Category "B" - limited fit for military service. “Limitedly fit for military service” - what does this mean? Duration of service and time for organizing conscription into the army

The Duma Defense Committee will support a bill prepared in the Federation Council on conscription into the army of those who were previously recognized as partially fit for service for health reasons. Sources in the lower house told RBC about this

The Duma Defense Committee, at a meeting on Thursday, October 19, recommends supporting amendments to the Federation Council that would allow the conscription of men previously recognized as partially fit for military service into the army. military service, if they later underwent re-examination. Two sources in the committee told RBC about this.

According to Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Yuri Shvytkin (“ United Russia"), the initiative "deserves support" "because it will help give the opportunity to defend the Fatherland to those who really want it." According to the current law, if the medical commission does not allow a conscript to serve, then he will no longer enter the army.

The bill was supported by the Duma legal management, recalled one of RBC’s sources. In addition, the document received positive feedback government. The Cabinet of Ministers agreed with the arguments of the senators that “many citizens who were previously recognized as partially fit for military service due to health reasons and were enlisted in the reserves express a desire to do military service upon conscription.” “The adoption of the bill will ensure the opportunity for these citizens to exercise their constitutional right and fulfill their duty to defend the Fatherland,” the government review emphasized.

The bill was introduced by a group of senators led by Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Federation Council Viktor Ozerov on May 2. As noted in the text explanatory note, “male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, exempt from conscription for military service as limitedly fit for military service due to health reasons and enlisted in the reserve, have the right to undergo medical re-examination.” If a medical examination shows that the conscript is fit for military service or “fit with minor restrictions,” he can go to serve.

The authors justify the need to adopt the bill by the fact that “military commissariats and legislative bodies receive a significant number of appeals” from Russians who were initially not allowed to serve in the army due to health reasons, but then their medical indicators improved.

“The law is needed because of the growing demand for military service. The current list of diseases, which limits the possibility of conscripting young people, also consists of curable diseases,” Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, commented to RBC. The expert added that due to the growing number of contract soldiers, the Ministry of Defense does not have a shortage of conscripts. This allows military registration and enlistment offices to select conscripts not only based on medical conditions, but also through interviews with psychologists, and also taking into account their suitability for military specialties.

Another argument in favor of the bill, Murakhovsky called the growing interest in military service due to the fact that those who served in the army began to be provided with additional benefits when entering universities and the civil service. “Some draft dodgers are now running around and trying to retroactively register their service in order to take advantage of the privileges,” the expert noted.

"The number of conscripts in recent years stays at 300 thousand per year. This is a third of total number young people of conscription age, fit for military service,” Sergei Krivenko, coordinator of the public initiative “Citizen and the Army,” told RBC. This situation has been observed since 1994. According to Krivenko, more no conscripts required. The army is tasked with forming combat-ready units on a contract basis. “They don’t want to cancel the conscription, since this transition is difficult, and contract soldiers are recruited from among the conscripts,” he added. In units, all units that perform combat missions, are formed from contract soldiers, but conscripts are employed in auxiliary work, Krivenko noted. According to him, this dangerous situation: in the army there are many conflict situations between contract soldiers and conscripts.

In May, a group of senators led by Ozerov introduced to the State Duma a whole package of bills regulating issues of conscription into the army. As one of the co-authors of RBC, Senator Franz Klintsevich, the package of amendments was designed to reduce the number of “evaders” and help form a military reserve.

One of the bills, in particular, proposed to give military registration and enlistment offices the opportunity to send summons to conscripts email. But the State Duma refused the proposal to send conscripts electronic summons to the military registration and enlistment office. The Defense Committee said that the implementation of the bill will require additional spending from the budget.

In Russia, conscription for military service is carried out twice a year: from April 1 to July 15 and from October 1 to December 31. Men aged 18 to 27 years old who do not have medical contraindications and rights to deferment. On September 27, President Vladimir Putin issued a decree calling up 134 thousand people for military service from October 1 to December 31, 2017.

How the size of the Russian army changed

Throughout the 1990s, the number of military personnel in the Russian Armed Forces (AF) decreased by approximately half. Since 1997, it has been established by presidential decrees. By his decree of 1997, Boris Yeltsin established the regular number of military personnel at 1.2 million people since 1999.

In 2001, Vladimir Putin signed a decree, according to which the number of military personnel was to be reduced to 1 million from 2006. However, in 2005, the number of military personnel was increased for the first time since the collapse of the USSR: according to Putin’s decree, it amounted to 1134.8 thousand . Human . In addition, the decree for the first time established the staffing level of the armed forces at the level of 2020.5 thousand units.

In 2006, there were regulations, according to which the service life of 2007 conscripts was reduced to 18 months, and from 2008 it was set at 12 months. At the same time, some deferments from conscription were canceled, others were adjusted. The adoption of the amendments was due to the transition of the aircraft primarily to the contract method of manning.

The next time the number of military personnel changed was in 2008, when Dmitry Medvedev again reduced it to 1 million by decree. The total number of armed forces was then reduced to 1884.9 thousand units.

In 2016, Vladimir Putin left the number of military personnel at 1 million people, and in 2017 it increased to 13.6 thousand people.

Conscripts are often interested in the meaning of health category “B”, which is assigned to a person who is partially fit for military service.

Classification of conscripts' suitability for service in the armed forces

Before being called up for military service, every person liable for military service must undergo a medical examination, or medical examination. Based on the results of the examination, the draft commission assigns each conscript a certain category.

