On the bow of the ship, where the captain moved the pump, turn the handle and insert the hose into the hole, return the handle to its previous position. Having climbed the water tower, we open the drain. Everything was done, but a new misfortune was discovered: the captain lost the ignition key. Perhaps Master Schneider has a copy. We go to the watchmaker and find out from Sarah that he went to the hospital to pick up Kurk. We get permission to inspect the model ferry in the basement.

How to get the key from a model ferry?

  • Press the button on the model stand and turn on the backlight,
  • insert the handle that Sarah gave into the hole on the side and turn it all the way until the model is completely open,
  • we read the accompanying inscription and remember the numbers 30, 80, 60,
  • we dial the numbers in exactly this order on the model wheel and after that we set the pointer all the way to the right (to where the number 100 could be)
  • manually lower the anchor chain all the way.

The key turned out to be very small and not suitable for a real ferry. We need to make an enlarged copy. We approach the device standing on the workbench, under it is a box with blanks for keys, take one.

How to make a copy of the key?

  • Open the round door on the left and insert the key from the ferry model,
  • we press the button inside, the fasteners grab the key, and we close the door,
  • open the round door on the right, insert the key blank
  • choose size - 200%
  • activate the device.

Congratulations, Kate has fully prepared the Crystal ferry for departure. You can report your success to Captain Obo. To be continued...

Zamyatin Hospital

How to leave the hospital room?

After the introductory video, talk to the guy in the hospital chair. Now you need to leave the room. There is no point in going right to the balcony, so immediately go to the door on the left side of the screen. To move, use the keys W, S, A, D. To examine invisible parts of the room, move the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen. Examine the door and then the red button to the right of it. The call doesn't work.

While in zoom mode, move your mouse to the right side of the screen to see what's on the side. This is the diagram.

But without opening the box, the call cannot be repaired. Need a tool.

Go to the table in the center of the room, on which there is a bowl of soup. Examine it and take the knife lying here. Return to the bell and open your inventory. Select the knife instead of Oscar's heart, and then click on the bolt. Move the mouse while holding LMB in a counterclockwise circular motion. After opening the box, inspect the contents.

Take the green wire in your hands and, without releasing the LMB, move it to the hole in the upper right part.

Next, pick up a cylindrical object from which the red and green wires come out, and, without releasing the LMB, lower it down. Close the lid and interact with the part in which the cylindrical object was immersed. Click on the red button to leave the room.

How to find a doctor?

Look around the area. You need to go to the opposite side of the common hall to find the door leading to the doctor. Open it and watch the cutscene. Answer the doctor's questions. If you want to get “ticks” everywhere, then in the first two choose the truth, in the third - a half-truth (don’t tell everything about Siberia and your trip, in the fourth - the truth. When you can remain silent, if you do this, the doctor will see through you (“cross” ") In the end, you will convince the doctor that there is no point in keeping Kate.

Now you need to pick up your things and leave the floor using the unusual key that the doctor gave you.

How to leave the hospital?

After the interrogation, go to the metal cabinet standing in the corner near the window and take Kate Walker's things from one of the drawers.

Follow the elevator with the grate and use the key from inventory on the hole on the side. You need to solve a puzzle. Everything is quite simple: move the mouse cursor over each point in the center in turn, hold down LMB and move the mouse by turning one of the key blades. You need to make sure that the petals of the key coincide with the slots.

Unfortunately, the key will not help you. Return to the doctor and talk to him. He will say that you are not yet healthy enough to leave the clinic. Examine the key in your inventory and click on the hole in the handle to see that something is missing.

Go to the doctor's office and interact with the chair to open the drawer. Move books and other objects to the left side to get to the red and white brochure. Flip through the brochure until you find a page with the same key. Examine it to see what part is missing.

Run to your room, where Kurk is located. Talk to him. He will offer to send the key to the Yukol camp, to the blacksmith, who will complete the necessary part. During the conversation, you will need to use the brochure from your inventory on Trigger. Having done this, go out to the balcony (to the right of the Trigger) and interact with the only active point on window bars. In the distance you will see a tower with an owl on the roof.

Try to lure the owl by simply interacting with it. It won't work. Go back and tell Kurk about this. After talking with him, go out into the corridor and follow to the opposite corner, where the blue grate is located. Go behind her. Previously, if you looked around this area, there were two men playing chess. Now the man is alone - Anton, and he has fallen asleep. Steal the key from his chest.

Follow the elevator and go to the left of it, deep into the screen. When you approach the window, turn left again. The vegetation makes this passage difficult to spot. Use the key on the door to get inside the cage and pick up one of the mechanical birds. Run back to the room, go out onto the balcony and interact with the window. Use the mechanical bird on the stand by the grate. Having done this, Kate will be able to give the key to the Yukols.

Watch the video and chat with Dr. Olga Efimova. After the conversation, when control returns to you, take the key from the owl and finally activate the elevator. Go down to the first floor.

You can go outside through the main door, but you will not be able to leave the blade area. In addition, in accordance with the current task, you need to talk with Dr. Zamyakin, the head of this clinic. Surprisingly, the elderly man will be a good man. To find him, go into the corridor opposite the front door and turn left, where two women are standing. Sign in open office using the nearby door. Talk to Zamyakin. After opening your inventory, go to the documents section (J key) and examine the book telling the history of the Yukols.