Before her death, Yana Prezhevskaya lost everything “thanks” to random friends. The ex-husband of the deceased Yana Prezhevskaya found her replacement Maria Rotan a game of family

A family confidant told who, in her opinion, is to blame for the death socialite

Socialite Yana Prezhevskaya passed away in February of this year. But still.

We managed to find a person who is closely acquainted with the family of the deceased. Nikita V. agreed to frank interview“MK”: “Let’s put an end to this whole story. I’ll tell you how Yana really died... And who was with her in her last days.”

Photo from personal archive.

“Nikita sold Yana’s apartment for a pittance. We suspect that he took the proceeds for himself,” this was the accusation leveled against the man by the girlfriend of the deceased.

We met with the “accused” in a city cafe.

— Yana has been gone for three months. And throughout all this time, Prezhevskaya’s friends are trying to get to the bottom of some truth, conducting their own investigation, looking for those who could allegedly kill Yana, accusing her husband Evgeniy Frolov of all mortal sins,” Nikita V. began the conversation. “I want to tell you, how and why the fall of Prezhevskaya actually happened. And believe me, Frolov and I tried to pull her out of the hole in which she found herself of her own free will. Did not work out.

Nikita V.: “Frolov and I tried to save Yana...” Photo from personal archive.

— After Yana left her rich husband, you apparently decided to sell her apartment. Prezhevskaya’s friends accuse you of deception: they say they sold your home for pennies.

- About girlfriends - another story. They all made themselves known only after Yana’s death, because they felt: they could make a name for themselves on Prezhevskaya’s theme, for example, appear on television. And when Yana was feeling bad, none of them extended a helping hand to her. None. As for Prezhevskaya’s apartment: Yana sold the apartment on Shabolovka herself through an agency. I have nothing to do with this story. She received 22 million rubles for housing. It didn't cost more. It was an ordinary typical “three ruble”, and it was also killed. Yana received all the money in her hands.

— It turns out that Prezhevskaya was robbed by completely different people?

— In 2011, Yana fell in love with tennis coach Denis. Their romance lasted two years. And then, in 2013, Yana became friends with the “trinity” - Ruslan, Taya and Eva. At that time, she had already left Frolov and was renting an apartment in Sosny, which cost her 85 thousand a month. These are the people who cleaned out Prezhevskaya.

- Whose money did she use to rent the apartment?

“When she left her husband, she was not left on the street penniless, as they wrote earlier. Yana took jewelry, cars, things. She had money that she gained from the sale of a Moscow apartment. She was not poor.

Yana Prezhevskaya with her husband Evgeny Frolov. Photo from personal archive.

- Why did she take the things and not the children? Did all three sons stay with their father?

— We won’t touch the topic of children. Evgeniy protects them as best he can from all this fuss. Although this is not easy to do.

“They say that the reason that her husband forbade Yana to communicate with her children is because of her lifestyle. Was she drinking?

- Yes, Yana drank...

At some point, Zhenya decided for himself that he had a different life program: he raised children, went fishing, played sports, worked from morning to night. The weight of domestic problems also always lay on Zhenya’s shoulders.

- Why did such a positive husband end up with such a useless wife?

— Yanka lost it in one moment.

- Because of which?

“It’s hard to say what went wrong in her head.” When she met Denis, that’s when she “went off the rails.” Perhaps she was overtaken by a midlife crisis and could not cope with it.

— Did Yana and Denis’ romance develop before your husband’s eyes?

- Yes, everything happened in Barvikha, where they lived. One day, Yana stopped even hiding her relationship. It got to the point that Yana was drinking with Denis in one restaurant, and in another establishment, on the contrary, friends of her family were having dinner.

- Why did Yana like this Denis? Was he clearly inferior in status to Frolov?

— Denis is an ordinary guy, almost 20 years younger than Yana. He played tennis with the children of Prezhevskaya and Frolov. Perhaps Denis wanted a good, well-fed life. He realized that Yana was his chance, which he needed to grab onto. There won't be a second chance. He used it. Whether he was playing at love or whether he actually liked Prezhevskaya, I can’t say. Yana herself sincerely believed that he truly loved. I tried to convince Prezhevskaya that he loved her bank account more. He hammered basic things into her head: “You are 39 years old, and he is 20. He sits in the fitness room as an instructor and sees 18-24 year old girls around him. And no matter how much money you have, you won’t buy yourself years. Look at things realistically." But it was as if Yana was being zombified, she didn’t hear me, she kept repeating like a habit: “I want to believe in love, maybe it’s the last one in my life.”

- Maybe it really was love?

— At some point, Denis decided to leave Russia for America, where his parents lived, and open a sports club there. Naturally, there was no money for the project. Yana gave him part of the funds. Then she also went to him. I remember calling me from there with one request: “Nikita, I’ve run out of money, transfer it to my account.” She was missing what was originally on the map. And there were huge sums. Yana spared nothing for the guy - she took him to the most expensive resorts: the Maldives, Bali. Did he ask her for money? Yes, I begged for it. I heard their conversations, talked to him, I know what I’m talking about. But to be honest, she gave him everything at will, because I believed in the love of this person. Denis, in turn, was embarrassed by her age and did not approve of her having children. Gradually their relationship faded away. Three months later, Yana returned to Russia. And Denis opened a club in America. He promised to transfer 25 percent of the proceeds to Yana. Didn't transfer a penny.

Photo from personal archive.

— By that time, a new woman had already appeared in Frolov’s life, a young Kiev woman Maria Rotan...

— Maria appeared later. And this is the personal life of Evgeniy Valentinovich. The new common-law wife does not appear in this story; there is no need to touch her.

“Frolov fought for his wife’s life until the last moment. Paid for all her hospitalizations"

— After Yana said goodbye to Denis, people loomed on the horizon and robbed her completely. Where did they come from?

