Deep fryer application. What is a deep fryer

What is deep frying?

In short, deep frying is frying a product in a large amount of hot oil. There should be a lot of oil - enough to completely or at least half immerse the product in it, and its temperature should be such that the product squeaks merrily, covering golden brown crust, rather than sadly floating in not fully heated oil, absorbing it like a sponge.

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Previously, several centuries ago, rendered animal fat was used for deep-frying; now it is recommended to use vegetable fat without taste and smell. Best option- grape seed oil, it has a fairly high boiling point, taste and odor are practically absent. The only problem is that in our country it costs a lot (from “simply expensive” to “obscenely expensive”), so it is more logical to use more affordable vegetable oil.

What is deep frying for? Many people ask this question, especially after the media began to actively disseminate the myth that “fatty” automatically means “harmful”, and deep-frying is generally a breeding ground for carcinogens. We'll talk about the health hazards a little later, but from a culinary point of view, deep frying is needed for several reasons.

Firstly, deep frying creates a crispy crust that seals the juices inside the product. This happens because upon contact with hot oil, the water contained in the outer part of the product instantly evaporates (hence the bubbles), and the amino acids and sugars interact with each other under the influence high temperature(hence the golden hue of the crust).

Secondly, deep frying is quick way heat treatment, and it allows you to preserve much of what is contained inside the product or achieve interesting textural special effects, as in the case of French fries, where a crispy crust is combined with crumbly interior.

Finally, the third point, which directly follows from the first two: deep-fried foods are almost always very tasty.

How to deep fry

So far everything is clear with the theoretical part, it’s time to move on to the practical part - what to do if you come across the line “deep fry” in the recipe. Here's what you need to do.

First, make sure you have the following inventory:

  • Frying utensils
  • Skimmer
  • Colander or wire rack
  • 1 l. refined vegetable oil

If we talk about dishes for deep-frying, then any sufficiently deep container that can be placed on the stove will do, be it a saucepan, a stewpan or something else. It is most convenient, in my opinion, to use a medium-sized cauldron or wok, the walls of which will be flat enough to make it convenient to catch finished products. Instead of a slotted spoon, if for some reason this option is closer to you, you can use chopsticks or tongs, and a colander is necessary so that excess oil can drain from fried foods. The grates that come with some woks and are attached to the side of the frying pan also serve the same purpose.

Additionally, optional but useful:

  • Thermometer
  • Apron
  • Paper towels

Where to start? First of all, make sure that you have everything ready - during frying there will be no time to finish anything. Then place a suitable container over medium heat, pour in the oil and heat it to the desired temperature. The temperature depends on what effect you want to achieve: if you need to fry the product completely, it should be lower, but if you only need a crust, then the temperature should be higher. To determine the temperature, you can throw a piece of bread into the oil or drop a little batter and observe its behavior, but it is more convenient to use a thermometer: the oil temperature in deep-frying usually varies from 140 to 190 degrees.

Add foods to the oil a little at a time, do not try to fry everything in one sitting. The ratio of the volumes of oil and products should always be in favor of the oil with a large advantage - otherwise the products will quickly cool the oil and it will begin to be absorbed. During frying, food can be moved around in the pan with a slotted spoon so that they are fried on all sides and do not stick together. When you see that the product is ready (at the right temperature, this happens simultaneously with the appearance of a golden crust), remove it and place it in a colander or on a wire rack to allow the oil remaining on the surface to drain.

Did it work? Congratulations, you have mastered deep frying.


Nutritionists say that any oil is harmful to health, but even if they are right, hot oil is a hundred times more dangerous. To ensure that your acquaintance with deep frying goes like clockwork, follow these rules:

  • Before you start heating the oil, make sure that all the ingredients are prepared and all the tools are at hand. This is true for any cooking, but especially for deep-frying, when a cauldron on the stove spits boiling oil.
  • Before you start frying, make sure that there are no small children, pets or strangers hanging around in the kitchen, and if any are found, move them away.
  • Never deep-fry if you have been drinking. Even just a little bit.
  • Cook in an apron and comfortable shoes that will not slip if a few drops of oil accidentally fall on the floor.
  • To avoid getting burned by hot splashes, lower the food into the oil with a spoon or slotted spoon.
  • Constantly monitor the temperature of the oil, not allowing it to get too hot or cold. If the oil has cooled down, take a break and let it heat up again.
  • Before frying foods that have liquid inside, make sure that it does not spill into the oil, otherwise you will end up with a geyser of hot oil and steam.
  • Try not to use the same oil twice. When you're done cooking, pour it out.


