What does the female name Darina mean? Origin, mystery and meaning of the name Darina

The female name Darina has several versions of origin: in Old Persian it means “victor”, in Old Slavonic it means “gifted with life”, and in Irish it is a form of the female name Darren, which means “short”. On the territory of our country, the name Darina has always been inferior in popularity to another similar female name Daria. Many people consider them to be forms of the same name, but researchers tend to differentiate them into separate names.

Characteristics of the name Darina

A woman named Darina personifies calm and accuracy. IN childhood she is a sweet, diligent girl, cheerful, active, but, as a rule, has a weak physical health and poor appetite. She studies well, but is rarely an excellent student. IN adolescence Darina is usually interested in some kind of sport, for example, tennis, which improves her health and develops physical attractiveness. Then she begins to love all kinds of entertainment, dancing, cheerful noisy companies. Adult Darina is a charming and cunning woman. She knows her worth, has good taste, and always tries to look stunning. WITH strangers she radiates goodwill, but with loved ones she is often demanding, jealous and capricious. Being her friend is not easy, but it is often impossible to quarrel with Darina, since she values ​​​​her friends and tries to keep them close to her.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Darina is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Aries, that is, from March 21 to April 20. This sign is in many ways similar to Darina, so under its influence she will be friendly, impulsive, optimistic, direct, proactive, enterprising, sometimes unable to listen and even aggressive, main goal which will be the satisfaction of one's own needs.

Pros and cons of the name Darina

What are the pros and cons of the name Darin? On the one hand, this is a beautiful, solid, energetically strong name that goes very well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has several euphonious abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Darinka, Darka, Darya, Dara, Darinushka. Darina’s strong, but slightly unbalanced character is difficult to assess, but in any case, there are no obvious and clear disadvantages in Darina’s name.


The health of the owner of this name is usually quite good, but she gets tired quickly, has poor appetite and may suffer from sleep disorders.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Darina tries to maintain the role of leader, although she is not usually involved in making money. Owners of this name rarely get divorced, because they choose men as life partners who are ready to carry them in their arms, and they themselves remain faithful wives for life. Darina is very attentive to her husband and children, although she can be capricious.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Darina shows intelligence and often takes advantage of her feminine attractiveness. She can make a successful translator, assistant secretary, teacher, personal assistant to a politician or businessman, cosmetologist, restaurateur, tourism business worker.

Name day

Darina does not celebrate her name day, because pure form this name is not present in the calendar.

Darina is a beautiful, captivating name. It gives its owner a bright appearance, strong character. The meaning of the name Darina lies in external femininity and softness. While an analytical mind, leadership qualities, and activity speak of enormous willpower and determination.

Darina's friendliness will contribute to numerous acquaintances. Crowds of fans will add capriciousness to the character. Will Darina be happy in her family life? How will her career turn out? What secret does this name hide?

Name Darina: origin and meaning

The history of the origin of the name Darina has several versions.

  1. Darina comes from the Irish name Darren, meaning "rocky mountain".
  2. The Slavic meaning of the name Darina - “gifted, gifted” - comes from the word “gift”.
  3. Persian origin - from the name Darayavaush (“good, kind”).

The names Daria and Dayana are considered synonyms for Darina. In fact, this is completely different names. They have diametrically opposite meanings. The name Darina can be found not only in Russia, but also in the Czech Republic, England, Poland, France, Italy, Japan, and China.

Characteristics of the name by letter

The meaning of the name Darina for a child is not as important as for his parents, because they are the ones who name their child. And everyone has long known that a name can predetermine a person’s fate. It promises beauty to a girl. And besides the fact that it is sonorous and effective, what is interesting is that each of its letters carries secret meaning, veiled energy.

D is a symbol of reflection, thoughtfulness. The desire to provide assistance, to act actively and energetically. Slight capriciousness enhances charm and charm. Family-oriented, developed intuition.

A is the basis of everything creativity. The desire for external and internal beauty. Love of comfort, life's pleasures. Swiftness and thirst for activity.

R - self-confidence, courage, activity. The desire to insist on one’s own, moving towards the goal by any means. Tendency to take risks and adventures. The ability to see the essence of a person or object behind the external shine.

And is a symbol of kindness and sensitivity. Soft, pliable nature, refined and intellectually developed. Strives for harmony with environment. Does not tolerate rudeness or conflicts.