— Scammers Ruslan, Taya and Eva appeared suddenly. It seems that Ruslan rented an apartment in Sosny, next door to Yana. Otherwise they would not have been able to meet. Yana was not the kind of person with whom you could exchange a few words on the street at the entrance. She always came down from the apartment, got into the car and drove away. I never talked to strangers, never gossiped with anyone, never smiled at anyone. Ruslan and two young ladies appeared near Yana at the same time. Their actions were coordinated. Obviously they were in cahoots from the very beginning. And they knew very well who Prezhevskaya was. But as long as Frolov, I and Yana’s mother were next to her, we could control the situation. Yanka has completely given up over the past year. Her hepatitis progressed with terrible force. In addition, she was diagnosed with a complex form of encephalopathy - when the blood supply is disrupted, brain death occurs. Of course, all her ailments were aggravated by alcohol abuse.

— In the photographs, Yana does not look like a depressed woman.

“You can’t call her an alcoholic, but Yana drank a lot. She was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

Doctors at the hospital restarted the organ; Yana was in intensive care. An epileptic attack occurred there. The doctors miraculously got her out. At that moment, I was next to Yana, Zhenya Frolov was paying all the bills. He incurred considerable expenses: Yana’s stay in the clinic cost 500 thousand rubles a week. Frolov made sure that even during the rehabilitation period, Yana’s food was brought from her favorite restaurants. Zhenya tried to help, despite all their personal troubles. At some point it became scary to look at him. I saw that the man was mentally tired and realized that it was useless to fight. Yana’s mother, Lidia Ivanovna, followed her daughter around and forced her to take medications. I tried to persuade her not to drink and to eat. But as soon as Yana came to her senses, she immediately began shouting that she was independent and should not interfere in her life. Well, at that moment she was gradually being treated by new “friends”. As a result, they did everything possible to make her stop all communication with me, with my mother, with Frolov. They even managed to fire Yana’s driver, Shukhrat, who followed her everywhere and protected her.

— How did three “comrades” manage to take control of an adult woman?

“This remains a mystery to everyone.” They convinced Yana that they would help her survive. They offered to open a store, where Yana spent her last money. As you understand, the store was not open. When Yana left Frolov, she took two Mercedes. One of them, white, was later pocketed by Ruslan. Instead, he drove a Ferrari to Yana. He told her: take a ride around Barvikha, show her new passion Frolova, that you are cooler than her. As a result, Yana lost her Ferrari, her Mercedes, and her money. She did not deal with the loss, because at that moment she began to have serious problems with vision. She began to rapidly lose her vision and could not read SMS messages on her phone. And again Frolov undertook to help her. It was he who sent her to the clinic, where her retina was restored with a laser. Then, by some miracle, I temporarily pushed her gop company aside. Gradually her vision returned. And Yana came to her “friends” again. And then the moment came when we completely lost control over Prezhevskaya. That’s when all her jewelry disappeared and money disappeared from her accounts. The police once stopped Ruslan; in his car they found Yana’s bags worth 20-40 thousand euros. He justified himself easily: “Yana ordered to sell.”

— Is it true that Prezhevskaya wrote receipts to her new “friends” that they could dispose of her things?

— Nothing really was written. She only issued a power of attorney for the jewelry. Otherwise she trusted them. At that moment, Yana was severely depressed and needed professional medical help. The people who surrounded her tried to do everything to keep Yana alive, but were unable to control the situation. They held Prezhevskaya either in drunkenness, or in a comatose state. IN recent months No one was allowed near her anymore.

“If she had told Zhenya: “Let’s start all over again,” he would have wavered.”

— The influential Frolov knew about the swindlers, why didn’t he stop this chaos?

- How to stop if Yana didn’t let you? After all, there was no obvious crime. In fact, she and her friends were simply trying to open a store. “Friends” inspired her: “We are selling your things, jewelry, cars, so that you can be treated and live normally. We will open a store that will bring you profit.”

- How about “talking” to these people like a man?

— Yana didn’t let anyone near her friends. We didn't put pressure on her.

— Did Yana often turn to Frolov for help?

“The help that Yana asked from Zhenya was provided in full. He paid for all hospitalizations. There were plenty of them. Last time, when Yana was pulled from the other world, resuscitators warned us that she needed either a liver transplant or a powerful drug treatment. Frolov thought to send her to Germany for treatment. Did not have time…

— How did you understand that it was time to hospitalize Prezhevskaya if you practically didn’t see her?

— How did I understand that she needed hospitalization? Sometimes he still came to her home. I saw that she yellow color, sleeps 24 hours a day and cannot wake up. A fool will understand that he needs to call a doctor. Zhenya brought her to the clinic literally in his arms, in his car. Yes, he was angry about this situation, but he did everything that depended on him, tried to save Yana. He offered her any treatment. He paid doctors extra to monitor her condition. But as soon as Yana felt better, she forgot that she had sworn not to drink anymore, sent Zhenya, and everything was repeated all over again. Vicious circle. Meanwhile, Frolov continued to work, take care of the children, and organize their leisure time. By the way, Frolov also paid for Yana’s funeral.

- But you didn’t come to the funeral yourself?

“We didn’t want to see Yana in a coffin.” We wanted to remember her as cheerful and happy. After her death, Evgeniy gathered everyone at his place and organized a wake. Despite everything, Zhenya loved her to the last. And if she had told him “let's start all over again,” he would have flinched. But she didn't call him...

— Were you at Yana’s last apartment, where she died?

- Yes, she lived in an apartment on Sokol. There is nothing valuable left there anymore. All the things were taken from there: watch collections, large and expensive sets, silverware, which costs serious money, and the entire collection of designer fur coats was sold. About bags evening dresses worth a couple of tens of thousands of dollars, I’m already silent. For example, her sable fur coat alone cost about 200 thousand euros. It was bought in France and sewn to order.

