Political results of the Second World War table. World history

  • A universal “no” to fascism
  • Political results
  • Social results
  • Economic results
  • Results for Germany, Italy, Japan in the table
  • Results for the USSR and the USA
  • Video

Briefly point by point, the results of the Second World War can be divided into economic and political. But the most significant result, undoubtedly, was the victory over fascism, a change in priorities, and the growth of self-awareness and self-respect of peoples. We will try to clearly describe all of the above just below in the text.

A universal “no” to fascism

As a result of the unprecedented war, all countries without exception became aware of the threat that fascism posed. Fascist ideology was condemned, as were its bearers. During the Potsdam (Berlin) conference, which was attended by largest countries Anti-Hitler Alliance, the composition of the International Military Tribunal was formed, which was supposed to determine the degree of guilt of the leadership of the Third Reich.

The trial (Nuremberg) began on the morning of November 20, 1945, and ended only on October 1, 1946. During it, many of those who led Germany during the war and pursued an aggressive and cruel policy were charged. Along with war crimes, they were accused of numerous atrocities against peace and humanity.

The Nazis caused much more damage to Europe than the medieval Inquisition with its torture and extrajudicial burnings. About 60 million died, 12 million of whom were tortured in Nazi concentration camps. Thousands of destroyed cities and small settlements, millions of people who found themselves far from their homeland - this is only a small part of what the leaders of the Third Reich had to answer for.

United in the face of a common danger in the fight against the brown plague of fascism, society began to strive for a more just and humane structure of the world.

Even before the end of the war, at the Yalta Conference (early 1945), a new international organization- UN. Its main participants were the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. The main task of the United Nations, just like earlier the League of Nations, was the prevention and peaceful resolution of armed conflicts, controversial issues, etc.

Politics (results)

No less important was the fact that the world realized the danger nuclear weapons, having seen the consequences of its use. As a result, many states signed a document under which they pledged never to use weapons mass destruction.

As for individual countries, as a result of the second world armed conflict, the struggle for independence intensified in most of the colonies and dominions of Great Britain and other states, but Soviet influence in the world, on the contrary, increased significantly.

Many Eastern European states were led by communists under the leadership of Moscow. And in some countries of Western Europe (France, Italy) communist parties have become more widespread and popular. This was largely facilitated by the contribution that the Soviet people made to the victory over Nazi Germany.

France, which was previously strong, lost its greatness after the German occupation. Great Britain, although among the victors, was significantly weakened. Japan, Germany and Italy completely turned into dependent countries.

All this led to a change in the balance of forces and the formation of a bipolar world order, in which one pole was the American state, the other was the USSR. The consequence of this new system became the so-called Cold War, which more than once brought the world to the threshold of the Third World War, which would inevitably become the last in the history of mankind.

Social results second world war

Economy (results)

An important point in the economic results of World War II was the final transition of world financial dominance from European states to the United States.

During the conflict, all the states that took part in it suffered to one degree or another. The most big losses suffered the economy of the USSR and European countries. Japan and Great Britain suffered less, although they had to deal with the consequences of regular bombing.

The only exception was the United States, since its territory fighting not touched. The States, the least affected by the war, provided all possible assistance to European countries in the first years after the conflict. This allowed the American economy to quickly rebuild on a peaceful footing.

As a result, a new international financial system was formed, according to which the American dollar became a world currency, along with gold.

The post-war period also marks the emergence of modern international financial organizations, in particular, and the International Monetary Fund.

The results of World War II are very difficult to briefly describe. The war itself affected the destinies of many millions of people and many states. Below we will try to talk as concisely, clearly and specifically as possible about what the results of the Second World War were. It radically changed the destinies of many countries in Asia, Europe and America.

The results of the war determined the geopolitical situation for a long time and future fate European countries almost until the end of the twentieth century.

Results of the Second World War: briefly and clearly

Of course, the most important result was the defeat of fascism and the restoration of the sovereignty of countries captured Nazi Germany and her allies. The state machines of militarism and fascism were completely destroyed. The military power of the USSR was actually recognized by the Yalta-Potsdam system. The Union acquired great importance as a world power to be reckoned with.

Naturally, the Soviet Union, which accounted for 90% of human losses, gained enormous moral authority. The popular masses of European countries began to see him as a guarantor of democratic changes in the world. People were sure that Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam Conference laid the foundation for harmony and cooperation among world powers. In addition, a powerful anti-colonial movement began in African and Asian countries. By the end of the war, Lebanon, Syria, Vietnam and Indonesia declared their independence.

