Work program and calendar-thematic planning in history (grade 10). Work program and calendar-thematic planning in history (grade 10) Thematic planning in history 10 11

Explanatory note

The history work program is intended for 10 grades of general education institutions. It is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the Model Program for History, the program for basic general education at the Malomayak School; regional curriculum of general education institutions, implementing the LLC and S (P) O programs for 2016 - 2017.

The main goal of studying history in modern school - education, development and upbringing of the personality of a schoolchild, capable of self-identification and determination of his value priorities based on understanding the historical experience of his country and humanity as a whole, actively and creatively applying historical knowledge in educational and social activities. The contribution of the basic school to achieving this goal is the basic historical training and socialization of students.

Objectives of studying history at school :

- formation among the younger generation of guidelines for civil, ethnic, social, cultural self-identification in the world around them;

- formation in students of a holistic understanding of the historical path of Russia and the fate of the peoples inhabiting it, about the main stages, about major events and major figures of Russian history, about the place and role of Russia in the world historical process;

- nurturing patriotism, respect for one’s Fatherland, the rights and freedoms of others, social responsibility, commitment to humanistic and democratic values, conviction in the need to comply with moral standards accepted in society;

- developing the ability of students to analyze information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, interconnection and interdependence;

- developing the ability to apply historical knowledge to understand the essence of modern social phenomena in communicating with other people in modern society.

Methods and forms of control

Checking homework by conducting a frontal survey makes it possible to control the assimilation of the studied material.

Carrying out written work with the formulation of problematic questions, writing essays, filling out tables in the process of independent work, allows you to test the ability to search for the necessary information from sources created in various sign systems, separating secondary information from the main one, transmitting information adequately to the goal, working with texts of various styles , creating your own works.

The forms of intermediate certification of students are: participation in round tables, conferences, testing, preparation of multimedia presentations on individual problems of the topics studied.

Testing allows you to control the content elements of knowledge and the required cognitive skills. The following elements of history preparation for primary school students are tested:

Knowledge of dates, periods of the most significant phenomena, processes, work with chronology.

Knowledge of facts (places, circumstances, participants in events), working with facts.

Working with sources: searching for information in the source (identifying dates, events, personalities in question), contextual analysis of the source (disclosing the essence of the described events, phenomena using knowledge from a history course)

Description historical events.

Explanation, analysis of historical events: explanation of historical concepts, terms; correlation of facts and generalized knowledge and concepts; indication of characteristic, essential features of events and phenomena; explanation of the causes and consequences of events; systematization, grouping of facts, concepts, phenomena according to the specified criteria; presentation and explanation of assessments of historical events, phenomena, personalities.

The history work program for grade 10 is based on

    Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in history basic level(“Teaching history and social studies at school” No. 4.5 2010)

    Approximate curriculum secondary (complete) general education at a basic level in history

    XIXcentury. 10th grade." V.I. Ukolova, A.V. Revyakin. Basic level. "Education",

    XIXcentury. 10th grade." N.S. Borisov, A.A. Lewandowski. Basic level. "Education".

Used educational and methodological kit

    “General history. From ancient times to the endXIXcentury. 10th grade." V.I. Ukolova, A.V. Revyakin. "Enlightenment", 2014

    “The history of Russia from ancient times to the endXVIIcentury. 10th grade." N.S. Borisov. "Enlightenment", 2014

    "History of Russia XVIIIXIXcentury. 10th grade." A.A. Levandovsky, Yu.A. Shchetinov. "Enlightenment", 2014

The study of history at the level of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    education of citizenship, national identity, development of worldview beliefs of students based on their understanding of historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions, moral and social attitudes, ideological doctrines;

    developing the ability to understand the historical conditionality of phenomena and processes of the modern world, determine one’s own position in relation to the surrounding reality, correlate one’s views and principles with historically emerging worldview systems;

    mastering systematized knowledge about the history of mankind, forming a holistic idea of ​​the place and role of Russia in the world historical process;

    mastering the skills and abilities of searching, systematizing and comprehensive analysis historical information;

    the formation of historical thinking - the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, to compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, determine one’s own attitude to controversial issues of the past and present.

Features of the history course , studied at the stage of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level. The main content lines of the program are implemented within the framework of two courses - “History of Russia” and “General History”. They are supposed tointegrated study based on a problem-chronological approach. Priority is given to educational material related to educational and developmental tasks that are important from the point of view of the socialization of schoolchildren and their acquisition of socially significant knowledge, skills, and abilities.

General content of the history course in 10th grade

History of Russia

(42 h)

Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia (1 hour)

Natural and climatic factors and features of development of the territory of Eastern Europe and Northern Eurasia. Stone Age sites. The transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. Cattle breeders and farmers. The appearance of metal tools and their influence on primitive society.

The Great Migration of Peoples and its influence on the formation of the Proto-Slavic ethnos. The place of the Slavs among the Indo-Europeans. East Slavic tribal unions and their neighbors: Baltic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic-speaking tribes. Occupations, social system and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs. Strengthening the role of tribal leaders, property stratification.

Rus' in the 9th – early 121st centuries. (3 hours)

The origin of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. "The Tale of Bygone Years." The emergence of the Old Russian state. Novgorod. Origin of the word "Rus". The beginning of the Rurik dynasty. Tribute and allegiance. Princes and their squads. Veche orders. Trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Campaigns against Byzantium. Acceptance of Christianity. Development of legal norms in Rus'. Categories of the population. Princely strife.

Christian culture and pagan traditions Rus'. Contacts with the cultures of the West and East. Influence of Byzantium. Monastic construction. The culture of Ancient Rus' as one of the factors in the formation of the Old Russian people.

Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries. (6 hours)

Reasons for the collapse of the Old Russian state. Strengthening the economic and political independence of Russian lands. The largest lands and principalities of Rus' inXII– beginning XIIIcenturies Monarchies and republics. The Orthodox Church and the idea of ​​unity of the Russian land. Rus' and the Steppe. The flourishing of the culture of pre-Mongol Rus'.

Formation of the Mongolian state. Invasion of Rus'. The inclusion of Russian lands in the Mongol system of management of the conquered lands. Golden Horde. The Horde's adoption of Islam. The role of the Mongol conquest in the history of Rus'. Expansion from the West. The fight against crusader aggression. Russian lands as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The beginning of the revival of Rus'. Internal migrations of the population. Restoring the economy of Russian lands. Forms of land tenure and categories of population. The role of cities in the unification process.

The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Rus'. Political, social, economic and territorial-geographical reasons for the transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands. The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and the struggle against Horde rule. The emergence of national identity in Rus'.

Grand Duchy of Moscow in the system international relations. The beginning of the collapse of the Golden Horde. Formation of the Kazan, Crimean, Astrakhan khanates. Consolidation of Catholicism as the state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities at the endXIII- mid-15th century The influence of external factors on the development of Russian culture. Formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples. Moscow as a center for the development of culture of the Great Russian people.

The Russian state in the second half 16 - 17 (6 hours)

Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. Features of the process of formation of a centralized state in Russia. Overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke. Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure. Formation of a new system of governing the country. The role of the church in state building. "Moscow is the third Rome."

The establishment of royal power and its sacralization in the public consciousness. The formation of the ideology of autocracy. Reforms of the mid-16th century. Creation of bodies of an estate-representative monarchy. Development of the local system. Establishment of serfdom. Oprichnina. Establishment of the Patriarchate. Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century. The growth of the international authority of the Russian state.

Causes and nature of the Troubles. Suppression of the ruling dynasty. Boyar groups. Exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions. The fight against aggression of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden. National upsurge in Russia. Restoring the country's independence.

Zemsky Sobor of 1613 and the restoration of autocracy. The first Romanovs. Expansion of the territory of the Russian state inXVIIV. Entry of Left Bank Ukraine into Russia. Development of Siberia. Russia's participation in wars inXVII V.

Legal registration of serfdom. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Development of new shopping centers. Social movements in Russia in the second half of the 17th century. Church schism and its significance. Old Believers.

Culture of the peoples of the Russian state in the second half of the XV-XVII centuries. centuries Strengthening secular elements in Russian culture. New forms of architecture. The flourishing of Russian painting and decorative arts. The beginning of printing and the spread of literacy. The origins of journalism. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. “Domostroy”: patriarchal traditions in everyday life and morals. Peasant and urban life.

Features of Russian traditional (medieval) culture. Formation of national identity. Discussion about the prerequisites for the transformation of the social system and the nature of the modernization process in Russia.

Russia in the XVIII – XIX centuries. (24 hours)

Peter's transformations. Reforms of the army and navy. Creation of factory industry. Protectionist policy. New system state power and management. Proclamation of the Empire. Transformation of the nobility into the ruling class. Features of Russian absolutism. Russia during the period of palace coups. Expanding the rights and privileges of the nobility. Enlightened absolutism. Legislative design of the class system.

Attempts to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the 19th century. Reforms of the public administration system. The growth of opposition sentiments in society. Decembrist movement. Formulation of Russian conservative ideology. The theory of "official nationality". Slavophiles and Westerners. Russian utopian socialism.

Peculiarities economic development Russia in the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries. Development of capitalist relations. The beginning of the industrial revolution. Formation of a single internal market. Change social structure Russian society. Preservation of serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization.

Transformation of Russia into a world power. Russia in warsXVIIIV. Imperial foreign policy. Partitions of Poland. Expansion of the territory of the state in the 18th – mid-19th centuries. Russia's participation in anti-French coalitions during the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign trip Russian army. Russia in the Holy Alliance. Crimean War.

The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connections with European and world culture of the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries. Features of the Russian Enlightenment. Scientific and technical thought and scientific expeditions. Founding of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow University. Scientific societies. Creation of a public education system. Formation of the Russian literary language. Development of musical and theatrical art. Innovation and continuity artistic styles V fine arts. Changing the principles of urban planning. Russian estate.

The beginning of the reign of Alexander II. Peasant reform of 1861. Content of the reform, implementation. Significance. Social and economic development of Russia after the Peasant Reform. Development of agriculture. Industrial production. Industrial rise. S.Yu Witte. The beginning of the labor movement. Results of socio-economic development. Reforms 60 – 70 Zemstvo and city reforms. Judicial reform. Military reform.

Society and government in the second half of the 50s – early 80s. Society’s attitude to reforms. Conservative, liberal, radical movements in social thought, their representatives. Commoners. The origins of populism. Populist organizations. Terror and its consequences. "Constitution" M.T. Loris - Melikova. Murder of Alexander 2.

Domestic politics and social movements during the reign of A 3. Strengthening state power. Attempts at counter-reforms. Features of the social movement. Labor movement. Russian liberal - democracy

Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century. Main directions. A.M. Gorchakov. Exacerbation of the Eastern Question. Causes of the Russian-Turkish War. Alexander 3 Peacemaker. Exacerbation of contradictions between Russia and Germany. Rapprochement with France and England. Accession of Kazakhstan and Central Asia to Russia.

Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century.

Democratization of culture. The beginning of the highest female education in Russia.

The most important discoveries of Russian scientists and their significance for the development of society (D. Mendelev, I.M. Sechenov, etc.) literature, Topics, genres. Theater arts. Music. The creativity of the Perezhdvizhniki. Creative unions and their influence on the cultural life of Russian society.

History as a science.


Ancient history of mankind

Modern scientific concepts of the origin of man and society. Natural and social in man and the human community of the primitive era. Neolithic revolution. Changes in lifestyle and forms of social connections. Tribal relations.

Civilizations of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages

Civilizations of the Ancient East. Formation of Indo-Buddhist and Sino-Confucian civilizations. Philosophical heritage of the Ancient East.

Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. Polis political and legal organization and social structure. Democracy and tyranny. Roman Republic and Empire.