Prezhevskaya had mink knitted coats, which were sewn in a single copy especially for her at the Christian Dior fashion house. She ordered Hermes bags in unique colors that no one else had. They cost 25-28 thousand euros. I remember when I came to her, she asked me to help her get a loan for 40 thousand rubles. Done. She immediately transferred all the money to Eva and said that she needed to pay for the construction of a mythical store.

I then inquired about the fate of her second, black, Mercedes. Yana sighed: “The car is at the pawnshop.” Her friend and Ruslan took her jewelry on her word of honor and said that they would appreciate it and return it. Yana was also a VIP client of one bank. She had a card on which 2 million rubles were frozen. We didn't find this money either. Where did it all go? These people on Prezhevskaya warmed their hands well.

-Where are they scammers now?

- On the run. I cannot comment on some points while the investigation is ongoing. Frolov took up this issue.

Photo from personal archive.

— Why was Yana’s body covered in bruises after her death? Is there any reason to believe that she was beaten before her death?

- No, Yana died a natural death. As for the bruises, she's had bruises all over her body for the past few years. Individual feature skin. After her death, we were presented with a report from the pathologist of the 67th hospital. There was no crime there...

Maria Frolova, former Rotan: “Mozhaika 10” and the witch’s potion The founder of “Mozhaika 10” Maria Rotan killed the wife of oligarch Evgeny Frolov and took her place From Rotan to Frolov: the path of the founder of “Mozhaika 10” is paved with corpses, intrigues, scandals In her clinic “ Mozhaika 10" Maria Frolova brought her competitor to death Home wrecker and murderer Maria Frolova. The role of her clinic “Mozhaika 10” in the death of the oligarch’s wife

Evgeny Frolov came under the influence of a certain Maria Rotan, the mother of three children and the ex-wife of the Dneprpetrovsk football player Rotan. Maria's mother, a seventh-generation witch, bewitched Evgeniy and made him break married couple. Family relationships crumble within a year. Evgeny Frolov, intoxicated by a love potion, hires a young tennis coach who seduces Yana and gives Frolov a reason to separate completely from his wife. Yana leaves. The children stay with their father. During the year, Mrs. Prezhevskaya, having multi-million dollar fortune, loses everything, surrounded by a pack of charlatans and scammers. To escape reality and depression, Yana begins to drink heavily. Six months later, she was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where she spent almost 5 months. She leaves there as a completely broken person, a “vegetable,” as her friends say. Doctors strictly forbid Yana from drinking - she has had hepatitis C since childhood. She calls the children, but phone numbers replaced at the urgent request of Maria Rotan. She has been harassing Yana over the last year of her life through SMS and Facebook. It was Maria Rotan who posted from the page of Yana’s eldest son, Valera, photographs of the beaten Yana with the inscription that she is a fraudster, borrows money from everyone and does not give it back. Yana is devastated by this news. She gets drunk and….. She lay unconscious for 3 days. Emergency doctors diagnosed a closed head injury and numerous bruises.

On February 13, 2015, 41-year-old Yana Prezhevskaya died. It was this number that Maria Rotan’s mother, Lina Ignatieva, prophesied when Yana was supposed to die - the thirteenth. Everything has come true!

The ex-husband of the deceased Yana Prezhevskaya found her replacement

In the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program, new details of the last years of the socialite’s life became known. The ex-husband of the deceased socialite, oligarch Evgeny Frolov, brought her into the house new woman and forced the children to call her mom. One of the most big stories This week was the death of the famous socialite and ex-wife of millionaire Yana Prezhevskaya. A woman was found dead in her rented apartment, lying naked under her bed. According to her friends, who found the beaten woman, Prezhevskaya was still alive, but could barely utter a word. On February 7, the oligarch’s ex-wife was taken to one of the Moscow hospitals, where doctors fought for her life for a week. On February 14, Prezhevskaya passed away. And at her farewell, which took place three days later in one of the capital’s churches, neither her ex-husband nor her three sons came. The death of the owner of the rare collection of Graff jewelry shocked secular Moscow and gave rise to a lot of rumors. Versions appeared on the Internet that Yana’s eye was allegedly gouged out. Also, many friends of the socialite claimed that Evgeny Frolov, her ex, had something to do with the brutal beating of Prezhevskaya. common-law husband. There were also those who started talking about the man with whom Yana lived in Lately. All that is known about the mysterious gentleman is that his name is Denis, and Prezhevskaya went into debt to help him open his own sports club. According to her friends, the mysterious Denis simply disappeared, leaving Yana with a lot of debts. Also, Prezhevskaya’s entourage claims that for the last two years she was deeply depressed and seriously ill. Over the course of a week, interviews with Yana Prezhevskaya’s friends appeared in various Russian publications, who said that she had cirrhosis of the liver and that at one time doctors determined that she had cancer. However, later the diagnosis was not confirmed. Some of the girls came to the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program to tell more about the last years of the life of one of the most prominent representatives of the social scene. Kristina Alpatova appeared in the studio of the program and immediately stated that she had a chance to talk with the doctor who treated Yana when she was admitted to the hospital. According to the girl, she was never allowed to see her friend, no matter how much she tried to persuade the doctors. However, the woman managed to record the conversation with the health worker on camera. “There are no other injuries other than the skull injury. There are injuries on the body that were not life threatening. She couldn’t communicate with us, the staff,” said the doctor. The friend of the deceased herself claimed that Prezhevskaya suffered from anorexia. Allegedly, Yana stopped eating normally six months ago. In a few months, Prezhevskaya lost 30 kilograms. Christina also stated that Yana’s ex-husband once idolized her. “My husband spoiled her, it’s true,” Christina said. - The love was very strong. Then I don't know what happened. Maybe another woman showed up. He sent her to Bali for six months so that she would be in exile. She said that he became cold towards her. He started beating her. She herself did not leave him, he threw her out like a kitten. He brought a Ukrainian woman, Maria Rotan, into the house. I registered her at school as the mother of the children, that is, they couldn’t even let Yana go there.” As it turned out, new lover Ukrainian native Maria Rotan really became an oligarch. The prominent blonde is exactly like her predecessor and, like her, has three children. Maria was married to Ukrainian football player Ruslan Rotan. Having moved to the house where Prezhevskaya had previously lived, Rotan received as a gift from the oligarch all the things of his ex-wife. It is noteworthy that the young girl gave birth to Frolov another child. Thus, the oligarch and his new companion are now raising seven children. One of the most mysterious circumstances The death of Yana Prezhevskaya was that before her death she told the doctors only one name - Misha. About who I meant social star 2000s, none of her friends know. However, everyone who managed to speak out on the air of “Let Them Talk” claimed that a friend complained to them about threats received against her. The fate of the deceased’s exclusive jewelry collection also remains a real mystery. Prezhevskaya's diamonds mysteriously disappeared the day before she was supposed to sell them. “I met Yana a year ago,” said the socialite’s friend Olga Rodionova on the air of the program. “She told me about her tragedy, about her children. Yana said that she left her husband with jewelry. I believe her big mistake that evening was not picking up the children. She said she went nowhere. The jewelry was in the safe, she took it and left. She told me that Zhenya beat her, but she didn’t specify when exactly.” Olga Rodionova also read aloud her latest correspondence with Yana. In a conversation with a friend, Prezhevskaya complained about poor health, the inability to see her children and the terrible conditions of her rented apartment. The millionaire's ex-wife also asked a friend to borrow $300 thousand and promised to pay it back within a week. Rodionova could not lend her that amount and did not believe that the money was needed to pay off the apartment. It is interesting that a year before the tragedy, Yana Prezhevskaya turned to the star lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky. “About a year ago she came to me to find out if she had the right to something after separating from her husband,” the lawyer shared. - She asked what needs to be done for the children to live with their mother. Then she said that it was probably all her fault. She never contacted me about this again. But she asked me about the jewelry, whether they were subject to division. This is a very dark story for me."

