Types of health-saving technologies in kindergarten. Health-saving technologies in preschool education and material on the topic

A sufficient amount of time should be devoted to health issues in kindergarten. It is known that many children attending preschool educational institutions have certain health problems. This could be scoliosis or flat feet, not to mention more serious deviations. Therefore, it is so important for educators to take into account that there are special ones in preschool educational institutions that are specifically aimed at strengthening and preserving the health of the child.

Types of health-saving technologies in kindergarten

In accordance with modern planning, the following health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions are highlighted:

  1. Allowing you to maintain and stimulate health. This group includes: rhythmoplasty, stretching, walking, relaxation, finger, breathing, invigorating, orthopedic for the eyes.
  2. Teaching a healthy lifestyle: physical education classes, game therapy, game training, communicative games, conversations on the topic “Health”.
  3. Corrective technologies: fairy tale therapy, art therapy, technology of musical influence and color influence, psycho-gymnastics, speech therapy rhythm.

The teacher must organize the educational process in such a way that health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions are harmoniously woven into the lesson plan. One of the productive technologies can be called the dynamic poses mode.

Sit down and stand up!

The technology of dynamic poses involves frequent (every 10-13 minutes) change of children's poses. Basically, the “sitting” and “standing” poses alternate, but you can add the “lying” position (when using mats). It has been proven that when children stand freely, they get rid of tension, the load is evenly distributed on both legs (you need to make sure that the child does not “fall” on one leg), the forearms and the angles of the shoulder blades are symmetrical. If you don’t know which health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution to choose for your group, start with the dynamic poses mode. Alternation will have a beneficial effect on the child’s central nervous system, and his performance will improve.

Let's blink!

Visual gymnastics is one of the most important in kindergarten, so at least five minutes should be included in each physical activity. class. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions involve visual exercises using ophthalmic simulators. Such activities help improve vision, they are interesting and exciting for children. The ophthalmic simulator can be plot-based, graphic, modular, they are performed in Schemes are placed just above the level of the children’s eyes. The essence of the exercises is to trace various lines with your eyes: horizontal, vertical, spirals, etc. Invite the children to “walk” along the line, and then “run”. You can use a game plot, for example, “Let's find a way in the forest” or “Let's go visit along the path!” The head should remain motionless while performing exercises.

Finger gymnastics

Educational health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions are not only physical exercises, but also the consolidation of certain material. The following exercises can be used:

  1. "Dry rain." The teacher hangs multi-colored satin ribbons, the child’s task is to attach a clothespin of the same shade to a ribbon of a certain color. Knowledge about colors is consolidated and hands are trained.
  2. "Football". We move our fingers and catch a small ball. You can make football players out of cardboard and put them on your toes.
  3. "Happy Knots" You will need ropes for the children to tie 12 knots on. For each node, kids must name the months of the year in order.

Use these technologies, add your own to the list - and the children in your group will be healthy and strong.

The physical and mental health of the “little man” is the most important topic that attracts close attention from both parents and teachers. The child spends most of the day in kindergarten, therefore, the preschool organization is largely responsible for maintaining and strengthening his health. A healthy child, full of strength and energy, is enthusiastically involved in games and developmental activities; he is active and cheerful, therefore the topic of using methodological developments and technologies to ensure the safety of children’s health is regarded as the most important in modern preschool education. Below we will tell you what health-saving technologies are available and how to use them correctly in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is it and how to use it in a preschool educational institution

Gymnastics and physical exercise should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who values ​​performance, health, and a full and joyful life.


Goals and objectives

Health-saving technologies are a tool for implementing preventive measures aimed at saving, maintaining and enriching the health resource of pupils of preschool educational organizations.

The “scientific father” of the concept itself was Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences N.K. Smirnov, in his opinion, it includes a set of interrelated measures, a set of pedagogical techniques that solve the problems of saving and increasing the potential of the physical and mental health of children and teachers.

Forming the habit of a competent and caring attitude towards one’s own body and respect for a healthy lifestyle begins in early childhood. The stage of preschool childhood in the physiological and psychosomatic development of a child is decisive in the formation of the foundations of health for the entire life of a person. Currently, according to the health system, statistical indicators are alarming, indicating the problem of a decline in the quality indicators of children's health. According to the results of medical examinations, only 50% of older preschoolers aged 6–7 years can be considered healthy; the rest were diagnosed with various congenital or acquired disorders. Today, the search for effective measures to improve health-improving techniques in kindergarten is especially important.

The goal is to preserve health and improve the motor abilities of pupils, taking into account individual needs and abilities, and to develop responsibility for their health among children, parents, and teachers.


  • create conditions for the physical and mental well-being of students and teaching staff;
  • in an accessible form, lay down basic knowledge about the benefits of physical education and the need to comply with hygiene rules;
  • develop motor skills and physical abilities of children;
  • to form theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the basics of life safety;
  • provide support to the family in its desire to preserve the child’s health and instill in him a culture of a healthy lifestyle.


Main groups of measures to preserve health:

1. Medical and preventive - aimed at preserving the health of pupils with the direct participation of the kindergarten administration and the team of medical workers, guided by medical standards and using medical supplies.

Practical measures:

  • Monitoring children's health by a clinic doctor and a kindergarten nurse and preparing recommendations for teachers and parents.
  • Control of the level of physical development, which is carried out by the head, senior teacher and medical worker.
  • Organization and control of three full meals a day. The material and technical conditions of the catering unit must comply with SanPin 2.4.13049–13 (Section XIII), the kindergarten administration and the nurse are responsible for approving the food card file and creating conditions, the head nurse is responsible for monitoring the quality and compliance with the menu.
  • Promotion and dissemination of health-improving techniques in educational institutions. This area of ​​work includes the creation of special information stands, moving folders for parents, for example, “Problems of correct posture in children,” “Movement is life,” and the organization of a lecture hall for parents and teachers. Practical classes will be relevant, for example, on the problem of flat feet or incorrect posture with a demonstration of a set of health-improving exercises.
  • Design and creation of a special environment that promotes health care, i.e. a sports ground, a hall for physical education, special corners in groups.
  • Organization of work in accordance with SanPiN hygienic standards - comfortable temperature and fresh air, sufficient level of lighting for the group. The administration of the preschool institution and the medical worker are responsible for compliance with the standards; control is carried out by the health station.

2. Physical education and health - based on the natural properties of the child’s motor activity, they strive to improve the quality characteristics of physical data, develop skills in caring for health and form the physical culture of children.

Practical measures:

  • Health-improving hardening procedures, water procedures and air baths (sleep, walks). Hardening is undoubtedly one of the most effective health-improving techniques, but it is important to adhere to the basic rules of its implementation: gradualism, systematicity, taking into account medical indications, the child’s individual sensitivity to the procedure, for example, if the baby experiences a psychological barrier before being doused with cold water, then you should not speed things up.
  • Solar procedures (only in the morning and afternoon), which help strengthen the immune system, improve sleep and appetite.
  • Prevention of flat feet and poor posture.
  • Breathing and eye exercises.
  • Studying massage and self-massage techniques.
  • Organizing and holding health days and sports events, for example, “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family.”

3. A methodological complex of social self-realization and psychological comfort of the child - ensures the mental health of the pupil. The main goal of these methods of work is to create a positive mood of emotional well-being and harmonious psychological well-being of the child in a situation of communication with surrounding peers and adults. These technologies are implemented by a psychologist in collaboration with a team of educators.