The emergence of Islamic civilization. Social norms and motives of human social behavior in Islamic society.

Christian medieval civilization in Europe. The formation of Western European and Eastern European regions of civilizational development. Formation and development of the estate-corporate system in European medieval society. Feudalism as a system of social organization and power relations. Traditional (agrarian) society in the West and East: features of social structure, economic life, political relations. Prerequisites for modernization.

New time: the era of modernization

The concept of "New Time". Modernization as a process of transition from traditional (agrarian) to industrial society.

Great geographical discoveries and the beginning of European colonial expansion. Formation of a new spatial perception of the world. Trade and manufacturing capitalism. Internal colonization. Innovations in lifestyle, character of thinking, value guidelines and social norms during the Renaissance and Reformation. The formation of Protestant political culture and social ethics. Confessional split in European society.

From estate-representative monarchies to absolutism - the evolution of European statehood. Bourgeois revolutions XVII-XIX centuries Ideology of the Enlightenment. Constitutionalism. Formation of civil society. The emergence of ideological doctrines of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism. Marxism and the workers' revolutionary movement. Nationalism and its influence on social and political life in European countries. Technical progress in modern times. Development of capitalist relations. Industrial revolution. Free competition capitalism. “Echelons” of modernization as various models of transition from traditional to industrial society. Worldview of a person in an industrial society. The role of geopolitical factors in international relations of modern times. Colonial division of the world. Traditional societies of the East in the conditions of European colonial expansion.


The program ensures the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results.


- nurturing Russian civic identity, patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, in the historical past of the multinational people of Russia;

- students’ awareness of their ethnicity, knowledge of the culture of their people and their region in the context of the global cultural heritage;

- assimilation of traditional values ​​of multinational Russian society, humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern civilization, respect for human rights and freedoms; understanding the social and moral experience of previous generations, the ability to determine one’s position and responsible behavior in modern society;

- understanding the cultural diversity of the world; respect for the culture of one’s own and other peoples; tolerance as the norm of a conscious and benevolent attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, civic position, history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the world.

Metasubject The results of studying history by primary school students include:

- the ability to consciously organize and regulate one's own educational activities, exercise control over the result and method of action at the level of voluntary attention, make the necessary adjustments to the execution and method of action, both at the end of the action and during its implementation;

- possession of the skills to work with educational and extracurricular information, various logical actions (definition and limitation of concepts, establishment of cause-and-effect and Generic relationships, etc.);

- use of modern sources of information, including materials on electronic media and Internet resources;

- ability to solve creative problems, present the results of their activities in various forms(message, essay, presentation, abstract, etc.);

- willingness to cooperate with fellow students, teamwork, mastering the basics of intercultural interaction at school and in the social environment;

- possession of the skills to work in a group, listen to a partner, formulate and argue one’s opinion. correctly defend one’s position and coordinate it with partners, productively resolve conflicts based on taking into account the interests and positions of all its participants, searching for and evaluating alternative ways of resolving conflicts.

Subject The results of studying history by primary school students include:

- the formation of a respectful attitude towards the history of one’s Fatherland as a single and indivisible multinational state; developing in students the desire to contribute to solving global problems facing Russia and humanity;

- formation of the most important cultural and historical guidelines for civil, ethnic, social, cultural self-identification of the individual, worldview and knowledge of modern society, its most important social values ​​and public ideas: citizenship and patriotism, humanistic and democratic values, peace and mutual understanding between people; assimilation of basic national values ​​and ideals based on the study of the historical experience of Russia;

- mastering a holistic understanding of the historical path of the peoples of Russia, basic knowledge about the patterns of Russian history;

- developing the ability to apply historical knowledge, conceptual apparatus and methods of historical analysis to reveal the essence and meaning of events and phenomena of the past and present, to comprehend life in a modern multicultural, multiethnic and multireligious world;

- developing the ability to analyze, compare and evaluate information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past, revealing its cognitive value;

- expanding the experience of assessment activities based on understanding the lives and deeds of individuals and peoples in the history of Russia;

- acquiring experience in the active development of the historical and cultural heritage of one’s people, native land, Russia, the desire to preserve and enhance cultural heritage;

- creating a basis for developing among some schoolchildren an interest in further expanding and deepening historical knowledge and choosing history as a specialized subject at the level of secondary (complete) general education, and subsequently as a field of their professional activity.

It is expected that as a result of studying the history of Russia in basic school, students should master the followingknowledge and skills:


1) key historical events (time, place, participants, circumstances);

2) periodization of key phenomena and processes (chronological framework, foundations);

H) main information sources on historical periods;

4) the most widespread and scientifically based interpretations and assessments of events, phenomena and personalities of the past, reflected in the textbook and recommended literature;


1) extract the necessary information from various sources (primary sources, historical works, textbooks, historical maps, graphs, etc.);

2) compare data from different sources, historical events and phenomena, determine commonalities and differences;

3) distinguish between facts and their interpretations and assessments; classify facts on various grounds; correlate individual facts and general phenomena;

4) give definitions of the most important historical concepts through genus and species differences;

5) on the basis of facts and with the help of historical concepts, describe past events and historical objects, characterize the conditions and lifestyle of people of different historical eras, identify characteristic, essential features historical events and phenomena;

6) determine and justify their attitude to the most significant events and personalities in the history of Russia;

7) apply historical knowledge to interpret and evaluate modern events, in communication, in a multicultural environment.

The work program establishes the following system for the distribution of educational material and teaching time for grade 10:

Amount of teaching time




10th grade

70 h

History of Russia

XIX c.) – 42 hours

General history

(from ancient times to the endXIX c.) – 28 hours

Requirements for the level of graduate training

As a result of studying history at a basic level, the student must


    basic facts, processes and phenomena characterizing the integrity and consistency of the domestic and world history;

    periodization of world and national history;

    modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history;

    historical conditionality of modern social processes;

    features of Russia's historical path, its role in the world community;

be able to

    search for historical information in sources of various types;

    critically analyze the source of historical information (characterize the authorship of the source, time, circumstances and purposes of its creation);

    analyze historical information presented in different sign systems (text, map, table, diagram, audiovisual series);

    distinguish between facts and opinions, historical descriptions and historical explanations in historical information;

    establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, the spatial and temporal framework of the historical processes and phenomena being studied;

    participate in discussions on historical issues, formulate your own position on the issues discussed, using historical information for argumentation;

    present the results of studying historical material in the form of a summary, abstract, review;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

    determining one’s own position in relation to the phenomena of modern life, based on their historical conditionality;

    using the skills of historical analysis with a critical perception of social information received from outside;

    correlating one’s actions and the actions of others with historically emerged forms of social behavior;

    awareness of oneself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethnocultural, religious community, a citizen of Russia.

Evaluation criteria

Rating "5" is given if the student:

1. Shows deep and complete knowledge and understanding of the entire volume of program material; a complete understanding of the essence of the concepts, phenomena and patterns, theories, relationships under consideration.

2. Able to compose a complete and correct answer based on the material studied; highlight the main points, independently confirm the answer with specific examples and facts; independently and reasonedly make an analysis, generalize, and draw conclusions. Establishes interdisciplinary (based on previously acquired knowledge) and intradisciplinary connections, creatively applies acquired knowledge in an unfamiliar situation. Consistently, clearly, coherently, reasonably and accurately presents the educational material: gives an answer in a logical sequence using accepted terminology; draws own conclusions; forms an accurate definition and interpretation of basic concepts; when answering, does not repeat the text of the textbook verbatim; presents the material in literary language; Answers the teacher’s additional questions correctly and thoroughly. Uses independently and rationally visual aids, reference materials, textbook, additional literature, primary sources.

3. Independently, confidently and accurately applies acquired knowledge to solve problems at a creative level; makes no more than one defect, which can be easily corrected at the request of the teacher.

Rating "4" is given if the student:

1. Shows knowledge of all studied program material. Gives a complete and correct answer based on the theories studied; makes minor mistakes and shortcomings when reproducing the studied material, defining concepts, inaccuracies in use scientific terms or in conclusions and generalizations; presents the material in a certain logical sequence, while making one minor mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently if required or with a little help from the teacher; basically mastered the educational material; supports the answer with specific examples; correctly answers additional questions from the teacher.

2. Able to independently identify the main points in the studied material; based on facts and examples, generalize, draw conclusions, and establish intra-subject connections. Applies acquired knowledge in practice in a modified situation, follows the basic rules of the culture of oral and written speech, and uses scientific terms.

3. Does not have sufficient skills in working with reference literature, textbooks, primary sources (orients himself correctly, but works slowly). Allows minor violations of the rules for formatting written work.

Rating "3" is given if the student:

1. Has mastered the main content of the educational material, has gaps in mastering the material that do not prevent further mastery of the program material; The material is presented unsystematically, fragmentarily, and not always consistently.

2. Shows insufficient development of individual knowledge and skills; Poorly argues conclusions and generalizations and makes mistakes in them.

3. Made mistakes and inaccuracies in the use of scientific terminology, the definitions of concepts were not clear enough; did not use conclusions and generalizations from observations, facts as evidence, or made mistakes when presenting them.

4. Has difficulty applying knowledge, explaining specific phenomena based on theories, or confirming specific examples of the practical application of theories.

5. Answers the teacher’s questions incompletely (missing the main point), or reproduces the content of the textbook text, but does not sufficiently understand individual provisions that are important in this text.

6. Reveals insufficient understanding of certain provisions when reproducing the textbook text (records, primary sources) or answers the teacher’s questions incompletely, making one or two gross mistakes.

Rating "2" is given if the student:

1. Did not understand and did not disclose the main content of the material; does not make conclusions or generalizations.

2. Does not know and does not understand a significant or major part of the program material within the limits of the questions posed, or has poorly formed and incomplete knowledge and does not know how to apply it to solving specific issues.

3. When answering (one question), he makes more than two gross mistakes, which he cannot correct even with the help of a teacher.

4. Cannot answer any of the questions asked.

5. Did not fully understand the material.

Rating "1" " is placed if the student:

1. Refused to answer on the topic for no valid reason or complete ignorance of the main provisions of the topic.

Educational and methodological complex on history, grade 10 :

    General History, V.I. Ukolova, A.V. Revyakin, Federal State Educational Standard, ed. "Enlightenment", 2014, basic level.

    History of Russia, part 1, N.S. Borisov, Federal State Educational Standard, ed. "Enlightenment", 2014., basic level.

    History of Russia, part 2, A.A. Levandovsky, Federal State Educational Standards, ed. "Enlightenment", 2014, basic level.

    Revyakina E.Yu. General history, 10th grade: workbook. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2012.

    Levandovsky A.A. History of Russia, grade 10: workbook. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2012.

Educational and methodological support

    Printed manuals.



Planned results





Introduction (1 hour)

(Vi)* Subject of historical science, periodization and chronology.

Historical memory, historical source, civilization theories, anthropology, modernization theories

Page 5-15, other work on p. 14, document analysis. on page 15

Primitive (1 hour)

(V) Background.

Prehistory = primitiveness, Neolithic revolution

§1, document analysis. on page 26

Ancient world (6 hours)

(V)Middle East.

Agrarian civilizations, irrigation agriculture, patriarchal slavery, despotism.

§2, study the map on page 30, analysis of the document. on pages 38-41

(Vi) India and China in ancient times.

Varna, Vedism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, “Axial Age”

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§3, study the map, document analysis. on pp. 50-51

(Vi) Ancient Greece. From the first states to the rise of the polis.

Antiquity, polis, classical slavery, democracy, oligarchy, ochlocracy

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§4, study the map, document analysis. on pages 60-61

(Vi) Ancient Greece. From the polis to the Hellenistic world.

