Divorces in figure skating: Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin, Ilya Averbukh and Irina L. Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin: “Tatiana Navka and Alexander Zhulin are fabricating blatant lies about us

Russian figure skaters condemned, says the famous coach

For some time now he has been no less popular than famous artists. Tatiana TARASOVA once called Alexander ZHULIN the sex symbol of our figure skating. His students respect him, and women love him. At the European Championships, which started on January 25 in Ostrava, Czech Republic, Ekaterina BOBROVA and Dmitry SOLOVIEV, Zhulin’s wards, will compete for the highest places.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich, don’t you have the feeling that foreign judges are underestimating Russian figure skaters?

You see what is happening in the world. At the instigation of the “Washington Regional Committee,” our athletes are being pressed from all sides. They even try to punish them for something they didn’t do. Figure skating is no exception.

So, Bobrova and Solovyov will have to fight in Ostrava not only with rivals, but also with judges?

The guys themselves understand everything perfectly. In order for Russians, in the current conditions, to be put in the place they deserve, we need to jump over our heads. This is the only way to win. But Katya and Dima are fighters and will fight to the end. And then we'll see.

The judges, on the contrary, love the French dancers Gabriela Padadakis and Guillaume Cizeron. What's special about them?

The French are two-time world and European champions. Their first season at the senior level was great. There was innovation there. But they didn’t change anything after that! For the third season in a row they are skating the same program, only now to different music. I assure you, there are ordinary elements there, there is nothing supernatural. And the judges, by inertia, continue to give them high marks. Previously, two foreign couples Virtue - Moir from Canada and Davis - White from the USA were like in space. They clearly stood out from the rest. But now there is no such thing.

Last spring, Bobrova was found to have illegal meldonium. At that moment you admitted the thought that your best couple will break up and Katya and Dima will no longer skate together?

Even so?!

Remember what happened last year. Anti-Russian hysteria grew, they wanted to remove our athletes from Olympic Games in Rio. Isolate from the rest of the world. Then what is the point of a coach working? Whatever one may say, the Olympics are the main incentive. If it is prohibited, the athlete’s motivation immediately disappears. And the coach too.

But what does the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro have to do with figure skating?

So nothing is over yet. Now, due to doping, Russia may not be allowed to attend the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. What if everyone is suspended and deprived of everything? Which parents would send their children to figure skating? I think there will be few takers. In this case, as I reasoned, you can go to the USA and become a world coach. Train everyone.

As far as I know, you have American citizenship.

Well, yes. I have double citizenship- Russia and the USA. I spent 13 years in America. There are fantastic living conditions there. You can live somewhere in San Diego, on the shore Pacific Ocean so that my family, my child breathe warm, clean air. And you no longer work for results, but just like that, for money. In America, to maintain a house, a car, pay for health insurance and give a good education your child needs to work hard.

Please clarify, did you have a desire to leave for the States or did you still have it?

I talked about how I reasoned a year ago. It was more out of powerlessness. If everything goes well, if things don’t go to extremes, I won’t go anywhere. In fact, I am a patriot and I enjoy coaching Russian pairs.

Explain then why the new international duo Sara Hurtado - Kirill Khalyavin, who trains with you in Moscow, represents not Russia, but Spain?

The skaters themselves wanted it that way. Sarah is Spanish; at some point she was left without a partner and invited Kirill to ride together. Or rather, the Spanish federation made him such an offer. After Khalyavin broke up with Ksenia Monko, there was simply no worthy Russian girl for him. He himself wanted to play for Spain. And I understand him - there is much less competition there than in Russia. Now Sarah and Kirill have a chance to compete at the World Championships and even at the Olympic Games.

Didn't Monko leave the sport too early?

Ksyusha was tormented by injuries. Her back was very painful and her sciatic nerve was inflamed. I think she didn’t have the mental and physical strength to deal with her injuries. Now Ksenia trains young figure skaters, and she really likes it.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich to his daughter Katya: “Do you want to play football again?!”

Tarpishchev saw prospects

Yours eldest daughter Alexandra lives with her mother. Do you see each other often?

We communicate constantly.

What does she do?