Practical measures:

  • To create conditions for relaxation, the teacher must promptly pay attention to the overstrain and fatigue that has arisen in children and devote a few minutes to relieving mental and emotional stress with the help of physical education.
  • Non-standard classes, the introduction of pedagogical techniques using role-playing and didactic games that will make the process of learning and development exciting.
  • Psychological support for the child during the adaptation period and explanatory work with parents regarding their correct behavior, which minimizes the emotional trauma associated with the beginning of a new stage in the child’s life.
  • The work of an advisory psychological service to help children and parents, which includes conducting psychological testing to determine the level of intellectual and psycho-emotional development of the child and identifying features that parents should know about and take them into account in their communication with the child. In addition, the psychologist, if necessary, develops a set of corrective measures personally for the child and implements them in collaboration with the child’s family.

4. Careful attitude towards the health potential of the school teaching staff - development of a health professional culture and popularization of the worldview of a healthy lifestyle. The administration, psychologist and head nurse are responsible for the implementation of this direction.

Practical measures:

  • Workshops on familiarization with methods of neutralizing the negative consequences of nervous overload.
  • Master classes on valeology and pharmacology.
  • Organization of health clubs at preschool institutions.
  • Using aromatherapy and art therapy methods to create a favorable emotional atmosphere and relieve psychological and physical stress, as well as herbal medicine methods to prevent infectious diseases.

Organizational aspects of health conservation work, organization of a special environment

The efforts of the kindergarten teaching staff and medical workers aimed at caring for the health of their students are based on diagnostic research data. The results are recorded in the child’s personal development map and in the future these data determine the direction and acceptable forms of work with the child. It is advisable that each group have its own health notebook, where the results of the work analyzed at a joint meeting of teachers and doctors are recorded.

Monitoring of the health and physical condition of pupils is carried out by:

  • head of a preschool educational organization;
  • senior teacher;
  • nurse;
  • doctor of the clinic to which the kindergarten belongs at its location.

All results of a diagnostic study must be entered into a journal of findings, recommendations and suggestions for preschool employees and parents. The diagnostic stage may include a survey of parents, for example, on the following topic: “The role of physical education in the life of your family” in order to popularize interesting experiences, as well as identify problems and establish their causes. Concretizing such information will allow us to develop an effective strategy and clarify the immediate tasks of comprehensive work with children’s families.

To create full-fledged conditions for the implementation of the policy of protecting children's health, the most important task is to organize a special environment that will contribute, on the one hand, to increasing the motor activity of children, and, on the other, will allow timely activation of the relaxation and rest mode.

The motor development environment includes:

  • A gym equipped with the necessary equipment (mini-complex, slide) and sports equipment that will enhance the effectiveness of classes, develop a sports character, and increase interest in outdoor games and physical exercises.
  • A sports ground, including a running track, a pit with sand for jumping, and an obstacle course, will create the logistical conditions for conducting classes with children in the fresh air.
  • Dynamic corners in groups, which are a combination of various tracks and gymnastic modules, equipped with safety mats to prevent injuries. A variety of “braids,” arches, and hoops will help develop flexibility, strengthen the back muscles, improve plastic skills, and also relieve psychological stress from mental activities.
  • Small handy simulators, some of which are the fruit of the creativity and ingenuity of teachers, will work towards the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills. Such benefits should be available to children.
  • Corners of privacy and tranquility will create a comfortable environment for the baby, conducive to contemplation, relaxation on soft rugs, and an intimate telephone conversation with his mother if he suddenly feels lonely.
  • A psychologist’s office, where a professional conducts trainings and activities with children that will help the child master his emotions, minimize spontaneous reactions, and keep his behavior under control.
  • A medical office equipped with special physiotherapeutic equipment (quartz lamps, inhalers) for health procedures aimed at preventing colds and infectious diseases and strengthening the immunity of children.

List of references to help the teacher:

  1. Akhutina T.V. Health-saving teaching technologies: an individual-oriented approach. School of Health. 2000.
  2. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies. – M.: VAKO, 2007.
  3. Health-saving technologies in secondary schools: analysis methodology, forms, methods, application experience. / Ed. MM. Bezrukikh, V.D. Sonkina. – M., 2002.
  4. Sukharev A.G. The concept of strengthening the health of children and adolescents in Russia.
  5. The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions / A.M. Sivtsova //Methodist. – 2007.
  6. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the work of a teacher.

The use of health-saving technologies in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1. Preventive and health-improving technologies.

Methodology V.F. Bazarny

Practical methods for solving health problems in a preschool educational organization include technologies proposed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Filippovich Bazarny, who in his research convincingly proved that the existing system of education and development of children ignores the nature of the child, which leads to the extinction of his vitality and activity. His original method of maintaining health involves the following innovations:

  • Incorporation of rhythmic alternation of dynamic and static poses into the work. To solve the above problem, special height-measuring tables and desks with an inclined surface with an inclination angle of up to sixteen degrees are used, thus, the child has the opportunity to change his body position, standing at the desk or periodically sitting at the table, maintaining comfortable conditions for modeling or drawing. The child himself determines the time period that he will spend at the table or at the desk; usually, children of middle and senior preschool age can stand at the desk for no more than five minutes, this time period gradually increases. This unusual approach, which changes the traditionally static sitting postures of children during classes to a free motor mode, makes it possible to strengthen the muscular frame of the back, improve children’s posture, activate the nervous system, and harmonize the cardiovascular system.
  • The practice of “expanding the zone of visual perception.” Work with visualization is organized using a methodical cross pendant, on which sensory-didactic material is placed in a suspended position at a level that allows the child to reach it on tiptoe and remove the necessary card. This methodological invention is an effective prevention of myopia, since in order to complete a learning task, children must make numerous searching movements with their eyes.
  • In order to expand the space of children’s visual activity, improve creative thinking and imagination, and form a holistic picture of the world, the “Ecological Journey” wall panel, consisting of images of natural objects located according to the laws of perspective, is used in classes.
  • During physical education breaks, a simulator is used, consisting of images of multi-colored trajectories that children visually draw, combining head movements and eye movements. Children enthusiastically look with their eyes at the painted “guests” of their group, who are placed on the ceiling or walls of the group room in the form of bright images of the sun, clouds, flowers, rainbows or fairy-tale characters.
  • The use of massage mats on which children walk or stand during activities in socks.
  • Separate education for boys and girls, this approach is based on the belief that boys and girls have different ways of perceiving information and perceiving the world. In the conditions of mixed groups of ordinary kindergartens, play areas can be divided, accordingly, toys are selected for girls that develop the feminine nature, and for boys - the masculine nature.

Video: kindergarten according to the system of Dr. V. F. Bazarny

Technological techniques

Different age groups have their own focus and duration of physical education classes:

  • It is important to teach younger preschoolers basic safety techniques and proper insurance in case of a fall, develop spatial orientation skills, and instill a taste for regular physical education. Morning exercises last 4–5 minutes, all exercises are shown by the teacher. Physical education classes are held twice a week for 20 minutes.
  • For middle group students, exercises that develop physical strength and endurance will be relevant. The duration of morning exercises is increased to 7 minutes, physical education - three times a week for 20–25 minutes.
  • Older preschoolers need to be targeted at improving their motor abilities and encouraged to demonstrate independence. The morning health complex lasts from 10 to 15 minutes in the preparatory group, the duration of physical education classes is 30 minutes three times a week.
  • Dynamic breaks - held for ten minutes during classes as children get tired. You can combine gymnastic exercises for the eyes, breathing, and fine motor skills, depending on the demand for these particular exercises. The purpose of such exercises is to reduce mental and emotional stress and prevent fatigue.
  • Finger gymnastics - recommended in individual or group form every day, especially necessary for children with speech problems.
  • Breathing exercises (the method of A. N. Strelnikova has proven itself to be excellent) is a system of rhythmic exercises consisting of alternately changing the phases of inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, with a mandatory pause after exhalation, used as part of various forms of health procedures for all children. This kind of gymnastics is very important because it helps strengthen the respiratory muscles of the chest and forms proper breathing. A necessary requirement is a well-ventilated room; it is advisable to monitor the hygienic procedure for cleaning the nasal cavity before starting the exercise.
  • Gymnastics for the eyes - used for all children to prevent visual fatigue, relax the eye muscles, practiced daily in classes for 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to include illustrations in your work. Gymnastics for the eyes E.S. Avetisova consists of a set of exercises to prevent myopia and strengthen the eye muscles.

