Where does Stepan Mikhalkov live? Stepan Mikhalkov: biography, personal life You are a strict dad

Restaurateur Stepan Mikhalkov, the eldest son of Nikita Sergeevich, grandson of Sergei Vladimirovich, got married last summer, but he does not yet have his own home. Stepan told Trud-7 about his family life.

Where do you live now, what is your home like?

We now live in a rented house. After the divorce, I left the house to that family and children. He himself moved not far away - also on Rublevskoe Highway, to places that he had become accustomed to since childhood. I like to live outside the city, and not in Moscow, it just so happens that the country where I live is Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway. But it became fashionable much later. There will be no home in the near future. I bought a plot, but there is no way to develop it now, so it stands as it does. Until better times. So I rent an old wooden house - a dacha in the Academic Village. I finished and repaired it all myself. Now it is very cozy and comfortable. This is where my wife and I live now.

- How does Lisa feel in your legendary family?

I think it’s quite comfortable, especially since we don’t live with our parents. Such autonomy is a fairly traditional thing in our family; children grow up, are responsible for themselves, and parents do not particularly try to put pressure on them or show their will. The father is busy with himself, with his creativity. My mother is also a fairly busy person. We don’t have a tradition that in the evenings all 29 of us gather around one huge table.

- Did you have a desire to write a book about your family?

There is so much written about my family that at least half of what I could tell about it has long been known to everyone. It’s fashionable to write books; almost everyone writes them. This is exactly what I don’t like. Maybe if they hadn’t written so much, I would have decided to take such a step.

- You have three children, how is Lisa’s relationship with them?

The boys and I travel a lot and spend holidays together. Eldest daughter Sasha is now busy with entering university, so she has less time. Lisa has a fairly warm, normal relationship with everyone. Maybe initially there was some jealousy on both sides, but then the understanding came that children are children and they will always be there. And the children realized that this was my wife and she would be next to me. In general, life has put everything in its place.

-Are you planning to have another baby in the near future?

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. You can plan anything, but not this. I love children very much, and, of course, I would like more.

- You are a restaurateur, but can you cook yourself?

I have always been able to fry meat or fish over an open fire. But I recently started making some more complex dishes, such as complex salads or pastas. And with quite good results. In any case, I like it myself. There are different ways to become restaurateurs. Arkasha Novikov initially came to the restaurant in the kitchen and through the kitchen got to the restaurateurs. I entered the restaurant from a different entrance - as a client. My dad and mom dragged me to all sorts of restaurants of creative unions, and I lived in these restaurants from infancy - there was nowhere for me to go. Plus, my mother and grandmother were always excellent cooks, so the right taste for food was instilled in me from childhood.

- So, you and Lisa cook together at home?

Yes, and sometimes it even turns into competition. Recently in winter we went on vacation to the mountains. We lived in an apartment where there was a stove in the kitchen, and almost every morning and every evening we cooked with four hands. Such a pastime, collective work, when everyone contributes to the common dinner, unites. I really liked this feeling.

-Are you a romantic?

I am not a romantic by nature, but romantic impulses are not alien to me. I may have a desire to somehow distinguish myself in this area. But it’s not like I bring coffee to bed every day. I can draw a picture or write a message and leave it in an unexpected place for Lisa, and she will find it by chance. What I've always had a hard time with is flowers. There are men who come home every evening with a bouquet of flowers, I don’t have such a habit. Sometimes even when I’m driving a car, I think: “Damn, I passed a stall, I should have stopped to buy flowers. Well, okay, I’ve already passed.”

- Do you think that love for Lisa will last a lifetime?

Yes, I would like to believe it.

- You are a wealthy person, and do you pay child support?

Alimony is paid by court order. And the court divorced my ex-wife and me without any determinations and by mutual consent. Actually, it is by this agreement that I support that family.

- Are you more of a Sunday dad or are you constantly raising children?

I'm trying not to be a Sunday dad. Although, I admit, I rarely get to see my children during the week. But at the same time, I try to participate in their lives, not to pay them off, but to deal with their problems and upbringing: I go to school, participate in events, sports competitions. I like it. Because partly I myself didn’t get it into my own school years: My father has never been to my school. Not a single one, but I replaced about five of them. Oh, no, I was in one of them, the last one, where we played football with the school principal and thus I received a school certificate. (Laughs.) I don’t think he went to school with my brothers and sisters. And I decided that I want to take part in the lives of my children, I want them to feel my love and support even in the simplest things.

- Who would you like to see them in the future?

First of all, I would like to see them Orthodox people, and this implies a lot, in fact. And I probably wouldn’t want anything more. Because in Orthodox faith for me everything that a person can and should want and try to achieve in life is expressed.

- In your youth you were a very difficult guy. So were you protesting against something?