Hellenism, Hellenistic monarchy, tyranny

§5, comp. ist. port., study the map, document analysis. on page 71

(Vee) Ancient Rome. From the emergence of the city to the fall of the republic.

Patricians, plebeians, republic, plebescite.

§6, study the map, document analysis. on pp. 82-84, workbook assignment.

(Vi) Ancient Rome. Roman Empire

Empire, principate, dominance, Christianity

§7, communication, etc. work on page 93

Middle Ages (6 hours)

(Vi) Western European Middle Ages. Development of the feudal system

Feudalism, vassal-feudal relations, estates, immunity, fragmentation, estate-representative monarchy

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§8, study the map on pages 98, 101,104,

105, document analysis. on pp. 107-109

(Vi) The rise and crisis of Western European Christendom. Practical work

Guilds, guilds, communal movement, burghers, scholasticism

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§9, document analysis. on pages 117-118

(Vi) Byzantine Middle Ages.

Autocracy, iconoclasm, hesychasm, canon, femme system and stratiots.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§10, comp. ist. port., study the map on page 122, document analysis. on pp. 130-131

(Vi) The Islamic world in the Middle Ages.

Islam, Shiism, Sunnism, Caliphate

They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, and parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position and an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§11, study the map on page 135, analysis of the document. on pp. 141-142, assignment for workbook.

(Vi)India in the Middle Ages.

Caste, varno-caste system, raja, dharma, ahimsa, Sikhism

They set learning tasks based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinions and positions.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§12, study the map on page 45, creative. work on page 149

(Vi) China and Japan in the Middle Ages.

Pagoda, Shintoism, samurai, shogunate

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§13, study the map on page 159, if desired - creative. work, task

2.3, p. 162

Prepare for World History Tests

Part 1. Introduction. History of Russia - part of World History (1 hour)

Tests on the topic “Western and Eastern countries in antiquity and the Middle Ages” for 20 min

The history of Russia is part of World History.

The originality of Russian civilization.

World history, regional history, historical sources.

Creative assignment: “Medieval civilizations”; pp.4-12

Section 1. Old Russian state in IX - XIII centuries (7 hours)

Historical roots of the Slavs. Eastern Slavs inVII- IXbb

Indo-Europeans, Proto-Slavs, migration, colonization, veche, kaganate

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§1, study the map, document analysis. on pages 20-22

Kievan Rus.

State, prince, squad, boyars, Varangians, tribute, lesson, graveyard, reform, polyudye.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§2-3, study the map, comp. source port (personality of choice); fill out the table on page 41

Culture Kievan Rus

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§4, creative assignment, document analysis. on page 53

Russian lands in the 12th – early 13th centuries. Heirs of Kievan Rus

Strife, Russian Truth, patrimony, stink, serf, ladder.

They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, and parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position and an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§5-6, study the map, prep. message about the great princes of Kievan Rus

Culture of Rus' 12-13 centuries.

Destiny, congress, patriotism, chronicle, epic.

They set learning tasks based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinions and positions.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§7, creative assignment, document analysis. on pages 61-62

Mongol invasion. Russian lands under the rule of the Golden Horde.

Yoke, Horde exit, Baskak, label, residence, Kipchaks.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§8, study the map, project work

Section 2. Formation of a unified Russian state in XIV - XV cc.(3 hours)

Strengthening the Moscow Principality in the 14th - 1st half of the 15th century.

Zemsky Sobor, orders, centralized state, class-representative monarchy.

§9-10, study the map, assignment for the workbook.

The final stage of the creation of a unified Russian state (second half of the 15th - early 16th centuries)

Nobles, Streltsy army, reserved summers

§11-12, study the map, analysis of Code of Laws 1497

Russian cultureXIV-XVcenturies

caftan, vest

§13, project work

Section 3. Russia in XVI - XVII centuries (6 hours)

Russia inXVIcentury.

Zemsky Sobor, orders, centralized state, class-representative monarchy. oprichnina, terror.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§14-15, study the map, document analysis. on pp. 175-176

Troubled times.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§17-18, study the map, document analysis. on pp. 205-206, comp. ist. portrait personality (optional); preparation presentation about the Romanovs

Revival of the country after the Time of Troubles. Domestic policy of the first Romanovs.

Service people, landowner peasants, palace peasants, black-mown farmers, tax. Yuryev day.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§19, study the map, fill out the table. on page 220

Russian foreign policy inXVIIcentury.

R.k. Peace of Bakhchisarai 1681

They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, and parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position and an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§20, study the map, assignment for the workbook.

Russian cultureXVI- XVIIcenturies

They set learning tasks based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinions and positions.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§13.21, creative. assignment or project work (to choose from)

Prepare for the counter test.


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

Revival (1 hour)

(Vi) Renaissance as a cultural and historical era.

Renaissance (Renaissance), humanism, utopia, mannerism

§14, study the map on page 167, practice. work on page 173

New time. Economy and Society (4 hours)

(VI) The emergence of a world market.

Great geographical discoveries, price revolution, capital, capitalism, stock exchange

§15, study the map, prep. message about the discoverers of new lands

(VI) Society and economy of the “old order”

Old order, three-field, fencing, manufacture

§16, document analysis. on page 196

(Vi) Industrial revolution.

Industrial revolution, protectionism, mercantilism

§17, comp. presentation on the topic: “ Stock Exchange: historical past and present"

(Vi) Industrial society.

Industrialization, modernization, urbanization, monopoly, bourgeoisie

§18, graph analysis, practical. work on page 219

Spiritual life of society (3 hours)

(VI) Religion and the church at the beginning of modern times.

Reformation, indulgences, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Church of England, Counter-Reformation

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§19, document analysis. on pp. 231-232, comp. presentation on the topic: “Reform movement in Europe”

(VI) Science and socio-political thoughtXVII- XIXcenturies

Scientific revolution, Enlightenment, civil society, rule of law, principle of separation of powers, liberalism, socialism, communism, positivism

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§20, comp. ist. port.scientist (optional), document analysis. on pp. 243-244

(VI) Artistic cultureXVII- XIXcenturies

Classicism, Baroque, Rococo, Empire, Romanticism, Eclecticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§21, practical. work on pp. 254-255, comp. gift. (branch of culture to choose from)

Political development (3 hours)

(Vi)State in the West and East.

Absolutism, enlightened absolutism, despotism

They set educational tasks based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown;

independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal;

§22, study the map, practical. work on page 266

(Vi)Political revolutionsXVII- XVIII


Puritanism, republic, limited monarchy

Plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan

adequately use speech means to effectively solve a variety of communicative tasks

Determine the student’s internal position at the level of a positive attitude towards the educational process; understand the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and preference social way knowledge assessment

§23-24, study the map, document analysis. on pp. 281-282


(VI) The emergence of liberal democracy.


Conservatism, liberalism, democracy

Accept and retain the educational task, take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

pose and formulate the problem of the lesson, independently create an algorithm for solving the problem;

§25, comp. synchronistic table on page 294

International relations (2 hours)


(Vi)Meeting of Worlds: West and East in Modern Times.


Colony, metropolis, balance of power, dynamic warfare

They plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan.

set and formulate the goals and problem of the lesson; consciously and voluntarily construct messages in oral and written form, including those of a creative and research nature;

adequately use speech means to effectively solve a variety of communicative tasks

Determine the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards the educational process; understand the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and the preference for a social method of assessing knowledge

§26,27, study the map, practical. work on page 305

European balanceXVII- XVIIIcenturies


(Vi) Conflicts and contradictionsXIXV.


Legitimism, realpolitik

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals with the final result, draw up a plan and algorithm of actions.

navigate the variety of ways to solve cognitive problems, choose the most effective of them.

agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life

§28, study the map, practical. work on page 329

Part 2. Section 1. Russia in the era of Peter the Great (4 hours)


Beginning of Peter's reign and reformsI.


German settlement, Grand Embassy, ​​Streltsy riot Senate, boards, emperor.

Accept and save the educational task, take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher.

pose and formulate the problem of the lesson, independently create an algorithm for solving the problem.

are active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems (ask questions, formulate difficulties, offer help and cooperation)

They have a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in the unity and diversity of peoples, cultures and religions

pp.5-10, §1,2, comp. ist. portrait PetraI


Peter's foreign policyI.


recruitment, regular army,

formulate their own opinion and position, ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to their partner

Comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society

§3, study the map, comp. gift. "Foreign Policy of Peter I"


"The cultural revolution in Russia at the beginningXVIIIV.


Assembly, cabinet of curiosities

They justify their position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common decision in joint activities

§4, design work

Section 2. Russia in the middle and second half XVIII centuries (5 hours)


Russia after PeterІ. The era of palace coups.


Supreme Privy Council, conditions, cabinet of ministers, Bironovism,

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§5, work with tables, document analysis, preparation. gift. "Palace Coups"


“Enlightened absolutism” of Catherine II. Peasants' War


enlightened absolutism, laid down commission, letters of commendation,

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§6,7, document analysis. on pp. 64-65, 73-74


Russian foreign policy inXVIIIcentury.

R.k. The struggle for access to the Black Sea. Annexation of Crimea to Russia.


Anti-French coalitions,


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§8, study the map, fill out the table. on page 82, analysis of the “Manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to Russia” dated April 8, 1783.


Reign of PaulI.



They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, and parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position and an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§9, document analysis. on pages 88-90


Russian cultureXVIIIcentury.


"Golden Age" of Russian culture

They set learning tasks based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinions and positions.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§10, creative Job

Russia in the first half XIX centuries (8 hours)


Economic development of Russia inXVIII- first halfXIXcentury.


Serf system, market relations,

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§11, fill out the table. on page 111, design work


Alexander's reformsI.


Ministerial reform, public education system, “Plan of State Transformations”,

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§12, characteristics of the reforms of Alexander I


Fight against Napoleon.


continental blockade, Grand Army, Patriotic War, maneuver, partisan movement,

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§13, study the map, comp. ist. portrait M.I. Kutuzova, subg. presentation "Patriotic War"


Reaction period. Decembrists.

R.k. Decembrists in the history of Crimea.


constitution, reaction, military settlements

They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, and parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position and an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§14, comparative analysis of the programs of the Southern and Northern societies


Nicholas's domestic policyI.


codification of laws

They set learning tasks based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown.

independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal.

formulate their own opinion and position, ask questions, construct statements that are understandable to their partner

Comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society

§15, characteristics of the reforms of Nicholas I


Russian foreign policy in the second quarterXIXcentury.R.K. Crimean War 1853-1856.


eastern question, muridism,

They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, parents and other people.

choose the most effective ways to solve problems, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities.

agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

Determine their personal position, adequate differentiated self-assessment of their academic success

§16, study the map, fill out the table. on page 155, prep. message about the Crimean War


Social movement during the reign

Nicholas I.


Westerners and Slavophiles, national identity.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan.

independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal, use general techniques for solving assigned problems.

participate in collective discussion of problems, are active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive problems

Show goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, empathy, as understanding the feelings of other people and empathy for them

§17, comp. Compare table “Westerners and Slavophiles”


Russian culture in the first halfXIXcentury.


Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan.

use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems.

justify their position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common decision in joint activities

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them

§18, design work

Section 4. Russia in the second half XIX centuries (7 hours)


Beginning of Alexander's reignII. Peasant reform of 1861


Redemption operations, redemption payments, allotment, segments, temporarily obligated


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§19, work with tables, document analysis. on page 183


Reforms 60-70

19th century.


labor legislation, zemstvo, magistrate court, crown court, appeal, universal conscription,

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

§21, comp. table "Reforms 60-70s. 19th century."


Socio-economic development of post-reform Russia.


