Chop for home security. Security of apartment buildings

Ensuring the legal rights to safe and comfortable living of citizens is our main task in protecting residential apartment buildings - this is the only opportunity to make your home safe. Having many years of experience and professional skills, the management employees of Private Security Company VOSTOK-1 are happy to organize for you reliable security of your home, as well as the surrounding area, from the penetration of unauthorized persons and criminals.

Give your children a safe yard.

Qualified security guards, when working with an object such as a residential building, guarantee the prevention of suspicious individuals from entering the yard or house, monitoring the observance of public order by residents and their guests, as well as resolving all kinds of conflict and emergency situations. In the event of accidents, leaks, pipe breaks, smoke, fires, security officers on duty around the clock are the first to respond to all incidents of a man-made nature and manage to notify the relevant city rescue services in time, as well as organize the evacuation of people from danger zone. If necessary, our specialists will help install or upgrade a video surveillance and access control system (ACS), which is necessary to record ongoing or occurring events at the facility for prompt response by security staff. And also to resolve controversial situations arising on the territory of the protected facility.

HOA security services

A typical HOA security plan includes:

1. ensuring access control to the adjacent territory of the HOA, as vehicles, and people.
2. installation of video surveillance, which allows you to monitor what is happening on the territory of the homeowners’ association (in the yard and in the entrances).
3. placement of a stationary guard post in the protected area, capable of promptly responding to emergency situation, eliminate undesirable factors yourself or call for help in the form of a rapid response team (RRT).

Advantages of security for apartments and residential buildings

By cooperating with us you get the following benefits:

1. Guarantee of the safety of the HOA territory and security of the house.
2. Freedom from unauthorized persons entering the yard or entrance of a residential building.
3. Prompt response to emergency and emergency situations man-made (fires, breaks in water supply and heating mains on the territory of a residential building or complex of houses by immediately calling operational city services, and before the arrival of specialists, eliminating them using improvised means.
4. The ability to use information from CCTV cameras to resolve controversial situations, access to archived information about all incidents that have ever occurred.

Having concluded an agreement for the security of a residential building or apartment with the private security company in Moscow “Vostok-1”, we completely inspect the object entrusted to us, identifying and assessing potential threats both in the building itself and in the territory adjacent to it. Based on the data obtained, our experts develop an optimal home security scheme, which includes recommendations on the most suitable locations for CCTV cameras, the number of security guards, and the requirements for their weapons and equipment. What is the price of a quiet life -

  • Qualified security staff;
  • Checking the quality of security - our employee (auditor) comes out 2 times a month to check;
  • Presentable bodyguards without bad habits;
  • Maintaining confidentiality;
  • Full responsibility for your safety under the contract;
  • All our employees undergo professional development courses.

Residents of modern apartment buildings often face the problem of property theft, vandalism and other acts of intruders. The services of security organizations are becoming effective solution in the fight against unauthorized actions in a residential building. Private security company "City Squad" offers favorable prices for security of entrances in Moscow. We send qualified employees to the site, and also install video surveillance systems and other methods of protection from external attacks. Our work will help eliminate crime in the house, protecting the residents.

How we work


proposal for
client's instructions

Client's technical specifications - number of posts, security methods

Departure of a specialist -
site monitoring
on the subject

proposal for

Preparing the package
documents and

Prices for services

Which protection method should I use?

Despite the presence of intercoms and fences, there are many ways to bypass standard security systems. The main problems are created by persons in drunk, homeless citizens, scammers, vandals and so on. When they get into the entrance, they damage property, deceive residents and interfere with their stay. Regular magnetic doors do not deter criminals. The presence of a security guard allows you to:

  • limit the access of third parties to the entrance;
  • monitor illegal actions of visitors;
  • regulate issues of inappropriate behavior of guests;
  • check the entrance for the presence dangerous items and perform other actions.

Leave your phone number and we will contact you as quickly as possible!

For security reasons, we must make sure that it is really you. Select a method to receive a code to the specified number

Get code

The cost is calculated individually taking into account the number of services. You can order protection that includes the simple presence of a qualified employee of our company, which will cost you approximately 70-100 thousand rubles monthly. Considering the number of residents in modern multi-storey buildings, the price of the service is quite low. At the same time, it allows you to protect residents and property.

Entrance security apartment building- one of the main components of a comfortable stay. Residents of megacities and elite villages are increasingly using the services of professionals to solve this problem. Unlike the concierge, private security officers have the necessary equipment to prevent unauthorized entry into the entrance. They have modern technical means at their disposal to monitor the surrounding area.