I have always had a rather complex and hooligan disposition, say, in contrast to Fedya Bondarchuk, who was a good boy. When we studied at school 31 on Tverskaya Street in parallel classes, I had the reputation of being a hooligan and a poor student, and Fedya was very neat, quiet and in good standing. He was even forbidden to communicate with me. But we were still friends. And I don’t know whether I infected him, or whether his character began to change, but he became a hooligan. (Laughs.) And just at that moment I began to take life more seriously, went to work, and I had no time for hooliganism.

-Are you a strict dad?

I’m not exactly a strict dad, but I try to raise them in Orthodox traditions, which contain everything. And severity, and affection, and a feeling of sin, and a feeling of some kind of tuning fork to which you listen all the time and understand whether you are doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

- What about a belt on the butt?

I punished it and think it’s useful. I spanked Vasya a couple of times and even spanked Sasha once when she was smaller. Petya, the youngest, didn’t have to and I hope he won’t have to, he has too good a disposition. But I don’t think that this characterizes me as a strict dad. This is a necessity that must be fulfilled if the behavior of your children requires it.

- How were you punished as a child?

Also, with a belt. Mostly my mother spanked me, and then she was terribly worried about the fact that she had spanked me. At first it really hurt my pride. When I got older, it no longer hurt me, I calmly endured all the punishments. Then my mother realized that it was pointless to spank me, and she stopped doing it. But, of course, there was something to flog me for, I ruined her nerves a lot.

- Did you have a grudge against your father because he left your mother?

I had a grudge against my father not because he left my mother, but because he left me. Because I didn’t understand much about their relationship back then. But the fact that he was not next to me, and I desperately wanted to see him, wanted to imitate him and be like him, feel his presence - that was it. It passed when I became more mature and conscious, when he and I began to talk like a man, like an adult.

- How painfully did the crisis affect your business?

Naturally, we react to the crisis and note the decline. But it’s still easier for us than for large companies. We are adapting ourselves to the current situation, we have taken a more careful approach to the expenses of restaurants, we have made cuts somewhere, but I cannot say that they were very significant. And of those who have been working for a long time and make up our backbone, no one has lost their job. We had to do more work on reconstructing the work process, assigning more functions to some people, and introducing cost control. Therefore, we have to refuse some too expensive products or raise their prices, introduce dishes prepared with products from Russian producers - now these products are quite good.

- Are there any new projects planned?

Last year we opened five bread stores with our own production - French bread according to the recipe of French bakers. And in the next month, a new bakery with deli will open on Tverskaya: we will sell bakery and confectionery products, cold and hot dishes and semi-finished products.

- Is it true that some products are prepared according to your mother’s original recipes?

These bakeries still have a small assortment “from my mother”. Mainly pies, pies and aspic. Last year my mother made a special trip to France to learn how to cook aspic dishes and studied gastronomy. There will be more culinary dishes based on her recipes. But the full assortment “from mom” will be in the new inexpensive restaurant of Russian cuisine with a large selection of dumplings. In addition to the well-known ones, there will also be exotic ones: with pheasant, salmon, wild boar, and game. It was planned to develop a network of these restaurants, but the expansion had to be postponed due to the crisis. And the third, already a joint project with Anton Tabakov - a modern art cafe with quite low prices, but aimed at young people interested in art and video art. We want to combine what they usually talk about “bread and circuses”.

- But your mother, Stepan, is in no way associated with aspic and dumplings.

Mom always loved to cook, she learned from her Siberian grandmother and from my grandmother, Natalia Petrovna Konchalovskaya. Mom believes that this is her second calling. And since cinema and theater post-Soviet space Mom was no longer interested, she still had a love for cooking.

Our dossier

Stepan Mikhalkov born on September 24, 1966 in Moscow. The son of actress Anastasia Vertinskaya and director Nikita Mikhalkov. Graduated from the Moscow Art School and the Moscow Film School. In 2001, together with Arkady Novikov, he opened the first restaurant “Vanil”. The first wife is fashion model Alla Sivakova, they have three children.

Elizaveta Ilyina born in 1986 in Moscow. She worked as a model. Friends introduced me to Stepan. Six months later, in March 2008, they got married and got married in July.

Stepan Mikhalkov is a Russian restaurateur, music video director, producer, owner of the Art Pictures Studio company, specializing in the creation of videos, film production and advertising.

Childhood and youth

Stepan Mikhalkov was born in Moscow on September 24, 1966. His father was the famous director and actor, and his mother was charming actress. As a child, Stepan was surrounded on all sides by creative people from among his relatives. In addition, the pedigree of each of the parents was colorful famous names. On his father’s side, his grandfather was a Soviet writer, his great-grandfather was a painter, and his great-great-grandfather was a Russian artist. My maternal grandfather is a brilliant chansonnier.

