Which alcoholic drink is suitable for each zodiac sign. Which zodiac sign is better off not drinking alcohol?

Astrologers say that your zodiac sign has a strong influence on your drinking and getting drunk habits. Naturally, the tendency to drink alcohol is not determined only by the horoscope; factors such as genetics and physiological characteristics. However, for the sake of curiosity, it’s still worth looking at the rating of alcoholics by zodiac sign, which is revealed by avid lovers of pawning.


This sign is most inclined to drown out their problems with alcohol. Water Scorpio, despite external cruelty, is vulnerable and sensitive inside, but he cannot show it. Therefore, you have to wash down your despair with alcoholic drinks, which representatives of the sign, by the way, do not like to admit. Most often, in drunk they harm others, however, if no one is around, Scorpio can begin to maliciously sting themselves. Paradoxically, there are very few alcoholics among the people of this zodiac symbol - they are obsessed with the idea of ​​control, therefore, even having slipped to the social bottom due to alcohol, he can still get out.

Scorpios are more prone to alcoholism than all other zodiac signs.

In order to distract Scorpio from the destructive influence of alcohol, it is necessary to give him a new goal or meaning to live. Then he will dive headlong into business and solve his problems without the help of alcoholic beverages.


This is a sign of dreamers and the most avid alcoholics. Unlike a drunken Scorpio, who destroys everything around him, Pisces is directed inward and quite often plunges headlong into an alcoholic pool. There are a lot of drunkards among them, since it is extremely difficult for this sign to get out of addiction. This is because of their natural tendency to obey and be led (this applies to both men and women).

To get rid of a bad habit, Pisces often undergo long rehabilitation courses. Well, if a passion for alcohol has just begun to manifest itself, such people are advised to plunge into the world of creativity and inspiration in order to direct their energy in a useful direction.


His duality concerns all areas of life, and especially alcohol. In general, drunk Geminis are not much different from sober ones, since they are cool head can do some unimaginable things. On the other hand, alcohol can reveal the second, dark part of nature in a dual sign - and the person becomes inadequate and unable to objectively assess the situation. Despite this, Geminis are usually warm-hearted interlocutors who can get even the most silent friend talking.

Distract from drunkenness air sign possible with the help of another, more interesting idea. This is where their frivolity only helps!


The sign without brakes is stubborn, aggressive and active. This is how he remains after he drinks. In addition, representatives of the sign do not know moderation when it comes to alcoholic beverages and drink everything indiscriminately. Drunk Aries are uncontrollable, they love to get involved in fights and other troubles. They should drink with those who can keep it in check - for example, Taurus or Capricorn. But with Sagittarius and Leo, drinking alcohol is strictly forbidden - together the fire signs will create such nonsense that you will have to sort it out for a long time.

If Aries has become an alcoholic, practically nothing can distract him from his addiction. The only thing you can do is try to inspire him to other endeavors. The main thing is not to force him to do anything by force, since Aries is considered the most stubborn of all signs. You simply won't succeed!

A tendency towards alcohol can be found in representatives of all zodiac signs


Sagittarius can safely be called lucky in terms of alcohol consumption. He drinks. He drinks a lot. He drinks so much that the amount of alcohol he drinks will surprise even Gemini. Why then is Sagittarius in fifth place? The fact is that he rarely falls into alcohol addiction. Sagittarius usually drinks for fun. IN drunk he becomes too straightforward, which can provoke a scuffle or even a violent fight.

In general, it is very easy to distract an adventurous Sagittarius from an addiction - offer him a trip or some other new adventure.


Taurus usually likes to drink in warm friendly company, with a brie cheese appetizer. They are also no stranger to watching some funny comedy film with a bottle of unfiltered wine in their hands. Taurus always knows when to drink in moderation and tries to follow the rules of decency. When drunk, they are good-natured and sweet, but if you still get them angry (and this is not so easy), they will show what real rage is.

Most likely, Taurus will not become a drunkard, but he may become addicted to alcohol. In this case, he needs to be reminded that alcohol ruins all his plans. He will listen to you and understand that he made a mistake.


For many zodiac signs, the way out of alcoholism can be a new strong hobby.

