Personal life and latest news of Irina Bezrukova. Divorce of Bezrukov and Irina Bezrukova

Irina Bezrukova. She is Livanova. She is Bakhtura. bright star Russian cinema, which won the hearts of many fans of the domestic film industry.

Life isn't just about breakups...

Irina Bakhtura first came to the attention of journalists as an aspiring actress of the Rostov theater, thanks to a bright romance with Vyacheslav Kuskov. But turbulent relationship the relationship with the unpromising actor did not continue, and in 1987 Irina married her mentor Igor Livanov. Irina took her husband's surname and gave birth to a son. The impeccable union existed until 1998, when Irina, now Livanova, was invited to shoot the film “Crusader”. It was on the set that they met, Irina and Sergei Bezrukov. The passion was mutual, and in 2000 Irina Livanova became Irina Bezrukova. Many noted this step of the actress as madness, reproaching her for marrying a man who is much younger than her. For nine whole years.

Remaining under the attention of the press, Irina and Sergei tried to avoid direct interviews from the paparazzi. Articles about Irina’s possible infertility have repeatedly appeared in many print and Internet publications, despite the actress’s growing son. And all this time, attempts to conceive a child remained unsuccessful. They even began to talk about surrogacy, but the stunning news at the end of 2013 floored even the most inveterate skeptics.

The long-awaited addition to the Bezrukov family

The fact that the actress is in a state of distress was carefully hidden by the family. It is quite difficult for celebrity couples to hide their relationship from the ubiquitous journalists and the interested public. But the Bezrukovs practically succeeded. In fact, from publicity " interesting situation» Irina, saved the filming of the film “Gentlemen of Fortune-2”, which was held on the shores of the Red Sea. It was there, in Israel, that she was born into the Bezrukov family.

Irina, who was already 48 years old, and attempts to get pregnant had repeatedly been unsuccessful, naturally had something to hide. Only the artificial insemination procedure and careful medical control allowed the star couple to become parents. Now Sergei, who celebrates his fortieth birthday this year, is the happy father of magnificent twins. Nature generously rewarded the Bezrukovs for their long wait.

Happy grandfather - Bezrukov Sr.

The “veil of secrets” was removed from the Bezrukovs by Sergei’s father. Actor and director Vitaly Bezrukov let it slip in an interview with a Ukrainian news channel.

Presenting his new film in Kyiv, Vitaly Bezrukov shared good news about my son's family. He even named the children's names. The grandson of Bezrukov Sr. was named Ivan, and the granddaughter was named Alexandra. According to the grandfather, the babies were born fair-haired with blue eyes. The happy grandfather flatly refused to provide photos of the children to the press, claiming that for this he needed his son’s permission.

Beloved woman of Sergei Bezrukov

Happy father Sergei Bezrukov is very kind to his wife, the mother of his children. He is eternally grateful to Irina for all the miracles with which she filled their home. The ideal housewife, sorceress, nymph. Inspirer of the beloved man, socialite and just a beloved woman. Sergei harshly cuts off all questions from journalists related to the pregnancy and his wife.

Irina doesn't just look good, she's gorgeous! Their marriage will cross the 14-year mark this year. Irina still uses it the same way great success from photographers of glossy magazines and attention from men. Exaggeration in the press of the question: when and to whom did Irina give birth to a child is gradually moving into a fading stage. For many women, Irina became the ideal wife, mother, woman capable of working miracles for her beloved man.

There is always a compromise in the relationship between spouses. The couple stands for healthy family relationships. They consist of mutual respect, trust, understanding and patience. Also, mutual concessions and a joint search for compromises in cases where extreme situations may arise.

Irina is sensitive to the image of an unrivaled housewife. Special attention The wife devotes attention to natural nutrition and traditional healing, avoiding the use of chemical products.

As a conclusion, let us recall that Irina has a son, Andrei, from her marriage to Igor Livanov. He is quite old, but neither his mother nor Sergei ever stinted on attention to Irina’s eldest son. In conversations with journalists, the couple always avoided commenting on topics about children. But today, the eyes of the Bezrukov couple, glowing with happiness, speak much better than any comment that can be attributed to the family of Sergei and Irina.