Anastasia and Nikita got married six months after the birth of their first child. The newlyweds alternately lived in the house of Nikita Mikhalkov’s older brother, and then at the Mikhalkovs’ dacha. Since both parents were busy, Stepan spent a lot of time behind the scenes of theaters and on the sidelines of creative unions, the boy tried restaurant cuisine early. When visiting his mother’s father’s house, Stepan always plunged into the elements Georgian cuisine, to which his grandmother taught him.

When Stepan was three years old, his parents filed for divorce. Stepan alternately lived with his mother and with his father’s family. Anastasia devoted a lot of effort to raising Stepan, calling him the main man in her life. The eldest son of Nikita Mikhalkov developed a close relationship with stepbrother and sisters and . He also maintained a relationship with his cousin.

Stepan studied at school 31 on Tverskaya Street in a parallel class with. At first, Mikhalkov Jr. was known as a hooligan, but over the years Stepan’s attitude towards life changed. A serious hobby appeared, the first self-earned money.

During school, the family did not incline Mikhalkov Jr. towards an acting, directing or writing career. Instead, he was passionate about drawing and even graduated from school at the Moscow State Art Institute. . After this, the young man went to serve in Far East, to the border troops. As Stepan Nikitich himself later claimed, his army years helped him grow up.

Upon returning to civil life Nikita Mikhalkov's son passed entrance exams to the Institute foreign languages, but after three years of studying in this educational institution he nevertheless made a choice towards a career in cinema. In 1991, the director's son graduated from the Moscow Film School. While studying, Stepan played cameo roles in two films: in the film “The Hitchhiker,” directed by his father Nikita Mikhalkov, and in the fantasy project “Shooting Angels,” on which Vladimir Shteryanov worked.

At this point, the filmography of actor Mikhalkov stopped expanding. First acting experience Stepan considered it a failure and did not appear in the frame again. Creative biography Mikhalkov Jr. received a different direction.


After graduating from the Moscow Film School, Stepan Mikhalkov nevertheless decided that the laurels of a film actor or director were not for him. He was much more interested in producing; in addition, the guy was thinking about opening his own restaurant.

Stepan Mikhalkov and Nikita Mikhalkov at the anniversary of the Vanil restaurant

His serious career began when, in collaboration with Fyodor Bondarchuk, with whom Stepan Nikitich had been friends since childhood, he opened a company called “Art Pictures” in 1992. In 2006, the company was renamed Art Pictures Studio. In fact, it was the first on the territory of the Russian Federation private company, which specialized in creating commercials and video clips. In the early years, Bondarchuk and Mikhalkov invested almost all the money they earned in the development of their brainchild.

Soon the company became known in wide circles and began to receive orders for the production of videos from famous performers and others. Over time, “Art Pictures” also began to specialize in organizing art exhibitions, festivals, and opening youth clubs.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the studio finally turned to film production. Russian films “On the Move”, “Ice”, “”, “HEAT”, “Inhabited Island” were shot on it.

As already noted, after graduating from the Moscow Film School, Stepan Mikhalkov, despite young age, thought about a career as a restaurateur. Since childhood, he adored this atmosphere and dreamed of creating an ideal restaurant in which everything would correspond to his idea of ​​the most pleasant place on earth.

Stepan Nikitich began to implement these plans in 2001, when, together with the same Fyodor Bondarchuk, as well as another partner, he created the first restaurant called “Vanil”. A few years later, the restaurateur became one of the owners of the establishments Veterok, Vertinsky, Casual, Lemoncello, as well as the chain of bakeries Khleb&Co and the budget dumpling shop Sibirsky Express.

The restaurateur also tried to get into the furniture business, but in 2016 it turned out that this project brought him multimillion-dollar debts.

Stepan Mikhalkov not only manages successful (and not so successful) projects and publishes "Instagram" photo against the backdrop of luxurious interiors, but also does charity work. So, in 2015, he and his wife regularly came to the village of Vorobyetsovo, located in the Ivanovo region, and helped Father Meliton. The hieromonk adopted eight children, built a house, as well as a temple and a rehabilitation center for disabled children.

Personal life

The first wife of Mikhalkov Jr. - professional model Alla Sivakova appeared in his life shortly after young Stepan returned from the army. A handsome guy, whose height allowed the girl to walk next to him in high heels, charmed Alla and invited her to move in together two days after the first meeting. The future spouses met thanks to choreographer Anatoly Kulakov, who was a friend of Stepan Nikitich, and Sivakova “choreographed his gait” while working at the Arbat Fashion House.

At first, the couple settled in the creative workshop of Sergei Mikhalkov, and when the huge premises had to be given away, they were sheltered by the producer’s mother, Anastasia Vertinskaya. Soon the couple purchased their own home.