The sad life story of murdered lover and mother of three children Yana Prezhevskaya

I’ve always wondered how girls agree to live like this, to whom men say, “I won’t take you as my lawful wife, but I will provide you with everything, and you will give birth to children for me.” It is not at all surprising that such stories end in tears, however, in the case of Yana Prezhevskaya everything turned out to be more than tragic... But let’s start from the very beginning - Yana Prezhevskaya was born on January 23, 1974 in Norilsk. She was known in social circles, she partied a lot, she was a smart, interesting, beautiful woman, many say that she sang well, even recorded songs. And at the same time, she took care of three children and sons quite well. In 1999, Yana met Evgeny Frolov. Evgeniy was a successful businessman - the owner of a metallurgical plant. He turned the life of a modest girl from Norilsk into a real one. Three-story house on Rublyovka, vacation on Cote d'Azur, clothes from famous designers, expensive foreign cars, jewelry...What else can you dream of? Only if it’s about a wedding, but it never happened and never happened... “They tried to get married three times, but something always didn’t work out: either they didn’t make it to the registry office, or their passports turned out to be expired. Yana gave birth to her beloved three sons: Valery, Plato and Philip. She loved to cook and surrounded her husband with care and affection. She was one of the most spectacular socialites in Moscow. But three years ago, it was like a cat ran between the spouses.” In 2012, Yana moved into a rented apartment. In the get-together they gossiped that Frolov allegedly found out about his wife’s infidelity, after which he beat her half to death and threw her out onto the street. Let us remember that they were not painted, Yana could not claim anything other than gifts, jewelry and the car that was registered to it. At first, Evgeniy agreed to pay for the cheater’s rented apartment; Yana saw the children. But then it ended abruptly. The father completely protected his children from communicating with their own mother. Since September 2014, Evgeniy assigned security to the children and did not allow Yana to meet with them, although she was waiting for them from school every day. According to Evgeniy, his ex-lover and mother of his children “hangs around” with just anyone, often goes to parties and is too much addicted to alcohol. According to Prezhevskaya’s friends, for a woman, parting with her children was real hard labor, so she behaved like that. Afterwards it became known that Evgeniy redid the documents and wrote down his new wife Maria Rotan in the “mother” column for the boys. Of course... such a blow for the mother of three children!!! Exactly a month before Yana’s death, Yana and her friend went to Sergiev Posad - to the Lavra, where Prezhevskaya confessed and told about her torments and experiences, expressing a desire to go to a monastery (according to Yana’s friend, Svetlana Molodykh). After this, many said that Yana drank a lot and completely “withdrew into herself,” stopping communicating with friends, turning to them only to ask for a loan. This is how Yana changed after several years of loneliness. Yana Prezhevskaya was the mother of three boys: Valery, 17 years old, Philip, 13 years old, and Plato, 7 years old. Death On February 14, 2015, Prezhevskaya passed away; she died due to a closed head injury and traumatic stroke, which she received from severe beatings. Yana Prezhevskaya, who once lived in luxury, was found without a creature under her bed in a Moscow apartment in Zhulebino. There were many bruises on the woman's body. In this form, the socialite was discovered by a friend who called an ambulance. Three days later, 41-year-old Prezhevskaya died in intensive care unit 67th hospital. The management of the hospital, where 41-year-old Yana Prezhevskaya died on February 14, sent a telephone message to the police, which they included in the inspection materials. In the near future employees law enforcement must decide whether to initiate a criminal case. “According to the data presented in the telephone message, doctors diagnosed the deceased with a closed craniocerebral injury, brain contusion, subarachnoid hemorrhage, bruises of the face and limbs. The circumstances surrounding the injuries are unknown. Upon the death of the patient, the investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Savyolovsky District of Moscow and the police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern Administrative District began an investigation,” police representatives say. Bozhena Rynska immediately reacted to Prezhevskaya's death. On its official page on social media Facebook networks she literally blamed her ex-husband for Yana’s death. “A very beautiful and kind girl, Yana Prezhevskaya, died; she was beaten and her eye was gouged out. I suspect her husband, former boxer Evgeniy. A very unpleasant and angry person, Yana stopped loving him.” Rynska further denied the information that Prezhevskaya suffered from alcoholism: “Yana was not a heavy alcoholic. She drank, and whoever would drink would live with such a ghoul. And the fact that her husband beat her was known to her close circle for a long time.” Rynska turned to the deceased’s friends to clarify the situation. The reaction of Prezhevskaya’s friends was not long in coming. The girls hastened to refute Bozhena’s assumptions and point out to her that she was wrong about Prezhevskaya’s ex-husband. However, Irina Tchaikovskaya opened up and said that Prezhevskaya had serious problems with alcohol. Also in correspondence with Bozhena, she denied information about the allegedly gouged out eye. Funeral On February 17, 2015, Prezhevskaya’s funeral took place in Moscow at the Tolmachevsky cemetery. Several people came to the funeral service in the church, mostly friends of the former socialite. But Yana’s ex-husband, businessman Evgeny Frolov, and her three children ignored the funeral ceremony. But many friends came who did not want to comment on what had happened. Yana’s friend said that the woman had many plans for 2015, she wanted to return the children and believed that she would succeed. We cannot say for sure whether she cheated on her husband or not, but still, it is also impossible to act as her common-law husband behaved. After all, if she had a child, maybe her “brains” would fall into place, Yana would go to work. Of course, it would be difficult for her, but she would understand why it was all for. What do you think? Other photographs of Yana, there are not many of them, but the way of life is clear from them, although we all remember that about the dead it’s either good or nothing, so let’s be more restrained in the comments and remind you that for more convenient viewing, you can just click on the photo .

