Eminem's daughter. Eminem's grown-up daughter: what do we know about Haley Jade Scott

The name Kim Mathers, Eminem's ex-wife, is familiar to many of us. But it just so happened that it was not by her will. The rapper’s most controversial and harsh lyrics, which once attracted the American public, were “fed” precisely by these relationships, which lasted more than twenty years. On his new record Revival, Eminem dedicates a good portion of the album to his ex-wife, telling her story on tracks like "Remind Me" (and its intro) and "Bad Husband", and also draws parallels to his relationship with Kim on some other album tracks.

Despite their far from ideal union, there was passion between them, thanks to which they stayed together for two whole decades, gave birth to a child and even adopted two more. But what is it real story Kim?

All this time, we saw the story of a girl from Michigan through the eyes of her ex-husband, through the prism of his aggressive texts. Therefore, we propose to analyze this complicated story in details.

early years

Kim Mathers was born in 1975 in Warren, Michigan, one of twin sisters born to Caitlin Slack. Although not much is known about the girl's childhood, information about her teenage life begins to emerge from the moment she met Eminem in 1987 - then just Marshall.

Kim first met Eminem at thirteen, at a party with mutual friends. The girl was fascinated by a fifteen-year-old boy who was rapping while standing right on the table. - the song “I’m Bad” by rapper LL Cool J. Love immediately broke out between the teenagers and soon Kim, along with her twin sister, ran away from home to live with Marshall and his mother Debbie Mathers.

In parallel with their romance, which lasted throughout the 90s, Eminem worked tirelessly on his career and began participating in rap battles in the famous Detroit Hip-Hop-Shop. And soon the aspiring rapper attracted the attention of a producer named Mark Bass, who really wanted to work with a young guy full of determination and a desire to succeed.

Things seemed to be getting better for Marshall and Kim, but then an unexpected event overtook them - Kim suddenly became pregnant.

Birth of Hayley Jade Scott-Mathers

Kim's unplanned pregnancy came as a shock to Eminem, but despite this, the young guy did everything to support Kim and their child. By the time Hayley was born, on Christmas Day 1995, Eminem was working sixty hours a week, which nearly ruined his fledgling rap career.

According to Mazur, one of former colleagues Eminem's job, he suddenly transformed from a sluggish slacker into a super-exemplary worker with exceptional enthusiasm: "He didn't want his daughter to grow up the same way he had once grown up, making ends meet."

Although Kim herself never mentioned this difficult period of her life, it is important to note that it was then that the couple’s relationship began to falter.

Life from hand to mouth with a small child in his arms was the “last straw” of patience for Marshall, whose ambitions were literally boiling. This was the reason for their first separation in 1996. Eminem returned to his mother, and Kim and her daughter returned to their one-room apartment.

It was during this period that Em created his violent alter ego, "Slim Shady", and poured out all his anger, frustration and resentment in the now infamous songs about Kim, including "97 Bonnie and Clyde" ("We're like Bonnie and Clyde") in '97").

In this violent song, Slim talks about how he takes his little daughter Haley and goes to dispose of Kim's corpse by throwing it into a lake. The worst thing was that Haley's voice sounded in the track. When Kim heard the songs, he was furious.

“That day I lied to Kim, said I would take Hailey to Chuck E. Cheese, and I drove her to the studio. When she found out that I used my daughter to record a track about her murder, Kim just went crazy. We just made up a couple of weeks ago and then I showed her the song and she ran out of the house like she was scalded,” Eminem told Rolling Stone magazine.

At the time, Kim and Eminem lived in a terribly dangerous area. One day, Kim was nearly hit by a stray bullet while she was washing dishes: “The place we lived in was fucking shitty. During the two years that we lived there, I changed four televisions and five tape recorders.”

First marriage

The couple married in 1999, before Eminem left with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and many other popular rappers on the infamous "Up In Smoke" tour.

Kim later explained that main reason This marriage was due to her desire to keep Eminem “on a short leash” while on tour in order to keep the family together. Naturally, at this stage of their lives this attempt was unsuccessful.

While it's not clear exactly what went on between Kim and Eminem after their first marriage in 1999, it's safe to say there was a lot of chaos.

In an interview with Dr. Keith Ablow, Kim said that by bringing his alter ego with him on tour, Eminem destroyed her self-esteem to the point that she even attempted suicide in 2000. “Watching the crowd sing along to those monstrous words, laughing and clapping... it felt like they were all looking at me... I knew he was singing about me... that night I came home and tried to kill myself.”

She also added that fame turned Marshall into a "honeymoon" for other women, and it made her feel pathetic and rejected. “When his first tour started, that’s when his ego came in. He imagined himself to be God and said that I should say thank you that he still communicates with me, like you know how many women hang on to me. It all made me feel like a piece of crap."

Second marriage

The couple's first marriage broke up in 2001, but despite this, they remained in touch thanks to joint custody of their daughter, Hailey. After regular quarrels and reconciliations, in 2006 Kim and Eminem decided to get married again. Kim explained that the second marriage was to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their relationship: “We decided to get married on January 14th. Marshall wanted this because it was the 15th anniversary of our first date. I remember I said then: “Let’s just have a ceremony, without official marriage.” Because I was afraid of what might happen to our children if we went through divorce again. And then, 41 days later, on February 25, Marshall left." Although the second marriage was doomed, it was after it that the couple began to build friendly relations for the sake of their little daughter Hayley.

Other relationships

After her first marriage to Eminem ended in divorce, Kim met a man named Eric Hatter, with whom she had a daughter, Whitney, in 2002. When she and Marshall reconciled, Whitney was unofficially adopted by him. In his 2005 interview, Eminem very affectionately admits that he is “just in love with this sweet and funny girl.”

Kim's twin sister - Dawn

Kim and her sister didn't have the best life after running away from their alcoholic parents at age 13. In addition, they themselves suffered from addiction. Unfortunately, unlike Kim, who was able to overcome alcohol and drug addiction, her sister did not succeed; she died of an overdose in January 2016.

While there is no information about when exactly Dawn's addiction problems began, it is known that her daughter Alaina was in the care of Kim and Marshall from an early age due to her mother's inability to care for her - a sad fact that we will cover more in next section. In 2014, Dawn's addiction to heroin, cocaine, Aderal and Klonopin left her homeless. The woman wandered around rented apartments with friends until she found a room in a Detroit trailer park, on 8 Mile Road.