First we sent Sasha to figure skating. But after about a month, my daughter said that this activity was not for her. Then I took up tennis. At the age of 12, she was even a substitute at the European Championships among girls. Shamil Tarpishchev saw her and said that Sasha had good prospects. Unfortunately, she later suffered a serious back injury and was sidelined from the process for six months. During this time, the rivals moved forward, and Sasha gave up tennis. Now my daughter is interested in music, takes lessons from teachers, and has already released several videos. Her pseudonym is Alexia.

Why does she need a pseudonym?

So wanted. Probably trying to show his independence. Let me add that Sasha gets straight A's at school. A purposeful girl, she is 16 years old.

What kind of talent does your youngest daughter have?

Katya turned four years old on January 10th. She sings well, performs a belly dance for mom and dad - it turns out cool. And for some reason I fell in love with football. It upsets me a little because football is not really women's game. Katya hits the ball fantastically - with such force that you want to dodge the blow. But I can’t refuse my daughter. I play with her.

Does your wife Natalya Mikhailova help you with your training?

Natasha works with little skaters. But she doesn’t sit at the skating rink all day. The main thing now is taking care of my daughter, and Katya constantly requires attention. So my wife has a free schedule, she may not come to the skating rink.

When the eldest daughter Sasha was playing tennis, she met Andy MURRAY, now the first racket of the world

How did you meet New Year?

Close friends gathered at our house. We had a good, heartfelt time. Then my wife and I managed to fly to Goa for a few days. Natasha mostly sunbathed, and I had leisure- played tennis and golf.

And I naively thought that in January skaters and coaches work hard with almost no rest. They are preparing for the European Championship.

Bobrova and Solovyov’s programs have been ready for a long time. They just need to be polished. And then, coaches also need rest. At least a small one to recharge the batteries.

Did you bring your daughter Sasha to the court?

Yes, at first I was her coach. And when Sasha turned 11, she simply carried me off the court - 6:0, 6:0. I was no longer listed.

Have there been times when you wanted to, but couldn’t help her?

For two days I didn’t know what was wrong with my daughter. Where is she, is she alive? We then lived with Tatyana Navka in New York. We had to leave the city on business, and Sashenka stayed at home with the nanny. And suddenly there was a terrorist attack, they blew up two famous twin towers. Neighboring houses were also damaged. Tanya and I started calling the nanny, but there was no connection. It broke off. And so on for two days. It was unbearable.

Do you continue to communicate with Navka?

Yes, sure. First of all, she is the mother of my child. Secondly, in the 14 years that we lived together, there were a lot of good things. Is it really necessary to cross out everything and become enemies? I think this is stupid. After the divorce, Tanya and I rode as a couple for the only time. IN ice show"Professional Cup". We performed a dance to the romance “Thank you for everything, good friend” from the movie “We are from the future.” I think it turned out well. There was a lot of personal stuff in this dance. Despite everything, Tanya remains a close person to me.

When you talked about her, it seemed that your voice even trembled.

May be.

You not only train professional figure skaters, but also stage programs for ice shows. How do you have enough time, energy and creative imagination for everything?

Oh, to be honest, I’m surprised myself. After all, I’ve been working with this schedule for almost ten years. From morning until four o'clock - with professionals at the "Olympic", and at the "Ice Age" - from 16.30 until late. All the artists, all the guys know this. Choreographer Igor Orshulyak helps me a lot, he always has a lot original ideas. I definitely couldn't have done it without him.

How does the Russian Figure Skating Federation view your combination? He doesn’t reproach - they say, why are you distracted from the main thing?

Well, listen, I have a family to feed. Working on the show is a good help. As long as I have enough health and strength, I won’t refuse. You just need to skillfully combine them. Wasn’t it my couple that won the Russian Championship in December?

Moreover, Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov did this for the sixth time. They repeated the record of legendary dancers Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov.

Frankly speaking, you surprised me. I didn’t know about the record, but I’m very happy about it. True, Pakhomova and Gorshkov were champions of the USSR, not Russia. It's still cooler.

How he lost Tatyana Navka

The young figure skater Natalya Mikhailova was the first to confess her love to Zhulin. In response he said:

I've been through all this before. If something suddenly goes wrong with us, it will only get worse for everyone. I'm married and I won't leave my family.