Well, in conclusion - a few recipes from different countries world so that you can put your newfound skills into practice.

A deep fryer is a household electrical appliance that is designed for preparing various deep-fried dishes.

What is “deep fat”? Deep fat is an animal or vegetable fat suitable for deep frying. It's heated up maximum temperature to fry food in it. Typically, refined sunflower oil is used for frying, but corn, olive, cottonseed, palm, peanut, and soybean are also suitable. It is better not to use unrefined oils.

It happens that deep fat is prepared from pork or beef lard. It is possible to use duck or chicken fat. In general, the choice of deep fryer varies depending on culinary traditions, personal preferences and the type of product that is intended to be cooked. Refined vegetable oil is ideal for any food. Vegetable products It is preferable to fry products made from salt dough in oil mixed with beef fat, and baked goods in a combination of vegetable oil and lard.

The electric fryer includes a housing with a lid and a heater. On the body of the device there is a temperature regulator, which is responsible for the heating level.

The operating principle of a modern deep fryer is quite simple:

  1. oil or frying mixture is poured into the bowl;
  2. the electrical appliance is connected to the network;
  3. deep fat is heated to the set temperature;
  4. a grid with prepared products is lowered into the device;
  5. After the products are fried, the mesh is removed from the bowl and the finished products are thrown onto a dish or paper towel.

Potatoes fried in deep fryer

The main point of cooking food in an electric fryer is when the fryer heats up to 190 degrees. The device then maintains a constant temperature. This will ensure that the food cooks evenly. Food cooked in this device is not very high in calories, since the oil only “envelops” it without penetrating through the crust.

How to use an electric deep fryer correctly - instructions for use

The operating rules for an electric fryer are intuitive:

  1. Open the lid and pour oil or frying mixture into the bowl.

You can't ignore the Minimum and Maximum marks! Never mix used oil with fresh oil!

In supermarkets you can find special oil for deep fryers.

  1. When placing products in the basket, it is better to place them closer to the perimeter, leaving the center free. Do not overload the basket - the temperature of the deep fat will drop noticeably. If the products are from the freezer, they must be shaken vigorously before being deep-fried. By the way, it is recommended to fill only a third of the basket with frozen foods, as they reduce the temperature of the oil. If you plan to fry food in batter, you should first lower the basket into deep fat and then lower the food into it, so the dough will not burn to the basket.
  2. Close the device with the lid.
  3. The correct temperature is very important nuance. If you set it too low, the food will become saturated with fat, which will affect the taste qualities Oh.
  4. If the device is equipped with a viewing window, you can monitor what is happening during the cooking process and make adjustments if necessary.
  5. After the beep sounds, the prepared food must be taken out immediately. This must be done carefully, as the deep fat cools very slowly.
  6. Before serving, the finished dish should be placed on paper towels so that excess oil is absorbed.

It is better to drain fried foods on paper towels.

How many times can you use the same oil in a deep fryer?

When the conversation turns to a deep fryer, a novice cook suspects that a lot of oil will be used. In fact, if everything is done correctly, when frying the products will not take in more than they should, and it will not splatter like in a frying pan. And yet the question remains relevant: how many times is it safe to use the same oil in the machine? The answer is good news - one serving can be used up to twenty times. And if you keep it tightly closed in the device, it will remain that way for up to six months without losing its taste. When using oil, remember the following nuances:

  • apply correctly refined oil. There is oil on sale with the label “For deep fryers”;
  • The mixture for deep frying should be poured in the proportion of one part to ten parts of food, and up to the middle of the bowl;
  • if you plan to cook something in a deep fryer, but the old deep fryer is not enough, you need to pour it out and add a fresh portion;
  • Do not heat the oil until it smokes. The ideal temperature is 175 degrees, and in an electric fryer no more than 195 degrees;
  • if fish or meat was cooked in the device, and the smell remains, before the next cooking you need to heat the deep fryer to 165 degrees and put a couple of pieces of bread in it, the smell will disappear;
  • the oil has become thick, darkened and has bad smell– you should pour it out immediately! It cannot be disposed of while it is hot; it must be cooled first!
  • when preparing breaded products, you can put a paper filter on the bottom of the device, then the fryer will remain clean, without crumbs;
  • Experts warn that with each reuse of oil, the amount of carcinogens increases.

