How to cleanse your wallet of negative energy. Cleansing energy with water

Many people have doubts and inconveniences about things used by someone. Occultists and astrologers claim that there is a reason for this: the energy of things, which can be cleansed if necessary.

The energy of things: how things can be dangerous

Most often in this context they talk about other people's things that have come into your possession: everything that was bought at a second-hand store, inherited or found. By accepting someone else's thing for use, you can unexpectedly begin to literally attract failures. Why is this happening? Obviously, this thing was charged with negative energy, which is now being transferred to you. Quite often it accumulates in old things, so it’s better to get rid of some of them.

Impregnation with negative energy may not happen on purpose. For example, a person attended a funeral wearing one of his jackets, and then this jacket was used by someone else. And the person begins to get sick more often, he develops depression and similar things. The simple fact is that the jacket absorbed the pain of loss that its previous owner experienced. It also happens that before giving away a gift or other item, it is deliberately damaged in order to harm it: that is, you are simply faced with an ill-wisher who can spoil and new thing.

If this is an item that can be rinsed with water or washed, don’t hesitate and do it quickly! Water is great for getting rid of negative energy. In order for the water purification process to have maximum power, it is necessary to charge the water with silver (dip the silver item into the water and let it sit overnight; it is advisable to do this on the Full Moon). Let the item sit in such water and then wash or rinse it to completely wash away the negative energy from the item.

The second way is to pour salt into the water and put the item in that water. Salt has the ability to absorb absolutely everything, so it will serve as an excellent cleanser. To be sure, you can rub the item with salt. The main thing is to pay attention to the material: not every little thing can be rubbed with salt without spoiling it.

After performing such a ritual, do not under any circumstances drain the water or throw away the salt without precautions: after all, you can transfer negative energy to someone else. Place this water so that it falls on sunlight. It's best to leave it like that for a day. Then all the negative that has accumulated in it after cleansing your item will go away. These two methods are suitable, for example, for cleaning jewelry that you inherited from deceased relatives if you are not sure how to deal with such an inheritance.

The third way is to saturate the item with incense and drive away negative energy by ringing a bell over the item. Wind chimes can also be used instead of a bell. According to the beliefs of many peoples, evil forces do not like noise, therefore, for example, in China New Year they set off as many firecrackers as possible: they drive away evil spirits with joyful cries and loud explosions.

Fumigation with incense also helps to cleanse an object of negative force, since it is initially aimed at cleansing the space of other substances. You don’t have to go to the store for incense sticks for this. You can collect wormwood and burn it: it is believed that this herb is a record holder for exorcism.

Fire helps cope perfectly with the negative energy of things. Light a candle and move it counterclockwise over an object that carries negativity. If it's jewelry, it can be melted down to get a clean one. new item, which will not be associated even with the severe damage, which was previously applied to him.

However, objects and things do not always carry negative energy. They can be charged positively and bring good luck. In this case, we can talk about a talisman.

Not only worn items, but also certain wardrobe elements, such as uncomfortable shoes, can get you into trouble, as esotericists say. Be careful what you wear and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.06.2016 03:01

Many people agree that old things carry negative energy...

People often ask how to deal with old things, whether it is possible to give away your things or buy used ones, how to do it correctly, etc. Indeed, the things we use retain part of our energy, part of our good or bad karma, and by transferring them to other people, we can give away “a part of ourselves.” So what to do?

You can and should give, especially if you feel an excess of them. This will really make room for new things and of course provide many other bonuses. The question remains open - how exactly to do this correctly? So, if you really decided to clean out your closet or house and donate what turned out to be either superfluous, or not giving you any more energy, or something that you don’t use more than a year, then when transferring these things you should at the same time free yourself from three emotional attachments:

To the thing itself

To the person you are giving this thing to,

To your role " good man».

Note: we, as a rule, give things to people who are in a slightly worse financial situation than ourselves. And I believe that each of us would not like to “mix” with these people energetically, that is, give them a thing, and in return take from them what led them to such a result. Therefore, let's talk about safety rules when transferring things.


It's just a thing, not a part of me. When you have put something that you intend to give away somewhere, just close your eyes and “cut the umbilical cord” with this mountain of things. It's just matter, just things. You have already taken what you need from them, and now they are neutral. Hand the neutrally charged package to another person as if it were someone else's, as if you were simply asked to do so. If among the things there are favorite things that are a pity (and, by the way, which we sometimes “wear out” to the point of being worthless), then you cannot give them as a gift! These are the kinds of things that a lot of “us” stays on. They need to be burned. And in general, what is a pity cannot be given away! With this, part of your strength will immediately go away, and if after a while you regret your gift, then you continue to “drain” your energy into nowhere.


