Anna Leps: biography, activities and interesting facts. Biography of Anna Leps: how fate brought her together with Grigory Leps

Despite the constant attention of women, the popular singer Grigory Leps long time remained alone. After divorcing his first wife, he was in no hurry to create new family. Once, at Laima Vaikule’s birthday party, dancer Anna from the singer’s ballet won his attention. The artist first noticed the girl a few months earlier and instantly felt that this was his soul mate. Leps proposed to his beloved on the first evening. She jokingly asked if the singer had a Moscow residence permit, which he did not have. This is how our dating story turned out, full of romance and comedy.

Biography of the dancer

Anya Shaplykova is originally from Ukraine. She was born in 1972 in the small town of Nikopol in the Dnepropetrovsk region. She received her education at the chorography department of the Crimean School of Culture. She was lucky with her job - she started her artistic career in ballet famous singer from Latvia. As part of a dance group, she toured extensively throughout the country and abroad. At the time of the chance meeting with Leps, she was 29 years old, he was 38. Another man occupied the girl’s heart, but the singer did not intend to retreat. He continued his courtship, and one day the chosen one agreed to a meeting. This is how their love story began.

Married to Leps

Today Gregory cannot imagine another woman next to him. Anna won him over with her thriftiness and ability to create home comfort. The couple got married a year after they met, and the girl doubted until the last minute whether it was necessary to formalize the marriage. The family was strengthened by the birth of children, and there are no less than three of them. First, two daughters were born - Eva and Nicole, and several years ago the wife gave her husband a long-awaited son, Ivan. Leps himself calls it Vano, emphasizing his Georgian roots. Prosperity and prosperity reign in the family. Parents have no disagreements about raising children; they consider the main thing not expensive gifts, but heart-to-heart conversations. Musician at work and at home – like two different people. On stage he is a whirlwind of emotions, but in the family he is quiet and peaceful. Their life is overshadowed only by the singer’s busy touring schedule, so he doesn’t spend too much time at home. But without music his life would have no meaning. A wise and loving wife always waits for him and guards the family hearth.

How does he live today?

Grigory Leps always wanted his family to live away from the bustle of the city, closer to nature, so he purchased a spacious house near Moscow. Several years ago the family decided to move to Thailand. Adaptation in new country went quickly and painlessly. Except school curriculum the eldest daughter Eva is interested in languages, Nicole is an artistic child, dreams of continuing her father’s career, Vano is everyone’s favorite, for now he simply enjoys every day and does not make plans for the future.

For the sake of her personal life, Shaplykova had to leave her career, especially since in the world of dance 30 years is considered a critical age. Today the main thing for her is family, which she does not regret at all. With the role loving wife And caring mother Anya is doing great. She's not attracted public events and club parties. The only thing she agrees to is photo shoots. Anna is in excellent condition physical fitness. Photos of the petite blonde have graced the covers of glossy magazines more than once.

Grigory Leps was married more than once. His first wife was Svetlana Dubinskaya. they once studied together at a music institute, where they met each other. The girl was interested in vocals, and Grisha learned to play the drums.

During the day he spent his time studying, and in the evenings he made a living by singing in establishments.

Their romance developed very beautifully, but soon young singer drafted into the army. Svetlana waited for her lover, after which the couple got married. However, not everything was so smooth.

Dubinskaya could not get used to her husband’s parents, and one day she simply packed her things and left the house. This is how Leps’s first marriage collapsed.

Grigory's second wife was Anna Shaplykova. The musician met her in 2000. She was one of the dancers (ballerinas) of Laima Vaikule. We can say that Grisha fell in love with Anya at first sight. The blonde girl drove our favorite singer crazy.

From the very first minute, Leps had a desire to take this beautiful girl as his wife. A little later, Grisha dared to propose to Anya, but the girl, of course, did not agree. This is not surprising, since she was already in a relationship.

But Leps is not one of those who are used to giving up. He decided to achieve the ballerina’s favor at all costs. This is where the bright and original courtship began: dinners in the best restaurants, expensive flowers and jewelry. No girl could resist the pressure of such a man.

From that moment, the lovers began to live together, but they did not get married right away.

Only after the birth of her daughter Eva.

The artist has four children. From his first marriage, Leps has a daughter, Inga (born in 1984), she lives in the UK. The second daughter, Eva, was born in 2002, the third, Nicole, in 2007. The only son Vano (Ivan) was born on May 6, 2010.

The life of Grigory Leps is a series of ups and downs, catastrophic mistakes and dizzying success. In his personal life, the singer today has happiness and stability, but the artist’s path to this position was thorny.