A few months before her death, Dawn said on Radar Online that Kim and Marshall refused to help her during her most difficult times: “My brother-in-law is a millionaire, my sister has a ton of money, but they refuse to help me. This is betrayal. Mathers has been a part of our family since he was 15!”

Dawn in her trailer, presumably from a heroin overdose.

Despite the fact that Dawn condemned her sister for not helping her, and providing help, especially financial, dependent person, always leads to trouble. But, of course, Kim cared about her sister. After her death, Kim wrote a touching obituary: “Dawn was my beloved sister who lost her way. I hold a candle for her in hopes that she will find her way back to me. I miss and love her more than anyone in the world. I wish she was here so I could hug her and tell her how much I love her. The other half of me left with her and I will never feel whole again. She always made me laugh and kept me afloat. She was the best sister, friend and I will miss her until we are together again."

Adopted daughter Alaina

Kim's sister's drug problems led Kim and Marshall to officially adopt her daughter in 2002. Alaina, who grew up with Hailey and is now 23, appears to have grown into a happy, healthy, young girl raised by Kim and Marshall.

Suicide attempt

IN last couple For years, Kim's name surfaced in a story that was very actively covered in the media. On October 7, 2015, Kim Mathers was involved in a car accident while driving under the influence.

The police, of course, arrived at the scene of the accident and began asking passers-by how it happened. One eyewitness said: “I heard swipe, boom! And I thought: What was that?!” Everyone waited by the car until they knew who was in it. It was Kim Mathers, Eminem's ex-wife. She was intoxicated. According to her, she drank a whole quint of rum in broad daylight.

One of the reasons why many curious fans of digging into other people's dirty laundry showed great interest in this story is that Kim's suicide case and court documents were hidden from prying eyes.

Later, Eminem's ex-wife admitted that she tried to commit suicide by getting into a car while intoxicated and deliberately trying to get into a fairly serious accident. In May 2016, Kimberly spoke about this in an interview for the program “Mojo in the Morning.” During the conversation, she explained why the court papers relating to the accident were sealed, insisting that it was not because of preferential treatment, but only because the papers contained medical information about her suicide attempt. Regarding the accident and suicide attempt, Kim said that she had planned the accident and collision in advance so that there would be no casualties, and admitted that she mixed alcohol and drugs before getting behind the wheel of her Cadillac Escalade SUV.

“I drove to the end of the road, where I was sure that no one but me would get hurt,” Kim explained. - “Yes, I drank, took pills, and I pressed the gas and drove the car into a pole.”

She did not talk about the very reason why Kim decided to commit suicide. But she said that during this difficult period for her (after the death of her sister and after this accident), Eminem supported her very well. "He was a big support during this time," she said of her ex-husband. - “We are very close friends. We're just trying to be the best parents we can be for our kids so that their lives can be as normal as possible."

At the end of 2016, Kim was convicted. The process lasted many months and was kept secret from the people. Kim Mathers was sentenced to probation for driving under the influence causing an accident. She was placed on probation for a year, including drug and alcohol tests and observations, which began on November 22, 2016. Probation ends in March 2018.

Eminem and Kim's daughter Hailey, graduating from high school


Whatever Kim’s life is, it’s not for us to judge her or poke our nose into her personal affairs. Kim is an important part of Eminem's life. She greatly influenced him and was reflected in his work.

Despite all the adversity that Kim went through, she dedicated herself to becoming so a good parent, as far as possible, and her beautiful daughters are a clear confirmation of this.

On his track "Bad Husband" from the album "Revival", Eminem laments the fact that his relationship with Kim has collapsed. “If she could take it all back, I would do so many things differently.”

“We are not bad people, we just feel bad together”

Eminem (Eng. Eminem, real name Marshall Bruce Mathers III, English. Marshall Bruce Mathers III) is an American rapper, music producer and composer. One of the best-selling musical artists in the world, winner of fifteen Grammy awards and an Oscar for best song for the film “8 Mile,” in which he played main role.


Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on October 17, 1972 in small town Saint Joseph, Missouri, USA. His parents, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. (born 1947) and Deborah Ray (Nelson) Mathers-Briggs (born 1955), were musicians who played in the Ramada restaurants. They married when Deborah was 15, and she soon gave birth to a son.

The birth was difficult and long - it lasted 73 hours and almost ended in the death of the mother. Six months after this, Marshall's parents separated, his father moved to California, got a new family with two children - Michael and Sarah - and completely forgot about the eldest son. Later, as a teenager, Marshall tried to contact his father and wrote him several letters, but he did not even print them and sent them back.

Trying to arrange her personal life, the mother, following her father, left her son when he was not yet a year old, and from 1973 to 1977 the boy was raised by his great-aunt Edna. Then Deborah returned, but during her travels she became addicted to alcohol, and later brought home new stepfathers several times, none of whom stayed for long.

Marshall and Deborah moved constantly from place to place, mostly staying with relatives, and rarely stayed in the same house for more than a year. A few years later, the mother gave birth to another son, Nathan. Finally, when Marshall was 12, the family settled in the suburbs of Detroit. Acquaintances of that time remembered Eminem as “a generally happy child, but withdrawn.”

Life in the new place was complicated by the fact that the teenager was not accepted by local children, mostly black children from working families. The boy was constantly teased, he was attacked and beaten almost every day. Subsequently, these sad moments were reflected in the lyrics of Eminem, in particular, in the song “Brain Damage”: “I was harassed every day by fat DeAngelo Bailey - he was an eighth grader and behaved arrogantly because his dad was a boxer.”

In 1983, it was this teenager who once hit Marshall in the head so hard that he lay in a coma for 10 days, and doctors had little hope of his recovery. “Glorified” in the song, Bailey later admitted in an interview: “We had a whole gang, and we took him in... You know, bullied him and everything. One day we hit him right on the head, on the back of the head. When we saw that he was not moving, we ran away. And then they lied and said that he slipped on the ice.”

First creativity

Marshall was introduced to rap by his uncle Ronnie Polkinghorne, who was only a few months older than him and became his first mentor in music. “My uncle was actually my best friend,” Eminem said gratefully.

Ronnie recorded several of his tapes for his nephew. “And I thought: damn, this is what I can do!” the artist recalled. In addition to rap, the boy liked to write stories and draw homemade comics.

The teenager created his first rap duet at the age of 14 together with his friend Mike Ruby, and at the same time he came up with the pseudonym “M&M” (based on the first letters of his first and last name), which later transformed into “Eminem”.

