The dung beetle is white. White dung beetle - shaggy mushroom

Alcoholism is a disease that affects not only the alcoholic himself. His family and friends suffer along with him. Attacks of aggression, terrible behavior, and an absolute lack of self-control bring a lot of problems and stress to others. But the alcoholic himself undergoes changes in the body that can reach a critical point. In this case, organ pathologies will arise that can no longer be corrected.

It is impossible to fight alcoholism on your own. And even if some argue that it is enough just to have strong willpower, then there are very few such people, even among healthy ones. In this disease, it is very important to support the patient. Perhaps his behavior is far from ideal, but only by starting treatment can one achieve a retreat from alcoholism and return to normal life.

Now there are many ways that simply “prohibit” drinking alcohol. Patients are sewn with various torpedoes, they take pills and other drugs. But most often this lasts no more than a year. Even if an alcoholic is given a capsule, it dissolves within a few months, the blood is cleared of the drug, and you can drink again. This is used by many alcoholics who have undergone more than one procedure for stitching up alcoholism.

Dung mushroom against alcoholism

But very often you can hear good reviews O folk medicine, and in particular about coprinus, which is popularly called “dung mushrooms”. They are considered a means that can overcome this addiction and stop craving for it. And if medical supplies It is advisable to use it only with the consent of the patient, then the dung mushroom can be given even without the knowledge of the alcoholic himself. It very well discourages cravings for alcohol and the desire to drink it. Dung mushroom:

  • reduces craving for alcohol;
  • relieves alcohol addiction;
  • helps against drunkenness;
  • able to stop binge drinking;
  • causes aversion to alcohol.

Dung beetle is an almost harmless mushroom. But only if it is not combined with alcohol. If you just eat it, nothing will happen. On the contrary, it is very tasty and filling. And if you eat such dung mushrooms after or before drinking alcohol, then completely unpredictable symptoms arise. This mushroom has been known for a long time. There are more than one hundred species of coprinus. It contains a substance that causes a persistent aversion to alcohol. This substance is called coprine. It oxidizes alcohol in the body, and it turns into large number toxic product - acetaldehyde. Because of him:

  • there is redness of the face and a feeling of heat;
  • heart rate increases;
  • severe dizziness appears;
  • thirst arises;
  • vision is impaired (temporarily);
  • speech becomes sluggish;
  • may have heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting appears;
  • in some cases, indigestion and loose stools may occur.

And if an alcoholic is given mushrooms for a certain time, then the main substance from coprinus does not leave the body and is not completely eliminated. And the next time you drink alcohol, exactly the same symptoms will occur. Therefore, the patient associates this with the effects of alcohol, and gradually he develops a persistent aversion to it.

Addiction - how to deal with it?

By drinking alcohol, the body becomes more sensitive to it, and if drinking alcohol becomes more frequent, then alcoholism cannot be avoided. Salsolinol and methylsalsolinol appear in the body due to alcohol. There is an opinion that they are the ones who form alcohol addiction. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to fight it.

Using the dung mushroom for this, you can get the desired result after a while. Naturally, an alcoholic will not immediately give up alcohol. At first he will think that he is simply out of shape and will try to drink alcohol again. But even in this case there will be unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, disgust gradually arises due to the effect of coprinus on the body, and the patient begins to associate everything with alcohol.

Dung beetle is used for drunkenness for about 1-3 months. This type of treatment is mostly carried out anonymously; the alcoholic has no idea that a mushroom is being added to his food. You can prepare mushrooms yourself or purchase them at the pharmacy. Typically the dose is 2 grams of crushed mushroom per day. But if it does not bring the desired result or it is little pronounced, then the dose must be doubled.

At this time, there is no need to scold the drinker for drinking alcohol or refuse him to do so. On the contrary, you need to offer him a drink. After a couple of weeks, frightened by the body’s reaction to alcohol, the alcoholic refuses to take it. But still, you shouldn’t stop adding mushrooms. This must be done over the next two months. After all, after refusing, in one or two weeks the alcoholic will try alcohol again. And the recurrence of symptoms will remind him that this is not a very good idea.

Where to find and how to cook mushroom

Now you can find coprinus in a pharmacy. It is sold in powder form. But in order for the effect to be better and to achieve the fastest results, it is better to prepare fresh dung beetles yourself. You can buy them or assemble them yourself. In this case, it will be clear what the medicine is prepared from.