In this marriage, Stepan had children: daughter Sasha and sons Vasily and Peter. The young couple registered their marriage two years after the birth of their daughter, in 1994. Alla left her career and completely immersed herself in the family business. She took care of accounting, supplying restaurants with food, and participated in personnel selection. Alas, the couple’s happiness did not last forever, and after 12 years of marriage there was a divorce.

Stepan Mikhalkov did not inform the public about the reasons for the change in his personal life. But for the first time after the divorce, he was credited with an affair with model Yulia Vizgalina, which did not lead to serious changes.

In 2008 new darling Elizaveta Ilyina, a model, became a restaurateur. The girl at that time was 25 years old, and she had already worked on recognized fashion catwalks in Paris, London, Milan, and New York. Elizaveta comes from the family of first-rank diving captain Yuri Fedorovich Goremychkin, who is the girl’s grandfather. Elizabeth’s father is also a former military man and runs his own business.

The future spouses met at Stepan Mikhalkov’s restaurant “Vanil”. The wedding of a couple in love was held not only in the registry office: the newlyweds were also married in a church. Nikita Mikhalkov was not present at the gala event; at that moment he was on the set of the film “Burnt by the Sun 2”.

After getting married, Elizaveta Mikhalkova gradually ended her modeling career and began producing filming. Later, the girl mastered the profession of landscape designer and gardener.

Stepan Mikhalkov is a follower dietary nutrition and supporter healthy image life. The restaurateur spends several hours a week on the tennis court and loves to play football. IN winter time has been snowboarding for years. With a height of 175 cm, the restaurateur’s weight reaches 72 kg.

Stepan Mikhalkov now

On May 6, 2017, a long-awaited joyful event occurred in the family: Elizabeth gave Stepan a son, who was named Luke according to the calendar. And less than a year later, Alexandra, Stepan’s eldest daughter, gave birth to a son, Fyodor. The boy's father was a young actor. Now photos of the two heirs of the creative dynasty are increasingly appearing on the pages of their parents on social networks.

They talked about the history of their acquaintance, as well as what they do in the evenings on the bed

Photo: Natalya Arefieva

Tell us about your most vivid childhood experience of the New Year.

Lisa: IN elementary school I sincerely believed in Santa Claus, and my parents supported this belief in me in every possible way. But one day - I was in third grade at the time - I called my mother for a serious conversation: “My friends told me that there is no Santa Claus!” Mom was sincerely surprised: “How so?” And on the morning of January 1, when my parents were putting gifts under the tree, she did the following: she collected snow on the balcony, made marks from felt boots on the floor, opened the window and woke me up: “Lisa, Lisa! Santa Claus has come! Look, these are his tracks. They lead to the window!” I was shocked. The next day I told my friends how stupid they were.

Stepan: I remember how, as a child, I was put to bed a few hours before the New Year so that I would not fall asleep during the holiday itself. I lay down on the sofa without undressing, they covered me with a blanket. I knew that soon New Year and that I will sit at the table with the adults. I fell asleep and through my slumber I heard pots rattling in the kitchen, and delicious smells were coming from there. The state of anticipation for a holiday is the most favorite thing I had as a child. Sometimes I try to restore it - go to bed before the New Year. Sometimes it works out.

Stepan, until what age did you believe in Santa Claus?

Until he became one himself. Do you know the three stages of a man's maturation? The first is that he believes in Santa Claus, the second is that he does not believe in Santa Claus, and the third is that he is Santa Claus himself. Have you carried any New Year traditions from your childhood into adulthood?

Making wishes while the chimes are striking. In twelve strokes, everyone must have time to write a wish, burn the piece of paper, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink in one gulp. Without this ritual, New Year is no longer New Year.

And did your wishes come true?

They came true. Sometimes, however, I forgot what I had wished for, but after some time I suddenly realized that the dream had come true.

Have you already prepared your apartment for the holiday?

We live in country house. The Christmas tree has already been set up and decorated with toys.

L.: Last year we turned to the services of a designer. The girl tried to decorate our house, but I really didn’t like it. It turned out dark and dull. Stepan Nikitich was also upset. And when he left for the city, I decided that I’d stop being lazy, I needed to take everything into my own hands. Instead of gray withered branches, I put lush Christmas trees in vases, decorated them with angels, firecrackers, and hung huge garlands of sweets. Stepan really liked it. And the children who visited us were absolutely delighted! You are participating in the Christmas Stories project. What Christmas tree design did you come up with and who initiated the idea?

WITH.: I entrusted Lisa with decorating the Christmas tree. She is the creative one for us.

L.: All participants wanted to present the Christmas tree as an art object. But I think it’s unlikely that children would like it. Therefore, I asked not to be tricky with our Christmas tree, but to make it as positive as possible - bright pink, with mirror balls, candies in bags, New Year's masks, which children can then use for their intended purpose. I consulted with my husband, and he approved of it. Initially, Stepan proposed hanging multi-colored iPods on the Christmas tree so that children could listen to music. But unfortunately, the project is a budget project, and we were obliged to be more modest in our proposals.

