Card index of homework on lexical topics “Autumn”, “Mushrooms. Topic: "Forest

Homework file for lexical topics"Autumn", "Mushrooms"

Bederdinova Marina Valerievna

teacher - speech therapist MBDOU

"DSKV" No. 56


Homework card

"Autumn" No. 1

The leaves are falling and falling - leaf fall in our garden.
Yellow and red leaves curl and fly in the wind.
Birds fly south - geese, rooks, cranes.
Now the last flock is flapping its wings in the distance.

Autumn plays with the leaves, picks leaves from the branches.
Yellow leaves fly straight into the children’s hands.

Gifts of autumn
Autumn is walking in our park, autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - rowan, pink apron - aspen,
A yellow umbrella is for poplars; autumn gives us fruits.

Question. To whom does autumn give what?

Homework card"Autumn" No. 2

Come up with words that answer the question “What?” (words denoting objects) on the topic “AUTUMN”

Comes (what?)……

Blowing (what?)……

Floating (what?)……

It's drizzling (what?)……

Flying away (who?)……

Falling off (what?)……

Turns yellow (what?)……

Getting wet (what?)……

Wither (what?)……

Homework card "Autumn" No. 3

Come up with as many words as possible that answer the questions: “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?”, “Which?” on the theme "AUTUMN"

Sun (what?) - …….

Clouds …..

Earth …..

Grass …..

Wind …..

Leaves ….

Homework card "Autumn" No. 4

Compiling a coherent story on the topic “AUTUMN” using the first words in a sentence:

“Summer has passed, and ... has come. The days have become….. It has begun to blow….. It has become…. People dress... In the trees... On the ground.... It's drizzling... Fading... To the south... People are collecting... Coming soon....”

Retell the story.

Homework card "Autumn" No. 5

Game "Make a proposal"

Working on deformed sentences.

Blowing, autumn, wind, cold.

Leaves and trees turn yellow.

The earth, grass, on, withers.

The birds are flying south.

Light, autumn, drizzling, rain.

Homework card "Autumn" No. 6

Game "Say the correct word"

Sample: The wind blows and the winds blow.

The bird flies away, and the birds...

The leaf turns yellow, and the leaves...

The rain is drizzling, and the rains….

The flower fades, and the flowers...

The cold is coming, and the cold...

The harvest ripens, and the harvests….

Homework card "Autumn" No. 7

Game "Answer questions".

The use of verbs in different tense forms in speech.

(what does it do?) – blows

the wind (what will it do?) – will blow

(what did you do?) - blew

(what will it do?) – it will blow.

The game is repeated with the words: rain, grass, leaves, etc.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 1

Game "One - Many"

Sample: mushroom – mushrooms – a lot of mushrooms

Words: White mushroom, boletus, aspen boletus, russula, trumpet, honey fungus, butterdish, toadstool, fly agaric.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 2

Game "Funny Counting"

Sample: one russula, two russulas, three russulas, four russulas, five russulas.

Count to 5 with the words: toadstool, boletus, butterdish, honey fungus.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 3

“Questions to fill!”

Goal: developing the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

There are three waves at the edge. What is more - edges or waves?

What are more in the forest - mushrooms or porcini mushrooms?

There are two russula and a toadstool standing in the clearing. What is more - caps or legs?

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 4

Compose descriptive story about a mushroom (any) according to plan:

Where does it grow?

Which one has appearance(size, color of cap; length, thickness of stem).

Edible or inedible mushroom?

What can you cook from it?

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 5

Say phrases like this:

I collect, we collect, you collect, you collect, he collects, they collect.

With the words: collect, pick, dry.

Homework card "Mushrooms" No. 6

Game "Say the other way around"

Lots of mushrooms - few mushrooms

Small basket -

Pure mushroom -

Edible mushroom -

Honey mushrooms have long legs, and honey mushrooms...

The boletus has a thick leg, and the russula...

Lyudmila Kononenko
Homework on the topic "Mushrooms"

1. Expansion vocabulary children:


A: boletus, boletus, boletus, fly agaric, oiler, russula, mushroom, forest, clearing, moss, stump, basket.

B: chanterelle, honey fungus, moss fly, milk mushroom, saffron milk cap, volushka, toadstool, mycelium, mushroomer.


A: white, red, red, small, old, edible, inedible, wormy.

B: mushroom(rain, summer, clearing, year, loose (o mushroom, friendly (honey mushrooms).