N - analytical mindset. Criticality, rejection of other people's thoughts, views, opinions. Focus, hard work. Refusal of routine, monotony. The pursuit of physical and spiritual perfection.

Little Darina is a leader in children's team. She dictates her own rules, engages in games, and graciously gives out praise. Her peers adore her: Darina is kind, shares toys, and knows how to help.

Bright external features attract the hearts of children and adults. Darina is smart and learns quickly. Since childhood, a girl has a set of rules that she will adhere to throughout her life. While still a child, Darina clearly distinguishes the concepts of good and evil. Knows how to be well-mannered and modest. At the same time, he often does not express his opinion out loud.

The meaning of the name Darina for a girl brings confidence and inner strength. She is a bright, charismatic person who has many friends and acquaintances. She makes contact easily and knows how to communicate. Since childhood, Darina has had a clear goal, a model for the future. And she does not turn away from the chosen path.

Parents should calm down the child's violent energy by enrolling the girl in the sports section. Otherwise, her activity will bring a lot of trouble. Darina succeeds everywhere - in studies, sports, friendships. Charming, she early learns the basics of female attractiveness. A logical mindset and strong-willed character are hidden under external softness and tenderness.

Name meaning for a woman

The meaning of the name Darina makes adjustments to the character of a matured girl. She seems to be giving herself to the world, generously scattering kind words, gentle smiles, charming energy of a true woman. Constantly being in the spotlight, attracting people with her beauty, Darina eventually becomes capricious. Only a loving person can withstand her whims and antics.

Having high self-esteem, Darina chooses only smart, outwardly impressive people as friends. She is pragmatic, sees through a person, and is difficult to deceive. For Darin's relatives and friends - true friend and comrade. She is able to come to the rescue in difficult times and will not leave you in trouble. Her openness and sociability lead to numerous acquaintances.

The meaning of the name Darina and her destiny give her a unique opportunity to realize herself in the family. She is an excellent housewife, a responsible mother, a caring wife. She is attentive to her husband’s friends and knows their gastronomic tastes. She values ​​friendship and teamwork in her relationship with her husband. Sometimes he makes noisy scandals and is capricious over little things.

In her work, Darina does not tolerate monotony or monotony. She needs interesting, creative work. Otherwise she can easily change workplace. Career matters and salary for Darina are not the most important thing in life.

Sexuality of the name

A man's mentality gives his owner female name Darina. Its meaning and secret lie in the fact that this woman shares sex and love. She can feel passion for a man and not love him. Darina does not become emotionally attached to her partners.

In sex, this woman prefers spontaneity. At the same time, she is slightly constrained and is not always ready for experiments. Mediocrity in sex disappoints partners who were hoping for passionate nights with such beautiful woman. Darina can fully open up only with loving person. Trust and respect are the basis of her relationships with the stronger sex.

Darina's strength and authority attract weak men to her. The husband will never leave such a woman. But Darina herself, without forgiving the betrayal, can easily leave. She will look for an equal - a strong and intelligent man.

Name in numerology

Now let's turn to the help of numerology. Number 5 influences the meaning of the name Darina. It gives this woman wit, cheerfulness, and optimism. Darina is inquisitive and energetic. She is interested in many areas of life. She actively communicates, gaining experience and knowledge.

The number 5 gives creativity, inspiration, and out-of-the-box thinking. Darina has intelligence and energy. Her leadership qualities can lead to a leadership position. But restlessness and impulsiveness can prevent Darina from becoming a manager.

Excessive emotionality and capriciousness add to misunderstanding on the part of others. Darina is capable of being sharp and hot-tempered. A bright temperament and a reluctance to listen to other people’s opinions can become the starting point of a scandal.

The number 5 gives respect to others. If Darina learns to manage her emotions and avoid harsh statements, then a harmonious relationship will lead to career success.

The number 5 brings a bright personality to its owners. Fives can easily combine several types of activities. Their hard work and interest in life create the conditions for a radical change of profession in adulthood.

Name in religion

Unfortunately, in Orthodox calendar Darina's name is missing. Therefore, at baptism, a girl may be given another name that is similar in sound - Daria or even Marina. Thanks to such nuances, it is possible to easily change the fate of the girl, whose name is Darina. The meaning of the name and Angel Day are absent in Orthodoxy, but name days can be celebrated on the following days:

If subsequently the girl is sometimes called Marina, Dasha and their derivatives, then the meaning of these names should be taken into account.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Darina is that, despite having a pronounced individuality and hard work, its owner does not know how to complete a task. Therefore, all the makings of a leader remain unclaimed in her life.