Conference results

In Yalta and Potsdam, at conferences of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, fateful decisions were made on the structure post-war world. In Germany, democratization, demilitarization and denationalization were carried out. Changes were also made to the outlines of the borders of some European countries.

Journey through history

September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945 World War II. Lasted 6 years. 61 states participated. Approx. was mobilized. 110 million people. Approximately died. 65 million people. Tens of millions more were wounded, maimed, and left without relatives. Part of the Second World War is the war of the Nazis against the USSR .

June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945 Great Patriotic War of the Soviet people against fascism. The USSR lost 27 million people killed. More than 1,700 cities, more than 70 thousand villages, more than 32 thousand industrial facilities, more than 65 thousand km were destroyed railways. Several million children were stillborn or died after birth. More than 5 million people returned disabled and suffered.

Action movies show that war is fun for tough guys. War is madness, devastation, hunger, death or disability. War is poverty, dirt, humiliation, the loss of everything that is dear to a person.

Fascism This is a direction in politics when one’s own people are put above everyone else, and other peoples begin to be destroyed and turned into slaves.


  1. The creation of fascism in Europe to resist communism.
  2. Germany's quest for world domination.
  3. Weakening of the USSR by Stalin's repressions.
  4. Japan's quest for dominance in Asia.
  5. The passivity of France and Great Britain in order to set Hitler against the USSR.
  6. The desire of every country in Europe to achieve its goals by participating in the war.

September 1, 1939 German fascists attacked Poland, violating the peace treaty. By June 1941 they captured all of Europe except Sweden, Great Britain and Switzerland.

June 22, 1941 Barbarossa plan - a Nazi attack on the USSR. From this day the Great Patriotic War began.

02 September 1945 After the defeat, Japan signed a surrender. The Second World War is over. To be continued.

Periods of World War II

6) spring 1940

1) Capture of Poland, establishment of a new order.

2) Soviet troops entered Poland.

3) The first expeditionary corps of England landed in France.

4) The Soviet Union began military operations against Finland.

5) The Finnish border was moved away from Leningrad on the Karelian Isthmus.

1) Stalin gave the order to bring the troops of the border districts to combat readiness.

2) The German army attacked Soviet soil with all its might.

3) An agreement was signed between the USSR and Great Britain on joint actions in the war against Germany.

4) Failures of the Red Army and the enemy is advancing 350-600 km deep into Soviet soil.

5) German troops managed to completely blockade Leningrad.

6) A conference was held in Moscow at which issues on expanding military-technical assistance to the USSR were discussed.

7) The general German offensive against Moscow began.

8) A military parade took place on Red Square, the participants of which went to the front line.

9) The beginning of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Moscow.

10) Military cooperation between the USSR and the USA expanded.

11) Sharing of 26 states' resources to fight a common enemy.

12) Stalin set the task for the Red Army to go on the offensive.

13) Treaties on the alliance of the USSR and Great Britain and the USA formalized the military union of three countries

14) Order Not a step back.

Results of World War II

The Second World War, planned by the aggressors as a series of small lightning wars, turned into a global armed conflict. At its various stages, from 8 to 12.8 million people, from 84 to 163 thousand guns, from 6.5 to 18.8 thousand aircraft simultaneously participated on both sides. The total theater of military operations was 5.5 times larger than the territories covered by the First World War. In total, during the war of 1939-1945. 64 states with a total population of 1.7 billion people were involved. The losses suffered as a result of the war are striking in their scale. More than 50 million people died, and if we take into account the constantly updated data on the losses of the USSR, this figure cannot be called final. 11 million lives were destroyed in the death camps alone. The economies of most of the countries at war were undermined.

It was these terrible results of the Second World War, which brought civilization to the brink of destruction, that forced its vital forces to become more active. This is evidenced, in particular, by the fact of the formation of an effective structure of the world community - the United Nations, which opposes totalitarian trends in development and the imperial ambitions of individual states; the act of the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials, which condemned fascism, totalitarianism, and punished the leaders of criminal regimes; a broad anti-war movement that contributed to the adoption of international pacts banning the production, distribution and use of weapons of mass destruction, etc.