Video: Strelnikova’s breathing exercises at a preschool educational institution

Gymnastics complex for the eyes (repeat each exercise three times):

  1. Alternately close and open your eyes every 3-5 seconds.
  2. Blink rapidly for 10–15 seconds, then stop for 7–10.
  3. Massage the closed eye with circular movements of the index finger.
  4. Calm smooth horizontal eye movements from right to left and vice versa, vertical eye movements up and down.
  5. You need to imagine a rotating wheel, “catch” a point with your gaze and follow its movement.
  6. Concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose, fixate it and hold it until you feel tired, then relax.
  7. Look at the index finger of your outstretched right hand for up to five seconds, close your left eye and, bending and unbending your right hand, i.e. changing the distance, continue to focus your gaze on the index finger of your right hand. Switch hands and repeat up to eight times.
  8. "Dot on the glass." At eye level, place a point with a diameter of up to five millimeters, then concentrate your gaze for two seconds on the object behind the glass located behind the mark, then move your gaze to the point, then back to the object. We practice this exercise for seven minutes.

Video: exercises on the mat in kindergarten

For posture:

  1. We take an even posture and walk with our arms raised high.
  2. Easy running on your toes.
  3. Walking on your toes, combined with raising your arms to the sides, moving your shoulder blades.

Prevention of flat feet:

  1. Shallow squats on the outer arches of the feet.
  2. Stand on your toes, bending your knees, from a heels outward, toes inward position.
  3. Raise your leg from a standing position with your foot turned outward, then inward.

Video: outdoor games for kids

Self-massage, acupressure:

  1. Perform superficial circular stroking from the wrist to the shoulder joint and down.
  2. Lightly tap your thigh with your fists for twenty to thirty seconds.
  3. Acupressure massage of the face and head, closing the eyes, we run the surface of the palm over the face from the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the cheekbones, grab the hair with our hands and gently, smoothly pull, gradually passing the entire surface of the head.
  • Game gymnastics - several simulation tasks to imitate the movements of animals, athletes, create the image of a plant (“swimmer”, “rose”, “panther”, etc.).
  • Stretching is a set of stretching and flexibility exercises accompanied by music that creates a good mood; the duration of classes for younger preschoolers is no more than 15 minutes. It is advisable to do it in the morning or after a nap, especially with children who have problematic posture and a tendency to flat feet. It is carried out in a spacious, well-ventilated room, for example, a hall for music or physical exercises.
  • Sports games of different levels of mobility - used daily as part of a group lesson, on a walk or in the gym. Games are selected depending on the age of the children, develop dexterity, coordination, have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, stimulate activity, and promote vigor of body and spirit.
  • Relaxation - for all pupils, depending on the children’s need for emotional relaxation and peace. Any room with an atmosphere of comfort and peace is suitable for holding it; it is recommended to use classical music (Mozart, Chopin), sounds of the natural environment.
  • Orthopedic gymnastics - intended for children with problems with flat feet, as well as pathology of the supporting arch of the foot, is used as an additional component of various exercises in the physical education and health complex.

Video: awakening gymnastics

2. A training group of technologies that solves the problem of developing a correct understanding of a healthy lifestyle and consolidating theoretical knowledge as a conscious experience:

  • game trainings;
  • conversations and meetings with interesting people.

3. Correctional group of activities conducted by a psychologist and teacher:

  • fairy tale therapy, art therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy;
  • psychogymnastics, a set of rhythmic speech therapy exercises.

Video: sand therapy and relaxation room

The main task of adults is to create for children a holistic psychological and pedagogical system of education and health improvement, based on traditions and innovative technologies that will contribute to the full and harmonious development of the personality of each child. It is physical culture and health work that is called upon to solve the most important tasks of forming a physically developed and creatively active personality, oriented to success and maintaining optimism in life.

The physical and mental health of the “little man” is the most important topic that attracts close attention from both parents and teachers. The child spends most of the day in kindergarten, therefore, the preschool organization is largely responsible for maintaining and strengthening his health. A healthy child, full of strength and energy, is enthusiastically involved in games and developmental activities; he is active and cheerful, therefore the topic of using methodological developments and technologies to ensure the safety of children’s health is regarded as the most important in modern preschool education. Below we will tell you what health-saving technologies are available and how to use them correctly in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the rules of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is it and how to use it in a preschool educational institution

Gymnastics and physical exercise should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who values ​​performance, health, and a full and joyful life.


Goals and objectives

Health-saving technologies are a tool for implementing preventive measures aimed at saving, maintaining and enriching the health resource of pupils of preschool educational organizations.

The “scientific father” of the concept itself was Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences N.K. Smirnov, in his opinion, it includes a set of interrelated measures, a set of pedagogical techniques that solve the problems of saving and increasing the potential of the physical and mental health of children and teachers.

Forming the habit of a competent and caring attitude towards one’s own body and respect for a healthy lifestyle begins in early childhood. The stage of preschool childhood in the physiological and psychosomatic development of a child is decisive in the formation of the foundations of health for the entire life of a person. Currently, according to the health system, statistical indicators are alarming, indicating the problem of a decline in the quality indicators of children's health. According to the results of medical examinations, only 50% of older preschoolers aged 6–7 years can be considered healthy; the rest were diagnosed with various congenital or acquired disorders. Today, the search for effective measures to improve health-improving techniques in kindergarten is especially important.

The goal is to preserve health and improve the motor abilities of pupils, taking into account individual needs and abilities, and to develop responsibility for their health among children, parents, and teachers.


  • create conditions for the physical and mental well-being of students and teaching staff;
  • in an accessible form, lay down basic knowledge about the benefits of physical education and the need to comply with hygiene rules;
  • develop motor skills and physical abilities of children;
  • to form theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the basics of life safety;
  • provide support to the family in its desire to preserve the child’s health and instill in him a culture of a healthy lifestyle.


Main groups of measures to preserve health:

1. Medical and preventive - aimed at preserving the health of pupils with the direct participation of the kindergarten administration and the team of medical workers, guided by medical standards and using medical supplies.

Practical measures:

  • Monitoring children's health by a clinic doctor and a kindergarten nurse and preparing recommendations for teachers and parents.
  • Control of the level of physical development, which is carried out by the head, senior teacher and medical worker.
  • Organization and control of three full meals a day. The material and technical conditions of the catering unit must comply with SanPin 2.4.13049–13 (Section XIII), the kindergarten administration and the nurse are responsible for approving the food card file and creating conditions, the head nurse is responsible for monitoring the quality and compliance with the menu.
  • Promotion and dissemination of health-improving techniques in educational institutions. This area of ​​work includes the creation of special information stands, moving folders for parents, for example, “Problems of correct posture in children,” “Movement is life,” and the organization of a lecture hall for parents and teachers. Practical classes will be relevant, for example, on the problem of flat feet or incorrect posture with a demonstration of a set of health-improving exercises.
  • Design and creation of a special environment that promotes health care, i.e. a sports ground, a hall for physical education, special corners in groups.
  • Organization of work in accordance with SanPiN hygienic standards - comfortable temperature and fresh air, sufficient level of lighting for the group. The administration of the preschool institution and the medical worker are responsible for compliance with the standards; control is carried out by the health station.