However, the romance still began. Six months later, well-wishers informed Tatyana Navka about this. The wife pushed her husband against the wall, and he was forced to confess. At the same time, Alexander added that he would break off all relationships for the sake of his family. However, Navka was greatly offended and replied:

Since you behaved like this, then now I can do whatever I want. And you don't dare tell me when to come home. I stopped loving you.

A couple of days later, photographs of Marat Basharov and Navka walking together in an embrace appeared in the press. Consumed by jealousy, Alexander Zhulin, in his words, called the actor and demanded: “Leave my wife alone!” However, Marat replied that they had been dating for several months.

The famous coach could not decide for a long time what to do, with whom to live. I even turned to a psychologist. And this woman told Zhulin the legend about Zeus, Aphrodite and Hera.

Aphrodite had high demands on Zeus, so she decided to find herself a new husband. But Hera loved Zeus very much and allowed him a lot. He stayed with her.

As a result, Zhulin chose the flexible Natasha Mikhailova.

And Tatyana Navka is now happily married to Dmitry Peskov. It’s not for nothing that they say: everything that is done is for the better!

Sports and show business stars have learned to trade love

It’s not for nothing that they say: everything secret someday becomes clear. No matter how hard Tatyana NAVKA and Marat BASHAROV tried to hide their love affair, nothing worked out for them. I handed over a couple, and I handed over them with giblets, ex-wife famous actor Elizaveta KRUTSKO.

For almost two years, Lisa lied to everyone. She said that everything was great with Marat, there were no problems in the family. And then suddenly she opened up. Lisa admitted that she began to suspect her husband of treason back in the fall of 2006, during the filming of the first ice show, where Basharov skated together with Tatiana Navka, Olympic champion in figure skating. Krutsko saw: something was happening to her adored husband, he was gradually moving away. Once Marat left his mobile phone at home, his wife couldn’t stand it and looked at the menu: who he calls most often, who he receives text messages from. One unfamiliar number seemed very suspicious to her. And then, some time later, when Lisa was sitting in a cafe, she received a call from... Navka. Basharov’s wife could not stand it and said:

Tanya, I know that my husband has another woman, and imagine, you are calling from her number. After such words, the figure skater, taken aback by surprise, immediately hung up.

That's what backfired

Let's not burn bridges, let's wait. And you decide for yourself with whom it is better for you to live.

Basharov was torn on two fronts. I came home and thought about the beautiful Navka. And in the end the wife could not stand it. The last time Basharov and Krutsko appeared in public was in the summer of 2008, at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi. After some time they separated.

However, Marat and Lisa lived together for eight years without signing. She wanted to get married, for the sake of her beloved man she even converted to Islam and gave birth to his daughter, who was named Amelie. She wanted to, but he didn’t want to go to the registry office. It is curious that at one time (Krutsko kept silent about this) Basharov stole Lisa from the poet Georges Rumyantsev, who, by the way, also acted in films. Marat and Georges knew each other, some even considered them friends. But it so happened that one day some thugs attacked Rumyantsev, stabbed him in the throat with a knife, and the guy miraculously survived. By that time, he had already been officially married to Lisa, who worked in an advertising agency, for three years. His mother-in-law, a doctor by profession, advised Georges to undergo treatment in Orenburg, saying that they had the best neurosurgeons in the country. As a result, the naive poet left Moscow - and became disabled. It took away from him right hand. Alas, there were no good neurosurgeons in Orenburg. When Georges returned to Moscow, his wife was already having an affair with Basharov.

And in fact, why did she need a disabled person with a pension of 2.5 thousand rubles? After all, such prospects opened up for the young and talented Basharov!

Maybe God has now punished Mrs. Krutsko for that action?

Boomerang for Zhulin

The second injured party in the current story is Navka’s husband Alexander Zhulin. A famous figure skater in the past, and now a successful coach. For those who are not in the know, let me remind you: it was Zhulin who brought the dancing couple Tatiana Navka - Roman Kostomarov to gold medals at the Winter Olympics in Turin. It is curious that, according to Alexander himself, he once tried to ride together with his wife. Did not work out. Zhulin is only five centimeters taller than Navka, and for a dancing couple this is too little - they looked somewhat strange on the ice. Yes, and they quarreled during training. And then Alexander realized that Tatyana needed another partner, younger and taller. The choice fell on Kostomarov, who at that moment was skating with Anna Semenovich. The choice turned out to be correct.