By the time the war began, only England, Canada and the United States remained, perhaps, centers of reservation for the foundations of Western civilization. The rest of the world was increasingly sliding into the abyss of totalitarianism, which, as we tried to show by analyzing the causes and consequences of world wars, led to the inevitable destruction of humanity. The victory over fascism strengthened the position of democracy and provided the path to the slow recovery of civilization. However, this path was very difficult and lengthy. Suffice it to say that only from the end of the Second World War until 1982, 255 wars and military conflicts took place; until recently, the destructive confrontation between political camps, the so-called “Cold War,” lasted; humanity more than once stood on the brink of nuclear war etc. Even today we can see in the world the same military conflicts, bloc feuds, remaining islands of totalitarian regimes, etc. However, as it seems to us, they no longer determine the face of modern civilization.

Briefly about the Second World War

Prerequisites for the war

The Treaty of Versailles extremely limited Germany's military capabilities. However, with the coming to power of the National Socialist Workers' Party led by Adolf Hitler in 1933, Germany begins to ignore all the restrictions of the Treaty of Versailles - in particular, it restores conscription into the army and quickly increases the production of weapons and military equipment. October 14, 1933 Germany withdraws from the League of Nations and refuses to participate in the Geneva Disarmament Conference. July 24, 1934 Germany attempts to carry out the Anschluss of Austria by inspiring an anti-government putsch in Vienna, but is forced to abandon its plans due to the sharply negative position of the Italian dictator Benitto Mussolini, who moved four divisions to the Austrian border.

Sources: fb.ru, www.zapolni-probel.ru, oln-serega.narod.ru, bibliotekar.ru, moikompas.ru

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A terrible war with large-scale human losses began not in 1939, but much earlier. As a result of the First World War of 1918, almost all European countries acquired new borders. Most were deprived of part of their historical territory, which led to small wars in conversations and in minds.

In the new generation, hatred of enemies and resentment for lost cities were brought up. There were reasons to resume the war. However, in addition to psychological reasons, there were also important historical prerequisites. The Second World War, in short, involved the entire globe in hostilities.

Causes of the war

Scientists identify several main reasons for the outbreak of hostilities:

Territorial disputes. The winners of the 1918 war, England and France, divided Europe with their allies at their own discretion. Decays Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire led to the emergence of 9 new states. The lack of clear boundaries gave rise to great controversy. The defeated countries wanted to return their borders, and the victors did not want to part with the annexed territories. All territorial issues in Europe they have always been resolved with the help of weapons. Avoid the beginning new war it was impossible.

Colonial disputes. The defeated countries were deprived of their colonies, which were a constant source of replenishment of the treasury. In the colonies themselves, the local population raised liberation uprisings with armed clashes.

Rivalry between states. After the defeat, Germany wanted revenge. It was always the leading power in Europe, and after the war it was limited in many ways.

Dictatorship. The dictatorial regime in many countries has strengthened significantly. The dictators of Europe first developed their armies to suppress internal uprisings and then to seize new territories.

The emergence of the USSR. The new power was not inferior to the power of the Russian Empire. It was a worthy competitor to the USA and leading European countries. They began to fear the emergence of communist movements.

Beginning of the war

Even before the signing of the Soviet-German agreement, Germany planned aggression against the Polish side. At the beginning of 1939, a decision was made, and on August 31 a directive was signed. State contradictions in the 1930s led to the Second World War.

The Germans did not recognize their defeat in 1918 and the Versailles agreements, which oppressed the interests of Russia and Germany. Power went to the Nazis, blocs of fascist states began to form, and large states there was no strength to resist German aggression. Poland was the first on Germany's path to world domination.

At night September 1, 1939 German intelligence services launched Operation Himmler. Dressed in Polish uniforms, they seized a radio station in the suburbs and called on the Poles to rebel against the Germans. Hitler announced aggression from the Polish side and began military action.

After 2 days, England and France declared war on Germany, having previously entered into agreements with Poland on mutual assistance. They were supported by Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India and countries South Africa. The war that began became a global one. But Poland did not receive military-economic assistance from any of the supporting countries. If to Polish forces If British and French troops were added, then German aggression would have been stopped instantly.

The population of Poland was delighted at the entry of its allies into the war and waited for support. However, time passed and no help came. Weak side The Polish army had aviation.