Workout, community, work issue

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§20, subp. gift. "Russia after 1861"


Social movements of the 50s and 60s. 19th century Confrontations between the authorities and revolutionaries in the 70s - early 80s. 19th century


Common intelligentsia, Ishutinites, Nechaevism, populism, “Walking among the people”, individual terror, regicide, counter-reforms, Marxist movement, liberal populism

They adequately perceive suggestions and assessments from teachers, comrades, and parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position and an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§22,23, practical. slave. “Revolutionary organizations of the 60-70s. 19th century,” document analysis. on pp. 208, 215-218


Domestic politics and social movement during the reign of AlexanderIII. Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century.


Counter-reforms, industrial recovery

They set learning tasks based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinions and positions.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§24,25, study the map, document analysis. on page 234


Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century.


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientation towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§26, creative Job

Prepare for cont.





classical gymnasiums and real ones.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems. Give reasons for your position.

Show empathy as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

*VI – General History




in history

(basic level)

10th grade

Compiled by:

Lebedeva Lyudmila Viktorovna,

1st category history and social studies teacher


1. The source documents for drawing up the work program of the training course are:

the federal component of the state educational standard, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089;

sample program for basic general education in history. Basic level;

history programs for general education institutions. 5-11 grades/comp. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya “History of the Ancient World. 5th grade"; V.A. Vedyushkin “History of the Middle Ages. 6th grade"; A.Ya. Yudovskaya, L.M. Vanyushkina “New history. 7-8 grades"; A.O.Soroko-Tsyupa, O.Yu.Strelova “Recent history of foreign countries. XX-beginning of XXI centuries. 9th grade"; A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina “History of Russia. 6-9 grades" - M, "Enlightenment", 2009; Zhuravleva O.N., Andreevskaya T.P., Iskrovskaya L.V., Shevchenko S.V. "Story. 10-11 grade" - M, "Ventana-Graf", 2014;

the basic curriculum of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1312 dated March 9, 2004;

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated April 15, 2016 No. 1427;

2. This program is compiled on the basis of the author’s program by O.N. Zhuravleva, T.P. Andreevskaya, L.V. Iskrovskaya, S.V. Shevchenko. "Story. 10-11 grades”, changes have been made to the program.

The teacher reserves the right to make minor changes to the program when adjusting the number of topics - the number of hours.

3. Goals and objectives of the course:

The study of history at the level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· education of citizenship, national identity, development of worldview beliefs of students based on their understanding of historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions, moral and social attitudes, ideological doctrines; expanding the social experience of students when analyzing and discussing forms of human interaction in history;

· development of the ability to understand the historical conditionality of phenomena and processes of the modern world, critically analyze the received historical and social information, determine one’s own position in relation to the surrounding reality, correlate it with historically emerging worldview systems;

Republic of Bashkortostan

Work program

in history

secondary general education

for 2016 -2017

compiled on the basis

basic educational program

secondary general education

MAOU "Secondary school No. 12 with UIOP" GO city Sterlitamak RB

Compiled by:

Vagapov A.M. -

Planned results of mastering the academic subject.

Personal results:

Within the framework of the cognitive component the following will be formed:

Historical and geographical image, including an idea of ​​the territory and borders of Russia, its geographical features; knowledge of the main historical events in the development of statehood and society; knowledge of the history and geography of the region, its achievements and cultural traditions;

The image of the socio-political structure - an idea of ​​the state organization of Russia, knowledge of state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem), knowledge of public holidays;

Knowledge of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fundamental rights and duties of a citizen, orientation in the legal space of state-public relations;

Knowledge about one’s ethnicity, mastering national values, traditions, culture, knowledge about the peoples and ethnic groups of Russia; development of the general cultural heritage of Russia and the world cultural heritage;

Orientation in the system of moral norms and values ​​and their hierarchization, understanding of the conventional nature of morality;

Fundamentals of social-critical thinking, orientation in the features of social relations and interactions;

Ecological consciousness, recognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations; knowledge of the basic principles and rules of attitude towards nature; knowledge of the basics of a healthy lifestyle and health-saving technologies; rules of conduct in emergency situations.

Within the framework of the value and emotional components the following will be formed:

Civic patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in one’s country; respect for history, cultural and historical monuments;

Emotionally positive acceptance of one's ethnic identity;

Respect for and acceptance of other peoples of Russia and the world, interethnic tolerance, readiness for equal cooperation;

Respect for the individual and his dignity, a friendly attitude towards others, intolerance to any types of violence and readiness to resist them;

Respect for family values, love of nature, recognition of the value of health, one’s own and other people’s, optimism in the perception of the world;

Positive moral self-esteem and moral feelings - a feeling of pride when following moral standards, the experience of shame and guilt when they are violated.

Within the framework of the activity (behavioral) component, the following will be formed: readiness and ability to participate in school self-government within the limits of age competencies (on duty in school and class, participation in children's and youth public organizations, school and extracurricular activities);

Willingness and ability to fulfill the norms and requirements of school life, the rights and responsibilities of the student;

Ability to conduct dialogue based on equal relationships and mutual respect and acceptance; the ability to constructively resolve conflicts;

Willingness and ability to fulfill moral standards in relation to adults and peers at school, at home, and in extracurricular activities;

The need for participation in the public life of the immediate social environment, socially useful activities;

The ability to make life plans taking into account specific socio-historical, political and economic conditions;

Sustained cognitive interest and the formation of the meaning-forming function of the cognitive motive;

Readiness to choose a specialized education.

The student will have the opportunity to form:

expressed stable educational and cognitive motivation and interest in learning;

readiness for self-education and self-education;

adequate positive self-esteem and self-concept;

competence in implementing the foundations of civic identity in actions and activities;

moral consciousness at the conventional level, the ability to solve moral dilemmas based on taking into account the positions of the participants in the dilemma, focusing on their motives and feelings; sustainable adherence to moral standards and ethical requirements in behavior;

empathy as conscious understanding and empathy for the feelings of others, expressed in actions aimed at helping and ensuring well-being.

Meta-subject results:

Regulatory universal learning activities.

The student will learn:

Goal setting, including setting new goals, transforming a practical task into a cognitive one;

Independently analyze the conditions for achieving the goal based on taking into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material;

Plan ways to achieve goals;

Set target priorities;

Be able to independently control and manage your time;

Make decisions in problem situations based on negotiations;

Carry out ascertaining and anticipatory control based on the result and method of action; actual control at the level of voluntary attention;

Adequately independently assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution both at the end of the action and during its implementation;

The basics of forecasting as foreseeing future events and process development.

independently set new educational goals and objectives;

building life plans in a time perspective;

when planning to achieve goals independently, fully and adequately take into account the conditions and means of achieving them;

highlight alternative ways to achieve a goal and choose the most effective method;

the basics of self-regulation in educational and cognitive activities in the form of conscious management of one’s behavior and activities aimed at achieving set goals;

carry out cognitive reflection regarding actions to solve educational and cognitive problems;

adequately assess objective difficulty as a measure of the actual or expected expenditure of resources to solve a problem;

adequately assess your capabilities to achieve a goal of a certain complexity in various areas of independent activity;

the basics of self-regulation of emotional states;

make strong-willed efforts and overcome difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving goals.

Communicative universal educational activities.

The student will learn:

Take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

Formulate your own opinion and position, argue and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation when developing a common solution in joint activities;

Establish and compare different points of view before making decisions and choices;

Argue your point of view, argue and defend your position in a manner that is not hostile to opponents;

Ask questions necessary to organize your own activities and cooperation with your partner;

Exercise mutual control and provide the necessary mutual assistance in cooperation;

Use speech adequately to plan and regulate your activities;

Adequately use speech means to solve various communicative tasks; master oral and written language; construct a monologue contextual statement;

Organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, determine the goals and functions of participants, methods of interaction; plan general methods work;

Carry out control, correction, assessment of the partner’s actions, be able to persuade;

Work in a group – establish working relationships, collaborate effectively and promote productive cooperation; integrate into a peer group and build productive interactions with peers and adults;

Basics of communicative reflection;

Use adequate language to express your feelings, thoughts, motives and needs;

Display in speech (description, explanation) the content of the actions performed, both in the form of loud socialized speech and in the form of internal speech. The student will have the opportunity to learn:

take into account and coordinate other people’s positions in cooperation that are different from one’s own;

take into account different opinions and interests and justify your own position; understand the relativity of opinions and approaches to solving a problem;

productively resolve conflicts based on taking into account the interests and positions of all participants, searching and evaluating alternative ways to resolve conflicts; negotiate and come to general decision in joint activities, including in situations of conflict of interests;

take the initiative in organizing joint action (business leadership);

provide support and assistance to those on whom the achievement of goals in joint activities depends;

carry out communicative reflection as awareness of the reasons for one’s own actions and the actions of a partner;

in the process of communication, it is sufficiently accurate, consistent and complete to convey to the partner the necessary information as a guideline for constructing an action;

enter into dialogue, as well as participate in a collective discussion of problems, participate in discussions and argue their position, master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of their native language;

follow the moral, ethical and psychological principles of communication and cooperation based on respectful attitude towards partners, attention to the personality of others, adequate interpersonal perception, readiness to adequately respond to the needs of others, in particular to provide assistance and emotional support to partners in the process of achieving common goal joint activities;

Facilitate effective group discussions and ensure knowledge sharing among group members to make effective joint decisions;

in joint activities, clearly formulate the goals of the group and allow its participants to show their own energy to achieve these goals.

Cognitive universal learning activities.

The student will learn:

Basics of implementation of research and design activities;

Conduct observations and experiments under the guidance of a teacher;

Carry out an advanced search for information using library resources and the Internet;

Create and transform models and diagrams to solve problems;

Select the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

Define concepts;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Carry out the logical operation of establishing generic relations, limiting the concept;

Generalize concepts - carry out the logical operation of transition from specific characteristics to a generic concept, from a concept with a smaller volume to a concept with a larger volume;

Carry out comparison, serialization and classification, independently choosing the grounds and criteria for the specified logical operations;

Build a classification based on dichotomous division (based on negation);

Build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

Explain phenomena, processes, connections and relationships identified during the study;

The basics of introductory, studying, assimilating and searching reading; structure texts, including the ability to highlight the main and secondary, the main idea of ​​the text, build a sequence of described events; work with metaphors - understand the figurative meaning of expressions, understand and use figures of speech built on hidden similarities, figurative convergence of words.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

the basics of reflective reading;

pose a problem, argue its relevance;

independently conduct research based on the use of observation and experiment methods;

put forward hypotheses about connections and patterns of events, processes, objects;

organize research to test hypotheses;

make inferences (inductive and analogical) and conclusions based on argumentation.

Subject results:

The student will learn to know/understand:

    basic facts, processes and phenomena characterizing the integrity of domestic and world history;

    periodization of world and national history;

    modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history;

    historical conditionality of modern social processes;

features of Russia's historical path, its role in the world community;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    search for historical information in sources of various types;

    critically analyze the source of historical information (characterize the authorship of the source, time, circumstances and purposes of its creation);

    analyze historical information presented in different sign systems (text, map, table, diagram, audiovisual series);

    distinguish between facts and opinions, historical descriptions and historical explanations in historical information;

    establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, the spatial and temporal framework of the historical processes and phenomena being studied;

    participate in discussions on historical issues, formulate your own position on the issues discussed, using historical information for argumentation;

    present the results of studying historical material in the form of a summary, abstract, review;

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

    determining one’s own position in relation to the phenomena of modern life, based on their historical conditionality;

    using the skills of historical analysis with a critical perception of social information received from outside;

    correlating one’s actions and the actions of others with historically emerged forms of social behavior;

    awareness of oneself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethnocultural, religious community, a citizen of Russia

General history.

The oldest stage of human history.