2. Physical education and health - based on the natural properties of the child’s motor activity, they strive to improve the quality characteristics of physical data, develop skills in caring for health and form the physical culture of children.

Practical measures:

  • Health-improving hardening procedures, water procedures and air baths (sleep, walks). Hardening is undoubtedly one of the most effective health-improving techniques, but it is important to adhere to the basic rules of its implementation: gradualism, systematicity, taking into account medical indications, the child’s individual sensitivity to the procedure, for example, if the baby experiences a psychological barrier before being doused with cold water, then you should not speed things up.
  • Solar procedures (only in the morning and afternoon), which help strengthen the immune system, improve sleep and appetite.
  • Prevention of flat feet and poor posture.
  • Breathing and eye exercises.
  • Studying massage and self-massage techniques.
  • Organizing and holding health days and sports events, for example, “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family.”

3. A methodological complex of social self-realization and psychological comfort of the child - ensures the mental health of the pupil. The main goal of these methods of work is to create a positive mood of emotional well-being and harmonious psychological well-being of the child in a situation of communication with surrounding peers and adults. These technologies are implemented by a psychologist in collaboration with a team of educators.

Practical measures:

  • To create conditions for relaxation, the teacher must promptly pay attention to the overstrain and fatigue that has arisen in children and devote a few minutes to relieving mental and emotional stress with the help of physical education.
  • Non-standard classes, the introduction of pedagogical techniques using role-playing and didactic games that will make the process of learning and development exciting.
  • Psychological support for the child during the adaptation period and explanatory work with parents regarding their correct behavior, which minimizes the emotional trauma associated with the beginning of a new stage in the child’s life.
  • The work of an advisory psychological service to help children and parents, which includes conducting psychological testing to determine the level of intellectual and psycho-emotional development of the child and identifying features that parents should know about and take them into account in their communication with the child. In addition, the psychologist, if necessary, develops a set of corrective measures personally for the child and implements them in collaboration with the child’s family.

4. Careful attitude towards the health potential of the school teaching staff - development of a health professional culture and popularization of the worldview of a healthy lifestyle. The administration, psychologist and head nurse are responsible for the implementation of this direction.

Practical measures:

  • Workshops on familiarization with methods of neutralizing the negative consequences of nervous overload.
  • Master classes on valeology and pharmacology.
  • Organization of health clubs at preschool institutions.
  • Using aromatherapy and art therapy methods to create a favorable emotional atmosphere and relieve psychological and physical stress, as well as herbal medicine methods to prevent infectious diseases.

Organizational aspects of health conservation work, organization of a special environment

The efforts of the kindergarten teaching staff and medical workers aimed at caring for the health of their students are based on diagnostic research data. The results are recorded in the child’s personal development map and in the future these data determine the direction and acceptable forms of work with the child. It is advisable that each group have its own health notebook, where the results of the work analyzed at a joint meeting of teachers and doctors are recorded.

Monitoring of the health and physical condition of pupils is carried out by:

  • head of a preschool educational organization;
  • senior teacher;
  • nurse;
  • doctor of the clinic to which the kindergarten belongs at its location.

All results of a diagnostic study must be entered into a journal of findings, recommendations and suggestions for preschool employees and parents. The diagnostic stage may include a survey of parents, for example, on the following topic: “The role of physical education in the life of your family” in order to popularize interesting experiences, as well as identify problems and establish their causes. Concretizing such information will allow us to develop an effective strategy and clarify the immediate tasks of comprehensive work with children’s families.

To create full-fledged conditions for the implementation of the policy of protecting children's health, the most important task is to organize a special environment that will contribute, on the one hand, to increasing the motor activity of children, and, on the other, will allow timely activation of the relaxation and rest mode.

The motor development environment includes:

  • A gym equipped with the necessary equipment (mini-complex, slide) and sports equipment that will enhance the effectiveness of classes, develop a sports character, and increase interest in outdoor games and physical exercises.
  • A sports ground, including a running track, a pit with sand for jumping, and an obstacle course, will create the logistical conditions for conducting classes with children in the fresh air.
  • Dynamic corners in groups, which are a combination of various tracks and gymnastic modules, equipped with safety mats to prevent injuries. A variety of “braids,” arches, and hoops will help develop flexibility, strengthen the back muscles, improve plastic skills, and also relieve psychological stress from mental activities.
  • Small handy simulators, some of which are the fruit of the creativity and ingenuity of teachers, will work towards the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills. Such benefits should be available to children.
  • Corners of privacy and tranquility will create a comfortable environment for the baby, conducive to contemplation, relaxation on soft rugs, and an intimate telephone conversation with his mother if he suddenly feels lonely.
  • A psychologist’s office, where a professional conducts trainings and activities with children that will help the child master his emotions, minimize spontaneous reactions, and keep his behavior under control.
  • A medical office equipped with special physiotherapeutic equipment (quartz lamps, inhalers) for health procedures aimed at preventing colds and infectious diseases and strengthening the immunity of children.

List of references to help the teacher:

  1. Akhutina T.V. Health-saving teaching technologies: an individual-oriented approach. School of Health. 2000.
  2. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies. – M.: VAKO, 2007.
  3. Health-saving technologies in secondary schools: analysis methodology, forms, methods, application experience. / Ed. MM. Bezrukikh, V.D. Sonkina. – M., 2002.
  4. Sukharev A.G. The concept of strengthening the health of children and adolescents in Russia.
  5. The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions / A.M. Sivtsova //Methodist. – 2007.
  6. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the work of a teacher.

The use of health-saving technologies in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1. Preventive and health-improving technologies.

Methodology V.F. Bazarny

Practical methods for solving health problems in a preschool educational organization include technologies proposed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Vladimir Filippovich Bazarny, who in his research convincingly proved that the existing system of education and development of children ignores the nature of the child, which leads to the extinction of his vitality and activity. His original method of maintaining health involves the following innovations:

  • Incorporation of rhythmic alternation of dynamic and static poses into the work. To solve the above problem, special height-measuring tables and desks with an inclined surface with an inclination angle of up to sixteen degrees are used, thus, the child has the opportunity to change his body position, standing at the desk or periodically sitting at the table, maintaining comfortable conditions for modeling or drawing. The child himself determines the time period that he will spend at the table or at the desk; usually, children of middle and senior preschool age can stand at the desk for no more than five minutes, this time period gradually increases. This unusual approach, which changes the traditionally static sitting postures of children during classes to a free motor mode, makes it possible to strengthen the muscular frame of the back, improve children’s posture, activate the nervous system, and harmonize the cardiovascular system.
  • The practice of “expanding the zone of visual perception.” Work with visualization is organized using a methodical cross pendant, on which sensory-didactic material is placed in a suspended position at a level that allows the child to reach it on tiptoe and remove the necessary card. This methodological invention is an effective prevention of myopia, since in order to complete a learning task, children must make numerous searching movements with their eyes.
  • In order to expand the space of children’s visual activity, improve creative thinking and imagination, and form a holistic picture of the world, the “Ecological Journey” wall panel, consisting of images of natural objects located according to the laws of perspective, is used in classes.
  • During physical education breaks, a simulator is used, consisting of images of multi-colored trajectories that children visually draw, combining head movements and eye movements. Children enthusiastically look with their eyes at the painted “guests” of their group, who are placed on the ceiling or walls of the group room in the form of bright images of the sun, clouds, flowers, rainbows or fairy-tale characters.
  • The use of massage mats on which children walk or stand during activities in socks.
  • Separate education for boys and girls, this approach is based on the belief that boys and girls have different ways of perceiving information and perceiving the world. In the conditions of mixed groups of ordinary kindergartens, play areas can be divided, accordingly, toys are selected for girls that develop the feminine nature, and for boys - the masculine nature.