A: grow, collect, cook, cut, dry, salt, pickle.

B: stand, hide, blush, grow up, get lost, scream.


A, B: near, far, close.

2. Game exercise "One is many" (write down the child’s answers) A:

One mushroom - a lot of mushrooms;

One oiler -

One fox -

One clearing -

One hat -

One wave -

One stump -

One fly agaric -

3. Game exercise “Which ones? - name 3-5 signs for each word" (write down the child’s answers) A:

Fly agaric - inedible, red, large.

Rizhik – edible, small, old.

boletus –

Boletus –

4. Game exercise “Name what they do with mushrooms? What they were doing? What will they do? (write down the child’s answers) B:

What are they doing? What they were doing? What will they do?

Volnushka - they are collecting, collecting, will collect.

Russula is dried,

Boletus - cut,

Butter dish - pickled,

Boletus - salted,

Boletus - washed,

5. Massage (or self-massage) fingertips (for each line of poetry, knead the pad of one finger) A:

Climb out on a hummock little finger

Small mushrooms: unnamed

Milk mushrooms and crusts, middle right hand

Ryzhiki, volushki. pointing

Even a small stump is big

I couldn’t hide my surprise. big

Honey mushrooms have grown, index

Slippery oily, middle left hand

Pale toadstools nameless

We stood in a clearing. little finger

6. Massage of Fingers (for each name we clench our fingers on both hands)B:

Take the basket let's go to the forest pointing

Let's score medium milk mushrooms and whites

More chanterelles, russula, nameless left hand

And fresh pinky boletuses

Honey mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons, little finger

Then we will leave the green forest. nameless

Toadstool pale, fly agaric, middle right hand

Don't touch the deceptive mushrooms. pointing

Don't believe their bright attire. thumb left hand

And don’t disturb their peace. right thumb

(I. P. Lukebanova)

7. Game exercise “Guess what material this basket is made of”

mushrooms» (write down the child’s answers) B:

Leather basket –

Iron basket –

Plastic basket –

Rubber basket –

Wooden baskets –

Straw basket –

8. Game exercise "Count 1-2-5" (write down the child’s answers) B:

One boletus - two boletus, five boletus.

One fox -

One boletus -

One fly agaric -

One russula -

One wave -

9. Game exercise "More" (write down the child’s answers) B:

Tanya's boletus has a long leg, and Kolya's is even longer.

Kolya collects mushrooms slowly, and Olya still

Katya has a basket with mushrooms heavy, and Raya still has

Alyosha's basket is wide, and Kolya's is even

11. Guess the riddles.

I'm growing in a red cap near the forest at the edge,

Among the aspen roots. Decorating the dark forest,

You'll see me a mile away. He grew up as colorful as parsley,

My name is. Poisonous.

(Boletus) (Amanita)

No mushrooms are friendlier than these - From under the fir trees on the hills

Adults and children know, - A boy as tall as a finger came out.

They grow on stumps in the forest, He looked at the clouds,

Like freckles on your nose. I immediately put on my cap,

These friendly guys, New girl, okay,

They are called. Chocolate color.

(Honey mushrooms) (White mushroom)

11. Game exercise "A lot of" (write down the child’s answers) B:

Chanterelle - chanterelles - chanterelles

Russula – russula –

Borovik –

Honey fungus –

Volnushka –

Fly agaric –

12. Game exercise “Correct Dunno’s mistakes”. Make a correct proposal B:

In, boletus, the basket, lies, In the basket lie boletus and chanterelles.

chanterelles, etc.

We grew up in a wonderful forest, mushrooms.

Spruce, under, in, mushroom, forest, grew up.

13. Development of coherent speech. Retelling. B:

Thunderstorm in the forest.

One hot summer, Zoya and Vasya went into the forest. They picked up a full basket of boletus and are buttering. The children were getting ready to go home, but then they were caught in a severe thunderstorm. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Zoya and Vasya sat down under a tall pine tree and covered themselves with a basket. Soon someone called out to them teenager: “Children, it’s dangerous to sit under a thunderstorm.” tall tree! - he said. - Go under the elderberry bush! Zoya and Vasya did just that. Soon the storm subsided and a rainbow shone in the sky.


1. Who went to the forest?

2. What did they pick up in the forest?

3. What caught them in the forest?

4. Where did the children sit?

5. Who called them?

6. What shone in the sky?

14. Development of coherent speech. Retelling. A:

By mushrooms.