If you follow the cooking technology, the food turns out rosy and beautiful

How to choose the right deep fryer

Today's electric fryer market is rich and varied. And although they all work on the same principle, their functionality may be different. What you should pay attention to when buying a device for your home:

  • some models are equipped with an auto-timer that sounds when food is ready;
  • the presence or absence of removable or built-in filters that capture odors; oil filters filter it. Removable filters are replaced from time to time, stationary filters are thoroughly washed;
  • The bowl volume varies from one to four liters. The larger it is, the large sizes device. The bowl can be made of stainless steel or aluminum, with an enamel or non-stick coating. The latter last much longer;
  • In cheap units, the bowl cannot be removed, which is very inconvenient during the washing process. For more expensive ones, the bowl can be removed;
  • the power of the device affects the speed of heating the deep fat and the cooking time, usually it is 2 kW;
  • temperature control is fixed in cheaper models, while more expensive ones have smooth temperature control;
  • The viewing window in the lid of the device makes the cooking process clear;
  • advanced models are equipped with a “cold bottom” function, which does not allow the products at the bottom of the bowl to burn to its bottom;
  • Overheating protection will allow the device to work longer;
  • The oil drain system is very convenient when changing oil, but makes the device more expensive.

When choosing a fryer model, it is better to lean towards a device with a flat surface, with a minimum of buttons, depressions and protrusions.

Deep fryers with a removable bowl are much more convenient to use

Review of the most popular fryer models

This rating was made only by those models that, according to reviews, showed themselves exclusively with positive side. These are the following brands: Tefal, Vitek, Moulinex, Delongi, Philips, Bosch. Representatives of these brands have distinguished themselves by comfort, durability and quality.

A brief overview of the most popular fryer models for 2018 with current prices.

  1. Tefal FZ 7000 ActiFry– a 1400 W air fryer equipped with electronic control will cook 1 kg of potatoes at a time with virtually no oil. Manufacturers claim that the device is capable of frying a kilogram of potatoes in one tablespoon of deep fat. The lid of the device is removable, the bowl can be pulled out, which allows you to keep the device clean. The components of the unit can be placed in the dishwasher. The set includes a deep frying spoon, a folding bowl handle and a recipe book. Among the disadvantages, users noted large size and a quiet buzzer sound.

Tefal FZ 7000 ActiFry will decorate any kitchen

  1. PhilipsHD9220– The 1425 W mechanical air fryer uses 14 g of oil per kilo of potatoes. The stationary filter catches odors, the removable basket and bowl are washable. dishwasher, a cord compartment will save space in the kitchen, a heating regulator will allow you to set the desired temperature, a timer with automatic shutdown will notify you when the dish is ready. The food divider allows you to cook two different dishes simultaneously. No deficiencies found.

    Philips HD9220 is not only useful, but also a beautiful device

    1. VITEK VT-1537 – inexpensive unit with mechanical guidance with a power of 2000 watts. The bowl is designed for 1 kg of food. Heating temperature adjustment from 130 to 190 degrees. Requires 2.5 liters of oil. The versatile appliance can also prepare fondue. The removable bowl with non-stick coating is easy to clean. The viewing window in the removable lid allows for complete control of the process. A comfortable handle will protect the user from burns. The plastic case does not heat up during use. The only negative noted by users is large number oils for frying.

    VITEK VT-1537 - an excellent budget option

    1. MoulinexAF 1005 Minute – A compact and budget device with a power of 840 W will cook 250 g of potatoes in one step. Mechanical control. The device is equipped with a heating indicator. The device will require 700 ml of oil to operate. The plastic case does not heat up. It is possible to prepare fondue. The device is intuitive to use. The disadvantage is that the non-removable working bowl makes caring for the device extremely inconvenient.