Actress Date of birth April 11 (Aries) 1965 (54) Place of birth Volgodonsk Instagram @irina_bezrukova_official

Actress, public figure and volunteer Irina Bezrukova (nee Bakhtura) experienced many losses and disappointments in life, but always maintained her composure. Her career is a symbol not only of luck, but of talent, multiplied by efficiency and perseverance. Left without parents early, this bright woman In fact, she raised herself. Now the screen star is still in demand in a wide variety of roles and has not lost hope of meeting true love.

Biography of Irina Bezrukova

The future star was born in Volgodonsk in mid-April 1965. Her childhood was quite difficult and filled with losses. First, her parents divorced, and then her mother became seriously ill and died. Irina and her sister Olga were raised by their grandmother. The actress herself admits that they lived very modestly. Perhaps this is what made the girl overly shy. IN school years she played the violin, painted, read a lot and dreamed of becoming an actress. The girl even tried to go to a theater group, but this experience was unsuccessful.

After school, the future star decided to connect her life with the theater and entered the Rostov School of Arts. Even during the exam, she conquered the competition committee - the girl literally transformed on stage, her performance was bright, appealing and, definitely, talented. Since her second year, student Bakhtura has been participating in drama theater productions. As a result, she played in more than 200 performances before graduating. After graduation, Irina served at the Tula Drama Theater for a year, and in 1989 she got married and moved to Moscow.

With the move of the young and talented actress a real creative takeoff began. Since 1990 she has been working at the Tabakov Theater Studio. Irina captivates the audience with her aristocratic sophistication and pleasant manner of acting. She is noticed and invited to act in films. In 1992, she received her first small role in the film adaptation of W. Scott’s novel “The Talisman”. The girl fit unusually organically into the historical image, and her first success was followed by a series of paintings with a similar plot.

True people's love came for the first roles in films. The audience liked her sincerity and sophistication. They began to recognize Irina on the street and ask for autographs. Invitations followed to new interesting projects. She is especially good at roles in historical films and TV series. The actress's delicate facial features and pleasant manners fit well into the stories of the past.

The star's TV projects are also interesting. She hosted the “shop on the sofa” program; one appearance of the people’s favorite on the screen raised the viewing ratings. Bezrukova is known for her participation in fashion shows. Her figure is a subject of envy and admiration. She remains slim and fit throughout her life. The actress herself assures that the secret is simple - moderation in diet, plenty of water, no alcohol and regular exercise.

Irina is known for her selflessness and sympathy for the problems of others. She knows from her own experience how difficult it can be and now, having received the opportunity, she helps people. In 2015, she received a prestigious award - the Sign of St. Sergius of Radonezh for her contribution to the development of charitable programs and social activities for the benefit of the Moscow region.

In the same 2015, the actress launched her own television project, “Conversation on Stage with Irina Bezrukova.” She invites famous and not so famous artists to conversations. Interestingly, the first guest was her ex-husband Sergei.

Irina Bezrukova met a new love?

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Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

Irina tries not to advertise all life circumstances not related to theater, cinema or charity. She is not one of those stars who earn popularity through scandals. All that is known about her childhood and youth is that her father left the family, practically leaving them on the brink of poverty. The mother could not bear the stress, became seriously ill and died. The Bakhtura sisters were raised by their grandmother. She tried to give the girls a decent education, but there was a catastrophic lack of money.

Irina got married for the first time quite early, almost immediately after studying at theater school, to her colleague Igor Livanov. The young actress followed her husband to Moscow. This was an incredibly lucky turn in her career. It was with the move that she began to receive prominent roles and gained fame. In this marriage a son was born. Unfortunately, he tragically passed away, barely crossing the threshold of his twenty-fifth birthday.

