Fortune telling on a newspaper interpretation. Fortune telling using paper and cigarette ash

The world of shadows has always attracted people with its mysterious power. Fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper is based on reading data from the fortuneteller’s information field and projecting it in the form of shadows. This is a deep meditative process, similar to the ancient mysteries.

Many magicians conducted their seances with the help of fire and believed that they saw souls in the shadows on the wall.

How to choose a day

The ceremony is performed at new moon, Saturday night is best. The patron of this day is the planet Saturn, he is responsible for fateful decisions and creative potential.

If you conduct fortune telling on Christmastide, during the week of mermaids (occurs at the end of May), on green Christmastide, or on the night of Ivan Kupala, the result will be the most accurate.

The most popular days for fortune telling are the beginning of the year: New Year holidays, Christmas or Yuletide when people are interested in what awaits them in the coming year.

Another important factor when choosing a day of fortune telling is the lunar calendar. Beginners should also abandon the ritual in the following lunar days: 1, 19, 29 and last. Favorable days considered: 2, 5, 6, 11, 24 and 27 lunar days.

If desired, fortune telling can be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

Preparing the necessary items

Fortune telling requires maximum concentration of attention, so it is important to create the appropriate atmosphere.

The most important attribute of the ritual is candles. They create a special mysterious atmosphere. They need to be plain, without unnecessary decorative elements. It is advisable to choose light, calm colors, for example, pink or white. The use of red and purple shades is allowed. Black candles are strictly prohibited.

You need to use white and completely clean paper for the ceremony. During combustion, it will decrease in volume, so it is better to take more sheets.

It is better to choose a regular plate, pastel colors, ideally white, without patterns or edging. To prevent the paper from falling out of the dish during the ceremony and causing a fire, it is recommended to choose a deep plate or a plate with wide brims.

You can also use a small metal tray, if you have one of course.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

What can and cannot be used?

  • To perform the ritual, you need to choose a free white wall. If you don't have one in your house, you should hang a white sheet. But it must also be clean.
  • You should not perform the ritual if you are feeling unwell or in no mood.
  • The ritual is carried out in a dark room, it is advisable that there are no unnecessary objects in it. Anything that makes sounds or lights should be removed.
  • Photographs, mirrors and icons can distort information, so you need to get rid of them too. There should be no drafts in the room.
  • The fortuneteller must be alone in the room so that the information is scanned from him. It is worth removing all jewelry, watches, belts and amulets.
  • It is advisable to use a candlestick so that the candle wax does not burn your hands and distract you from the process. Turn off your cell phone.

How to do fortune telling

The process of fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper is quite simple, although it requires careful preparation.

Approximate layout of the plate, paper and candle.

  1. You need to crumple a piece of paper into a ball, straighten it slightly and put it on a plate. If the fortuneteller has specific question, he must write it on this paper. Turn off the lights in the room. A lit candle should be placed next to the plate; already at this moment you can see the first image.
  2. Next, the paper must be set on fire from a candle flame. While burning, you can turn the plate and begin to observe the appearance of various shadows on the wall. Be careful, the images will change very quickly, they can direct the interpretation of the final image in the right direction.
  3. The final result of fortune telling is the “skeleton” of a burnt paper ball. His shadow on the wall is the final answer to your question.

Important! During the interpretation process, it is allowed to turn the plate, but the answer is the first symbol you clearly recognize. All the rest are just hints! If the paper is not completely burned, you should not light it again; it is better to take a clean sheet and start over.

The process of interpreting symbols requires concentration and imagination, as well as an associative view. After all, in many ways what the fortuneteller sees is connected precisely with his personal associations. This method of reading images can show both the very near future and the distant one.

Interpretation of symbols

The figures that appear on the wall can be very diverse; it is important to trust your feelings and intuition when identifying them. Figures with clear lines and rich colors are taken into account; blurry shadows are not significant.

Fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper: the interpretation of figures is similar to the interpretation of dreams. You can look at the interpretation in various sources, turn to a fortune teller, or determine the meanings yourself, guided by intuition.

Newbie mistakes and how to avoid them

Often, when performing the first ritual, beginners make several typical mistakes:

  1. They try to interpret individual fragments without watching the picture to the end;
  2. Having forgotten one of the shadows, they try to mentally reproduce it and lose important drawings that make up the overall picture.
  3. The answer is taken not the first, but the most liked figure.

But it should be remembered that if there are several people in the room, the information fields may become confused and it will be difficult to determine whose future the shadows actually showed.

If the ritual is performed by one person, as expected, it is worth taking a voice recorder with you and recording during the fortune telling process, so that the fortuneteller will not forget anything and will not lose sight of important details.

Image library

To interpret fortune telling by shadows, the meaning of the figures can be taken from this list:

  • Butterfly. Romantic passion, love awaits you.
  • Tower. A promotion awaits you.
  • Hippopotamus. Stagnation, you don’t want to move forward and move from your usual place.
  • Bull. An ill-wisher may appear in your life, from whom you should expect
  • Bottle. Fun, celebration, or alcoholism awaits you.
  • Witch. Possible negative magical effects from a woman, a witch.
  • Camel. Difficult times await you, but you are ready to endure all life's trials.
  • Scales. When making any decision, you need to think it through carefully and maintain a balance. The situation is not expected to change.
  • Wolf. New acquaintances will appear in your life, which will lead to changes in your life.
  • Gates. There will be new events in your life, a change of place of residence, a wedding, new job etc.
  • Rider. Good news will come, or the matter will be resolved successfully.
  • Pigeon. All issues will be resolved peacefully. There is peace and tranquility in your life.
  • Mountains. Obstacles and difficulties await you.
  • Tree. Good luck in business, growth and development.
  • Baby carriage. A new addition is expected to your family. It can also mean new worries.
  • House. In your family life everything is fine, you have a reliable rear.
  • The Dragon. Your life situation is affected by invisible forces; you won’t be able to change the current situation.
  • Hedgehog. You have hidden resources in both the material and spiritual spheres.
  • Lock. You have a strong and confident position in life, you are well protected.
  • Hare. Fear and panic before any new business, unwillingness to take responsibility.
  • Star. The stars favor you.

    It is of great importance in what order the images appear one after another to determine the sequence of events.

  • Snake. Be careful, a dangerous and treacherous person may appear in your life.
  • Boar. You will have a chance to prove yourself at work and get promoted.
  • Ring. You are fixated on your problems. Can also represent a wedding, if confirmed by other symbols drawn.
  • Crown. You will achieve success and recognition by society. Fame and prosperity await you.
  • Cat. You are strongly attached to the past. Another meaning is the appearance in your life of a beautiful and cunning woman who may have a magical effect on you.
  • Ship. Your long-time dream will finally come true.
  • Cross. Danger awaits you; there is a possibility of serious illness or death.
  • Crocodile. A traitor may appear in your life, beware of a stab in the back. Unexpected troubles.
  • Rabbit. Next to you is an unprincipled person who is capable of betraying you and committing a petty act.
  • Rat. A negative event will happen in your life, it will incapacitate you for some time, contact with a person you don’t like.
  • Swan. You have faithful friends, or love, everything is fine in relationships.
  • A lion. You are a brave and determined person. Unexpected support awaits you.
  • Fox. You are deceiving yourself, you need to face the truth.
  • Face. Help is expected from a loved one.
  • Horse. There are some small things in your life everyday problems, they need to be resolved in the near future.
  • Bear. Your affairs are not particularly rosy, but you should not try to change anything yet and just stop.
  • Bag. Unexpected enrichment awaits you, your income will increase.
  • Baby. Talks about imminent pregnancy or childbirth. Or perhaps you'll be starting a new business soon.
  • Mouse. You will be bothered by small worries and anxieties.
  • Rhinoceros. You have a lot of tenacity, but you don't quite know what to do to move forward. It is necessary to set clear goals.
  • Monkey. Soon you will meet a person who will help you make large financial profits.
  • Bird. Success awaits you, a dramatic change in the situation for the better, good news will come.
  • Ruins. Troubles, separation, loss of finances, loss of connections await you.
  • Dog. You have or will have a devoted friend and ally.
  • Elephant. You will meet a significant person.
  • Heart. The current friendship will develop into love in the future.
  • Vehicles (car, ship, plane, etc.). A journey and relocation awaits you quickly.
  • Snail. The resolution of the case will slow down.
  • Flower. Good luck in your affairs, prosperity and well-being awaits you.
  • Church. A wedding or funeral awaits you. What exactly needs to be looked at based on the other resulting images.
  • Kettle. An important period of life will soon end.
  • Turtle. Your business will temporarily come to a standstill.
  • Hat. Fear of action, hypocrisy, attempts to appear to be something other than who you really are.