The first wife of Grigory Leps

Young Grigory Leps met his first wife, Svetlana Dubinskaya, while studying at music school. A bright, charismatic musician, he studied at the percussion department, and the star of the school, Svetlana, is in the vocal department.

Young Svetlana was known as the first beauty, and she had more than enough admirers. Leps, in turn, was the life of the party; even then he possessed an indescribable masculine magnetism, and it was impossible not to notice him. Svetlana noticed.

Their romance was beautiful and tender, many envied them in a good way. Soon they got married and began to live with the artist’s parents. At that time, Dubinskaya was already pregnant and soon gave birth to a daughter, Inga.

Relations with Gregory's parents were difficult. They were initially against this marriage. Not against Svetlana specifically, but early serious relationship, the birth of a child was not welcomed. People of conservative views, father-in-law and mother-in-law believed that you first need to get an education, get on your feet, and then start a family.

Leps at that time, in order to feed his family, began working in restaurants in Sochi, and became extremely popular at the local level. Endless complaints from parents night work Svetlana got tired of her husband and the abundance of alcohol, and she took the child and left.

She later admitted that If she had a little more wisdom and a little less categorical decision-making, the marriage could have been saved. But both were young, they didn’t have enough life experience, and the marriage broke up.

Soon after this, Grigory Leps moved to Moscow. Svetlana never remarried, devoting herself to work and raising her daughter.

She admitted that Leps did not pay child support, and remembered Inga only when she turned 16 years old. He took his daughter to Moscow, and soon paid for her studies in London. Now Inga lives in New York, she graduated from art school and is engaged in creativity.

Anna Shaplykova - they don’t leave people like that

The famous singer’s second marriage took place when he was already at the peak of his fame. In one of the clubs, during a performance by Laima Vaikule, Leps noticed dancer Anna on stage. " This woman will be my wife“, he then said to his friends, in the company of whom he came to that club. Everyone took it as a joke, and no one understood how serious Leps was.

That evening the artist did not dare to meet the beautiful ballerina. But soon, at the celebration of the birthday of Laima’s husband, he met her again. This time he decided to take the bull by the horns: “ Will you become my wife?“, he asked Anna instead of “hello”. " Do you have a Moscow residence permit?“, she answered, perplexing the impudent man.

Interesting notes:

At that time, Anna was not free, but Gregory continued his courtship. He sought the woman's affections with tenacity bordering on stubbornness. And, waiting for the moment when there was a breakdown in the ballerina’s relationship with her boyfriend, he made an appointment with her. The date Anna went on. This is how their relationship began.

Today at Grigory and Anna's a strong family with a traditional way of life. The head of the family earns money, and the wife left her career and takes care of the children and home. Gregory has three children in this marriage - two daughters and long-awaited son Ivan. The family lives in a big country house. Grigory is confident in his wife, in his own words, “more than in himself” - she is his rear, reliable and ironclad.

The wife of Grigory Leps, Anna Shaplykova looks great, shows wisdom and patience in relationships, puts up with complex character artist. As Leps himself admits, he has a quick-tempered, uncontrollable and explosive character, but his wife manages to not give any reason for quarrels. She also understands the singer’s constant travel and eternal busyness.

Children in the family are not spoiled expensive gifts and permissiveness. Despite the great opportunities, special purchases are made only for special occasions. Anna pays a lot of attention to education and raising children. In addition to rewards, there are also punishments; the offender is left without a TV. Internet, social networks - everything is dosed.

Only the eldest daughter has expensive gadgets, and her first iPhone appeared two years later than all her peers. The eldest daughter Inga enters their house and is friends with stepsisters and brother.

On those rare days when Gregory is at home, the doors are open to guests. All meetings, business negotiations, friendly gatherings, everything takes place within the home. The artist appreciates every minute spent with his family, and traveling to the other end of the city for one meeting is a waste of an entire day.

And Georgian hospitality plays its role - the tables are full of treats, no one leaves hungry. When the guests leave, the house goes into silence mode. Grigory is simply resting and recuperating. Anna tries to make him feel comfortable.

“You have to be an idiot to leave such a wife. And I’m not an idiot,” says the singer.

Entrepreneur Date of birth May 13 (Taurus) 1972 (46) Place of birth Nikopol Instagram @_lepsanna

The Lepsovs' fifteen-year marriage is one of the most harmonious in the world. Russian show business. Spouse famous singer Anna Leps successfully combines the duties of a hearth keeper with entrepreneurial activity. Anna's judgments characterize her as an integral, deep and insightful person. She leads an active public life and willingly gives interviews.