We searched for a long time in the forest mushrooms. We got tired and sat down to rest under a pine tree. It began to get dark in the forest. Time to go home. Somewhere nearby a light flashed and went out. Then a fire broke out. Hunters at the fire. The fire is shining and the way home is visible.

Soon we were Houses. Although they only found one fungus.


1. What were the children looking for in the forest?

2. What did they do when they were tired?

3. What made the guys hurry home?

4. What did they see nearby?

5. Who was at the fire?

6. How did the fire help the children find their home?

7. How much children found mushrooms?

Publications on the topic:

MASTER CLASS “We play with the children and do homework. Goal: Formation of positive parent-child relationships through joint.

Homework for children with impaired sounds [S] and [Z] We pronounce the sounds [S] and [Z] correctly. 1) Articulation exercises. a) Exercise “Spatula”. Open your mouth and place the wide tongue on the bottom one.

Homework for children with impaired sounds [SH] and [Zh] We pronounce the sounds [Ш] and [Х] correctly. 1) Articulation exercises. a) Exercise “Smile – Tube”. Put upper teeth to the lower ones, stretch.

Homework. Games and exercises for parents and teachers. We reinforce the sounds L-L Games and exercises for parents and teachers We consolidate and distinguish the sounds “L - L” in syllables, words, text 1. Invite the child to do.

Kirillova Yu., teacher speech therapist.


Goal: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: - form the plural of nouns;
- learn to form nouns with diminutive
affectionate suffixes;

- consolidation of understanding and practical use in speech

- consolidation of verbs in speech: “search”, “pluck”, “collect”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
middle fingers on the table.)
For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother.

2. Introduction to the topic. Game “Walk in the Forest”. (Picture from the forest.)
Forest is big house, Where live different plants, animals and birds.
We are going to the forest. “Who will you see in the forest?” or “What will you see in the forest?”
The children answer: “I will see trees. I'll see bushes. I will see flowers. I will see animals. I will see birds. I will see mushrooms. I will see the berries.”
We name the mushrooms (from the pictures) - porcini mushroom, boletus, russula, honey fungus, chanterelles, boletus - edible mushrooms; fly agaric, toadstool are poisonous mushrooms.
We call berries(according to pictures) - lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries.

3. Game “Big-small”
Mushroom - fungus, mushroom berry - berry
Tree - sapling - bush - bush
Leaf-leaf bird-bird
Flower-flower branch-twig.

4. Game “One - Many”
Mushroom - mushrooms berry - berries
Tree - trees bush- bushes
Leaf - leaves bird - birds
Flower - flowers branch - branches
Bough-bough trunk-trunks.

5. Physical education minute. "FOR MUSHROOMS"

All the little animals are on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
The bear passed by

(They waddle, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

6. Game “What shall we cook?”
From mushrooms - mushroom soup
From raspberries - raspberry jam
From blueberries - blueberry jam
From strawberries - strawberry jam
From cranberries - cranberry jam
From lingonberries - lingonberry jam

7. Game “What is this?” (finish the sentence and repeat it completely).
Birch, aspen, oak are...(trees).
Hazel, rosehip, lilac are...(bushes).
Chamomile, cornflower, forget-me-not are...(flowers).
Honey fungus, russula, fly agaric are... (mushrooms).
A mosquito, a grasshopper, a beetle are...(insects).
Cuckoo, owl, eagle are...(birds).
A hare, a fox, a wolf are...(wild animals).

8. Game “Mosaic” (put a mushroom out of 6 triangles).

9. Game “Who, where, where” (answers to questions based on the picture).
Where is the caterpillar? And so on.

10. Summary of the lesson. Recall what they were talking about.
Answer the question.
In a clearing near an oak tree, a mole saw two fungi,
And further away, near the aspen trees, he found another one.
Who is ready to tell me how many fungi the mole found?


Goal: - development of coherent speech.
Objectives: - teach how to form gender of nouns. case;
- learn to form relative adjectives;
- consolidation of verbs in speech: “search”, “pluck”, “collect”;
- training in retelling;
- develop fine motor skills, auditory attention, thinking.

Equipment: pictures of a forest, mushrooms, berries, a ball.
Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Game “Give me a word””.
Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,
It grew motley, like parsley, poisonous... (fly agaric).

Look, guys, there are chanterelles here, honey mushrooms there,
Well, these, in the clearing, are poisonous... (toadstools).

