Goals and results in the 1st post-war five-year plan. The state of the Soviet economy after the war

Comparing the past and present is necessary to improve the future, while it is advisable not to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. The USSR was a once mighty superpower that at one time made a significant contribution to the development of society. One of the cornerstones of the life of Soviet citizens was the five-year plan. Based on their results, historians can judge the industrialization of the country, compare the achievements of the past and present, find out how far our generation has come technologically and what else is worth striving for. So, the topic of this article is the five-year plan in the USSR. The table below will help structure the knowledge gained in a logical order.

First Five-Year Plan (1928-1932)

So, it began in the name of building socialism. After the revolution, the country needed industrialization in order to keep up with the leading European powers. In addition, only with the help of an accelerated increase in industrial potential was it possible to unite the country and bring the USSR to a new military level, as well as increase the level of agriculture throughout the vast territory. According to the government, a strict and flawless plan was needed.

Thus, the main goal was to build up military power as much as possible. at a fast pace.

Main tasks of the first five-year plan

At the XIV Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, at the end of 1925, Stalin expressed the idea that it was necessary to transform the USSR from a country importing imported weapons and equipment into a country that could produce all this itself and supply it to other states. Of course, there were people who expressed ardent protest, but it was suppressed by the opinion of the majority. Stalin himself became interested in making the country a leader in the first five-year plan, putting it in first place in metallurgy production. Thus, the industrialization process had to take place in 4 stages:

  1. Revival of transport infrastructure.
  2. Expansion of economic sectors related to materials extraction and agriculture.
  3. Redistribution state enterprises across the territory.
  4. Changes in the operation of the energy complex.

All four processes did not take place one by one, but were intricately intertwined. Thus began the first five-year plan for the industrialization of the country.

It was not possible to bring all the ideas to life, but the production of heavy industry increased almost 3 times, and mechanical engineering - 20 times. Naturally, such a successful completion of the project caused quite natural joy for the government. Of course, the first five-year plans in the USSR were difficult for people. The table with the results of the first of them would contain the following words as a slogan or subtitle: “The main thing is to start!”

It was at this time that many recruitment posters appeared, reflecting the main goal and identity of the Soviet people.

The main construction projects at that time were coal mines in the Donbass and Kuzbass, and the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve the financial independence of the USSR. The most prominent structure is the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station. The year 1932 marked the end of not only the first five-year plan, but also the most important construction project for heavy industry.

The new power is strengthening its status in Europe by leaps and bounds.

Five Year Plan number two (1933-1937)

The Second Five-Year Plan in high circles was called the “Five-Year Plan of Collectivization” or “People’s Education.” It was approved by the VII Congress of the CPSU(b). After heavy industry, the country needed development national economy. It was this area that became main goal second five-year plan.

Main directions of the second five-year plan

The main forces and finances of the government at the beginning of the “five-year collectivization plan” were aimed at the construction of metallurgical plants. The Ural-Kuzbass appeared, the first current of the DneproGES was launched. The country did not lag behind in scientific achievements. Thus, the second five-year plan was marked by the first landing at the North Pole of Papanin’s expedition, and the SP-1 polar station appeared. The metro was actively being built.

At this time, great emphasis was placed on among the workers. The most famous drummer of the Five-Year Plan is Alexei Stakhanov. In 1935, he set a new record, completing the norm of 14 shifts in one shift.

Third Five-Year Plan (1938-1942)

The beginning of the third five-year plan was marked by the slogan: “Catch up and surpass the per capita production of developed countries. The government’s main efforts were aimed at increasing the country’s defense capability, just as in the first five-year plan, because of which the production of consumer goods suffered.

Directions of the Third Five-Year Plan

By the beginning of 1941, almost half (43%) of the country's capital investments went to raising the level of heavy industry. On the eve of the war, fuel and energy bases were rapidly developing in the USSR, the Urals and Siberia. It was necessary for the government to create a “second Baku” - a new oil production area that was supposed to appear between the Volga and the Urals.

Particular attention was paid to tank, aircraft and other factories of this kind. The level of production of ammunition and artillery pieces has increased significantly. However, the USSR's weapons still lagged behind those of the West, in particular the German ones, but there was no rush to release new types of weapons even in the first months of the war.

Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946-1950)

After the war, all countries had to revive their production and economy; the USSR managed to almost completely accomplish this in the late 40s, when the fourth term began. The Five-Year Plan did not imply a build-up of military power, as before, but the revival of what was lost in all spheres of society during the war.