    Moulinex AF 1005 Minuto is one of the most compact deep fryers

    1. Sinbo SDF-3827– a full-fledged budget model, made in a stainless metal case. Device power 2200 W, mechanical control. Temperature regulator up to 190 degrees. There is a heating indicator. Requires 3 liters of oil to operate. The controls are so simple that even a child can handle it. Rubber feet will prevent the device from sliding off the table. The removable enamel bowl is easy to clean. The filter faithfully captures odors. The case is thermally insulated, thereby preventing heating of the operating device. No deficiencies found.

    Sinbo SDF-3827 metal body of a long-lived device

    So, all the secrets and nuances when using a deep fryer have been revealed. All that remains is to choose the model you like and master the masterpieces of deep-fried food with it.

Many of us love to treat ourselves to delicious chebureks, whites, donuts or french fries. All these dishes have one thing in common - they are deep-fried. The word "deep fat" is of French origin and means frying. The process itself involves frying an animal or animal in hot oil. plant origin. Currently, a mixture of vegetable and animal fats is used for deep frying. What is a deep fryer, what can you cook in this miracle technique and what is the principle of operation of the device.

How does a deep fryer work?

Since ancient times, people have fried various foods using fats. IN Ancient Rome they prepared dough dishes that were fried in hot oil. The Chinese used this method to prepare meat and vegetable dishes. In Russia, a technology similar to deep frying was spinning, but when deep frying, the product is practically boiled in oil, since this technology involves a large amount of fat for frying.

Suitable for deep frying the following types products:

  • meat, poultry and fish in batter;
  • vegetables;
  • flour products (crumpets, donuts).

What can be cooked in a deep fryer - cooking rules

Before loading into the deep fryer, all products are cut centimeter thick. The percentage of fat used in relation to the amount of fried foods should be 4:1. During frying, foods should not interfere with each other or collide with each other. Food should not touch the walls of the dish, much less its bottom.

Vegetable fats are used for deep frying. Ideally, it is better to fry in olive oil, but, in principle, any of the known ones will do. From animals, pig or sheep fat is used.

Mixtures of fats are also used, the majority of which are vegetable oils. Melted butter is used to make sweet donuts and various dough products. Although, this is still not the most best idea. Due to the low maximum temperature, donuts may turn out tasteless, simply soaked butter dough balls.

Maintaining the correct temperature

During the cooking process, special temperature conditions. The oil should not be below 130°C, and ideally its temperature should be 190°C. In the case of the electrical model, temperature is determined in several ways. To do this, drop a piece of dough into hot oil and determine the degree of heating by the behavior of the fat. The lack of movement indicates that the fat is not heated up enough, a slight trembling of the oil means that it has heated up to a temperature of 130-140°C, boiling fat around the ball means that the temperature has reached 160°C, and if a piece of dough begins to burn, then fat reached 170-190°C.

deep fryer is an electric household appliance that is used to prepare a variety of deep-fried culinary products. Translated from French the term frit or frit means a culinary product that has been cooked in a large amount of vegetable oil. As a rule, the association of the term fries with potatoes has become firmly established in the public consciousness. However, not only potatoes are fried, but also other types of vegetables, meat, fish and seafood.

Previously, special pans were used to prepare deep-fried dishes, into which vegetable oil was poured and placed on a temperature source, usually an open fire. When the oil boiled, a special container was placed in the pan, which was made of wire and had many holes. The container contained the ingredients, which were fried using boiling oil until golden brown. The design of electric deep fryers is similar to the simplest types of electric household appliance.

The simplest deep fryer is a container that is closed with an airtight lid. At the base of the container there is a battery for the device. Place the oil in the container, then select the required temperature regime and begin the process of preparing food. The outer casing of a household electrical appliance is always made of thermal insulating material. When the oil reaches a certain temperature, the ingredients are placed in a mesh container and lowered into deep fat. Then the lid of the device is closed and the food is fried.

The fryer control panel is also located on the outer casing of the device. Typically, modern fryer models are equipped with several basic and additional modes or cooking programs. In addition, many deep fryers are equipped with a thermostat, which helps control the cooking process. Improved types of deep fryers are distinguished by the presence of a rotational mechanism, which constantly mixes the ingredients with oil during the preparation of culinary products, which helps to achieve uniform frying.