Biography of Anna Leps

In the past, her name was Annushka Shaplykova. She was born on May 13, 1972 in the Ukrainian provincial city of Nikopol, and graduated from school No. 9. The girl developed her natural ability to dance to high level at the choreography course at the Simferopol College of Culture.

Dancer Anna Shaplykova was accepted into its team by one of the Moscow ballets. The talented performer took part in competitions. Anna had flexibility, amplitude, and the stature of a ballerina. She professionally and gracefully withstood inhuman loads on stage, and most importantly, she believed in herself. Maybe that’s why she auditioned for the Laima Vaikule ballet.

Fate brought her and Grigory Leps together for the first time in 2001. Leps was relaxing with friends in a nightclub, where he saw Shaplykova, who participated in Laima’s act. For the singer, the meeting turned into love at first sight. He proposed marriage to the dancer, but the young lady at that moment was not ready for such a drastic change in her personal life. She refused the star.

The lover was persistent, and romantic courtship followed. One day, Gregory invited his chosen one to live together to test the seriousness of the relationship. Anna agreed. A year later, the ballerina went on maternity leave.

After the birth of their daughter Eva in 2002, Anna and Gregory registered their marriage. Five years later, a second daughter, Nicole, was born, and three years later, a son, Ivan. The mother of the family jokes about the current family structure: “When raising children, I am a strict policeman, and Grigory is a kind dad.”

An elegant, fragile woman copes well with household chores. She has to wake up early to send her children to school. The Leps family lives in a spacious country house, where an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding reigns.

Anna managed to find mutual language and with Gregory’s daughter from his first marriage, Inga.

Who looks younger after 40 - stars in the body or their thin peers

Anna Leps: “For Grigory and me, jewelry is emotions expressed in metal and stones”

Personal life of Anna Leps

You won’t meet Leps’s wife Anna at high-society parties. She is not trying to surprise the whole world with an abundance of signature outfits. Anna takes care of the children, home and family business. Her youthfully slender figure is often hugged by jeans and a turtleneck rather than branded dresses. A woman uses cosmetics from a single French company.

Yoga helps her to be in excellent physical shape and wisely navigate the busy world. Wealth did not change her essence; she still had all the same friends that she had before her wedding to Gregory.

Name: Grigory Leps (Grigory Lepsveridze)

Age: 56 years old

Activity: singer, composer, producer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Family status: married

Grigory Leps: biography

Pop and chanson, rock and rap. Few people Russian stage manages to combine the seemingly incongruous. Sincerity, a voice recognizable from the first chords, live performance and “work to rupture the aorta.” Endless tours. Balancing on the brink of life and death. Even his mother warns Grigory Leps that it is impossible, it is dangerous, to give all his best on stage.

But the words “through thorns to the stars” are directly related to the singer. He is now “happy than anyone,” has become wiser and remembers the past, and still prefers not to talk about music, but to make it and enjoy the result.

Childhood and youth

Grigory Viktorovich Leps ( real name- Lepsveridze) was born on July 16, 1962 into a Georgian family. Changing his last name does not mean that the singer is trying to hide his nationality. Leps is simply more harmonious and easier to remember.

The musician's father worked at a meat processing plant in Sochi, and his mother worked as a nurse. Grigory went to Sochi school No. 7 and was a completely useless student, constantly receiving bad marks. But from childhood the boy was interested in sports and music.

After school, Leps entered a music school to master percussion instruments. Here he was more successful than at school. Then the young man went to the army, and after military service ended, sang in Caucasian restaurants and tried his hand at performing in various rock bands. In the 80s, Leps was known as the lead singer of the then sensational band Index-398.

In his youth, Grigory Leps sang in Sochi restaurants every night. This greatly exhausted the singer, and he relieved the feeling of fatigue with the help of alcohol. After a while, the understanding came that he needed to move on, otherwise he would die both as an artist and simply as a person. Therefore, Gregory went to Moscow, where he was not received particularly cordially.

No one was interested in the artist’s repertoire, and Leps did odd jobs, became addicted to drugs, and launched his appearance. The singer does not hide this period of his biography; on the official website, this is where Leps’ story begins.


The real growth of his career began when the artist’s age exceeded 30 and the artist’s first album, “God Bless You,” was released, including the then popular composition “Natalie.” A video was also recorded for this song, which the singer himself saw only in the hospital, where he ended up due to a stomach ulcer.

Health problems did not allow Grigory to perform at the Song-95 festival; the musician lost a lot of time and 35 kg of weight. After this incident, Leps gave up alcohol and, even more so, drugs.

