In a dream, the thoughtful look of a loved one. The reality and meaning of dreams

To anyone prick out eyes (squeezing out) - the interpretation of the dream is not the best - to resort to meanness, for the sake of hiding secrets, to force someone to connive with you. Damage to yourself - behind the aggression you do not notice that first of all you are ruining your own life. Go blind per one eye organ - something is being hidden from you, which is why you see what is happening one-sidedly.

Color eyes in a dream - make efforts to attract attention to yourself. To also put on lipstick is to seduce the opposite sex. To paint with shadows is to convey mystery. To paint with mascara is to hide the true motives under unceremonious, temperamental behavior. To paint with a pencil (to draw, to paint with eyeliner, to draw arrows) - to emphasize some of your features, talents, sometimes even to stick out.

Kiss eyes (kiss) - show interest and sympathy.

Wash– try to look at some things more open-mindedly than before. To pull out what you got (get it) - to free yourself from prejudices.

Drip in the eyes (instill medicine) - find out additional information, evidence, a case that interests you.

Paint eye contours - basing your judgments on truisms, breaking away from reality, forgetting about other sources where you could gain equally valuable knowledge.

What was in the eyes or on them

Dreaming something's wrong in the eye (mote, clogged) - something prevents you from looking at the situation impartially, does not allow you to live in peace. Needle - find out something that will cause you pain. Hair is a nuisance. Sand (grains) gets in - some important information passes you by.

“Very often I can’t open my eyes in my sleep, why would that be?” A clear indicator of ignorance in reality.

Worms in the eyeball (worm) - you have bad advisers who distort reality. Beetles- you are being manipulated.

Makeup– to hide thoughts and intentions under feigned frivolity and seductiveness. Drawn arrows on the eyelids - be able to place accents. Shadows for the eyelids - deliberate mystery, mystification, dope. Cosmetic pencil - the desire to appear better than you really are (more about cosmetics). Mascara– activity, unceremoniousness in order to stand out from the crowd.

Eyelashes– hide thoughts and feelings.

Wrinkles- a lie, often intentional.

Bruise under your eye according to the dream book (black eye) - complexes prevent you from living and fully enjoying your existence. Another person’s bruise means gossip and slander. Barley- something will upset you. Belmo- false talk. Pus– anger will not allow you to do justice.

Bandage, closing your eyes (blindfolded) - now you cannot soberly judge what is happening for lack of truthful information, and, keep in mind, this is beneficial for someone.

Other dreams

Ophthalmic lenses– a good adviser, a reliable source of information. Medicines - to diseases, the need to double-check what you have heard.

Operation on the eye organ - someone’s interference in your personal conclusions, who will set you up in your own way. Whether this is for better or for worse, you will find out by deciphering other sleep signs.

Dropped out eyeball from the socket - to loss. Flowed out - to tears. They hurt (sharp pain) - this means bitter news.

Hit in the eye area - change the worldview, thanks to someone else's intervention. Bitten by an insect– to false notifications.

The classic Russian dream book says that the look of your beloved eyes in a dream is very good sign. Those who saw the eyes of their beloved girl in a dream before the battle usually won all the battles and came home safe and sound.

Seeing the gaze of your beloved girl in a dream means meeting him soon and pleasant words that he will confirm with actions. For the mother of a difficult child, the dream-look of her child foreshadows further troubles associated with him. Eastern dream book. The mother's gaze is towards unpleasant news and words from her. Fortunately, these troubles are just appearances and illusions, nothing serious in reality. Besides, these troubles won't even be related to her. The girl dreams of a stern and long look, foreshadowing an unpleasant acquaintance that will not last long, to her happiness. The look of a beloved girl in a dream promises a guy a good job.

What if the gaze is dreaming?

Dream book of Europe. The gaze is a symbol of the flight of the soul, inspiration and creativity. If a girl dreams that someone is looking at her for a long time, she definitely needs to do new hairstyle, update your wardrobe a little.

If a musician dreams of a long gaze that sinks into the soul, he definitely needs to go today and record that song that has been asking to be recorded for a long time!

Now is the time for this, according to the dream book. The same situation applies to artists, writers, and all creative people in general. General dream book. The gaze is a sign of rivalry with the one whose gaze was seen in a dream. Yes, and, oddly enough, this also applies to relatives... We must prepare for a long time " cold war" and be patient.

What does it portend?

So, these dream books will help answer the question of what your eyes are looking at in dreams and what to expect from it. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the gaze is one of the most powerful information flows. The gaze cannot help but be one of the most powerful symbols that can be seen in a dream.

Usually, in order to understand what your eyes are looking at in a dream, you need to review many dream books, the semantic value of which tends to be negative. There will be no information garbage here, only the most honest and verified interpretations from best dream books peace.

So, now that you know what your eyes are looking at in dreams, you need to correctly set priorities for the near future. It is important to remember that dreams usually contain not one, but several key symbols. Perhaps something was simply overlooked due to its apparent insignificance. Yes, sometimes the most insignificant things become the most important, this also applies to dreams...

The article on the topic: “dream book of an evil look” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

The meaning of dreams related to gaze are divided into two types of interpretation. The first one, if you're watching. Second, if they are looking at you. But neither the first nor the second interpretation, alas, is encouraging. In the first case, your own views mean that you are busy with narcissism and will soon be subject to great temptation. In the second case, glances directed at you foreshadow gossip, condemnation, and disapproval. Positive value has only a contemptuous look - this means that you will be admired. But you shouldn’t relax because of this, because success always has enemies.