The two German armies “South” and “North”, consisting of 62 divisions, opposed 6 Polish armies of 39 divisions. The Poles fought with dignity, but the numerical superiority of the Germans turned out to be the decisive factor. In almost 2 weeks, almost the entire territory of Poland was occupied. The Curzon line was formed.

The Polish government left for Romania. Defenders of Warsaw and Brest Fortress went down in history thanks to their heroism. Polish army lost its organizational integrity.

Stages of the war

From September 1, 1939 to June 21, 1941 The first stage of World War II began. Characterizes the beginning of the war and the entry of the German military into Western Europe. On September 1, the Nazis attacked Poland. After 2 days, France and England declared war on Germany with their colonies and dominions.

The Polish armed forces did not have time to turn around, senior management it was weak, and the allied powers were in no hurry to help. The result was the complete cupping of Polish territory.

France and England did not change their foreign policy. They hoped that German aggression would be directed against the USSR.

In April 1940, the German army entered Denmark without warning and occupied its territory. Immediately after Denmark, Norway fell. At the same time, the German leadership implemented the Gelb plan and decided to surprise France through the neighboring Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The French concentrated their forces on the Maginot Line rather than in the center of the country. Hitler attacked through the Ardennes Mountains beyond the Maginot Line. On May 20, the Germans reached the English Channel, the Dutch and Belgian armies capitulated. In June, the French fleet was defeated, and part of the army managed to evacuate to England.

The French army did not use all the possibilities of resistance. On June 10, the government left Paris, which was occupied by the Germans on June 14. After 8 days, the Compiègne Armistice was signed (June 22, 1940) - the French act of surrender.

Great Britain was supposed to be next. There was a change of government. The USA began to support the British.

In the spring of 1941, the Balkans were captured. On March 1, the Nazis appeared in Bulgaria, and on April 6 in Greece and Yugoslavia. Western and Central Europe were under Hitler's rule. Preparations began for an attack on the Soviet Union.

From June 22, 1941 to November 18, 1942 The second stage of the war lasted. Germany invaded the territory of the USSR. Started new stage, characterized by the unification of all military forces in the world against fascism. Roosevelt and Churchill openly declared their support for the Soviet Union. On July 12, the USSR and England entered into an agreement on general military operations. On August 2, the United States pledged to provide military and economic assistance to the Russian army. England and the USA promulgated the Atlantic Charter on August 14, to which the USSR later joined with its opinion on military issues.

In September, the Russian and British military occupied Iran to prevent the formation of fascist bases in the East. The Anti-Hitler Coalition is being created.

The German army encountered strong resistance in the fall of 1941. The plan to capture Leningrad could not be carried out, since Sevastopol and Odessa resisted for a long time. On the eve of 1942, the plan for a “lightning war” disappeared. Hitler was defeated near Moscow, and the myth of German invincibility was dispelled. Germany faced the need for a protracted war.

In early December 1941, the Japanese military attacked a US base in the Pacific Ocean. Two powerful powers went to war. The USA declared war on Italy, Japan and Germany. Thanks to this, the anti-Hitler coalition strengthened. A number of mutual assistance agreements were concluded among allied countries.

From November 19, 1942 to December 31, 1943 The third stage of the war lasted. It is called a turning point. The hostilities of this period acquired enormous scale and intensity. Everything was decided on the Soviet-German front. On November 19, Russian troops launched a counteroffensive near Stalingrad (Battle of Stalingrad July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943). Their victory provided a strong impetus for subsequent battles.

To regain the strategic initiative, Hitler carried out an attack near Kursk in the summer of 1943 ( Battle of Kursk July 5, 1943 - August 23, 1943). He lost and went into a defensive position. However, the allies Anti-Hitler coalition were in no hurry to fulfill their duties. They expected the exhaustion of Germany and the USSR.

On July 25, the Italian fascist government was liquidated. The new head declared war on Hitler. The fascist bloc began to disintegrate.

Japan did not weaken the group on the Russian border. The United States replenished its military forces and launched successful offensives in the Pacific.

From January 1, 1944 to May 9, 1945 . The fascist army was driven out of the USSR, a second front was being created, European countries were being liberated from the fascists. The joint efforts of the Anti-Fascist Coalition led to complete collapse German army and the surrender of Germany. Great Britain and the United States carried out large-scale operations in Asia and the Pacific.

May 10, 1945 – September 2, 1945 . Armed actions are carried out on Far East, as well as territories Southeast Asia. The US used nuclear weapons.