18 April 2017, 13:15

Last night we had a lot of fun in a deleted post about Irina Tchaikovskaya, a certain Maria Rotan surfaced there, a girl with a rich reputation worthy of discussion on Gossip Man. So,

Maria Ignatieva-Rotan-Frolova - new wife businessman Evgeny Frolov, ex-husband of the tragically deceased Yana Prezhevskaya.

The life story of this woman is shrouded in mystery. Why this happens and why this is done is still unknown. Indeed, almost all the information that is at the disposal of the average reader is related to her ex-husband- Ruslan: how Maria Rotan divorced him, how she created new family with an oligarch. Little else is known that Maria is a master of sports in karate.

But it is almost impossible to find anything about her childhood years, nor about her parents, nor about Maria’s classmates or classmates, about food preferences, types of art, fashion designers and the like, which readers are so avidly interested in. It is not even known when Maria Rotan’s birthday is. But one has only to look at this beauty, bursting with health, and it immediately becomes clear: she has everything in order. in perfect order. Her whole life is in order, everything she could only dream of has come true. And indeed, she is the wife of a wealthy man who literally blows away the dust from her, she has wonderful children, and in the past she was a famous athlete.

In 2015, on February 20, the next episode of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” was released on Channel One. That evening they talked about a strange, sudden and mysterious death former socialite, ex-wife of billionaire Evgeniy Frolov. This woman was Yana Prezhevskaya. Some were sure that Yana died from beatings, others argued that last years she drank a lot. During the conversation, it became known that the deceased’s three children were being raised by another woman, Frolov’s new common-law wife, Maria Rotan. But no one can say yet whether she will cope with this role.

In secular circles they say: Yana Prezhevskaya knew a long time ago that Maria Rotan and Evgeniy were “making love”. Some of Frolov’s close circle claimed that she was very worried about his betrayal, because she still loved him. After all, it was only in the last couple of years that their relationship deteriorated greatly. But in the past (after all, they lived together for more than one year) everything was just wonderful. Her husband spoiled Yana and loved her very much.

Everything changed about three years ago, when Maria Rotan and Evgeny Frolov met. They immediately began a relationship that only grew stronger day by day. Everything had already gone far enough. They said that Maria’s mother had some special gift, and in her hometown she was known as a sorceress. Be that as it may, but somehow unexpectedly quickly Frolov ends his relationship with one common-law wife(after all, for long years they never reached the registry office), continuing to actively build new relationships with Maria Rotan. And Yana, when after everything that had happened in a fit of despair she went to a fortune teller, was confirmed in this opinion.

In general, everything that happened to Yana Prezhevskaya seemed somehow unreal, evil and scary. As if it was someone's calculated combination, stretched out over time. Young, beautiful woman suddenly she finds herself in the hospital with bruises on her face and head, with hematomas on her body, which, however, did not threaten her life. But the skull injury was quite serious. Yana was found in a rented apartment by a friend. She was lying under the bed, severely beaten, but still alive. She spent several days in the hospital, where she died on February 14, 2015.

The death of the owner of the rare Graff jewelry collection shocked the entire capital. Therefore, numerous rumors immediately spread. Some talked about Prezhevskaya’s new hobby, others about two new friends who suddenly appeared and “helped” Yana sell her things. Many friends of the murdered woman even said that her former common-law husband, Evgeniy Frolov, had a direct connection to such a terrible beating of the woman. Yana’s mother claimed that it was her friends who took advantage of some of Yana’s helplessness, taking her things to the pawnshop and spending the money they received. The oligarch’s harshness and even cruelty was even evident in the fact that he forbade the children to go to his mother’s funeral and did not go there himself.