Video: kindergarten according to the system of Dr. V. F. Bazarny

Technological techniques

Different age groups have their own focus and duration of physical education classes:

  • It is important to teach younger preschoolers basic safety techniques and proper insurance in case of a fall, develop spatial orientation skills, and instill a taste for regular physical education. Morning exercises last 4–5 minutes, all exercises are shown by the teacher. Physical education classes are held twice a week for 20 minutes.
  • For middle group students, exercises that develop physical strength and endurance will be relevant. The duration of morning exercises is increased to 7 minutes, physical education - three times a week for 20–25 minutes.
  • Older preschoolers need to be targeted at improving their motor abilities and encouraged to demonstrate independence. The morning health complex lasts from 10 to 15 minutes in the preparatory group, the duration of physical education classes is 30 minutes three times a week.
  • Dynamic breaks - held for ten minutes during classes as children get tired. You can combine gymnastic exercises for the eyes, breathing, and fine motor skills, depending on the demand for these particular exercises. The purpose of such exercises is to reduce mental and emotional stress and prevent fatigue.
  • Finger gymnastics - recommended in individual or group form every day, especially necessary for children with speech problems.
  • Breathing exercises (the method of A. N. Strelnikova has proven itself to be excellent) is a system of rhythmic exercises consisting of alternately changing the phases of inhalation through the nose and exhalation through the mouth, with a mandatory pause after exhalation, used as part of various forms of health procedures for all children. This kind of gymnastics is very important because it helps strengthen the respiratory muscles of the chest and forms proper breathing. A necessary requirement is a well-ventilated room; it is advisable to monitor the hygienic procedure for cleaning the nasal cavity before starting the exercise.
  • Gymnastics for the eyes - used for all children to prevent visual fatigue, relax the eye muscles, practiced daily in classes for 3-5 minutes. It is advisable to include illustrations in your work. Gymnastics for the eyes E.S. Avetisova consists of a set of exercises to prevent myopia and strengthen the eye muscles.

Video: Strelnikova’s breathing exercises at a preschool educational institution

Gymnastics complex for the eyes (repeat each exercise three times):

  1. Alternately close and open your eyes every 3-5 seconds.
  2. Blink rapidly for 10–15 seconds, then stop for 7–10.
  3. Massage the closed eye with circular movements of the index finger.
  4. Calm smooth horizontal eye movements from right to left and vice versa, vertical eye movements up and down.
  5. You need to imagine a rotating wheel, “catch” a point with your gaze and follow its movement.
  6. Concentrate your gaze on the tip of your nose, fixate it and hold it until you feel tired, then relax.
  7. Look at the index finger of your outstretched right hand for up to five seconds, close your left eye and, bending and unbending your right hand, i.e. changing the distance, continue to focus your gaze on the index finger of your right hand. Switch hands and repeat up to eight times.
  8. "Dot on the glass." At eye level, place a point with a diameter of up to five millimeters, then concentrate your gaze for two seconds on the object behind the glass located behind the mark, then move your gaze to the point, then back to the object. We practice this exercise for seven minutes.

Video: exercises on the mat in kindergarten

For posture:

  1. We take an even posture and walk with our arms raised high.
  2. Easy running on your toes.
  3. Walking on your toes, combined with raising your arms to the sides, moving your shoulder blades.

Prevention of flat feet:

  1. Shallow squats on the outer arches of the feet.
  2. Stand on your toes, bending your knees, from a heels outward, toes inward position.
  3. Raise your leg from a standing position with your foot turned outward, then inward.

Video: outdoor games for kids

Self-massage, acupressure:

  1. Perform superficial circular stroking from the wrist to the shoulder joint and down.
  2. Lightly tap your thigh with your fists for twenty to thirty seconds.
  3. Acupressure massage of the face and head, closing the eyes, we run the surface of the palm over the face from the forehead to the temples, from the nose to the cheekbones, grab the hair with our hands and gently, smoothly pull, gradually passing the entire surface of the head.
  • Game gymnastics - several simulation tasks to imitate the movements of animals, athletes, create the image of a plant (“swimmer”, “rose”, “panther”, etc.).
  • Stretching is a set of stretching and flexibility exercises accompanied by music that creates a good mood; the duration of classes for younger preschoolers is no more than 15 minutes. It is advisable to do it in the morning or after a nap, especially with children who have problematic posture and a tendency to flat feet. It is carried out in a spacious, well-ventilated room, for example, a hall for music or physical exercises.
  • Sports games of different levels of mobility - used daily as part of a group lesson, on a walk or in the gym. Games are selected depending on the age of the children, develop dexterity, coordination, have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, stimulate activity, and promote vigor of body and spirit.
  • Relaxation - for all pupils, depending on the children’s need for emotional relaxation and peace. Any room with an atmosphere of comfort and peace is suitable for holding it; it is recommended to use classical music (Mozart, Chopin), sounds of the natural environment.
  • Orthopedic gymnastics - intended for children with problems with flat feet, as well as pathology of the supporting arch of the foot, is used as an additional component of various exercises in the physical education and health complex.

Video: awakening gymnastics

2. A training group of technologies that solves the problem of developing a correct understanding of a healthy lifestyle and consolidating theoretical knowledge as a conscious experience:

  • game trainings;
  • conversations and meetings with interesting people.

3. Correctional group of activities conducted by a psychologist and teacher:

  • fairy tale therapy, art therapy, aromatherapy, color therapy;
  • psychogymnastics, a set of rhythmic speech therapy exercises.

Video: sand therapy and relaxation room

The main task of adults is to create for children a holistic psychological and pedagogical system of education and health improvement, based on traditions and innovative technologies that will contribute to the full and harmonious development of the personality of each child. It is physical culture and health work that is called upon to solve the most important tasks of forming a physically developed and creatively active personality, oriented to success and maintaining optimism in life.

“Types of health-saving pedagogical technologies

and the possibilities of their use in preschool educational institutions"

(consultation for parents)

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the health of children. Raising a healthy child is the most important thing that kindergarten employees need to do. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

The transformations in the pedagogical space and society that have occurred in our country recently imply a number of changes in the field of preschool education. According to scientists, the health dynamics of the younger generation over the past 10-15 years has been characterized by very unfavorable trends. Therefore, the issue of maintaining and strengthening health in children's organizations always remains one of the main ones.

Educational organizations and teachers working in them must ensure the availability of quality education in conditions that guarantee the psychological and physical safety of students, which places high demands on the competence and professionalism of preschool teachers in matters of health care.

More recently, these terms appeared in our lives -“health-forming educational technologies” (HET) And “health-saving technologies” (HS), but have already taken a fairly strong place in our speech and literature. So what is “health-saving technology”? Many authors interpret the definition of this term differently.

In the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegova: “to save is not to spend, not to spend in vain, without necessity,” therefore, “health-saving technologies” are technologies aimed at preserving health at this stage.