Teenagers regularly participated in local unofficial freestyle competitions. Gradually gaining a place for themselves in a field that had previously been considered a 100% prerogative of blacks, they gained more and more fans.


Marshall did poorly in school, especially in high school, not because he lacked ability, but because he was not interested in school at all. All he had to do was rap. Having failed to complete the 9th grade, even after spending 3 years in a row at the Lincoln School, at the age of 17 he dropped out of school forever.

In 1991, Uncle Ronnie shot himself because of unhappy love, and for Eminem it was such a shock that he was speechless for several days.

The young man's mother, Deborah, was constantly in conflict with him. Marshall with early age she had to earn extra money to help her support her family, and yet she very often kicked him out of the house. She had a difficult character, which one of the social workers described as “increased suspicion, close to paranoia.” However, in 1987, she sheltered her son's runaway friend, Kimberly Scott, who later became Eminem's wife.

Later, the singer released information that Deborah, in addition to everything else, suffered from Munchausen syndrome - mental disorder, in which a person invents or deliberately causes a serious illness in someone close to him in order to benefit from increased attention, sympathy and help from others. For this reason, his perfectly healthy 9-year-old brother Nathan spent a whole year in the hospital. In the end, in order to stop this bullying and provide his mother with qualified help, Marshall was forced to testify against her in court, and then he began to raise his brother on his own. A difficult childhood and the trials of his youth gave a strong impetus to Eminem’s creativity.

Music career

In 1995, Eminem made his debut as a professional musician with the New Jacks, and then, when they broke up, with the group Soul Intent, which also featured his friend Proof and DJ Butterfingers.

Unreleased New Jacks album + photo of young Eminem

However, he was more interested in his individual career, and already in 1996 he recorded his first solo album, Infinite. This disc did not arouse much interest from listeners, because Detroit at that time was already oversaturated with hip-hop.

Eminem was very upset by the failure of his debut album, but later he himself admitted that his own style had not yet developed at that time, and that recording was just a test of the pen. In addition, the main lyrical theme of this work was the singer’s worries about how to raise his newborn daughter with very little money - to which he received the response: “Maybe you’d be better off going into rock and roll?” And Eminem realized that the lyrics of his compositions should become sharper, caustic and with a hint of anger.

The singer's new mood led to the creation of a new stage image, a kind of alter ego under the pseudonym Slim Shady. Slim literally glorified violence, drugs and even murder with sadistic pleasure, but under this outer shell he also touched on deeper themes of social injustice, poverty, love and family problems.

This was the mood of his new album “Slim Shady EP”, recorded in the spring of 1997. The disc was ready, but lay without promotion, and Eminem went to the “Rap Olympics” - an annual national competition in the rap battle format, which took place in Los Angeles. In this largest battle, the artist took second place, and the organizers drew attention to the talented young man.

Eminem – The Real Slim Shady

One of them, Jimmy Iovine, listened to the album “Slim Shady EP” and gave it to the famous rapper and rap producer Andre Romell Young, better known under the pseudonym Dr. Dre. He immediately took Eminem “under his wing,” and in 1999, the album “The Slim Shady LP” was successfully re-released and became a bestseller: it managed to become triple platinum before the end of the year and brought the artist his first Grammy award.

Dr. Dre later recalled: “In all my time in the music industry, I never came across anything worthwhile on demos or CDs. But when Jimmy played it, I immediately said: Find him, now." Colleagues tried to reason with the producer and warn him against working with a white-skinned, that is, “fake” rapper, to which he replied: “I don’t care if he’s even purple. If he raps well, I'll be with him."

Eminem was shocked by this turn of fate, because Dr. Dre long years was one of his idols: “I didn’t want to act like a fan or suck up to him too much... I was just a regular white kid from Detroit, and before I met Dr. Dre, I had never even met any of the stars.” And in one of the later interviews, the artist admitted that if it were not for the fateful participation of Dr. Dre and the sudden rise in popularity, he, in principle, was ready to despair and leave music in order to build a career in some other, less creative industry: his The daughter was only a year old, and the family desperately needed a stable income.

At the end of 1999, Interscope Records provided the artist with his own record label, under which not only he himself subsequently released works, but also artists friendly to him, such as Obie Trice, 50 Cent, Stat Quo, Cashis, Bobby Creekwater, Yelawolf, bands D12 and "Slaughterhouse", etc.

The next album, The Marshall Mathers LP, was released in 2000 and sold 1,760,000 copies in its first week. The disc received the title of the fastest-selling hip-hop album, breaking previous records of the albums “Doggystyle” by Snoop Dogg and “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears.

The lyrics of some singles from this disc have drawn serious criticism for being homophobic, as well as for insulting famous artists: in particular, the song “The Real Slim Shady” contains controversial information about the sex life of Christina Aguilera, and the song and especially the video released shortly “ “My Name Is” Eminem harshly parodied the rock singer Marilyn Manson, with whom he, however, is on good terms.

Eminem – My Name Is

The most controversial was the video for the song “Stan” - Marshall played on the theme of his sudden popularity, depicting a crazy fan who killed his pregnant girlfriend and committed suicide. This composition received the title of “third best song in the style of rap" according to Q magazine, and in the ranking of "500 Greatest Songs of All Time" by Rolling Stone magazine, it took 296th position. As a result, at the 43rd Grammy ceremony, Eminem and “Stan” won in three categories at once.

Eminem ft. Dido – Stan (full version)

In 2001, the artist took part in the large-scale Up in Smoke Tour along with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, rappers Xzibit and Ice Cube. Following this, he focused on releasing his next album, The Eminem Show, which was released in May 2002 and again rocketed to number one on the charts. And although the disc also attracted the now-familiar criticism for its "angry mood", for insulting women and for its abundance of dirty language, it sold more than 30 million copies worldwide and became the best-selling album of 2002.

After this, Eminem released the disc “D12 World” together with the rap group “D12”, and the next solo disc “Encore” was released in November 2004. By all accounts, this work was less successful than the previous one: sales in the first week were only about a third of those of previous albums. One of the reasons for the lukewarm reception was perhaps the more comical mood of the album and softer, not at all “evil” lyrics without the usual cruelty.

Eminem's intention to rid himself of his evil alter ego Slim Shady is emphasized by the design of the album's cover, which depicts his farewell bow. True, there was still some ridicule of the stars: the video for the song “Just Lose It” shines with satire of Michael Jackson.