However, we are not talking about Roma now, but about Sasha. He's such a good guy, he'll be worse than Basharov. (Before his affair with Navka, Marat tried to court another famous figure skater - Maria Butyrskaya, but their relationship did not last long, about three months.) During his stormy youth, Alexander Zhulin could be in love with two girls at the same time. And being married! He married a real beauty - a figure skater Maya Usova, who was his dance duet partner. Maya came to Moscow from another city, and a compassionate partner invited her to rent a corner in his apartment. She agreed. Because I fell in love. Unfortunately for her, Maya loved Zhulin much more than he loved her. When a man quickly wins over a woman, then, as a rule, he quickly loses interest in her.

Already married to Usova, he secretly gave wedding ring 20-year-old girl Oksana Grischuk. The same one who would later become a two-time Olympic champion in ice dancing (paired with Evgeny Platov). He gave a ring with the condition that Oksana give up figure skating for the sake of their passionate love! Zhulin saw that Grischuk was a very talented athlete, and, keeping the Olympics in Lillehammer in mind, he simply wanted to take her out of the game (more precisely, the Grischuk-Platov pair).

Naive young girl She was already about to hang up her skates, when suddenly in the middle of the night she received a call from America... Maya Usova. And, sobbing into the phone, she said that her legal husband Alexander Zhulin had his eye on Tatyana Navka. Yes, he put it that way that she, Usova, has no doubts: they are already sleeping together! Can you imagine what poor Grischuk experienced after that?! She took real revenge on Zhulin. She turned him away, returned to the sport and, contrary to all forecasts, beat her former lover-deceiver in Lillehammer. The duet Usov - Zhulin, considered the main favorite, ended up only second at the Olympics.

I’ll add that before this whole story, Navka was an unknown aspiring athlete (she is 12 years younger than Zhulin). And Maya Usova, a sweet, trusting figure skater, sometimes confided her women's secrets. I found someone to trust! When Navka took her husband away from her, the losing rival asked: - Tanya, how could you? - What? “Everyone fights for their own happiness,” Navka answered calmly.

Having already become Tatyana Navka’s husband, Zhulin suddenly remembered Grischuk. They began an affair again. Tatyana had to use all her feminine charms, resourcefulness and intelligence so that Zhulin would stay with her. She even named her daughter after him - Sasha.

By the way, according to Oksana Grischuk, the famous champion also went on dates with young Zhulin Katya Gordeeva, who at that time was already married to Sergei Grinkov.

« Black period»

Everyone says that the projects “Stars on Ice” and “ glacial period" - very successful. That's probably true. Viewers are watching, Channel One's rating is growing. But thanks to these wonderful projects in many star families dramatic changes took place. Chief producer and program director Ilya Averbukh broke up with Irina Lobacheva. The wife of another coach, Zhulina, cheated on him with Basharov. Navka has not officially divorced her husband yet, but is already living with someone else.

Winner of "Ice Age" 2007 Roman Kostomarov divorced Yulia Lautova and switched to another skater - Oksana Domnina. Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko(he was the host of “Stars on Ice”) broke up with his wife with a scandal Maria Ermak and now calls himself the producer's fiance Yana Rudkovskaya. She, in turn, created an even bigger scandal when she left Victor Baturin. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk abandoned her husband and, in transit through Sergei Zhigunov, fell into the arms of a figure skater with an American passport - Petra Chernysheva. And how many fleeting romances there were between the participants of the ice show over these three years! For example, in lovers Alexey Yagudin visited first "manufacturer" Vika Daineko and then her colleague Sasha Savelyeva. And Lesha abandoned both of them! It is no coincidence that one famous figure skating specialist once said on the sidelines of the Sports Palace, where the program was being filmed:

Yes, this is not the “Ice Age, but the Bleak Age!”