I don't care who gets this thing. There are two here important points: do not expect gratitude in any form for things from the person to whom you decided to give them or have already given them, and in no case do you feel sorry for this person. Remember: if we expect gratitude, even unconsciously, then in essence we are buying it - for a thing. In this case, there is almost always some tension and dissatisfaction in your relationship with this person. What to do? Create relationships before giving gifts, see the gratitude and love of this person in everyday actions, work with yourself - realize your value to other people. Until you feel that this is the case in the relationship, refrain from giving “gifts” of this kind or give anonymously, but remember the first and third rules. If you feel sorry for a person, then you should know that pity takes away the power of the one who is pitied. We will receive this power, the only question is, what quality? After all, poverty is also karma, and we can take part of it, and a “strong” part at that! Think about it! When you give something away, see this person successful and strong, imagine that he got what he wants, and let the thing go (see the first and third rules).


“A good person” is not a profession or a state. This rule is one of the most difficult to learn. After all, it’s not so easy for us to let go of thoughts about the sweet role of a “good person.” After all, if I gave away my things, which I earned with sweat and blood, then I am a good person. For this reason, some people take things to church, since here the person is three times as good... But remember that since you are a good person, it means that you are almost a saint and you no longer need anything - you don’t need health, success, travel, money, love and etc. And the longer you are a good person, the longer you stand still in developing and learning new things. How to get rid of this role? There are two ways - easy and not so easy. The easy way is to change your motivation, shift your focus from “a good person” to “a new, desirable thing will/is coming to me.” In this case, when you give things away, say to yourself: “Let something new come to this place.” The not very easy way is to track yourself, to “register” without evaluating those situations where you want to feel like a “good person.”


And finally - a meditation-ritual with things (it doesn’t matter whether you give it away, they give it to you, or you buy something at a second-hand store).

Place things in front of you, maybe in a bag or a stack, in a defined space and shape. Light a candle nearby and let it burn (if it’s an incense stick, even better).

Close your eyes, tune in to these things.

Feel and feel them in front of you (observe your feelings). Imagine there is a haze or a veil over things. Mentally gather it into a ball with your hands. If the things are yours, take the ball for yourself, inhale it or put it inside yourself.

If the things are foreign, mentally throw/move it outside your premises with the intention that the ball reaches the owner, or with the thought “return to your owner (your owners).” Repeat this several times until you feel that things are completely free of your (or the other person's) energy. If you haven't worn the clothes for long - desired condition occurs after the first time, if it takes a long time, it is necessary to carry out “cleaning” several times (at least three times). Finally, read any prayer 3, 7 or 9 times.

Even when wearing clothes for just one day, the clothes pick up harmful low-frequency radiation. From a medical point of view, the undesirability of wearing someone else's clothes is explained as follows. If this person there is some chronic illness(sick lungs, heart, etc.), then a place is created in his clothes that begins to radiate energy. And if another person wears his clothes for a long time, he will receive a certain dose of radiation directed at the corresponding organ. Such a negative effect can sharply reduce the body's immunity to this disease. Therefore, you need to be very careful with all things purchased at a thrift store.

Energetic cleaning of jewelry

And a little about jewelry. Jewelry can accumulate information. The same can be said about things bought in an antique store. Antiques preserve the history of their previous owners. The most informative antique items are mirrors and crystals. Religious objects have the strongest energy; you should not wear someone else’s pectoral crosses, as they say, to bear “someone else’s cross.” It is useful to clean jewelry once a month in sunlight; place all stones and jewelry in sunlight for several hours. You can clean the stone by placing it in a glass of salt water for a day.

Cleaning can be done using sea salt. Pour into a clean bowl sea ​​salt, place the decoration and sprinkle salt on top and leave for three days. After 3 days, wash the item cold water, dry it in the sun, throw away the salt.

Often we receive some things from other people: something comes to us as an inheritance, something we buy from someone else’s hands. Professionals recommend cleaning items that have been used.

Each item is charged with the energy of the previous owner. It can be inherently negative or positive. It is not immediately possible to find out. Some people may not even suspect that the cause of their suffering and troubles is the energy of a certain thing that they received from someone. The same can be said about premises that preserve the memory of past events. To protect yourself from influence negative energy, clean everything from your home to a pair of old shoes.

Why clean things?

Often a certain purchase is associated with the beginning of a dark streak in a person’s life. Troubles can be different: inexplicable Bad mood, exacerbation of chronic diseases, misunderstanding in the family.

Objects are cleaned for several reasons: they can be the object of damage, which brings negativity to each new owner; the object can act as an energy vampire, absorbing a person’s vitality. The danger they pose should not be underestimated. Some negative programs staged on a specific subject are filmed only by professionals.

People don't necessarily charge certain things with negativity consciously. During the transfer of objects to other hands, some may simply experience negative emotions, which immediately affect the object, and ultimately their new owner.

What things can't be cleaned?