Irina’s second husband is the famous actor Sergei Bezrukov. They met on film set and they claim that it was love at first sight. The divorce from Igor Livanov was scandalous, the actor wanted to get custody of his son, but over time the passions subsided and ex-spouses reconciled for the sake of their son.

The second marriage lasted 15 years. The couple had no children. The Bezrukov couple was repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful star family. Unfortunately, this relationship also turned out to be fragile: in 2013 it turned out that Sergei had illegitimate children and his own secret life. Irina could not come to terms with the betrayal and in 2015 they officially broke up. That same year, the actress lost her only son. Having recovered from tragic events, she announced that she is open to new relationships.

Irina Vladimirovna Bezrukova (nee Bakhtura) is a theater and film actress, TV presenter, ex-wife of Igor Livanov and Sergei Bezrukov.

Childhood of Irina Bezrukova

Irina was born on April 11, 1965 in the city of Volgodonsk Rostov region. Mom was a medical worker, dad was a musician (played the oboe). Their family had two children - she and sister Olga. From childhood, their father instilled in them a love of music; Irina then played the violin.

But my parents divorced. Then my mother fell ill and became seriously ill. She passed away when Irina was only 11 years old. Subsequently, the girls were raised by their grandmother, and together they lived hard, on the verge of poverty.

During her school years, Ira loved to read; she was a sickly, extremely uncommunicative and shy girl. Despite this, one day she decided to join the theater club of the Palace of Pioneers. However, she was not accepted, and was recommended to go to the Rostov School of Arts (RUI).

The girl, however, first tried to enter the capital’s VTU named after Shchepkin, but failed again. Returning to Rostov-on-Don, in 1984 she became a student at the Rostov School of Arts, albeit a local, but federally significant theater educational institution.

The beginning of Irina Bezrukova’s career

The debut of the aspiring actress Irina Bakhtura took place while studying at RIU: she took part in the thesis work of one of the alma mater students entitled “The Girl and the Wind.”

Since her second year of study, Irina played academic theater drama named after Maxim Gorky. In 1988, after graduating from high school, the artist served for some time at the Tula Drama Theater. And when the actress married Igor Livanov and moved with him to Moscow, she continued her creative activity in "Tabakerka" - a studio theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov.

Irina Bezrukova's film career

Having become enough successful actress theater, Irina began to receive invitations to screen tests. In 1992, she took part in the film adaptation of Walter Scott's novel The Talisman, which tells the story of crusade to Jerusalem of King Richard I (of England) and about the young knight whom his niece fell in love with. Films "Richard" Lionheart" and "Knight Kenneth" with Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alexander Baluev and a string of no less legendary stars of Russian cinema received high marks from critics, and Irina’s spectacular appearance was well remembered by the directors.

In 1994, Irina starred in two projects: in the film “Obsession”, romantic story about the feeling that flared up in the heart of a married woman. In 1997, she got the role of Queen Louise in the TV series “The Countess de Monsoreau”, based on the novel of the same name by Alexandre Dumas. After the premiere, Irina began to be recognized on the streets, invitations to castings followed in succession, and in 1998 the actress found herself on the same plane with actor Sergei Bezrukov - they flew together to the filming of the film “Crusader 2”, where Irina got the role of the general’s daughter.

In 1999, one of Irina’s most successful films was released - Vitaly Moskalenko’s comedy “Chinese Service”, where Oleg Yankovsky, Anna Samokhina and Irina’s future second husband played together with Livanova.

Subsequently, Irina repeatedly starred in historical films: “A Romance of Knights” in 2000, the series “Moscow Saga” in 2004, which received conflicting reviews “Yesenin”, where Bezrukova acted as one of the poet’s muses, Lydia Kashina.

Personal life of Irina Bezrukova

At the Academic Drama Theater named after Maxim Gorky, Irina met Igor Livanov, a famous actor and acting teacher. A man recently lost his wife Tatyana and eight-year-old daughter Olga in a terrible train accident and a logical attempt to escape from grief was an affair with a student in love, Irina Bakhtura.