Kindergarten and family are two main social structures that mainly determine the level of health of the child. Modern parents need to develop and maintain an interest in the health of both themselves and their child. Modern mothers and fathers should not act as passive “spectators” of the educational process of children in matters of maintaining and promoting health, but as active accomplices.

The guiding principle of such technologies– taking into account the personal characteristics of the child, the individual logic of his development, taking into account children’s interests and preferences in the content and types of activities during upbringing and training.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education:

Medical and preventive;

Sports and recreation;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

Health conservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

Valueological education of parents.

Medical and preventive technologiesin preschool education, technologies that ensure the preservation and enhancement of children’s health under the guidance of medical personnel of preschool educational institutions in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies. These include the following technologies: organizing monitoring of the health of preschool children and developing recommendations for optimizing children's health; organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age, physical development of preschool children, hardening; organization of preventive measures in kindergarten; organization of control and assistance in meeting SanPiN requirements; organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Physical education and health technologiesin preschool education – technologies aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child: the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschoolers, hardening, breathing exercises, massage and self-massage, prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture, health procedures in the aquatic environment (pool ) and on simulators, developing habits of everyday physical activity and health care, etc. The implementation of these technologies, as a rule, is carried out by physical education specialists and preschool teachers in specially organized forms of health-improving work. Certain techniques of these technologies are widely used by preschool teachers in various forms of organizing the pedagogical process: during classes and walks, during restricted moments and in the free activities of children, during pedagogical interaction between an adult and a child, etc.

Technologies for the socio-psychological well-being of a child– technologies that ensure the mental and social health of a preschool child. The main task of these technologies is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family, ensuring the social and emotional well-being of the preschooler. The implementation of these technologies is carried out by a psychologist through specially organized meetings with children, as well as teachers and preschool education specialists in the current pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions. This type of technology includes technologies for psychological and psychological-pedagogical support of child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions.

Technologies for health conservation and health enrichmentpreschool teachers – technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving educational technologiesin kindergarten - these are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health in preschoolers. The purpose of these technologies is to develop a child’s conscious attitude towards health and human life, accumulate knowledge about health and develop the ability to protect, support and preserve it, acquire valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to provision of basic medical and psychological self-help and assistance.

Technologies for valeological education of parents– these are technologies aimed at ensuring the valeological education of parents of preschool children and their acquisition of valeological competence. Valueological education of parents should be considered as a continuous process of valueological education of all family members.

In preschool educational institutions, health-saving technologies are most often used according to the following directions.




Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

Corrective technologies


Dynamic pauses

Outdoor and sports games


Gymnastics (corrective, orthopedic finger exercises, for the eyes, breathing, etc.

Physical education classes

Problem-based gaming: game training, game therapy

Communication games

Series of lessons “Health Lessons”

Acupressure self-massage

Music influence technologies

Art therapy

Fairy tale therapy

Color influence technologies


Phonetic rhythm

Using health-saving technologies in your daily routine:

Morning exercises:

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

General developmental exercises;

Dance exercises;

Using exercise elements from various health systems: aerobics, shaping, etc.

Before classes:

Acupressure massage, anti-stress massage, intellectual massage.

Physical education minutes in class:

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics.

Morning walk:

Breathing exercises, including muscle exercises;

Healthy walking, running.

Before bed:

Relaxation, self-regulation.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics;

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

Walking using non-standard physical education equipment (prevention of flat feet, correction (prevention) of posture, scoliosis).

Before dinner:

Massage for the prevention of colds;

Physical education classes – 2 times a week;

Rhythmic gymnastics – once a week.

Tempering breath. This type of hardening strengthens the entire respiratory tract. Its essence is to perform a set of game exercises with the nose. Recommended for younger children, but can also be used with older children. It is carried out 2-3 times a day.

- “Find and show your nose”;

- “Help your nose get ready for a walk” (cleaning your nose with a napkin or handkerchief).

- “The nose is walking” - inhale and exhale through the nose.

- “The nose is playing around” - inhale through the nose with resistance.

- “The nose smells a pleasant smell” - 10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils alternately.

- “The nose sings a song” - while exhaling, tap the wings of the nose with your index finger and say “ba - bo - bu.”

- “Let's warm up the nose” - massage the nose with the index fingers.

Hand massage. Intense pressure on the fingertips stimulates blood flow to the hands. This promotes psycho-emotional stability and physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

Ear massage. This type of hardening is based on stimulation of biologically active points located on the auricle and reflexively connected with almost all organs of the body. Massaging these points is useful, in particular, for improving the functioning of the respiratory system and protecting the body from colds. Is accessible to children of all ages. It is recommended to do it in a playful way 2-3 times a day.

- “We’ll find and show you the ears”;

- “Flapping his ears”;

- “Let’s pull the ears” - pulling the earlobes;

- “Let’s twist the trestle”;

- “Let’s rub our ears.”

Tempering massage of the soles. This type of massage is recommended for children of middle and older preschool age. It is based on stimulation of active points located on the soles of the feet. Foot massage is done daily.

The future of modern society depends on how healthy our children are. It is in childhood that the foundation of a child’s health is laid, intensive growth and development occurs, basic movements, posture, as well as the necessary skills and habits are formed, basic physical qualities are acquired, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

It has been proven that a system of preventive measures to promote the health of the younger generation can only be effective if it covers all aspects of a child’s life and is implemented consistently throughout the entire period of childhood. Therefore, the problem of creating a culture of health for preschoolers in a system of an integrated approach becomes urgent: including work on protecting, strengthening and creating a culture of health in all educational areas, with the involvement of parents in this topic.

Having analyzed all of the above, we can conclude that health-saving technology is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures aimed at nurturing personal qualities that contribute to the formation of a conscious and valuable attitude towards one’s health, its preservation and strengthening, the effectiveness of which depends on the productive interaction between the child, his parents, teacher and medical workers


  1. Alyamovskaya V.G. New approaches to planning educational work in kindergarten. - //Management of preschool educational institutions, N3, 2002, p. 21 – 27.
  2. Sokratov N.V. Modern technologies for preserving and strengthening children's health. –M.: Sphere shopping center, 2005.
  3. Zimonina V.A. Raising a preschool child. Growing up healthy. M.; VLADOS, 2003-304 s.
  4. Kuznetsova M.N. A system of comprehensive measures to improve the health of children in preschool educational institutions. M.: ARKTI, 2002 – 64 p.
  5. Morgunova O.N. Physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions. Voronezh, 2005 – 127 p.
  6. Penzulaeva L.I. Health-improving gymnastics for preschool children M.: 2004
  7. Chupakha I.V. Health-saving technologies in the educational process. M: 2003 - 143 p.
  8. Voloshina L. Organization of health-saving space//Preschool education.-2004.-N1.-P.114-117.
  9. Gymnastics for the eyes. - // Preschool pedagogy, December, 2007. – pp. 26-27.

The work reveals the concept of “health-saving technologies”, its essence and principles of application in the work of a kindergarten teacher; the types of these technologies and forms of health-improving work in a preschool institution are described.



State preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten

Belaya Glina village, Krasnodar region


on the topic:

“Health-saving technologies used in kindergarten”

White Clay, 2014

“I’m not afraid to repeat again and again:

taking care of your health is the most important

the work of a teacher. From cheerfulness,

The vigor of children determines their spiritual life,

worldview, mental development,

strength of knowledge, faith in one’s strength.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Preschool age is rightfully considered the most important period in the process of human personality formation. At this age, various abilities develop more intensively, moral qualities are formed, and character traits are developed. It is in this age period that the foundation of health and development of physical qualities necessary for the child’s effective participation in various forms of physical activity is laid and strengthened, which, in turn, creates conditions for the active and targeted formation and development of mental functions and intellectual abilities of a preschooler.