Darina knows how to set a goal and follow it. She copes with difficulties and is not afraid of them. But at a certain point, immaturity and impulsiveness nullify all efforts. She quits the job she started, getting carried away by a new project. She lacks perseverance and systematic, routine work in achieving her goal.

Until her very old age, this woman retains her beauty. physical fitness, clear mind and strong will.

Name by seasons

Winter Darina is taciturn and phlegmatic. She is calm and confident. Never violates the rules of etiquette accepted in society. Leadership qualities could do it good leader. But the name Darina (origin and meaning) will not allow her to realize herself in her career.

Spring Darina is romantic and dreamy. He has the gift of eloquence, a sharp mind, and goodwill. She has many friends and acquaintances. She is welcome at work and eagerly awaits her visit. Slight immaturity makes this woman go with the flow of life.

Summer Darina is a cheerful, lively laugher. Always joyful, energetic, she outshines everyone around her with her charm. An ardent supporter of the family, she adores children. A hospitable housewife and a smart wife. Does not like public work, does not strive for career growth.

Autumn Darina is a mysterious, silent beauty. Her mystery arouses curiosity. She is very feminine and dreamy. She has many fans. Large selection it can later lead to regret that the wrong man was chosen as a husband.


It is optimal for Darina to choose Alexander, Ivan, Anton, Roman, Sergey, Anatoly as partners.

Least compatibility with Gleb, Daniil, Semyon, Timur, Yuri.

Pros and cons


  • Open, friendly.
  • Sociable, eloquent.
  • Energetic, active.
  • Charming, feminine.
  • Smart, intellectually developed.


  • Impulsive, unrestrained.
  • Capricious, harsh in words.
  • Stubborn, willful.
  • Arrogant, afraid of responsibility.
  • Unpredictable, hot-tempered.

The majestic female name Darina has a very masculine sound. The meaning of the name Darina reveals her as a person with an analytical mind and good memory. Due to such character traits as touchiness and the habit of commanding those around him, Radeo is often difficult to find.

The meaning of the name Darina for a girl gives her perseverance and an innate sense of responsibility. Thanks to her heightened sense of duty, she always completes the tasks assigned to her conscientiously and within strictly defined deadlines. The promise has great value. Many can envy Dana's self-confidence.

The full meaning of the name Darina for a child allows us to talk about Dana as a disciplined and very organized little girl. She takes great pleasure in helping her mother with household chores. You should not expect any special success in your studies. What matters is how engaging the learning process is. This little girl's restlessness prevents her from studying well.

The interpretation of the name indicates that Dana loves noisy companies. Such a child goes to kindergarten with pleasure. The company of her peers is desirable and joyful for her. If someone offends Rada, she will definitely take revenge. Giving an equal fight is of great importance to her. Loneliness is hard to bear.

Often at school it is Dana who becomes the class leader, despite the fact that she does not have any particular love for social work. Giving given name best for girls born under zodiac signs such as Capricorn, Taurus or Leo.


Rada has an unusual quality for women to separate love feelings from carnal desires. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex do not find such women sexy. Dasha can easily love a man without experiencing any sexual desire for him.

In sex, these women are often very mediocre. They love spontaneity. Sex brings joy. Relaxation in bed comes to her along with trust in her sexual partner.

These women never forgive betrayal. Circumstances don't matter. They strive to own not only the body, but also the soul of their partner. Rada, born in winter, chooses weak men for love relationships. This means that it is their inferiority that gives her special sexual pleasure.

Men almost never leave the Rada themselves. Moreover, even her betrayal doesn’t really matter. As a rule, it is she who breaks off hateful relationships. Without strong man these women become apathetic around them. To enjoy life, Dana needs a sensitive partner nearby.


In most cases, she gets married quite early. She behaves quite demandingly with her husband. He is often capricious over little things. Capable of causing noisy scandals. It is not at all easy for men to live with Rada under the same roof, which means that they often have problems in their relationship with their partner.

Darina makes a good housewife. If her husband earns well, then Dasha becomes a housewife with great pleasure. She manages to support her husband’s family good relationship. She is very attentive to her husband's mother and father and family friends. You can easily rely on such a person in times of adversity in life.