Main achievements of the Fourth Five-Year Plan

Just two years later the same level was achieved industrial production, as in pre-war times, even despite the fact that the plans of the second and third five-year plans put forward harsh work standards. In 1950, the main production assets returned to the 1940 level. When the 4th Five-Year Plan ended, industry grew by 41%, and building construction by 141%.

The new Dnieper hydroelectric power station has come into operation again, and all the Donbass mines have resumed operation. On this note, the 4th Five-Year Plan ended.

Fifth Five-Year Plan (1951-1955)

During the fifth five-year plan widespread receives atomic weapons, appears in Obninsk, and at the beginning of 1953, the post of head of state instead of I.V. Stalin is occupied by N.S. Khrushchev.

Main achievements of the fifth five-year plan

Since capital investment in industry doubled, production volumes also increased (by 71%), in agriculture- by 25%. Soon new metallurgical plants were built - Kavkazsky and Cherepovets. The Tsimlyanskaya and Gorkovskaya hydroelectric power stations made the front page in whole or in part. And at the end of the fifth five-year plan, science heard about atomic and hydrogen bombs.

Finally, the first Omsk oil refinery was built, and the rate of coal production increased significantly. And 12.5 million hectares of new land came into use.

Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956-1960)

More than 2,500 of the largest enterprises came into operation when the sixth five-year plan began. At the end of it, in 1959, a parallel seven-year plan began. The country's national income increased by 50%. Capital investments at this time doubled again, which led to the widespread development of light industry.

The main achievements of the sixth five-year plan

Gross industrial and agricultural output increased by more than 60%. Gorky, Volzhskaya, Kuibyshevskaya were completed, and by the end of the five-year plan, the world's largest worsted plant was built in Ivanovo. Active development of virgin lands began in Kazakhstan. The USSR finally had a nuclear missile shield.

The world's first satellite was launched on October 4, 1957. Heavy industry developed with incredible efforts. However, there were more failures, so the government organized a seven-year plan, including the seventh five-year plan and the last two years of the sixth.

Seventh Five-Year Plan (1961-1965)

As you know, in April 1961, the first man in the world flew into space. This event marked the beginning of the seventh five-year plan. The country's national income continues to grow rapidly, increasing by almost 60% over the next five years. The level of gross industrial output increased by 83%, agriculture - by 15%.

By mid-1965, the USSR had taken a leading position in coal mining and iron ore, as well as cement production, and this is not surprising. The country was still actively developing heavy industry and the construction industry, cities were growing before our eyes, and cement was needed for strong buildings.

Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966-1970)

The Five-Year Plan did not imply the production of materials, but the construction of new buildings and factories. Cities continue to expand. L. I. Brezhnev assumes the post of head of state. Over these five years, many metro stations appeared, the West Siberian and Karaganda metallurgical plants, the first VAZ automobile plant (production: 600 thousand cars per year), the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station - the largest station in the world at that time.

Active housing construction solved the problem of deprivation (the echo of the war was still echoing in big cities). At the end of 1969, more than 5 million residents received new apartments. After Yu. A. Gagarin's flight into space, astronomy made a big leap forward, the first lunar rover was created, soil was brought from the Moon, machines reached the surface of Venus.

Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971-1975)

During the Ninth Five-Year Plan, over a thousand industrial enterprises were built, the gross volume of industrial output increased by 45%, and agricultural output by 15%. The automotive industry is actively developing, cars are being repaired and railways. Capital investments exceeded 300 billion rubles per year.

Development of oil and gas wells in Western Siberia led to the construction of many enterprises and the laying of oil pipelines. Since with the advent of a large number of factories the level of the employed population also increased, the “Drummer of the Ninth Five-Year Plan” badge was established (for excellence in labor and production).

Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-1980)

The active increase in national income and industrial output is beginning to decline. Now the country does not need a huge growth of enterprises, but the stable development of all areas of industry is always necessary.

Oil production came to the fore, so over the course of five years, many oil pipelines were built, stretching throughout Western Siberia, where hundreds of stations deployed their work. The number of working equipment has increased significantly: tractors, combines, trucks.

Eleventh Five-Year Plan (1981-1985)

An extremely turbulent time began for the USSR. Everyone in the government felt the coming of a crisis, for which there were many reasons: internal, external, political and economic. At one time it was possible to change the structure of power without abandoning socialism, but nothing of this was done. Because of the crisis, people occupying the leading positions of the state were replaced very quickly. Thus, L. I. Brezhnev remained Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee until November 10, 1982, Yu. V. Andropov held this position until February 13, 1984, K. U. Chernenko - until March 10, 1985.