One of the most common methods of looking beyond the veil of the future at home is fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper. Of course there are many in various ways, with the help of which you can predict future events, but many of them require special knowledge, and the uninitiated are unlikely to be able to use them. Anyone can interpret the shadow of paper.

History of fortune telling

The very first mention of fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper concerns Ancient Egypt. It was from there that it began to spread across Europe and entered the territory of Rus'. So this method spread a long time ago and is still popular among the population. Since ancient times, shadows have been associated with the dead world. And if you ask the representatives correctly the afterlife, they will definitely provide all the required information.

But fire is considered purification according to many religions and cultures. But for fortune telling to really make sense, you need to prepare everything for this. Moreover, there are many nuances that should be taken into account. First of all, you need a special atmosphere, and, of course, you should take into account all the rules of fortune telling.

The influence of the moon and time on fortune telling

Most important factor shadow divination is the time when the ritual is performed. Since ancient times, there have been many different opinions about when exactly it should be held. In principle, this can be done at any time of the year. Much depends on the day and day of the week. Those initiated into the mystical sacraments recommend choosing the night from Friday to Saturday for fortune telling.

Adherents of this opinion begin the ritual at the end of one day, and end at the beginning of the next. According to skeptics, this is directly related to the fact that Saturday is a day off, so you can do whatever you want without worrying about getting up early the next day. But in fact, the reason for this timing is Saturn, which influences our planet on this very night. The giant is believed to be responsible for fate lines, luck and creativity.

But for the Slavs, fortune telling by shadow at Christmas is an old custom, and beliefs say that it is best to do it during the Christmastide period or, as a last resort, at the end of spring, when Mermaid Week begins. Firstly, in ancient times people were very worried about how it would go coming year, and wondered precisely during this period in order to find out what they should prepare for. And secondly, by folk beliefs It is at this time that the veil of the future opens most.

Moon calendar

According to astrologers, when choosing the day to start fortune telling by shadows, it is important to take into account the lunar calendar. It is worth choosing the period carefully, since experts do not recommend performing such rituals on the full moon (this is the fifteenth lunar day). The period of the new moon, the first, nineteenth and twenty-ninth days of the lunar calendar are also considered unfavorable. But the second, fifth, sixth, eleventh, twenty-fourth and twenty-seventh days, on the contrary, are ideal for performing rituals designed to reveal the secrets of the future time.


It is very important to take into account that each person interprets shadow fortune telling depending on his individual worldview, atmosphere and emotional state. Therefore, it is very important to prepare for the process correctly and create an environment in which there will be nothing distracting or confusing.

If there are mirrors or any photographs, paintings that evoke associations and memories, it is better to remove them before fortune telling. It is also very important to ensure that there are no drafts in the room that could distort the result. A person must relax before performing the ritual, get rid of obsessive thoughts and fully focus on the process. The attributes used for the ritual are very helpful in this matter.