Aquarius earned seventh place for a reason - this extraordinary sign is known for its ambivalent attitude towards alcohol. He seems to be drinking, but he doesn’t seem to be getting drunk. The thing is that Aquarius loves to drink, but hates getting drunk. He knows that during alcohol intoxication cannot control himself and becomes dangerous to society, which is why he sticks to the middle.

If Aquarius begins to drink cruelly and mercilessly, it is worth taking a closer look at the reason. You must identify the problem that he is trying to drown in alcohol - and then the air sign will find itself again.


Leos, like Scorpios, are control freaks, and therefore rarely get drunk to the point of losing their pulse. However, they love to drink and have heart-to-heart conversations. Drunk Leos are people of extremes: they are either nice and kind to everyone around them, or they start fights out of the blue. If fire sign adheres to the golden mean, there is nothing bad for him in alcohol. By the way, he prefers to drink sweet wines and whiskey.

Leo can be distracted from drunkenness, no matter how stereotypical it may sound, with flattery and compliments. Tell him a couple of times that he is immaculate and without alcohol, and like a purring cat, Leo will immediately get rid of the drinking habit.


It is believed that Libra should take the lead in drinking, but in reality this is not the case. For them, alcohol exists only as a way to escape from the outside world and disharmony within themselves. Despite this, their frivolity allows them to quickly forget grievances and get carried away with something more interesting, therefore, although they like to wash down their problems with alcohol, they are unlikely to become drunkards.

If the scale of Libra has tilted towards alcoholism, returning it to its original position will not be difficult. They easily forget about their passions if they come across something new along the way.


Only family can stop Cancer from alcohol abuse

Warm, cozy, homely Cancer loves to drink. An introvert by nature, he avoids noisy events, but rarely refuses a glass of white in a small company. They try to look for moderation in everything, since the drunkenness of Cancers is uncontrollable and irreversible. They take a long time to recover from a hangover, and when drunk, they pour out their souls to the first person they meet or cry a lot.

Cancer should under no circumstances abuse alcohol, as it will cause swipe his health. If you see that he is starting to drink too much, you need to stop it immediately. This can only be done together, with the whole family - this way you will show Cancer that he is not indifferent to his loved ones and everyone is worried about him.


Representatives of this zodiac sign drink, but do it extremely civilly and politely. They will most likely invite a few of their best friends and spend the entire evening solving crossword puzzles while drinking a bottle of Brut, because a drunken Virgo is not a sight for the faint of heart. The meticulousness of an earth sign knows no bounds, and when drunk, he will begin to get involved in disputes and incite quarrels. That is why, knowing themselves, they stay away from alcohol.

Virgo is unlikely to become an alcoholic - she is usually invited to parties as the only sober observer.


Capricorn is considered the most conservative zodiac sign of all. And no wonder, since this is a cardinal earth sign. Most likely, Capricorn will drink solely for pleasure, but will never become a drunkard. Their body is strong and insensitive to alcohol, so they simply cannot “drown their sorrows” in wine.

If Capricorn has fallen into the clutches of the green serpent, rest assured that he will get out thanks to his iron will and tenacious grip. After all, alcoholism takes so much strength and energy, and he still needs to complete his corporation and conquer the world! Drunkenness is not included in this calculation.

Of course, each zodiac sign has its own degree of predisposition to alcohol, but do not forget that sensitivity to alcohol is influenced by a number of other factors: gender, weight, genetics. Therefore, you should treat this rating with some humor and under no circumstances justify your actions by the location of your date of birth in the zodiac circle. Remember that everything needs moderation.

Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans, parasites... Happy Sunday to you!

12th place - Capricorn

Capricorns drink consciously: they understand the years and bouquets, distinguish Irish from Scottish by smell and color, and brut from semi-dry by the pop of the cork. In general, the product is being translated in vain. Because these alcoholic gourmands never, ever get drunk. At all.

11th place - Pisces

Pisces want to drink, but they don’t know how, because even with a tiny dose of alcohol they are carried into such abysses that in the morning they are ashamed to look their colleagues, mother and the universe in the eyes. The most interesting thing is that, in fact, Pisces never swam out of these abysses; simply, under the influence of the degrees, they were visited by a revelation: “An idea! And where am I?!” ©. Having realized exactly where, Pisces begin to flapping their fins, spawning and shouting “Fuck me against the rocks, sea!” rush into last path. In which someone loving catches them and recommends not to drink THAT way again. And Pisces, interestingly, listens. Well, for a while.

10th place - Cancer

Cancers love to drink. Very. Fun and delicious, with a 45-course appetizer, surrounded by close friends and family. But just a little! Those Cancers who drank a little at least once in their lives remember this until the end of their days. Therefore, Cancers fall into one of two extremes: either they drink themselves to hell, because there is nothing left to lose, polymers of this and that; or after yesterday they don’t drink anymore. At all. Never. And secondly, oddly enough, more.

9th place - Leo

Leo is very afraid of drinking too much, accidentally spilling the beans and ruining everything that has been acquired through back-breaking labor: his reputation. Which, as you know, is almost entirely based on the myths and legends that Leo composed about himself. And, since alcohol acts like a truth serum on him, Leo doesn’t drink much. But he lies about his alcoholic exploits just as enthusiastically as about everything else.

8th place - Aquarius

Aquarius is more afraid of alcohol than Buki, spiders and terrorists combined, but he doesn’t show it: without fear or reproach, he pours aquavita into himself and fervently encourages those around him to keep up. Because alcohol is the enemy, and being afraid of enemies is not in the character of Aquarius. That’s why Aquarius shouts “Geronimo!” They dive to the bottom of the bottle, and it seems to those around them that the green serpent is about to destroy this brave man. But no. Aquarians, firstly, almost never get drunk, and secondly, they definitely never get drunk: Aquarius and addiction are incompatible things.

7th place - Scorpio

Theoretically, Scorpio should have been given honorable first place - for his length of service and record displacement. But in practice this does not make any sense, because a Scorpio alcoholic is an extremely rare phenomenon. The fact is that Scorpio, who gets drunk, turns into a darling, sweetheart and friend of all children: the influence of alcohol solutions on the incomprehensible organism of Scorpio is to completely disable the misanthropy function. Which, as we understand it, is the fundamental basis of the Scorpio personality. But drinking to the point of completely losing this very personality is still too much. Self-love doesn't allow it.

6th place - Virgo

The central place in the horoscope is occupied by Virgos - those quiet drunks who “you would never think of!” Well, actually, that’s why they didn’t think that Virgos retain control over themselves until the very end and successfully pretend that it’s nothing, just a little good wine. Although they drink, in fact, for only one purpose: to finally lose this damn self-control, at least for a little while!

5th place - Taurus

Taurus do not worry at all: they begin a tender relationship with the green serpent in early youth, instantly fall in love for life, and then live with him in love and harmony until withdrawal syndrome separates them, alas, forever. Because if Taurus has to go through an epic hangover a couple of times - with basins by the bed, calling an ambulance and thoughts like “I wish I had died yesterday!” - like everyone else. All! Taurus will not drink anymore. At all. Because limiting yourself to a couple of beers is the same as ending a date two steps before bed. Unbearable!

4th place - Sagittarius

They fell just short of the top three. Sagittarius are the happiest drunks in the horoscope: they love alcohol with sincere, devoted love, and he answers them in the same way. Sagittarians don’t need a reason to drink, because what’s the reason if it’s just fun and tasty? Another thing is that the mighty physical health simply does not allow Sagittarius to get quality sleep, and they can stop this at any time. “But my grandfather stopped drinking at ninety-eight, and nothing happened!” - Grandfather was a Sagittarius, don’t go to a fortune teller.

3rd place - Libra

The bronze medal goes to Libra, who drinks not for pleasure, but for benefit. Benefits for their fragile mental health, which suffers daily from the imperfections of this world. So every night buying a seductively gurgling ticket to the Inner Unicorn is a mandatory ritual for Libra, and if you deprive them of this opportunity, everything will be Very Bad. But not for long, because Libra will find a way out of the situation. Rumor has it that one guy even learned how to turn water into wine - and we had some doubts about his zodiac sign.

2nd place - Aries

The silver medal goes to Aries - hereditary alcoholics in the hundredth stellar generation: Aries, who did not get drunk as hell in honor of graduating from the 8th grade, and by graduation from the institute did not earn himself the second stage of alcoholism (which, however, he will suffer, in the sense of enjoying until the end of his days) is not an Aries at all. They probably replaced him in the maternity hospital with some pious Capricorn.

1st place - Gemini

Geminis, as you know, have a bunch of subpersonalities that constantly replace each other. But they go drinking together. Collectively. This is where the legs of the main horror story of our childhood grow: “You can’t drink alone - you’ll get drunk!” This, of course, is not true, and a vile slander - you can drink alone with complete impunity. That's not why Geminis get drunk at all: they just always have it with them. Not only a flask of aquavita, but also a company of excellent drinking buddies. Nice to drink with smart people, you know! And, frankly speaking, it would be a sin not to get drunk in such good company!

Alcohol horoscope- Aries.


Aries are leaders in life, they usually “herd the hindmost” at tastings and are lost in front of the wide assortment in the liquor departments of supermarkets. These lovers of adventure and change categorically refuse to experiment with alcoholic drinks and cocktails. Strong and strong, Aries like drinks accordingly - cognac, whiskey, and sometimes “flirt” with vodka. However, as representatives of the fire element, they often “explode” after a reaction with such high degrees. Incredible stubbornness and the desire to do everything contrary to common sense often drive Aries to serious problems with health, and alcohol plays an important role in this. With excessive libations, Aries may experience stomach upsets. as well as renal complications. Aries are allowed to drink champagne, but no more than two or three glasses. But it’s better not to even try red wine, otherwise you’ll get a headache. In general, Aries should not abuse alcoholic beverages, much less mix them. The consequences can be the saddest: first - “Do you respect me?”, and then a fight with injuries. By the way, Aries' head and face are most susceptible to injury - it's better to take care of them, isn't it?

Alcohol horoscope - Taurus.


Taurus is the complete opposite of Aries when it comes to life principles. But on the issue of attitude towards alcoholic beverages, Taurus is more than in agreement with them. A lover and connoisseur, he never betrays a glass of red vintage French wine. Except occasionally - when the hand reaches out to a hidden bottle of sherry or brandy. "We peaceful people, but our armored train...” - in this case, these words are very suitable for people born under the sign of Taurus. They are truly peaceful and harmless until someone hits them hard. Taurus's anger can be terrible, especially after taking a dose of alcohol. Taurus are not distinguished by their refined nature, but they can be excellent tasters. They are able to taste and evaluate all the wines offered to guests, especially concentrated ones with rich taste and aroma. And yet, it is better for them not to get carried away with tasting, because there are two steps to alcoholic intoxication. Look, there's a fight. By the way, when getting into a fight, Taurus should remember that weak point they have a lower jaw. In addition, they are advised to drink in moderation also because, despite their physical endurance, their cardiovascular system is also very vulnerable.

Alcohol horoscope - Gemini.


Geminis are more like Aries - they also love everything new, they crave discoveries in all spheres of life. This also applies to alcohol preferences, or rather, the lack thereof. Having tried all the famous alcoholic drinks and cocktails (it’s good that even the most “ explosive mixtures"), they didn't stop at anything. Well, except that they often return to certain brands of sherry. Geminis are most often indifferent to drinking. Of course, on occasion they can take a sip of the lung dry wine, appreciate expensive nutmeg. IN small quantity These drinks help Gemini replenish the missing microelements in the body. But, as a rule, Geminis know: alcohol drunk in excess will result in headaches and depression the next morning. And even more so, it is contraindicated for Geminis to seek adventures while drunk. People born under this sign need to remember that accidents happen to them more often than to everyone else.

Alcohol horoscope - Cancer.


Cancers are fragile, tender and vulnerable creatures who often find themselves dependent on society, and on alcohol too. Therefore, they drink carefully, choosing drinks that are similar to them - light, soft wines. However, even in such cases, “conflict” cannot always be avoided - after all, in addition to alcohol addiction, their weak body does not allow them to drink anything containing high levels. Cancers are big gourmets by nature. They love to surprise everyone, for example, by serving an exquisite table with rare wines. But Cancers themselves need to treat alcohol with great caution. People born under this sign have such a fine mental organization and flexible psyche that even beer can have an effect on them. negative impact. Surely your mood will deteriorate, you will become sad and for some reason feel sorry for yourself. In addition, their delicate stomach will desperately resist alcohol. So during any feast, Cancers are better off limiting themselves to a couple of glasses of vodka or a glass of good quality wine. Although even with such a careful approach, morning headaches are guaranteed in any case. And by the way, Cancers should remember that they are more prone to alcohol addiction than other signs. Their wines are Riesling, Tokay, Muscatel, that is, those that contain fluorine.

Alcohol horoscope - Leo.


Leos combine two opposites; they have the strength and power of the king of beasts along with the meekness, kindness, and gentleness of a cat. Having a “broad soul” and often a “tight wallet,” they drink a lot and at an expensive price. True, they do not know the measures, which harms not only a weak heart, but also authority - at work and at home. They prefer to drink sweet wines, bourbons, and whiskeys. People born under the sign of Leo usually lead a secular lifestyle. Kings of beasts, what can you say! They can be found at official receptions, social events, parties and other crowded places. If Leos are walking, then everyone knows about it - the concept of a “golden mean” does not exist for them. But it is advisable for them not to forget that they have weak heart, which means they don’t need excessive libations at all. Hangover syndrome in Lviv it is usually accompanied unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the heart. The day after the holiday, they take heart medications, and sometimes even call a doctor. And yet, Leos do not refuse holidays. Having gotten tipsy, Leo becomes boastful and slightly stupid in the eyes of others. Moreover, Leo can even organize a brawl! And this despite the fact that such behavior damages the authority that Leo values ​​most. That is why during parties Leos still need to keep themselves within limits and try to drink less. And smoke less - nicotine enhances the effects of alcohol. If you can’t give up drinking completely, then you need to give preference to good vintage wine or some drink with a high sugar content.

Alcohol horoscope - Virgo.


Virgos love to be in charge, they love to put everything on shelves, having thoroughly studied and sorted it beforehand. Without abusing alcohol, their attitude towards it is no less responsible and rational. Having settled on a specific drink, they will learn not only its history, but also try all brands from all manufacturers. They prefer whiskey, cognac, and sparkling wines. Virgos try not to attend any parties or cocktails. They consider it a waste of time. No, you can meet them at a banquet or reception, but for them this is nothing more than a secular duty that does not evoke any enthusiasm. Virgo prefers to limit herself in alcohol, because she knows very well what kind of blow she inflicts on her liver. Their livers are too delicate to accept and process them properly. toxic substances that enter the body with alcohol. Virgos are not at all forbidden and are even recommended to drink a little light dry wine, but tart wines with a high content of tannins are strictly contraindicated for them. Any excess of alcohol in Virgos will result in indigestion and disruption of the microflora in the intestines. It is not surprising that over time, Virgos often become staunch opponents of alcohol.

Alcohol horoscope - Libra.


Libra - balance in the symbol picture, balance in life. True, the same cannot be said about alcohol addictions. Representatives of this sign may be drawn to something new and original - for example, New Zealand wines, or they may drink traditional French ones. They can also treat themselves to Calvados and cognac. People born under this sign simply adore fun companies and support any feast with all their might. But they have very little strength, and therefore they very quickly find themselves tipsy. They snack completely “incorrectly” - something sweet (sweets, as you know, help alcohol to be absorbed into the blood faster), or even don’t snack at all. The next day, Libra usually feels dizzy and has a heavy heart. So Libra needs to strive for moderation in feasts. Perhaps the best thing for them is to drink (but only in moderation) young grape wine, which has a healing effect on them, supplying the body with iodine, copper and manganese. Libra is constantly lacking these microelements. In general, Libras, as a rule, are mentally and physically very healthy people. The main danger for them is overeating and alcohol abuse, which causes liver and kidney diseases and, as a result, headaches.

Alcohol horoscope - Scorpio.


Scorpios are passionate, emotional natures. Possessing a strong-willed character, they are often indecisive when choosing and purchasing new things and... alcoholic beverages. They want to try a lot, but they don’t dare to try everything that the liquor assortment has to offer. They love cognacs and liqueurs. They are very knowledgeable and therefore adore champagne (they can drink a bottle without outside help). These people love to drink! Although drinking at the wrong time, and even in excess, can bring them a lot of trouble. They are very emotional, and after drinking, they lose control over their emotions. They will offend others and harm themselves. Scorpios can ruin their lives with drunken fights. That is why it is better for them to limit themselves to a glass of champagne or fragrant, expensive nutmeg. Why compromise your happiness and well-being? And then, you should remember that alcohol is the enemy of sex, but the friend of debauchery. And here Scorpio has no equal! That is why he should be careful when drinking libations.

Alcohol horoscope - Sagittarius.


Sagittarius can be different... Strong and self-confident - they drink vodka or something that contains no less degrees. Cheerful, good-natured and playful - they drink different types of wine, brut. However, everyone born under this sign is united by a love of freedom - therefore it is impossible to force or impose your taste on them. They will only drink what they have chosen themselves - be it sherry, port or champagne. At any party, in any company, Sagittarians are at the center of events. They do everything with pleasure, and they drink too. But Sagittarius has a very weak liver, which cannot tolerate strong alcoholic drinks at all. How many talented Sagittarius people have brought their weak liver to cirrhosis! People of this sign prefer to drink grape wines in small doses. They are a source of digestible silicon, which Sagittarians need more than others. And one more thing: Sagittarians should never drive while drunk. Even in a sober state, they are “reckless” and often get into accidents, and even when they are doped, trouble is not far away.

Alcohol horoscope - Capricorn.


Capricorns have long known the “truth in wine.” Namely, that you can’t drown anything in it except that same Khayyamov berry - neither pain, nor sadness. They are indifferent to alcohol, although their body allows them to drink every day and all day long. Capricorns have no special preferences - as well as a craving for new products and experiments with cocktails. That’s why they prefer the classics - whiskey, wine, and on holidays - champagne. Capricorns are very ambitious, and therefore prefer the company of famous and rich people. At the same time, they are not eager to be in the center of events; they prefer to watch what is happening from the side. That’s why they don’t allow themselves to drink too much: it’s easier for them to analyze the situation sober. And in general, Capricorns are quite indifferent to alcohol. They are prone to depression and have long realized that alcohol does not relieve problems or improve their mood. On the contrary, after drinking libations they become even more sad. With this approach to alcohol, Capricorns have no danger of going astray. But Capricorns simply need to invigorate their body and activate sluggish digestion. The best way- drink before hearty lunch a glass of red or white grape wine.

Alcohol horoscope - Aquarius.


Aquarians are too demanding of themselves and those around them - their life, full of contradictions, is in full swing and colorful stressful situations. Representatives of this sign fight the latter with the help of alcohol and sweets, sometimes combining them into one - for example, sweet wines, liqueurs. If it’s really difficult, they hit the table with their fist and demand the best vodka or undiluted whiskey. Aquarius loves company; sometimes a lot of people gather around him. At the same time, he prefers solitude. Aquarius is not very strong nervous system, he is always acutely aware of what is happening around him. And in this regard, alcohol is contraindicated for him. If Aquarius drinks heavily, he looks and behaves completely normally, does not quarrel with anyone and remains good conversationalist. But few people know how much stress this costs them. Aquarius really wants to give the impression of a strong and confident person, and in order to achieve this, he increases the dose of alcohol from time to time. In the same way he seeks to relieve stress. The result is the following: if previously a simple glass of wine had a relaxing effect on him, now he does not achieve this effect even with the help of more alcohol. That's why to strong drinks Aquarius must be treated with great caution. It is better for him to drink very good and expensive drinks in small doses - cognac, muscat and whiskey.

Alcohol horoscope - Pisces.


Pisces go with the flow, experiencing life from its best side. Dreamers and romantics, connoisseurs of beauty and gourmets, they love to be tasters. However, this, as well as their exposure to alcohol, can end badly. Therefore, it would not hurt for Pisces to issue a personal “prohibition” law, and make the first point - do not mix! Pisces generally love to drink - any drink, even just cold water with ice. They drink many cups of coffee or tea a day and love juices and lemonade. Pisces know very well that they should not get carried away with alcohol, since they get used to alcohol very quickly. They should remember this when they first accept an invitation to some celebration. But, as a rule, Pisces forget about this and begin to taste all the drinks on the table. They mix wines without hesitation different colors and degrees, which turns into a very unpleasant hangover for them. Due to the increased tendency to drink, Pisces should be wary of even a glass of aperitif before dinner or a glass of liqueur after dinner.

Each of us has had experience with alcoholic beverages. For some, communication occurs only on holidays, for some it is already a daily habit, and for others, alcohol cannot be tolerated at all.

Astrologers say that addiction to alcohol depends on the date of birth. Now we find out what the stars think about this.


Aries has no sense of proportion. Under the influence of alcohol, he becomes unbalanced and begins to seek adventure. If you need to get him something, give Aries something to drink, because under the influence of alcohol he becomes kind and pliable.


Taurus prefer to drink expensive drinks at home. Very often, a drunk Taurus begins to visit friends and acquaintances. Don't anger Taurus. When intoxicated, he becomes unbalanced and a fight may break out.


The twins are ready to organize a drinking party out of the blue. They do not change under the influence of alcohol. Aggression does not appear. But they drink more and more often than all other zodiac signs.


Cancers love intimate conversations over a glass of wine. However, if the temperature goes off scale and the amount of alcohol consumed is higher than normal, a circus program begins. Drunk Cancer and sober Cancer are different from each other. These are completely two different people.


Most often, Leos know when to stop drinking alcohol. They don't want to lose their reputation. If they drink, they can be rowdy or cheerful.


Most Virgos are ardent opponents of alcoholic beverages. If they drink, they do it beautifully. They can drink one glass of wine all evening, enjoying the drink.


Representatives of this sign lack self-control. They very often lose control of themselves, so they quickly get drunk. Libras always suffer from a hangover.


Scorpios seek solace in alcohol. If they drink, then there is a good reason for this. When drunk, they become dangerous to others. They want either showdowns or sex.


Sagittarius is a great party companion. Over a glass of alcohol, he becomes the life of the party. But if he drinks too much, he becomes straightforward. He will tell you everything he was afraid to say sober.


Capricorns are very reserved in their emotions. They cannot relax even under the influence of alcohol. Capricorns either seek solace in alcohol or don’t drink at all.


Aquarians love to experiment with alcoholic drinks. They prefer cocktails, often mix drinks, and then suffer from a terrible hangover. They may not drink for a long time, but then they enjoy participating in friendly parties.


It's better for fish not to drink! They can't stop in time. The process of addiction to alcohol occurs very quickly. They have a tendency towards alcoholism, so representatives of this sign need to be careful with drinking.


It may surprise you, but vodka is perfect alcoholic drink for Aries. They don't like to get bored sipping light sparkling wines and are rarely ardent beer fans. But you also need to be able to drink vodka - we are now talking not about quantity, but about quality. Aries are excellent at making cocktails with vodka, and at the bar they always order drinks based on it.


It's safe to say that Taurus people enjoy a glass of beer at the end of a hard day. They like that it doesn’t make you drunk to the point of clouding your mind, but at the same time pleasantly relaxes you and encourages conversation. The same can be said about cider - for Taurus women it is the ideal alcoholic drink that they can share with their girlfriend.


Who is always drawn to crazy adventures? That's right, Gemini! Perhaps that is why they love tequila so much, after which they appear in the evening program fiery dances and new acquaintances. Geminis are not the type to worry about a hangover or other people's opinions in advance, so they just cheerfully chant “one tequila, two tequilas, three tequilas...”.

Cancers love to drink with meaning, which means for them to fall into a slight melancholy and reflect on life. And as a worthy alcoholic companion, they choose gin, sometimes forgetting to dilute it with tonic. Cancers can drink a lot of elite drink, knowing full well that it will quickly make them feel intoxicated.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by a certain majesty and languor, so of all drinks they choose red wine. They do not want to experiment with various alcoholic cocktails, making it clear to the bartender that Leos want to see only high-quality wine in their glass.


Virgos are somewhat similar to Leos in their beliefs and can sometimes be very critical of new proposals. They don’t hesitate to call white wine their favorite alcoholic drink, considering it ideal in any situation and company. Virgos always demand that white wine be served cold, otherwise they simply won't drink it.


Libras are very serious and thoughtful people, so they even choose alcohol to suit their character. The ideal alcoholic drink for Libra is whiskey, there is no need to add anything. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not used to drinking cocktails just to get drunk; it is important for them to taste every note of the drink and feel its aging.


Scorpios took a long time to decide on their alcoholic preferences. They savored champagne, tried to appreciate tequila and casually sipped gin. But in the end, cognac turned out to be the best alcoholic drink for Scorpios. It is only important to find the right glass for him and worthy company for the evening.


Sagittarians love New Year- after all, this is the period when champagne flows like a river, you just have to place your glass in time. They do not believe that champagne requires a specific time and place, because this drink goes well in nature and at social events. Sagittarians always have a bottle of champagne hidden at home, in case someone comes to visit.