The disappearance of Yana’s exclusive jewelry also turned out to be incomprehensible. They disappeared just a day before she was planning to sell them. Evil tongues say that the immediate circle of the deceased may be involved in the loss of jewelry. By the way, one cannot help but note one more oddity. Interesting blonde Ukrainian origin Maria Rotan is like two peas in a pod like her predecessor. When Maria moved into the oligarch’s house, he gave her all the things left over from his previous wife. This is such love!

At the end of February 2016, the media pages were full of stunning information: ex-wife captain of the Dnepr gave birth to a child to an oligarch from Russia. And this news turned out to be absolutely true. Earlier there were reports that a young woman with her three children from her first marriage lives under the same roof with her new chosen one. It turned out to be Evgeny Frolov, Russian oligarch. He also has three children (they are older than Maria) from his former civil marriage. Last year there were rumors that Maria Rotan was pregnant. The woman did not appear in public so often that journalists and paparazzi could assess her condition. Perhaps it was for the best, so as not to spoil to the expectant mother nervous system unceremonious questions and phrases. This is how Maria Rotan and Evgeny Frolov lived in anticipation of their first child. Joint child this couple was born this winter. Now the couple has seven children between them: three Masha’s, three Zhenya’s and one common baby.

Meeting my first husband. A few years after the wedding, Ruslan recalled how he and Masha met. On that significant day for both of them, Ruslan and his teammates were taking things to the dry cleaner. And on the way back I saw two beautiful girls. They turned out to be Masha and Lisa, karate sisters. Ruslan liked Maria Rotan at first sight, whose biography began to be filled with new interesting facts from this day. Of course, then Maria had a different surname.

Their first date, which happened immediately after they met, took place in a cafe, where they sat for a long time and talked, talked, talked... The young people dated for a year. Their wedding took place on November 30, 2002. Ruslan's parents found out about everything that was happening only a month before the celebration.

Ruslan will remember the match with the Swiss national team for a long time. No one there wanted to lose to an opponent. There was a serious fight in each section of the field. He didn't even expect to be allowed on the field. But together with the team he achieved good results.

There was one more thing in his life an important event, thanks to which the World Cup will be remembered. On the opening day of the championship, June 9, 2006, a little daughter appeared in the family of Maria and Ruslan. The young parents did not look at the ultrasound pictures, wanting to get a surprise later. And when the girl was born, in urgently started coming up with names for her. Maria Rotan, whose photo previously appeared in various printed publications Only with Ruslan, in consultation with her husband, on the phone did she call different names that she had already prepared. But the young father rejected all options, deciding that he would choose the name, wanting to also do something for his first-born. The entire time the championship lasted, Ruslan racked his brains, coming up with something extraordinarily beautiful. And finally, the decision came: Angelina.

They did not plan for the baby to appear on this particular date, but they are sure: their daughter appeared precisely because they really wanted a child, and God gave her at this very moment in their lives. Now Ruslan fully experienced what family is. He was constantly drawn to home, to his wife and daughter. Now he has become just a crazy father. He even bathed the baby with his wife and was so touched when he saw her swimming in the bath. A little later, a second child appeared - son Bogdan - in 2008. And two years later the third was Zakhar, born on February 23, 2010.

The union of the Rotan family, in which the couple had three children, lasted ten years. Good relations Her husband’s career was very hampered, because Maria and Ruslan had to live in two cities: dad was constantly at training camps and training, torn between Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, and mom and the children lived in the capital of Ukraine. The conflicts that occurred in the family mainly concerned the upbringing of children. Gradually, Maria managed to completely protect Ruslan from their common children, as a result of which they (the parents) had some misunderstanding in matters of their upbringing. After they broke up, Maria Rotan, whose photo with her new chosen one has often appeared on the pages of glossy publications in recent months, worked in one of the karate clubs, and Ruslana new darling, which, according to people who know both spouses, was in an interesting position.

Later, Maria Rotan, to whom children always meant so much, admitted that after the tragic incident with her and Ruslan’s first child (the baby died during childbirth), she simply became fixated on raising the rest of the children. Perhaps her husband simply did not understand her.

Other sources say that Evgeny Frolov came under the influence of a certain Maria Rotan, the mother of three children and the ex-wife of the Dneprpetrovsk football player Rotan. Maria's mother, a seventh-generation witch, bewitched Evgeniy and caused the couple to break up. Family relationships crumble within a year. Evgeny Frolov, intoxicated by a love potion, hires a young tennis coach who seduces Yana and gives Frolov a reason to separate completely from his wife. Yana leaves. The children stay with their father.

Over the course of a year, Mrs. Prezhevskaya, having a multi-million dollar fortune, loses everything, surrounded by a pack of charlatans and scammers. To escape reality and depression, Yana begins to drink heavily. Six months later, she was sent to a psychiatric hospital, where she spent almost 5 months. She comes out of there a completely broken person, a “vegetable,” as her friends say.

Doctors strictly forbid Yana from drinking - she has had hepatitis C since childhood. She calls the children, but the phone numbers have been changed at the urgent request of Maria Rotan. She has been harassing Yana over the last year of her life through SMS and Face Book. It was Maria Rotan who posted from the page of Yana’s eldest son, Valera, photographs of the beaten Yana with the inscription that she is a fraudster, borrows money from everyone and does not give it back. Yana is devastated by this news. She gets drunk and...

She lay unconscious for 3 days. Emergency doctors diagnosed a closed head injury and numerous bruises.

Other sources claim that for 10 years Ruslan Rotan was married to a girl named Maria, who bore him three children, but due to conflicts related to their upbringing, the couple separated - Maria immediately found herself a rich oligarch, and Ruslan became interested in a sweetheart girlfriend Christina and took his two sons with him.

Now Maria Frolova runs the Mozhaika 10 Drug Treatment Center.

Friends, on the portal (clickable link in profile) my exclusive interview, in which I spoke in detail about the relaunch of the Mozhaika 10 clinic. @medmozhaika10 has been my partner in this difficult matter for several months now famous singer Vlad Topalov @vladtopalovofficial. Together we develop the clinic, and also engage in social projects aimed at combating drugs and popularizing healthy image life.