The rapidly developing relationship ended in marriage. Irina took her husband’s surname - Livanov; under this name she later became not the last figure in the world of cinema. At the end of 1989, Igor’s namesake Vasily Livanov invited the actor to the troupe of the capital’s Detective Theater. The Livanov couple accepted the offer and soon moved to Moscow. Igor began to build a career in “Detective”, and later moved to the “Moon Theater”, while Irina got a job at the Moscow Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov. In December of the same year, the couple had a son, Andrei.

In 1998, fate brought Irina together with the young actor Sergei Bezrukov. They met on the set of the second part of the film “Crusaders”. Irina charmed Bezrukov by treating him like to an ordinary person, and not as a popular movie star - as it turned out, the actress was simply not familiar with his roles.

After filming, Sergei left Irina his phone number, accompanying the parting with a short phrase: “I’m waiting!” She hesitated for a long time to call, but still took this step and was rewarded with a stormy flow of emotions that proved that Sergei was seriously interested in his colleague. Later, Irina recalled that they were both overwhelmed by a wild intensity of passions and emotions. She left her husband with a scandal; The actress’s decision was not influenced even by the severe back pain that Igor experienced, who needed the support of his wife more than ever.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov: interview about relationships

In 2000, Irina accepted Sergei’s marriage proposal and changed her surname “Livanova” to “Bezrukova”. The Bezrukovs began to live as a threesome: Sergei, Irina and the actress’s son Andrei. The actress proved herself to be a gentle, caring and loving soulmate: she adjusted her schedule to Sergei’s, gave her husband pleasant surprises, and always looked forward to his return from filming.

Together with her husband, she was engaged in providing selfless help to those in need, and was on the board of trustees charitable organization"Revival". Her work was recognized by the award of the Order St. Sergius Radonezh. The actress mastered a new profession as a triflo commentator (descriptions of actions taking place on stage for visually impaired people). On her initiative, this kind of commentary was introduced for the first time in Russia into the performances of the Moscow Provincial Theater.

The couple did not have any children together, but in 2014 it became known: Bezrukov was hiding two children on the side, with a two-year age difference. It soon became known that the mother of young Alexandra and Ivan was St. Petersburg singer Kristina Smirnova. Rumors immediately spread about the impending dissolution of the star marriage. In the summer of 2015, Bezrukov’s fans noticed: the actor stopped wearing wedding ring, and the flow of joint photos with his wife, which previously filled his social networks, has dried up.

In the fall of 2015, Irina Bezrukova admitted: their relationship with Sergei came to an end several months ago. The reason for the divorce was not Bezrukov’s illegitimate children, but his passion for the young director Anna Matison. The couple, who lived together for almost 15 years, remained friends. Many fans of the actress predicted a quick reunion of the Bezrukovs, but the marriage of Sergei and Anna in March 2016 put an end to their hopes.

After the divorce, Irina Bezrukova tightened up English language, began to actively post pictures on social networks and stated that she was “open to new relationships.”

Death of the son of Irina Bezrukova

In March 2015, an incident occurred in Irina’s family. terrible tragedyonly son actress, 25-year-old Andrei was found dead in their apartment. There were many rumors about the cause of the incident - diabetes, high temperature, drugs, heart failure. However, Nina Livanova, two sister young man, claims that his death was the result of an accident - he fell and hit the tiles, slipping in the bathroom.

Death of the son of Irina Bezrukova

At the time of the incident, the Bezrukovs were on tour in Irkutsk. Having received terrible news, the actress flew to Moscow. The family decided to cremate their son's body.

At the farewell ceremony, in addition to Irina, his father, Igor Livanov, and his youngest son Timofey, the young man’s friends and colleagues at work at the Provincial Theater, where he was a senior administrator. Sergei Bezrukov was not at the funeral.

Irina Bezrukova today

The severance of relations with Bezrukov did not affect acting Irina. The actress continued to perform at the Moscow Provincial Theater, in 2016 she took part in the new season of “Dancing with the Stars” paired with dancer Maxim Petrov, and in March of the same year she starred in documentary film, dedicated to the sculptor Anna Golubkina.