They lie for free. But the truth is for money

Anyway, that's enough. After all, even a no brainer that to promote a television project, some love stories they were simply sucked out of thin air and thrown into the press. The product must be sold. And our respected stars of show business and sports have already learned to sell not only their talent, but also their intimate revelations. They say that Irina Lobacheva told juicy details parting with Averbukh (they were published in the same illustrated magazine) for a very tidy sum.

Do you think Lisa Krutsko gave her interview for free? No matter how it is! She's an advertising agent, she's used to selling everything. By the way, even now Lisa remains Basharov’s agent. And without any hesitation she suggested to the journalist:

If you want Marat himself to tell you about the divorce and about Navka, then please. It will cost 20 thousand euros. Basharova’s agent, who is also his abandoned wife, did not agree to 15 thousand. What should we call all this? By the way, even after the scandalous revelations of Liza Krutsko, Tatyana Navka took a strong defense. On the air of one of the radio stations, in response to a direct question: “Is it true that Marat Basharov left his wife for you?” - the eminent sportswoman answered: - No, it’s not true. Meanwhile, it is known that she celebrated the New Year with Marat, and then flew away with him and her daughter to ski in Switzerland.

Last summer, Navka, according to her, vacationed in Italy. But then - with my daughter and my husband. Apparently, this was the last attempt on the part of Tanya and Sasha to save the family. It didn't work out. Even on the set of Ice Age, they tried to pretend that everything was still fine with them. But Zhulin’s eyes were too sad. Even when his charges received “sixes.” Agent Lisa Krutsko lied for almost two years. I wonder when Navka will split? Is it really only when she is paid 20 thousand euros for the truth?

By the way

According to unofficial data, one glossy magazine paid more than 200 thousand USD for an interview and an exclusive photo shoot with Nastya Zavorotnyuk and Peter Chernyshev.

The whole country has been watching the relationship between Alexander Zhulin and Tatyana Navka for the last two years. And just recently star couple announced her divorce. The famous figure skating coach spoke about how I lost my beloved wife. The turning point came in 2006, when Ilya Averbukh called Tatyana Navka in America, where they lived happily with Zhulin and their daughter, and offered to participate in an ice show together with actor Marat Basharov. The couple thought about this proposal: the money was good, the moment in life was most suitable for a change of scenery, and when Averbukh called Zhulin with an offer to pair up with Ingeborga Dapkunaite, it was decided that the figure skating family would move to Russia. The housing issue was resolved very quickly. At the ceremony of presenting government awards to the winners of the Olympics in Turin, Tatyana approached Vladimir Putin and said that she had nowhere to live in Moscow. Right Navka was given nice apartment in the center of the capital. The couples Zhulin with Dapkunaite and Navka with Basharov became the leaders of the project, and rivalry arose between the spouses. “We were no longer on the same team, everyone played for themselves. Everyday difficulties didn’t make things any easier either family life... In addition to the three of us, my beloved and respected mother-in-law, Raisa Anatolyevna, was always present in the apartment. She helped Sasha and me. Tanya’s sister also came,” said Alexander. The couple tried to be on time everywhere. They met only at home, at night, in the semi-darkness, falling off their feet from fatigue. The tense relationship was attributed to a family crisis. By that time Zhulin and Navka have been married for 14 years.

Lisa Basharova: "Open your eyes! My husband and your wife are dating!"