Natural and social in man and the human community of the primitive era. Neolithic revolution. Changes in lifestyle and forms of social connections. Civilizations of the ancient world and the Middle Ages Traditional society: social connections, economic life, political relations. Archaic civilizations of antiquity. Mythological picture of the world. Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. Formation of a scientific form of thinking in ancient society. Formation of Indo-Buddhist, Chinese-Confucian, Judeo-Christian spiritual traditions. The emergence of a religious picture of the world. Social norms, spiritual values, philosophical thought in ancient society.

Medieval civilization.

Its regional characteristics and development dynamics. Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The crisis of European medieval society in the XIV-XV centuries. The emergence of Islamic civilization. Islamic spiritual culture and philosophical thought in the Middle Ages.

New time: the era of modernization.

Modernization as a process of transition from traditional to industrial society. Great geographical discoveries and the beginning of European colonial expansion. Formation of a new spatial perception of the world. Changing role of technogenic and economic factors social development during modernization. Trade and manufacturing capitalism. Innovations in the way of life, the nature of thinking, value guidelines and social norms in the era of revival and reformation.

From estate-representative monarchies to absolutism. Changes in the ideological and legal foundations of statehood. Bourgeois revolutions of the 17th-19th centuries. Enlightenment ideology and constitutionalism. The emergence of ideological and political movements. Formation of civil society. Technical progress in the 18th - mid-19th centuries. Industrial revolution. Development of capitalist relations and social structure of industrial society in the 19th century. Various models of transition from traditional to industrial society in European countries. Worldview of a person in an industrial society. Formation of a classical scientific picture of the world.

Features of the spiritual life of modern times. Traditional societies of the East in the conditions of European colonial expansion. The evolution of the system of international relations at the end of the 15th - mid-19th centuries. From modern to recent history: ways of development of industrial society. Scientific and technological progress at the end of the 19th - last third of the 20th centuries. The problem of periodization of scientific and technological revolution. Cycles of economic development of Western countries at the end of the 19th - mid-20th centuries. From monopoly capitalism to a mixed economy. The evolution of property, labor relations and entrepreneurship. Changing the social structure of industrial society.

The crisis of classical ideologies at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. and the search for new models of social development. Social liberalism, social democracy, Christian democracy. Democratization of socio-political life and development rule of law. Youth, anti-war, environmental, feminist movements.

The main stages of development of the system of international relations at the endXIX- middleXXcenturies

World wars in human history: socio-psychological, demographic, economic and political reasons and consequences. Social consciousness and spiritual culture in modern history. Formation of a non-classical scientific picture of the world. Worldview foundations of realism and modernism. Technocratism and irrationalism in the public consciousness of the 20th century. Humanity is at the stage of transition to information society.

Discussion about the post-industrial stage of social development.

Information revolution and the formation of the information society. Property, labor and creativity in the information society. Features of modern socio-economic processes in Western and Eastern countries. Globalization of social development at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries. Internationalization of the economy and the formation of a single information space. Integration and disintegration processes in the modern world.

The problem of political terrorism. The systemic crisis of industrial society at the turn of the 1960s - 1970s. Models of accelerated modernization in the 20th century. The historical nature of totalitarianism and authoritarianism in modern times. Marginalization of society in conditions of accelerated modernization. Political ideology of the totalitarian type. State legal systems and socio-economic development of society under totalitarian and authoritarian dictatorships.

"Newly industrialized countries" Latin America and Southeast Asia: authoritarianism and democracy in political life, economic reforms. National liberation movements and regional features of the modernization process in Asian and African countries.

The crisis of political ideology at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. "Neoconservative revolution". Modern ideology of the "third way". Anti-globalism. Religion and church in modern public life. Ecumenism. Reasons for the revival of religious fundamentalism and nationalist extremism at the beginning of the 21st century. Features of the spiritual life of modern society. Changes in the scientific picture of the world. Worldview foundations of postmodernism. The role of elite and mass culture in the information society.

History of Russia.

The history of Russia is part of world history.

Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia.

The transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. Sedentary and nomadic farming. The appearance of metal tools and their influence on primitive society. The Great Migration of Peoples. Proto-Slavs. East Slavic tribal unions and neighbors. Occupations, social system and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs.

Rus' inIX- beginningXIIcenturies

The origin of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. Tribute and allegiance. Princes and squad. Veche orders. Acceptance of Christianity. Right in Rus'. Categories of the population. Princely strife.

Christian culture and pagan traditions. Contacts with the cultures of the West and East. Influence of Byzantium. The culture of ancient Rus' as one of the factors in the formation of the ancient Russian people.

Russian lands and principalities inXII- middleXVcenturies

Reasons for the collapse of the ancient Russian state. The largest lands and principalities. Monarchies and republics. Rus' and the steppe. The idea of ​​the unity of the Russian land.

Formation of the Mongol state. Mongol invasion. Inclusion of Russian lands in the management system Mongol Empire. Golden Horde. The role of the Mongol conquest in the history of Rus'. Expansion from the West. The fight against crusader aggression: results and significance. Russian lands as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Restoring the economy of Russian lands. Forms of land tenure and categories of population. The role of cities in the unification process. The struggle for political hegemony in northeastern Rus'. Moscow as the center of unification of Russian lands. The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and liberation from Horde rule. The emergence of national identity. The Grand Duchy of Moscow in the system of international relations. Acceptance of Islam by the horde. Autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities. The influence of external factors on the development of Russian culture.

The Russian state in the second halfXV- XVIIcenturies

Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state.

Overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke. "Moscow is the third Rome." The role of the church in state building. Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure. Features of the formation of a centralized state in Russia. The growth of the international authority of the Russian state. Formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples.

Establishment of royal power. Reforms of the mid-16th century. Creation of bodies of an estate-representative monarchy. Oprichnina. Enslavement of the peasants. Oprichnina. Enslavement of the peasants. Establishment of the Patriarchate. Expansion of state territory in the 16th century.

Troubles. Suppression of the ruling dynasty. Exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions. The fight against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden.

Restoration of autocracy. The first Romanovs. Growth of the territory of the state. Legal registration of serfdom. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Church schism. Old Believers. Social movements of the 17th century. Formation of national identity. Development of the culture of the peoples of Russia in the XV-XVII centuries. Strengthening secular elements in Russian culture of the 17th century.

Russia inXVIII- middleXIXcenturies

Peter's transformations. Proclamation of the Empire. Absolutism. Transformation of the nobility into the ruling class. Preservation of serfdom in the conditions of modernization. Russia during the period of palace coups. Strengthening class society. Reforms of the state system in the first half of the 19th century.

Features of the Russian economy in the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries: the dominance of serfdom and the emergence of capitalist relations. The beginning of the industrial revolution. Russian enlightenment. Decembrist movement. Conservatives. Slavophiles and Westerners. Russian utopian socialism.

The transformation of Russia into a world power in the 18th century. Patriotic War of 1812. Imperial foreign policy of Russia. Crimean War.

The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connections with European and world culture of the 18th - first half of the 19th centuries.

Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

Reforms of the 1860s - 1870s Abolition of serfdom. Development of capitalist relations in industry and agriculture. Preservation of the remnants of serfdom. Autocracy, class system and modernization processes. The policy of counter-reforms. Russian monopoly capitalism and its features. The role of the state in the economic life of the country. Reforms S.Yu. Witte. Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin. Growing economic and social contradictions in the conditions of forced modernization.

Ideological movements, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the century. Revolution 1905 - 1907 The formation of Russian parliamentarism.

The spiritual life of Russian society in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Development of the education system, scientific achievements of Russian scientists. " Eastern question"in the foreign policy of the Russian Empire. Russia in the system of military-political alliances at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The Russian-Japanese War.

Russia in the First World War. The impact of the war on Russian society. Revolution and civil war in Russia

Revolution of 1917. Provisional government and councils. Tactics of political parties. Proclamation and establishment of Soviet power. Constituent Assembly. Peace of Brest-Litovsk. Formation of a one-party system.

Civil war and foreign intervention. Political programs participating parties. The policy of "war communism". "white" and "red" terror. Russian emigration.

Transition to a new economic policy.

USSR in 1922 - 1991

Education of the USSR. Selecting merging paths. Nation-state building. Party discussions about ways of socialist modernization of society. The concept of building socialism in a single country. Cult of personality I.V. Stalin. Mass repressions. Constitution of 1936

Reasons for curtailing the new economic policy. Industrialization. Collectivization. "cultural revolution". Creation Soviet system education. Ideological foundations of Soviet society. Diplomatic recognition of the USSR. Foreign policy strategy of the USSR between the world wars.

Great Patriotic War. The main stages of military operations. Soviet military art. The heroism of the Soviet people during the war. Partisan movement. Home front during the war. Ideology and culture during the war. USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition. The role of the USSR in World War II.

Restoration of the economy. Ideological campaigns of the late 1940s. The formation of the world socialist system. the Cold War and its impact on the country's economy and foreign policy. The USSR's mastery of nuclear missile weapons. Attempts to overcome the cult of personality. XX Congress of the CPSU. Economic reforms of the 1950s - 1960s, the reasons for their failures. The concept of building communism. The theory of developed socialism. Constitution of 1977. Dissident and human rights movement. Features of the development of Soviet culture in 1950 - 1980. Science and education in the USSR. "Stagnation". Attempts to modernize Soviet society in the context of slowing economic growth. The politics of perestroika and glasnost. Formation of a multi-party system. The crisis of communist ideology. Interethnic conflicts. USSR in global and regional conflicts of the second half of the 20th century. Achieving military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA. The policy of détente. Afghan war. Reasons for the collapse of the USSR.

Russian Federation (1991 - 2003)

The formation of a new Russian statehood. August events of 1991. Political crisis of September - October 1993. Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. Interethnic and interfaith relations in modern Russia. Chechen conflict. Political parties and movements of the Russian Federation. Russian Federation and Commonwealth countries independent states. Transition to a market economy: reforms and their consequences. Russian culture in conditions of radical transformation of society. Russia in global integration processes and the formation of a modern international legal system. Russia and the challenges of globalization. Presidential elections of 2000. A course towards strengthening statehood, economic recovery, social and political stability, strengthening national security, a worthy place for Russia in the world community.

Thematic planning.

Section (number of hours)

Class (number of hours)

Section 4. The main stages of development of the system of international relations at the end of the 19th - mid-20th centuries. (17 hours)

Section 5. Discussion about the post-industrial stage of social development (16 hours)

Section 11. Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. (16 hours)

Section 12. USSR in 1922 - 1991. (22 hours)

Section 13. Russian Federation (1991 - 2003) (12 hours)

Total 140 hours

Municipal autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 12

with in-depth study of individual subjects"

urban district city of Sterlitamak

Republic of Bashkortostan


to the history work program

for the 2016 – 2017 academic year

Number of hours per week

Number of hours per year

Basic textbook (or UMK)

Compiled by: Vagapov A.M. -

Calendar- thematic planning- 10 a, 10 b grades.

Lesson topic




Section 1. The oldest stage of human history (5 hours)

Introduction to History

From primitiveness to civilization

Ancient East

Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean

Historical heritage of ancient civilizations

Section 6. Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia (2 hours)

The ancient history of our Motherland

Spiritual world ancient societies

Section 2. Medieval civilization (8 hours)

Medieval civilization of Europe

Orthodoxy and Catholicism

Byzantium in the Middle Ages

Byzantium in the Middle Ages

The Arab Caliphate and the East in the Middle Ages

Islamic spiritual culture and philosophical thought in the Middle Ages

Discussion problems

Section 7. Rus' in the 9th - early 12th centuries. (6 hours)

The origin of statehood among the Eastern Slavs

Old Russian state

Old Russian society

Formation of various models of development of ancient Russian society

Christian culture and pagan traditions

Features of the Russian Middle Ages

Section 8. Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries. (7 hours)

Fragmentation of the ancient Russian state

Largest lands and principalities

Golden Horde

The fight against crusader aggression: results and significance

Restoring the economy of Russian lands

Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands

Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities

Section 3. New time: the era of modernization (10 hours)

Early Modern

From traditional society to industrial society

From estate-representative monarchies to absolutism

European states in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

Industrial Revolution

Formation of an industrial society

Revolutions and their place in the historical process of the second half of the 18th-19th centuries.