Great Patriotic War (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945).
World War II (September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945).

Results of the war

The greatest losses fell on the Soviet Union, which took the brunt of the German army. 27 million people died. The resistance of the Red Army led to the defeat of the Reich.

Military action could lead to the collapse of civilization. War criminals and fascist ideology convicted in all world trials.

In 1945, a decision was signed in Yalta to create the UN to prevent such actions.

The consequences of the use of nuclear weapons over Nagasaki and Hiroshima forced many countries to sign a pact banning the use of weapons of mass destruction.

The countries of Western Europe lost their economic dominance, which passed to the United States.

Victory in the war allowed the USSR to expand its borders and strengthen the totalitarian regime. Some countries became communist.

World War II was the hardest and bloodiest war in human history. At least 60 million people died during the war, approx. 27 million citizens of the Soviet Union and 6 million citizens of Poland. Tens of millions of people were injured and became disabled. The war devastated entire countries, reduced cities and villages to ruins, and turned millions of people into refugees. In Europe alone, the number of so-called displaced persons forced to leave their place of residence has exceeded 11 million people. The loss of life in the Second World War was almost six times greater than in the First World War, and the damage to property was 12 times greater.

The war was fought cruelly and mercilessly. Hitler's Germany set as its goal to enslave the population of the occupied territories, undermine the vitality of the Slavs, and completely exterminate Jews and Gypsies. The German armed forces carried out massive reprisals against civilians, burning houses, starving or shooting prisoners. Of the 4.5 million Soviet troops captured by Germany, only 1.8 million returned home. In specially created German death camps, the Nazis killed more than 11 million people, including 6 million Jews.

The powers of the anti-fascist coalition - the USA, England, the USSR - responded massive bombings enemy cities, deportation of the population suspected of collaborating with the occupiers - sometimes entire peoples, as was the case in the USSR with the Volga Germans, Crimean Tatars, Chechens, Ingush, Kalmyks. In the final stages of the war, the United States used terrible weapon mass destruction - the atomic bomb. Two American atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the summer of 1945 almost completely destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki along with civilians.

Having drawn all the oceans and continents into its orbit (with the exception of Antarctica), covering 4/5 of the population globe, the Second World War became one of the turning points in the history of mankind.

The main result of the Second World War- victory over fascism.

The fascist and militaristic aggressor states - Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies were completely defeated. Their economy, politics, ideology collapsed, their armed forces capitulated, their territories were occupied by the troops of the anti-fascist coalition. The occupation authorities, with the support of local anti-fascists, liquidated fascist regimes, banned fascist parties, and brought fascist leaders to trial. Only Spain and Portugal still have dictatorial regimes of the fascist type.

The broadest masses of the population were overwhelmed with enthusiasm and sought to restructure society on a more just and humane basis. Anti-fascist, democratic and patriotic forces gained unprecedented authority.

During the war, a resistance movement against the occupiers and their accomplices arose and strengthened in the occupied countries. After the war, members of the Resistance, surrounded by respect and honor, began to play a prominent socio-political role. In many countries they came to power and determined state policy.

The influence of the communists, who made a great contribution to the Resistance movement, grew greatly; regardless of the victims, they fought for the freedom and independence of their countries, for the eradication of fascism, for the restoration of democratic freedoms. In a number of countries that freed themselves from fascism, primarily in the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as in Italy and France, communist parties became widespread and received the support of a significant part of the population.

One of the most important results of the war There was a transition of a number of countries to the path of non-capitalist development. After liberation from the occupiers, in a number of countries in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, called the countries of People's Democracy, rights were created with the participation or under the leadership of communists, who began to implement anti-fascist, democratic, and then socialist transformations. Similar transformations were carried out in East Germany and North Korea, occupied by Soviet troops. In China, after the defeat of Japan and victory in the civil war of 1945-1949. The communists came to power.

On October 1, 1949, the People's Republic of China (PRC) was established, whose leadership declared that it intended to build socialism. A whole community of people's democratic and socialist countries was formed.

Another important result World War II - the beginning of the collapse of the colonial system.