The Alliance company is ready to offer its services for the protection of residential buildings in Moscow and the region.

What does the service include?

Security of entrances requires an integrated approach. To ensure maximum safety for residents, you should not limit yourself to placing only one stationary post or introducing modern technical means. Depending on the location of the house, the number of residents, surrounding infrastructure, external and internal threat factors, the following items may be included in the list of security measures:

  • maintaining public order in the surrounding area;
  • preventing the threat of terrorist attacks;
  • ensuring access control;
  • resident parking security;
  • patrolling the area until the rapid response team arrives in an emergency;
  • protection of personal property of residents located on staircases;
  • preventing unauthorized entry into apartments through the entrance;
  • documented control of access to home visitors;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • inspection of basements and attics, etc.

Entrance security is usually provided around the clock using video surveillance and alarm systems.

Our advantages

High level of professionalism of employees. Reception into the security service is accompanied by a strict selection process. Our employees have extensive experience, regularly take advanced training courses and are capable of making responsible decisions in emergency situations.

Individual approach. Security of apartment building entrances begins with a thorough inspection of the building and surrounding area. Our specialists make recommendations for installing technical equipment and offer optimal solutions for a particular case.

Affordable prices. The cost of security services depends on the level of danger, the list of duties assigned to private security company employees, and the number of residents. Regardless of the situation, we strive to maintain reasonable prices for all our clients.

Get more full information You can learn about the service by calling us at any of the numbers listed on the website, or writing via ICQ or Skype. Security of entrances by Alliance employees is a guarantee of peace and security for residents.

Currently, the use of various security measures for apartment buildings is quite relevant. Because often entrances to unguarded houses become places for criminals to commit crimes. To avoid this, home residents may decide to install one or more security options.

On at the moment 3 main types of security systems for residential buildings have been developed, which are in demand and most common:

  1. Installation of video surveillance, as well as remote security through the timely arrival of rapid response teams.
  2. Installation of special checkpoints in the house and availability of special passes for residents of the house.
  3. Installation of remote control using a panic button.

At the same time, security of the house can be carried out not only inside it, but also throughout the surrounding area, including parking spaces. The following location options for installing security systems are possible:

  • inside the entrance hall;
  • on each landing;
  • inside the apartment;
  • at the entrance outside;
  • on the playground;
  • throughout the entire local area.

The most popular are combined security means, such as:

  • installation of video surveillance;
  • establishing a checkpoint with a concierge;
  • presence of a panic button.

With this combination it is easy to ensure the safety of the entire entrance and apartment building. Attackers do not like to be caught on video cameras, since no one wants to be held accountable for the crime they committed.

If, after all, someone is not afraid of being caught on camera, then when entering the entrance the attacker will encounter the concierge. He will be prohibited from entering unless he presents a pass from a resident of the building or one of the apartment owners does not see him through at his own risk.

Well, in case of an emergency, the concierge can call a rapid response team using the panic button. Also, usually each apartment has a connection with the concierge and can request a call from this group.


Also, do not forget about the iron doors with a special code or intercom installed at almost every entrance in every house. The code, as practice has shown, turned out to be very ineffective, since it is not difficult to recognize it. It’s enough just to watch the residents entering the entrance.

The intercom works more reliably, because in the absence of a special key, you can only get into the apartment by calling a specific resident. If he lets you into the entrance by pressing a button, the person will be able to enter.

However, in lately Many keys have appeared that can open almost all intercom codes. Therefore, now such a key can be bought at any market for a small amount and get into any entrance.

That is why this measure is effective against random passers-by, but not for those who have the goal of entering any entrance if necessary.


That is why the installation of combined new means of ensuring safety has undoubted advantages over outdated methods of protecting entrances and houses. Among these advantages the main ones can be identified:

  1. The team's response to an incident.
  2. If an alarm system is installed simultaneously with video surveillance, then you can remotely find out the reason for the alarm in a timely manner and set up a false call.
  3. If there are many apartments in a building, then the cost of such security can be significantly inexpensive per tenant.
  4. Increased security level.
  5. Preventing potential threats through the presence of all security systems.
  6. The right strategy in case of disputes that arise between the residents themselves regarding common shared property (for example, in parking spaces).
  7. Timely detection of suspicious situations and response to them.
  8. Correct and complete organization of security for the entire house and surrounding area, taking into account all its features. Application of certain techniques and an integrated approach.
  9. If necessary, use permitted weapons and other means of protection that ordinary citizens may not have in everyday life.
  10. Professional assistance and incident response.

Taking into account all these advantages, residents should not have doubts about organizing a home security system. Of course, any control also has negative sides.


This is mainly due to the fact that personal privacy person. He is constantly under video surveillance, so outsiders know the exact information:

  • whoever left has come;
  • with whom a certain person came or left;
  • how long the person left (if he left the house with suitcases or large bags);
  • level of income of the resident (in terms of clothing, car brand and other luxury elements).

All these moments are recorded by people involved in watching the recorded videos, as well as directly guarding the residential building. Often, scammers manage to negotiate with security and organize well-planned robberies of apartments due to the fact that they have received detailed and accurate information about the owner of the property.


Prices for security may vary and will depend on:

  • necessary equipment that will need to be installed;
  • on the number of people who will regularly be required to be at the security post if there is one;
  • on the cost of security company services in a particular region.

Installation and maintenance of video recording in one entrance can cost its residents 50-100 thousand rubles. Everything will depend on the number and quality of installed cameras. But you need to understand that if there is no person at the entrance who promptly reacts to the disorder, then these cameras will quickly be rendered unusable by intruders.

Therefore, it is imperative to create a checkpoint for video cameras as a concierge or security guard. In this case, there will be much less chance that a person who wants to damage the installed cameras will enter the entrance. Creating such a post can also cost about 50-100 thousand rubles plus monthly wages employee 30-80 thousand rubles per month.

And in case of unforeseen situations, when events occur that require quick intervention, it is necessary to install a quick response button. Its installation and maintenance per month will cost between 20-50 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of installing combined security equipment will be from 150 thousand rubles. This is the amount that all apartments in the entrance will have to pay at once. Further maintenance can cost between 50-100 thousand rubles per month per entrance. Depending on the number of apartments, the cost of 1 apartment can be 1-2 thousand rubles, which for many residents is an acceptable amount for their safety, as well as the safety of their children.

Also, the management company and other types of organizational management of the house must take care of the safety of the house, repairs and other communications. Therefore, they should be interested in offering residents an agreement with a security company, as well as in finding the most advantageous offer for a specific house, taking into account all the features of the territorial location.

Territories at risk

Residents of all apartment buildings should, of course, take care of the protection of their residential buildings. However, it is important to know who is most at risk. These areas include houses located in close proximity to:

  • train stations;
  • transport hubs;
  • bars, clubs;
  • in areas where socially disadvantaged segments of the population live.

In all these areas there is an increased number of crimes committed. And in order to avoid intruders from entering your entrance, it is necessary to take all security measures.

One of the indispensable conditions for comfort in apartment building- safety. The concept of “security” consists of specific conditions that management companies are ready to provide. What you need to know when hiring security for your home, what services companies involved in this business are ready to provide, and how much money to prepare for residents - he will tell you about this today

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Safety starts in the yard
What does it mean to “ensure the safety of a residential building”? Two major aspects can be distinguished here: 1) all engineering and technical systems of the house must function normally, and emergency situations- must be prevented; 2) it is necessary to protect residents and their property (personal and communal) from robbers and vandals.

Therefore, first of all, the safety of a building depends on its technical equipment: the quality of doors, elevators, engineering systems. The location of the house is also important: the risk group includes buildings located in close proximity to metro lines, underground rivers. High-quality equipment, doors and ceilings are attributes of new business-class buildings and luxury housing. All this together, of course, affects the price of apartments in the building.

Another important safety feature, also depending on the class of the house, is a fenced area. “One of the first questions I ask realtors is: does the house have a fenced yard. For me this is very important for security reasons. It’s strange, to be honest, that today in Moscow there are new buildings with apartments for $2-3 million that do not have a fence around the perimeter of the local area,” says Sergei Chernyshev, a potential buyer of the apartment.

However, such cases are still the exception, and a fenced yard, at least from the entrances, is the norm for business class housing. Houses with more affordable apartments cannot boast of this. After all, even if residents are ready to pay for land surveying and installation of fencing on their property, it will be extremely difficult to do this: all sorts of authorities can “consider the issue” for years.

Entrance guardians
In general, residential buildings built 20-30 years ago were the least fortunate. After all, most here are limited to installing intercom, because you can’t even invite a concierge here, since there is simply no room for a concierge - the entrances are too small. On the other hand, local residents spend less, which cannot be said about the owners.

"A little more than a year It's been a while since we moved into our apartment in a new building. Maintenance of the house is carried out by a commercial management company and the HOA. Our house is far from elite, however, we pay a lot for security,” says Irina Petrova, a resident of the district. - For the protection of our territory and for concierges sitting in every entrance 390 rub. per apartment per month. In addition, at the general meeting of the HOA, we decided to install a video surveillance system in our houses, and it cost us 590 RUR.».

Video surveillance is one of the innovations that not all homeowners consider necessary. Nevertheless, it has taken root thoroughly in business-class residential complexes. As a rule, video surveillance is carried out along the perimeter of the territory, and the concierge sees everyone who walks along the street adjacent to the house or approaches the fence on the screen.

Speaking of concierges. The familiar image of a grandmother sitting in a closet in the entrance of a Stalinist house is already a thing of the past. Today, men are invited to fill this position in new buildings. In elite houses and business-class houses, these are security officers in formal suits; in ordinary houses, as a rule, they are military men, retired police officers, however, they are trained in courses and have a license for their service.

The costs of concierges are included in the general bills for house maintenance, and apartment owners pay only part of the cost of their services. According to the decree of the Moscow government No. 625-PP dated August 22, 2006 “On approval of expenses for the maintenance of guards on duty at the entrances”, 4900 rub. to the entrance The state allocates funds for the formation of a concierge wage fund for an eight-hour working day. The rest of the concierge's salary comes from fees collected from residents.

Security guard services and prices
Security services for entrances and local areas can be provided by our own security agency management company or HOA. However, in most cases, management companies turn to the services of private security companies, because they operate under a license. If the HOA includes several houses that are served by one private security company, the residents of the house additionally hire and pay for the services of a person who supervises the security of their house.

Often, companies providing entrance security services are selected through a competition organized by prefectures. The winner is the one that matches all necessary requirements, works at the best price.

Typically, the work of a security company is organized as follows: there are posts (each entrance, entrance to the territory), at which security guards (concierges) constantly sit, walking twice a day around all the floors of the entrance, corridors, attics, etc. Several times a day, the guards make the rounds the entire local area around the perimeter. There may be a separate security post in the underground parking lot.

Employees of private security companies hired by the Criminal Code can also patrol the area adjacent to the house around the clock.

The cost of private security company posts in residential buildings per month is within the framework 40,000-130,000 thousand rubles. for one security post, depending on the mode (12 or 24 hours), time of day (security at night costs less), special equipment used, including weapons. On the territory of a large residential complex there may be several such posts.

Although security is provided to the entire building, owners of specific apartments may pay different amounts each month. This depends on the principle adopted by the HOA meeting for calculating payment for security services: in proportion to personal accounts (payment does not depend on the area, regardless of the area of ​​the apartment and is the same for all residents of the building); in proportion to square meters (the payment amount is calculated based on the size of the living area of ​​the apartment).

In most cases, payment is made exactly according to square meters, so the happy owners large areas they pay more.

“For security in a business class house located in the North-West of Moscow, we pay 13 rub. for square meter per month. This price includes payment for concierge services and security of the territory adjacent to the house. In a house of a higher class, built by a well-known company that builds residential high-rises, security costs $2, i.e. about 52 rubles per square meter, the services are the same, but since the house itself is more high level, then the price is higher,” says Muscovite Ekaterina Bykovskaya.

Thus, for an apartment, say 80 sq. meters in the first case you will have to pay 1040 rubles per month, in the second - approximately 4160 rubles.

ResumeInternet portal about real estate
Life is such that it is no longer possible without security guards. Especially in a crazy metropolis called Moscow. But when hiring the guardians of our peace of mind, you need to have at least general idea about their work. After all, some capricious residents are capable of demanding something completely impossible from the guards.

However, the main condition for security guards and concierges to do their job well is to recognize the residents. Security company employees undergo special classes to train visual memory, but the most important “training” is, of course, experience working at a specific site. Good security guards recognize by sight not only the homeowners, but also the governesses, au pairs, and their friends and relatives who work for them.

And yet, trust is very important in the relationship between residents and security guards. In one Moscow new building not so long ago there was interesting case: a resident went on vacation, forgetting to lock front door. This was discovered by a security guard walking around the entrance. A security post was set up at the door of the apartment, which operated until the owner returned. The private security company, whose employees got out of the situation in this way, has been guarding this residential complex for more than three years. However, of course, no matter how satisfied you are with the security of your home, you should still close the front door.