Eminem – Just Lose It

While working on the Encore album, Marshall frequently used drugs, and then became somewhat confused about his creative plans. After recording this work, he decided to take a creative break. The calm was broken only by the re-release of past compositions in the disc “Curtain Call: The Hits” and the release of the collection “Eminem Presents: The Re-Up”, in which the artist introduced new musicians Boby Creekwater and Cashis to the public.

In 2007, Eminem recorded the song “Peep Show” for the new album “Curtis” by the famous rapper 50 Cent, and then again disappeared from musical life for a whole year and a half.

The silence was broken in February 2009 with the release of the song "Crack a Bottle" featuring 50 Cent and Dr. Dre; Following this, several more singles were released, and in May, Eminem’s new full-length album, “Relapse,” was finally released. The key theme of this disc and its advertising campaign was the deliverance of Marshall from drug addiction. The artist himself described this work as a return to the “good old days.”

Dre and I locked ourselves in the studio again, just like before. Dre would end up producing most of the tracks on Relapse. We're having fun again... So be it.

The album was generally warmly received by the music audience and turned out to be quite successful, although criticism towards it was restrained: “Eminem had the opportunity to give his music a new quality. What he has now presented is still powerful, but very narrow in form.” Some noted that "... the album leaves an aftertaste of joyless fatigue - too noticeable for it to signify a return to form for the artist."

However, there were no less positive reviews, and the album brought the artist another Grammy Award. At the end of the year, the second part was released - “Relapse: Refill”, which included both already known compositions and completely new ones, including the track “Forever”, performed together with rappers Drake, Kanye West and Lil Wayne.

Drake, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Eminem – Forever

In June 2010, another “sequel” was released - the “Recovery” disc. It turned out to be noticeably more successful than the previous one, and critics finally recognized the return of the “old” Eminem with his “dark, dramatic beat”, “trademark acrobatic rhymes” and “a growing quality of anger”.

After this, the artist recorded the album “Hell: The Sequel” together with his friend from his youth, rapper Royce da 5"9", teaming up with him in the duet “Bad Meets Evil” - with this composition they had already worked together once in 1997, but then their joint creativity was not widely known. The new album instantly took off in the charts and elevated both performers to a new round of fame.

The next album, “The Marshall Mathers LP 2,” was released in August 2013 and became one of the most anticipated discs in several years. It is called the most “atmospheric” of Eminem’s albums - it is permeated with the spirit of nostalgia for youth. Many famous artists were invited to record it, not only rappers, but also singers of other genres, including r’n’b singer Rihanna. The disc was again successful, and even the most demanding critics did not find any flaws in it.

In 2014, the recording company Shady Records, founded by the artist, released the double collection “Shady XV”. The first disc contains fresh tracks by Eminem himself, as well as groups with his participation and his friends: “Slaughterhouse”, “Yelawolf”, “D12”, “Bad Meets Evil”, etc. The second disk collected all the best hits over its 15-year history label: artists such as Obie Trice, 50 Cent, Bobby Creekwater, Ca$his and Stat Quo are featured here. In 2015 – 2017, Eminem released several hits: “Campaign Speech”, “Kill For You”, etc.

In 2017, Eminem worked on a new album, Revival, his first solo disc since The Marshall Mathers LP 2, released in 2013. Earlier in 2017, he released a video in which he rapped with harsh criticism of US President Donald Trump.

Eminem launches his own line fashionable clothes, which can be purchased through his official website. One of his latest collections"Camp Shady" also contains equipment for hiking and sports tourism.

Film career and other works

Eminem made his film debut, playing a cameo role in the comedy “The Wash” (2001), in which all the main roles were played by his colleagues, including Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. The film was not widely known - critics considered it “amateurish and not funny.”

His most significant film work was the lead role in the Curtis Henson drama 8 Mile (2002) starring Kim Basinger and Brittany Murphy. This film is about a young Detroit rapper nicknamed Rabbit, and for Eminem it is largely autobiographical.

Eminem – Lose Yourself (cut from “Eight Mile”)

The audience liked the film, and the artist’s performance was especially praised: “The genius of the Rabbit’s image is that he recognizes his own weaknesses,” and Eminem’s work is “pure magic.” Eminem also wrote and performed 5 songs for this film, including the title track "Lose Yourself", for which he was awarded an Oscar. In addition, for his work on the film, he received two MTV Movie Awards – in the categories “Male Breakthrough of the Year” and “Best Actor”.

Eminem's personal life Haley Jade Scott was born in 1995

The couple officially got married in 1999, but divorced in 2001. In an interview at that time, Eminem swore: “I would rather give birth to a child through my penis than agree to marry again.”

However, in January 2006, she and Kim re-entered into a legal marriage, but in April of the same year they separated again and finally divorced in December. The former spouses agreed to jointly raise their common daughter Haley, and in addition, Marshall took sole custody of two other children whom he adopted: Alaina Scott (Kim’s niece, her sister’s daughter) and Whitney Scott (Kim’s daughter from another man).

After breaking up with Kim, the rapper doesn't get along well with girls

After the final divorce, he repeatedly stated that he no longer wanted to enter into a love relationship with anyone, because he could not completely trust anyone. Marshall fears that women may have ulterior motives for relationships, will not be completely honest with him and will not be able to remain faithful. In 2008, he briefly dated Tracy McNew, an employee of Shady Records, but nothing is known about his subsequent relationship.

Eminem's half-brother Nathan Kane, over whom he had custody, followed in his footsteps and also became a famous rapper. The artist still has a difficult relationship with his mother: she repeatedly sued him, and then published a book about him, “My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem,” in which, in particular, she said that he had been suffering all his life bipolar disorder psyche.

Eminem now

The summer of 2018 ended with the release of Eminem’s tenth anniversary studio album “Kamikaze”, which included 13 new tracks by the rapper. One of them, the most recent one, was included in the soundtrack of the film “Venom” with Tom Hardy. The performer generously criticized everyone: mumble rap (Lil Pump and the like), music critics who disliked his last album, Donald Trump, the group Die Antwoord (their vocalist Yolandi Visser laughed at his name in one of the tracks), as well as his former group D12.

In parallel with working on his material, he helped singer Nicki Minaj with the recording of her album “Queen”. Around the same time, Eminem broke his record for the fastest rapping, reading 123 syllables in 12 seconds. He rapped faster on Nicki's "Majesty" than on his own track "Rap God."

