The strongest marriages among Hollywood celebrities. Star families

The popular men's publication Men's Health has compiled another celebrity rating. This time we are invited to find out the Top 15 Hollywood star couples, who over the past year were most discussed both in the media and among their fans, and also have to a greater extent global popularity and attractiveness. So who are they?

15. Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Five years of dating and numerous rumors of a breakup did not stop the sweet couple from playing gorgeous wedding on the southern coast of Italy.

According to the popular publication, although they seem different at first glance, the lovers have exactly the same life values, for example, they both adhere to healthy eating and are fond of sports.

14. Josh Duhamel and Fergie

The constant employment of both spouses did not prevent them from coming to mutual understanding and harmony, thanks to which they have been living together for more than 3 years.

True, media representatives are increasingly wondering why the star couple still does not have children. In his numerous interviews, Josh has repeatedly said that he is ready for the responsible role of a father, however, there are rumors that Fergie will soon give him an heir.

13. Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston

Having been trying to find the man of her life for a long time, Jennifer seems to have finally met him in the person of Justin Theroux in May of the year before last.

This year the couple plans to legalize their relationship and, possibly, give birth to their first child.

12. Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz

"Agent 007" is used to the company of only the most beautiful women: in June 2011, he secretly married “The Mummy” star and simply beautiful Rachel Weisz.

The couple has been inseparable since the filming of the film "House of Dreams", in which both actors played the main roles. They look great together and behave well, trying not to advertise their relationship in front of strangers.

11. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Even the divorce that took place last year did not reduce interest in the separated couple - rather, on the contrary.

The marriage of Tom and Katie has been repeatedly recognized as the strongest and most passionate star marriage in Hollywood: they lived together for 6 years. However, many assume that there is a possibility that they will get together again, however, solely for the benefit of their common daughter Suri.

10. Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin

Before their marriage, which took place in August 2010, the actors dated for three years.

In September 2012, tiny twins were born into a happy family within a few minutes of each other.

9. Matthew McConaughey and Camilla Alves

They met in 2007, when Matthew’s popularity had already gained incredible momentum, and Alves was working in a small company as a model and designer. Less than a year had passed since the lovers had their first child.

Now they have 6 years of harmonious relationships and three children behind them (the youngest, Levingston, was born on December 28, 2012). And last year, Camilla finally received a marriage proposal from her lover, and the couple officially registered their relationship.

8. Cash Warren and Jessica Alba

This producer-actor union is already more than 8 years old, but according to the lovers themselves, their feelings are only growing stronger every day.

Active participation This is demonstrated by their little ones, Honor (4 years old) and Haven (1.5 years old), as well as the couple’s common interests, which, according to Jessica, only help strengthen the relationship.

7. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Many people are looking forward to the wedding of one of the most beautiful Hollywood couples, and this topic will probably be discussed much more often this year than in previous years.

Both actors feel quite harmonious even without a stamp in their passport - they are beautiful, wealthy, self-sufficient and happy together. And the wedding ceremony that they plan to arrange will take place, according to them, solely at the request of their six children.

6. David and Victoria Beckham

Family values ​​for this couple are the main priority in life, and David and Victoria consider the time they spend together with their 4 children to be the most peaceful and relaxing in the world.

Complete external well-being and harmony in the couple are achieved due to the mystery of Mrs. Beckham, since hardly anyone else except David knows what she is like in real life.

5. Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen

The editors of the publication simply could not help but mention this couple: in all likelihood, both externally and internally, this perfect union two lovers.

In addition, they are happy parents of a growing son and daughter.

4. Prince William and Kate Middleton

William and Kate, who are expecting the birth of a royal grandson this summer, have a lot to learn.

The kind, beautiful, cheerful and active Duchess of Cambridge perfectly complements the courageous Prince William, who spent New Year's Eve, participating in the rescue operation.

3. Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr

Ignoring the evil tongues that are spreading rumors about the affairs of both lovers on the side, Miranda and Orlando are in no hurry to leave each other's arms, continuing to raise their 2-year-old son Flynn.

There are rumors that they don't love each other at all and that the actor tied the knot only because the model became pregnant. However, if you believe the same rumors, then a couple of years ago Orlando was generally gay.

2. Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes

The couple has been dating since the fall of last year. They say that in the near future the 32-year-old actor will propose marriage to the 38-year-old actress, and she will gladly accept him, as she adores her lover. However, so did he her.