Not all items can be cleaned, these include:

  • Natural stones, talisman minerals. When receiving such a thing from someone, it is important to make sure that the person treats you kindly and that the stone itself is new. It is advisable not to accept such gifts from strangers, and it is also prohibited to appropriate such finds. What to do with talismans that you received from people close and loving? Cleaning such things is also unrealistic. You can only try to make the stone get used to your energy. You can do this by leaving the talisman in your home for a week. Every day the stone is washed with water, repeating: “Forget the past, and get used to the new.”
  • Believers also know well that crosses cannot be passed on to other people.. The only exceptions are relatives, God-parents. But even in this case, the cross must be new, purchased, or at least consecrated after purchase in the temple. You cannot accept any religious paraphernalia from friends and acquaintances. They give it all to the church or keep it at home.
  • A mirror is considered another item that accumulates someone else’s energy well and never leaves it. People who are passionate about esotericism know that mirrors are portals through which a person takes on the fear, anger, and illness of others. When purchasing an apartment with a certain amount of furniture and things, the first thing to throw away is old or broken mirrors. In the hallway and bathroom you can leave those mirrors that can be considered relatively new.
  • Cannot clean and old furniture which will hinder home comfort, no matter how much effort you try to create it. Dilapidated furniture affects mood, health, well-being, and sleep.

Methods of cleansing

The most effective tools for cleansing are the elements: water, fire, air.

Purification by fire. To do this, take a candle (if possible, a church candle). The ritual is performed in the morning, at night or in the evening at sunset. They fire only at things that are sure not to catch fire. Jewelry and utensils are best cleaned by fire.. But a car (outside and inside) and a house can also be cleaned with a candle. The main thing during the ritual is to repeat “With fire and the power of thought, slowly and quickly. I drive out the old fear and anger. So that nothing gets into my house. Let it be so". The candle is left to burn out.

Cleansing with water. Will do pure water from a source or holy. The latter is considered a powerful cleansing tool, but non-religious people are not recommended to use it. Rituals for which they used purchased water or collected tap water will be useless. Only natural will do. Dishes can be quickly cleaned by simply washing them in clean water.

Houses and apartments are cleaned by sprinkling. Relatively new furniture, cars and clothes are cleaned using the same principle. To increase the effectiveness of the ritual, salt is used, which is pre-dissolved in natural water. Jewelry and other small items are soaked in such an energetically powerful solution. It is important to read the “Living Help” prayer to yourself while cleaning with water. Those who do not know this prayer read “Our Father.”

Air purification. We are talking about cleaning with incense. It is enough to saturate a certain thing with them. Incense can displace bad energy. This method is effective for those who clean their homes room by room. It is better to use this cleansing in the hallway, bathroom, and bedroom. A similar cleaning method works for cars and clothes. Take advantage of the citrus or cinnamon aroma. He, as many esotericists believe, is able to quickly expel negativity from used things. Incense is not suitable for those who are going to clean furniture, dishes or jewelry. It is difficult to infuse such things with incense.

Those who refuse to clean up found things or those objects that are inherited from someone run the risk of encountering a series of troubles, failures, the health of such people can go away slowly but surely, which puts a person’s life at risk.

With cleaned items, a person does not run the risk of encountering problems every day that could drag him down. In order to protect yourself from negativity, pay attention to your own emotions and the emotions of those people who surround you every day.

Everyone has a “sacred” closet at home, in which you can find everything: from a stack of unnecessary magazines to a worn-out sweater.

Is this good or rather bad? Can things influence the fate of the owner? There are things that are old, and there are things that are antique. Both undoubtedly store information about events happening to them, in them and on them. Antiques - this is a rare chest of drawers self made
, antique dishes, ancient notes of thinkers and much more, as well as old things stored in the pantry - all, without exception, are carriers of information. If we do not touch upon the issue of energy for now, then I would like to ask the reader where it is more pleasant to live: in a barn with cobwebs, filled with old unnecessary things

, or in a spacious, bright room without unnecessary clutter? The answer will be obvious to most. Therefore, I do not recommend anyone to fill their shelves with unnecessary rubbish or store them in closets. unnecessary clothes

, store old magazines or newspapers under the bed (with the thought “what if they come in handy”).

Everything that is not used, not cleaned, not washed, sooner or later becomes overgrown with a clot of negativity, and the more old things there are in the house, the more the total negativity of this apartment accumulates. It is useless to clean some rooms energetically: no matter how much you clean, the negativity comes back from old things.

This is very easy to do using dowsing, i.e. a method that was used in ancient times to determine the location of water and minerals.
But even without possessing dowsing and without knowing what kind of energy a thing carries, you can “clean” it using simple energy techniques. Untrained people will have to carry out cleaning more than once, but over time they can achieve good results.

Which material stores information about the previous owner better: artificial or natural?

I would say that it is healthier to wear natural things. This is due to the number of types of energy in artificial and natural materials, and to the fact that natural materials have natural, and most importantly, centuries-tested positive properties. Artificial tissues often “empty” a person instead of “feeding” him with energy.
But information is stored by any thing. Whether they are natural or unnatural, it doesn’t matter.