Eminem is a legend of rap music, a talented singer, composer, producer and actor. Most of the rapper's songs are autobiographical and tell about his difficult path to fame.


Marshall Bruce Mathers III is Eminem's real name. At the age of 15, his mother, aspiring singer Debbie Nelson, married musician Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr.

On October 17, 1972, in the city of St. Joseph, Missouri, the couple gave birth to a boy, who was named after his father - Marshall Bruce Mathers III.

When Marshall was 8 months old, his father left, leaving eighteen-year-old Debbie alone. It was very difficult for the young mother to raise her child alone.

As a child with my mother

In search of a better life, the family constantly moved from state to state. Because of this, the boy had no friends, he changed schools very often and lived with his mother in a travel trailer for almost his entire childhood.

When Marshall was 12 years old, his family finally settled in the African-American neighborhood of Detroit. Apart from them, there were only two white-skinned residents in the block, so the family got into trouble.

Coma and moving

At school, the boy had no friends; all his classmates were dark-skinned and constantly bullied and humiliated him because of the color of his skin. His main enemy was DiAngelo Bailey, a student 2 grades older than Marshall.

In the winter of 1983, Bailey and his friends brutally beat Marshall on the street. The boy fell into a coma and lay in the hospital for 10 days until doctors revived him.

After this, Marshall’s mother seriously thought about moving. A year after the incident, Debbie and her son moved to Kansas City.

In childhood and youth

In 1985, Marshall's younger brother was born, the boy was named Nathan. Soon, her stepfather left her mother, and Debbie raised her two sons herself.

In Kansas City, Marshall became friends with Ronnie's mother's brother, who became the boy's best friend. Ronnie loved rap music, and one day brought nine-year-old Mathers Ice T's "Reckless" record.

Marshall really liked the record and decided that he also wanted to become a rap artist. At the age of 13, Marshall began writing his own rap.

Despite the humiliation of black MCs who believed that “whites” had no place in rap, Marshall began to win rap battles and over time gained the respect of his peers. At the same time, the boy came up with the pseudonym “M&M”, which transformed into the famous nickname “Eminem”.

At school, Eminem failed 5 transfer exams, after which the future star was kicked out of the ninth grade. Then his mother told Mathers to look for a job.

Marshall tried many professions, trying to somehow help his mother: he worked as a waiter, a cook, and a seasonal worker. The boy even performed at night in live local radio station.

At the age of 19, Eminem suffered a bereavement - his uncle Roney, who had long been Marshall's best friend, committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1995, Eminem became a member of the group Soul Intent, which also included him best friend Proof and DJ Butterfingers.

The beginning group did not find sponsors, so the circulation of the record with the first tracks was negligible, and now this record is almost impossible to find.

The following year, Eminem recorded his first album, “Infinite,” which, however, was not to the taste of listeners.

It was replicated by one independent studio. The studio managed to sell about a thousand copies of the album, then the contract with the performer was terminated.

The failure of the album, which Eminem later called only a demo album, hurt the young artist. Marshall became addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Then Mathers was on the verge of suicide: he was desperately trying to find a normal job. The rapper had no money at all, so his friends bought clothes for Marshall.

Hoping to win, Marshall went to the Rap Olympics competition in Los Angeles. Having failed, Mathers was already thinking about quitting rap.

Desperate, Eminem made one last attempt to gain recognition - he distributed his demo tape “The Real Slim Shady LP” to recording studios in Los Angeles.

The idea of ​​​​creating the character “Slim Shady” came completely unexpectedly - the rapper came up with bright rhymes under his pseudonym “Eminem”, but nothing worked.

Then suddenly he had an epiphany - he came up with an alter ego and called him Slim Shady. Slim, according to Marshall, was the dark side of the rapper - he read daring, immoral lyrics.

A stunning success

Luck smiled on Marshall in 1999. By chance famous producer and musician Dr. Dre found The Slim Shady EP in the garage of Jimmy Iovine, head of Interscope Records.

After listening to the compositions, the producer was amazed by the talent of the young rapper. He called Marshall back and offered to re-release the record under his label.

The same year, the official album “Slim Shady LP” was released, which created a real sensation in rap culture: the white-skinned rap artist had incredible talent and read shocking lyrics about violence and racial discrimination.

Following the record, the first video clip “My Name Is” was released, which was constantly played on all music channels.

In 2000, Eminem's second studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP, was released, in which the rapper sang on his own behalf.

In his songs, Eminem was not afraid to make fun of modern society, sing about racial and sexual political incorrectness, so there were always heated debates around his songs.

His mother sued the singer because he spoke very rudely about her in one of his songs. Then the LGBT community came out against Eminem.

In the summer of the same year, Eminem participated in the recording of the debut album of the group “D12” entitled “Devil’s Night”.

In the spring of 2002, Eminem released the video “Without Me”, after which the third album “The Eminem Show” was released. The album sold more than 20 million copies, becoming diamond certified.

In April 2004, Eminem again performed as a member of the group “D12”, recording the album “D12 World” and releasing the video “My Band”.

Career break

In November of the same year, the fifth collection of songs, Encore, was released. Unlike previous albums, “Encore” did not receive a single Grammy statuette; the white-skinned rapper lost to Kanye West in almost all nominations.

Critics considered the album unsuccessful, and soon rumors spread that this was the artist's last album. In 2005, Eminem’s hit collection “Curtain Call: The Hits” was released; it included only 3 new compositions.

Of these, "Shake That" and "When I'm Gone" were released as singles.

A year later, the next collection “Eminem Presents: The Re-Up” was released. The rapper recorded this collection at his own studio, Shady Records, which he founded back in 1999.

In 2007, the performer recorded a joint song with rapper 50Cent and the song “Touchdown” with T.I. After this, Eminem went on a “sabbatical” for more than a year and a half; the reason was the singer’s drug addiction.

Return of a Legend

At the beginning of 2008, together with Dr. Dre and 50 Cent, Eminem recorded the song “Crack The Bottle”, at the same time the rapper announced that work on a new album would soon be completed.

Already in the spring, the video “We Made You”, the singles “Beautiful”, “Old Time’s Sake” and “3 a.m.” were released. In May 2009, the sixth album entitled “Relapse” was released.

In December of the same year, the rapper released a reissue of the album called “Relapse: Refill”, which included 7 songs, including the song “Forever”, recorded with Drake, Lil Wayne and Kanye West.

Initially it was reported that the second part of the album “Relapse” would be released, but then information appeared that there would be no second part; instead, the rapper recorded a new album “Recovery”.