The most basic element in shadow divination is candles. They help not only to see the symbols and get an answer to the question, but also to create the necessary atmosphere for the ritual. Many newcomers to this issue are interested in which candles are best to use for the ritual. In magic, each color refers to a specific type of action, but if the goal is simply to have a good time with friends, then ordinary candles of pink, purple, red or white.

Masters do not recommend using candles with decorative elements; they can distort the final result and harm the interpretation of fortune telling by shadow. In addition, you should not use black candles. As for paper, it is better to take completely clean paper without margins or cells.


Before starting fortune telling, the paper must be thoroughly crumpled. Since it will become smaller when burned, it is better to take it right away. large leaf. It is very important to choose the surface on which the paper will be burned, knowledgeable people It is recommended to choose a regular plate of the same color, without patterns.

It is also very important that the shadow of the paper is reflected on a white wall, where there are no paintings, patterns or other distractions. If you don’t have one, you can simply hang a cloth or sheet, just to keep it clean. It is very important to remove all objects that bind energy. These can be hair ties, barrettes, jewelry and belts. It is also recommended to use church candles.

Fortune telling by shadows meaning of figures

The most important point of fortune telling is the actual recognition of figures and deciphering their meaning. There are two ways to interpret symbols. Firstly, you can listen to your own feelings, and try to understand your own perceptions and associations, and understand why they might have arisen and what they mean. Secondly, you can turn to specialized books, where there are general interpretations of images. Basically, each symbol is interpreted based on its metaphorical meaning in different cultures. So, for example, in fortune telling by shadow, a bird means news, mountains symbolize obstacles on the way, and a ring means an imminent marriage, and other objects are interpreted according to a similar principle.

Interpretation of the main figures

A person can see any image: it all depends on his imagination and state of mind. But there is common characters, which people most often see and want to decipher. The most common images of the future are the following.

  • The house is considered good sign, this is calm and stability, the resolution of long-standing problems, sometimes it is interpreted as imminent marriage in shadow divination.
  • A tree has several meanings depending on the arrangement of its branches. If they are aimed upward, then a joyful time awaits the person, he will be very lucky and his wishes will soon come true. If they look down, then this is a warning that some kind of grief will happen soon, and this is not very auspicious sign.
  • Ruins or figures that do not have a specific shape portend trouble and misfortune. It is worth seriously monitoring your health, because fortune telling indicates a possible deterioration in your physical and moral condition.
  • Vehicle(car, plane, etc.) portends a trip or journey. And not just a standard road, but a situation that will radically affect further development life and its change.
  • A wolf or a dog is a symbol warning of the appearance of a person who can change the fortuneteller’s life very dramatically. But it is not yet known whether these changes will lead to positive or negative development.
  • A cave, a pit is one of the most negative signs in shadow divination. It symbolizes severe, long-term illness or death.
  • The silhouette of a person is a sign of the appearance in the future of a significant person who plays an important role in the life of the fortuneteller. Moreover, this could be a lover, a friend or a like-minded person.
  • Animal - warns that your ill-wishers and envious people are weaving intrigues behind your back.
  • Cross - portends troubles, problems, illnesses.
  • The flower is a symbol of romantic feelings, adventure and love.

What else is worth considering

When deciding to perform this ritual, beginners often make mistakes. It is very important to take your time and watch the picture to the end, otherwise the interpretation may be confused and incorrect. You should not be distracted from the big picture, trying to remember minor points, you can lose the thread of interpretation.

First, you should carefully examine all the shadows, and only after that begin to disassemble the symbols you see. Naturally, you should turn off the phone, close the curtains and remove all distractions that could interfere with the ritual. In fortune telling by shadows, the meaning of the figures can be different, much depends on how the person himself perceives this or that symbol.

Fortune telling on burning or burnt paper is a rather interesting and colorful way of fortune telling. Fire is a special force, subject only to nature, that can tell you about the future, about love and your desires.

We have already looked at several methods previously, such as or. In this article we will take a closer look at burning paper, which has a special energy that it takes from the fire.