Master class with Evgeni Plushenko and Olga Buzova

There is an opinion that younger children need more attention, but adults need it no less. Here's to having a fun weekend with the older kids ;)

Today we have a bespectacled party))) My eldest son is 15 years old, we are very close and today we will have a lot of fun;)

The Queen and Her King

And finally, the queen is 35 years old)

P.S. Irina's commentary on Yana's death

P.P.S. There is a page on Instagram against Maria and her clinic, and we actually discussed their comment yesterday.

The debt pit sucked in the gentleman. Today the debt is already 310 million rubles. An interesting scheme: a gentleman takes over a clinic for reconstruction at the address: Mozhayskoye Shosse, 10 - 300 mil., he leaves a deposit for a smaller amount in the form of a property, pays interest on the delivery of the property, and then suddenly all his activities in 2016 fail losses. That's how easy it was to give him a loan. And next comes mortgage- 7.5 billion rubles. It turns out to be a diamond clinic with golden toilets! If you type this gentleman’s name into Google, then it’s a complete raid, but the bank actually gives that kind of money on parole. He will declare himself bankrupt and write off the debt to Marfusha. She fancies herself the owner of a drug treatment clinic. With such debts, everything should be under arrest. The loan expires in May this year

Maria Frolova's last appeal to the dying Yana Prezhevskaya, whose family she destroyed and left three boys without a mother! This is written by a woman who bullied Yana, mocked her for the last two years of her life. He writes when Yana dies in intensive care after numerous beatings. She writes with aggression, evil and hatred towards a woman whose place she will never be able to take in the full sense of the word. At the same time, Maria admits that she took the children from Ruslan, her ex-husband. But somehow it turned out interestingly that she forgot to take the children out, leaving them with their father and beautiful stepmother in another country. So what true goals did this woman pursue, if not the money of someone else’s husband???

Camera lenses are often pointed at this beautiful woman. She is an active participant in the life of domestic show business, regularly appearing at social events and parties. The general Ukrainian public knows that Maria Rotan (namely, she is the heroine of this article) is not only a socialite and the wife of a football player (already ex-wife). Admirers sporting achievements they still remember the talented athlete, who quite often was the winner of the world and European karate championships. But later she left the sports scene, devoting herself to her husband and three children.

Full of secrets and riddles

The life story of this woman is shrouded in mystery. Why this happens and why this is done is still unknown. And indeed, almost all the information that is at the disposal of the average reader is related to her ex-husband, Ruslan: how Maria Rotan divorced him, how she created a new family with the oligarch. Little else is known that Maria is a master of sports in karate.

But it is almost impossible to find anything about her childhood years, nor about her parents, nor about Maria’s classmates or classmates, about food preferences, types of art, fashion designers and the like, which readers are so avidly interested in. It is not even known when Maria Rotan’s birthday is. But one has only to look at this beauty, bursting with health, and it immediately becomes clear: everything is in perfect order with her. Her whole life is in order, everything she could only dream of has come true. And indeed, she is the wife of a wealthy man who literally blows away the dust from her, she has wonderful children, and in the past she was a famous athlete.

Let everyone talk...

Last year, on February 20, the next episode of Andrei Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk” was released on Channel One. That evening they talked about the strange, sudden and mysterious death of a former socialite, the ex-wife of billionaire Evgeniy Frolov. This woman was Yana Prezhevskaya. Some were sure that Yana died from beatings, others claimed that in recent years she drank a lot. During the conversation, it became known that the deceased’s three children were being raised by another woman, Frolov’s new common-law wife, Maria Rotan. But no one can say yet whether she will cope with this role.

In secular circles they say: Yana Prezhevskaya knew a long time ago that Maria Rotan and Evgeniy were “making love”. Some of Frolov’s close circle claimed that she was very worried about his betrayal, because she still loved him. After all, it was only in the last couple of years that their relationship deteriorated greatly. But in the past (after all, they lived together for more than one year) everything was just wonderful. Her husband spoiled Yana and loved her very much.

Accident or damage?

Everything changed about three years ago, when Maria Rotan and Evgeny Frolov met. They immediately began a relationship that only grew stronger day by day. Everything had already gone far enough. They said that Maria’s mother had some special gift, and in her hometown she was known as a sorceress. Be that as it may, somehow unexpectedly quickly Frolov ends his relationship with one common-law wife (after all, over the many years of marriage they never reached the registry office), continuing to actively build new relationships with Maria Rotan. And Yana, when after everything that had happened in a fit of despair she went to a fortune teller, was confirmed in this opinion.

The terrible death of the oligarch's previous wife

In general, everything that happened to Yana Prezhevskaya seemed somehow unreal, evil and scary. As if it was someone's calculated combination, stretched out over time. A young, beautiful woman suddenly finds herself in the hospital with bruises on her face and head, with hematomas on her body, which, however, did not threaten her life. But the skull injury was quite serious. Yana was found in a rented apartment by a friend. She was lying under the bed, severely beaten, but still alive. She spent several days in the hospital, where she died on February 14, 2015.

The death of the owner of the rare Graff jewelry collection shocked the entire capital. Therefore, numerous rumors immediately spread. Some talked about Prezhevskaya’s new hobby, others about two new friends who suddenly appeared and “helped” Yana sell her things. Many friends of the murdered woman even said that her former common-law husband, Evgeniy Frolov, had a direct connection to such a terrible beating of the woman. Yana’s mother claimed that it was her friends who took advantage of some of Yana’s helplessness, taking her things to the pawnshop and spending the money they received.

The oligarch’s harshness and even cruelty was even evident in the fact that he forbade the children to go to his mother’s funeral and did not go there himself.

Similarity of image. Similarity of fate?