The album became the best-selling album in the States in 2010. Eminem recorded some tracks in the album together with other equally popular artists: Rihanna, Lil Wayne, Pink and Kobe.

In 2013, the world saw the rapper’s eighth album, entitled “The Marshall Mathers LP 2.” Among the songs was the famous composition “Rap God”, in which Eminem set a new world record. In 6 minutes and 4 seconds, Eminem managed to say 1,560 words.

In 2015, the rapper released 4 tracks, 2 of which he recorded as a member of the group “Bad Meets Evil”. On this moment The artist's new album is expected to be released. Eminem's collection of awards includes 15 Grammy statuettes and an Oscar award.

Sound recording studio

In 1999, Eminem and his manager Paul Rosenberg founded Shady Records.

D12, Obie Trice, Stat Quo, Bobby Creekwater, Cashis recorded their tracks under the label of this studio. In December 2006, the studio released a compilation album entitled “Eminem Presents: The Re-Up”.

The album, according to Eminem, turned out so good that the rapper released this mixtape as a full-length album.


In 2001, Eminem played a cameo role in the film “The Wash.” However, the rapper's real debut is considered to be the 2002 film 8 Mile, which, as the performer states, is semi-biographical.

The film provides insight into the legendary rapper's life in Detroit, his development as a performer, and the challenges Eminem faced.

Eminem recorded the song “Lose Yourself” for the film. For it, the rapper was awarded an Oscar film award in the category “Best Song for a Film.”

Eminem voiced a cop in the video game 50 Cent: Bulletproof and Billy Fletcher in the Talking Dolls show.

Most often, the rapper plays himself in films: he played a cameo role in the films “Pranksters”, “Beautiful Men”, “Rap as Art”, “Detroit Rubber” and “Interview”.

Books and charity

In 2001, the rapper wrote the book “Angry Blonde,” which included all the freestyles released at that time, as well as comments on them.

In 2008, the autobiography “The Way I Am” was released, in which the singer talks in detail about his life troubles, drug addiction, fame, and depression. The book became a bestseller that year.

Following Eminem’s memoirs, his mother Debbie released the book “My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem,” in which she talked about her acquaintance with the rapper’s father, Eminem’s childhood, his rise to fame, and then his struggle with popularity.

Eminem also created his own charitable foundation, money from which goes to help disadvantaged families in Michigan.

In 2015, Eminem visited a fan who was suffering from cancer. 17-year-old Gage was incredibly happy from meeting the performer, but the next day after the visit the boy died.

Personal life

Marshall met his chosen one at school. At that time, the boy was 15 years old, and Kimberly Ann Scott was only 13.

At age 15, Kim ran away from home with her twin sister Dawn and began living with the Mathers. In 1989, Kim and Marshall began dating; in 1999, the lovers legalized their relationship.

By that time, they were already raising their daughter Hayley, who was born in 1995. However, the marriage did not last long, and the couple divorced in 2001.

C Kimberly Ann

5 years after the divorce, Marshall and Kim got married again, but the marriage lasted only six months. The couple separated again, agreeing to co-parent Hayley.

Eminem loves his daughter very much and has repeatedly mentioned her in songs; the songs “Mockingbird” and “Hailie’s Song” were dedicated to the girl.

After the divorce, Eminem was credited with having affairs with many celebrities: Beyoncé, Tara Reid and Mariah Carey, but all this turned out to be rumors.

The rapper dated actress Brittany Andrews for several months; in 2002 he began a relationship with Brittany Murphy, but this relationship did not last long.

Haley's own daughter

In addition to his own daughter, Eminem has two adopted child. Marshall adopted Kimberly's sister Alana Scott's child and Kim's first daughter Whitney. Marshall is also the legal guardian of his younger brother Nathan.


Eminem has often been the culprit of scandals, in most cases the reason was not his actions, but the lyrics of his songs.

In 1999, the performer’s mother sued him for libel: the woman claimed that her son spoke negatively about her in songs from the album “The Slim Shady LP.”

In June 2000, Marshall was arrested due to an argument with Douglas Dale. The day after the incident, the performer saw his wife kissing John Guererra.

Even if you don't like Eminem's music, there's a good chance you know a lot about the man behind Marshall Mathers' music. After all, he is one of the biggest names in rap and one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world. Eminem has been telling his story to the world for decades, and people have listened. Over the years, fans have even learned about Eminem's family through his music. We've heard about his volatile relationship with his ex-wife, Kim Scott/Mathers. We also learned about his biological daughter, Haley Scott Mathers.

Whether you first heard about her on “Just The Two of Us” on the 1997 Slim Shady EP, on the eponymous track “97 Bonnie & Clyde” on the 1999 Slim Shady LP, or on one of the many subsequent songs in which Eminem tapped his daughters, do you have any idea who Haley is? While much is known about Haley, little is known about Eminem's two daughters, Whitney and Alaina. You may have just now learned that Eminem had two more daughters.

Well, it really is. There are only three of them. While Alena Marie Mathers, 25, and Whitney Scott Mathers, 16, don't get as much attention as Hailey in Eminem's music, they aren't completely absent, either. However, details of their lives are not always available, and for good reason. In fact, there are several good reasons why we don't hear about them.

It's a long story

While even casual fans know Hailey through Eminem's music, Alena and Whitney are known only to a more exclusive group. One of possible reasons This is because their stories are more complex. Alaina (born Amanda) is the daughter of Kim's twin sister, Dawn Scott. Due to Dawn's struggle with drugs, Eminem and Kim took on Alaina. “My niece has been a part of my life since she was born,” the rapper said in a 2004 Rolling Stone interview. “Kim and I pretty much had her, she lived with us wherever we were.”

After adopting Alena in 2002, Eminem introduced her to fans in the 2004 song “Mockingbird,” writing: “Uncle Laney is crazy, isn't he? Yeah, but he loves you, girl, and you better know that." Later in the song, Eminem would call her his daughter, stating, "You're almost like sisters now. Wow, looks like you're almost there and daddy is still here. Laney, I'm talking to you too. Daddy is still here.”

Fans may not have known it then, but Eminem also cared for another little girl during those years. Whitney Scott was born to Kim in 2002 while she was with Eric Hartter. With Hartter and Kim out of prison, Eminem also raised Whitney. Through his music, Eminem introduced the youngest of the Mathers family as “little sister” Hailie in 2005, “When I'm Gone,” and by name for the first time in 2009 in “Déjà Vu.”