At this time, Zhulin had a new student, Natalya Mikhailova. "I couldn't help but notice that she was beautiful, bright girl with an amazing figure and a sense of humor. But despite all this, I didn’t even turn an eye to the side. The main thing was still the family." On one of the usual weekdays Zhulin arrived for training and saw that the girl students were looking at the newspaper with interest. Alexander glanced over the pages and came across a catchy title: "Secret date Navka". The article, supported by photographs, said that Tatyana was secretly meeting with Marat Basharov. At home, the couple laughed at the fabrications of the “yellow” press, but doubts settled in the coach’s soul. Zhulin began to follow Navka, checked messages on her phone, and eavesdropped on conversations. Liza Basharova, Marat’s wife, added fuel to the fire by sending Zhulin a message: "Open your eyes! My husband and your wife are dating!" Alexander began an affair with his student Natalya. “Natasha gave me what Tanya did not want and could no longer do - passion, admiration, care, genuine interest in my life.” At one point, Alexander dialed Marat Basharov’s number: “Marat, I don’t know whether there is something between you or not, but I’m telling you: leave my wife alone!” To which Basharov replied: “Yes, Sasha, there is, and for a long time. Let’s meet and discuss.” The conversation about this with my wife was short. Making sure that Alexander knew everything, Tatyana said: “I stopped loving you, Sasha. That’s what’s scary...” Soon Zhulin moved to a rented apartment. “Two years have passed since then. Now I’m fine, but the first six months were very difficult,” Zhulin told the magazine “Caravan of Stories.” “I was losing my family and it seemed like the ground was slipping from under my feet. I felt pathetic, funny and ridiculous." All this hard times Natalya Mikhailova was next to the coach. She was nursing her lover, who was suffering because of his wife. During their joint vacation in Italy, Tatyana sent an sms: "I think you were the best man in my life". “I realized that not everything was going smoothly for Tanya and Marat,” recalls Alexander, “and I began to rush around: what if I managed to get my family back? But what about Natasha?” Zhulin came to Navka, and they decided to try to live together again. Three days later we realized that it would not grow together. The number of mutual grievances and reluctance to hear each other outweighed good intentions. “I will remember her all my life. But there will be no continuation,” said Zhulin. “Now Natasha Mikhailova is next to me. She clever woman and forgave me for what I made her go through when my life with Tanya was falling apart. Now the pain is gone and I feel like a free, strong person".

Irina Rodina ended up at the skating rink due to pneumonia. As a child, she suffered from pneumonia 11 times! Doctors recommended physical exercise outdoors, and the parents took their daughter to the skating rink.

Rodnina started out as a singles skater, but in 1964, coach Stanislav Zhuk paired Irina with Alexei Ulanov. Before that, Alexey performed with his sister, who, according to Zhuk, was slowing him down.

Budan Victor/TASS

The Rodnina-Ulanov pair made their debut in 1966 at the first international Moscow Skates tournament. Three years later, at the European Championships, their duet created a sensation. During their career, the couple took four gold medals at the world championships and won the 1972 Olympics in Sapporo, where their career together ended...


Rodnina claims that she was never tied up romantic relationship with Ulanov. However, with the appearance of figure skater Lyudmila Smirnova, everyone started talking about love triangle. In those years, communication between Rodnina and Ulanov was strained. They conflicted and quarreled. It’s amazing how, in such a tense atmosphere, the couple continued to win competitions and receive standing ovations.

By the Olympics in Sapporo, Rodnina already wanted to leave the sport. Ulanov wanted to be paired with Smirnova. Lyudmila was skating with Andrei Suraikin, they had an affair, but Alexei Ulanov suggested that Smirnova not only skate together, but also get married.

Sabadash Igor/TASS

Despite the ups and downs of love, Rodnina and Ulanov remained a couple, skated flawlessly in Sapporo and received the well-deserved “gold”. The plans still include one more joint world championship in Calgary, where a tragedy occurred: during training, Ulanov dropped his homeland on the ice. The figure skater suffered a serious concussion.

She refused to believe that her partner could have done this on purpose, but the coach had no doubt: this did not happen by accident. Lyudmila Smirnova also took part in the same championship. According to Zhuk, Ulanov was simply “clearing” the path to “gold” for her. Rodnina overcame herself and went out onto the ice. The Rodnina-Ulanov pair won gold again. And it fell apart.

Zufarov Valery/TASS

The coach persuaded Rodnina to stay in the sport and found her a new partner - Alexander Zaitsev. Soon Rodnina and Zaitsev got married. At the next two Olympics they became competitors to the Smirnova-Ulanov spouses. The Rodnina-Zaitsev pair took gold from their opponents twice.

Now Rodnina is not married. From her marriage to Zaitsev she has a son, Alexander. From his second marriage to businessman Leonid Minkovsky - daughter Alena.

The Smirnova-Ulanov couple broke up after 21 years of marriage. The athletes had a son, Nikolai, and a daughter, Irina.

Tatiana Navka and Alexander Zhulin

Tatyana Navka met Alexander Zhulin in 1994 while training in Lake Placid (USA). Zhulin was then paired with Maya Usova, and Navka skated with Samvel Gezalyan. Zhulin began training Navka, and in 2000 the couple got married. That same year their daughter Alexandra was born.

