Who should take out the garbage after renovation? Who should take out the garbage after renovating an apartment? "Housing service organizations are required to provide

Construction waste - special kind garbage that cannot be thrown into a regular container or garbage chute. What should we do with it? Where to dispose of construction waste according to the rules?

Construction waste is everything that remains after construction and renovation. It could be pieces finishing materials, and old tiles, and remnants of plaster, glass, etc. This also includes old window frames, unnecessary furniture, window and door openings.

Where should all this go if you can’t throw it in a regular trash container? There are several most common ways to get rid of construction waste.

1.Take construction waste to the landfill yourself

This is the most difficult path. Firstly, not every landfill accepts construction waste, and secondly, you will also have to pay to receive the waste.

2. Special container for construction waste

Containers and bunkers for construction waste are usually located near new buildings; developers leave them at the request of apartment buyers.

You can have a custom-made container delivered to a regular residential building for a fee, but it should remain there for no longer than 2 hours. During this time, you need to have time to load the construction waste yourself and remove the bunker from the yard.

3. Sell construction waste

Some types of construction waste can be successfully sold. The prices are approximately as follows:

— Soil from 50 rubles per m 3;
— Construction waste from 110 rubles per m3;
— Broken bricks, asphalt from 15 rubles m 3;

Some people accept garbage for free.

Not everything is for sale; I am interested in construction waste that can be used elsewhere. For example, soil is used for filling; ravines are filled with it. If you dug a pit for the foundation, they will successfully take the soil, and they will also pay you money for it.

How to find a buyer for construction waste? Via the Internet! There are a lot of sites that contain many advertisements of this kind. Finding yours is not easy, but it is possible. For example:

  • Sell ​​construction waste in Moscow, in addition to soil, there are also advertisements for waste.

The main thing is to find buyers interested in your garbage.

Most often they willingly take:

  • concrete fight
  • brick fight
  • asphalt fight
  • priming
  • clay
  • sand

They take film, firewood, sawdust, rubber, and plastic less often.

4. Remove construction waste at your own expense with the help of a special company

There are companies specializing in waste removal, including construction waste. This service costs money, and sometimes a lot. but they will draw up an agreement with you and do everything according to at its best. A simple example of such a company is the website Muzora.net.

You can remove construction waste cheaper; you can find a contractor using the same bulletin boards: tiu.ru, dmir.ru, etc.

5. Give to the “Dump”

The special project “Dump” is relevant for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. And it won’t be possible to get rid of construction waste in the literal sense of the word. But you can get rid of old furniture, old things, junk that you don’t need.

From this trash, specialists from the “Dump” will select everything that someone else might like, and dispose of the rest.

You can get it for trash monetary reward. But there are nuances:

  • Garbage must be collected independently and prepared for removal.
  • They will not come outside the Moscow Ring Road to pick up garbage, but you can bring it yourself by calling the company in advance.
  • They do not take away obvious rubbish after repairs.

Buying a home on the secondary real estate market almost always means that the new owners will have to make repairs. And since most people buy an apartment or house only once in their lives, they plan the repair work to the maximum - with opening the floors, installing new communications and replacing all the plumbing. And in the process, the question arises of where to throw construction waste. There are several ways to properly dispose of construction waste; all you have to do is choose the most convenient one.

What is construction waste?

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste during renovations, you should clearly understand what exactly constitutes such waste. For some reason, most people are convinced that only large and bulky waste should be considered construction waste, such as toilets, fragments of concrete slabs with protruding reinforcement, fragments of furniture, etc. In fact, such waste includes everything that needs to be thrown out during the repair work. For convenience, they were divided into three categories:

  1. Large waste from the dismantling of buildings - pieces of floors, windows, doors, etc.
  2. Waste building materials used during repair and construction, as well as empty containers from them.
  3. Residues from finishing materials - wallpaper, paint, pieces of linoleum, tiles, drywall scraps, etc.

Can I throw this in regular trash cans?

Where should I throw construction waste from my apartment? Some residents of high-rise buildings do not even ask themselves this question, but immediately go with bags and large waste to ordinary trash cans. This picture can be seen in almost all cities of Russia - a household container is so filled with construction scraps that there is no room left for anything else, and an old toilet stands lonely next to it.