Hayley is his muse

While Eminem certainly loves and adores all three of his girls equally, we can't expect him to talk about Whitney or Alaina as much as he does about Hailie. After all, Eminem started using Hailey in his lyrics very early on, before he adopted Alena and before Whitney was born. But Hailey's connection to Eminem's music goes much deeper. After Eminem's first album, Infinite, flopped and he was fired from his culinary job, his fear of Hailey's failure pushed him to new heights. “She was my main source of drive and motivation,” he said in a 2002 interview (via MTV). “I talk about her a lot... the truth is that she is all I have in this world. If it all ends tomorrow, she's all I have.”

From the very beginning, among the rapper's toxic, sadistic and often hateful personas, there was always a loving father. This caring side of Eminem showed through in his music and prevented him from going too far dark side. In many ways, Haley became a useful musical device - the light and love of his life. For his devoted fans, Eminem could evoke very specific images and emotions through nothing more than the name Hailie. Years later, he simply stuck Alaina and Whitney into Haley's features in his songs, combining them all into a three-headed metaphor.

Eminem learned from his mistakes

In another 2017 song, “In Your Head,” he claims that he didn't want to do Haley "80 percent of what he rapped about." Although it was too late in his career for Haley at this point in his career, these feelings and regrets give us insight into about why Eminem might not include his other daughters. The rapper is so insistent that he keeps his superstardom at bay in his children's lives that when Hailey was named homecoming queen in 2013, he calmly watched from another room “because he didn't want to cause a scene,” according to another parent .

Other rappers rejected Haley

While it may seem like a stretch to suggest that Ja Rule had an influence on the way Eminem goes about his work, it's likely that the 2002 diss track “Loose Change” helped shape how much Eminem would involve Whitney and Alaina in his music moving forward. . After all, this was the same year that Eminem welcomed Alaina, and rumors of Ja Rule publicly insulting his daughter, Hailie, were not a little. In addition to several other insult tracks he made in response, Eminem addressed Hailey's feud and insult in the rap "Like Toy Soldiers," "I heard him say Hailey's name in a song and I just lost it."

Unfortunately, Ja Rule is not the only rapper to insult Hailey in a song. In 2013, rap trio Hotstylz rapped Hailey on their track “Rap Fraud,” declaring, “I see Hailey with knee pads—is that C**ch clean?” And she's a queen prom. The king was fat, so congratulations. I think your daughter just became a rat." When asked about their decision to abuse a young girl, Hotstylz told Rolling Stone that they "don't think it's below the belt because we were basically imitating him and that's what he will do it himself.” It’s true. Indirectly, Eminem put his Hailey in the line of fire by including her in his music. He may have brushed it all off, but it's possible that Eminem decided to shield Whitney or Alaina from any such cheap shots.

Eminem the Recluse

Despite the fact that Eminem is one of the most famous rappers and recognizable stars on the planet, he is very closed person. He is considered a recluse, and people close to him express concern about the way he is forced to live his life. Friend and co-worker Skylar Gray said: “I feel sorry for them. It is sad. I see a lot of isolation.” She added, “I think he's afraid to walk out the front door because someone is always waiting for him. Everyone wants something from him... to see him so isolated behind so many defenders, I feel sorry for him.”

However, Eminem is very secretive when it comes to his children. In 2011, when Eminem sat down with Rolling Stone to discuss his return to superstardom following the release of Recovery, he stated that while he no longer lives on the downsides of fame, there are negatives. For example, he cannot “take [his] children to a haunted house.” But Eminem doesn't even like to talk about his children in interviews. In this Rolling Stone piece, Eminem made it clear that he “prefers not to discuss his family.” Describing his 2007 overdose, he said there were some details I should leave out because they involved my children.” Not surprisingly, we We know so little about children.

A life of fame has consequences

Perhaps no one knows better than Eminem what consequences a high-profile life can have on a person. He was sued by several people he rapped about, including his mother. His ex-wife attempted suicide after he performed a song about his abuse, and his best friend Deshawn Dupree Holton was shot, killed and allegedly robbed in 2006. Eminem's fame had a ripple effect and affected almost everyone in his life.

In addition to the suicide attempt, Eminem's ex-wife and occasional target in his music, Kim, has experienced the challenges of living in the public eye. “[People think] just because we have money that it makes us happy,” she said in a radio interview (via the Daily Mail). “Yes, I can pay the bills. Yes, I can give my children whatever they ask for, and it's great to see them happy. But you lose friends, you lose family, you don't have anyone you can trust, anyone you can talk to. Eminem also shares these sentiments. “I have trust issues,” he told Rolling Stone. “With women, friends, anyone. You always wonder what their real motives are.”

Since both Whitney and Alaina's parents are open about the difficulties and dangers of fame, it makes sense that they would grow up protected from it. Not only will their privacy be protected by their parents, but they themselves will likely be more careful with their public persona.

Girls live a different life from Hayley

Besides the fact that Hailey has been in the public eye since a very young age, she is more visible than her sisters because now she wants to be. She is currently striving to become a social media influencer, so being seen and heard is important to her, especially online. However, even Haley isn't very approachable. According to the Daily Mail, she was "shunning" social networks until 2016, when she created an Instagram account. As soon as she signed up, Hayley was inundated with offers to work with major brands. “People came through , because I don’t have [management],” she said in an interview.

According to a Daily Mail source, "Hayley wanted to test the waters by sharing some of her life on Instagram, but she's not ready to put herself out there entirely yet." That's probably why she still keeps her Twitter account private.

Alaina's Twitter account is not private and has been active since 2009, but she seems less interested in promoting herself than simply using the account as an emotional sound board. Plus, Alena can hide in plain sight a little easier than Hailey since Eminem didn't make her a spectacle. Whitney may also keep a low profile online, but that likely has more to do with her young age than any personal choice.

Girls don't live with Eminem.

One of the main reasons the world doesn't hear as much about Eminem's daughters as we think they do is because they don't live with the star. Even if they lived together, it's unlikely that Eminem's privacy rules would allow them to be seen and heard. However, Eminem, Kim and Hailey live very close to each other. Alena, now a 25-year-old college graduate, is likely living on her own (though she hasn't made her residential location public), while Whitney, at just 16, lives with Kim. The distance from dad, although small, keeps a little wall in front of Alena and Whitney.