Freud directly connects the dream of a gaze with physiological function eye - observation. Such dreams speak of narcissism, constantly examining oneself in any reflection, but not with the goal of finding flaws, but, on the contrary, to enjoy one’s beauty. If you look at yourself in a dream, this indicates that you enjoy pleasuring yourself. Blindness in gaze indicates a loss of interest in oneself and surrounding temptations.

According to Miller

Miller interprets a dream about a gaze in accordance with the color of the eyes that are looking at you. Gray eyes warn that someone is flattering you with bad intentions. A blue-eyed look suggests that you may suffer due to your excessive timidity and delicacy. Brown eyes portend deception and deceit, which probably cannot be avoided. An inflamed look, sore eyes speak of futile fuss and future troubles.

A glance implies the ability to see, look, but not be able to possess. Therefore, if you glance at something in a dream, then in reality you will be subject to great temptation. To find out more specifically what you dream about looking at, refer to the interpretation of the object that you so greedily stared at in a dream. Then it will become clear to you what is tempting you so much and how to deal with it.

According to Tsvetkov

If the sleeper seems to be staring at him in a dream, then in reality he will be the center of attention. Every action will become the subject of public discussion. They will suspect you of something and condemn you. Conversely, the dream book interprets a contemptuous look as a sign that you will be admired. Feeling or seeing an imperious gaze in a dream means experiencing fear in reality. Something or someone will make you afraid.

Dream Interpretation Look, why you dream about seeing a look in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about the View from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Look: interpretation of the dream

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming about the Look, why?

Throwing glances - expect great temptation.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about the Look? The dream book interprets it this way:

Waiting for great temptation

Dreaming of looking down on someone - If you look down on someone, this means winning or a pleasant, profitable business.

Why do you dream about a look in a dream?

What does it mean to Look Down - To dream that some upstart is looking down at you - you will be perceived very well in society.

Why do you dream about this look in the summer?

Look down (look) - If you had to experience this in a dream, then expect humiliation.

Why do you dream about the look?

If you dreamed of a gaze directed at you, then this is a warning that someone is carefully watching you, looking closely at you in order to accept important decision.

If you dreamed that you yourself were casting glances at someone, then this is a sign of great temptation.

See also: why do you dream about looking, why do you dream about eyes, why do you dream about eyelids.

If you dream about the Look, what is this for?

If you dreamed of someone looking at you, then they will try to seduce you.

If you dreamed that you were glancing at someone, then you will have to withstand temptation.

If you dreamed that you were looking intently into the eyes of your interlocutor and holding his gaze, then the gossip and intrigues of your enemies will not achieve their goal, no one will believe them.

What does one dream about in spring?

Gaze - Looking into the distance without looking up - to a tedious task or useless work.

What does one dream about in the fall?

Gaze - To loss of vision.

Why do you dream about this look in the summer?

View - You will build Napoleonic plans.

Why do you dream about the Look?

Stare intently - beware of vision problems.

What does one dream about in spring?

Seeing glances in a dream means you are under someone’s suspicion.

What do you dream about in summer?

Catching someone's gaze on you is someone's interest.

What does one dream about in the fall?

A scary look at someone in a dream means falling in love.

Looking at someone in a dream means falling in love.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about a look in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream? Look at the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about a look from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about a look from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about looking from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a look in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a look in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Thu July 07, 2016, 13:04:08

Sun April 10, 2016, 17:20:09

Tue February 02, 2016, 08:15:25

Tue June 09, 2015, 17:38:04

Tue June 09, 2015, 17:36:50

A look in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Why do you dream about the look?

If a person sees very large eyes that are striking in size, then this foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. Interesting moments when in a dream the sleeper is accompanied by an observing gaze. This means that in reality a rival or competitor is expected to appear and is looking out for weaknesses sleeping man and prepares to strike. You should be very grateful for this hint, as it warns of impending betrayal and allows you to prepare and protect yourself.

What if you dream about a look?

Why do you dream about the look? Seeing in a dream a gaze that is directed at the sleeping person is a signal to pay attention to those moments in real world which the character symbolizes. If you dreamed about big or strange eyes, then this means significant changes for the better.

Such dreams indicate that the sleeper is being closely watched Higher powers, and how much they approve of his behavior in the real world can be seen by the look of these eyes. Seeing slanted eyes with a joyful look is a sign of monetary gain. If a sleeper observes the appearance of very beautiful, bewitching eyes in a dream, then this means loyalty and devotion of a loved one in reality.

What does it portend?

What you dream about is important for understanding the situation that is developing in real life person. Vision is the main function of perception of the surrounding reality and conveys through the gaze the slightest movements of the soul. In a dream, you can notice both an unkind look and an encouraging one.

All this brings an understanding of what is happening in a person’s life, but remains for the time being unnoticed by him. Seeing the eyes of an animal always indicates a waking manifestation of envy and jealousy towards the sleeping person.

If the dreamer goes blind in a dream, this foreshadows a violation of the oath he took in reality. Such dreams also indicate a possible illness in a person’s children. Seeing a one-eyed character means unfounded suspicions that will cause indignation and protest in the dreamer. Thus, dreams in which gaze is present in one form or another are very important for understanding real life situations.

Add to calendar

Why do you dream about the Look?

In science, there is such a thing as scopophobia, which is the fear of staring. A person suffering from such a phobia is afraid and confused when being looked at.

Often in life we ​​are faced with the fact that we are looked at without hesitation. Why do you dream about the look? Does such a dream have a specific interpretation?

They're looking at you

I dreamed of staring

Many dream interpreters view staring as genuine interest, seduction, and even a feeling of mistrust. The dreamer will be able to find the following prediction: deception awaits him, he should not trust people.

What dream books say

You will not find an unambiguous interpretation. If you want to thoroughly understand what the future holds for you, the smallest details will be required.

Interpreter of Avadyaeva

Dreaming of a sideways glance is a sign of seduction.

If you fix your gaze on someone, temptation awaits you. The dream book advises you to restrain your impulses.

In a dream, you are having a conversation with someone, looking him straight in the eyes, holding his gaze - your enemies will not be able to achieve their goal and cause you harm. The interpreter believes that they will spread gossip about you, but the people around you will not believe them.

Looking at someone in a dream

Interpreter of Smurova

Why do you dream of a gaze directed at a sleeping person? In real life, you are scrutinized, people want to make an important decision, but to do this they need to study you.

Considering someone yourself means you will face a great temptation.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

Did you dream of glances directed at a sleeping person, or did he himself look at the people around him? You will be faced with a choice: to act according to your conscience or as you want. This will be a great temptation, according to this dream interpreter.

Looking down on someone means that the business you have started will bring profit, and you can also win a prize or a decent amount of money.

Great interpreter

Feeling in a dream that you are being watched

This dream book considers the view only from the position that you will look at another person in a dream. The dream means that the dreamer will soon fall in love. You can only find out how events will unfold if you analyze all the details of your night vision.

Gustav Miller's opinion

If someone is closely watching you in night vision, then this is not a good sign. It means that you will lose control of your work. An outsider will take care of the brainchild of a sleeping person. Also, the dreamer will have to live in accordance with how his “owner” feels and listen to his opinion.

Miller took a positive view of the vision in which you fell in love with another person at first sight. This is a dream that predicts the beginning new love, friendship, and this will be a joy for you.

What kind of look did you dream about?

If a girl in a dream caught a man’s gaze in which love was felt, then in reality she will experience a bright feeling that will completely take over her heart.

The interpreter views this vision positively; your love will be mutual.

The look of a beloved man - your significant other suspects that you are unfaithful to him. If you value relationships, then you should have a serious conversation with your loved one, otherwise everything may end without your participation.

If you dream of women's gazes, you should be extremely careful not to get into an unpleasant situation into which they will try to drag you. You should especially be careful with new acquaintances who will try to harm you.

Dreaming of staring female eyes

Feeling an evil look is a harbinger of disagreements with your life partner. You are stuck on a certain issue, and no one wants to give up their position. If you do not make concessions or do not find common themes, then you risk completely breaking up with this person.

A man's gaze means you will soon have a rival. The interpreter does not specify in what area this will happen, personal or business. But you should definitely prepare, if you are fully armed, then no one will be able to harm you.

In general, a gaze directed at you is a sign of this person’s distrust of you. Think about it, perhaps you yourself did not act in the best way in the best possible way, is that why the person stopped trusting you?

Is someone looking at you without embarrassment? In reality, you feel embarrassed in front of a certain person or people. You should become more confident in yourself and stop depending entirely on other people's opinions.

When a sleeping person was looked at with contempt, then in reality he will be able to achieve universal respect and a high position in society.

I dreamed of a seductive gaze

What other views might you dream of:

  • sexy - there is an insidious seducer in your close circle, he will achieve his goals and disappear without a trace;
  • scary - in reality you are doing the wrong thing, your actions will have negative consequences;
  • judgmental - you independent person, and many people don’t like it, some are simply jealous of you, while others will do everything possible actions to ruin your life.

Unpleasant look

You can often hear a person say: “I feel like they are looking at me intently, I want to hide from this gaze.” In night vision, if you avoided the gaze of an acquaintance, then this is seen as your feeling of guilt before this person. It is easier to ask for forgiveness and completely repent of what you have done than to languish under the weight of guilt.

In the future, the dream book advises not to commit such actions.

Did the wolf look at you? In reality, you will face a ruthless enemy, there will be no mercy, so you should gather all your strength.

View from the dream book

Many dream books identify a look with seduction, mistrust or genuine interest. That is why temptation and deception are the most popular explanations for why this action is dreamed of. In a dream, this symbol is viewed in conjunction with dreamed events and represents the threshold of important changes that depend on the decision made by the dreamer.

The gaze of a loved one - deception or mistrust?

Catching the gaze of a beloved man in a dream, according to the Birthday Dream Book, speaks of certain suspicions of the beloved regarding the dreamer’s fidelity and devotion. The great universal dream interpreter deciphers a little differently why you dream of feeling the gaze of a loved one. The dream plot suggests that in reality the chosen one is carefully watching you, trying to make an important decision.

Waking up from the gaze of your beloved man tells the dream book about important changes that directly depend on the actions you take in reality. Looking at a man eye to eye indicates a difference of opinion with your chosen one. Perhaps you should slow down your own pressure a little to get what you want.

But feeling the gaze of a stranger on you speaks of a temptation that will be difficult to cope with. I dreamed that we looked at each other - eye to eye and felt how the stranger’s gaze was attracted, symbolizing a strong sexual desire, destructive passion.

Staring contest with an ex-lover or confrontation with the past

There are several versions of why your ex-boyfriend's gaze is seen in dreams. On the one hand, a dreamed action promises troubles that will emerge from past life dreamer. Be careful, because the appearance of an ex-chosen one in real life is not just a coincidence, but part of an insidious plan conceived by the boyfriend.

In the dream book of Simon Canaanite there is a different interpretation of what it means to dream of meeting the gaze of an ex-boyfriend. The dream reveals the likelihood of succumbing to nostalgia and the temptation to start over. Seeing your ex-boyfriend looking at you and avoiding his gaze signals a destructive feeling of guilt or unforgiveness. If you dreamed that the character was avoiding your gaze, it means that all hopes of renewing the relationship will remain just dreams.

But young man, see how ex-girlfriend looks away in a dream, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, indicates the character’s interest in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps in reality the young lady has hopes of renewing the relationship.

Animals are observed in a dream - be vigilant in reality

A wolf in a dream is compared by the dream book with a ruthless, evil and merciless enemy, therefore, what the wolf’s black eyes look like in a dream symbolizes the danger of suffering from the machinations of enemies.

The interpretation of a dream in which you catch a glowing cat's gaze on yourself warns of a rival or competitor in business. Seeing snakes looking at you from afar in a dream suggests in the dream book that your enemies are closely watching you. Be careful in your words and vigilant in your deeds, otherwise an unpleasant “surprise” from your enemies is guaranteed.

Encrypted message from the beholder

A large dream book for the whole family deciphers such a dream, based on the emotional message and the nature of the gaze. So:

  • to see that a woman looks tenderly or mysteriously in a dream - to a beautiful intrigue into which a sleeping person can be drawn;
  • an angry, angry expression in the eyes reflects in Hasse’s dream book the need to reconsider one’s behavior;
  • a message of love in the eyes of a stranger in a dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance, a mutual response to the sympathy of the sleeping person.
  • a deceased person who looked at you reproachfully in a dream warns that the planned activities are not well thought out;
  • catching your guilty reflection in the mirror means that guilt does not allow you to reveal your own potential.

Miller's Dream Book about the Loss of Freedom

To feel that someone is watching you from afar, psychologist Miller predicts the loss of the ability to independently manage your own brainchild, dependence on someone else’s opinion or mood. But feeling love at first sight for someone predicts new beginnings or relationships, an interesting project.

Mystical abilities

Why do you dream of moving objects with your gaze? The vision indicates the dreamer’s passive expectation of resolution of some problems. You should probably pull yourself together and take action. If you dreamed that you happened to light a fire with your gaze - beware of destructive emotions and negative thoughts, provoking incorrect conclusions.

Why do you dream about a glance from a dream book?

Dreaming of a look means imminent temptation. They will try to seduce or mislead you for selfish purposes.

Seen the look in an unnatural big eyes- to receive an inheritance. Special significance should be given to the vision in which you are accompanied by an observing gaze. This is a harbinger of the appearance in real life of a competitor or a serious rival who will carefully examine your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, which will be easiest to strike.

If the gaze was directed at you, you should pay attention to certain points related to the person you saw. If her eyes were strange, we should expect changes for the better.

Seeing slanted eyes with a joyful look portends a profit, a substantial amount cash. If you saw a bewitching look in a dream, you will remain faithful and loyal to your lover.

The look of the animal symbolizes the manifestation of jealousy and envy towards you. Someone is haunted by your success or luck.

Be careful when communicating with others, especially if these individuals are not familiar to you. Don't be trusting strangers, you may be deceived

I dreamed of a loving look

A dream about a stranger's loving gaze promises a new interesting acquaintance or a manifestation of reciprocal feelings for your sympathy on the part of the person you adore. If you caught the gaze of your loved one, your partner suspects you of infidelity.

Be more open in communication, show sociability and friendliness towards the new interlocutor. Do not create in reality reasons for jealousy in your significant other.

Seeing a woman's gaze in a dream

The Oracle's Dream Book describes the female gaze as an emerging intrigue into which you can be drawn against your will. A new acquaintance may turn out to be an insidious person, capable of adventures.

Do not be persuaded to participate in a dubious event. Be careful not to get into trouble, as you will have to get out of it yourself.

Dreaming of an evil look

I dreamed of an evil look - a reflection of existing disagreements with your partner. You do not want to give in to each other on one issue; everyone stands on their own opinion, without listening to their opponent.

Try to reduce your own pressure and find a common compromise - a solution that suits both parties. Otherwise, your confrontation may cause a break in the relationship.

Avoid looking in your sleep

Why do you dream of avoiding gaze? A vision of this kind reflects the destructive feeling of guilt you experience towards the person you saw. If ex-boyfriend avoids your gaze, your hopes of returning to your old relationship will not come true.

Talk to your partner about what's bothering you. Free your soul from the burdensome feeling of guilt. The strong bonds that exist between you will help you overcome any problem.

I dreamed about a man's gaze

Seeing a man’s gaze in a dream means the appearance of a rival. A serious competitor may appear in business, capable of causing great harm to your business. Betrayal from a loved one may await you.

Strengthen your vigilance, try to protect your most vulnerable places, since the main actions of ill-wishers will be directed precisely there. The sooner you find a hypocrite among your loved ones, the less harm he will have time to do to you.

Why do you dream about a gaze?

Dream about stare symbolizes suspicion. Some person from real life expresses distrust in you in a certain matter, so she watches your every move.

Try not to make rash actions, carefully analyze the future consequences of every decision you make. You have no room for error anytime soon.

I dreamed of a person’s direct gaze

If you dream of the direct gaze of a person nearby - you are afraid of someone or something. If your gaze was full of contempt, in reality you will be able to achieve universal respect and adoration.

Try to fight your fears, learn to control your own emotions. Act more logically, justifying each step you take, this will help you cope with fear.

Dreaming of a sexy look

The dream book considers a man's sexual gaze as a warning: an insidious seducer, a tempter may appear among your acquaintances, making every effort to confuse you and disappear.

Try not to get involved in dubious matters, do not allow yourself to be deceived. Remain careful and vigilant - it never hurts.

Seeing a scary look in a dream

I dreamed of a terrible look - the vision indicates the mistakes you make in everyday actions. Frivolous behavior leads to making wrong decisions and causes many problems.

Try not to do rash things. Analyze your own actions, thinking about the consequences of their commission.

Dreaming of someone else's gaze

Why do you dream of someone else's gaze? If the look was judgmental, your independence causes negative feelings among many and becomes the cause of gossip and slander.

Do not pay attention to evil gossip; idle speculation will stop on its own as soon as people lose interest in it. Don't get upset or nervous about this.

Why do you dream about looking?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

To cast a glance - expect great temptation.

Why do you dream about looking?

Spring dream book

Listening to condemning speeches in a dream and noticing looks - you will have to be in the spotlight for some period, and they will condemn you and say a lot of unflattering things about you.

Seeing an imperious gaze in a dream means fear.

A contemptuous look leads to adoration.

A close look - you are someone's suspicion.

Why do you dream about looking?

Summer dream book

Catching a disapproving glance on yourself in a dream means that you are not understood.

An imperious gaze caught in a dream in reality means that someone is interested in you.

A contemptuous look thrown at you in a dream is an expression of one’s disagreement.

Catching someone's gaze on you is someone's interest.

Why do you dream about looking?

Autumn dream book

Catching a disapproving glance on yourself in a dream means everyone doesn’t like your independent behavior, but at the same time they envy you.

To dream of a person piercing you with an imperious gaze - the mafia has taken note of you.

A contemptuous look thrown at you in a dream is a sign of hatred.

Looking intently at someone in a dream means falling in love.

Why do you dream about looking?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

A glance is a great temptation.

Why do you dream about looking?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

If you dreamed of a gaze directed at you, then this is a warning that someone is carefully watching you, looking closely at you in order to make an important decision.

If you dreamed that you yourself were casting glances at someone, then this is a sign of great temptation.

See also: why do you dream about looking, why do you dream about eyes, why do you dream about eyelids.

Why do you dream about looking?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed of someone looking at you, then they will try to seduce you.

If you dreamed that you were glancing at someone, then you will have to withstand temptation.

If you dreamed that you were looking intently into the eyes of your interlocutor and holding his gaze, then the gossip and intrigues of your enemies will not achieve their goal, no one will believe them.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with the emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of the sleeping person. Picture with good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

25 lunar day

Sleep rarely gives you the opportunity to enjoy light and colorful images. Most often, his paintings are nightmarish and unpleasant for the sleeper. It is not recommended to start anything new in the near future. Go to church and pray for yourself and your loved ones: troubles and troubles are possible.

The article on the topic: “female gaze dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

From this article you can find out why you dream about the View from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Look: interpretation of the dream

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming about the Look, why?

Throwing glances - expect great temptation.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about the Look? The dream book interprets it this way:

Waiting for great temptation

Dreaming of looking down on someone - If you look down on someone, this means winning or a pleasant, profitable business.

Why do you dream about a look in a dream?

What does it mean to Look Down - To dream that some upstart is looking down at you - you will be perceived very well in society.

Why do you dream about this look in the summer?

Look down (look) - If you had to experience this in a dream, then expect humiliation.

Why do you dream about the look?

If you dreamed of a gaze directed at you, then this is a warning that someone is carefully watching you, looking closely at you in order to make an important decision.

If you dreamed that you yourself were casting glances at someone, then this is a sign of great temptation.

See also: why do you dream about looking, why do you dream about eyes, why do you dream about eyelids.

If you dream about the Look, what is this for?

If you dreamed of someone looking at you, then they will try to seduce you.

If you dreamed that you were glancing at someone, then you will have to withstand temptation.

If you dreamed that you were looking intently into the eyes of your interlocutor and holding his gaze, then the gossip and intrigues of your enemies will not achieve their goal, no one will believe them.

What does one dream about in spring?

Gaze - Looking into the distance without looking up - to a tedious task or useless work.

What does one dream about in the fall?

Gaze - To loss of vision.

Why do you dream about this look in the summer?

View - You will build Napoleonic plans.

Why do you dream about the Look?

Stare intently - beware of vision problems.

What does one dream about in spring?

Seeing glances in a dream means you are under someone’s suspicion.

What do you dream about in summer?

Catching someone's gaze on you is someone's interest.

What does one dream about in the fall?

A scary look at someone in a dream means falling in love.

Looking at someone in a dream means falling in love.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about a look in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream? Look at the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about a look from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about a look from a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about looking from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream of a look in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about a look in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Thu July 07, 2016, 13:04:08

Sun April 10, 2016, 17:20:09

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Tue June 09, 2015, 17:38:04

Tue June 09, 2015, 17:36:50

A look in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Why do you dream about the look?

The meaning of dreams related to gaze are divided into two types of interpretation. The first one, if you're watching. Second, if they are looking at you. But neither the first nor the second interpretation, alas, is encouraging. In the first case, your own views mean that you are busy with narcissism and will soon be subject to great temptation. In the second case, glances directed at you foreshadow gossip, condemnation, and disapproval. Only a contemptuous look has a positive meaning - it means that you will be admired. But you shouldn’t relax because of this, because success always has enemies.

Freud directly connects the dream of looking with the physiological function of the eyes - observation. Such dreams speak of narcissism, constantly examining oneself in any reflection, but not with the goal of finding flaws, but, on the contrary, to enjoy one’s beauty. If you look at yourself in a dream, this indicates that you enjoy pleasuring yourself. Blindness in gaze indicates a loss of interest in oneself and surrounding temptations.

According to Miller

Miller interprets a dream about a gaze in accordance with the color of the eyes that are looking at you. Gray eyes warn that someone is flattering you with bad intentions. A blue-eyed look suggests that you may suffer due to your excessive timidity and delicacy. Brown eyes portend deception and deceit, which probably cannot be avoided. An inflamed look, sore eyes speak of futile fuss and future troubles.

A glance implies the ability to see, look, but not be able to possess. Therefore, if you glance at something in a dream, then in reality you will be subject to great temptation. To find out more specifically what you dream about looking at, refer to the interpretation of the object that you so greedily stared at in a dream. Then it will become clear to you what is tempting you so much and how to deal with it.

According to Tsvetkov

If the sleeper seems to be staring at him in a dream, then in reality he will be the center of attention. Every action will become the subject of public discussion. They will suspect you of something and condemn you. Conversely, the dream book interprets a contemptuous look as a sign that you will be admired. Feeling or seeing an imperious gaze in a dream means experiencing fear in reality. Something or someone will make you afraid.

View from the dream book

Many dream books identify a look with seduction, mistrust or genuine interest. That is why temptation and deception are the most popular explanations for why this action is dreamed of. In a dream, this symbol is viewed in conjunction with dreamed events and represents the threshold of important changes that depend on the decision made by the dreamer.

The gaze of a loved one - deception or mistrust?

Catching the gaze of a beloved man in a dream, according to the Birthday Dream Book, speaks of certain suspicions of the beloved regarding the dreamer’s fidelity and devotion. The great universal dream interpreter deciphers a little differently why you dream of feeling the gaze of a loved one. The dream plot suggests that in reality the chosen one is carefully watching you, trying to make an important decision.

Waking up from the gaze of your beloved man tells the dream book about important changes that directly depend on the actions you take in reality. Looking at a man eye to eye indicates a difference of opinion with your chosen one. Perhaps you should slow down your own pressure a little to get what you want.

But feeling the gaze of a stranger on you speaks of a temptation that will be difficult to cope with. I dreamed that we looked at each other - eye to eye and felt how the stranger’s gaze was attracted, symbolizing a strong sexual desire, destructive passion.

Staring contest with an ex-lover or confrontation with the past

There are several versions of why your ex-boyfriend's gaze is seen in dreams. On the one hand, the dreamed action promises troubles that will emerge from the dreamer’s past life. Be careful, because the appearance of an ex-chosen one in real life is not just a coincidence, but part of an insidious plan conceived by the boyfriend.

In the dream book of Simon Canaanite there is a different interpretation of what it means to dream of meeting the gaze of an ex-boyfriend. The dream reveals the likelihood of succumbing to nostalgia and the temptation to start over. Seeing your ex-boyfriend looking at you and avoiding his gaze signals a destructive feeling of guilt or unforgiveness. If you dreamed that the character was avoiding your gaze, it means that all hopes of renewing the relationship will remain just dreams.

But for a young man, seeing his ex-girlfriend look away in a dream, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, speaks of the character’s interest in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps in reality the young lady has hopes of renewing the relationship.

Animals are observed in a dream - be vigilant in reality

A wolf in a dream is compared by the dream book with a ruthless, evil and merciless enemy, therefore, what the wolf’s black eyes look like in a dream symbolizes the danger of suffering from the machinations of enemies.

The interpretation of a dream in which you catch a glowing cat's gaze on yourself warns of a rival or competitor in business. Seeing snakes looking at you from afar in a dream suggests in the dream book that your enemies are closely watching you. Be careful in your words and vigilant in your deeds, otherwise an unpleasant “surprise” from your enemies is guaranteed.

Encrypted message from the beholder

A large dream book for the whole family deciphers such a dream, based on the emotional message and the nature of the gaze. So:

  • to see that a woman looks tenderly or mysteriously in a dream - to a beautiful intrigue into which a sleeping person can be drawn;
  • an angry, angry expression in the eyes reflects in Hasse’s dream book the need to reconsider one’s behavior;
  • a message of love in the eyes of a stranger in a dream foreshadows an interesting acquaintance, a mutual response to the sympathy of the sleeping person.
  • a deceased person who looked at you reproachfully in a dream warns that the planned activities are not well thought out;
  • catching your guilty reflection in the mirror means that guilt does not allow you to reveal your own potential.

Miller's Dream Book about the Loss of Freedom

To feel that someone is watching you from afar, psychologist Miller predicts the loss of the ability to independently manage your own brainchild, dependence on someone else’s opinion or mood. But feeling love at first sight for someone predicts new beginnings or relationships, an interesting project.

Mystical abilities

Why do you dream of moving objects with your gaze? The vision indicates the dreamer’s passive expectation of resolution of some problems. You should probably pull yourself together and take action. If you dreamed that you lit a fire with your gaze, beware of destructive emotions and negative thoughts that provoke incorrect conclusions.

Why do you dream about the look?

If a person sees very large eyes that are striking in size, then this foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. Interesting moments when in a dream the sleeper is accompanied by an observing gaze. This means that in reality an opponent or competitor is expected to appear, looking out for the weaknesses of the sleeping person and preparing to strike. You should be very grateful for this hint, as it warns of impending betrayal and allows you to prepare and protect yourself.

What if you dream about a look?

Why do you dream about the look? Seeing a gaze directed at the sleeping person in a dream is a signal to pay attention to those moments in the real world that the character symbolizes. If you dreamed of big or strange eyes, then this means significant changes for the better.

Such dreams indicate that the sleeping person is closely watched by Higher powers, and how much they approve of his behavior in the real world can be recognized by the look of these eyes. Seeing slanted eyes with a joyful look is a sign of monetary gain. If a sleeper observes the appearance of very beautiful, bewitching eyes in a dream, then this means loyalty and devotion of a loved one in reality.

What does it portend?

What one looks at in a dream is important for understanding the situation that develops in a person’s real life. Vision is the main function of perception of the surrounding reality and conveys through the gaze the slightest movements of the soul. In a dream, you can notice both an unkind look and an encouraging one.

All this brings an understanding of what is happening in a person’s life, but remains for the time being unnoticed by him. Seeing the eyes of an animal always indicates a waking manifestation of envy and jealousy towards the sleeping person.

If the dreamer goes blind in a dream, this foreshadows a violation of the oath he took in reality. Such dreams also indicate a possible illness in a person’s children. Seeing a one-eyed character means unfounded suspicions that will cause indignation and protest in the dreamer. Thus, dreams in which gaze is present in one form or another are very important for understanding real life situations.

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Female look dream book

In science, there is such a thing as scopophobia, which is the fear of staring. A person suffering from such a phobia is afraid and confused when being looked at.

Often in life we ​​are faced with the fact that we are looked at without hesitation. Why do you dream about the look? Does such a dream have a specific interpretation?

They're looking at you

I dreamed of staring

Many dream interpreters view staring as genuine interest, seduction, and even a feeling of mistrust. The dreamer will be able to find the following prediction: deception awaits him, he should not trust people.

What dream books say

You will not find an unambiguous interpretation. If you want to thoroughly understand what the future holds for you, the smallest details will be required.

Interpreter of Avadyaeva

Dreaming of a sideways glance is a sign of seduction.

If you fix your gaze on someone, temptation awaits you. The dream book advises you to restrain your impulses.

In a dream, you are having a conversation with someone, looking him straight in the eyes, holding his gaze - your enemies will not be able to achieve their goal and cause you harm. The interpreter believes that they will spread gossip about you, but the people around you will not believe them.

Looking at someone in a dream

Interpreter of Smurova

Why do you dream of a gaze directed at a sleeping person? In real life, you are scrutinized, people want to make an important decision, but to do this they need to study you.

Considering someone yourself means you will face a great temptation.

Interpreter of the Apostle Canaanite

Did you dream of glances directed at a sleeping person, or did he himself look at the people around him? You will be faced with a choice: to act according to your conscience or as you want. This will be a great temptation, according to this dream interpreter.

Looking down on someone means that the business you have started will bring profit, and you can also win a prize or a decent amount of money.

Great interpreter

Feeling in a dream that you are being watched

This dream book considers the view only from the position that you will look at another person in a dream. The dream means that the dreamer will soon fall in love. You can only find out how events will unfold if you analyze all the details of your night vision.

Gustav Miller's opinion

If someone is closely watching you in night vision, then this is not a good sign. It means that you will lose control of your work. An outsider will take care of the brainchild of a sleeping person. Also, the dreamer will have to live in accordance with how his “owner” feels and listen to his opinion.

Miller took a positive view of the vision in which you fell in love with another person at first sight. This is a dream that predicts the beginning of a new love, friendship, and this will be a joy for you.

What kind of look did you dream about?

If a girl in a dream caught a man’s gaze in which love was felt, then in reality she will experience a bright feeling that will completely take over her heart.

The interpreter views this vision positively; your love will be mutual.

The look of a beloved man - your significant other suspects that you are unfaithful to him. If you value relationships, then you should have a serious conversation with your loved one, otherwise everything may end without your participation.

If you dream of women's gazes, you should be extremely careful not to get into an unpleasant situation into which they will try to drag you. You should especially be careful with new acquaintances who will try to harm you.

Dreaming of staring female eyes

Feeling an evil look is a harbinger of disagreements with your life partner. You are stuck on a certain issue, and no one wants to give up their position. If you do not make concessions or do not find common themes, then you risk completely breaking up with this person.

A man's gaze means you will soon have a rival. The interpreter does not specify in what area this will happen, personal or business. But you should definitely prepare, if you are fully armed, then no one will be able to harm you.

In general, a gaze directed at you is a sign of this person’s distrust of you. Think, perhaps you yourself did not act in the best way, so the person stopped trusting you?

Is someone looking at you without embarrassment? In reality, you feel embarrassed in front of a certain person or people. You should become more confident in yourself and stop depending entirely on other people's opinions.

When a sleeping person was looked at with contempt, then in reality he will be able to achieve universal respect and a high position in society.

I dreamed of a seductive gaze

What other views might you dream of:

  • sexy - there is an insidious seducer in your close circle, he will achieve his goals and disappear without a trace;
  • scary - in reality you are doing the wrong thing, your actions will have negative consequences;
  • judgmental - you are an independent person, and many people do not like this, some are simply jealous of you, and others will take all possible actions to ruin your life.

Unpleasant look

You can often hear a person say: “I feel like they are looking at me intently, I want to hide from this gaze.” In night vision, if you avoided the gaze of an acquaintance, then this is seen as your feeling of guilt before this person. It is easier to ask for forgiveness and completely repent of what you have done than to languish under the weight of guilt.

In the future, the dream book advises not to commit such actions.

Did the wolf look at you? In reality, you will face a ruthless enemy, there will be no mercy, so you should gather all your strength.

Why do you dream about a glance from a dream book?

Dreaming of a look means imminent temptation. They will try to seduce or mislead you for selfish purposes.

If you saw a look in unnaturally large eyes, it meant receiving an inheritance. Particular importance should be given to the vision in which you are accompanied by an observing gaze. This is a harbinger of the appearance in real life of a competitor or a serious rival who will carefully examine your weaknesses and vulnerabilities, which will be easiest to strike.

If the gaze was directed at you, you should pay attention to certain points related to the person you saw. If her eyes were strange, we should expect changes for the better.

Seeing slanted eyes with a joyful look portends a profit, a substantial amount of money. If you saw a bewitching look in a dream, you will remain faithful and loyal to your lover.

The look of the animal symbolizes the manifestation of jealousy and envy towards you. Someone is haunted by your success or luck.

Be careful when communicating with others, especially if these individuals are not familiar to you. You should not be trusting of strangers, you may be deceived

I dreamed of a loving look

A dream about a stranger's loving gaze promises a new interesting acquaintance or a manifestation of reciprocal feelings for your sympathy on the part of the person you adore. If you caught the gaze of your loved one, your partner suspects you of infidelity.

Be more open in communication, show sociability and friendliness towards the new interlocutor. Do not create in reality reasons for jealousy in your significant other.

Seeing a woman's gaze in a dream

The Oracle's Dream Book describes the female gaze as an emerging intrigue into which you can be drawn against your will. A new acquaintance may turn out to be an insidious person, capable of adventures.

Do not be persuaded to participate in a dubious event. Be careful not to get into trouble, as you will have to get out of it yourself.

Dreaming of an evil look

I dreamed of an evil look - a reflection of existing disagreements with your partner. You do not want to give in to each other on one issue; everyone stands on their own opinion, without listening to their opponent.

Try to reduce your own pressure and find a common compromise - a solution that suits both parties. Otherwise, your confrontation may cause a break in the relationship.

Avoid looking in your sleep

Why do you dream of avoiding gaze? A vision of this kind reflects the destructive feeling of guilt you experience towards the person you saw. If your ex-boyfriend avoids your gaze, your hopes of returning to your old relationship will not come true.

Talk to your partner about what's bothering you. Free your soul from the burdensome feeling of guilt. The strong bonds that exist between you will help you overcome any problem.

I dreamed about a man's gaze

Seeing a man’s gaze in a dream means the appearance of a rival. A serious competitor may appear in business, capable of causing great harm to your business. Betrayal from a loved one may await you.

Strengthen your vigilance, try to protect your most vulnerable places, since the main actions of ill-wishers will be directed precisely there. The sooner you find a hypocrite among your loved ones, the less harm he will have time to do to you.

Why do you dream about a gaze?

Dreaming of being stared at symbolizes suspicion. Some person from real life expresses distrust in you in a certain matter, so she watches your every move.

Try not to make rash actions, carefully analyze the future consequences of every decision you make. You have no room for error anytime soon.

I dreamed of a person’s direct gaze

If you dream of the direct gaze of a person nearby - you are afraid of someone or something. If your gaze was full of contempt, in reality you will be able to achieve universal respect and adoration.

Try to fight your fears, learn to control your own emotions. Act more logically, justifying each step you take, this will help you cope with fear.

Dreaming of a sexy look

The dream book considers a man's sexual gaze as a warning: an insidious seducer, a tempter may appear among your acquaintances, making every effort to confuse you and disappear.

Try not to get involved in dubious matters, do not allow yourself to be deceived. Remain careful and vigilant - it never hurts.

Seeing a scary look in a dream

I dreamed of a terrible look - the vision indicates the mistakes you make in everyday actions. Frivolous behavior leads to making wrong decisions and causes many problems.

Try not to do rash things. Analyze your own actions, thinking about the consequences of their commission.

Dreaming of someone else's gaze

Why do you dream of someone else's gaze? If the look was judgmental, your independence causes negative feelings among many and becomes the cause of gossip and slander.

Do not pay attention to evil gossip; idle speculation will stop on its own as soon as people lose interest in it. Don't get upset or nervous about this.