The name of the spouse is of great importance. She can have a happy family union with a man whose name is either Mikhail, Ivan, or Evgeniy. Happy family life You can also hope with Yuri, Alexander and Miron. You shouldn’t choose Alexey, Eduard or Gennady for marriage.

Business and career

Rada is not a careerist. If it occurs to her that she is endowed with any talent, it means that Dasha will persistently develop it and improve herself in this area. He is not particularly active at his workplace. If something doesn’t suit her, she easily changes jobs to a new one. High earnings don't matter.

Such women should not choose painstaking and monotonous work. She quickly tires them, and the job remains unfinished. He quickly masters new responsibilities in the workplace thanks to his alert mind.

Origin of the name Darina

There are several options for where this particular adverb came from. It is assumed that the origin of the name Darin is ancient Persian. Its etymology is “victor”. The ancestor was Persian king, whose name was Daria.

History also says that the dialect was born in Greece. Translated from Greek it means “strong”, “victorious”. Another secret of the name claims that its origin is Old Slavic. Translated from this language it means “given life.”

Characteristics of the name Darina

Rada has a well-developed intuition. But she rarely develops this gift. Such ladies very often doubt that they did the right thing. Prone to self-flagellation. They are afraid to take responsibility, especially if it is quite high.

Dashas do not like increased attention to their personality. Criticism, especially unfair criticism, is experienced very painfully. They may even fall into prolonged depression. Dana especially values ​​easy human interaction. That is why there are always easy-going and kind people around her.

Some owners of this name may suffer from mental disorders arising from unrequited love. The characteristics of the name Darina give her a tendency to be shocking. To some people, this lady may seem unprincipled and immoral, but this impression is deceptive.

The pros and cons of her character make Rada unpredictable and a little eccentric. Dasha loves to flirt and cannot live a day without flirting. She should especially carefully monitor her health. The most vulnerable spot are the lungs, as well as the bronchi, which is why it is better to give up cigarettes forever or not start smoking at all.

The character of Rada is seriously influenced by the time of year in which she was born. “Winter” Dashas are rather phlegmatic and taciturn. They have great endurance and serious leadership abilities. They love to teach others and try to guide “lost souls” to the true bright path.

“Autumn” Dans are also not particularly talkative, but at the same time they are endowed with an aura of mystery. They love to flirt. They have innate femininity. If such a Rada has a patronymic name of Viktorovna, Andreevna, Borisovna or Grigorievna, then it can try to become a major leader.

Born in the summer, they love to have fun, and they do it in noisy companies. “Summer” Dans endear themselves to people from the very first meeting. They have a high ability to self-learn. They love spending time with children and relatives.

“Spring” Radas are especially romantic. They love to dream. They are excellent conversationalists and gifted speakers.

The mystery of the name

  • Blood stone.
  • Name day April 1st.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aries.

Famous people

  • Darina Shmidt (born 1983) is an artist, animator, director and screenwriter. She worked on the cartoons “Luntik”, “Little Vasilisa”, “About Fedot the Sagittarius, a daring fellow”.
  • Darina Yushkevich (born 2004) – actress. She starred in the films “Bad Heredity”, “Real Dad” and “Mashenka”.
  • Darina Kochanzhi is a composer and performer of Christian songs.

In different languages

The most common translation of the name Darina is “winner.” Below is how this adverb is translated and how it is written in different languages:

  • In Chinese – 达丽娅 (dá lì yà)
  • In Japanese - 大火子 (Ohiko)
  • In French – de durin
  • In Arabic - دري
  • In Latin - DARINA

Name forms

  • Full name: Darina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ar, Dana, Daya, Rada, Darinochka, Darinushka, Darenka, Dasha, Daria, Daryana, Dashuta.
  • Declension of the name - Darina - Darin - Darine.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Daria.

IN recent years increased interest in rare and unusual names. More and more parents are giving their daughters the name Darina. Its meaning is not entirely clear. There are two versions about its origin. According to one of them, this name is a variant of the name “Daria” and comes from Like the name Darius, it means “a winner who owns wealth.” Other researchers believe that both names - male and female - existed independently in the ancient Slavic language. It has a different meaning. Its meaning in this case is “gift of the Gods, giver.” Indeed, many parents have noticed this feature of girls bearing this name - they are ready to give everything to others.