The disappearance of Yana’s exclusive jewelry also turned out to be incomprehensible. They disappeared just a day before she was planning to sell them. Evil tongues say that the immediate circle of the deceased may be involved in the loss of jewelry.

By the way, one cannot help but note one more oddity. An interesting blonde of Ukrainian origin, Maria Rotan, is exactly like her predecessor.

When Maria moved into the oligarch’s house, he gave her all the things left over from his previous wife. This is such love!

A man is born!

At the end of February 2016, the media pages were full of stunning information: the ex-wife of the Dnepr captain gave birth to a child to an oligarch from Russia. And this news turned out to be absolutely true.

Earlier there were reports that a young woman with her three children from her first marriage lives under the same roof with her new chosen one. It turned out to be Evgeny Frolov, a Russian oligarch. He also has three children (they are older than Maria) from a previous civil marriage. Last year there were rumors that Maria Rotan was pregnant. The woman did not appear in public so often that journalists and paparazzi could assess her condition. Perhaps it was for the best, so as not to spoil the expectant mother’s nervous system with unceremonious questions and phrases. So we lived, waiting for our
crowned Maria Rotan and Evgeny Frolov. The couple's joint child was born this winter. Now the couple has seven children between them: three Masha’s, three Zhenya’s and one common baby.

Meeting my first husband

A few years after the wedding, Ruslan recalled how he and Masha met. On that significant day for both of them, Ruslan and his teammates were taking things to the dry cleaner. And on the way back I saw two beautiful girls. They turned out to be Masha and Lisa, karate sisters. Ruslan liked Maria Rotan at first sight, whose biography began to be filled with new interesting facts from that day on. Of course, then Maria had a different surname.

Their first date, which happened immediately after they met, took place in a cafe, where they sat for a long time and talked, talked, talked... The young people dated for a year. Their wedding took place on November 30, 2002. Ruslan's parents found out about everything that was happening only a month before the celebration.

Opening of the World Championship

Ruslan will remember the match with the Swiss national team for a long time. No one there wanted to lose to an opponent. There was a serious fight in each section of the field. He didn't even expect to be allowed on the field. But together with the team he achieved good results.

There was another very important event in his life, thanks to which the World Cup will be remembered. On the opening day of the championship, June 9, 2006, a little daughter appeared in the family of Maria and Ruslan. The young parents did not look at the ultrasound pictures, wanting to get a surprise later. And when the girl was born, they quickly began to come up with names for her. Maria Rotan, whose photo previously appeared in various printed publications only with Ruslan, in consultation with her husband, on the phone called different names that she had already prepared. But the young father rejected all options, deciding that he would choose the name, wanting to also do something for his first-born. The entire time the championship lasted, Ruslan racked his brains, coming up with something extraordinarily beautiful. And finally, the decision came: Angelina.

Little suns

They did not plan for the baby to appear on this particular date, but they are sure: their daughter appeared precisely because they really wanted a child, and God gave her at this very moment in their lives. Now Ruslan fully experienced what family is. He was constantly drawn to home, to his wife and daughter. Now he has become just a crazy father. He even bathed the baby with his wife and was so touched when he saw her swimming in the bath.

A little later, a second child appeared - son Bogdan - in 2008. And two years later the third was Zakhar, born on February 23, 2010.

Ex-husband Ruslan Rotan

The union of the Rotan family, in which the couple had three children, lasted ten years. A good relationship was greatly hampered by her husband’s career, because Maria and Ruslan had to live in two cities: dad was constantly at training camps and training, torn between Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, and mom and the children lived in the capital of Ukraine.

The conflicts that occurred in the family mainly concerned the upbringing of children. Gradually, Maria managed to completely protect Ruslan from their common children, as a result of which they (the parents) had some misunderstanding in matters of their upbringing. After they broke up, Maria Rotan, whose photo with her new chosen one has often appeared on the pages of glossy publications in recent months, worked in one of the karate clubs, and a new chosen one appeared in Ruslan’s life, who, according to people who know both spouses , was in an interesting position.

Mother's fears

Later, Maria Rotan, to whom children always meant so much, admitted that after the tragic incident with her and Ruslan’s first child (the baby died during childbirth), she simply became fixated on raising the rest of the children. Perhaps her husband simply did not understand her.

They broke up back in June 2013, but did not give any interviews about this for quite some time, keeping the change in their relationship secret. marital status. Although now their relationship is much better than during their marriage.

The main thing is children!

This is how Maria Rotan lives. The biography and year of birth of this socialite seem to be hidden better than the development of some important invention. Perhaps this is done so that for everyone the woman remains forever young and beautiful. Nose
you just have to look at her photo to understand: she really is very pretty. And she is very similar to her predecessor, Yana Prezhevskaya. On what basis did the choice of the oligarch fall on Maria? general public, of course, is unknown. Yes, they don’t need to know that. After all, a real feeling, if it is present in their relationship, does not need any explanations or justifications.

The main thing is that their family, so big, with children different ages, was happy and strong. So that Yana Prezhevskaya, looking at her sons from heaven, knows for sure that they are completely safe, healthy and joyful. So that Maria Rotan, whose date of birth has remained a mystery (it is only known that she and her first husband are the same age - born in 1981), tried to fall in love with these boys, who, by the will of fate, became her new children.

And Evgeny Frolov just has to think: was it worth exchanging one beautiful wife for another, so similar to the first? What was it - a tribute to fashion (exchanging one wife of 40 for two of 20), evaporation of feelings, despite the fact that so much had been passed together, side by side, hand in hand, or just a desire to somehow renew my life? And why does his new chosen one look like Yana? Maybe Frolov likes one type of woman or did he really want to return to those years when he met Prezhevskaya, only now in her place there would be another beauty, younger?

In any case, let Maria Rotan and Evgeny Frolov be happy. And the children (all seven of them are now together) always feel the love and warmth of home.