The liberation goals and anti-fascist nature of the war, the defeat of the colonial powers in the war with Japan, and then the defeat of the fascist aggressors contributed to the rapid rise of the national liberation movement. Asian countries occupied by Japan and Pacific Ocean(Indochina, Indonesia, Malaya, Burma, Philippines) are out of the control of the metropolitan countries. A significant part of their population participated in the guerrilla struggle against the Japanese occupiers; created its own national political and military organizations. After the surrender of Japan, the countries it occupied declared their independence and refused to recognize the power of the former colonialists. In other colonial countries, especially in India, Syria, Lebanon, Transjordan, Palestine, the war awakened political activity masses of the population who more and more persistently demanded independence. The power of the colonialists was shaken. The irreversible collapse of the colonial system began.

As a result of the Second World War, the balance of power on the world stage changed dramatically. Germany, Italy, Japan, which before the war were among the great powers, having been defeated, temporarily turned into dependent countries occupied by foreign troops. Their economy was destroyed by the war, and for a number of years they were unable to compete with their former competitors.

France, defeated by Germany in 1940 and occupied by Nazi troops for four years from 1940 to 1944, temporarily lost its position as a great power. Great Britain successfully ended the war as one of the three victorious great powers, but its position was weakened. Economically and militarily, it lagged far behind the United States and was dependent on American aid.

Only the United States of America emerged from the war significantly stronger. Without conducting military operations on their territory, avoiding military destruction and major human losses, they were far ahead of all other countries economically and militarily. Only the United States had atomic weapons; their navy and air force were the strongest in the world; their volume industrial production was greater than in all other countries combined.

The USA has become a giant “superpower”, the leader of the capitalist world, claiming world hegemony.

The second “superpower” was the Soviet Union. Having won victory, despite colossal casualties and destruction, and having made a decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union increased its power, influence and prestige to an unprecedented degree. By the end of the war, the Soviet Union had the world's largest land army and enormous industrial potential, surpassing that of any other country except the United States. The armed forces of the USSR were located in many countries of Central and Eastern Europe, in East Germany, and North Korea. The Soviet Union controlled the situation in the People's Democracies and enjoyed their full support, as well as the support of North Korea and China, the most populous country in the world.

The Soviet Union was unconditionally supported by the communists and a significant part of world public opinion, who saw in the USSR not only the winner of fascism, but also a country paving the way to the future; into socialism and communism.

If the United States of America was the leader of the capitalist world, then the Soviet Union led all social forces that opposed capitalism. Two main poles of attraction for world forces have emerged, conventionally called East and West; two ideological and military-political blocs, the confrontation of which largely determined the structure of the post-war world.

In its scale and intensity, the Second World War had no equal in human history. Continuing for 6 years, it involved 61 states with a population of 1 billion 700 thousand people (more than 80% of the world's population) in hostilities. The main actions developed on the territory of 40 countries of Europe, Asia and Africa; the vast expanses of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Northern Arctic Oceans and the adjacent seas. During the hostilities, 32 million military personnel and 18 million civilians died. The total economic cost of the war is $4 trillion. In addition, the colossal damage that was caused to the economic and spiritual development many countries and peoples.

Unleashing the Second world war, the ruling circles of the imperialist powers (Germany, Japan, Italy, England, France, the USA) set themselves the following goals: to strengthen the position of capitalism within their countries; undermine the economic opportunities of their competitors; strangle revolutionary movements in the world; destroy or at least weaken the socialist Soviet Union.

Failed. The balance of forces in the world has radically changed in favor of socialism, to the detriment of capitalism. The main socio-political results of the war:

1. The USSR emerged from the war as a powerful military force, becoming the second “superpower” of the world, its international authority and influence on international relations and world public consciousness.

2. Socialism went beyond the borders of the USSR, the world socialist system was formed as a result of people’s democratic and socialist revolutions in 11 countries of Eastern Europe and Asia.

3. Already in the 40s, as a result of the national liberation struggle of the peoples of the colonies and the active support of this struggle from the USSR, the collapse of the colonial system of imperialism began. Indonesia (1945), India and Pakistan (1947), Burma and Ceylon (1948) achieved independence.

4. The world system of capitalism has weakened. Germany, Italy, Japan and other countries were defeated and, having suffered heavy losses, were thrown far back in their development. France, under occupation, reduced production to 1/3. England, whose debt increased 3 times, found itself directly dependent on the United States. European countries - victims of German aggression - also found themselves in a difficult economic situation. Only the United States has strengthened its position in the world. The US share in world industrial production before the war was 41%, and after the war - 56%, in world exports - 12.6% and 40.1%, respectively. The profits of American monopolies for 5 war years amounted to 117 billion dollars (for 5 pre-war years -17.5 billion dollars).