In 1997, Leps released the next album “ Whole life" In the same year, the artist appeared on “Song of the Year-97”, where he performed the composition “My Thoughts”. Participation in the famous concert influenced Leps’s popularity, and already in 1998 he starred in “Christmas Meetings”.

In 2000, Grigory Leps suddenly lost his voice and had to resort to surgery to restore the ligaments. The artist regained his former strength only in 2002, returning to the stage with the album “On the Strings of Rain.” Also this year, a video was shot for the now popular hit “A Glass of Vodka on the Table.”

Grigory Leps - “A glass of vodka on the table”

In 2006, the album “In the Center of the Earth” was released and a concert of the same name took place at the Olympic Stadium.

In 2007, Leps recorded memorable duets with (“I Don’t Believe You”) and with (“She’s Not Yours”). The music for the songs was composed by a famous Russian composer and producer.

Grigory Leps and Stas Piekha - “She’s not yours”

After 2 years, Grigory Leps performed in the Kremlin for 3 days in a row with his new album “Waterfall”. 15 thousand fans of the artist’s work attended the concerts. A month later, Grigory was again hospitalized, this time with acute bronchitis. However, just a few weeks - and the artist again attracts full houses, this time in Germany.

The singer’s new album appeared in 2011 and was called “Pince-nez”. In the same year, the president awarded Grigory Leps the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.”

In December of the same 2011, Leps recorded the song “Requiem for Love” together with a rap artist, and a year later the result of the collaboration of this unusual creative tandem called “London” was presented.

Grigory Leps and Timati - “Requiem for Love”

Leps sang Lev Shapiro’s song “The Best Day.” For her and for " A real woman"He received 2 Golden Gramophone statuettes in 2011. For the first time in the history of this prestigious award, two solo songs by the same artist were awarded simultaneously.

In 2012, the musician opened a production center own name, designed to help young musicians find a place in show business. In the same year, Leps received the Golden Gramophone award and the Best Singer of the Year according to the Song of the Year festival.

Grigory Leps and Alexander Rosenbaum

In December, the man recorded the album “Full Speed ​​Away!”, which immediately took first place in the chart of the Russian segment of the iTunes Store. In parallel with the new disc, 2 collections of songs were published that have already earned the love of the public: “The Best”, consisting of three discs (2 with Leps’ hits and 1 with an audio version of a previously unreleased concert in 2011), and “Duets” on 2 discs, where included compositions recorded by the musician together with Irina Allegrova and other star Russian performers.

In 2013, Leps presented several new songs during the New Wave festival. The musician sang the “Moscow Song” solo, performed “Captive” with, “Brother Nicotine” with Loïc and Timati, and sang the composition “Mirrors” in a duet with. This year Gregory again received the Singer of the Year award and already 2 Golden Gramophones.

Grigory Leps and Ani Lorak - “Mirrors”

In October 2013, the US Treasury Department stated that the musician was part of a “Eurasian crime syndicate.” For connections with the “post-Soviet mafia,” the United States banned Leps from entering the country, froze his assets and prohibited its citizens from making transactions with the musician.

Shortly before being blacklisted, Grigory, in alliance with Alexander Rosenbaum, recorded the video “Zastolnaya” (“Evening Drinking”). The song, as a number of sources wrote, is dedicated to businessman Otari Kvantrishvili, who was considered an authority in criminal circles and was killed by a sniper in 1994.

Grigory Leps, Alexander Rosenbaum and Joseph Kobzon - “Evening Table”

2014 brought Leps 3 concerts at Crocus City Hall, the release of the 12th studio album “Gangster No. 1”, which became Leps’s answer to America’s accusations, 2 more Golden Gramophones and many others prestigious awards. The song “By-bye” was released as a separate single, which Grigory performs with.

In 2015, Grigory Leps organized the festive annual music festival “Christmas at Rosa Khutor”. The singer is a regular participant in the Zhara festival. The artists have a joint business - the restaurant “A Glass of Vodka”.

A television

In 2015, Leps began to regularly appear on television not in a performing role. The musician accepted the invitation to host the Russia-1 channel show “Main Stage” together with his co-host.

In the 4th season of the popular music program “,” Leps acted as a mentor. In addition to Grigory Viktorovich, they shared their experience with young people, and. Leps' team won the show. The finalist of “The Voice” was. After the victory, the monk toured Russia and neighboring countries.

In 2016, Grigory Leps again organized a Christmas festival and continued the path of a mentor in the show “The Voice”. In the 5th season, among Leps’s wards was (Nuki) from the “Slot” group and, who took 2nd place in the season finale.