If it turns out that an antique wooden box has good energy, is it still worth “cleaning” it?

Well, it certainly won’t hurt, although it’s not necessary. I clean everything at home and in a complex. A minute of doing the cleaning exercise and everything in my apartment is clean. But will I be sure that tomorrow everything will remain as I did? It's not difficult for me to clean my apartment every day. And I know for sure that energy cleaning is easier and faster than regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, rag and mop.

It turns out that the things found are also fraught with danger: after all, it is unknown what kind of energy they have.

Some advise melting them down, and some advise simply replacing them with new ones.

Is it correct? Why?

You can put it this way: “as it came, so it went.” If you were walking along the road and accidentally found something, let it also go away without any hassle. I say this based on folk wisdom, and in general any thing can be quickly cleared of negativity. Some of the most powerful methods are fire and water. Hold the item under running water or burn it thoroughly over a live fire - and the item is “clean.” The same can be done with the help of a visual exercise of cleaning with fire or under the flow of a waterfall...

There are more methods than you think. However, there are materials or the shape of objects that, over time, will still emit the same radiation as before. Any decoration is a generator of radiation. It is important what the decoration is made of and what shape it has. As an example, I do not recommend wearing an inverted horseshoe or a five-pointed star.

And if the found item is not worn, but put in the nightstand, for example, will its influence decrease?

Firstly you are already in contact with the thing when you pick it up and carry it home. Secondly, if a thing is cleaned, it does not matter what radiation it had before. It can be stored and used in a nightstand. If a thing is in a negative form or returns its negative influence day after day? Clean it several times every day and wear it. I just want to ask: “why?”

Do jewelry inherited from a grandmother with a difficult fate also pose a danger to her daughter or granddaughter? What then to do with them? After all, you don’t want to “cleanse” a thing that contains, as it were, a piece of the soul loved one

The main thing is that love and memory live in your heart. But things still need to be clean. But visually you will not be able to distinguish a “cleaned” item from a “dirty” one. After all, what happens after cleaning? An item of clothing or jewelry will become more pleasant to wear and it will not create anything negative in you. However, if you want to give yourself the same diseases as your grandparents, please wear them without cleaning them - it’s your right.

Which metal has better memory and why (gold, silver or platinum)?

Crystals have memory, not metal.

Let's now talk more about used books. Some find it much more pleasant to hold in their hands a copy with light book dust, bought somewhere at a flea market. Is this connected with admiration for the age-old wisdom of books or is it not just that?

A book is also an energy store, like any other thing in this world. The only thing that is still involved in the formation of its energy, besides the material from which it is made and the energy of the people who used it, is the text that is contained inside.

Like objects, a book can be antique, or it can be well-worn consumer goods. The energy of a book is increased by the number of people on Earth who read it (their emotions, thoughts).

There are also books whose texts themselves are information with high and pure species energy. Such books will repel any dirty energy and will remain clean.

Antiques are the most energetically saturated, because over the history of their existence they have changed many owners. Which antiques are the most energetically informative and why? (Maybe this is due to the material from which they are made, or something else...).

The most informative antique items are mirrors and crystals. Mirrors are one of the most magical things made by man. It is not for nothing that sorcerers and sorcerers often work with mirrors. With the help of mirrors, we can not only look at our reflection, but also influence ourselves energetically.

If you woke up in the morning, looked at yourself sleepy and said something bad, expect that it will start to happen quite quickly. If you give positive messages to your reflection in the mirror, i.e. If you praise yourself, your young and beautiful self, then such thoughts will be very useful for you.

But can you imagine how many antique mirrors you have seen? How many faces, emotions and desires did they reflect? Mirrors have a wonderful memory, and if, say, a mirror from a prison is hung in kindergarten- the children won’t see anything good there.

Along with mirrors, in terms of their impact on a person, there are icons, paintings and other objects of art. In addition to the fact that behind each icon stands the highest energy of a particular saint, the energy of the spiritual impulses of the masses is also imprinted on the icon - hence the “prayed icons”.

Is it possible to wear second-hand items? What should you do to protect yourself from the imposition of someone else's fate?
People wear it, so it’s possible, although you already know that a thing can often carry information about diseases former owner. To remove the negative energy of such a thing, just wash it thoroughly and rinse it in cold running water. A stream of water erases most types of negative programs.

Do brand new items need to be cleaned? Why?
Yes, it needs to be cleaned, because an item travels a long way to reach a shelf or a store rack and is in different hands: in production, when loading into transport, in a wholesale warehouse, and the like - a lot of people touch this item. In the store, your item may also be tried on several times... In general, you need to clean it: either energetically, or as I described above - in running water, or by mentally holding it in the fire until it is completely mentally whitened.

If you fix a broken thing, its energy will improve. But what will happen if you show a little imagination and decorate, improve, etc. old furniture or a vase? How much will the energy of the thing change?
It depends on what you dream up... For some, beauty is drawings of skulls, blood and death, and for others it is flowers and heavenly light. Imagine, decorate, “clean” - all this will energize your item. It is also very important that your decoration brings you joy and uplifts you.