5. Strengthening has occurred democratic forces. The authority and number of communist parties increased. In 1945 - 1947 their representatives participated in the governments of 12 capitalist European countries. The World Federation of Trade Unions (67 million people), the World Federation of Democratic Youth (75 million people), the International Democratic Federation of Women (91 million people), etc. were formed.

So, radical, fundamental changes have taken place in the world. Political circles in the USA and England saw the new situation as a threat to their position in the world and the existence of capitalism as a whole. These countries began to move away from the approaches agreed upon in Yalta and Potsdam to the problems of the post-war world (delimitation of spheres of influence, cooperation in eliminating the consequences of the war, development of a mechanism international control over military stability in the world).

The first signal for confrontation with the USSR was Truman’s (US President) violation of his promise former president USA Roosevelt, given at the Yalta Conference (February 1945) to Stalin, on the withdrawal American troops from Europe 6 months after the end of the war. Then delays began in the preparation and conclusion of peace treaties with Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Finland. The war allies refused to implement the Yalta agreement on the creation of a united democratic Germany. In the western zone of occupation they created a separate German state - the Federal Republic of Germany (1949). In response, with the support of the USSR, the East German state - the GDR - was formed (October 1949). Thus began the Cold War. It was officially announced in a speech by W. Churchill in Fulton (USA) on March 5, 1946, in which he called on the United States to fight against communism. Truman accepted this call, and in his message to Congress on March 12, 1947, the “fight against communism” was set as the main goal of US policy.

Based on the Truman Doctrine, a strategy of “throwing back communism” was developed, which included the use military force in any area of ​​the world. At the headquarters of the armed forces, plans are being developed for a preventive war against the USSR using nuclear weapons. More than 3 thousand US military bases were created around the territory of the USSR and its allies. Military blocs are formed under the auspices of the United States: NATO (1949), SEATO (1954), CENTO (1959). In 1950, the United States helped Chiang Kai-shek seize the island of Taiwan from the PRC. That same year, the United States started the Korean War. Together with the French colonialists, the United States waged war against the Vietnamese people. Trade relations with the USSR are sharply reduced. The United States refused to provide unconditional loans to the USSR and began to build up its armed forces.

The Cold War is a system of economic, political, military, ideological and psychological measures directed against the USSR and its allies, as well as the revolutionary forces of the planet with the goal of destroying communism and the US gaining world domination.

Despite threats from the United States, the USSR pursued a peaceful foreign policy and actively fought for the preservation and strengthening of universal peace, for the peaceful coexistence of states with different social systems. The USSR provided comprehensive assistance to young people's democratic countries in restoring their economy and culture, and provided them with long-term loans on preferential terms. A type of relationship has developed between them that is unthinkable under capitalism: relations of cooperation, mutual assistance, support, non-interference in internal affairs. For the purpose of broad economic cooperation in 1949 the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was formed.

The Soviet Union actively supported the national liberation movement of the oppressed peoples, established friendly relations with the liberated states, providing them with all possible support in defending their independence, creating national economy, in cultural construction.

In a relationship with Western countries The USSR sought an end to the arms race, a general reduction in arms, and a ban on atomic weapons. Soviet troops were withdrawn from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Norway, China and Korea.

Domestic policy.

Domestic policy was determined by the sharp complication of the international situation, the enormous destruction and other consequences of Hitler's invasion, the tasks of developing socialist relations, education and culture, and the material standard of living of the working people.

In the political field. Demobilization began already in July 1945 Armed Forces, and was completed by March 1948. The size of the army was reduced from 11.4 to 2.9 million people. So the USSR emphasized its peacefulness and lack of aggressiveness. About 5 million people abducted by the occupiers were returned to their homeland. Martial law has been lifted. Abolished State Committee Defense. On February 10, 1946, the first post-war elections of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR took place, a year later elections to the Supreme Councils of the Union and Autonomous Republics took place, and at the end of 1947 - beginning of 1948, elections to local Soviets. At the first session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (March 1946) they were elected governing bodies Union: Presidium of the Supreme Council (chairman N.M. Shvernik), Council of Ministers of the USSR (chairman I.V. Stalin). At the same time, a law was adopted on a five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the USSR for 1946 - 1950. The main tasks of the fourth five-year plan: to restore the pre-war level of industry and agriculture, and then surpass it. It was also envisaged to restore destroyed villages and cities, develop public education, science, culture, improve healthcare, ensure further technical progress, and increase the country's defense capability.