The Birth of Modern Ideologies

Features of spiritual life of modern times

The evolution of the system of international relations at the end of the 15th - mid-19th centuries.

Section 9. The Russian state in the second half of the XV-XVII centuries. (7 hours)

Features of the process of unification of Russian lands

Formation of the Russian state

Establishment of royal power

The struggle between alternative options for the country's development

Socio-economic development of Russia

Social movements of the 17th century.

Section 10. Russia in the 18th - mid-19th centuries. (12 hours)

Peter's transformations

Russia during the period of palace coups

Features of socio-economic development in the 18th century.

The phenomenon of Russian autocracy

Features of social movements in Russia in the 18th century.

Church, society, state in Russia in the 18th century.

Reforms of the state system in the first half of the 19th century.

Patriotic War of 1812

Decembrist movement

The beginning of the formation of industrial society in Russia

Socio-economic development and features of the industrial revolution

Imperial Russian foreign policy

Section 4. The main stages of development of the system of international relations at the end of the 19th - mid-20th centuries. (5 hours)

The crisis of classical ideologies at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Search for new models of social development

Evolution of the system of international relations

World War I in the history of mankind

Social consciousness and spiritual culture

Section 11. Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. (8 hours)

Russian reforms in the 19th century

Russian government and society

Search for an optimal model of social development

Empire and peoples

Revolution 1905 - 1907

Man in the era of industrial society

Russia and the world

Final repetition

1. Explanatory note



Sections, topics

Number of hours

Sample program

Work program

Amount of teaching time

Sections, topics

Number of hours

History of Russia (from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century)

General history (from ancient times to the middle of the 19th century)

Study time reserve

History as a science

The history of Russia is part of world history.

Work program

Rus' in the 9th - early 12th centuries.

History as a science (2 hours)

Basic concepts of the historical development of mankind: historical and cultural (civilizational) theories, formation theory, modernization theory .

The history of Russia is part of world history (2 hours)

Features of the formation and development of Russian civilization.The role and place of Russia in world development: history and modernity. Sources on the history of the Fatherland.

The earliest history of mankind (2 hours)

Modern scientific concepts of the origin of man and society.Natural and social in man and the human community of the primitive era.The settlement of ancient humanity.Formation of races and language families.Neolithic revolution.Changes in lifestyle and forms of social connections. Tribal relations.

Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia (4 hours)

Natural and climatic factors and features of development of the territory of Eastern Europe and Northern Eurasia. Stone Age sites. The transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. Cattle breeders and farmers. The appearance of metal tools and their influence on primitive society.

The Great Migration of Peoples and its influence on the formation of the Proto-Slavic ethnos. The place of the Slavs among the Indo-Europeans.East Slavic tribal unions and their neighbors: Baltic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic-speaking tribes. Occupations, social system and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs. Strengthening the role of tribal leaders, property stratification.

Civilizations of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages (10 hours)

Archaic civilizations. Features of material culture. Development of statehood and forms of social organization. Mythological picture of the world. The emergence of writing and the accumulation of knowledge.

Civilizations of the Ancient East. Formation of Indo-Buddhist and Sino-Confucian civilizations. Social norms and spiritual values ​​in ancient Indian and ancient Chinese society.The emergence of a religious picture of the world.Philosophical heritage of the Ancient East.

Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. Polis political and legal organization and social structure. Democracy and tyranny. Roman Republic and Empire. Roman law.Mythological picture of the world and the formation of a scientific form of thinking in ancient society.Philosophical heritage Ancient Greece and Rome. The formation of the Judeo-Christian spiritual tradition, its religious and ideological features.Early Christian Church.

The emergence of Islamic civilization. Social norms and motives of human social behavior in Islamic society.Sociocultural features of Arab and Turkic society.Islamic spiritual culture and philosophical thought in the Middle Ages.

Christian medieval civilization in Europe. The formation of Western European and Eastern European regions of civilizational development.Sociocultural and political influence of Byzantium.Features of social ethics, attitudes towards work and property, legal culture, spiritual values ​​in the Catholic and Orthodox traditions.

Formation and development of the estate-corporate system in European medieval society. Feudalism as a system of social organization and power relations.The role of the church in European society.Cultural and philosophical heritage of the European Middle Ages.

Traditional (agrarian) society in the West and East: features of social structure, economic life, political relations. Ddynamics of the development of European medieval civilization.Socio-political, religious, demographic crisis of European traditional society in the XIV-XV centuries. Prerequisites for modernization.

Rus' in the 9th – early 12th centuries. (5h)

The origin of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. "The Tale of Bygone Years."The emergence of the Old Russian state. Novgorod.Origin of the word "Rus".The beginning of the Rurik dynasty. Tribute and allegiance. Princes and their squads. Veche orders.Trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Campaigns against Byzantium.Acceptance of Christianity. Development of legal norms in Rus'. Categories of the population.Princely strife.

Christian culture and pagan traditions of Rus'.Contacts with the cultures of the West and East.Influence of Byzantium. Monastic construction.The culture of Ancient Rus' as one of the factors in the formation of the Old Russian people.

Russian lands and principalities in the XII - mid-XV centuries. (8 hours)

Reasons for the collapse of the Old Russian state. Strengthening the economic and political independence of Russian lands. The largest lands and principalities of Rus' in the XII - early XIII centuries. Monarchies and republics.The Orthodox Church and the idea of ​​unity of the Russian land. Rus' and the Steppe.The flourishing of the culture of pre-Mongol Rus'.

Formation of the Mongolian state.Invasion of Rus'.The inclusion of Russian lands in the Mongol system of management of the conquered lands. Golden Horde. The Horde's adoption of Islam. The role of the Mongol conquest in the history of Rus'.Expansion from the West. The fight against crusader aggression.Russian lands as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The beginning of the revival of Rus'. Internal migrations of the population. Restoring the economy of Russian lands. Forms of land tenure and categories of population.The role of cities in the unification process.

The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Rus'.Political, social, economic and territorial-geographical reasons for the transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands.The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and the struggle against Horde rule. The emergence of national identity in Rus'.

The Grand Duchy of Moscow in the system of international relations.The beginning of the collapse of the Golden Horde. Formation of the Kazan, Crimean, Astrakhan khanates. Consolidation of Catholicism as the state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities in the late XIII - mid-XV centuries.The influence of external factors on the development of Russian culture. Formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples.Moscow as a center for the development of culture of the Great Russian people.

The Russian state in the second half of the 15th – 17th centuries. (13h)

Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state.Features of the process of formation of a centralized state in Russia.Overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke. Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure. Formation of a new system of governing the country.The role of the church in state building. "Moscow is the third Rome."

Establishment of royal powerand its sacralization in the public consciousness. The formation of the ideology of autocracy.Reforms of the mid-16th century. Creation of bodies of an estate-representative monarchy. Development of the local system. Establishment of serfdom. Oprichnina. Establishment of the Patriarchate.Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century. The growth of the international authority of the Russian state.

Causes and nature of the Troubles.Suppression of the ruling dynasty. Boyar groups.Exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions. The fight against aggression of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Sweden.National upsurge in Russia.Restoring the country's independence.

Zemsky Sobor of 1613 and the restoration of autocracy. The first Romanovs.Expansion of the territory of the Russian state in the 17th century.Entry of Left Bank Ukraine into Russia. Development of Siberia.Russia's participation in wars in the 17th century.

Legal registration of serfdom. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Development of new shopping centers. Social movements in Russia in the second half of the 17th century. Church schism and its significance.Old Believers.

Culture of the peoples of the Russian state in the second half of the XV-XVII centuries. centuries Strengthening secular elements in Russian culture. New forms of architecture. The flourishing of Russian painting and decorative arts. The beginning of printing and the spread of literacy. The origins of journalism. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. “Domostroy”: patriarchal traditions in everyday life and morals.Peasant and urban life.

Features of Russian traditional (medieval) culture. Formation of national identity.Discussion about the prerequisites for the transformation of the social system and the nature of the modernization process in Russia.

New time: the era of modernization (12 hours)

The concept of "New Time".Modernization as a process of transition from traditional (agrarian) to industrial society.

Great geographical discoveries and the beginning of European colonial expansion.Formation of a new spatial perception of the world.

Strengthening the role of technogenic factors of social development in the course of modernization.Trade and manufacturing capitalism.Internal colonization.Innovations in the way of life, the nature of thinking, value guidelines and social norms during the Renaissance and Reformation. The formation of Protestant political culture and social ethics.Confessional split in European society.

From estate-representative monarchies to absolutism - the evolution of European statehood. The emergence of the concept of state sovereignty. Bourgeois revolutions of the 17th-19th centuries. Ideology of the Enlightenment.Constitutionalism. Formation of civil society.The emergence of ideological doctrines of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism. Marxismand the workers' revolutionary movement.Nationalism and its influence on social and political life in European countries.

Technical progress in modern times. Development of capitalist relations. Industrial revolution. Free competition capitalism. The cyclical nature of the development of a market economy. Class social structure of society in the 19th century. Bourgeois and proletarians. Evolution of traditional social groups in an industrial society.“Echelons” of modernization as various models of transition from traditional to industrial society.

Worldview of a person in an industrial society. Formation of the classical scientific picture of the world in the 17th-19th centuries. Cultural heritage of the New Age.

The evolution of the system of international relations at the end of the 15th – mid-19th centuries. Origin international law. The role of geopolitical factors in international relations of modern times. Colonial division of the world. Traditional societies of the East in the context of European colonial expansion..

Russia in the XVIII – mid-XIX centuries. (12h)

Peter's transformations. Reforms of the army and navy. Creation of factory industry. Protectionist policy. A new system of state power and management.Proclamation of the Empire.Transformation of the nobility into the ruling class.Features of Russian absolutism. Russia during the period of palace coups. Expanding the rights and privileges of the nobility.Enlightened absolutism. Legislative design of the class system.

Attempts to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the 19th century. Reforms of the public administration system.The growth of opposition sentiments in society.Decembrist movement. Formulation of Russian conservative ideology. The theory of "official nationality". Slavophiles and Westerners. Russian utopian socialism.

Features of the economic development of Russia in the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries. Development of capitalist relations. The beginning of the industrial revolution. Formation of a single internal market. Changing the social structure of Russian society. Preservation of serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization.

Transformation of Russia into a world power.Russia in the wars of the 18th century. Imperial foreign policy. Partitions of Poland. Expansion of the territory of the state in the 18th – mid-19th centuries.Russia's participation in anti-French coalitions during the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Patriotic War of 1812and the foreign campaign of the Russian army. Russia in the Holy Alliance. Crimean War.

The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connections with European and world culture of the 18th – first half of the 19th centuries. Features of the Russian Enlightenment. Scientific and technical thought and scientific expeditions. Founding of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow University. Scientific societies. Creation of a public education system.Formation of the Russian literary language.Development of musical and theatrical art. Innovation and continuity of artistic styles in the fine arts. Changing the principles of urban planning. Russian estate


be able to


1. Explanatory note

The history work program is compiled on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level. The sequence of studying topics has been changed, so in 2010-2011 academic year the history of Russia and general history were combined into one single course - history.