Gas transportation from Western Siberia to Western Europe. The Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod oil pipeline, 4,500 km long, was built, crossing the Ural ridge and hundreds of rivers.

Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986-1990)

The last five-year plan for the USSR. During her time, it was planned to implement a long-term economic strategy, but the plans were not destined to come true. At this time, many received the badge of a shock worker of the twelfth five-year plan: collective farmers, workers, enterprise specialists, engineers... It was planned (and partially implemented) to establish light industry production.

Five-Year Plans of the USSR: summary table

So, we have briefly listed all the five-year plans in the USSR. The table presented to your attention will help systematize and summarize the above material. It contains the most important aspects for each plan.

Plan Objectives

The main buildings of the five-year plans


Increase at any cost military power and increase the level of production of heavy industry.

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, DneproGES, coal mines in Donbass and Kuzbass.

Heavy industry production increased 3 times and mechanical engineering production 20 times, unemployment was eliminated.

J.V. Stalin: “We must catch up with the advanced countries in 5-10 years, otherwise we will be crushed.”

The country needed to increase the level of all types of industry, both heavy and light.

Ural-Kuzbass is the second coal and metallurgical base of the country, the Moscow-Volga shipping canal.

National income and industrial production increased significantly (2 times), agricultural production - 1.5 times.

Due to the aggressive policy of Nazi Germany, the main forces were focused on the country's defense and the production of machinery, as well as heavy industry.

Focus on educational institutions at the beginning of the five-year plan, after the efforts are transferred to the Urals: airplanes, vehicles, guns and mortars are produced there.

The country suffered great losses due to the war, but its defense capabilities and heavy industrial production made significant progress.


Restoring the country after the Great Patriotic War. It is necessary to achieve the same level of production as in the pre-war period.

The Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station and power plants in Donbass and the North Caucasus are coming back into operation.

By 1948, the pre-war level had been reached, the United States was deprived of its monopoly on atomic weapons, and prices for essential goods had been significantly reduced.

Increasing national income and industrial output.

Volga-Don shipping canal (1952).

Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant (1954).

Many reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations were built, and the level of industrial production doubled. Science learns about atomic and hydrogen bombs.

Increasing investment not only in heavy industry, but also in light industry, as well as in agriculture.

Gorky, Kuibyshev, Irkutsk and

Worsted plant (Ivanovo).

Capital investments have almost doubled, and the lands of Western Siberia and the Caucasus are being actively developed.

Increasing national income and developing science.

Raising basic production assets by 94%, national income increased by 62%, gross industrial output by 65%.

Increase in all indicators: gross industrial output, agriculture, national income.

The Krasnoyarsk, Bratsk, Saratov hydroelectric power stations, the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant, and the Volzhsky Automobile Plant (VAZ) are under construction.

The first lunar rover was created.

Astronomy has advanced (soil has been brought from the Moon, the surface of Venus has been reached), national income grew by 44%, industry volume by 54%.

To develop the domestic economy and mechanical engineering.

Construction of oil refineries in Western Siberia, start of construction of an oil pipeline.

Develops significantly chemical industry after the development of deposits in Western Siberia. 33 thousand km of gas pipelines and 22.5 thousand km of oil pipelines were laid.

Opening of new enterprises, development of Western Siberia and the Far East.

Kama plant, Ust-Ilimsk hydroelectric power station.

The number of gas and oil pipelines has increased.

New industrial enterprises appeared.


Increase the efficiency of use of production assets.

The Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod oil pipeline is 4,500 km long.

The length of gas and oil pipelines reached 110 and 56 thousand km, respectively.

National income has increased, social benefits have increased.

The technical equipment of factories has been expanded.


Implementation of reform economic strategy.

Mostly residential buildings are being built.

Light industry production has been partially established. Increasing power supply to enterprises.

No matter how difficult these plans may be, the results of the five-year plans show the perseverance and courage of the people. Yes, not everything was accomplished. The sixth five-year plan had to be “extended” due to the seven-year plan.

Even though the five-year plans in the USSR were difficult (table - direct to that confirmation), but Soviet people steadfastly coped with all standards and even exceeded plans. The main slogan of all five-year plans was: “Five-year plan in four years!”

Industrialization in a broad sense is understood as the process of transition of all sectors of the country's national economy, and primarily in industry, to large-scale machine production. In a narrow sense, Soviet industrialization of the 30s of the 20th century represents an accelerated increase in the energy, resource and factory capacities of the USSR economy, in order to overcome the catastrophic lag behind the industrialized West.

Socialist industrialization is usually associated with the implementation of the first five-year plans for the development of socio-economic potential Soviet Union. The process of industrialization in the USSR still causes specialists in history, economics and political science to have conflicting assessments of the goals, methods, means and results of this outstanding phenomenon of the 20th century.

In order to get your idea of ​​the process, you need to consider the source data, content and real results of Soviet industrialization.

Despite the embellishment of the achievements of the pre-revolutionary Russian Empire, the industrial potential did not fully satisfy many needs and was mainly under the control of foreign investors. The First World War and the Civil War partially destroyed even what existed. At the time of the formation of the USSR in 1922, the country's economy was in ruins and could not ensure the country's defense capability in a hostile environment.

The need for socialist industrialization of the USSR economy was finally realized by the ruling elite at the XIV Congress of the CPSU(b). The party forum was called the “industrialization congress” because it set a course for the complete achievement of economic independence of the USSR. Despite the fact that the resolutions considered the problem of industrialization only in general meanings, the decisions of the congress were of exceptional importance. The course towards industrialization provided for a super-accelerated pace of development of Soviet industry during the implementation of the plans of the first three five-year plans (1928-1932 and 1933-1937. The third, 1938-1942, was interrupted by the war).

Reasons for Industrialization

After the USSR reached the economic indicators of 1913 by the mid-1920s, the prerequisites for overcoming were identified:

  1. The country's backwardness in the technical and economic field.
  2. Technological and structural dependence of the domestic economy on the West, which significantly weakened the defense capability of the Soviet state.
  3. Underdevelopment of the agricultural sector of the economy.

The preconditions grew into main reason industrialization - the Soviet Union had to turn from a country importing equipment and machinery into a country producing means of production.

Goals of industrialization

The historical situation surrounding the USSR determined the goals of the industrialization process:

  1. The Soviet Union had to follow the path of sustainable scientific and technological development and technological breakthrough.
  2. Creation of a full-fledged defense potential that provided all military needs to protect the country’s borders.
  3. Development of new capacities in heavy industry and metallurgy.
  4. Complete economic independence from other (more developed countries).
  5. Improving the standard of living of the Soviet people.
  6. Demonstration to the capitalist world of the advantages of socialism.

Achieving the set goals was supposed to ensure the USSR's exit from a state of abject poverty to a transition to a phase of growth and all-round prosperity.

Conditions for industrialization

The problems in the national economy were so obvious that it was necessary to tackle them immediately, despite the not very favorable conditions:

  1. Economic development has been hampered by the devastating consequences Civil War.
  2. Acute shortage of qualified personnel.
  3. The country's own production of means of production has not been established; the economy's needs for machinery and equipment are met through imports.
  4. Weakening, and at some points complete absence international economic relations.

Such conditions for industrialization were extremely unfavorable and required decisive measures from the Soviet government.

Sources of funds for industrialization

The process of radical transformation of the country's economy required enormous costs. The sources of financing and implementation of a set of industrialization measures were:

  • Transferring funds from light industry to the development of heavy industry;
  • transfer of material resources for the development of the agricultural sector to the industrial sector;
  • systematic domestic loans among the working population;
  • monetization of the labor enthusiasm of the people (socialist competition, massive overfulfillment of the plan, Stakhanov movement etc.);
  • income from international trade;
  • almost free labor force Gulag.

The West constantly changed its requirements for payment for its supplies of machines and technologies, which sometimes led to catastrophic imbalances (the famine of the early 30s).

Industrialization methods

Initiated state power industrialization was supported by unprecedented enthusiasm of the masses. The command-administrative method of implementing all projects of economic transformation in the USSR dominated. Forced industrialization measures were carried out at an accelerated pace and with serious shortcomings. But this is the case when “quantity grows into quality.”

Progress of industrialization

First Five-Year Plan (1928 – 1932)

As a result of the activities to implement the first five-year plan, there were:

  1. The construction of more than 1,500 industrial enterprises was carried out.
  2. The country's national income has doubled.
  3. The construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant, the largest power plant in the world at that time, was completed.
  4. Metallurgical production was commissioned in Lipetsk, Sverdlovsk (Uralmash), Chelyabinsk, Novokuznetsk, Norilsk and Magnitogorsk.
  5. The production of tractors began in Stalingrad, Kharkov, Chelyabinsk and Nizhny Tagil.
  6. Mass automobile production began at the GAZ and ZIS factories.
  7. Construction of the White Sea Canal.
  8. The construction of the Turksib (Turkestan-Siberian Railway) has been completed.
  9. A new industrial region was created - Kuzbass.
  10. Introduction of a 7-hour working day complete elimination unemployment.
  11. Reached 2nd place in the world in mechanical engineering, iron smelting and oil production, 3rd place in electricity production.

Second Five-Year Plan (1933 – 1937)

  • Over 4,500 large industrial facilities have already been built;
  • Construction of the White Sea Canal has been completed;
  • large-scale construction of the Moscow metro began (the first metro line was introduced in 1935);
  • massive construction of military factories;
  • comprehensive development of Soviet aviation.

Third Five-Year Plan (1938 – 1942)

  1. Over 3 thousand industrial enterprises were commissioned.
  2. The Uglichskaya and Komsomolskaya hydroelectric power stations began operating.
  3. Novotagil and Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky metallurgical plants were built.
  4. Balkhash and Sredneuralsk copper smelters produced products.
  5. The oil refinery in Ufa came into operation.

What did the five-year plans give the country? Their importance for industrialization

Despite certain shortcomings, the successes of the first five-year plans are impressive.

Firstly, the USSR became an overall industrial country.

Secondly, on the eve of the war, according to various estimates, in the structure of the revenue side of the budget, revenues from industry ranged from 50 to 70%.

Thirdly, industrial growth was 2.5 times higher than in 1913.

Fourthly, the USSR took 2nd place in the world in terms of industrial volumes. Fifthly, the Soviet Union achieved complete state and military-economic independence.

Industrialization provided everything without which it is impossible to win a large-scale war.

Results of industrialization: positive and negative

Positive results

Negative results

9,000 new industrial facilities were commissioned.

The people suffered hardships due to the deterioration of light industry and being forced to borrow their funds from the state.

Creation of new industrial sectors: tractor, automobile, aviation, chemical and machine tool manufacturing.

Excesses with collectivization and impoverishment of the village.

Gross industrial volumes increased 6.5 times.

Difficult working conditions for workers and especially prisoners.

The USSR took 1st place in Europe and 2nd place in the world in terms of industrial volumes.

Completion of the formation of a command-administrative and planned economy

The USSR could independently produce all types of industrial products.

The creation of Soviet industry as the basis of a totalitarian state.

The country has urbanized urban population increased to 40%.

Excessive volumes of grain exported abroad, natural resources and even cultural values.

A powerful layer of domestic engineering and technical intelligentsia has been created.

Growth of bureaucracy (the number of people's commissariats and departments has increased significantly).

Unemployment is completely a thing of the past.

Administrative arbitrariness.

Industrialization of the USSR - tough but timely transformations

In the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, the Soviet Union was really threatened by the loss of sovereignty. Only thanks to tough and targeted policies supreme authority, enthusiasm and the greatest effort of the Soviet workers managed to make a powerful industrial breakthrough. The USSR became an independent economic and technical power, capable of providing itself with everything necessary for the reliable defense of its borders.

A democratic form of governance must be established in the USSR.

Vernadsky V.I.

The Second World War was tragic for Soviet society not only in terms of human losses, but also in terms of devastation. The economy of the USSR after the war was in a difficult situation. During the 4 years of war, the USSR lost:

  • 1710 cities and towns.
  • 31850 factories and factories.
  • 1135 mines.
  • 65 thousand km of railway.

All this was destroyed. In addition to this, the country's cultivated area decreased by more than 36 million hectares, and the country's national wealth decreased by 1/3. This was the state of the Soviet economy after the war.

On May 11, 1945, the United States stopped supplies under Lend-Lease, and the USSR began to transfer the economy from a military focus to a civilian one. It is important to note that economic recovery, albeit at a slow pace, began back in 1943. The territories liberated from the Germans were gradually put in order. But the main breakthrough, of course, had to happen after the victory.

Post-war development

The general state of the Soviet economy after the war was difficult, and the economy in key sectors was set back 10-15 years. The USSR had 2 alternative plans for economic development and restoration.

N.A. Voznesensky, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, proposed restoring the economy using the experience of the Civil War. He actually spoke about the resurrection of the NEP, and a focus on private enterprise. In the end, the point of view of Stalin, who spoke about military restoration measures, won.

In 1945-46, the following transformations were made in the country:

  • Abolished State Committee Defense (GKO).
  • Transformation of military People's Commissariat into civilian ones.
  • Transfer of People's Commissariats to Ministries.

At the same time, working conditions are normalized. The state abolishes mandatory overtime work. The length of the working day is again, as before the war, 8 hours. People are provided with annual paid leave. The final restructuring of the USSR economy on a peaceful basis took place towards the end of 1946.

Fourth Five Year Plan

In 1946-1950, the USSR carried out the 4th Five-Year Plan, which was supposed to return the USSR economy to its previous positions. The main tasks of the 4th Five-Year Plan:

  • Industry – increase production volume by 48%.
  • Agriculture – increase productivity by 27%.
  • Salaries – increase by 48%.
  • Card system – cancel.
  • Build 2,700 new enterprises. Repair 3,400 large and medium-sized enterprises destroyed during the war.

The directives of the Fourth Five-Year Plan were approved in March 1946. The indicators were taken based on the increase in pre-war values. An increase in workers' wages by 48% did not mean an increase in the 1944 or 1945 amount, but an increase in the 1940 amount. It was not possible to achieve the planned indicator in agriculture. This is due to severe drought, which resulted in famine in Moldova and Ukraine.

One of the indicators that show the state of the Soviet economy after the Second World War may be the growth rate of labor productivity. Graphically, this data looks like this.

The data shows the percentage change relative to 1913. The figures are taken from the statistical collection “USSR in Figures”, published in 1958. The Soviet leadership often exaggerated the figures, but even if we assume that the figures are doubled, we still get huge growth rates that significantly exceed those of capitalist countries. This was achieved thanks to the Stalinist economic model, which literally saved the country: it prepared it for war and allowed it to overcome its consequences in the shortest possible time.

By the end of 1950, the Soviet economy had been almost completely restored after the war.


Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966-1970) Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971-1975) Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-1980) Eleventh Five-Year Plan (1981-1985) Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986-1990) Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (1991-1995) See also State Planning Committee of the USSR Economy of the USSR Planned economy Industrialization of the USSR Great construction projects of communism


...As for plans for a longer period, the party intends to organize a new powerful rise in the national economy, which would give us the opportunity to raise the level of our industry, for example, three times compared to the pre-war level. We need to ensure that our industry can annually produce up to 50 million tons of iron, up to 60 million tons of steel, up to 500 million tons of coal, up to 60 million tons of oil. Only under this condition can we consider that our Motherland will be guaranteed against any accidents. This will probably take three new five-year plans, if not more. But this thing can be done, and we must do it.

J.V. Stalin. Speech at the pre-election meeting of voters of the Stalin constituency in Moscow on February 9, 1946

15 years later, in 1961, the Soviet Union produced 50.9 million tons of pig iron (101.8% of the mentioned targets), 70.8 million tons of steel (118%), 506.4 million tons of coal (101.2 %), 166 million tons of oil (276.7%).

Economic indicators


In 1945, industrial production as a whole was 92% of the 1940 level.

Fuel industries

In 1945, production in the fuel industries was 77.8% of the 1940 level.

The refineries of the Soviet Union (as before the war) processed almost all the oil produced - the raw materials were not exported.

Oil production in 1945 amounted to 19,436 thousand tons.

Mechanical engineering

The volume of mechanical engineering output in the USSR in 1950 was 2.3 times greater than in 1940. In 1947, 9.6 thousand passenger cars were produced, in 1950 - 64.6 thousand.


In 1950, civil aviation carried 3.5 times more passengers than in 1940.

In philately

  • Postage stamps dedicated to the Fourth Five-Year Plan
  • Rus Stamp-1948-4 Pyatiletka.png

    Stamp of USSR 1269.jpg

    Stamp of USSR 1270.jpg

See also

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  • . “Oil of Russia” No. 2, February 2008.