What kind of joint New Year is this for you?

WITH.: Second. We met in the fall of 2007. Last year we invited friends to our place, and this year we ourselves are going to visit a friend who lives next to us, also on Nikolina Gora. Let's call a DJ and have a dance. And after twelve o'clock at night, according to tradition, we will go to my father.

Didn’t you want to leave Russia?

L.: I want to celebrate the New Year in Moscow, with snow and a real Christmas tree. I don’t understand how it can be celebrated somewhere in hot Thailand. In general, I always celebrated the New Year at home with my family. I never even once had the desire to go somewhere with friends. That year I told my parents for the first time: “Sorry, but I’m no longer with you.” Mom was sad, but nothing could be done.

Lisa, how did you meet Stepan?

At the Vanilla restaurant. I just returned from America, where I worked as a model. I decided to take a break, relax, and stay with my parents. And my friend invited me to dinner. But when he said that Stepan Nikitich would come there, I began to refuse: “No, I won’t go anywhere. And I don’t feel like having dinner.” I can't stand it when people want to introduce me to someone! And in general, my personal life was in the background for me then. Mom constantly lamented about this: “Lord, will you never get married?”

But did you still agree to go to the meeting?

I had a friend from New York visiting me; she was interested in all this: new restaurants, clubs, meeting people. I went, one might say, because of her. By the way, at first Stepan and I clearly didn’t like each other. Stepan Nikitich generally sat with his laptop and did not pay attention to anyone. But when we began to discuss Orthodox topics, the first light came on. Stepan with with a knowing look He took a book out of his briefcase and put it on the table with the words: “I advise you to read it. There are answers to many questions here.” It was as if I was shocked: exactly the same book was lying in my bag at that moment. These are the sermons of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. I took out the book and said: “I’m already reading it. Thank you".

Why did your friend want to introduce you to Stepan?

Because Stepan Nikitich was looking for an Orthodox girl and a modern one at that. This one is apparently very difficult to find. ( Laughs.) And my friend knew that I was both Orthodox and a model. Strange combination...

I agree. But let me explain. I worked as a model for seven years and traveled everywhere. But at the same time I maintained my faith in God, went to church, and it didn’t bother me at all that I worked as a model - I simply abstracted myself from the fashion world, which sucks me in like a swamp. After all, one careless step and you can start using drugs or go crazy from fame. But it was like someone kept me on the surface throughout my entire career.

Let's go back to the first dinner with Stepan. What happened after?

We didn't communicate after that dinner. And six months later, Stepan invited me to the Moscow International Film Festival. I decided to go with my friend. I tried to dodge all sorts of paparazzi. I don’t like this kind of PR, I don’t understand all these Moscow ladies in low necklines and frills who don’t come out of social gatherings and loom in front of photographers: “Just take me off, please.” For the film festival, I deliberately dressed not in Moscow style: a black jumpsuit with a sleeveless hood, black glasses, so that it would not be clear who I was. And then there was dinner. And when we walked along the path to the floating restaurant, I deliberately walked behind Stepan. We approached the entrance, Styopa opened the door to let me, the girl, through. But as soon as I took a step, a crowd of paparazzi attacked me. I didn’t know where to go from these flashes! Then a photograph appeared in one magazine with a terrible caption: “Stepan Mikhalkov with his companion.” I was very upset when I saw this. I so wanted to avoid this fate - to get on the numerous list of “companions”. And my dad just smiled: “With my life partner...”. I screamed: “What are you doing? Peck on your tongue! But dad’s words turned out to be prophetic. We began to actively communicate with Stepan after my birthday - September 3rd.

WITH.: My acquaintance with Lisa - this is the impression - was planned somewhere at the top. It was as if someone was pushing us towards each other. We got married very quickly after we started dating. Usually people don’t get married so quickly - they wait a year or two. We met in the fall of 2007, and in March we already married. And six months later they got married. For Lisa, such efficiency was an even greater surprise. She had never been married and always said that she would not marry anyone for a long time. And then it happened to her. It seems to me that she also feels that this acquaintance was not accidental... And readers know my whole story quite well. I was in one marriage for seventeen years and have three children. We communicate with them. And Lisa communicates wonderfully with them.

A ex-wife not jealous that the children communicate with their stepmother?

Perhaps there is some kind of jealousy, but, in any case, this does not affect us in any way.

Stepan, when you were little, your father left, creating new family. Were you afraid that in the current situation it would be just as difficult for your children?

I often remembered and still remember that state of mine. Indeed, I had a grudge against my father, but with age it went away. At one time, I told myself that I would treat children differently, no matter what happened. But here you need to understand that my father is a very creative person. He simply cannot help but devote himself to his calling and the talent that God has awarded him. Naturally, close people sometimes found themselves deprived of his attention. I have more opportunities to meet children than he does. And I try to take advantage of this.