The work program specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence of studying topics and sections of the academic subject, taking into account interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The work program promotes the implementation of a unified concept of history education, while maintaining the conditions for the variable construction of history courses.

The work program performs two main functions:

Information and methodological functionallows all participants in the educational process to gain an understanding of the goals, content, general strategy of teaching, educating and developing students through the means of a given academic subject.

Organizational planning functionprovides for the identification of stages of training, the recommended structuring of educational material, the determination of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each stage, including for the preparation of thematic planning of the course, the content of the intermediate certification of students.


The study of history at the level of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • education of citizenship, national identity, development of worldview beliefs of students based on their understanding of historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions, moral and social attitudes, ideological doctrines;
  • developing the ability to understand the historical conditionality of phenomena and processes of the modern world, determine one’s own position in relation to the surrounding reality, correlate one’s views and principles with historically emerging worldview systems;
  • mastering systematized knowledge about the history of mankind, forming a holistic idea of ​​the place and role of Russia in the world historical process;
  • mastering the skills of searching, systematizing and comprehensive analysis of historical information;

the formation of historical thinking - the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, determine one’s own attitude to debatable problems of the past and the present.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The work program provides for the development of general educational skills and abilities in students, universal methods of activity and key competencies. For history education, the development of the ability to independently and motivatedly organize one’s own work can be considered a priority. cognitive activity(from goal setting to obtaining and evaluating the result), use elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis, determine the essential characteristics of the object under study, independently select criteria for comparison, comparison, evaluation and classification of objects.

At this stage of historical education, the information and communication activities of students acquire great importance, within the framework of which they develop the skills and abilities of searching for the necessary information on a given topic in sources. various types, extraction necessary information from sources created in various sign systems (text, table, graph, diagram, audiovisual series, etc.), separating basic information from secondary information, critically assessing the reliability of the information received, conveying the content of information adequately to the goal (compressed, complete, selective), translation of information from one sign system to another (from text to table, from audiovisual series to text, etc.), selection of sign systems adequate to the cognitive and communicative situation. Students should be able to substantiate judgments in detail, give definitions, provide evidence (including by contradiction), explain the studied provisions using independently selected specific examples, and master the basic types of public speaking(statements, monologue, discussion, controversy), follow ethical standards and rules of dialogue (dispute).

Taking into account the specifics of the goals and content of pre-university preparation, the requirements for the reflective activity of students increase significantly, including the objective assessment of their educational achievements, behavior, personality traits, ability and willingness to take into account the opinions of other people when determining their own position and self-esteem, to understand the value of education as means of developing personal culture. History education plays an important role in developing the ability to formulate one’s ideological views, consciously determine one’s national, social, religious affiliation, one’s own attitude to the phenomena of modern life, and one’s civic position.

Table of thematic distribution of hours


Sections, topics

Number of hours

Sample program

Work program

Amount of teaching time

Sections, topics

Number of hours

History of Russia (second half of the 19th century - beginning of the 21st century)

General history (second half of the 19th century - beginning of the 21st century)

Study time reserve

From New to Recent history: ways of development of industrial society.

Russia in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Revolution of 1917 and the Russian Civil War.

Work program

Soviet society in 1922-1941.

The Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War.

USSR in the first post-war decades.

USSR in the mid-1960s-early 1980s.

Soviet society in 1985-1991.

Humanity is at the stage of transition to the information society.

Russian Federation (1991-2003)

From New to Contemporary History: Paths of Development of Industrial Society (16 h)

The main directions of scientific and technological progress: from the technical revolution late XIX V. to the scientific and technological revolution of the twentieth century. Monopoly capitalism and the contradictions of its development. Transition to a mixed economy in the mid-twentieth century. "Welfare State".The evolution of property, labor relations and entrepreneurship in the second half of the 19th century. - mid-twentieth centuryChanging the social structure of industrial society. “Consumer society” and the causes of its crisis in the late 1960s.

The crisis of classical ideologies at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. and the search for new models of social development.Social liberalism, social democracy, Christian democracy.Formation of a social legal state. Changing the principles of constitutional construction. Democratization of social and political life.Protest forms of social movements. The evolution of the communist movement in the West. "New Left". Youth, anti-war, environmental, feminist movements. The problem of political terrorism.Prerequisites for the systemic (economic, socio-psychological, ideological) crisis of industrial society at the turn of the 1960s - 1970s.

Models of accelerated modernization in the twentieth century: discussions about “catch-up development” and “a special path.”

Discussion about the historical nature of totalitarianism and authoritarianism in modern times.Marginalization of society in conditions of accelerated modernization.Political ideology of the totalitarian type.Fascism. National Socialism. Features of state-corporate (fascist) and partocratic totalitarian regimes, their policies in the field of state-legal construction, social and economic relations, culture.

Formation and development of the world system of socialism.Totalitarian and authoritarian features of “real socialism”.Attempts to democratize the socialist system.

"Newly Industrialized Countries" (NICs) of Latin America and Southeast Asia: economic reforms,authoritarianism and democracy in political life. National liberation movements and regional features of the modernization process in Asian and African countries.

The main stages in the development of the system of international relations in the last third of the 19th – mid-20th centuries.World wars in human history: economic, political,socio-psychological and demographiccauses and consequences. The formation of the international legal system. League of Nations and the UN. Deployment of integration processes in Europe.“Bipolar” model of international relations during the Cold War.

Spiritual culture in the period of modern history. Formation of a non-classical scientific picture of the world.Modernism is a change in the ideological and aesthetic foundations of artistic creativity. Realism in the artistic creativity of the twentieth century. The phenomenon of counterculture. The growth of technocracy and irrationalism in the mass consciousness.

Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. (6 hours)

Abolition of serfdom. Reforms of the 1860s – 1870sAutocracy and class system in the conditions of modernization processes. Speeches by various intelligentsia.Populism. Political terror. The policy of counter-reforms.

Approval of the capitalist model of economic development. Completion of the industrial revolution. Russian monopoly capitalism and its features. The role of the state in the economic life of the country. Reforms S.Yu. Witte. Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin. Exacerbation of economic and social contradictions in conditions of forced modernization. Preservation of the remnants of serfdom.The role of the community in the life of the peasantry.

Ideological movements, political parties and social movements in Russia at the turn of the century in the 19th and 20th centuries. Revolution 1905-1907 and its results.The formation of Russian parliamentarism.

“Eastern Question” in the foreign policy of the Russian Empire. Russia in the system of military-political alliances at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 Russia in the First World War 1914-1918.The impact of the war on Russian society.Social and political crisis on the eve of 1917

The spiritual life of Russian society at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Development of the education system. Scientific achievements of Russian scientists. Revival of national traditions in art of the late 19th century. Innovative trends in the development of artistic culture.Ideological quests of the Russian intelligentsia at the beginning of the twentieth century. Russian religious philosophy.Reflection of the spiritual crisis in the artistic culture of decadence.

Revolution of 1917 and Civil War in Russia (4 hours)

Revolution of 1917. The fall of the autocracy. Provisional Government and Soviets. Proclamation of Russia as a republic.“Revolutionary defencism” – supporters and opponents.Crisis of power. Marginalization of society.The disintegration of the army, deepening economic difficulties, the situation on the national outskirts. Reasons for the weakness of Russia's democratic forces.

Political tactics of the Bolsheviks, their rise to power. Approval of Soviet power.The nature of the events of October 1917 in the assessments of contemporaries and historians.The first decrees of Soviet power.Convocation and dissolution of the Constituent Assembly. Peace of Brest-Litovsk. Creation of the RSFSR. Constitution of 1918Formation of a one-party system in Russia.

Civil war and foreign intervention: causes, stages, participants. Goals and ideology of the warring parties. The policy of "war communism"."White" and "red" terror. Reasons for the defeat of the white movement.

Economic and political situation of Soviet Russia after the civil war.Transition to a new economic policy.

Soviet society in 1922-1941. (7 hours)

Education of the USSR.Controversy about the principles of nation-state building.Party discussions about ways and methods of building socialism in the USSR.The concept of building socialism in a single country.Successes, contradictions and crises of the NEP.Reasons for the collapse of the NEP.Choosing a strategy for accelerated socio-economic development.

Industrialization, its sources and results. Collectivization, its social and economic consequences. Contradictions of socialist modernization. Constitution of 1936. Centralized (command) system of government.Mobilization character Soviet economy. The power of the party-state apparatus. Nomenclature.The cult of personality of J.V. Stalin. Mass repressions.

Ideological foundations of Soviet society andculture in the 1920s – 1930s. Approval of the method of socialist realism. Objectives and results of the “cultural revolution”.Creation of the Soviet education system.Science in the USSR in the 1920-1930s.Russian abroad. Split in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Foreign policy strategy of the USSR in the period between the world wars.Diplomatic recognition of the USSR.Growing military threat in the early 1930s. and problems of collective security.The Munich Treaty and its consequences. Military clashes between the USSR and Japan near Lake Khasan, in the area of ​​the Khalkhin Gol River.Soviet-German relations in 1939-1940. USSR policy at the initial stage of World War II. Expansion of the territory of the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War (6 hours)

German attack on the USSR. The Great Patriotic War: the main stages of military operations.Reasons for failures at the initial stage of the war.Occupation regime on Soviet territory.Battle of Smolensk. Siege of Leningrad. Military-strategic and international significance of the victory of the Red Army near Moscow. The defeat of the aggressor troops at Stalingrad and on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge: a radical turning point in the course of the war. Liberation of the territory of the USSR and military operations of the Red Army in Europe.Surrender of Nazi Germany.Participation of the USSR in the war with Japan.Development of Soviet military art.

Mobilizing the country for war. People's militia.The partisan movement and its contribution to the Victory. Transferring the USSR economy to a war footing.Evacuation of the population and production facilities to the east of the country.Ideology and culture during the war years.Russian Orthodox Church during the war. The heroism of the people at the front and in the rear.

USSR in the anti-Hitler coalition. Allied conferences in Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam and their decisions.Lend-Lease and its meaning.Results of the Great Patriotic War. The Price of Victory. The role of the USSR in World War II and resolving issues of the post-war world order.

USSR in the first post-war decades (4 hours)

The socio-economic situation of the USSR after the war. Mobilization methods for economic restoration.Ideological campaigns of the late 1940s.The Cold War and its impact on the country's economy and foreign policy.Creation of nuclear missile weapons in the USSR.

Power struggle in senior management USSR after the death of I.V. Stalin.XX Congress of the CPSU and condemnation of the cult of personality.The concept of building communism.Economic reforms of the 1950s - early 1960s, reorganization of government and management bodies.

Bipolar nature of the post-war system of international relations.Formation of the world socialist system.The USSR in global and regional conflicts in the 1950s – early 1960s. The Cuban missile crisis and its significance.

Spiritual life in the post-war years.Tightening party control over the cultural sphere.Democratization of public life during the “thaw”. Scientific and technological development of the USSR, achievements in space exploration.

USSR in the mid-1960s - early 1980s. (3 hours)

Economic reforms of the mid-1960s Slowdown in the pace of scientific and technological progress.Shortage of consumer goods, development of the “shadow economy” and corruption.“Stagnation” as a manifestation of the crisis of the Soviet development model.The concept of developed socialism.Constitution of 1977Dissident and human rights movements.Attempts to overcome crisis trends in Soviet society in the early 1980s.

The USSR in global and regional conflicts of the mid-1960s – early 1980s. The Soviet Union and political crises in Eastern Europe."Brezhnev Doctrine".Achieving military-strategic parity between the USSR and the USA.Helsinki process. The policy of détente and the reasons for its failure. The Afghan war and its consequences.

Soviet culture of the mid-1960s - early 1980s. New trends in artistic creativity.Role Soviet science in the development of the scientific and technological revolution.