Anvar Galeev/TASS

In 2006, the family returned from the USA to Moscow to participate in the Stars on Ice show. Navka paired up with actor Marat Basharov, Zhulin - with Ingeborga Dapkunaite. Rivalry arose between the spouses, and Navka also became infatuated with her partner.

Zhulin did not believe in treason, but one day he received a message from Basharov’s wife Elizaveta: “Open your eyes! My husband and your wife are dating!”

At that time, Alexander Zhulin had a new student, Natalya Mikhailova - in her arms, the deceived husband hastened to forget. Zhulin himself stated: “Natasha gave me what Tanya did not want and could no longer do: passion, admiration, care.”

But the separation was difficult for Zhulin: “I was losing my family, and it seemed that the earth was slipping from under my feet. I felt pathetic, funny and ridiculous.” Zhulin and Navka tried to restore their relationship, but mutual grievances left the marriage no chance.

In 2011, Alexander married Natalya Mikhailova. The couple had a daughter, Ekaterina.

In March 2012, on the show “Ice Age. Professional Cup" ex-spouses Navka and Zhulin last time performed in pairs. They performed a dance to the romance “Thank you for everything, good friend...”.

Navka and Basharov soon broke up, believing that their romance was a mistake. The figure skater’s next passion was singer Alexei Vorobyov, but this relationship did not last long.

On August 1, 2015, Tatyana Navka married the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. The couple has a daughter, Nadezhda.

Andrey Bukin - Olga Abankina - Elena Vasyukova

Andrei Bukin was married to Olga Abankina, with whom he skated together since 1969. In 1983, the skaters had a son, Andrei, but before that the couple went through a difficult period in their relationship.

In 1977, coach Tatyana Tarasova paired Bukin with Natalya Bestemyanova. Olga was jealous of her husband and calmed down when Bestemyanova got married to European champion Igor Bobrin in 1983. The girls even became friends. It was from Natalya Bestemyanova that Olga sought support when she learned about her husband’s real betrayal.

This happened in February 1993. After a tour in Germany, Bukin appeared at the door without a bag and announced that he was leaving. But that day Olga left. She grabbed her coat, ran out into the street and went to Bestemyanova and Bobrin. They were not surprised by her arrival. By that time, everyone already knew about the romance between Bukin and figure skater Elena Vasyukova, with whom he worked at the ice theater.

Utkin Igor/TASS

Vasyukova was also married, and the affair broke up two families at once.

But, unlike Vasyukova, Bukin was in no hurry to file a divorce from Olga Abankina. Even when it became known about Vasyukova’s pregnancy, he did not propose to his mistress. In 1993, Ivan was born. Bukin gave the boy his last name.

The skater decided to live in two families. He provided financially for both his wife and his mistress, taking part in the lives of both sons.

Roman Kostomarov - Oksana Domnina - Vladimir Yaglych

They met on the show Ice Age. When an office romance began between figure skater Oksana Domnina and actor Vladimir Yaglych, both were in a relationship. Yaglych was filing for a divorce from actress Svetlana Khodchenkova. And Domnina lived in civil marriage with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, they had a daughter, Anastasia.

Kostomarov was having a hard time with the breakup and tried to keep Oksana. In memory of five years of marriage, the skater got a Love - crucifixion ("Love is a crucifixion") tattoo on his arm, but this did not save him from breaking up.

However, the romance between Domnina and Yaglych did not last long, and the skater returned to Kostomarov. This time they not only officially got married, but also decided to get married. In 2016, the couple had a second child, son Ilya.

Irina Lobacheva - Ilya Averbukh - Dmitry Maryanov

Ilya Averbukh and Irina Lobacheva met in 1992. Together with their coaches they moved to the USA, started skating as a couple and got married in 1995. In 2004, their son Martin was born, and in 2007 the couple announced their divorce.

Irina admitted that the reason was work. Ilya was seized by a “gold fever”. He wanted to earn more and more, but there was no time left for his family. Lobacheva practically did not see her husband, the relationship turned into a “marriage by telephone.”