It is worth adding that both lovers have beautiful figures, and also very passionate temperaments, which makes their relationship harmonious and worthy of second place in the rating.

1. Jay-Z and Beyoncé

This couple can be called the most powerful in every sense: last year they were recognized as the richest, most discussed, and even the hottest in the world.

Beyoncé is set to release her new solo album next year, while her husband plans to collaborate with Kanye West again.

The past year has been shockingly rich in star breakups, depriving the traditional lists of the most reliable Hollywood unions of several big names at once - Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas, Annette Bening and Warren Beatty, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, David Duchovny and Tea Leoni. In this regard, ELLE remembered the most persistent couples of the Dream Factory, from whom we all have something to learn.

Time together: 23 years

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The exemplary union of two Hollywood stars was formed in the early 1990s, when both actors were just beginning their star careers. Having managed to pass many tests of strength, including the newfound status of a style icon and symbol of a generation, earned by Sarah Jessica after the release of the cult series “Sex in big city", the couple reliably guards their cozy nest in New York, where they are raising a 12-year-old son and two twin daughters, born with the help of a surrogate mother.

Time together: 15 years

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas are rightfully considered one of the most beautiful couples in Hollywood. Deciding last summer to give their relationship another chance after almost a year of living apart, they show off shining example how important it is to fight with all our might to preserve the family. The actors, who have had their fair share of hardships, including several years of battle with laryngeal cancer, Michael and bipolar disorder personality, for which Katherine was recently treated, two teenage children are growing up.

Time together: 26 years

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One of the strongest unions in Hollywood is held together, according to the actors, to the fullest. mutual trust and sincerity. After 26 years of marriage, he still leaves her love notes before leaving for work, and she calls him her “soulmate.” Tom and Rita, who met in 1987 on the set of the series, have two sons together, as well as a son and daughter from the actor’s first marriage.

Time together: 31 years

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In their 31 years of marriage, popular actors Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have never missed a family vacation. ski resort Aspen, as well as a traditional Christmas dinner with three children (the couple has two children from their first marriages, including actress Kate Hudson, and a son together). Loyalty to traditions and family values the couple considers the basis of their strong union, which has long become an example in Hollywood.

Time together: 26 years

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Having met on the set of a television show in the late 1980s, these two popular actors have been inseparable ever since. Their secret is to separate more often in order to miss each other. “When I don’t see Kira for a few days, I remember how bad I feel without her, and I start dreaming about our reunion,” says Kevin Bacon. Kevin and Kira have two children - a son and a daughter.

Time together: 17 years

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One of Hollywood's hottest couples, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith are celebrating their wedding anniversary on New Year's Eve. On December 31, 2014, their union turned 17 years old. When recently asked whether the couple really embraced an open marriage, Jada said, "I've always told Will, you can do whatever you want as long as you're not embarrassed to look at yourself in the mirror," later adding that the couple's growing son and daughter, “not an open marriage, but an adult one.”

Time together: 18 years

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Star of the series Desperate Housewives" and her cheerful husband always appear on the red carpet together, demonstrating genuine passion and mutual professional pride for many years. Even the stars are on Hollywood Alley their glory is next door. Despite the fact that Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy often act with each other, their simple rule of not discussing work at home works well for the benefit of their relationship. Their weekly schedule also necessarily includes half an hour for the exchange of accumulated emotions and concerns - each spouse has 15 minutes to speak out.

Time together: 28 years

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Despite the rumors that constantly accompany this star couple about an impending divorce and about John’s unconventional sexual orientation, which he has been actively hiding from the press for many years, the union of Travolta and Preston is still included in the lists of the longest Hollywood marriages. Having met on set in 1987, the actors got married three years later, subsequently giving birth to three children. Tragic death the eldest son in 2009 further united the family professing Scientology, and, according to the same rumors, is the reason why the actors devoutly guard their relationship.

Do you still believe in love? And that's great! Let's meet ten couples Hollywood stars, refuting the opinion that it is difficult for creative people to get along with each other. In our top there are only marriages that have been tested for strength by time.