Excerpt characterizing the Fourth Five-Year Plan

“But you TEACH your students!..” I exclaimed with anguish. “They didn’t know everything right away either, before they came to you!” So teach humanity!!! It's worth it not to disappear!..
– Yes, Isidora, we teach our students. But the gifted ones who come to us know the main thing - they know how to THINK... And the rest are still just “followers”. And we have neither time nor desire for them until their time comes, and they turn out to be worthy of one of us teaching them.
Sever was absolutely sure that he was right, and I knew that no arguments could convince him. Therefore, I decided not to insist any longer...
– Tell me, Sever, what of the life of Jesus is real? Can you tell me how he lived? And how could it happen that with such a powerful and faithful support he still lost?.. What happened to his children and Magdalene? How long after his death did she manage to live?
He smiled his wonderful smile...
– You reminded me now of young Magdalene... She was the most curious of all and endlessly asked questions to which even our wise men did not always find answers!..
The North again “went away” into its sad memory, again meeting there with those for whom it still so deeply and sincerely missed.
– She was truly an amazing woman, Isidora! Never giving up and not feeling sorry for herself, just like you... She was ready at any moment to give herself up for those she loved. For those whom I considered more worthy. And simply - for LIFE... Fate did not spare her, heaping the weight of irreparable losses on her fragile shoulders, but until her last moment she fought fiercely for her friends, for her children, and for everyone who remained to live on earth after death Radomir... People called her the Apostle of all Apostles. And she truly was him... Only not in the sense in which the inherently alien Jewish language shows her in her “sacred writings”. Magdalene was the strongest Sorceress... Golden Mary, as people who met her at least once called her. She carried with her the pure light of Love and Knowledge, and was completely saturated with it, giving everything without a trace and not sparing herself. Her friends loved her very much and, without hesitation, were ready to give their lives for her!.. For her and for the teaching that she continued to carry after the death of her beloved husband, Jesus Radomir.
– Forgive my meager knowledge, Sever, but why do you always call Christ Radomir?..
– It’s very simple, Isidora, his father and mother once named him Radomir, and it was his real, Family name, which truly reflected his true essence. This name had a double meaning - the Joy of the world (Rado - peace) and the Bringer of the Light of Knowledge to the world, the Light of Ra (Ra - do - peace). And the Thinking Dark Ones called him Jesus Christ when they completely changed the story of his life. And as you can see, it has firmly “taken root” to him for centuries. The Jews always had many Jesuses. This is the most common and very common Jewish name. Although, funny as it may be, it came to them from Greece... Well, Christ (Christos) is not a name at all, and in Greek it means “messiah” or “enlightened one”... The only question is, if in The Bible says that Christ is a Christian, then how can we explain these pagan greek names, which the Thinking Dark Ones themselves gave him?.. Isn’t it interesting? And this is only the smallest of those many mistakes, Isidora, which a person does not want (or cannot!..) see.
- But how can he see them if he blindly believes in what is presented to him?.. We must show this to people! They must know all this, North! – I couldn’t stand it again.
“We don’t owe people anything, Isidora...” Sever answered sharply. “They are quite happy with what they believe in.” And they don't want to change anything. Do you want me to continue?
He again tightly fenced himself off from me with a wall of “iron” confidence in his rightness, and I had no choice but to nod in response, not hiding the tears of disappointment that appeared... It was pointless to even try to prove anything - he lived in his own “ the right" world, without being distracted by minor "earthly problems"...

– After the brutal death of Radomir, Magdalena decided to return to where she was real Home, where once upon a time she was born. Probably, we all have a craving for our “roots”, especially when for one reason or another it becomes bad... So she, killed by her deep grief, wounded and lonely, decided to finally return HOME... This place was in mysterious Occitania (today's France, Languedoc) and it was called the Valley of the Magicians (or also the Valley of the Gods), famous for its harsh, mystical majesty and beauty. And there was no person who, having once been there, would not love the Valley of the Magicians for the rest of his life...


(1946-50) - carried out on the basis of the Law on the Five-Year Plan for 1946-50, adopted by the Supreme. Soviet Soviet in March 1946.

As a result, heroic efforts of the peoples of the Sov. Union and Sov. Armies in the Great Patriotic War. the war of 1941-45 was achieved worldwide. victory - defeat Hitler's Germany and the defeat of the Japanese. imperialism. The victory of the USSR meant the victory of the Soviets. society and state building and its Armed Forces.

Successful implementation of three five-year national development plans. of the USSR in the field of industrialization of the country and collectivization. x-va ensured the construction of socialist. society, thanks to which the economy has strengthened. and military the power of the Sov. Union. In 1940, our country produced (compared to 1913) 3.5 times more cast iron, 4.2 times more steel, 5.7 times more coal, 3 times more oil, 9.6 million tons of grain, raw cotton - 3 times, etc. At the same time, there is an increase in the material well-being and cultural level of the peoples of the USSR.

The treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union. Union in 1941 and Nazi occupation. troops of the territory, where 88 million people lived, 33% of industrial output was produced. products of the entire country and 47% of the sown areas were sown, they applied x-wu huge damage. Basic The task of the 4th Five-Year Plan was to restore those affected by the Nazis. occupation of the country's districts, restore pre-war. level of industry and s. x-va, and then surpass this level in means. size and on this basis increase the material well-being of the owls. people. The total output of the entire industry of the USSR in 1950 was 48% higher than in 1940 (205 billion rubles in 1926-27 prices versus 138.5 billion rubles); at the same time, for ferrous metallurgy it is 35% more, for coal - by 51% (250 million tons); for electricity - by 70% (82 billion kWh), etc.; It was decided to complete the restoration of 182 mines in the Donbass in 1949 and build 60 new ones. In the area of x-va to ensure production growth by 27%. On average for 1946-50, grain production amounted to 64.8 million tons (with an average annual average of 6.7 centners per hectare). Exceed pre-war national level income by 38%. At the same time, a plan for the restoration and development of the people was adopted. economies of the union republics.