Divorce became a difficult period in Irina’s life. Due to stress, she suffered a miscarriage.

The figure skater received support from actor Dmitry Maryanov, with whom she skated on the Ice Age show. Dmitry found mutual language with Irina’s son Martin, and he, in turn, became friends with Maryanov’s son Danya. Irina admitted that she finally allowed herself to “just be happy.”

Lobacheva and Maryanov lived together from 2009 to 2011.

Alexandra Savelyeva - Alexey Yagudin - Tatyana Totmyanina

Oleg Dyachenko/TASS

Alexandra Savelyeva and Alexey Yagudin were a very beautiful couple. He is a famous figure skater, she is the lead singer of the Factory group. Their relationship began on the show Ice Age. But the beautiful fairy tale ended. Fans claimed that the reason was Yagudin’s affair with figure skater Tatyana Totmyanina. Savelyeva denied this version. She called the reason for the breakup that Yagudin “a singles skater not only figure skating, but also in life." But Yagudin really fell in love with Totmyanina.

A celebrity divorce is never easy. The procedure itself, which is not easy, both legally and psychologically, becomes even more tedious under the close attention of the public. Perhaps this is why the decision to divorce among famous couples is especially difficult to make, and reporting it general public the spouses are in no hurry.

This is exactly how the divorce of Zhulin and Navka took place. Rumors about a crack in their relationship and a possible separation appeared back in 2007. The first sign was gossip about the relationship between Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov and their vacation together in Los Angeles. Alexander Zhulin probably did not initially plan a divorce. Or perhaps he simply did not want to remain in the role of an abandoned husband and, according to numerous sources, entered into a new relationship with his talented student, the young and charming Natalya Mikhailova.

Surprisingly, the couple, who went through fire and water together, could not resist copper pipes. In the life of Alexander and Tatyana there were many difficulties and obstacles that they overcame with honor, and their marriage could no longer withstand the last test. The famous trainer Alexander Zhulin could not or simply did not want to prevent divorce and division of property.

Note that this is the second marriage for Alexander, his first wife Maya Usova was also a figure skater and performed in pairs with her husband. However, after Maya found out about Alexander’s new relationship, the divorce of Zhulin and Maya was inevitable. Accordingly, their collaboration came into question. But Alexander made a choice in favor of love and in 2000 married Tatyana. And after some time, in America, where the happy couple lived, a child appeared - their charming daughter Sasha.

Returning to their homeland in 2006, the couple took part in the popular show “Ice Age,” where the first chill slipped into their relationship, which then smoothly flowed into the divorce of Zhulin and Navka.

Despite the success of the show as well new apartment right in the center of Moscow, which married couple presented by then-President Vladimir Putin, the couple did not find happiness together in Russia. Heavy work schedule, constant employment, lack of attention to each other - not best ways strengthen family bonds. This is known not only to famous couples, but, unfortunately, to mere mortals. Zhulin's divorce was inevitable.

Alexander acted as a coach, and Tatyana went on the ice with Marat Basharov. Did they interfere? family happiness rumors about the relationship between Tatiana and Marat, or whether the romance was not just an invention of journalists is unknown. Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin could not foresee the divorce. As often happens in life ordinary people, well-wishers did not help save star relationships, but rather became the last straw.

After the spouses had already separated and settled in separate apartments, the rumors did not subside for a long time, not contributing to family reconciliation, but rather the opposite. The talented coach Alexander Zhulin may not have planned the divorce, but life is impossible to predict...

No matter what vicissitudes follow famous couple, the result was a separation after all. In 2009, Alexander Zhulin and Tatyana Navka officially separated. Ex-couple Now they are connected exclusively by a child, 10-year-old Sashenka, with whom both parents are on excellent terms. Let's hope that the wonderful mother Tatyana Navka and caring father Alexander Zhulin, who survived the divorce, will maintain a decent relationship for the sake of his beloved daughter.

Unfortunately, even the most beautiful stories love does not stand the test of time and ends. An example of this is a relationship that lasted more than 15 years and led to the divorce of Zhulin and Tatyana Navka. We can only hope that their new novels will be exactly that true love for life and will give them unique sensations for creative flight and stable family comfort.