Lisa, how did you meet Stepan’s children?

They came to visit us. But then they didn’t understand who I was. And we became friends when we went on vacation with the boys - five-year-old Petya and nine-year-old Vasya - to Courchevel. Stepan’s eldest daughter then remained in Moscow. Vasya kept trying to get Stepan and me married. From time to time he said some funny phrases: “Oh, my new dad and mom!”, “Will you be my second mom?” ( Laughs.) So they didn’t have any aggression towards you? No, absolutely. I have an ideal relationship with Vasya, he is a real guy, such a hooligan. And since as a child I myself looked like a boy - my dad loved to box with me, I did push-ups and pull-ups on the horizontal bar - it was very easy for me and Vasya to establish contact. I immediately told him: “Vasek, you are my brother! Now we’ll sort everything out!” He was so surprised...

Do you communicate with your husband’s daughter?

Not tight. Sasha is already sixteen years old, she is quite an adult girl, she has her own life, her own friends. But sometimes she tells me something school stories. She is finishing school and is going to enter the Faculty of Art History at Moscow State University. Petya, on the contrary, is preparing for school, studying with a teacher. He loves to make all sorts of cocktails, desserts...

Weren’t you jealous of Stepan’s past?

I admit honestly: for the first six months it was. Dissatisfaction developed that Styopa spent some minutes not on me. I was in love, I wanted romance, and then some children appeared... ( Laughs.) S.: Lisa, thank God, quickly realized that children are neither a threat nor a burden to our relationship. This is life. Yes, for some it’s different, but for us it’s like this.

Lisa, do you want your own children?

I haven’t decided yet: I want children right now, then when I’m thirty, or in two years. ( Laughs.) Depending on which friend I talked to before. In fact, I think: when it is necessary, then it will be. I don't want to do anything special. But Stepan Nikitich loves children...

Why do you call your husband Stepan Nikitich?

This is a joke, of course. But I like it. And he calls me Lisa. And in his phone I’m registered as Little Lizonchik.

Lisa, do you realize that you are the wife of a famous restaurateur? Do you cook at home?

Initially, I was frightened by this stereotype of family life, when you need to give something, bring it, put it away. My mother was like this in relation to her husband: “You need it, go and do it yourself.” She cared more about us children. And I absorbed this too. Therefore, when at first Stepan asked me to bring him some tea, it cost me incredible effort: “God, how I am humiliated now. I won’t go!” At first, Stepan was offended, we even had quarrels on this topic. And then I realized: if I bring tea, I won’t leave. And all the wrong stereotypes that I had were erased. Everything is fine now. True, I still have no desire to cook. ( Laughs.) Skills, however, too. After all, everything is mine model life consisted of what I ate either in some restaurants or snacked on yoghurt at home.

Is Stepan cooking anything at home?

For now he only promises. He doesn't have enough time: opening restaurants, bakeries, etc. Fortunately, his mother is an excellent cook. Sometimes you just want simple home cooking! And then we ask her: “Anastasia Alexandrovna, please.” And I add: “I’ve lost so much weight...” ( Laughs.)

From the whole interview I still didn’t understand who is in charge in your family.

WITH.: We have complete equality. A man is responsible for what a man should do, a woman is responsible for what a woman should do.

That is, the man works, and the woman...

Lisa is still very young, she is full of energy and creativity. While trying to find himself. At the same time, she manages to find projects in the fashion industry and implement them. I can’t say that we live on this, but nevertheless, I’m glad that she is busy with some kind of business. It seems to me that locking a girl at home is not very good. This is harmful both for herself and for the man. It's another matter if there are children, especially small ones. Of course, they need to be dealt with. But there are no children in our family yet. Therefore, if Lisa has an interest in something and there is an opportunity to work, then I’m all for it.

L.: But as for general, family decisions, then last word With us it always remains with Stepan. In this regard, we have patriarchy. And I like it. Otherwise, I won’t be able to feel like a full-fledged woman. If I manage, command a man, then in my eyes he will simply disappear, turn into a sexless something. I really don't want to. Tell us what your typical family evening is like.

In the evening at home, when we have completed all our work, we climb onto our large bed - with adjustable positions of arms, legs, head - and watch some conceptual movie. When I told Stepan Nikitich that Tarkovsky was my favorite director, he was happy: “Thank God, there is a girl with whom I can sleep while listening to a normal film!”

Stepan Mikhalkov is a director, actor and entrepreneur in the restaurant industry; together with Fyodor Bondarchuk, he is the founder of the Art Pictures Group. Born in September 1966 in Moscow. The son of the famous director Nikita Mikhalkov and actress Anastasia Vertinskaya.