Top five famous couples

The hit parade opens with a top model, whose dizzying career in the fashion industry did not prevent her from creating a strong marriage with entrepreneur Rand Gerber. His appearance leaves no doubt that in the past he was also a fashion model, but today he is a successful restaurateur. You probably recognized the woman as Cindy Crawford, ex-wife handsome Richard Gere. But the brilliant top model has been with Rand for more than 18 years. Cindy claims that the most important thing in marriage is spending time together. The couple does not separate not only on weekends, but also during a simple walk on the beach.

Before us is the star of the television film "Taking Chance" Kevin Bacon. His marriage to Kyra Sedgwick spans over 28 years. On the anniversary, the actor admitted via Facebook that Kira is his most great love throughout all these years.

Oscar-winner Meryl Streep rarely talks about her life. But think about it: her marriage to sculptor Don Gummer is over 38 years old! Their union was cemented by the birth of four children.

Hollywood brought Freddie Prinze and his wife Sarah Michelle Gellar together in 1997. Then they starred in a horror film together for the first time. Today Freddie admits that it is good that before the romance began two years later, they were just friends. Sarah Michelle could understand what his morals and priorities were, recognize his shortcomings. Over 15 years of marriage, both have realized how well they balance each other out.

This couple deserves special attention. Amy Adams lived with Darren Le Gallo for almost 15 years before the artist and actor proposed to her. This happened in 2015, when her daughter turned 5. Amy once joked in an interview that she began to act as soon as she realized that Darren was truly attached to her.

Four more strong marriages

Although Kurt Russell was officially married only once, he spent 34 years of his life with Goldie Hawn. Speaking about the first meeting, the actress recalls that she immediately understood that this was not a Don Juan. And when asked how they were able to live so long together, he answers briefly: “Love.”

We see Sarah Jessica Parker in the photo in the company of her husband. She and actor Matthew Broderick have been together for exactly 20 years. The couple has three children, including two twins carried by a surrogate mother.

The Smith couple's relationship is 23 years old. In 1997, the official union of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett was concluded. At first the woman was sure that they were in love. It turned out that everything was much more serious. The couple loves to do everything together: study and laugh. They also have two children. At the same time, Will remains one of the most successful Hollywood actors.

Tom Hanks, an Oscar winner, has been married to Rita Wilson for about 30 years. He tries not to let strangers into his personal life. Their union is cemented by two children.

Top charts

Australian Hugh Jackman has been married for almost 22 years. His chosen one is Deborra-Lee Furness, whom he met on the set in 1995. After a dizzying romance, the couple got married. To this day, the “Wolverine” star claims to be grateful to fate for this meeting. The couple adopted two children. It should be said that the woman is 13 years older than her star husband.

Together for 15 years One of the most famous and prominent married couples in the world of cinema. The Italian and the Frenchman met in 1996 on the set. Married since 2001. They are raising two children together.

All these years, they have religiously guarded personal boundaries, accepting and allowing that each spouse can and should have a private life.

2. Meryl Streep and Don Gummer

The actress, a mother of four children, tries to leave her family as little as possible and admits: “Marriage is not a road map with clear pointers and signs. It's always negotiations and daily work. But my love!

3. Victoria and David Beckham

Together for 12 years, he is not shy about publicly confessing his feelings to his wife. She never shows her grievances and disappointments in public. How do they manage to maintain passion in their marriage? The couple shares a proven recipe: “It is important, even as parents, when you have been married for a long time, to find time to spend alone with each other. Have a romantic date!”

4. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Together 7 years

Participation in the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" predetermined their fate. After playing spouses on screen, they fell in love for real. And no matter how hard they tried to hide the relationship, only a blind man could fail to notice the feelings that arose between them. They looked so harmonious and complemented each other. Sharp-tongued journalists even came up with a common name for them: “Brangelina.” Their union is based on trust, openness and love for children. Currently, the actors are raising six children (three adopted, three shared), but they say that they plan to increase the size of the family: “And we don’t make a secret of this. We tell the children directly: “Mom and dad are leaving to kiss!”

5. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck

Together for 7 years. American actor Ben Affleck was previously famous office romances and led a bachelor lifestyle. But that was before I met Jennifer Garner. Since 2005, Ben has been an ideal husband and an exemplary father. Happy at will!

6. Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith

Together for 14 years. One of the strongest couples in Hollywood. To all attempts by the press to separate them, they answer holding hands: “We are together, our marriage is strong.” And Will adds: “I never allow myself to let a day go by in vain in our relationship: Jada must feel like the queen of the whole world and my heart.” The couple have been married for 14 years and have two children: 13-year-old Jayden and 10-year-old Willow.

7. Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton

Together for 10 years. Extravagant family. So much so that the spouses live separately: in neighboring houses. Between them, however, there is a corridor. And the couple is clearly happy with this way of life. Presumably, their two common children too.

8. Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell

Together for almost 30 years “Every morning I wake up thinking I can pack my things and leave,” Goldie says of her relationship with Kurt. (They are still not officially scheduled. - Ed.) “But I’m not going to fly away precisely because my cage is open.”

And he adds: “The most valuable thing is not marriage, but the fact that I love and am loved.”

9. Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem

Together for 3 years, Javier and Penelope proved that there is only one step from friendship to love. After all, they have known each other for almost 20 years. Perhaps this is the secret of harmonious relationships? Their wedding took place in July 2010.

10. Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk Together for 20 years. At the time they met, she was 16, he was 17. The romance broke out brightly. Events developed with lightning speed. Wedding. Two children... But over the years the feelings did not fade away. They can often be seen on social events

: hugging, holding hands. Svetlana has admitted more than once that, despite all her busyness, she primarily considers herself a wife. 11. Vanessa Paradis and Johnny Depp Together for 13 years One of the most closed couples. Secluded family life

they are closer to the glitz of show business. The French singer and charismatic actor met in 1998. Since then they have been inseparable. Johnny has stated more than once that it was Vanessa who instilled in him the desire to live. And she allowed him to be in charge, while she herself retreated a little into the shadows: “My whole life is spent moving. I’m used to following Johnny everywhere.”

12. Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas Together for 16 years. They are still jealous of each other! In each partner, Melanie's wife sees hidden threat family happiness: once she even made a scene right on film set

. The blood of the explosive Spaniard often boils in Antonio, too. But, apparently, a high degree of emotions fuels their interest in each other all these years!

13. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise

Together for 6 years. At first, many believed that their romance was a publicity stunt. But the birth of their daughter Suri and surprise visits to each other’s film sets proved otherwise. They are a couple! Today it is difficult to imagine them separately.

14. Kelly Preston and John Travolta

Together for 20 years They give no reason for gossip. A strong family: both in sorrow and in joy. Having lost our eldest son, we found the strength to move on. And in November 2010 they became parents for the third time. Kelly was 47 years old at the time.

15. Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas

Together for 11 years, they are a team. They face difficulties together. During her husband's illness, Katherine refused all roles and offers in order to be close to Michael and support him. They won.

Together for 8 years 100% romantic: every year they invite friends to… another wedding. One hundred percent like-minded people: they throw costume parties and constantly make fun of each other. And two hundred percent of the parents adore their four children.

Unfortunately, after our list was compiled, the couple announced a possible divorce.

17. Galina and Sergey Mazaev

Together for 15 years. Sergei admits: if they suddenly quarrel with Galina, he always comes to make peace first. And she remembers in detail the day they met: December 11, 1996. Three years later they got married. Their recipe family happiness: love and act together.

18. Angelika Varum and Leonid Agutin

Together for 14 years. In their relationship there were different periods, but Angelica admits: “I love my family very much and I hope that it will not be broken either by a midlife crisis, or by my husband’s temperament, or by my pride.”

19. Lidiya Velezheva and Alexey Guskov Together for 23 years. Seeing Alexei for the first time, Lydia thought: “He will become my husband.” And I was not mistaken. When she got married, she decided to keep her maiden name (for the beauty of the sound), but otherwise she is Guskova. He even collects figurines of geese. As for Alexei, his position on marriage is simple: “It’s a woman who can have her head in the clouds, but a man is obliged to slaughter a mammoth and bring the carcass to the family.”

20. Julia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky

Together for 15 years. They met in 1996 at the Kinotavr festival. By the director’s own admission, his meeting with Yulia changed his attitude towards many things - marriage, family, and taught him to value the happiness of marriage. “If I were now as old as Yulia, we would hardly have lived together for so many years! I would have run away somewhere long ago. Or she would have left me... I was wildly lucky that I met the woman of my life when I already understood what she meant,” Andrei Konchalovsky shared in an interview.

21. Oksana Fandera and Philip Yankovsky

Together for 21 years. It was love at first sight! A month after they met, Philip proposed his hand and heart to the girl. “Oksana is my muse, the most important person for me, the mother of my children.”

22. Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov

Together for more than 25 years. The union of this couple can be safely taken as a standard. Sharing a secret long relationship, Ekaterina frankly admitted: “I try to be a wife who at any moment can replace her husband’s mistress. Sasha and I have been together for more than 20 years, and apparently I succeed..."

23. Alena Khmelnitskaya and Tigran Keosayan

Together for 18 years. Alena is sure that boredom in a barge is a terrible thing; like rust, it corrodes any relationship. “But this does not threaten Tigran and I, I know for sure!”

24. Irina and Sergei Bezrukov

Together for 11 years. “The recipe for a lasting marriage is simple - love,” says the actor. — None role-playing games, psychological trainings They won’t help if the feelings are gone.” Irina adds: “When people become one and no longer understand how they can be apart. We “grew” into each other.”

25. Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko

Together for 8 years. Both of them were not free, so they tried to run away from the flaring feeling: they did not see each other, did not communicate.

But you can’t order your heart. Having met again, they could no longer part. Looking at them, you believe in love and a strong family!


14 July 2011, 16:54 Recently there was a very interesting post on Gossip Magazine: “In Hollywood, everyone was saved with everyone.” As sad as it is to admit, this is true. Everyone slept with everyone, many times. But among the stars there are also lasting marriages that were made in heaven. Let's try to find out why some marriages do not stand the test of time, while others only become stronger? 1. The husband is the boss Naturally, I would like to start with my dearly beloved Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson. That's who who is, and they are the standard happy family . They are both so wonderful that looking at their photos you can’t get enough of them. The couple met during the filming of the film “Volunteers” in 1985, i.e. they have been together for 26 years (that’s a year less than I’ve been alive!). Three years later, in 1988, Tom and Rita got married. Rita decided that she would support her husband in everything and sacrificed her film career for the sake of her family. They have two children: Chestre and Truman, although Tom has two older ones from his first marriage. Rita supports Tom in everything, helps in working on roles, helps at the stage of choosing projects, Tom does not agree to any role without his wife’s approval. For herself, Rita chose a different path - she successfully produces films. Thanks to her, we discovered wonderful actress
Nia Vardalos and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. While Tom is starring in major Hollywood films, Rita appears in small roles, but they have a model family in Hollywood, and that’s worth a lot! American actress Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin got married in 2003. In total, the couple has been together for about 9 years. How many times during this time did the press manage to separate them, constant infidelities were attributed to Chris and Gwynette, reports appeared in the tabloids here and there that star couple on the verge of breaking. And they, you know, live happily, raise 2 children - daughter Apple and son Moses, and do not pay attention to the yellow press. What's the secret? To this question, Gwynette usually answers that for her, family, children and husband are more important than a film career. After the birth of her daughter in 2004, Gwynette began acting less. While her husband works, Gwynette spends all her time with the kids. Because time spent with family is priceless!
Julia Roberts and Denny Moder
In the 1990s, Julia Roberts was known not only for her successful films, but also for her turbulent personal life. Among the celebrities with whom the actress had affairs are Kiefer Sutherland, Matthew Perry, Liam Neeson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Benjamin Bratt. Roberts' first marriage to actor and country singer Lyle Lovett, in 1993, lasted less than two years.
On July 4, 2002, Julia married cinematographer Daniel Moder. On November 28, 2004, the couple gave birth to twins - a girl, Hazel Patricia, and a boy, Finneas Walter. On June 18, 2007, Julia gave birth to her second son, Henry Daniel Moder. Spiteful critics doubted that the marriage of the award-winning actress with a modest cameraman would last long. After all, Julia is a world-class star. But the spiteful critics were wrong. Julia says in all her interviews that Denny is the only man in the world whose last name she is proud to bear.
In 2004, Julia decided to take a break from her career in order to spend all her time with her husband and children. She returned to the big screen 2 years later, but the actress still puts family first, not filming. 2. Husband and wife are one Satan Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne The craziest couple also turned out to be the most durable. The Great and Powerful tied the knot back in 1982 and is still faithful husband, an exemplary family man and father of three children, two of whom need no introduction. And Sharon is no slouch! She is not only Ozzy’s fighting friend, but also doesn’t mind taking part in all his antics. Not to mention the fact that Sharon is the biggest fan of her husband’s work, and heavy music in general. Plus, Sharon actively produced their family reality show "The Osbourne Family", which had big success. Sharon is directly involved in the careers of her children and husband. David and Victoria Beckham There are no two people in the world more obsessed with their appearance than David and Victoria. It's always nice to look at them. What can you see - both of them are icons in the fashion world. They met two years before their wedding, in 1997. Six months of a whirlwind romance - and a kneeling Beckham proposes to the “peppercorn”. The celebrities got engaged on July 4, 1999 at Luttrellstone Castle in Ireland.
Despite all the rumors, and the scandalous confession of the family nanny, that she had intimate relationship The couple and David have been together for 14 years. To the great joy of everyone in the family, the long-awaited daughter was finally born. Now the couple has four children. We are waiting for the first photos of the baby, and David and Victoria will delight us with their appearance more than once. 3. I love you to tears Melanie Gruffudd and Antonio Banderas The couple met on the set of the film "Two is Too" in 1995 and got married a year after Antonio's divorce from his first wife. There are a lot of rumors swirling around this couple: about Melanie’s addiction to illegal drugs and alcohol, about the fact that Antonio is threatening divorce if Melanie dials excess weight etc. However, this has not yet happened and the tattoo with her husband’s name on the actress’s shoulder makes it clear that the relationship is built on a stronger foundation than her weight. Moreover, for 14 years now, in all interviews, Melanie and Antonio have not ceased to confess their love to each other, appear on all the red carpets together and do not leave each other a single step, as if they had just fallen in love yesterday. Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell “Every morning I wake up with the thought that at any moment I can pack my things and leave,” says Goldie Hawn about her relationship with Couture Russell. “But I’m not going to fly away precisely because my cage is open.” One of the strongest couples in Hollywood, despite long years still “eternal lovers”, have not officially registered their relationship. Goldie and Kurt met back in 1968 on the set of the low-budget film “The One and Only, Unique Family Ensemble.” And the love between them broke out only 15 years later on the set of the film “Shift Change”. “The most valuable thing is not marriage, but the fact that I love and am loved,” the actress is sure. The couple has four children: Oliver and Kate from Goldie's first marriage, Boston from Kurt's first marriage and common son- Wyatt. 4. Working for family is not a hindrance Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick This couple also met on the set. Kevin and Kira got married in 1988 and are still together. Undoubtedly, they are one of the longest-living couples in the Hollywood firmament. As a result of such a strong union, the couple had two children and several television projects. Perfect example case when family does not interfere with career. Will Smith and Jada Smith This famous couple met while filming The Will Smith Show in 1990. The wedding took place only seven years later, in 1997. The couple has two children together, and Will also has an eldest son, Trey. Will and Jada cope well with all differences not only at home, but also on the set. The couple starred together in the film Ali in 2000. In addition to filming together, Will and Jada perform together - Will raps, and Jada sings along with him. And the growing Smiths don’t sit idle. Son Jaden has already starred with his father in the film “The Pursuit of Happiness,” and dad is having a great time filming with his son. Plus Will was the producer of the film "The Karate Kid", where he also leading role his son starred. And daughter Willow will become an outstanding singer. The girl has already released several video clips and is actively performing. It's good when your family supports you in all your endeavors! 5. And in sorrow, and in joy, and in sickness, and in health... Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones
The romance between Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones began in August 1998 (when they met at a film festival in France), until the following spring there were no signs of a storm. But the summer of '99 brought not only love, but also Katherine's pregnancy. Apparently, the celebrities decided to get engaged not only because of the unborn child. Their cloudless life after marriage (in 2000), as well as the birth of their second child in 2003, is confirmation strong feelings. Michael and Katherine are still together. All last year Michael was battling laryngeal cancer. The press wrote that Michael was doing worse than ever. And the tabloids buried the actor more than once. But his wife’s love and family support did the impossible - Michael began to recover. And this spring representatives acting couple reported that Catherine Zeta-Jones was forced to go to a special institution to improve her mental health, weakened by the stress associated with her husband’s illness. Now Michael supports his wife. We wish Katherine a speedy return to the silver screen, and long life for her and Michael.