Money is the most dangerous thing in the world. It’s not for nothing that they talk about them as evil. You can’t “clean” all the money, but you can learn bad things from it in a second. Isn't it more profitable to use credit cards? Or does it not matter in what form you hold the money in your hands?

How can you protect yourself from negative influence money?

There are three things that you can talk about forever and not agree on - money, religion and politics. I myself do not consider money a dangerous thing and do not consider it evil, but for those who think in the manner in which the question was asked, for them money really becomes a source of danger and evil.

Yes, money is in the hands of millions of people, it can bring a lot of things into our energy, but if you carry a one-dollar bill in your wallet, then the energetic negativity of money disappears without a trace. This is due to the pyramid symbol depicted on this bill. Or carry a positive energy generator in your wallet.

What could it be? Buy some cleansing symbol in an esoteric store. You can also use sandalwood smoke to cleanse money.

Well, and on top of everything, to protect yourself from germs, wash your hands regularly.

Almost every car owner can say that it (the car) has its own character. Especially if we're talking about about a used car, which may, for example, stall at the most inopportune moment or not open if the owner wanted to give a ride to a guest, an acquaintance, etc. Could the cause of these “conflicts” be hidden in the different energies of the car and the new owner? What to do in this case? (Will regular “cleaning” help?)

Of course, this is all real, it happens that if you very kindly ask a car to start and drive to a car service center, it will get there, even if it’s broken down – and the mechanics will be surprised how this car was able to arrive at their workshop under its own power. In a car, you should never swear or say that you are selling it - when the car “hears” that you want to sell it, miracles of breakdowns and accidents happen. And everything is completely “random” and unexpected.

In my research, I often checked emergency equipment - airplanes, cars - and found out another pattern - all emergency equipment was “reversed polarity”. In fact, the program for causing an accident or breakdown appeared some time before the event itself. I often install “protection on the car” for my students; this allows the driver to drive on the road without energy risks and programs that lead to accidents even for sober and careful drivers.

What photographs can be dangerous from a bioenergy point of view? How to keep them safe?

Don't store photos dead people, tragedies, disasters, funerals in your bedroom, and indeed in your apartment, and if you store them, then under no circumstances do you keep them in photos dead person next to you. Even photos against the backdrop of monuments with people of the past whom someone remembers with hatred or scolds will not add to your health. Especially if these monuments are located in a cemetery...

An amulet is a thing that brings good luck and protects against misfortune. Is it possible to purposefully do it yourself? If so, how?

The amulet functions not only as an energy generator due to its shape and material, but also directs a person’s thoughts that he is protected. This is already a lot, but no amulet will protect against targeted interference. If you have a craving for creativity and want to make an amulet with your own hands, do it - but it’s easier to go to a church and buy and illuminate an ordinary Orthodox cross.

Energy cleaning of things.

Probably any of us had to use things that were used before us. Old things can accumulate negative energy. How can you get rid of the negative influence of the energy of old things. It is necessary to carry out their energetic cleansing.

It is believed that antiques purchased in a store do not carry negative energy, there is no need to clean them. Energy cleaning of the apartment is a must if you have moved into a new room and feel uncomfortable. Usually a home carries the energy of its previous residents and information about them.

Find out who lived in this apartment before you. If you feel strange discomfort in your new home or your mood is spoiled, be sure to carry out an energy cleansing of the room. Otherwise, you can attract many negative aspects into your life.

For example, the previous owners had money running through their fingers, and after a while you notice that there is not enough money. Or, the previous tenants liked to sort things out and you feel constant irritation with your loved ones.

Start energetic cleaning of your apartment by washing the floor; you can add a little sea salt to the water. Bucket with dirty water It's better to take it outside. Wipe the corners of the house, baseboards, and window sills as thoroughly as possible. Go through the most inaccessible places. Also take the dust outside the apartment.

If someone died in the apartment before you, light a candle for him in the church and mentally ask him not to disturb you. Believers sprinkle holy water on all corners. Usually all the negativity accumulates in the corners of the room under the ceiling.

Perhaps you received furniture from the previous owners. It’s better to get rid of it; if you rent an apartment with furniture, try to take care of things, transferring positive energy to them.
The dishes are easy enough to wash.

It is better to buy a new bed. The bed has the greatest impact energetically. The bed carries the energetic imprint of its previous owners. And if the person sleeping on the bed was seriously ill, then the likelihood that you will get sick is quite high, because you sleep in bed for 8-10 hours, and during sleep the person is not particularly protected energetically..

If for some reason you cannot get rid of the bed, then try to change all the accessories and replace the mattress. Sprinkle the bed with water blessed in the church (or water with sea salt), fumigate the bed with a church candle.

When fumigating a room, you need to move around the apartment from the threshold clockwise, lingering in the corners. Our ancestors knew about the magic of surrounding things.