After graduation art school did not continue his education, but went to serve in the Far East. After demobilization, he studied at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​for three years. In the early 90s he graduated from film school, and ten years later in 2001 he opened the Vanilla restaurant, three years later two more and a year later another and organized a chain of bakeries.

Personal life

For the first time he married Alla Sivakova (fashion model), with whom he lived for twelve years. For a long time the couple did not legalize their relationship, but after the birth of their second child they got married. In total, the couple has three children: Alexandra, Vasily and Peter. The eldest daughter graduated from school as an external student and entered the Faculty of History at Moscow State University.

He married for the second time in 2008, also to model Elizaveta Ilyina.

House of Stepan Mikhalkov

Stepan built a large country mansion several years ago in the elite village of Zhukovka. He acquired the land for construction a very long time ago. It took me a long time to choose the right project and design. In the end I settled on the Flemish style. The project was undertaken by Belgian architect Stefan Boyens.

As a result, on the side of the main entrance we got a Northern European house with an elegant brick facade and a perfectly trimmed lawn, but on the other “private” side, it was as if a large wooden barn had been added to the main building. From this side, everything is simple: there is a vegetable garden with a greenhouse and a garden.

All rooms are very spacious and bright. At first Mikhalkov wanted in the interior more furniture, but the hostess insisted on minimalism, and as a result, all pieces of furniture took their only right and proper places without excesses or clutter. The ceilings are finished in light oak and the walls are painted white, which additionally creates the effect of freedom and spaciousness.

On the ground floor there is a dining room, a kitchen, two living rooms, one of which is a library, and on the second there are sleeping areas.

According to the architect's idea, the fireplace in the dining room is located several levels higher than usual, so it resembles an old kitchen hearth.

In the main living room, the floors are finished in French oak and the ceiling is Russian. The white fireplace is custom-made, there is also a large seating area and a work desk. The room gives the feeling of a lived-in old house, somewhere far away in Europe.

The second living room will additionally serve as a library. The shelving arranged here is made of antique wood, and the modern fireplace in the Baroque style is of high quality and very skillfully aged. The window handles were made by craftsmen from France using ancient patterns. The layout perfectly combines light and dark tones, ancient and modern notes.

From here you can access the master bedrooms. On the wall on the stairs to the second floor hangs one of Elizabeth’s portraits.

The master bedroom is also dominated by white and brown colors, but with blue notes in the decor. Everything is just as simple and no frills.

The kitchen on the ground floor is a real work of art. On the one hand, everything is simple and without frills, but in the interior you can feel high-quality and expensive furniture, and against the backdrop of minimalism, the eye instantly stops at the magnificent stove, custom-made in France.

Since Elizabeth and Stepan monitor their health and appearance, then during construction they did not forget about the sauna with a bathhouse and a place to relax.

Behind the house lies a magnificent orchard with apple trees and fruit-bearing bushes, not too lush so as not to block the house from sun rays, but sufficient to create a shady atmosphere in which it is pleasant to relax on a hot sunny day.

There are also several greenhouses with vegetables installed here. The situation here is more Russian than European.

According to CIAN, cottages in the village of Zhukovka cost from 35 to 450 million rubles and more.

Stepan Mikhalkov is a restaurateur and producer, whose biography and personal life are well known to the public. Fans of the Mikhalkov family are constantly learning new information about Stepan: about his new restaurant projects, children and plans for the future.

Stepan was born in creative family and mastered several areas of art at once. On at the moment he prefers to engage in more practical activities - opening chains of cafes and restaurants.

Early years

Why does Stepan Mikhalkov have such an unusual biography, personal life and talented children? The answer lies in his family tree. Stepan was born on September 24, 1966. He was born in the capital's maternity hospital and spent his entire childhood in Moscow. The restaurateur's parents - famous director Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov and actress Anastasia Vertinskaya.

Stepan has famous ancestors on both his mother’s and father’s sides:

  • Mikhalkov’s great-great-grandfather on his mother’s side is the artist Surikov;
  • maternal grandfather - poet Alexander Vertinsky;
  • great-grandfather of the actor, producer and restaurateur – Pyotr Konchalovsky.

Such genetics could not but affect the child. WITH early years Stepan was interested in creativity, but at first he did not follow in the footsteps of his parents. The son of a director and actress, in childhood and adolescence I had no interest in film directing or acting at all. Stepan preferred painting. He even graduated from the Moscow Art School at the Surikov Institute. However, then the young man abandoned the path of an aspiring artist in order to undergo military service.

Stepan Mikhalkov with his parents

IN early age Stepan experienced a family tragedy - his parents divorced when he was only three years old. Anastasia and Nikita got married six months after the birth of their son, and the child’s unconscious years passed in relative family harmony. The couple and their child lived both in the house of Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky and in the dacha estates of the Mikhalkov family. The divorce was justified by Vertinskaya’s desire to develop her career, so the child remained to grow up with his father.