Such actions are illegal. Household waste containers are intended only for plastic, wood, glass, paper, as well as organic and food waste. It is prohibited to throw any large-sized trash (more than 75 cm) into solid waste bins.


All those who carry out unauthorized discharge of bulky waste into solid waste tanks face penalties. According to Art. 8.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation they will be as follows:

  1. For individuals, that is, all those who carried out repairs in their own homes and improperly disposed of construction waste - from 1 to 2 thousand rubles.
  2. For individual entrepreneurs those engaged in repair work - from 30 to 50 thousand rubles.
  3. Legal entities are punished most severely. Their fine for unauthorized disposal is from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

In addition, everyone faces penalties officials responsible for the illegal disposal of bulky waste - from 5 to 30 thousand rubles.

Cargo and hazard class

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste, you need to determine what class of cargo the waste belongs to. This is due to the fact that under different class cargo requires its own technique, depending on the properties of the material, its flowability and heaviness. For example, dump trucks are used for sand and gravel, and low-platform vehicles are used for extra-heavy waste.

In most cases, construction waste is assigned first class with a load capacity coefficient equal to one. This means that the rated load capacity of the equipment will be used at 100%.

All types of waste are also divided into hazard classes - from first to fifth. The first and second are very dangerous, usually containing toxic and radioactive substances. They are found in industrial enterprises and are disposed of using special methods.

Most construction waste is waste of classes 4 and 5, that is, non-hazardous and slightly hazardous. They can be disposed of at regular sites.

Small percentage construction waste may contain class 3 materials, that is, moderately hazardous. Usually this is wood with toxic impregnation, flammable paints and varnishes, toxic solvents, etc. Their disposal must be carried out by special neutralization enterprises.


The easiest way to solve the problem is self-pickup. And if we're talking about about 2-3 bags that can be placed in the trunk of a car, then the problem is solved. Construction waste must be delivered to one of the approved landfills or recycling sites.

However, before transporting waste, it must be securely packaged. And if we are talking about transportation by car, then the waste should be packaged in special bags.

Where to buy bags for construction waste? They are sold in any specialized building materials store. Or they can be ordered through online stores. They differ from conventional ones in their large volume and high strength and can withstand heavy loads. Price - from 6 to 30 rubles, the goods are sold at retail and in batches of 10-50 pieces.


Perhaps you shouldn’t figure out where to throw construction waste. If there is a lot of waste and it could be useful to someone else, it is worth selling it. Many organizations are happy to purchase broken bricks and concrete, pieces of asphalt, clay, soil or sand. Much less often, buyers are interested in film, wood scraps or plastic.

Prices are approximately as follows:

  • soil - from 50 rubles per cubic meter;
  • construction waste - from 110 per cubic meter;
  • broken bricks, concrete slabs and asphalt - from 15 rubles.

This waste is used to fill ravines and holes and as secondary crushed stone. In most cases, it is profitable to sell construction waste only if it is available in large volumes, that is, when building high-rise buildings. However, even in private construction, you can sell some of the rubbish, for example, soil from a foundation pit.

Removal service

There are construction waste removal companies in every city. Moreover, if repairs are carried out by any organization or individual entrepreneur, then they undertake the transportation of waste. If the work is carried out on our own, then you can simply order garbage removal - from the apartment or from the yard. In the first case, the loaders themselves will carry all the waste to the car and take it away. In the second, the organization will provide a container for construction waste. It will need to be completed within a specified time period, after which it will be collected.

Ordering a container for construction waste

It does not always need to be ordered from a third party. During renovations in a new building, the management company often keeps a special container for construction waste - until a certain time. If the housing was purchased on the secondary market, then you should ask your management company what services they charge residents for. Most often, the management company collects money only for the installation and maintenance of tanks for solid waste, but in some organizations the management company is obliged to provide a container for construction waste (PUHTO) upon application.