John Travolta and Kelly Preston In 1991, actor John Travolta married actress Kelly Preston, with whom he has two sons and a daughter. The actor's eldest son, Jett Travolta, died on January 2, 2009 at the age of 16 as a result of a seizure caused by Kawasaki syndrome in the bathroom of the Travolta family home in the Bahamas. Of course, you don’t wish for such grief and worst enemy. And it’s impossible to survive this.
Kelly and John kept the family together. On the evening of November 23, 2010, Kelly and John had a baby. younger son, Benjamin. 6. Until death do us part... Patrick Swayze and Lisa Niemi Together this wonderful couple lived a happy 34 years. If not for cancer, their marriage would have lasted many more years. The famous actor met his future wife in her mother's dance studio - Lisa was one of her students. 16 year old girl future career was interested in much more than the advances of a handsome young man, and Patrick had to seek reciprocity for three years. Nevertheless, the Hollywood sex symbol, having married at the age of 22, never fell into scandalous stories associated with other women. On January 9, 2009, Patrick Swayze was hospitalized with a diagnosis of pneumonia. On January 16, 2009, Patrick Swayze was released from the hospital. On April 19, doctors informed Swayze that metastases had appeared in his liver. Patrick Swayze died on September 14, 2009. From 1975 until his death, Swayze was devoted to Lisa. 7. I won’t give you to anyone Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick On May 19, 1997, Sarah Jessica Parker married actor Matthew Broderick. For such a fateful acquaintance, the actress must thank her brother, who introduced Matthew to her. On October 28, 2002, they had a boy, James Wilkie Broderick. When rumors spread that the Sex and the City star's marriage was falling apart at the seams, smart Sarah did not sit idly by. She took up the matter decisively. On June 23, 2009, the family welcomed twins Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick and Tabitha Hoge Broderick, carried by a surrogate mother. Sarah admits: “And one child would have saved my marriage, but the twins did their best!” Determined Sarah can handle anything. After all, everyone is the architect of their own happiness. 8. You are not from our sandbox Sometimes for strong relationships actors simply need to have someone far from Hollywood intrigue waiting for them at home. Colin Firth and Livia Guigioli In 1989, Firth began dating his Valmont co-star, Meg Tilly. Soon, in 1990, they had a son, William Joseph Firth. Colin still keeps in touch with his son and with the rest of Tilly's children, for whom he was a stepfather. In 1994, after breaking up with Tilly, Firth began a relationship with his Pride and Prejudice co-star, Jennifer Ehle. Their romance lasted a year. After all the ordeals on love front, Colin finally met his Bridget Jones - Livia Giuggioli, an Italian producer and director. The couple has been living happily for 14 years. They have two sons, Luca and Matteo. Colin himself, since he married Livia, has settled down, is no longer looking for anything and is constantly in a state of “quivering lover”. “I am very bourgeois, attached to home, family, wife and children. It’s not that I spend all my time there... But they are there - and this is happiness. I leave, and they are waiting for me...” Meryl Streep and Don Gummer Meryl met Don Gummer (famous American architect) through her brother, Harry, Harry and Don for a long time were friends. Meryl and Don's wedding took place quietly on September 15, 1978, at her parents' home on Stone Island, Connecticut. They later celebrated their wedding with friends in May 1979. Meryl wears a simple, thin wedding ring.
Meryl and Don have four children: Henry (Hank, Harry) Wolf Gummer, Mary (Mammy) Willa Gummer, Grace Jane Gummer and Louise Jacobson Gummer. Meryl on the secret to a long-lasting marriage: “Everyone’s ability to bend over backwards and shut up from time to time. There are no instructions on how to save a family: these are always big negotiations. I desperately need both work and love. I can’t imagine one without the other.”
9. I look at you like in a mirror Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman
The strong relationship between actor, director and producer Danny DeVito - the main "short man" of Hollywood - and his wife Rhea Perlman still amazes the world. This comedy couple has been married for almost 30 years, proving by example that you don’t have to have a beautiful appearance to be happy. The Gemini star, 152 cm tall, was unlucky in love for a long time: it was difficult to find faithful companion suitable height. Only at the age of 38, the actor met the little-known actress Rhea Perlman, who was only five centimeters taller than him, so that he would never part with her. The couple have three children - Lucy, Grace and Jacob. 10. And yet we are together! Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis Despite any rumors and machinations of the yellow press, this couple is together, raising children and happy! Already 11 years!
Love each other, I hope the experience of the stars will be useful. Thanks to all!