There are many white legs along the forest paths
In multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance.
Don’t hesitate to collect, these are... (russula).
Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
We're going for a walk in the forest. (both hands “go” with index and
middle fingers on the table.)
For blueberries, for raspberries, (Bend your fingers, starting with
For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother. (both hands “go” with the index and
middle fingers on the table.)

2. Game “What is there a lot in the forest?” (drawing up proposals)
For example: “There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Mushrooms grow in the forest.”
Mushroom - mushrooms - a lot of mushrooms berry - berries - a lot of berries
Tree - trees - many trees bush - bushes - many bushes
Leaf - leaves - a lot of leaves honey fungus - honey mushrooms - a lot of honey mushrooms
Flower - flowers - many flowers branch - branches - many branches.

3. Game “What shall we cook?” (from pictures)

I'll make mushroom soup from mushrooms.
I'll make raspberry jam from raspberries.
I'll make blueberry jam from blueberries.
I will make strawberry jam from strawberries.
I'll make cranberry juice from cranberries.
I will make lingonberry jam from lingonberries. And so on.

4. Physical education minute. "FOR MUSHROOMS"

All the little animals are on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
The bear passed by
The fly agaric crushed. (Children walk in a round dance.)

(They jump in a squat and pick imaginary mushrooms.)

(They run and collect imaginary mushrooms.)

(They jump while standing and “pick” mushrooms.)

(They waddle, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

5. Learning to retell. Ya. Tayts “For mushrooms”.
Grandma and Nadya went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Grandfather gave them a basket and said:
- Well, whoever gets the most!
So they walked and walked, collected and collected, and went home. By Grandma full basket, and Nadya has half. Nadya said:
- Grandma, let's exchange baskets!
- Let's!
So they came home. Grandfather looked and said:
- Oh yes Nadya! Look, I've gained more than my grandmother!
Here Nadya blushed and said in the quietest voice:
- This is not my basket at all... it’s completely grandma’s.
Q: Why did Nadya blush and answer her grandfather in a quiet voice?

-Where did Nadya and her grandmother go?
- Why did they go into the forest?
- What did grandfather say when he saw them off into the forest?
- What were they doing in the forest?
- How much did Nadya gain and how much did grandma gain?
- What did Nadya say to her grandmother when they went home?
- What did grandfather say when they returned?
- What did Nadya say?
Repeated reading.
Children's retellings.
Analysis of stories.

6. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about.
Answer the question.
As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus,
Two chanterelles, a boletus and a green moss.
How many mushrooms did I find? Who has the answer?

Theme Mushrooms, Berries 5-7 years

1. Draw pictures of mushrooms and specify which edible mushrooms the child knows (white mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, aspen mushrooms). Refine your knowledge inedible mushrooms(toadstool, fly agaric). Fix the general concept of “mushrooms”. Consider with your child the structure of a mushroom: mycelium, stem, cap. Pay attention to the color of the cap. Ask about the structure of a mushroom. Tell us where mushrooms grow, indicate the special features of these places. Clean the mushrooms with your child, tell them that mushrooms can be fried, salted, pickled and boiled. Draw images of berries: forest and garden. Fix the general concept of “berries”. Remind that berries grow in the forest, they are called forest berries (lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries) and on bushes in the garden - garden berries (currants, gooseberries,raspberry, plum, cherry, strawberry). List what can be prepared from them (jam, compote, jam, marmalade).

2. Exercise "Count" to agree numerals with nouns .

1 mushroom, 2 ..., 3 ..., 4 ..., 5 ... 1 chanterelle, 2 ..., 3 ..., 4 ..., 5 ...

1 berry, 2...,3...,4....,5...1 honey fungus, 2 ..., 3 ..., 4 ..., 5 ...

1 fly agaric, 2... 3... 4... 5...1 cherry, 2..., 3...,4...,5...

3. Exercise "One - many" on the use of a noun plural in the genitive case.

One russula - many russulas. One mushroom - many honey mushrooms.

One fly agaric is a lot... One toadstool is a lot...

One mushroom - many...One hat is many...

One leg is many...One boletus - many...

One boletus - many... One fox is a lot...

One berry - many...One plum - many...

One strawberry is a lot... One raspberry is a lot....

4. Exercise "What mushrooms" (learning to form verbal adjectives).

If you boil mushrooms, then they will be boiled, and if you fry mushrooms, then they will be fried. If you salt the mushrooms they will...