As a result of the heroic work of the owls. people's efforts to restore the economy are already in the cards. In 1949, gross industrial output in the liberated districts was 106% compared to pre-war. 1940 (and throughout the country - 173% with 148% according to plan); gross output s. farms in 1949 exceeded the pre-war level as a whole. level.

In the 4th Five-Year Plan, capital investments in people. x-in reached 48.1 billion rubles. 6,200 large industrial facilities were put into operation. enterprises, including such as heavy duty mechanical engineering in Kolomna, machine tool building. plant in Ryazan, turbo engine plant in Sverdlovsk, Bryansk Mashinostroit. plant, turbine plant in Kaluga; Zaporozhye and Krivorozhsky metallurgical plants were restored and put into operation. z-dy, the first units at the Transcaucasian Metallurgical Plant came into operation. plant and Kutaisi automobile plant. The following gas pipelines were put into operation: Dashava - Kyiv, Kokhtla-Jarve - Leningrad, Saratov - Moscow. Built and restored large number thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants.

The output of specialists from higher education has sharply increased educational institutions(including those studying by correspondence); in 1946-1950, the country's universities graduated 652 thousand, i.e. 130.4 thousand annually; in 1938 - 40, respectively, 328 thousand and 103.3 thousand, in 1941-45 - 302 and 60.4 thousand. As of October 1. 1950 number of scientific. employees amounted to 162.5 thousand people. (versus 98.3 in 1940). In 1950 in the USSR it was occupied in the people. x 400 thousand engineers.

With the adoption of the 4th Five-Year Plan, the industry was already transferred to the production of citizens in 1946. products. And although the gross industrial output as a result of this decreased by 16% compared to 1945, the increase in citizens. products amounted to 20%. On Dec. 1947 The rationing system for food and industrial goods was abolished. goods and a monetary reform was carried out (see Monetary reforms in the USSR), which played a huge role in the strengthening and development of socialism. economy.

As a result of the implementation of the 4th Five-Year Plan, the pre-war level was not only achieved, but also significantly exceeded.

In the village x-ve commercial wheat production in 1950 exceeded the 1940 level by 2.1 million tons; technical More crops were produced compared to 1940: raw cotton almost 1.6 times, sugar beets - 1.1 times. In livestock farming, the number of cattle increased by 2.3 million heads, sheep and goats - by 13.4 million heads. For the five years since. 536 thousand tractors (translated into 15-horsepower ones) and 93 thousand grain combines (including 39 thousand self-propelled ones) were delivered to the farm. The material and cultural standard of living of the people has increased: national. income compared to 1940 in comparable prices increased by 64%; the population received benefits at the expense of the state in the amount of 13 billion rubles. (2.8 times more than in 1940); was built and restored in cities and workers' settlements of residential buildings with a total area of ​​St. 100 million m2, and in rural areas- 2.7 million residential buildings.

Table Development of the national economy of the USSR (1940-1950) [s]QUARTER.FIVE.JPG

Fulfillment and overfulfillment of the main indicators of the plan further strengthened the socialist. production relations, contributed to accelerating the pace and increasing the scale of expanded reproduction, significantly increasing the material and cultural standard of living of owls. people. The successful implementation of the 4th Five-Year Plan of the USSR made it possible to adopt a new, Fifth Five-Year Plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR.

Lit.: Law on the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the peoples of the USSR for 1946-1950, M., 1946; Statement Message Planning Committee of the USSR and the Central Statistical Office of the USSR. On the results of the implementation of the fourth (first post-war) five-year plan of the USSR for 1946-1950, M., 1951; Directives of the CPSU and the Soviet government on economic issues. Sat. Doc-tov, vol. 3, 1946-1952, M., 1958; Decisions of the party and government on economic issues. Sat. Doc-tov, vol. 3, 1941-1952, M., 1968; Dvoinishnikov M. A., Shirogov V. G., Restoration and development of people. economics of the USSR - a great feat of the party and the people (1946-1955), M., 1967; Development of the socialist economy of the USSR in the post-war period. period, M., 1965.

V. N. Savinkov. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. E. M. Zhukova. 1973-1982 .

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