Having a beautiful appearance, she participated in fashion shows of clothes, haircuts from Wella, and appeared in the programs “Secrets with Sergei Zverev”, “Shop on the Sofa”, “The Best”, “Say What’s Wrong”.

At the end of 2018, Irina went to the Philippines to take part in the filming of the reality show “The Last Hero”.

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Today one of the brightest and beautiful women Our country is turning 51 years old. But Irina Bezrukova With age it only increases its attractiveness. For a long time acting career Irina played in more than 30 films and earned love and devotion huge number fans. For the star's birthday PEOPLETALK offers you interesting facts from her biography.

Irina Bezrukova born in Rostov-on-Don, graduated from the Rostov College of Arts with a degree in theater and film actress.

Already from her second year, Irina showed great acting talent, starting work at the Rostov Academic Drama Theater (1986−1988), and then continued to play in Tula Drama Theater(1988−1989) and the Moscow Theater under the direction Oleg Tabakov (1990).

Father Bezrukova was a musician, my mother worked in the medical field. Irina also has a sister, Olga.

The actress’s childhood can hardly be called cloudless. Her parents were divorced, and at the age of 11, Irina lost her mother, who passed away due to a serious illness. After this, the grandmother took over the upbringing of the girl.

According to the actress, in school age she was not a bright and sociable girl. Rather, on the contrary, it was difficult to get along with peers.

The actress's talent on the theater stage was noticed by critics, and soon Irina began receiving invitations to screen tests.One of the first film works was a small role in the film "Mascot". Other proposals followed. Appearing more and more often on screen, Irina won the favor of directors and critics.

Real success came to Irina in 1997 after his role in the famous TV series "Countess de Monsoreau", where Bezrukova played Queen Louise.

In 1999, Irina became the host of a TV show "Shop on the Couch" on the channel RTR. She also hosted the program "The very best" on STS.

Irina met her first love at the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Drama Theater named after M. Gorky. The actor became her chosen one Igor Livanov (62). At that time, Livanov was experiencing a great tragedy; in a terrible train accident, he lost his wife and eight-year-old daughter. Love for Irina became Livanov’s salvation.

Soon Irina and Igor got married, and the actress took her husband's last name. In 1989, the couple had a son. Andrey. And in 2015, the actress’s fans were literally stunned by the news of Andrei’s death at the age of 26.

In 1998, Irina left Livanov for another actor and favorite of women - Sergei Bezrukov (42). They met on the set of the film "Crusaders". A whirlwind romance instantly began between Irina and Sergei. And the divorce from Igor resulted in a real scandal. The actress was condemned by many colleagues and the public, but this did not stop her.

In 2000 Irina And Sergey got married, and the actress changed her last name again. Over the years of marriage, they never had any children together, but Sergei was able to become an excellent stepfather to Irina’s son Andrei.

On April 11, 1965, a daughter, Irina, appeared in the Bakhtur family. The girl’s father was a representative of the creative profession - an oboist musician, while her mother worked as a doctor. The family lived quite modestly in a theater hostel in Rostov-on-Don.

Childhood and youth

My father often toured with concerts and worked part-time in the orchestra of the Musical Comedy Theater, even performed at a local cultural park. He introduced his two daughters (Irina has a sister Olga) to creativity and music in every possible way.

Already at the age of 4, Irina learned to read music and play the violin, as well as early years learned to play various musical instruments.

The divorce of their parents was a severe shock for the sisters. And soon the girls’ mother became seriously ill and died. Irina was only 11 years old at that time. Their grandmother began to raise and educate the Bakhtur sisters.

The beginning of a creative journey

While studying at school, the girl thought about future profession. At first, she wanted to connect her life with medicine, like her mother. But over time Ira decided to become an actress. There were even attempts to enter the local theater arts club. But to no avail.