Each name influences its bearer and determines many character traits. What awaits parents who give their daughter the name Darina? Many researchers reveal its meaning as follows: this is a wayward and very capricious person, although in childhood she is quite sweet and universally loved. Little Darina is in poor health, often gets sick and gets tired quickly. For this reason, she studies poorly and rarely helps her mother. But since childhood, Darina has been artistic and charming; nature has rewarded them good intelligence, responsiveness and kindness.

It is very important for the child to know the parents before giving it to the baby. The owner of such a name causes a lot of trouble for adults. As a child, she had a poor appetite and often caught colds. But by nature, Darina is very sweet and friendly, she has many friends. With age, her health improves, most often thanks to her love of sports: she loves tennis or swimming. WITH early age Darina is smart and quick-witted, but quickly learns to use her mind to her advantage. Although this girl is responsive and kind, she is also very capricious and willful.

The characteristics of the name Darina for a girl are not much different. With age, she becomes beautiful, sweet and cunning. She is very capricious, and it is not easy to become her close friend. Darina places especially high demands on men. She is capricious and demanding with them. The girl is beautiful and well aware of it. Her hot-tempered and jealous character often leads to breakups in relationships, which does not upset Darina at all. In a fit of anger, she can offend a person, but rarely apologizes.

But, despite some negative character traits of women bearing the name Darina, its meaning does not confuse future parents. After all, Darina is also a person with a happy destiny. She succeeds in everything, she knows how to achieve her goal. She is an extrovert, has inexhaustible optimism and resilience in the fight against life's difficulties. Darina is stubborn and it is very difficult to convince her. She doesn’t listen to anyone’s arguments and goes her own way towards her chosen goal.

A woman named Darina maintains her beauty and good health for a long time. She remains faithful and devoted to her chosen life partner until the end of her days. For children, Darina is a caring mother and a true friend. Her house is always clean and tastefully furnished. She tries to help others and is responsive to older people. Many negative character traits smooth out with age, but instability of mood and stubbornness remain.

It's rare and beautiful name places high demands on its speakers. Therefore, parents need to think carefully before calling their daughter Darina.

The superstition that a child’s name determines his character and destiny came to us from ancient times. In order for the child’s personal qualities to meet the expectations of the parents, they must take a very responsible approach to choosing a name for the future baby. In this article we will talk about what the name Darina means and its origin. So let's get started!

Origin of the name Darina

People have several versions about its origin. What does the name Darina mean? According to one version, it has Slavic roots. The name for the girl Darina is derived from the word “gift”. Therefore, it was often translated as “gifted” or “bestowed.” If you believe this version, then the related names will be Darena, Daromira and Daroluba.

The second version says that the Irish language is the one from which the name Darina came. The name Darren, translated as “short” or “rocky mountain”, is considered the progenitor modern word. According to this version of origin, the following derivatives can be considered related: Derry, Darin, Derron, Daren, Darrin.

According to the third version, the name Darina is of ancient Persian origin. In this language there is similar word- Darayavaush. It consists of two bases: “dara” - “possessing” or “possessing” and “vaush”, that is, “good” or “kind”. After the revolution of 1917, the name began to sound like Daryana. In modern times it is more often used as Daria. Thus, to the question of what the name Darina means, we can safely answer that this is one of the forms of the close “Daria”.

We can also say that Darina is a diminutive derivative of Bozhidar, Teodor and Daria.

The name Darina, whose meaning in modern times is “victorious,” was at the peak of popularity in XIX-XX centuries. After some lull, it is becoming more and more common today.

Name Astrology

The zodiac sign of the name is considered to be Aries, and the planet, accordingly, is Mars. Darina's patron is the mosquito. Favorable plants for those bearing this name, anemone and rowan are considered. Darin's lucky day is Wednesday, and their talisman stone is bloodstone or hematite. Best time year - spring. The color of the name Darina is bright red.

Character of the name Darina

The name Darina, the meaning of which reveals in a girl a personality with a good memory and an analytical mind, sounds extremely courageous. Because of these character traits, it is sometimes very difficult for Dara to find friends.

An innate sense of responsibility and perseverance is what the name Darina gives girls. Its meaning implies that due to a heightened sense of duty, girls bearing the name always fulfill school assignments and housework, and they do it conscientiously and on time. Darin's promises are of great importance, and their self-confidence can become a reason for the envy of other girls.

Dara is cunning and smart. When she is not in the mood, it is better to avoid her.

A disciplined, organized and responsible little girl, of course, bears the name Darina. The meaning of the name allows the girl to happily help her mother with household chores. However, you shouldn’t expect much success in your studies from Darina, since restlessness is the main obstacle to this task. Therefore, it is of great importance whether the girl is fascinated by the learning process.