5. Game "Cook" formation of relative adjectives.

raspberry compote (which one?) - raspberry, cranberry compote -...,

from currants -...

raspberry jam (what?) - raspberry, cranberry -..,

From blueberries -..., from currants -...

Make sure you pronounce endings clearly.

5. Introduce your child to polysemantic words: chanterelles, cap, leg. Explain the difference in the meanings of these words.

6. Exercise "Say the opposite, finishing the sentence" for selecting antonyms.

The old mushroom is large, and the young one is... The boletus has a thick leg, and the boletus has a thick leg... Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms, and fly agarics are... Raspberries are sweet, and cranberries...

7. Development of auditory memory. Learn a poem.


Walked along the path

They found the boletus.

Boletus boletus

He buried his head in the moss.

We could get through it

It's good that we walked quietly. (A. Prokofiev)

Dear parents!

Theme of the week: “Mushrooms”

Children should know:

And recognize the mushrooms in the picture: boletus, boletus, boletus, honey mushroom, milk mushroom, chanterelles, fly agaric, russula, toadstool;
- names of parts (hat, leg), their color, shape, characteristics(thin, thick, short, long leg, etc.)
- where mushrooms grow: in the forest, in a grove, in a forest, in a clearing, near stumps, under a birch, not far from a Christmas tree, under an aspen, all together, etc.
- when mushrooms are collected (summer, autumn), what they are collected in (in a basket, in a basket), how they are prepared (pickled, fried, boiled, salted), what they are prepared (mushroom soup, mushroom solyanka, mushroom pie).

Expanding children's vocabulary:

Nouns: mushroom, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, fly agaric, toadstool, russula, leg, cap, forest, clearing, moss, stump, basket, mushroom picker;

Adjectives: white, red, red, small, large, edible, inedible, poisonous;

Verbs: grow, collect, cook, cut, dry, salt, pickle;

Adverb: near, far, close.

Learn the riddle:

Red hat with polka dots,
Collar with a thin leg.
This mushroom is beautiful to look at
But dangerous, poisonous. (Amanita)

The grammatical structure of speech.

Didactic exercise “One-many” (formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases):

One mushroom - many mushrooms
One fox - many foxes
One mushroom - many milk mushrooms
One fly agaric - many fly agarics

Didactic exercise “Name the dishes correctly” (formation of relative adjectives):

mushroom salad (which one?) - mushroom,
mushroom soup - mushroom,
mushroom solyanka - mushroom,
mushroom pie - mushroom.

Didactic exercise “Count to five” (agreeing nouns with numerals):

One russula, two russulas, ... five russulas.
One fly agaric, two fly agaric, ... five fly agaric.
One toadstool, two toadstools, ... five toadstools;
One milk mushroom, two milk mushrooms, three milk mushrooms, four milk mushrooms, five milk mushrooms.

Didactic exercise “What is superfluous and why?”:

Toadstool, russula, cone, honey mushroom (cone, since the rest are mushrooms).
Fly agaric, boletus, raspberry, milk mushroom (raspberry, since the rest are mushrooms).
Boletus, pine, chanterelles, honey mushrooms (pine, since the rest are mushrooms).

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite” (selection of antonym words):

high leg – low leg,
thick leg - thin leg,
edible mushroom – inedible mushroom.
big mushroom - small mushroom.

Talk to your child about mushrooms growing in the forest. Mushrooms can grow: under trees, in moss, in grass, on stumps, etc.

Look at pictures with mushrooms with your children. Explain that mushrooms are edible and inedible (poisonous).

Tell your child what can be prepared from mushrooms (salad, caviar, casserole, soup, etc.).

Play with the children.

The game “Where the fungus grows” (for orientation in space for the purpose of using prepositions) - in the forest, in the forest, under a tree, on a stump, etc.

Game “Guess the Fungus” (composing descriptive stories) – the leg is white, thick, the cap is brown (white mushroom), the leg is long, with a skirt, the cap is red with white spots (fly agaric), etc.

The game “What’s Missing” (develops attention and memory). Pictures of mushrooms are laid out in front of the child, he closes his eyes, and at this time the adult hides one of the pictures. Opening his eyes, the child must say what is missing.

Orlova Oksana Leonidovna,
teacher-speech therapist MADO " Kindergarten No. 41″- KV,
Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak.