Download photos of a man with a bear. Bear tattoo – meaning and designs for girls and men

On earth the most big predator considered a bear, this species originated on the planet about 6 million years ago.

All about bears

The body length of the predator, depending on the species, varies from 1.2 to 3 meters, the weight can reach up to 1 ton, the jaws are very powerful, and the limbs are slightly curved and short.

The bear can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, with the help of large and sharp claws it can easily climb a tree, tear apart its prey, and pull out plant roots from under the ground.

Most bears are good swimmers.

Life expectancy can reach 45 years. They have a good sense of smell.

The bear's fur is very hard and thick, the color has various shades from brown to black, white or black and white, and gray hair may appear with age.

The tail of predators is almost invisible, only in the panda it is clearly pronounced.

Varieties and photos of bears

Zoologists distinguish eight main species of bears and many varieties:

Brown bear

His external characteristics consist of: a large head, a rather powerful body, small ears and eyes, a tail almost invisible, large paws with large claws.

The color of six, depending on the habitat, can be brown, gray or even reddish. Brown bears are found in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Scandinavian Peninsula.

Polar bear (white)

Is the most large predator from the bear family: weight can be more than one ton, body length is about three meters, the head is flattened, the neck is long. The coat color can be pure white or slightly yellowish.

The fur on the soles of the paws is very thick, which allows the bear to easily walk on ice without slipping.

Feels comfortable in the water and swims well. Lives in regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Baribal (black)

Unlike the brown bear, it is smaller in size and its coat color is very black. It can be more than 2 meters long, the female is 1.5 m.

Elongated muzzle, long paws, short feet, gray or brown color. Lives in the territories of Alaska, Canada, Mexico.

Malayan bear

Very small, as a rule, body length no more than 1.3-1.5 m, height at the withers about 0.5 m. Stocky build, wide muzzle, small ears. The paws are high, the feet are long with large claws.

The bear's fur is very hard, black-brown in color, and has a white-red spot on its chest. It can be found in Thailand, China, Indonesia.

White-breasted bear

It does not differ in large size; the male reaches a length of up to 1.7 m, and the female is even smaller. The bear's body is covered with dark brown or black silky fur; this bear also has very large ears and a sharp muzzle.

A distinctive feature of this species is a white or slightly yellowish spot on the chest. These representatives of the bear family live in Afghanistan, Iran, and countries Far East, as well as in the mountains of the Himalayas.

There are still a huge number of subspecies, which can be listed and described ad infinitum. Bright representatives of predators of this species can be called such bears as: Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), Bamboo bear commonly known as panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca), and many others.


The habitat of these graceful representatives of the fauna is very diverse; they are present on all continents. They mostly prefer to settle in forests and lead a solitary lifestyle.

All types of bears are attached to their territory, where they hunt and stay for the winter, the only exception to this rule is polar bear.

Menu for the predator

Bears eat absolutely everything as food, it can be berries and mushrooms, nuts and various roots, all kinds of meat and fish; ants, bee larvae and honey can serve as a delicacy for animals; there are also vegans among bears, these are pandas and koalas.

Among all the diversity of bears, the pure predators are again polar bears, whose diet includes only fish and meat.

How is a bear animal born?

Mating of bears occurs during the mating season (this is a different period for each species). Also, depending on the species they belong to, the gestation period of female bears varies and lasts from 180 to 250 days.

Childbirth occurs during wintering, when the animal hibernates. The female gives birth to 1-4 cubs, weighing from 450 grams to half a kilogram, they have neither teeth nor hair.

Breastfeeding lasts about a year, and cubs from the previous litter (parents) help the mother in raising the babies until they reach the age of two.

Bears reach sexual maturity after a minimum of three years.

In order for the bear to feel most comfortable, spacious enclosures are created and a habitat as close to natural as possible is created.

In addition to trees, stones and various wooden structures, such an enclosure must be equipped with a sufficiently large swimming pool.

The diet must be kept in accordance with the season and include all those elements that animals receive in natural environment habitat.

Photo of a bear

About the bear.

Bears are among the most intelligent animals in the world. It is not for nothing that this animal has become a symbol of many cities and countries, in particular Russia. If you look at photos of bears, at first glance these mammals are slow, lazy and clumsy, but in fact they have practically no equal among animals in terms of strength and intelligence.

Male bears are 2 times larger than females and weigh 700–1000 kilograms and reach about 3.5 meters, which makes them the largest and most massive predators on earth.

These omnivores feed on honey, berries, insect larvae, meat and fish. The bear hunts most often in the evening and at night, and during the day it lies down in holes near the roots of trees or depressions in the ground.

Adults do not like to go far from their familiar habitat, preferring to look for food along old paths. Bears are most often loners. The exception is mating season, as well as the time when the female raises her young. At this time, the animals unite in a group and “settle” at the watering hole.

Males are very aggressive during the mating season and can even kill cubs that have not yet left the mother's care. The female, on the contrary, is very caring and in every possible way protects the cubs from any danger.

By nature, bears are endowed with coarse, thick fur with an undercoat that protects it from moisture and cold, as well as the bites of bees and other insects.

The brown “king of the forest” can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h, move freely through trees, and also stand and walk on its hind legs.

A bear's vision and hearing are not as developed as their sense of smell. Several kilometers away, a predator can smell the scent of another animal or person, as well as berries or honey.

In winter, bears hibernate. Depending on the habitat of the predator, the sleep period ranges from 3 to 6 months. The den is carefully arranged from the inside: the bottom is covered with moss, dry branches and grass. The beast chooses a place to build in a swampy area, on an island, where no one can accidentally awaken it.

A bear can come out of hibernation earlier - from hunger, if it does not have enough fat under its skin. Such individuals are incredibly aggressive and can attack a person, while in summer and autumn brown animals try not to even catch the eye of people.

Of course, a tattoo depicting a bear is primarily suitable for a powerful and self-confident man, who is characterized by such a quality as cold-blooded calm. Such tattoos are not so popular, and this makes them look even more authentic. For a girl it’s better to consider alternative options tattoo, since the bear is a symbol of courage, which is not entirely suitable for the fair sex.

Symbolism and meaning

The bear is a sometimes controversial symbol that can have different meanings depending on the way it is depicted. For example, an aggressive charging bear represents rapid power, which can be compared to boulders rolling down a mountain. The image of a bear in a calm pose means confidence, authority and hidden heroic strength. The sleeping bear is a symbol of transformation, a connection between the world of dreams and reality.

Where to stuff

A bear is a large animal, which means that a tattoo design cannot be small. It is necessary to carefully choose the location for such a tattoo. This should be a level area where you can apply beautiful picture with all the details. The most suitable options:

  • Back;
  • Shoulder;
  • Breast;
  • Caviar.

For girls who decide to get such a tattoo, we can recommend areas such as the shoulder or thigh. At the same time, before starting the procedure, it would be a good idea for a representative of the fair sex to clarify what a specific tattoo means, so as not to acquire a traditionally male symbol.


A bear tattoo will look harmonious in a traditional style. It also makes sense to pay attention to realism, sketch style and neo-traditional. When choosing a color design, it is better to give preference to monochrome tattoos made in one color. In this case, the tattoo is on male body will look like a combat mark, and not like exquisite body painting. But the bear is the personification of courage and fighting strength. This is exactly the meaning that a tattoo made in one color will carry.