There are 4 types of mushrooms most commonly used. The greatest reaction is caused by the gray dung beetle. It is this that will cause severe nausea, dizziness, vomiting and speech impairment. Other types do not have such a strong reaction, but are also good for treating alcoholism.

You need to start cooking mushrooms immediately. They quickly deteriorate, so it is advisable to start making medicine within 3 hours after collecting them. Although the dung beetle is not exactly beautiful in appearance, it is nutritious and very tasty. Therefore, it can be eaten without risk to health. It cannot be combined only with alcohol.

There are two cooking methods. One of them is designed for immediate use, the other recipe will help you prepare the mushroom for future use. Therefore, first you need to decide which recipe is more suitable. Naturally, it is better to prepare it for future use and then use the resulting medicine at any time. Then you won’t have to worry that you don’t have the required dose of mushroom for an alcoholic. The dung beetle has a pleasant and delicate taste and looks a bit like champignons. Therefore, it is very quick and easy to prepare for immediate consumption.

Recipe for immediate consumption

Carefully place the mushroom caps in a heated frying pan with oil and salt them. It is necessary to extinguish dung beetles over low heat. There is no need to add water to them. They are very juicy and will release juice themselves, which will serve as liquid for them. About 30-40 minutes are enough for the mushrooms to cook. They can be added to any dish. It could be soups, stews. Or you can serve mushrooms fried in sour cream separately.

Chop the pulp from the dung beetle very finely and place it in a frying pan. It should be shallow so that the liquid evaporates quickly. Drying dung beetles is almost impossible due to their specific structure. There will be nothing left of them in this case. That's why roasting is used here.

You need to fry them over low heat and remember to stir constantly. It is necessary to finish cooking when all the liquid has evaporated. After this, carefully grind the cooled mass into powder and pour it into a dark jar with a lid. You can add this powder to any food, and it will not change the taste of the food.

This folk remedy in the form of coprinus will help get rid of problems with alcohol, make the life of an alcoholic and his family easier and completely overcome the craving for alcohol.

Even if, after a few months or years, a former alcoholic wants to try alcohol again, it is coprinus that will come to the rescue again. It is necessary to introduce it into food, and the body will again reject alcohol. The person will again be convinced that his body is incompatible with alcohol and will stop drinking alcohol.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug is used to treat alcohol addiction really is not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaf(she said it was good for the heart), so within an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods...

The dung mushroom gets its name from its growing environment, where it appears in large colonies (land well fertilized with manure). Coprinus, another name for it, is conditionally edible lamellar mushroom, belongs to the Champignon family. The dung mushroom has been used for alcoholism for many centuries, proving its effectiveness. The photo shows what Coprinus looks like.

Today you can find the powder of this mushroom in almost any pharmacy chain. The price of such a drug allows anyone to purchase it. However, you should buy it only after consultation with a specialist who will help you choose the dosage and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

There are several types of mushroom:

  1. The white or shaggy coprinus is a bell-shaped cap with fringe. At the very beginning it is white, which over time becomes brown or gray, the middle is brown. The pulp is white, tasteless and odorless, and not juicy.
  2. Gray dung beetle (also called ink mushroom) is a gray cap with scales. The young mushroom has white plates, the old mushroom has black plates. The leg can be up to 20 cm long. The flesh is also white, but has a sweetish taste.
  3. The common coprinus has a cylinder-shaped cap that becomes bell-shaped as it matures. Then it gradually turns black and decomposes, the leg is up to 10 cm in length.

The effect of the mushroom on an alcoholic

Traditional healers have used Coprinus for many centuries as a powerful drug against cravings for alcohol. The thing is that dung mushroom and alcohol are incompatible. This allows you to achieve a lasting effect during patient therapy.

At the same time, medicine prepared from Coprinus can be given to the patient without even notifying him about it. Many people deny the problem and do not want to resort to therapy, so this point is very important. There are a huge number of positive opinions and stories about the experience of using the product in question on the Internet and on various forums.

Coprinus helps to overcome the craving for alcoholic drinks, and the alcoholic, in the future, always feels aversion to alcoholic products. This can be done even without his consent, simply by mixing the drug into his food.

Coprinus powder does not give any aftertaste and does not change the color or texture of food.

The dung beetle has the following effects on the body of a person addicted to the bottle:

  • reduces craving for alcoholic drinks;
  • eliminates human alcohol addiction;
  • able to stop binge drinking;
  • causes aversion to alcohol-containing products.

The mushroom is harmless to humans as long as alcohol does not enter the stomach with it. Then the substances contained in the dung beetle oxidize the alcohol component of the alcoholic drink, turning it into toxic substance- acetaldehyde.
Acetaldehyde formula

Serious intoxication of the body occurs and the alcohol addict experiences the following symptoms:

  • there is a feeling of heat, the face turns red (hyperemia);
  • heartbeat accelerates;
  • there is severe dizziness;
  • the patient is thirsty;
  • temporary disturbances or loss of vision occur;
  • the patient's speech becomes sluggish and incoherent;
  • signs of nausea and vomiting appear, as well as severe heartburn;
  • sometimes the patient experiences indigestion and loose stools.

If you give an alcoholic a mushroom, then, over time, he will develop a persistent aversion to alcohol due to regularly recurring painful symptoms of the disorder. The effectiveness of the course depends on the duration of alcohol dependence. Sometimes, in order to completely give up alcohol, the patient has to take an intensive course, lasting several months or repeat several courses.

Collection method

The mushroom, which will help overcome drunkenness, grows on well-fertilized soil, hence the name. Before collecting it, you need to study appearance and structure so as not to run into a toadstool, which can lead to serious poisoning and death.

First, a small white ball appears from the ground, which on the second day turns into a ball of large diameter, and then stretches into a tall bell-shaped mushroom. The dung beetle leg can grow up to 35 cm. These mushrooms are distant relatives of champignons and taste a little like them. The taste is very delicate and pleasant, goes well with various products in dishes. Life cycle it is very short, so mushroom pickers, as a rule, do not collect it.

It is necessary to collect gray dung beetle, which will effectively help against alcoholism, as soon as it has grown, before the cap unfurls.

Important! On the 5th day, the mushroom cap opens, and the scales turn from gray to pink. This indicates that the mushroom has already outgrown, gained toxic substances and poses a danger to life.

It ages quickly, the plates and ring film become inky and spread into an unpleasant black puddle of spores.

Upon arrival home, the basket of mushrooms should also be sorted out. They deteriorate very quickly and if more than 2 hours have passed since collection, then it is quite possible that some of them will have to be thrown away.

Features of search

  • It is necessary to check the inside of the mushroom caps, if present. pink, then they will need to be thrown away.
  • Mushrooms covered with black mucus must also be destroyed.
  • The remaining ones are removed from the film and the leg is thoroughly cleaned before cooking.
  • You can grow the mushroom yourself on your own plot of land. It always appears in well-fertilized areas, so you should look for it near a manure pile or silage pit. They grow in groups of several and are often found in groups in varying degrees of growth.

Cooking methods

Among the folk recipes, there are two ways to prepare dung mushroom. In the reviews those who tried this folk method they talk about a good result, about preserving it for many years.

Important! Preparing a mushroom is quite simple, but it is important to start as quickly as possible after cutting the mushroom, preferably within 2-3 hours, since the product spoils very quickly.

Fried mushrooms

To prepare the dung mushroom, simply simmer the delicious caps in a hot frying pan, greased with oil, after salting them. The mushrooms are juicy, so you don’t have to add liquid to the pan. Stewing will take no more than 30-40 minutes and the mushroom dish is ready. They are served as an independent dish, fried in sour cream, and can also be used as an additive in soups, stews and other dishes.

Anyone can consume this mushroom product; it has a pleasant delicate taste, reminiscent of champignons. The dish is only incompatible with alcoholic beverages. When consumed simultaneously with alcohol, it will cause the unpleasant and painful reactions of the body described earlier.

Dried mushrooms

The second recipe against alcoholism involves drying Coprinus to obtain powder from it. Drying this mushroom is radically different from drying other mushroom crops, due to its special structure. An attempt to repeat this procedure will result in loss of product.

  • The product will take a little longer to prepare.
  • The mushrooms are finely chopped and placed in a saucepan without oil or salt. Do not remove from heat until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated.
  • It is important to mix the mushrooms thoroughly, repeating this action as often as possible.
  • Then the mushroom mass is allowed to cool and ground into powder.
  • The powdered composition is added, if possible, to dishes that are eaten by a person addicted to alcohol.

The powder does not change the taste and color of food and drinks, so it will be invisible to the patient whose treatment is being carried out without his knowledge.

Treatment and dosage

For the safety of the patient, the treatment schedule and the required dose should be checked with the doctor. Inconsistency and uncontrolled use of the powder can threaten the patient’s life.

There are two ways to take Coprinus:

  1. the usual course of 2 weeks;
  2. intensive course, for a period of 3 months (for people suffering from alcoholism long time).

It is good if a person himself is aware of his addiction and is ready to accept treatment. But, in the absence of desire, doctors still allow treatment without the knowledge of the patient. Although, of course, in the beginning it is advised to seek help from a psychotherapist.

The mushroom is taken in a dosage of 2-3 g per day (taken every two days).

After the course of treatment, the patient himself will refuse to drink alcohol, as he will not want to repeat it. negative consequences. Adverse reactions from the simultaneous use of Coprinus with alcohol are so unpleasant and even painful that the patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol. And when symptoms recur regularly, dependence on alcohol gradually fades away.

Today Coprinus powder can be found in open sale in almost any pharmacy. Anyone can buy dung beetle mushroom for alcoholism at a completely affordable and affordable price(about 300 rubles per package). The finished powder should be taken similarly to the above regimen.

During treatment, the patient should not limit his consumption of alcohol. On the contrary, you can even offer the alcoholic a drink so that the effect of the drug taken comes faster.

If the medicine does not have the expected effect, the dose can be increased to 5 grams at a time. But do not exceed this maximum dosage. An overdose of the drug causes serious intoxication of the body and can lead to the death of the patient.


The Coprinus mushroom can be a good alternative to hospital treatment and expensive procedures. However, it is important to consult a doctor before use, so as not to harm the already weakened body of an alcoholic.

Dung beetles, or Coprinus (Corrinus), are mushrooms that most often grow in manure and belong to the fairly widespread Champignon family (Agaricaceae).

Small or medium-sized fruiting bodies of the cap-stem type, with a centrally located stem. The cap is bell-shaped, conical or convex in shape, sometimes flaring out to a flat appearance. The surface is bare or covered with scales and flakes. The thin flesh of the cap is complemented by a fibrous, smooth, cylindrical, elongated and sometimes hollow stalk.

Lamellar-type hymenophore, represented by thin and frequent plates, light color, but at the ripening stage they naturally turn black. The residual coating may appear as a flaky or scaly coating on the cap. The presence of a narrow membranous ring on the stalk may also be observed. The spore powder has a very characteristic black coloration for the species.

Dung beetles of all types belong to the category of saprotrophic fungi, growing on nutrient substrates enriched with nutritional components. Also, fruiting bodies are formed on manure heaps, humus, fertile and humus-rich soils, rotting wood waste and plant residues.

Where does the dung mushroom grow (video)

Species of dung beetle

A significant part of the species growing in our country are too small in size and have very thin flesh, and some belong to the common category of mildly toxic mushrooms.

Gallery: dung mushrooms (25 photos)

Common dung beetle

Corrinus cinereus has become widespread in our country and is found almost everywhere. The cap-legged mushroom has an elliptical, covered with a white felt coating, or bell-shaped, with uneven and cracked edges, a grayish or grayish-gray color with a brownish apical part.

Dung beetle flickering

Corrinus misaceus is a fairly common mushroom, which has a characteristic ovoid or bell-shaped cap of yellow-brownish color with a rather intensely colored tubercle in the central part, a grooved surface type and medium-sized granular scales with a micaceous sheen.

Dung beetle flickering

Gray dung beetle

Corrinus аtramentariaa is a common type of cap-footed mushroom, with an ovoid or broadly bell-shaped cap, the surface of which has a grayish or grayish-brown color. Characteristic is the presence of cracking edges and small, darkish in color, quite numerous scales.

Corrinus сomatus is a common species of Coprinus, belonging to the category of cap mushrooms. It is characterized by the presence of a white, grayish or brownish cap, abundantly covered with fairly thick and fibrous scales. There is a brownish tubercle in the central part of the cap. In some European countries refers to plant delicacies.

Description of the beneficial properties of dung beetle

Mushroom pulp has sufficient nutritional value, as well as characterized by beneficial properties for the human body, represented by:

  • improved digestion;
  • stimulation of appetite;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • antibiotic exposure;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • antitumor effects;
  • hemostatic ability;
  • bactericidal effect on harmful pathogenic microorganisms;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • antioxidant effect.

Mushroom pulp contains coprine, which is incompatible with alcohol and can cause severe poisoning when consumed in combination. That's why folk remedies based on dung beetles are often used to get rid of alcohol addiction.

Chemical composition of dung beetles

Features chemical composition Coprinus pulp is the presence of a large number of useful components, represented by:

  • vitamins of group "B";
  • vitamin "C";
  • vitamin "E";
  • vitamin D1;
  • vitamin D2;
  • vitamin K1;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • choline;
  • betaine;
  • tocopherol;
  • tocotrienol;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • copper;
  • glucose;
  • trypsin;
  • fructose.

Replaceable and essential amino acids, including nicotinic, pantothenic and folic acids. Wild species are rich in tyrosine and histidine, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Wild species of dung beetle are rich in tyrosine and histidine, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

Nutritional value and taste

100 g of edible mushroom pulp contains approximately 20-22 kcal. For every 100 g of product there are 3.09 g of protein, 0.34 g of fat, 3.26 g of carbohydrates and 1.0 g of fiber. According to all its consumer and taste characteristics, as well as nutritional value, almost all types of dung fungi fall into the conditional category edible mushrooms fourth category.

The reason for this classification is excessive fragility indicators, not too large sizes fruiting body, as well as similarity to inedible and poisonous mushrooms. Both before and now, dung beetles are not popular among domestic mushroom pickers.

Dung mushroom in the fight against alcoholism (video)

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

For medicinal purposes, fruiting bodies are most often used in powder form. Processing of collected fruiting bodies should be carried out as quickly as possible. short terms, which is due to the susceptibility of such fungi to the process of natural autolysis. Without treatment, freshly picked or frozen fruiting bodies become very dark within two or three hours and quickly disintegrate.

Only young fruiting bodies, which are characterized by the presence of unopened caps and white plates, need to be collected for the preparation of medicinal raw materials. Only mushroom caps need to be collected, and the presence of a pinkish, yellow or grayish tint on the plates indicates the unsuitability of the dung beetle for harvesting.

The collected caps are dried in a frying pan.. Pre-cleaned fruiting bodies must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then placed in a frying pan. Frying is done over low heat, with occasional stirring, without oil. During the drying process, a fairly large amount of liquid is released, so the drying process takes a long time. Completely dried mushrooms need to be ground to a powder using a coffee grinder or kitchen blender. This powder can also be used as an aromatic spice.

When coprinus enters the body of a person who has taken alcohol, a fairly rapid interaction of the active substance coprine occurs and an oxidation process occurs with the formation of acetaldehyde

The use of dung beetle mushroom for the treatment of alcoholism

If with a purpose culinary use If the powder is made from white Coprinus, then crushed fruiting bodies of gray Coprinus should be used to treat alcohol dependence.

Features of treatment

When coprinus enters the body of a person who has taken alcohol, a fairly rapid interaction of the active substance coprine occurs and an oxidation process occurs with the formation of acetaldehyde. Side effect from such interaction is a sharp deterioration in well-being, the symptoms of which are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance of a feeling of heat and “hot flashes”;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness and fainting;
  • dysfunction of the stomach and intestinal tract;
  • the appearance of pain in the stomach;
  • heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

If the rules of treatment are followed, the craving for alcoholic beverages decreases and a persistent aversion to any alcoholic drinks. Important to remember that the treatment process with toxic components must be carried out under mandatory medical supervision.

For medicinal purposes, fruiting bodies are most often used in crushed form.

Beach modern society is alcohol, which prevents normal life, brings misfortune to the house. For many centuries, loved ones of alcohol lovers have been struggling with this phenomenon, and during this time they managed to find an effective and at the same time simple remedy. These are not pills or treatments. Everything you need can be found literally under your feet. Our ancestors saw salvation in the mushroom. What kind of mushroom is this and how to use it? Now let's take a closer look.

Coprinus species

There are several types of dung fungus. The most popular, most frequently used ones are the following:

  • White dung beetle. The mushroom grows up to 20-25 centimeters, it looks like a bell. The white shiny leg is quite wide - up to 2.5-3 centimeters in girth, empty inside. It feels like velvet to the touch. The cap of the dung beetle is white, oval-shaped, up to 10 centimeters in diameter, with a ragged surface and edges that resemble scales. Gradually, the scales begin to turn red, then turn black and, ultimately, turn the cap into a shapeless black mass.
  • Gray dung beetle. The mushroom reaches a height of 20-25 centimeters. The roots are small, tightly intertwined. The white leg is empty inside, smooth outside. Close to the ground it has a dark brown-brown color. Has an oval, ovoid cap gray with a brown top, which later opens up and its edges crack. The inside of the cap has white, which darkens and becomes black with age. The plates are wide and free. The diameter of the cap is 5-10 centimeters.
  • Dung beetle flickering. The stem of the mushroom is thin, empty, velvety, white near the ground, gradually turning into brown. The umbrella-type hat is 4-6 centimeters in diameter. It has a light brown-red color and is covered with shiny scales that disappear with age. The edges of the cap are striped. The plates under the cap are lanceolate, white, which gradually turns black
  • Scattered dung beetle. The smallest mushroom of the entire family grows up to 6 centimeters in height. The dung beetle's leg is thin, long, very fragile with a white plexus. The hat resembles a bell, up to 2 centimeters in diameter, with small folds. Initially it is white, but gradually becomes beige or light gray.

Place of growth

Dung beetles can be found in parks, grazing areas and garbage dumps. They grow in humus or manure. Mushrooms appear after rain and grow quickly. Autumn is richest in dung beetles, especially in September.

  • It is better to collect white coprinus almost immediately after its appearance, before it has time to turn black.
  • Coprinus gray boasts a sweetish taste.
  • Coprinus flickering grows in groups.
  • Coprinus disseminated can be seen in small clusters on or near stumps.

Chemical composition

The composition of the coprinus family mushrooms has not yet been fully studied, but today they are ready to provide us with a wide range of useful substances:

  • Vitamin B, B2
  • Calcium, phosphorus, iron
  • Amino acids
  • Sahara
  • Adenine, choline, spermine, tyramine, tryptamine
  • Koprin
  • Protein, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and much more.

Medical properties

Dung mushrooms are used for only one purpose - the treatment of alcohol dependence of varying degrees. Therapy is carried out only using fresh mushrooms, since when the color of the plates changes from white to darker, they lose their medicinal properties. But coprinus will also not withstand storage in already cut form, so it is better to use the advice traditional healers in the first hours of the appearance of mushrooms, and then simply store the drugs.

The main active element of dung beetle is tetraethylthiuramide disulfide, which fights alcohol. Depending on the type of fungus, the concentration of sulfide may vary. The gray coprinus is most saturated with it, and the poorest ones are white and scattered. Therefore, it becomes most effective gray mushroom dung beetle, the rest act more mildly. Despite this, all coprinuses are effective in treating alcoholism.

Preparing mushrooms

In order to use mushrooms as a treatment, they should be dried. But they should be dried by frying them in a frying pan. Since coprinus contains a large amount of water, they need to be fried for a long time, stirring occasionally. Next step There will be grinding: you can use a knife or a coffee grinder, but the main thing is to turn the mushrooms into powder.

When added to food, mushrooms impart the taste of champignons - delicate and refined.

Treatment technology

How does recovery from alcoholism occur? What processes occur in the body?

A patient with alcoholism will not be aware of his treatment, so an aversion to alcoholic beverages will seem natural.

When consumed with alcohol, the sulfide in coprinus oxidizes it. This causes nausea and symptoms of poisoning. The skin of the face takes on a red tint, while the earlobes and the tip of the nose remain natural. The temperature rises, the heart rate increases, sweating, extreme thirst, vomiting and diarrhea appear, speech becomes confused, coordination of movements is impaired, and vision becomes blurred. It won't last long, but the sensations will be memorable. And everything will happen again if you drink alcohol again.

The result of treatment will be negative reactions to alcohol: symptoms of allergy and poisoning. They will soon pass, but after repeated use of prepared drugs, a person will remember that he felt at least unwell from drinking alcohol.

Medicinal recipes

Recipe 1. In secret from a person suffering from alcoholism, once every 2 days for 10 days, add 2-3 grams of powdered dung beetle mushroom to food. After this, 100-200 grams of alcohol will be enough for the patient to feel not very pleasant sensations. If there are no changes, you can increase the dosage to 250-400 grams. This will not harm human health, but will increase efficiency.

Recipe 2. Mix with food every morning for 3 months small quantity coprinus powder. The result will become noticeable already in the second month of treatment - the amount of alcohol you drink will greatly decrease.


Mushrooms of the coprinus family are absolutely harmless to health. They are not capable of leading to allergies or poisoning.


Remember that with any aggressive effect on the body, it is important to take into account the opinion of a specialist. If you do not want to reveal to the patient the secret of his cure, nevertheless ensure that he visits the doctor at least once a month in order to monitor the treatment process. And this is not an unreasonable reinsurance. During treatment, there is a risk of the patient experiencing psychosis and hallucinations, heart attack, stroke, seizures, paralysis, and dementia. Be also very careful with the dosage, as the consequences can be very serious.


The dung mushroom (its other names are coprinus and ink mushroom) is an excellent remedy for alcohol addiction, known to our people from time immemorial.

Believing that dung beetle is dangerous is a big mistake. In fact, the outwardly inconspicuous coprinus is very delicious delicacy, from which the best chefs around the world prepare the most gourmet dishes. It is called dung beetle only because this mushroom grows well on soil richly fertilized with manure.

Coprinus enjoys recognition not only among culinary specialists, but also among medical professionals. Doctors confirm that coprinus:

  • helps to get out of binge drinking;
  • forms a persistent constant aversion to ethanol.

But the dung beetle mushroom should be used correctly for alcoholism.

Types of "anti-alcohol" dung beetles

There are several types of ink mushroom that help free yourself from alcoholism. Gray coprinus is considered the most effective in the fight against the “green serpent”. Other varieties of dung beetle - flickering, white and diffuse - are less effective. They also develop an aversion to alcohol, but do so much more slowly. They are used less frequently for treatment. White coprinus is most suitable for food.

The white coprinus mushroom is the most suitable mushroom for food.

Mushroom composition

The main active ingredient of coprinus is coprine (disulfiram). It is patented under the name Antabuse. Coprine causes persistent alcohol rejection. Thanks to it, ethanol very quickly oxidizes and turns into acetaldehyde, which is toxic to the human body. In parallel, coprine inhibits the synthesis of dehydrogenase, an enzyme that neutralizes the harmful effects of acetaldehyde.

Accumulating in the body, this toxin causes:

  • redness of the face, appearance of cyanosis throughout the body;
  • paleness of the earlobes and nose;
  • tachycardia;
  • faintness and dizziness;
  • inhibition of thinking, speech and reactions to external stimuli;
  • vision problems;
  • severe heartburn and thirst;
  • painful vomiting;
  • serious problems with digestion of food, diarrhea, severe intestinal colic.

If a person addicted to drinking takes Coprinus for just a few weeks, he will begin to develop a persistent aversion to even low-alcohol alcohol.

Other beneficial properties and components of coprinus

In addition to coprine, dung beetle (especially its pulp and cap) contains a huge variety of essential microelements and vitamins. Including:

  • vitamins K1, D, E and C;
  • 8 vital amino acids;
  • zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iron and other essential minerals.

Coprinus not only “fights” alcoholism, but also:

  1. Reduces blood pressure, prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Stimulates appetite, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and relieves constipation.
  3. Reduces sugar levels (therefore, dung beetle should be consumed by diabetics).
  4. Helps with arthritis and other joint diseases.

How to apply it correctly?

Ink mushroom, which is used to treat alcoholism, can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. It belongs to dietary supplements (bioactive biological additives). Sold as:

  • powder;
  • medicinal capsules;
  • rectal suppositories (suppositories).

Coprinus powder

The coprinus mushroom for drunkenness is sold in the form of a regular dry powder or an extract that completely dissolves in water. Their excipient is gelatin.

It’s easy to prepare an anti-alcohol “drug” from dry coprinus powder:

  • take half a gram of the substance;
  • pour 90-120 ml of lukewarm water;
  • Mix well before drinking.

To develop a lasting aversion to alcohol, this mixture must be drunk for several months before or after each meal.

The dosage and frequency of use of coprinus extract is slightly different. You need to stir about one gram of dung beetle in water. Use once two days. If there is no result, the dosage can be increased to 2 grams (maximum).

If an alcoholic refuses to be treated with dung, a mixture of powder can be added secretly to not very hot soup or other food. The patient will not feel the “foreign” product - the mushroom taste will “make itself felt” only in tea or another drink.

Dung beetle gelatin capsules

The course of treatment with gelatin capsules with dung beetle extract is as follows:

  1. Drink 2 capsules of 75 mg each three times a day after meals for 20-30 days.
  2. Take a 10-day break.
  3. Then take the course of treatment again.
  4. Repeat this (alternating with breaks) 3-4 times.

One jar usually contains 60 capsules of 75 mg. To pass full course You will need to purchase 3-4 jars of coprinus.

Coprinus capsules

Suppositories (rectal suppositories) with coprinus

Rectal suppositories are another form medicinal product with dung mushroom. Its excipient is cocoa butter. Suppositories with coprinus should be inserted into the rectum through the anus once a day or several days for at least one month.

Folk recipes for preparing dung mushroom

If you have ink mushrooms, you don't have to go to the pharmacy. Preparing a medical anti-alcohol remedy from dung beetle does not require much effort.

If you pick mushrooms yourself, then remember that you need to do this when the coprinus is still very young, and its cap has not yet fully blossomed. You need to prepare the ink mushroom for alcoholism immediately after collection, since it very quickly - literally in a few hours - loses beneficial properties and turns into something like a strange colored porridge.

Homemade anti-alcohol powder

To make the powder simply:

  • chop the mushroom pulp thoroughly;
  • fry it in a frying pan (preferably shallow). While frying, stir the pulp all the time;
  • When the liquid from the mushroom mass is completely gone, wait until it cools, and then grind it into powder.

Anti-alcohol powder is ready! You need to keep it in a dark jar with a tight lid. The product must be added to food.

Homemade ointment

You can also easily prepare your own ointment from dung beetle. True, it won’t help with cravings for alcohol, but it will remove:

  • dermatitis (including malignant);
  • ulcers and boils;
  • will cure burns.

The ointment should be infused with alcohol or vodka.

Aqueous homemade infusion of coprinus

The water infusion is taken orally. It perfectly cures:

  • digestive problems;
  • colds (removes excess phlegm).

The infusion is not very effective against alcoholism. It is better to use powder for these purposes. You need to prepare the infusion with water. Alcohol cannot be used.


The dung beetle itself is absolutely safe - anyone can eat it. However, treating alcoholism with this mushroom will be useless if:

  • the person has seriously ill kidneys;
  • in the presence of liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • the patient has problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • have a duodenal or stomach ulcer;
  • the patient’s lungs and other respiratory organs are unhealthy;
  • the patient is allergic to coprine, or cannot tolerate any mushrooms at all.

Also, it is better not to consume ink mushroom for children, pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding.

It is strictly forbidden to eat an “anti-alcoholic” mushroom together with alcohol, otherwise poisoning and hospitalization cannot be avoided.

Dishes with dung beetle

A quick way to cook delicious ink mushroom

The taste of dung beetle is excellent, very similar to the mushrooms loved by many. You can prepare a delicious ink mushroom very quickly. Just:

  1. Heat the frying pan thoroughly.
  2. Place one or two tablespoons of butter on it (either vegetable or butter will do).
  3. Take the mushrooms and remove the stems.
  4. Wash the hats, put them in a frying pan, and add a little salt.
  5. Add the onion and begin to simmer over low heat.

There is no need to add water during stewing - there is already enough of it in the juicy ink mushrooms.

In 40-45 minutes, the delicious coprinuses will be ready. They go perfectly with sour cream, stews and soups.

Cooking chicken pilaf with dung mushroom

Chicken pilaf with dung mushroom

This delicious dish It's quite easy to prepare:

  1. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and fill them with water. We use little liquid.
  2. Simmer in a frying pan until the water completely evaporates.
  3. Add 100 g vegetable oil and fry the coprinus;
  4. Take another frying pan and fry chopped onions (onion), as well as carrots (grated on a coarse grater).
  5. Salt and combine in one frying pan with mushrooms.
  6. Let's take it chicken legs and fry them.
  7. Add the fried chicken to the mixture of coprinuses and vegetables.
  8. Pour 50 g meat broth. Wash 1 glass of rice and add it to the future dish.
  9. Simmer the deliciousness under the lid for half an hour or a little more (until the rice is cooked).
  10. Add spices.

The dish should be served hot.

Possible complications and side effects

The prognosis is very favorable. After completing the course of treatment, the patient has a persistent aversion to ethanol, the desire to drink is completely absent, and no relapses occur. The dung beetle mushroom relieves alcoholism for a long time.

No long term side effects Coprinus does not cause. Tachycardia, vision problems and other unpleasant “anti-alcohol” symptoms quickly disappear.

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