How much does construction waste removal cost? The cost is calculated individually and depends on many variables: the volume of waste, the use of equipment, the use of consumables, the involvement of loaders, etc. Roughly speaking, in the region, old windows and doors after dismantling can be removed for only 4-5 thousand rubles. This price includes equipment rental and a loader. IN big city For a similar service, the price may differ by an order of magnitude.

Before deciding where to dispose of construction waste, you should remember that only the owner of the premises is responsible for the disposal of his own construction waste. There is no need to quarrel with the management company, which clearly will not like the improper use of household tanks. There is no need to anger neighbors who will not be able to throw waste into overflowing containers. Moreover, there is no need to arrange it in the forest - penalties will follow.

I decided to remind readers of the basic principles of household decluttering.

Trash bin discord

First of all, you need to remember once and for all that garbage is separated into different types. There is a separate city landfill for each type. Regular small household waste (clothes or food waste) can be thrown into standard bins located in every yard. However, when it comes to old equipment, furniture, and plumbing fixtures, this is already solid household waste. For them, so-called “bunkers” are provided in the areas. In Moscow, you can find out about the location of the bunker in your area from the local government or your management company.

The basics of decluttering: how to properly store things in your dachaThe capricious and unstable early spring weather does not frighten Russian private “farmers”, who are already rubbing their hands with might and main over the seedlings growing in trays and, of course, storing the next batch of very “necessary” things for transportation to the dacha. The RIA Real Estate website conducted a survey among experienced summer residents and collected several useful tips about how not to turn a house and land plot in the storage of unnecessary things.

As for construction waste (old tiles, plaster, glass, finishing elements), throw it into standard waste bins. household waste or into a bunker is strictly prohibited, warn experts from the State budgetary institution city ​​of Moscow "Zhilishchnik Akademicheskiy District". There is a fine for violating waste disposal rules.

Those who independently decide to ship bulky waste to a city landfill can also fall into the trap. Firstly, you need to know which landfill you need to take this or that waste to, and secondly, you need to have a special license for this, otherwise you will simply not be allowed there.

Well, the removal of construction waste is entirely the work of the owners themselves. In any case, you will have to do this at your own expense. Although, near new buildings that are in the process of being occupied, many developers install a construction bunker at the request of apartment buyers.

Furniture, goodbye

Get rid of old furniture possible in several ways. If the furniture is in good condition and it’s a shame to throw it away, then you should try to sell it through services like Avito.ru. However, you need to be careful, now more and more often scammers are operating through such sites, offering to make payments to a card through a terminal, having previously informed them of certain details of your card. Under no circumstances agree to such conditions, no matter how much you would like to sell.

If you need to remove old furniture quickly, and its safety is not important to you, then you can resort to the help of special companies, such as "Hlama Removal.ru". However, here you will have to spend money. Let's say, delivering a car and the work of loaders will cost the specified company 2.5 thousand rubles, plus, for example, removing two cabinets will add another 2 thousand rubles to the check. But in general, each piece of furniture is valued separately, somewhere around 500, somewhere around 800 rubles. In addition, prices may vary depending on the city area or floor, and the availability of an elevator.

And the owners need to be prepared for the furniture to simply be broken. That is, such companies do not sell or give away, but simply remove items. Their fate is no longer in your control.

Household quest: 3 exciting stories of solving everyday problemsIt’s amazing, but sometimes the most banal economic and communal problems, for example, removing old furniture from an apartment or getting a key to mailbox, can turn into an adventure worthy of Zoshchenko’s stories. The RIA Real Estate website continues to collect folk stories household troubles.

But the residents of Moscow (and soon the residents of St. Petersburg) have great opportunity not only to remove old furniture or other unnecessary items for free, but also to receive a reward for this, albeit symbolic. This service is provided by the "Dump" project - a flea market in reverse. The authors of the project estimate the size cash prize the size of a pile of rubbish. For example, a large bag of dishes is valued at 100 rubles, says Svalka founder Alexey Barinsky. However, the company warns that their logisticians do not provide services for dismantling plumbing fixtures or cleaning the apartment after renovation. They come and take away the already prepared things. If for some reason it is difficult for the owner to disassemble large-sized furniture himself, then the "Svalka" employees are ready to help with this, but for a fee in the range of 300-700 rubles.