Sometimes you buy clothes from someone else's shoulder. With someone else's clothes, you can acquire problems and illnesses of the previous owners. But this rule does not apply to second-hand goods.

These things undergo multiple processing; after passing through many hands, things are purified. But buy Wedding Dress it is possible to buy or rent. After all, brides do not experience negative feelings on their wedding day and such an outfit is safe from an energy point of view; such an outfit has positive energy. When purchasing clothes or some items secondhand, listen to your feelings.

Your intuition will tell you whether or not to purchase an item. First of all, inspect your clothing pockets and get rid of small items, get rid of combs, hairpins, paper clips, because human hair is a powerful carrier of information.

Never pick up objects on the street, especially at intersections, even montagues at road intersections. This way you can bring other people's problems and misfortunes into your home. However, it’s enough to just wash things and then iron them. Water perfectly cleanses of all negativity. It is enough to stretch the thing in washing machine and there will be no trace of negativity left.

Sometimes mothers are given used children's clothes - you can safely take them - children, especially the smallest ones, have such powerful energy that they saturate their clothes with it, displacing someone else's.

In the old days, there was even a tradition of keeping the baptismal shirt of a newborn; saturated with sacred energy, it created an aura of protection on long years, it was enough to take it in your hands.

If you are in doubt about an item, you can clean it with solar energy, just place it in the sun for a few hours - the sun's energy will cleanse it. Or you can rinse an object near a candle, fireplace or fire and imagine that the energy of the fire is cleaning the object from the inside.

Energy cleansing of jewelry.

It is worth mentioning separately about jewelry. Jewelry can accumulate information. A gift from a loved one does not carry negative information. The same can be said about things bought in an antique store. Antiques preserve the history of their previous owners.

But you should buy jewelry from your own hands with caution. Objects of religious cults have the strongest energy; you cannot wear someone else’s crosses, as they say, to carry “someone else’s cross.” It is useful to clean jewelry once a year with sunlight or moonlight; expose all stones and jewelry to sunlight or moonlight for several hours.

You can clean the stone by placing it in a glass of salt water for a day. Purchased products, even new ones, can store energy in themselves, because someone made them, picked them up, jewelry can be cleaned with a burning candle, moving in a clockwise circular motion around the jewelry.

However, you shouldn’t take old things too seriously; once in your house they begin to new life and it’s up to you to fill them with positive energy. But if you suspect that with the advent of jewelry a series of undesirable events began in your life.

For example, small and large troubles happen all the time, with no end in sight. Or you fall into depression, which was not typical for you before, health problems and other unusual conditions appear.

Even by the sensations of a new thing, you can track: if putting on jewelry, you feel some kind of physical discomfort, then maybe you should give up this thing.

Perhaps the stone was not given to you from pure heart and you purchased or were given to you by a person who is jealous of you, for example, your success, personal life, etc.

Perhaps you yourself bought a stone or jewelry that is not suitable for your zodiac, maybe the jewelry retains the energy of the previous owner.

In ancient times, unlucky stones - amulets - were simply buried in the ground. But if you are not ready to give up decoration, you can cleanse it of negative energy. Carry the stone several times over the flame of a candle from the church. At the same time, imagining how someone else’s energy burns out without a trace.

You can say: "Great spirit of fire, cleanse this stone in the name of joy, love and goodness, let all troubles turn into smoke."

Cleaning can be done using sea salt. Pour sea salt into a clean crystal vase, place a stone and fill the pile with salt and leave for three days. Salt will cleanse the energy of the stone and bring harmony to it. After three days, wash the stone with cold water, dry it in the sun, throw away the salt..


Usually a home carries the energy of its previous owners and stores information about them. If your mood deteriorates in a new place, you feel an incomprehensible discomfort, be sure to carry out an energy cleansing of your room. Otherwise, you can attract many negative aspects into your life.

Find out who lived in this apartment before you. For example, the previous owners' money slipped through their fingers - and you began to notice that there was no longer enough money. Or the previous residents of the premises liked to sort things out - and you are constantly annoyed with your loved ones. Energetic cleaning of the apartment must begin with washing the floor; you can add sea salt to the water. Take the bucket of dirty water outside. Wipe the corners of the house thoroughly, window sills, baseboards. Walk with a cloth and brush through the most inaccessible places.

Take the dust outside too. If someone died in the apartment you purchased, then go to church and light a candle for him, mentally ask him not to bother you. Believers sprinkle all corners with water, since all negativity usually accumulates in the corners of rooms and under the ceiling.


Perhaps you received furniture from the previous owners. Try to get rid of it. And if you rent an apartment with furnishings, try to take care of other people’s things, endowing them with your positive energy.

Simply wash the dishes with water and salt. It is better to buy a new new bed, as it has the greatest impact on a person energetically. The bed carries the energy flow of the previous owners. And if the person who slept on the bed was seriously ill, then the likelihood that you will get sick is quite high. After all, you spend almost half the day in bed, and during sleep a person is not especially protected energetically.