Economic policy. Its first task was to restore the national economy. The Soviet people had to deal with economic restoration for the second time. After civil war- began with agriculture and on the basis of a mixed economy, now - with heavy industry and on the basis of the complete dominance of public property. And one more thing: then economic devastation swept the entire country with almost complete absence qualified personnel, now the temporarily occupied areas were devastated, and restoration was based on the industry of the eastern regions.

The Soviet Union lost about 30 million people in the war, material damage amounted to about 30% of national wealth. The damage caused by the Nazis to the national economy of the USSR, together with military expenses and temporary loss of income from industry and agriculture in areas subject to enemy occupation, amounted to about 2,369 billion rubles.

On the territory of the USSR, fascist German troops destroyed 1,700 cities, 70 thousand villages and villages, destroyed 32 thousand industrial enterprises, plundered 98 thousand collective and state farms.

Restoration work was carried out most successfully in industry. During 1946, industry was mainly restructured to produce civilian products. And in 1948, the same amount was produced as in pre-war 1940. This was a great labor victory for the working class. The West believed that the USSR would need at least 25 years to restore what was destroyed. And in 1950, industrial output exceeded the 1940 level by 73% instead of 48% according to plan. In total, during the years of the Fourth Five-Year Plan, 6.2 thousand large plants and factories were restored and rebuilt. The industrialization of the young Soviet republics was carried out. Lithuania produced 2 times more industrial output, Latvia 3 times more, and Estonia 3.5 times more than before the war. Labor productivity in 1950 was 45% higher than in 1940.

The task of restoring agriculture was basically solved. There were many difficulties along this path: during the war years, the area under cultivation was reduced by 1/3, the machine and tractor fleet was reduced, the number of labor force. In 1946, a severe drought broke out, affecting Ukraine, the Lower Volga region, and the Central Black Sea Region. In this regard, the plan for grain production and increasing the number of livestock and poultry was not fulfilled. But in the production of meat, milk, wool, collective and state farms have reached pre-war levels. The cotton harvest was 58% higher, sugar beets and potatoes were 16% higher than in 1940. The mechanization of agriculture increased: already in 1949 the number of tractors exceeded the pre-war level. If before the war there were 3 tractor factories, then by the end of the Fourth Five-Year Plan there were seven.

The state's efforts concentrated on promising areas of scientific and technological progress - nuclear energy, rocket science, chemistry, electronics, etc. Under the leadership of Academician Kurchatov, the first nuclear reactor. And in the summer of 1949, the first atomic bomb test took place. And in 1953, the USSR created the hydrogen bomb.

Summing up the economic policy of I.V. Stalin, it should be noted: in 1952, industrial production compared to the level of 1940 was 223%, and in comparison with 1929, the first year of the first five-year plan, it increased in the USSR by 12.6 times, in the USA - by 2 times , in England - by 60%, in Italy - by 34%, in France - by 4%.

The comparison is not in favor of capitalist countries. The advantages of the socialist economic system had an impact.

There were also achievements in the social field. National income increased by 64% compared to 1940, 74% of which was used to meet the material and cultural needs of the people. Wages increased by 37% and became 2 times higher than before the war. But the main bet was made on reducing prices: in 1948 - 1950. prices were reduced three times, and the population gained 267 billion rubles as a result. And in the USA over the same years prices increased by 49%. Unfolded housing construction: 100 million were built. square meters housing. The number of doctors increased by 1.5 times. Infant mortality decreased by 2 times compared to 1940. The number of scientific institutions increased by 40%, and students by 50%.

The country's successes in the Fourth Five-Year Plan became possible thanks to the selfless, heroic work of the Soviet people, the leadership of the Communist Party, and the efficiency of the socialist economic system.

The results of the Fourth Five-Year Plan were summed up at the 19th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (October 1952). The congress approved directives for the new, fifth five-year plan for 1951 -1955. The congress changed the name of the party - it now became known as the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). In the new five-year plan, ambitious tasks lay ahead: to raise the level of industrial production by 2-3 times and significantly increase the production of grain and livestock products and, on this basis, increase the material and cultural standard of living of the people.

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