Simple fortune telling on burning paper

As always, let's start with simple fortune telling. Take a piece of paper and a match. Mentally make a wish or ask a question, then write it on a piece of paper. Take the leaf by the tip from below so that the leaf stands vertically and set it on fire from above using matches. If the paper burns to the end, then the wish will come true, and the answer to your question will be YES. Otherwise, it will not come true and NO.

Fortune telling by burning paper shadow

For the next method we will need a dark room and your imagination. The preparations remain the same, take a piece of paper and matches. Secure the piece of paper between your fingers at the bottom corner and place it vertically. Light the top corner. Burnt paper will cast a shadow. Watch for shadow marks on the wall. You will see different images, people, animals, objects, faces. All this will happen on the way to your desire. For such fortune telling, you will need not only imagination, but also the ability to interpret these images. In this case, it all depends on the situation; the surest way is to remember the sequence of images or record it on a voice recorder, and then, in a calm atmosphere, determine the connection between the images and the situation.

Shadow from a candle, burning and burnt paper

The method is similar to the previous one, but we will put a piece of paper in a saucer and set it on fire there. Light a candle from the burning paper and place it next to the saucer. The shadow of the paper flame will be more distinct and the images more accurate. After the leaf goes out, you will be left with a piece burnt paper, which will give a shadow in the light from the candle flame. The new distinct shadow has highest value. You will be able to see the face of a person, an animal, mythical images. By comparing your situation and the images from the shadow, you can find out what awaits you on the way to your goal, what interferes, what helps. To interpret, you need to be imaginative and wise, with knowledge of the current situation and your desire. Negative images such as the devil, snake, teeth speak of problems and future experiences. Images of people - support on the way to the goal, images of pets - comfort, protection, help from relatives. Home, wind - travel.

Difficult fortune telling by burning paper

In this way fortune telling by burning paper you will need matches and 13 identical pieces of paper. Write on each one of the options for completing the events, put them in a glass with water at the bottom. The first one that pops up will give the correct answer. After reading the answer, you must burn all 13 pieces of paper. It is important that the sheets are completely identical.

New Year's wish

And finally, the most known method make wishes using burning paper. Almost every one of us makes wishes on New Year we hope that they will come true. We will need a glass of champagne, a piece of paper, matches and a pen, and the New Year's chimes. Make a wish in advance. At the moment of the first strike, start writing your wish, at this time champagne should be poured for you (if it has not already been poured). Burn the paper with a match and throw the ashes from the burnt paper into a glass. After which you need to drink the glass in one gulp and have time to do this before the 12th strike!

Available in several versions. Traditional is fortune telling on burnt paper with the interpretation of the shadow from a handful of ash. It is one of the most mysterious, and this should not be surprising, since best time For him it is considered midnight. Fortune telling must be done by candlelight. It is also necessary that the room is dark. Having prepared a pencil or pen, it is better to concentrate on the question to which you want to know the answer. Then you should write own wish on a piece of paper.

Fortune telling process

Fortune telling on burnt paper begins like this. The candle is lit and placed on a chair or table in front of the wall. A sheet of newspaper or paper is first crumpled. Then it is placed in a flat plate. After the paper is ignited by a candle, you need to observe the shadow cast on the wall while the paper is burning. Sometimes even during the combustion process you can notice something specific. At the moment when the paper fades, a shadow with a distinct outline appears on the wall. Burnt paper, or rather the form of ash, should not be moved or destroyed. Next you will need your imagination. The future will be judged by the figure that has been created. Fortune telling on burnt paper “draws” quite interesting iconic figures. The most significant interpretation comes from a number of basic symbols. If fortune telling on burnt paper causes visual difficulties, if you cannot see anything, then the plate with ashes can be slowly rotated around its axis. This is done until some symbolic image appears. But it’s better to judge by first impression.

Shadow symbols

The interpretation of fortune telling on burnt paper is very diverse.