If for some reason you cannot get rid of the bed, then change all bedding, replace the mattress and bedspread. Sprinkle the bed with sacred water or water with sea salt, and surround the bed with a lit church candle. When fumigating your premises, you need to move around the apartment - from the threshold clockwise, stopping in the corners.

Get rid of small other people's things: hairpins, combs, bows, because human hair is a strong carrier of your information. Never pick up objects on the street, especially at intersections. With them you can bring other people's misfortunes and problems into your home.

But antiques purchased in a store, that is, for money, do not carry negative energy and do not need to be cleaned.


Sometimes you buy someone else's clothes. With used clothes, you can acquire diseases and problems of the previous owners. This rule does not apply to second-hand goods. These things pass good processing- having gone through a large number of hands, things are cleaned. However, it is possible to purchase a wedding dress secondhand or rent it. After all, brides do not experience negative feelings on their wedding day and such an outfit has positive energy, which means it is safe.

When purchasing things secondhand, you can listen to your feelings. Your intuition can tell you whether this item is worth or not worth purchasing. First of all, inspect your clothing pockets and empty them.

However, things just need to be washed and then ironed. Water perfectly cleanses of all negativity. Sometimes used children's clothes are given to mothers - you can safely take them. Children have such powerful energy that they saturate their clothes with it, displacing someone else’s.

If you doubt the energy of any item, you can simply clean it with solar energy: place your item in the sun for several hours. Or you can put an object near a candle and mentally imagine that the energy of the fire is cleaning your object from the inside.


Let's talk about jewelry. Jewelry and stones are capable of accumulating information from the owner. A gift from someone close to you does not carry negative energy. As well as things bought in an antique store. Antiques preserve the history of their previous owners, so you should be careful when buying jewelry secondhand. Religious objects have strong energy; you cannot wear other people’s crosses, as they say, you will be “carrying someone else’s cross.”

However, you should not be too wary of old things. Once they get into your home, they begin a new life, and only you can fill them with good positive energy.

But if you assume that with the advent of jewelry, a series of undesirable events began in your life - large and small, and troubles that have no end in sight, constantly happen, or you constantly fall into depression, which was not typical for you before, health problems have appeared, If you feel some kind of physical discomfort, then you need to give up this little thing.

Perhaps the stone was not given to you out of a pure heart, or you were given jewelry by a person who is simply jealous of you - for example, your success, personal life, etc. Or you yourself may have bought jewelry or a stone that does not suit your zodiac sign, or maybe , the decoration stores the energy of the former owner.

In the old days the unlucky ones amulets stones They took it and buried it in the ground. But if you don’t want to give up your jewelry, you can simply cleanse it of negative energy.

Even newly purchased products can retain the energy of those people who made them and picked them up.

Jewelry can be cleaned using a burning church candle, moving clockwise over them in a circular motion.

All stones and decorations benefit from exposure to sunlight or moonlight once a year; to do this, place them on a saucer near an open window for several hours. You can clean the stone by placing it in a glass of salt water for a day or by passing it several times over the flame of a church candle.

At the same time, one must imagine how someone else’s energy will burn out without a trace. You can say the following words:

“Great spirit of fire, cleanse this stone in the name of joy, love and goodness! Let all troubles turn into smoke.”

You can clean it with sea salt. To do this, take a crystal vase, pour sea salt into it, place your jewelry with a stone, sprinkle salt on top and leave for 3 days. The moth will bring harmony to the energy of the stone. Then wash the stone with cold water, dry it in the sun, and discard the salt.

Cleansing with candle flame and water.

Take a candle, preferably a church candle, light it and circle the flame several times around the item being cleaned counterclockwise, imagining how you are burning out all the negativity. Then cross the item several times with the candle flame. If you read a prayer at the same time, the cleansing effect will increase significantly. Then take holy water and sprinkle the item to be cleaned several times crosswise.

For many, second-hand clothes have become an excellent alternative to new items from boutiques: both cheaper and more exclusive, because you can find interesting models in second-hand stores. Just before you put on something from someone else’s shoulder, you should protect yourself from the negative influence of someone else’s energy!

Any thing, especially clothing, carries information about its owner. If you buy an outfit that was worn by someone you don't know, there is no guarantee that they weren't sick or going through a bad time. best period own life. Perhaps someone else's energy will affect you: troubles will begin at work, in the family, and health problems. What to do?

Listen to a few tips on how to cleanse clothes of other people’s energy:

You need to wash the item with two tablespoons of sea salt;
- light the incense and pass it over the item several times so that it is saturated with its aroma;
- you need to “ring” the thing, i.e. Take an ordinary bell or “wind chime”, which everyone who wants to improve the Feng Shui of their home should have, and ring it to your heart’s content. You yourself will feel when to stop.
- in conclusion, you can read a prayer or mantra three, seven or nine times.