An analysis of the health status of preschool children shows that over the last decade the number of absolutely healthy children has decreased from 23 to 15% and the number of children with chronic diseases has increased from 16 to 17.3%. On average in Russia, every preschooler experiences at least two diseases per year. Approximately 20-27% of children fall into the category of frequently and long-term illnesses. Almost 90% of preschool children have standard deviations in the structure of the musculoskeletal system - poor posture, flat feet, unbalanced muscle tone, weakness of the abdominal muscles, non-optimal ratio of static and dynamic movements. Neurotic manifestations are observed in 20-30% of children of senior preschool age.

What are health-saving technologies?

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to a child is to ensure a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and the education of valeological culture as the totality of a child’s conscious attitude to health and human life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and preserve it, valeological competence, allowing a preschooler independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

Our preschool educational institution has developed a “health-saving technology”, the objectives of which are:

1. Preservation and strengthening of children’s health based on the integrated and systematic use of physical education means available to kindergartens and optimization of physical activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring an active position for children in the process of gaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership between the family, the teaching staff and the children themselves in strengthening their health and developing their creative potential.

Types of health-saving technologies used in preschool educational institutions.

Health-saving activities in our kindergarten are carried out in the following forms:

Medical and preventive technologies

Medical and preventive activities ensure the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of preschool medical personnel in accordance with medical requirements and standards using medical supplies.

Objectives of this activity:

Organization of monitoring of children's health and development of recommendations for optimizing children's health;

Organization and control of children's nutrition, physical development, hardening;

Organization of preventive measures that promote the resistance of the child’s body (for example, immunization, gargling with anti-inflammatory herbs, gentle treatment during the adaptation period, etc.).

Organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - San PiNov

Organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Monitoring of the health status and physical development of children is carried out by kindergarten medical workers. All work on the physical education of children in preschool educational institutions is based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in health. To do this, based on individual medical records, the preschool doctor draws up a summary diagram for each age group, which helps educators and medical workers have a clear picture of the health status of the children of the entire group and each child individually. This analysis scheme and specific recommendations are entered into the group “Health Log” - “Child’s Individual Route” - so that each teacher plans physical education and health activities in accordance with the children’s health characteristics.

Physical education and health technology

Physical education and health activities are aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health.

Objectives of this activity:

Development of physical qualities;

Control of motor activity and development of physical culture of preschool children,

Formation of correct posture, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders;

Developing the habit of daily physical activity;

Improvement by means of hardening. Physical education and health activities are carried out by a physical education instructor during physical education classes, as well as by teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical education sessions, dynamic breaks, etc.;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

The purpose of this activity is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family; ensuring the social and emotional well-being of a preschooler, because emotional mood, mental well-being, cheerful mood of children is important for their health.

Technologies for health conservation and health enrichment for teachers

Improving the health of children and their favorable physical development is influenced by the entire way of life of a child in kindergarten, the caring and attentive attitude of adults towards him, and the high sense of responsibility of the entire team for each pupil. A teacher who guards the child’s health, who fosters a culture of health for the child and parents, must first of all be healthy himself, have valeological knowledge, not overworked, must be able to objectively assess his strengths and weaknesses associated with professional activities, draw up a plan for the necessary self-correction and begin its implementation.

Technologies of valeological education of parents.

The main educators of the child are the parents. The child’s mood and state of physical comfort depend on how the child’s daily routine is properly organized and how much attention parents pay to the child’s health. The healthy lifestyle of a child, to which he is taught in an educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then be consolidated, or not be found, and then the information received will be unnecessary and burdensome for the child.

Information and educational activities are expressed in the formation of a healthy lifestyle as a value among parents, as well as in introducing parents to various forms of physical education in a preschool institution, informing about the state of health and physical development, and the level of motor readiness of their child; attracting parents to participate in various joint physical education activities and holidays.

In order to cooperate with parents in promoting a healthy lifestyle in children, we have developed a system of activities, which include:

parent meetings,




sports holidays,

health holidays,

family club

sliding folders,


personal example of a teacher,

non-traditional forms of working with parents,

practical demonstrations (workshops)

Health-saving educational technologies.

This type of activity involves the education of a valeological culture, or a culture of health, in preschool children. Its goal is to form in children a conscious attitude towards health and life, accumulation of knowledge about health and development of skills to protect it.

Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of influence on children’s health. Their main feature is the use of psychological and pedagogical techniques, methods, and approaches to solving emerging problems.

Educational activities involve conducting classes and conversations with preschoolers about the need to maintain a daily routine, the importance of hygienic and physical culture, about health and means of strengthening it, about the functioning of the body and the rules of caring for it, children acquire cultural and healthy lifestyle skills, knowledge of the rules of safe behavior and reasonable actions in unforeseen situations.

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every educational institution for preschool children.

Forms of recreational work in a preschool institution

In our preschool, several forms of physical education for children are provided daily for all age groups, which promotes health and allows children to provide the necessary physical activity throughout the day.

In our daily routine, we pay special attention tohardening procedures,promoting health and reducing morbidity. Hardening activities, as an important part of physical culture, contribute to the creation of mandatory conditions and habits of a healthy lifestyle. The hardening system we use provides for various forms and methods, as well as changes due to the seasons, age and individual characteristics of the children’s health.

When working with children, the basic principles of hardening must be observed:

Implementation of hardening provided that the child is healthy;

It is inadmissible to carry out hardening procedures if the child has negative emotional reactions (fear, crying, anxiety);

Careful consideration of the child’s individual characteristics, his age, and the possibility of increased sensitivity to hardening measures;

The intensity of hardening procedures increases gradually and consistently, with the expansion of impact zones and an increase in hardening time;

Systematic and consistent hardening (and not from case to case.

For the greatest effectiveness of hardening, we provide:

Clear organization of thermal and air conditions in the room (“temperature” hygiene);

Rational, non-overheating clothing for children;

Compliance with a walking regime at all times of the year;

Sleeping with transoms open;

Hygiene procedures (washing and dousing hands up to the elbows with cool water, rinsing the mouth with boiled water at room temperature);

Walking barefoot, doing morning exercises and physical education barefoot. The main point of walking barefoot is to harden the skin of the feet to the influence of low temperatures, which is carried out mainly by the action of low floor temperatures. It is this action that is decisive, if not the only one, in hardening, since there is no convincing evidence regarding the influence of other components in the scientific literature.

A contrast air hardening technique, which is carried out at the end of daytime sleep alternately in cold and warm rooms. The air temperature in a warm room is maintained with the help of heaters; in a cold room it is lowered due to intensive ventilation, even to the point of drafts in the summer.

One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is walk. In order for the walk to be effective, we change the sequence of children’s activities, depending on the nature of the previous activity and weather conditions. So, in the cold season and after the lesson in which the children were sitting, the walk begins with a jog or an active game; in the warm season or after physical education and music classes - from observation, quiet games.

A walk is one of the most important routine moments during which children can sufficiently realize their motor needs. The optimal form for this isoutdoor games and physical exercises on the street.

Outdoor game occupies a special place in the development of a preschool child. It helps to consolidate and improve motor skills and abilities, provides an opportunity to develop cognitive interest, and forms the ability to navigate the surrounding reality, which is so important for a child to gain life experience.

A variety of play activities develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and have a beneficial effect on the emotional state of children.