  • A human silhouette predicts the appearance of a new groom, admirer or friend.
  • Stripes and lines - for moving, long journey, travel.
  • A flower means a date, a spicy adventure or even a wedding.
  • The cross portends troubles and problems, illness, death.
  • The trait prophesies big troubles or temptation, which, if you succumb to it, will cause problems.
  • The outline of a castle or building - for a wedding.
  • Cat silhouettes indicate an imminent romantic interest, flirting, slight love, but without continuation.
  • A shadow in the shape of a bird means significant changes in life. Moreover, if the bird is heading up, then they will become good, if down, they will be bad.
  • Pig - they may plant one on you, someone will respond with ingratitude.
  • Horse - deception awaits you. This applies to your home or property, so be vigilant.
  • A haystack - for sitting at home.

Fortune telling by numbers

During fortune telling for girls on paper by numbers, you need to write on a piece of paper the question of interest in the form of a statement or denial. After this, the number of letters is counted. The answer will be the value corresponding to the resulting figure. If the number of letters is two-digit, then you need to add the numbers until the result is one (for example, forty-eight... four plus eight equals twelve... one plus two equals three). The leaf is burned. The meanings for this type of fortune telling on paper are as follows: 1 - everything is known as it is; 2 - yes; 3 - no; 4 - yes, but troubles cannot be avoided; 5 - most likely; 6 - this is unlikely; 7 - quite possible; 8 - probably not; 9 - the probability of this is very low.

Fortune telling on burnt paper is the most ancient ritual. ABOUT this method written even in the cultural monuments of Ancient Egypt. The principle of the entire procedure is very simple; the main thing is to be able to correctly interpret the results obtained.

The oldest ritual is fortune telling using burnt paper.

Preparing for fortune telling

The most difficult thing in this fortune-telling is following all the rules to obtain truthful results.

This ritual should be approached very seriously, namely:

  1. First you need to select right time. Under no circumstances should you guess full moon. On this day there is a high probability of attracting a lot of evil spirits. The most favorable time The first days of the new moon are for fortune telling.
  2. The most favorable day for the ritual is the night from Friday to Saturday. It is very important to start the procedure before midnight. But it must be completed after 12. If you comply with all these time frames, the value will be more accurate.
  3. In the room where fortune telling will be carried out, it is advisable to remove all mirrors. Because of them, the information will be modified and therefore it will be difficult to obtain an accurate result.
  4. There should be no photographs in the room. Otherwise, fortune telling will be aimed at the information field of this person.

If there are photographs in the room, they must be removed

When doing fortune telling, you should not be nervous, worry, or advertise your intentions to other people. During the ritual, you should not be immediately distracted by the appointments. It is better to simply remember or write down all the images that were visible in the shadows.

Fortune telling procedure

For fortune telling, you need to prepare a wax or paraffin candle, a large flat plate and paper. The last element should be chosen very responsibly. Fortune telling by shadows will be very effective if you take a newspaper. She has large sheets and they wrinkle well. If you don’t have newspapers on hand, you can use writing paper. It is better not to choose sheets for the printer, as they burn very poorly.

We take a sheet of paper in our hands and crumple it. No need to make a tight ball. It is better if it is a shapeless lump. Place the prepared paper on a plate and light the candle. After this, you should turn off the light and see what shadow is cast by the lump of crumpled paper. This image is also worth remembering or writing down. After this, the paper is set on fire.

We begin to look very carefully at the shadows that move away from the burning paper. The resulting clear symbols are worth remembering or writing down. You need to slowly turn the plate with burnt paper and look for new images. And this continues until everything is completely burned out. This is not the end of fortune telling on burnt paper. A plate with burnt paper is brought to the candle and the shape of the ash is examined.