Others serious shocks During his childhood, Stepan did not have one. Despite his parents' divorce, he kept warm relations with both mother and father. His mother, at the moment, maintains close contact with her grandchildren, Stepan’s children. He even entrusted her with some of the responsibilities related to the restaurant business. Vertinskaya currently supervises chefs in one of his restaurant chains.

Growing up

Stepan considers his service to be a turning point in his biography. After graduating from the Moscow Art School, he at will went to serve in the Far East. Harsh conditions service, military discipline and constant physical effort allowed him to rethink his life and priorities. After leaving the army and returning to civilian life, the future producer decided to abandon his planned career as an artist and instead became interested in languages. He even entered the Institute of Foreign Languages, but instead of the required 4 years, he studied there for only 3.

After several years of wandering, during which he rushed from one extreme to another, then military service, then foreign languages, then other minor hobbies, Stepan finally decided to try to follow family path. Having left the Institute of Foreign Languages, he began studying at the Moscow Film School.

Famous personality Stepan Mikhalkov

The key point that completed the period of growing up for Mikhalkov was the beginning of cooperation with Fyodor Bondarchuk - they had been friends since childhood. Together, at that time, the young people decided to make a breakthrough in the video business of that time: to open an independent studio for shooting videos. Previously, such serious institutions aimed at music filming were not launched on the territory of the USSR and Russia. The institution was named "Art Pictures Group".

History of video business development

Together with Fyodor Bondarchuk, Stepan managed to create a truly sought-after business. Pop singers wanted to attract a modern audience, but they simply had no one to turn to - before the new studio founded by friends, there were not sufficiently equipped and serious institutions in Russia.

The project turned out to be so popular that in the 90s it attracted the attention of many major artists, among them:

  • Alla Pugacheva;
  • Boris Grebenshchikov;
  • Kristina Orbakaite;
  • Valery Meladze.

The “celebrity” of both founders helped a lot - both Bondarchuk and Mikhalkov were from families associated with cinema and show business, they had a large number connections and extensive credit of trust.

With close friend Fyodor Bondarchuk and his wife

Over time, the studio developed. If at first it was intended solely as a project for creating video clips, then later she mastered the art of organizing art exhibitions and youth clubs.

The project’s “biography” also includes a period when films began to be actively produced using its funds. “Art Pictures Group” presented the world with the following paintings:

  • "On the Move";
  • "Ninth Company"

In 2006, the association was renamed “Art Pictures Studio”.

History of the restaurant business

Stepan Nikitich’s real passion, dream and work is the restaurant business. He first contacted him back in the 2000s. Fyodor Bondarchuk helped get ready. Together with him, as well as Arkady Novikov, he founded the Vanil restaurant. Since 2004, a wave of new projects began.

Stepan Mikhalkov - famous metropolitan restaurateur

The first to appear were “Vertinsky” and “Veterok”, followed by:

  • Casual;
  • “Bread & Co” (a chain of business-class bakeries, one of the most successful projects).

“Vanilla” has already celebrated its anniversary. It was attended by close friends and family of the restaurateur. The restaurant is still open, like other dining establishments in Mikhalkov.

Failed projects

Stepan Nikitich runs the restaurant business well, but several times he chose losing paths of development. So, around the 2010s, he took up the furniture business. The businessman’s plans were to organize the work of a large furniture company.

Stepan Mikhalkov: photo

However, in 2016, information reached the public that the projects failed, not only failing to pay for themselves, but also bringing the businessman a debt of several million. As a result, Stepan Nikitich abandoned this idea.

Personal life

The producer was married twice. His first wife is model Alla Sivakova, whom he was introduced to by their mutual friend. The marriage lasted for 12 years. However, after this period the couple decided to divorce. During their life together, the couple arranged their life, and the marriage produced three children:

  • eldest daughter Alexandra was born in 1992;
  • son Vasily was born in 1999;
  • The couple's youngest child, Peter, was born in 2002.

6 years after the divorce, Mikhalkov officially consolidated his relationship with his new life partner, Elizaveta Ilyina, also a model. The producer is almost 20 years older than her. In the spring of 2017, the couple had a son, Luca.

With my first wife

The couple hid the good news for six months and revealed it to reporters only in October of this year. The child was named according to the calendar, and the reason for the long absence of an official statement was religiosity. For the same reason, photos of the baby have not yet appeared on the Internet, they do not show him during interviews and do not even exchange images with relatives.

With his second wife during the wedding celebration

The biography of Stepan Mikhalkov, his personal life and relationships with children, will undergo changes after the appearance of his grandchildren. The first one is already on the way - at the moment, Alexandra’s daughter is pregnant. The producer will now have to pay attention to two newborns at once: both his son and his grandson. Family life Mikhalkova has always been distinguished by regularity and harmony, so he is confident that he will cope well with the role of grandfather.