  • Category A: absolutely healthy. Suitable for any service without restrictions.
  • Category B: generally fit for duty, but has certain diseases. Category B has 4 subcategories: from B1 - suitable for service in units Marine Corps and Airborne Forces and up to B4 - fit for service as a technical specialist in units with minimum health requirements.
  • Category B: limited fit for military service. This category has no subsections and indicates that the conscript has limitations associated with certain chronic diseases.
  • Category D: temporary category, meaning that the conscript is not called up for military service until full recovery. After recovery, he undergoes a medical examination again with the assignment new category suitability.
  • Category D: absolutely unfit for military service.

How to understand the definition - limited fit for military service

If, based on the results of the medical commission, category B is assigned, this means that the holder of this category is not called up for service and is sent to the reserve automatically. The military specialty of such a conscript is assigned according to his civilian profession or according to existing skills, if there is no civilian profession.

If there is military action on the territory of the country, carriers of category “B” are called up in the second place.

According to regulations Defense units of the second stage are subject to conscription in order to make up for losses.

That is, it is obvious that persons with a health condition corresponding to fitness category “B” have the opportunity to be called up for military service only during total mobilization.

What can a conscript with category B expect?

To sum up, we can say that in peacetime persons with fitness category “B” cannot be called up for military service, and also cannot enter higher military schools.

Conscripts with category "B" cannot be enlisted in military service. Internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, or for example in units of the Russian Guard ( Federal service troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation).

When conscripted for military service, a number of events are carried out, one of which is passing medical examination. It is here that a commission of medical specialists determines the so-called “degree” for service. Depending on what conclusion the doctors make, the young man will either be drafted or declared unfit for military service.

B – limited use. Those who fall into this category are not called up for service - they are issued a military ID, while young people are enlisted in the reserves.

D – temporarily unfit for military service (usually a conscript is given a deferment of 6 months to 1 year). This category is assigned to those who are sick at the time of the commission, are being treated in a hospital, or are undergoing rehabilitation after an illness or injury.

Some features of assigning a fitness category

As reference information the following should be said: to those young people who are looking for legal grounds in order to avoid service, it should be borne in mind that only 2 categories from all of the above will allow you to be freed from military duty without negative consequences described in Article 328 of the Criminal Code. This is category D and B.

In addition, it should be said that those conscripts in respect of whom the medical report has issued a conclusion of “limited fitness” are not subject to repeated re-examination. Persons who receive this category are issued a so-called “white ticket”. In fact, the document, of course, is of a single sample, that is, color and appearance it is absolutely the same as that of the certificate that confirms suitability for military service. However, it is the “white ticket” that allows you to avoid actual conscription, and you need to understand that in the event of mobilization or military exercises, young people of category B are required to come to the collection point and go to their destination.

The list of diseases according to which one category or another is assigned can be found in a special document called the “Schedule of Diseases”. The list is quite extensive; for each specific disease, doctors determine the degree and only after that a verdict is made.

With more detailed information can be found at the military registration and enlistment office, where all the information of interest is presented.

Category “B” on a military ID indicates that the person will be called to the front in the event of a threat state security, but with a preliminary medical examination and additional military training. IN Russian Army military ranks are used with a list of possible ranks and categories of military personnel - 1 or 2, as well as letters from “A” to “D”. Categories are assigned only to those who have already served and been transferred to the reserve, or received a military ID for other reasons. Numerical categories indicate the degree of military training, and alphabetic letters characterize the state of a person’s health. What does category “B” mean in practice on a military ID? What is the difference between the assigned categories?

Category 1 is reserved for persons who have passed military training in the army or who have already taken part in real combat operations. Category 2 is issued to citizens who have received or served 1 year in the army. The number 2 on a military ID is also assigned to everyone who did not serve in the army for any reason.

The numerical designations in the “military” mean that when mobilizing military forces in the event of war, the men assigned to category 1 will be the first to go to the front. Soldiers with category 2 in this case will also be drafted to the local commissariat, but will first go through the process before being sent to the front. The commission will determine whether the person is fit for military service. If he is fit, he will be sent to military training camps, which will last about a year, and only then to the combat area.

If a conscript was sent to the reserve in peacetime, then he can be called up for military service only during general mobilization. To understand which troops to send a conscript to, he will be assigned in advance one of 5 fitness categories - “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” or “D”. It is placed on the registration certificate and in the military record book. The categories indicated indicate the degree physical health conscript and the opportunity to serve in specific types of troops.

Features of assigning letter categories

Category “A” means that the person’s health is excellent and he is ready to serve in any army. Category “B” also implies that the citizen is fit for military action, but he has minor health problems that must be taken into account. Category “B” has several varieties:

  • “B1” - the citizen is fit to serve in elite troops– landing, border troops, assault divisions;
  • “B2” - assigned to those who are able to serve in tank and artillery forces, on submarines;
  • “B3” – drivers of infantry fighting vehicles, chemical, missile and guard troops;
  • “B4” is a category that allows you to serve in the troops guarding missile systems and in technical troops.

Category “B” in the military ID

Category “B” on a military ID indicates that the citizen will not be drafted into the army; instead, he will be sent to the reserves. He will be called from there only during general military mobilization. Category “B” in a military ID is assigned to a person according to the “Schedule of Diseases” and a conclusion from the military commissariat.

Category “G” is given to those persons who require time for treatment after an injury or operation or if the medical commission considers that more observation of the patient is necessary in order to make a decision. final decision. Letter “G” is a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which usually does not exceed 1 year. Category “D” – persons who cannot be called up for military service, including during general mobilization.

Health fitness categories are assigned by decision once and for all. Its results cannot be revised - if a person is exempt from conscription, then this decision will not be changed. At the same time, decisions of medical commissions are a frequent subject of litigation when we're talking about about deliberately inflating health indicators of a conscript. To avoid problems with the medical examination, you should carefully collect certificates of all past illnesses and other medical documents. They will be needed when challenging the medical conclusions of military commissions in court.