The name Darina, the meaning of which indicates that the child will love noisy companies, also indicates that girls wearing it will enjoy going to kindergarten. In most cases, Darina is an extrovert. For her, communication with peers is always joyful and desirable. However, she is always ready to stand up for herself: if someone offends her, she will definitely take revenge. A girl with that name is always capable of fighting back. Darina, as a rule, has a hard time with loneliness.

Often Darins become class or group leaders. Even the fact that they do not have a special love for learning does not hinder them in this. It is best to give this name to children born under the signs of Taurus, Leo and Capricorn.

Darina in childhood

Little Gifts sometimes cause a lot of trouble for their parents. Girls bearing the name often get sick, so they spend a lot of time at home. Darinas are very capable girls, but it is difficult for them to concentrate their attention on one thing. Because of this, it is sometimes difficult for them to succeed in their studies: you are unlikely to see Darina among best students schools. Relatives try in every way to protect Darin from all sorts of life's hardships and troubles and make a big mistake. The girl who bears the name needs to be explained that life is not a daily holiday and that she will need to work hard in order to achieve something as an adult.

Darina's psyche

Bearers of the name are often women with strong emotions that flare up in them like a fire. However, they do not have the trait of rashness. In most cases, Darina demonstrates truly knightly determination both in thoughts and actions, as well as unpredictability and authoritarian judgment. She loves to surround herself with people, she is open to the world and always soberly assesses the situation. Darins are capable of becoming confused at the slightest criticism addressed to them and experience a feeling of anxiety, thinking about whether they are doing well or badly, whether they are loved or not. Dara is not capable of being angry and angry for a long time.

Darina's intuition

Darins, as a rule, lack intuition.


Darina has an analytical mind and at the same time complete absence curiosity. Darina has a very high opinion of herself.


Often, Dara’s free behavior makes others think that moral standards simply do not exist for her. However, this is not at all true. Darins are brave and kind. They have a strong will and are able to take responsibility for others.

Darina in love

It is interesting that women named Darina with amazing ease separate carnal desires from love feelings. Often, representatives of the stronger sex do not find Darina sexy, but girls, in turn, can easily love men and not experience sexual attraction to them.

Mediocrity in sex is a common problem for Darin. These women love spontaneity and sex gives them pleasure. In order to become relaxed in bed, Dara first needs to gain trust in her partner.

Darina will never forgive betrayal. Circumstances do not matter to her. The characteristic desire of this woman is to own not only her partner’s body, but also his soul. As a rule, winter Darins choose weak men as love partners. This happens because it is their weakness and inferiority that gives girls special sexual pleasure.

Men rarely leave Darina on their own, even if she cheats on them. In the vast majority of cases, it is Dara who ends a boring relationship. If there is no strong man next to this woman, then she becomes apathetic. Darina needs a sensitive partner so that she can get true pleasure from life.

Darina's family

As a rule, Daras get married quite early. These women behave very demandingly with their husbands and are often capricious over little things. Darina is quite capable of causing a noisy scandal. Why is it extremely difficult for a man to live with her under the same roof? for a long time, which means large number problems with love relationships in these women.

Darinas are often good housewives. Provided that the spouse earns well, Daras are happy to sit at home and become housewives. These girls often manage to maintain excellent relationships with their husband's relatives. Gifts are very attentive to both the mother and father of the husband. They do not ignore the friends of their chosen one. It is easy to rely on Darin during difficult periods of life.

Darina in business

A careerist is not about Darina. If a girl has the idea that she is talented in one field or another, then she will stubbornly develop her abilities and improve herself in her chosen field. However, Darina is extremely active in her workplace. If something doesn’t suit her, she easily changes her profession. High earnings do not matter to Dara.

It is better for Darins not to choose monotonous and painstaking work, as it will tire them very quickly, as a result of which the work will remain unfinished. A lively mind helps Gifts quickly master new responsibilities in the workplace.

Darina. Name in different languages

Most often the name is translated as “winner.” How is it pronounced and written in other languages? In Chinese, the female name Darina is written 达丽娅 and pronounced dá lì yà. French suggests the following spelling: de Durin. The Japanese call Darina Ohiko, and write this name 大火子. Arabic offers the following spelling option for the name: دري. In Latin the name is written as Darina.