There are quite a large number of various types of deep fryers, which differ from each other in such basic parameters as: useful volume of the device, capacity, temperature range, method of temperature control, presence or absence of a timer, auto-shut-off system, device filtration system, design features, material of manufacture and other. With the help of modern deep fryers, you can prepare a fairly wide range of culinary products, for example, not only the famous French fries, but also whites, chips, donuts, as well as pasties and others.

The electric household deep fryer is distinguished by its safety of use, as well as its efficiency. Culinary products prepared in a deep fryer are distinguished by their high quality, as well as taste and aroma characteristics. What is important is that to use modern electric household deep fryers you do not need to have any specialized knowledge or skills. If all safety measures and operating rules are observed, a deep fryer can become an indispensable electrical household appliance for any modern housewife.

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Double fryer

deep fryer– a household electrical appliance designed for frying food in a boiling layer of vegetable oil or animal fat (deep frying). Industrial versions of such devices are also produced; they are created specifically for catering establishments and differ from household ones in their high productivity and ability to work without stopping for a long time.

In a deep fryer you can cook not only French fries, but also chips, pasties, donuts, whites, other flour products, vegetables, meat, fish, including battered ones.

Design and principle of operation

The deep fryer consists of a body, a container that is closed with a lid, and a heater. The heating level is selected using the temperature regulator located on the body. Oil or fat is poured into the container, the device is connected to the power supply and heats the deep fat to the desired temperature, after which the products are placed in it and frying begins. External housing modern models deep fryers are always manufactured to be thermally insulated, which is why the outside of the deep fryer is not hot when it is running. Typically, a deep fryer has a mesh container for food. Before frying, food is placed in it and, together with the container, is lowered into deep fat, and after the cooking process is completed, they are removed from there together.

Additional features

Most modern fryer models have additional controls and features that make using the device much easier. For example, a removable deep frying bowl, making it easier to replace; a thermostat that helps maintain a constant oil temperature; air and oil filters; timer with sound signal, helping to control cooking time. There are designs of household deep fryers that have rotating inclined bowls, in which during cooking there is continuous mixing of deep-frying products, due to which the same amount of product is cooked in a smaller volume of deep-frying.

Main Features

  • Oil volume – indicated in liters and related to the container. Typically this figure is 0.8 - 3 liters. Some models of deep fryers require a strictly defined amount of oil to operate. However, you can also find those that will work normally with less.
  • Capacity is a fairly arbitrary value; manufacturers indicate it in grams. Denotes that maximum quantity"standard" raw potatoes, cut into large strips, which can be turned into French fries by frying at one time. The capacity of a deep fryer directly depends on the volume of oil: the larger the volume, the larger the capacity. Typically, the ratio is 1000 g of container per 2 liters of deep fat volume, although each model may have other, own values. The actual amount of food to add depends not only on the size of the pieces, but also on the type of food.
  • The heating temperature of deep frying ranges from 150 to 190 C. If the model has a thermostat, the oil does not overheat, so it can be used several times without risk to health.
  • Type of temperature control - can be smooth or stepped. The choice depends on individual preferences.
  • The presence of a timer allows you to control the cooking process automatically. Can be built-in or as a separate unit.
  • Automatic shutdown – allows you to turn off the heater of the device after the timer has been triggered. This function is more useful in terms of fire safety, since it will not be able to immediately interrupt the process of cooking food in hot oil. However, it is guaranteed to turn off the device if the food being prepared is forgotten.
  • Disassembly - allows you to separate parts of the device that come into contact with food and oil, for example, an oil bowl and a lid, from the main body. Makes it possible to wash the device without the risk of damaging the electronic control unit with detergents or water.
  • A transparent window in the body or lid will allow you to monitor the cooking process. This design feature will be useful when preparing new dishes.
  • Filters - there are air and oil filters, they can be permanent or replaceable. The air vent is usually located in the lid of the appliance; it is designed to reduce the spread of odors from fried foods and hot oil. The oil filter serves to filter the oil, removing accumulated impurities from it. Permanent filters must be removed periodically and thoroughly washed.