Irina was an unsociable and shy girl. But the dream of an acting profession and the persistent persuasion of friends brought the girl to the Rostov School of Arts. Having passed entrance exams With highest score, Bakhtura became a student of the theater and film actress department. Irina received her graduation diploma in 1988.

Already from the 2nd year of college Ira began performing at the Rostov Academic Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky. The performances were far from professional, the roles were very different: Ira played both bad Komsomol members and golden youth, there was even the role of a prostitute. This was followed by work at the Tula Drama Theater.

In the early 90s, Irina and her first husband moved to Moscow. In the capital, she is accepted into the theater troupe of the Moscow Theater of Oleg Tabakov. After working on the theater stage for several years, Ira moved away from the stage and plunged headlong into the film industry.

Now her acting talent can be observed on the stage of the Moscow Provincial Theater, which is directed by her second husband, Sergei Bezrukov.

Work in cinema

Her first film work was the film “The Girl and the Wind” who was diploma work young operator. Irina’s role in V. Makarov’s Russian comedy “When You’re Late at the Registry Office” helped Irina become more recognizable. The film was released in 1991.

The artist’s filmography includes many roles, but one of the most successful works is the image of Louise of Lorraine in the historical series “The Countess de Monsoreau.” Irina Bezrukova took part in projects“Unfamiliar weapon or Crusader-2”, “”, “ Real fairy tale", "Chinese service", "", "Office", "Yesenin".

Some of the actress’s latest film works include roles in the films “Full Contract”, “Gift with Character”, “Earthquake”. The artist also voiced characters in animated films.“Prince Vladimir”, “About Fedot the Archer, a daring fellow” and “Capital Souvenir”.

Bezrukova also worked as a TV presenter on state channels. And in 2015 she created her own television project on the channel “360° Podmoskovye”. The guests of the studio were famous actors, musicians and comedians.

In March 2016, the artist was a participant in the “Dancing with the Stars” project on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. She danced together with the master of plasticity and movement - Maxim Petrov.

Personal life

Irina met her first husband, theater and film actor Igor Livanov, while still an actress at the Rostov Drama Theater. He was her teacher, and a love affair arose between them.

Soon the actor becomes a widower, and then young people decide to legitimize their relationship. Ira takes her husband’s surname, and in December 1989 a son, Andrei, is born into the family.

Interesting notes:

In 1998, the actress starred in the film “Crusader 2”, her Sergei Bezrukov becomes a partner on the set. A passionate romance begins between colleagues. Sergei is not embarrassed by either the age difference (Irina is 8 years older than him) or her status as a married lady.

The actress divorced Livanov in 2000 and married Sergei Bezrukov. Again she takes her husband’s surname and becomes Irina Bezrukova. The happy couple began to live as a threesome, together with Irina’s son Andrey. Their union seemed ideal and indestructible, but in 2015, rumors began to spread about the divorce of the star couple.

At first, the couple did not comment on these statements, but in September 2015 they nevertheless made an official statement. Now Irina Bezrukova is a free woman who hopes to meet a reliable and loving man.

In general, 2015 was a difficult period for Irina. Terrible blow occurred on March 14. Her only son, Andrei Livanov, was found dead in his Moscow apartment.. The guy suffered from a severe form diabetes mellitus. Despite this bereavement, the actress found strength and continues her creative career.

Life position

At 52 years old, Irina looks simply gorgeous. After her divorce from Bezrukov, she changed even more, wears bright outfits, participates in colorful photo shoots and various TV shows. Actress leads healthy image life, denies alcohol and tobacco.

Irina is actively involved in charity work, is a member of the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, and participates in various public and social events. For what awarded the Badge of St. Sergius of Radonezh.


Year Movie Role
1990 Moscow beauties
1991 Showboy model
1991 Prostitute

Masha (one of the main roles)

1991 When they are late for the registry office...

Vika, Kostya's girl, bride (main role)

1992 Richard the Lionheart

Edith, English princess (main role)

1992 Your way out, girls mannequin
1993 Knight Kenneth