Some bioenergy specialists advise not to wear something you just bought at a second-hand store, but to let it hang or lie in your closet to soak in your energy.

Cleansing rituals: how to cleanse yourself, your home and magical objects from foreign energy.

Home cleansing rituals that destroy “energy spam” In our lives, it is not always possible to surround ourselves with only new things. The lion's share of our household items (including clothes, dishes, jewelry) may previously belong to another owner, and there is nothing strange about this.

The desire to save, gifts, presents, inheritance - this is far from full list reasons why we become owners of “used” things. However, unfortunately, they often influence the life of the new owner in a less than positive way. in the best possible way. Is it possible to cleanse these objects and yourself from other people’s energy? How to do this without compromising your own well-being?

Who and what has energy?

Any object, even a stone in a vacant lot, has its own energy. Moreover, when it comes to products created by human hands, as well as those received by shipment (when many people touch the item), or things that were used by the previous owner.

For example, when inheriting family heirlooms, jewelry or other items, you should definitely find out if there are any sick people, murderers, or envious people among its former owners, since their energy is very strong at a negative level and can be passed on to you.

In addition, if you are interested in magical artifacts, such as amulets, talismans, amulets, you need to know that any of them created “to order,” that is, if it was made not by you, but by another person, already carries someone else’s energy, from which he must be delivered.

How to correctly “assess” the magical potential of other people’s things?

First of all, when receiving something that is no longer new as a gift, try to find out everything about its previous owners. If a curse “hangs” on an object, then you should immediately get rid of it, since sometimes even the most powerful cleansing ritual may not cope with it. For example, you received a new diamond ring from your mother.

This will be the first stage: after all, you should like the thing first of all. Next, if the previous owners did not have any particularly serious sins, you should fill the ring with salt, say, in a matchbox or glass, put it in the freezer, and wait several days or even weeks. After the allotted time, remove the ring and rinse thoroughly under running water.

Why is cleansing of foreign energy so important?

The power of negative energy inherent in an object does not manifest itself immediately. Perhaps you will be the object of her target, or maybe your children and even grandchildren!

For example, a mother gives her daughter a beautiful fashionable sweater for her 16th birthday, which she knitted with love at night. At the same time, my mother kept saying: “It would be nice if my daughter was modest and homely, at least nothing happened to her, why discos, walks, dates?”

The daughter is happy with the gift, wears it all the time, and cannot understand why she doesn’t get along with young people? All her friends have already gotten married, but she sits modestly at home alone, because she’s not up to dancing, it’s all the Internet, the Internet...

She meets a guy on a virtual network, they get married, but again everything goes wrong. She gets pregnant and the couple divorces. And again the girl is at home, with her mother, modest, quiet, because she has nowhere to go... Now her mother scolds her for her unlucky life. And who is to blame?

Even a new thing, especially metals, gems, which deeply “absorb” feelings and emotions, should be subjected to purification rituals.

For example, after guests you should clean your home to remove unnecessary energy debris.

1. Plant trees under your windows: cherries, apples, apricots can survive even on the most polluted street, and their energy can clean even high-rise buildings.

2. Place living plants around the apartment/house. As you know, they absorb negative energy. Monitor their condition carefully! Dried branches and leaves can signal that quite strong energy has settled in your home, which needs to be eliminated with more powerful forces.

3. Get rid of unnecessary items. We like to create so-called landfills on our balconies from old things that we hate to throw away. Beware! They can be sources of “bad energy”.

4. After guests have left, wash the dishes and tidy the room and kitchen to eliminate any negative information left behind.

5. Every item that you bought, even in the most fashionable boutique, should be “smoked” with incense or washed and rinsed in running water.

6. Get a cat in your house that will drive out negativity from all corners.

How to cleanse yourself of negative energy.

First of all, when you get home, wipe your shoes. By doing this you will not only clean it of dirt, but also wash away the “alien eye”. Then go to the shower, preferably take a contrast shower, and then put on comfortable home clothes. While you shower, imagine how you are washing away all the dirty energy. As a rule, when your consciousness is cleared and you can no longer imagine all this dirt, this will mean complete cleansing.

And, of course, use amulets in life that protect your well-being. In addition to water, the earth has cleansing properties (it’s enough to stand on it with your bare feet), proper breathing (imagine how you exhale negativity), burning (figuratively run a candle fire over your body).

Rituals for purifying objects.

*if you received antique metal gold or silver jewelry as a gift, which has a bad past behind it, in a great way getting rid of the negativity contained in them may be a banal meltdown. Fire will destroy traces of negative energy;

*clothes that have been used by another person can be worn, but first you need to soak them in a salt solution. Just fill it with salt water, and after three days wash it as usual;

*if for some reason the item cannot be washed or washed, “smoke” it with smoke from burning herbs, for example, sage;

*the effect of burning negativity is carried by the candle. Place objects, say, on a table or floor, and move a lit candle over them.