Subsequently, Panayotov became the object of close attention of the Leps production company. The artist, according to Gregory, is the first candidate to take off on the Russian stage. The producer is very pleased with what Sasha is doing in the studio. All that remains is to gain recognition from the public. And Leps even welcomed the failure of his ward’s fifth attempt to get to Eurovision, since this is not a competition that is useful for performers.

Gregory undertook to promote her as a singer, but then abandoned this idea, limiting himself to organizing concerts for the TV presenter.

The artist has four children. , born in 1984 in her first marriage, studied in the UK and New York, where she received a diploma in acting. She mainly stars in music videos, independent projects, arthouse films, and writes scripts. The second daughter Eva was born in 2002, and 5 years later Anna gave birth to Gregory another girl - Nicole. In 2010, the long-awaited son Ivan (Vano) appeared in the family.

Leps repeatedly spoke about his personal life in talk shows, Channel One filmed about the artist documentary. This is how fans learned that the singer had a rich library and a collection of icons at home. The latter is estimated at tens of millions of dollars. In 2018, Gregory presented a collection of valuables for public viewing at the Kremlin Historical Museum, with the exception of the icon donated.

In 2016, Leps’ daughter tried to follow in her father’s footsteps and start musical career. Inga participated in the 5th season of “The Voice”, but did not impress the judges. Grigory told the press that, naturally, he recognized the voice my own daughter, however, even before the performance he told Inga that he would not turn to her in the qualifying round. Moreover, the strict father also criticized the girl’s performance, noting that “in some places it’s really bad.”

Inga later admitted that her parent was skeptical about her plans to build a singing career and believed that she should choose one direction and achieve perfection there, rather than being scattered about trifles.

Inga Lepsveridze on the show “The Voice”

Nevertheless, Leps does not resist Eva’s desire to sing on stage. For youngest daughter Grigory created the pop group COSMOS girls, which, in addition to Eva, included her friend Alexandra Giner and participant of the children's “Voice” Eden Golan. Videos of the group periodically appear on the Internet. Her father’s support in the musical field has already shaken Eva’s intentions to study as a journalist at MGIMO.

The fact that Leps, succumbing to the trends of the times, finally opened a page in "Instagram", Basta said. Except social networks, Gregory has an official website where the tour schedule, photos, interviews and news about the artist are posted.

Grigory Leps now

In 2018, Grigory Leps again turned to cinema, writing the soundtrack for the series "" with leading role. Again because for the first time it was complete musical accompaniment The artist composed it back in 2016 for a biopic about a Byzantine princess. Previously, other films used compositions that were already familiar to viewers and had been performed on stage more than once. For “Godunov,” the singer released the song and video “Unsaid.”

Leps, without hesitation, agreed to participate in the film, which involves the color of Russian cinema and theater. In addition, the film tells “about the country where I was born, grew up and live, and which I love and for which I root for in my soul. you need to understand, feel and know how the country lived 500 years ago. You can't lose track of the past! A person has no future if he does not know his past.”

In November 2018, Gregory’s collection of awards was replenished with another “Golden Gramophone”. The singer pleased fans with a number of new products.

Grigory Leps with the Golden Gramophone award in 2018

The video for the song Life Is Good stars businessman Roman Vasilenko, founder of the Best Way cooperative, in which the authorities discovered signs of an online pyramid. The song “Without You” from the album “You’re So Serious,” released in 2017, also took on a video format. The director of the “Amen” video from the same disc was Oleg Chervonyak, video director of Gazgolder and author of videos and. In the scandalous video “The Color of Mood is Blue,” the honored artist appeared in the guise of a homeless person.

Grigory Leps - “Life Is Good” (premiere 2018)

Leps had to make changes to his summer tour schedule - the singer was hospitalized with broken ribs. However, Gregory performed at the anniversary concert of the poet and businessman. The traditional “Christmas with Grigory Leps” in December 2018 was moved from Sochi to Moscow, to Crocus City Hall, but will last 2 days instead of one.


  • 1995 – “God bless you”
  • 1997 – “A Whole Life”
  • 2000 – “Thank you, people”
  • 2002 – “On the Strings of Rain”
  • 2004 – “Sail”
  • 2006 – “Labyrinth”
  • 2006 – “In the center of the earth”
  • 2007 – “Second”
  • 2009 – “Waterfall”
  • 2011 – “Pince-nez”
  • 2012 – “Full speed ahead!”
  • 2014 – “Gangster No. 1”
  • 2015 – “Babos to bosses”
  • 2016 – “Lonely”
  • 2017 – “Why Are You So Serious”