Soviet society in 1985-1991. (4 hours)

Attempts to modernize the Soviet economy and political system in the second half of the 1980s.The strategy of “accelerating” socio-economic development and its contradictions.Introduction of the principles of self-sufficiency and self-financing, the beginning of the development of entrepreneurship.The consumption crisis and the rise of the strike movement in 1989

Glasnost policy. Abolition of censorship and development of pluralism in the media.Democratization of public life.Formation of a multi-party system.The crisis of communist ideology.Loss of the leading role of the CPSU in the life of Soviet society. Reasons for the growth of tension in interethnic relations. The rise of national movements in the union republics and the policies of the USSR leadership. Declaration of the sovereignty of the Union republics.August 1991 eventsReasons for the collapse of the USSR.

“New political thinking” and a foreign policy strategy based on it. Soviet-American dialogue in the second half of the 1980s.The collapse of the world socialist system.

Humanity at the stage of transition to the information society (11 hours)

Discussion about the post-industrial stage of social development.Information revolution of the late twentieth century. Formation of the information society.Property, labor and creativity in the information society.

Globalization of social development at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. Internationalization of the economy and the formation of a single information space. Features of modern socio-economic processes in Western and Eastern countries.The problem of the "global South".

The system of international relations at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The collapse of the “bipolar” model of international relationsand formation new structure world order.Integration and disintegration processes in the world after the end of the Cold War.European Union.The crisis of the international legal system and the problem of national sovereignty.Local conflicts in the modern world.

Features of the development of political ideology and representative democracy at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The role of political technologies in the information society.Worldview foundations of the “neoconservative revolution”. Modern social democratic and liberal ideology.Attempts to form a “third way” ideology. Anti-globalism.Religion and church in modern public life. Ecumenism.Reasons for the revival of religious fundamentalism and nationalist extremism at the beginning of the 21st century.

Features of the spiritual life of modern society.Changes in the scientific picture of the world.Worldview foundations of postmodernism. High-tech culture. The role of elite and mass culture in the information society.

Russian Federation (1991-2003) (5 hours)

The formation of a new Russian statehood.Political crisis of September-October 1993Adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993. Socio-political development of Russia in the second half of the 1990s. The formation of new political parties and movements.Interethnic and interfaith relations in modern Russia. The Chechen conflict and its impact on Russian society.

Transition to a market economy: reforms and their consequences. "Shock therapy". Structural restructuring of the economy, changes in property relations.Discussion about the results of socio-economic and political reforms of the 1990s.

Presidential elections of 2000. A course towards strengthening statehood, economic recovery, social and political stability, strengthening national security, and a worthy place for Russia in the world community. Changes in the balance of socio-political forces.The role of political technologies in the socio-political life of the country. Parliamentary elections of 2003 and presidential elections of 2004

Russia's participation in the formation of a modern international legal system. Russia in world integration processes. The Russian Federation is part of the Commonwealth of Independent States.Russia and the challenges of globalization.Russia and the problems of combating international terrorism.

Russian culture in conditions of radical social transformations and information openness of society. Search for ideological guidelines. Appeal to historical and cultural heritage. Revival of religious traditions in spiritual life. Features of the modern development of artistic culture.

3. Requirements for the level of graduate training

As a result of studying history at a basic level, the student must


  • basic facts, processes and phenomena characterizing the integrity and consistency of domestic and world history;
  • periodization of world and national history;
  • modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history;
  • historical conditionality of modern social processes;
  • features of Russia's historical path, its role in the world community;

be able to

  • search for historical information in sources of various types;
  • critically analyze the source of historical information (characterize the authorship of the source, time, circumstances and purposes of its creation);
  • analyze historical information presented in different sign systems (text, map, table, diagram, audiovisual series);
  • distinguish between facts and opinions, historical descriptions and historical explanations in historical information;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, the spatial and temporal framework of the historical processes and phenomena being studied;
  • participate in discussions on historical issues, formulate your own position on the issues discussed, using historical information for argumentation;
  • present the results of studying historical material in the form of a summary, abstract, review;

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

  • determining one’s own position in relation to the phenomena of modern life, based on their historical conditionality;
  • using the skills of historical analysis with a critical perception of social information received from outside;
  • correlating one’s actions and the actions of others with historically emerged forms of social behavior;
  • awareness of oneself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethnocultural, religious community, a citizen of Russia.


Calendar and thematic planning for history, grade 10.

Lesson number

Total quantity



Equipment, visibility





History as a science.

History in the system of humanities.

Scheme “Various theories of historical development”

P.1s5-15, tasks No. 2-4


Basic concepts of historical development.

Scheme “Periodization of history according to Morgan”

P.2-3 p.15-36, tasks No. 4,7

Formational approach

The history of Russia is part of world history.

Introduction. The history of Russia is part of world history.




Sources on Russian history



P.4-7 school.6kl:p.1

The earliest history of mankind.

At the origins of the human race.

Map “Settlements of Ancient People”



Neolithic revolution.


P.5 p.47-57, task No. 8


Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia.

The place of the Slavs among the Indo-Europeans.


Map “Settlement of Slavic Tribes”


P.1st. 6th grade.

Eastern Slavs in the VIII-IX centuries.


Map “Slavs and their neighbors in VII-

9th century."


P.1st. 6th grade.

Slavs and their neighbors.


P.2 students. 6 grades.

Religion of the Eastern Slavs.

Presentation “Eastern Slavs in


P.2 p.34-38

P.1st. 6th grade.

Civilizations of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.

Civilizations of the Ancient East.

Map “The Conquests of the Egyptian Pharaohs”

P.6 p.57-67, tasks No. 4-5


Expansion of the area of ​​civilization.

Map "Persian Empire under Darius I"



Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean.

Map "Greek Colonies in the Mediterranean"



The struggle for dominance over the Mediterranean.

Map "Greco-Persian Wars"

P.10 p.88-96, task No. 7

Rise of Rome.

Table "Punic Wars"

P.11 p.96-110, task No. 6

Decline of the Roman Empire.

Table “Causes of the Decline of Rome”

P.12-13 p.110-127, task No. 6


Early feudal empires in Europe and their collapse.


Map "Collapse of the Empire of Charlemagne"

P.14 p.127-136, task No. 1


The emergence of Islamic civilization


Map "The Arab Caliphate at the height of its power"


P.6, general history


Western Europe XII-XIII centuries.



P.19 p.170-179, task No. 3-4

P.6, general history


Formation of centralized states.


Table “Bodies of class representation”

P.20-21 p.179-192, task No. 6,

prepare a message

P.9, general history

Rus' in the 9th - early 12th centuries.



The emergence of the state of Rus'. The first Russian princes.



Map « Ancient Rus' in the 9th-11th centuries."


P.4 students. 6 classes.


The first Russian princes.


Scheme “Svyatoslav’s Campaigns”



Old Russian state under Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise.





P.6 students. 6 classes.


Rus' after Yaroslav the Wise.




P.9 students, 6 grades.


Culture of Rus' in the 10th and early 12th centuries.




P.7 school 6kl.

Russian lands and principalities in the XII-mid-XV centuries.



Political fragmentation of Rus'.


Map "Russian principalities of appanage"



P.9 students, 6 grades.


Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'.


Map “Mongol invasion of Rus'”


P.12 school 6th grade.


The onslaught of conquerors on the northwestern borders of Rus'.


Schemes “Battle of the Neva”, “Ice





Rus' and the Golden Horde.





P.14 school 6th grade.


The rise of Moscow.


Map “Moscow Principality at the beginning of the 14th century.”

P.14 p.183-199

P.18 school 6th grade.


Battle of Kulikovo.


Scheme "Battle of Kulikovo"

P.15 p.199-218



Feudal war in Rus'.




P.16 p.218-225



Culture and life in the XIV-XV centuries. New phenomena in Russian culture.



P.19,23 p.256-271,307-314


The Russian state in the second half of the XV-XVII centuries.


Moscow princes and kings of the Rurik dynasty.



Ivan III: foreign and domestic policy.



Map “Russia at the beginning of the 16th century.”

P.17 p.225-243



Economy, power and church in the 15th century.



P.18 p.243-256



Ivan IV. Reforms of the Chosen Council.


P.20 p.271-281



Foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible.


Map “Russia under Ivan the Terrible”

P.21 p.281-294



Oprichnina, its influence on the life of the country.


Scheme "Alexandrovskaya Sloboda"

P.22 p.294-307



Russia at the turn of the century. Crisis of society and state.






First and second militia. Liberation of Moscow.


Table “Periods of the Time of Troubles”

P.3 p.24-35

P.2 school. 7th grade.

The first Romanovs.



Russia after the Time of Troubles.



P.4 p.35-48

P.3 students. 7 classes.


New features in the development of Russia.




Rebellious age.




Domestic and foreign policy of Alexei Mikhailovich.




P.5 students. 7 classes.


The peoples of Russia in the 17th century and their culture.



P.8 p.82-89 P.10p.101-113

P.8 school. 7th grade.


Russia at the end of the 17th century.


P.9 p.89-101

P.5, history of Russia

New time: the era of modernization.


Early Modern Time.



Age of Great Geographical Discoveries.


Table “Great Geographical Discoveries”

P.26-27 p.220-234, task No. 5

P.21, history of Russia


Western Europe: a new stage of development.


Map "Main trade routes in Europe"


P.17, history of Russia


Bourgeois revolutions. Crisis of the class system.


Table “Development of the English bourgeois revolution”

P.32 p.259-268, task No. 7

P.1-2, history of Russia

From the Enlightenment to the late modern era.



Age of Enlightenment.


Table “Policy of Enlightened Absolutism”

P.33 p.268-280, task No. 7

P.26, general history


War of Independence in North America.


American Revolutionary War Map

P.34 p.280-292, task No. 8

P.3, history of Russia


The Great French Revolution.


Table “Causes of the Revolution in France”

P.35-36 p.292-310, task No. 11

P.32, general history


The Industrial Revolution in England and its consequences.



P.37-38 p.310-324, tasks No. 3.5

P.28, general history


Ideological and political development of Western European countries in the 19th century.


P.39 p.324-332, task No. 3

P.33, general history


Countries of the Western Hemisphere of the 19th century.


P.43 p.358-370, task No. 6


East in the 18th century: the offensive of the colonial system.


Map “India in the 17th-18th centuries”

P.44-45 p.370-384,

task No. 9


Colonialism. Completion of the colonial division of the world.


Map “India and China in the 19th century.”

P.46-47 p.384-399, task No. 5

P.26, general history


The evolution of the system of international relations in modern times.



P.48 p.399-409, task No. 6

Russia in the 18th - mid-19th centuries.


Russia in the 18th century



Peter I. Foreign policy.


Table "Northern War"


P.14 school, 7th grade.


Reforms of Peter the Great.


Table "Peter's Reforms"




The era of palace coups.





P.21 school 7th grade.


Russia in the first years of the reign of Catherine II.





P.24 school 7kl.


Russian foreign policy in the second half of the 18th century.



P.27-28 school 7kl.


Economy, culture and life of Russia in the second half of the 18th century.


P.18s.204-216 P.19s.216-230



Reign of Paul I.




P.20 p.230-239

P.29 school 7kl.

Russia in the 19th century.



Beginning of the reign of Alexander I.




P.21 p.239-252

P.1st. 8th grade.


Patriotic War of 1812


Table "The course of the Patriotic War of 1812"

P.22-23 p.252-282

P.4 students. 8 grades.


Russia after the war. Decembrist movement.


Scheme “The Decembrist Uprising on Senate Square”

P.24-25 p.282-305

P.9 students. 8 grades.


Domestic and foreign policy of Nicholas I.





P.10 school 8kl.


Social and spiritual life of Russia.


P.29-30 p.344-375