However, the girls are not hiding. In June 2018, when Eminem performed at the Governor's Ball in New York, Whitney, Hailey and her boyfriend Evan McClintock were spotted in New York to see the show. The visit didn't make much of a splash as the girls simply shopped, watched their father perform in front of a sold-out crowd, and then went home. Good behavior does wonders for keeping the tabloids quiet, especially since the world is simply not interested in unconsented celebrity children. In the past, Eminem and Kim's tumultuous relationship has made them almost constant headlines, which is why Hailey's name has popped up here and there. These days, the family runs like a well-oiled machine. “He was really supportive,” Kim said of the rapper. “We're really close. We're just trying to raise our kids together and make it as normal as possible for them.”

He doesn't discriminate

With the exception of the odd interview from Eminem's more talkative past, everything we've learned about Hailey has been through his music. Although the rapper mentions each of his daughters by name in his songs, he rarely goes into detail. He doesn't even rap about Hailey as an adult very often, except for the odd throwaway remark. Although he still reflects on Hailey's childhood, just as he did in "Castle," Eminem seems to actively avoid making distinctions between the girls. Sure, it may be looking at a specific point in time when neither Whitney nor Alena were present, but it mostly remains fairly fairly balanced. True parent.

After all, if he had started to explain who Whitney's father was, or if he had gone into the finer details of her childhood, it would have marked her out as different, as something different from Haley. The same goes for Alaina, biological mother who died of a drug overdose in 2015. Not only will digging up his girls' past give public access to private information, but it will create distance between his daughters, making Thanksgiving quite awkward around the Mathers house.

Who is Eminem? Producer, actor, musician or composer? No "or". The rapper is fluent in all these professions and specialties. You can also add - father and husband. Although family life While the singer cannot boast, Eminem has managed to marry his wife twice and divorce twice in his life. But it’s worth learning from him how to build your career, how to become a world-famous celebrity and one of the greatest musicians of our time.

A few facts from Eminem's life

    The rapper opened his own charity foundation, which is named after his real name. The foundation's activities are aimed at helping Michigan children who grow up in disadvantaged families.

    Eminem has two alter egos - Slim Shady and Ken Caniff. It is worth noting that Caniff is a homosexual.

  • The rapper released his autobiography, a memoir entitled “I am who I am,” where he openly talked about his path to fame and the problems he faced and overcame. His mother also released a biography telling the story of her life and his.
  • The film "8 Mile", in which Eminem played the main role, is considered autobiographical, but the actor has repeatedly said in interviews that only half of the events unfolding in the film actually happened in his life.
  • Eminem recorded his first album in 1995, but it went completely unnoticed, since in Detroit music life was fed up with hip-hop. Moreover, it was very difficult for a white guy rapping to make his way in a city where the majority of the population is African-American.
  • The track "God of Rap" was included in the Guinness Book of Records - it is a hit whose lyrics contain the most words. Namely 1560. “God of Rap” is six minutes of non-stop recitative.


The future King of Rap was raised in loneliness by his mother Deborah R. Mathers-Briggs, who did everything possible to provide a decent childhood for her son. Deborah married Eminem Marshall's father Bruce Mathers Jr. when she was just 15 years old. Three years later, during a difficult labor that lasted 73 hours, a beautiful boy was born, who was named after his father - Marshall Bruce Mathers III. The father abandoned the family, went to California and never saw his son.

The mother, who devoted her life to raising her son, was not deterred, and in 1999 she filed a lawsuit for $10 million because her son allegedly slandered her in his album The Slim Shady LP . Upon completion trial The mother nevertheless received compensation for moral damage, which was estimated at $1,600.

Today, Eminem is raising children alone, and behind him are two failed marriages with the same woman.

First marriage

Despite the fact that Eminem began his relationship with his future wife back in adolescence, the couple decided to legitimize them only in 1999, when the singer was already 27 years old. According to the singer himself and his family, the couple met at school, when the future rapper was only 15 years old and his beloved was 13.

Eminem's future wife Kim and her sister ran away from home and settled in Marshall's mother's house.

The couple's relationship before marriage lasted just over 10 years. But the official union did not last long - in 2000 they already filed for divorce, which ended in 2001. The reason for the divorce was the behavior of Kimberly Scott, Eminem's wife. The woman allowed herself to drive while drunk and was detained twice at that time. Kim also suffered from other bad habits.

Second marriage

In 2006 ex-spouses decided to renew their relationship and re-entered an official marriage. But, just like the first time, the happiness did not last long. The marriage lasted for several months, after which a second divorce followed. The divorce process took a little time, and in the same 2006, Eminem’s wife became an ex for the second time.

The official reason for the divorce was not announced, but judging by the fact that over the years outside of marriage, Kim’s preferences have not changed, one can guess that she was again the culprit of the divorce.

Further relationship with wife

Rumors periodically arise in the press that Eminem’s ex-wife has decided to resume their relationship again, but the singer categorically denies everything. He clearly and confidently indicates that this relationship has come to a final and unconditional end. But spouses in joint custody are raising common daughter, born before her first marriage.

Kimberly Scott also said in an interview that her ex-husband helps and supports her a lot. Judging by the photo, Eminem's wife is going through hard times. Several years ago, she even tried to commit suicide - while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, she crashed her car into a tree.

Having survived, she underwent rehabilitation and subsequently regretted her momentary weakness. Apparently, problems with drugs and drinking have haunted Kimberly Scott all her life and are often able to subjugate her. In the constant struggle with temptations, Kim often loses.


Without a doubt, Eminem loves children very much and is good, caring father. The rapper has three daughters: Hailey, Alaina and Whitney. He also acts as the legal guardian of his stepbrother Nathan.

Of all the singer’s children, only Hayley is his biological daughter. Her celebrity was born to his first love, Kim Scott, in 1995.

Alaina is Kim's sister's daughter. Eminem's wife's sister suffered from drug addiction, which ruined her life. As soon as she started serious problems with drugs, Kimberly and Eminem took the baby, adopted her and raised her as their own. Alaina’s biological mother died of an overdose a couple of years ago.

Whitney is Kim's daughter from another relationship. Eminem considered it necessary to adopt her, as his wife suffered from constant depression and alcohol addiction. The singer successfully overcame his addictions, and everything indicates that he became a wonderful father of three wonderful girls.

The life of the best-selling musical artist of our time is full of events and achievements. Eminem has achieved unprecedented heights in his musical career and is not going to stop there. The whole world is looking forward to new creations from the king of hip-hop both in the music world and in the world of cinema.