The need for movement in preschoolers is great, but the fragile body is extremely sensitive not only to a lack, but also to an excess of movement. That is why, when choosing outdoor games and game exercises, we try to maintain the optimal mode of physical activity, adjust the permissible load, changing the game situation, increasing or decreasing the number of repetitions.

In addition to outdoor games, in our kindergarten we widely use a variety of exercises in the main types of movements:

Running and walking


Throwing, throwing and catching the ball

Obstacle course exercises

Physical exercises carried out in the fresh air contribute to the functional improvement of the child’s body, increasing its performance, and developing protective forces in relation to unfavorable environmental factors. For every two weeks there are 3-4 sets of physical exercises in the air:

For good weather (seasonally);

In case of wet weather;

In case of gusty winds.

Of course, special importance in raising a healthy child in our preschool institution is given to the development of movements and physical educationphysical education classes. Moreover, in each age period, physical education activities have a different focus:

They bring pleasure to young children; they teach them how to navigate in space and basic belay techniques;

In middle age – they develop physical qualities, primarily endurance and strength;

In older groups, they form the need for movement, develop motor abilities and independence.

That is why our kindergarten uses a variety of options for conducting physical education classes:

Classes according to the traditional scheme;

Classes consisting of a set of outdoor games of high, medium and low intensity;

Competition classes, where children identify the winners during various relay races of two teams;

Classes in the “Health” series, which can also be included in the network of classes as cognitive development. During such classes, children are given ideas about the structure of their own body, the purpose of organs, what is useful and harmful for the human body, and are also taught basic self-care and first aid skills. These activities are of great importance in instilling in a child the need for a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most important components of strengthening and improving the child’s body, as well as organizing the child’s motor regimen, aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children, ismorning exercises.

Daily physical exercise under the guidance of an adult promotes the manifestation of certain volitional efforts and develops in children the useful habit of starting the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually involve the child’s entire body in an active state, strengthen breathing, increase blood circulation, promote metabolism, create a need for oxygen, and help develop correct posture. To prevent the occurrence of flat feet, exercises are suggested to strengthen the arch of the foot - raising on the toes, on the heels.

The music that accompanies the movements creates a cheerful mood and has a positive effect on the child’s nervous system.

Morning exercises are carried out daily before breakfast, for 10–12 minutes outdoors or indoors (depending on weather conditions). During the entire morning exercises held indoors, the windows remain open, and children practice in physical education uniform and barefoot.

During breaks between classes, especially in older groups of kindergarten,motor warm-up.Its goal is to prevent the development of fatigue in children, relieve emotional stress during classes with mental stress, which contributes to a faster perception of program material. Motor warm-up allows you to actively relax after mental stress and a forced static posture, and helps to increase the motor activity of children. The game exercises used in warm-up are well known to children, simple in content, with a small number of rules, do not last long (no more than 10-12 minutes), and are accessible to children with different levels of motor activity.

In order to prevent fatigue in activities associated with prolonged sitting in a monotonous position, requiring concentrated attention and maintaining children’s mental performance at a good level, kindergartens conductphysical education minutes.

Physical education sessions increase overall tone and motor skills, help train the mobility of nervous processes, develop attention and memory, create a positive emotional mood and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Physical education sessions are conducted by the teacher as needed during classes on speech development, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, etc. Duration is 3-5 minutes.

Physical education sessions are carried out in numerous forms: in the form of general developmental exercises (movements of the head, arms, torso, legs), outdoor games, didactic games with different movements, dance movements and game exercises. A physical education lesson may be accompanied by text related or unrelated to the content of the lesson.

Along with various recreational activities, the preschool institution conductsgymnastics after a nap,which helps improve children's mood, improve muscle tone, and also helps prevent posture and foot disorders. Gymnastics are performed with the windows open for 7-15 minutes. Various variations of gymnastics are used throughout the year.

Warm up in bed. Children gradually wake up to the sounds of pleasant music and, lying in bed on their backs on top of the blanket, perform 5-6 general developmental exercises. Exercises are performed from different positions: lying on your side, on your stomach, sitting. After completing the exercises, children get up and perform several movements at different paces (walking in place, walking on massage mats, gradually turning into running). Then everyone moves from the bedroom to a well-ventilated group room and performs arbitrary dance, musical-rhythmic or other movements to the music.

Gymnastics of a gaming nature. Consists of 3-6 simulation exercises. Children imitate the movements of birds, animals, plants, and create various images (“skier”, “skater”, “parsley”, “flower”).

Jogging along massage paths. They are combined with contrast air baths and are carried out 2 times a week for 5-7 minutes. The massage track consists of aids and items that promote foot massage. Children exercise barefoot, walk at a fast pace along the path and smoothly switch to running (1-1.5 minutes) and again switch to calm walking with breathing exercises. This contributes to the development of endurance, coordination of movements, formation of the foot and strengthening of the body of children.

Breathing exercises. A person’s health, physical and mental activity largely depend on proper breathing. Breathing exercises increase ventilation, lymph and blood circulation in the lungs, reduce spasm of the bronchi and bronchioles, improve their permeability, promote sputum production, train the ability to voluntarily control breathing, form correct breathing biomechanics, and prevent diseases and complications of the respiratory system.

In preschool children, the respiratory muscles are still weak, so a special system of exercises is needed in natural rhythmic breathing, as well as in the correct use of inhalation and exhalation during simple and more complex movements, and the rhythm of breathing and movement form one rhythmic whole. Gymnastic exercises that form correct breathing include exercises for establishing correct breathing through the nose, developing the muscles of the chest to increase its elasticity, and actively stretching the spine. All exercises are carried out in your own breathing rhythm, slowly, following inhalation and exhalation and a compensatory pause after exhalation.

Method of using breathing exercises:

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth into closed lips, combine breathing exercises with general developmental exercises, form a mixed type of breathing.

Acupressure – a basic self-help technique for your body. Acupressure exercises teach children to consciously take care of their health, instilling in them the confidence that they themselves can help themselves improve their well-being. Along with this, acupressure is a prevention of colds.

During a finger massage, irritation of receptors in the skin, muscles, tendons, and fingers occurs, impulses from which pass simultaneously to the brain and spinal cord, and from there a command is sent to various organs and structures to start working. Massage increases the protective properties of the membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and other organs. Under the influence of massage, the body begins to produce its own medications (for example, interferon), which are often much more effective and safer than pills.


One of the aspects of improving the health of participants in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions is the creation of a health-preserving environment. The development of conceptual directions for a health-preserving environment is based on the following tasks:

formation of children's health based on the integrated and systematic use of physical education means available for a specific preschool institution, optimization of physical activity in the fresh air;

use in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions of the spiritual, moral and cultural potential of the city, microdistrict, immediate environment, raising children in the traditions of Russian culture;

constructive partnership between the family, the teaching staff and the children themselves in strengthening their health and developing creative potential;

ensuring children's active position in the process of gaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

The means to solve these problems can be:

direct training of children in basic techniques of a healthy lifestyle (health, finger, corrective, breathing exercises, self-massage) and the simplest skills of providing first aid for cuts, abrasions, burns, bites; as well as instilling in children basic cultural and hygienic skills;

rehabilitation measures (herbal medicine, vitamin therapy, aromatherapy, inhalation, functional music, physical therapy, massage, psycho-gymnastics, trainings);

specially organized physical activity of the child (physical education sessions, health-improving physical education classes, outdoor games, sports and recreational holidays, themed health holidays, outings, excursions).

Preparing a child for a healthy lifestyle based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every educational institution for preschool children.