Newbie mistakes

Fortune telling on paper shadows requires very strong concentration, which is why many beginners make mistakes. To avoid this, you should listen to the following:

  1. The plate should turn very slowly, this will allow you not to miss a single symbol.
  2. There is no need to highlight individual fragments; you should look carefully at the whole picture and put the image together.
  3. They don’t write down the resulting images and end up forgetting about what they saw. To avoid this, you can use a voice recorder.
  4. Shadow fortune telling is best done alone. If you perform the ritual with friends, the predictions will be confused due to the presence large quantity information fields.

When interpreting the meaning of the figures, it can turn out to be complete gobbledygook. If everything turns out very confusing, then it is better to leave everything until the morning. After a night with a fresh mind, it’s better for all the interpretations to come together.

Interpretation of results

The interpretation of fortune telling by the shadow of burnt paper after completing the entire procedure must be taken very seriously. If a symbol is very clearly visible, this means that its meaning is most important. The second most important figure is the one that has been kept in the shadows the longest. Only after this do they move on to considering all other symbols when fortune telling on a burnt newspaper.

A wide variety of images can be formed on the shadows of paper. Here you need to be in harmony with your feelings and intuition. If you told fortunes but did not understand anything, this means that you are not in the mood for the ritual. If you burnt all the paper and didn’t notice a single symbol, you shouldn’t start over. It is better to repeat the fortune telling in a week.

The meaning of the most common figures:

  • Butterfly. Love and romance awaits.
  • Star. Everything will work out.
  • House. Prosperous family life.
  • Mountains. A life streak with obstacles and difficulties awaits.
  • Tree. Successful business development.
  • Ring. It’s worth throwing all the problems out of your head, they prevent you from thinking soberly.
  • Ship. Making a dream come true.
  • Cross. Dangerous moment, serious illness, death.
  • Heart. Friendly relations will develop into love.
  • Birdie. Good news, a sharp improvement in the situation.

If you were able to see the image of a bird, then only good news awaits you

Let's consider the meaning of the symbols denoting animals:

  • Horse. There are everyday difficulties that it is advisable to solve as soon as possible.
  • Bear. There is a “gray streak” in life, but it’s not time to change anything yet.
  • Fox. On you pink glasses, it's worth removing them.
  • A lion. The emergence of unexpected support from others.
  • Wolf. New acquaintances will radically change your life.
  • Bunny. Any new business is accompanied by fear and panic, because there is no desire to be responsible.
  • Hedgehog. There are hidden material and spiritual resources.
  • The Dragon. The life situation is under the influence of invisible forces, so it cannot be influenced in any way.
  • Cat. There is a strong connection with the past or the appearance of a cunning woman nearby who will use magical powers.
  • Mouse. Worry over trifles.

I would also like to note a few positive images:

  • Swan. Having true friends nearby.
  • Boar. Appearance great opportunity Show your abilities at work and get promoted.
  • Gates. New stage in life: wedding, new job, new home, etc.
  • Crown. Gaining public recognition.
  • Bag. Unexpected improvement in financial situation.
  • Monkey. The appearance of a person who will help you acquire large material profits.
  • Dog. A good friend will appear in life.
  • Flower. Good luck in any endeavor.
  • Tower. Promotion on the career ladder.
  • Pigeon. Calmness and tranquility.

The image of a baby or a baby stroller can indicate a new addition to the family.

The image of a pram or baby can indicate an imminent addition to the family.

And also silhouettes to watch out for:

  • Crocodile. The appearance of a traitor swipe in the back.
  • Witch. You will be damaged.
  • Ruins. Unpleasant events, divorce, financial difficulties.
  • Kettle. Your life path comes to the end.
  • Snake. The likelihood of a dangerous and treacherous person appearing in your life.
  • Rat. A negative turn is expected soon, which will knock you off your feet for a while.

It is very important to consider the order in which the images appear. This speaks about how fate will develop.

They have been telling fortunes by shadows for many years. They allow you to look into the future and guide you on the right path. The main thing is not to use this method often. Turning to the shadows should only be done when absolutely necessary. In this case, there is no doubt about the accuracy of the predictions.