Clean construction

You can remove construction waste using a Gazelle, if there is not much of it and you plan to remove old furniture along with it. But for complex repairs, if heavy building materials (plaster, concrete, bricks) are to be removed, you will have to order an 8 cubic meter container.

In Moscow, ordering a Gazelle with loader services will cost 4.7 thousand rubles. These prices are called in the company "EcoStroyService". But a construction container for 8 cubic meters will cost 3.5 thousand rubles.

Warning to the owners: a construction container can only stand in the yard for 2 hours, at which point you will need to empty the garbage to the entrance yourself at the right time, or additionally order the services of loaders.

Under the cover of night, a husband and wife take out an old door, window frames and bags of torn wallpaper from the house, look around and store their burden on the site near garbage containers. A car stops on an abandoned forest road, the driver takes bags of broken bricks from the trunk and throws them on the side of the road. A rusty bathtub lies in a vacant lot next to a broken washbasin and rotten pipes. The stories are different, but the reason is the same: people are doing renovations and don’t know how to properly dispose of construction waste and where to throw it away.

The container is not rubber

Management companies are required to remove household waste, why not at the same time throw construction waste into the container, as well as an old TV, a broken washing machine and grandma's chair? This cannot be done, since each tenant only pays for removal household waste, and the management company enters into contracts with recycling companies only for this volume. When you start a major renovation and buy more modern furnishings for your updated apartment, the number of things thrown away may exceed the limit for the entire house. The garbage truck will take as many cubic meters as specified in the contract, the rest will lie on the site. But what should you do with your mountain of junk?

In the morning, people carry bags of waste into the container, and it is filled to the top. More conscientious residents will take the bags home and wait for space to become available, but many will spill over the edges. Of course, over time everything will be removed, but while the garbage is lying on the site, it creates a lot of inconvenience for all residents.

  • Piles of waste give the area an unaesthetic appearance.
  • Household garbage thrown out by residents spills out of an overflowing container. The wind carries it throughout the area.
  • Cement dust is harmful to the lungs, paint residues are toxic, and children love to examine all sorts of bags, cans and boxes while walking.
  • At night, young people who have been playing around can burn scraps of polymer wallpaper or linoleum sheets - toxic smoke will penetrate into the cracks and vents.

We all care about the environment, we are indignant when factories pour chemical waste into rivers and seas, why doesn’t anyone have a headache about the ecology of a single yard?

Some clever people take opaque bags and take out construction waste in small portions. If you decide to change the wallpaper in one room, this option can help, and if you start major renovation with dismantling partitions, replacing plumbing, doors and window units? If you run with bags every 10 minutes, there will definitely be a “well-wisher” among your neighbors who will report your strange behavior, which means you will have to stretch out this event for a long time. One room will turn into a landfill for construction waste for about six months, and you also need to figure out how to shred large structures. Dust, dirt and dissatisfaction of the whole family are guaranteed to you.

Do not try to throw construction waste into a container under cover of night. Your neighbors won’t see you, but many management companies, tired of fighting violators, install video cameras. The fine for illegal use of household waste containers will be much higher than legal disposal.

If you don’t want to deal with the issue of disposal of non-standard waste every time, you can put an end to this problem once. Contact your management company, they will hold a meeting of residents, and if the majority agrees, they will install a special container. Fee for public utilities it will become a little higher, but you won’t have to store bags with broken tiles and pieces of linoleum at home, you can take them out to a special container at least every day. Do not assume that when an agreement is concluded, you can throw construction waste into any container; a special large tank will be installed for this. If your organizational skills are looking for a way out, try to come to an agreement with the residents of all the houses and officials of the company that serves you. You are unlikely to achieve results, but at least direct your energy to good purposes.

Experts will do it better and faster

Every city has a company engaged in the removal and disposal of construction waste. You only need to place an order and pay for the service, the company’s employees will do the rest. At the appointed time, workers will remove the bags and take them to the landfill. You don’t even have to check whether the company has a license for recycling, where it will take the waste; all claims will not be against the customer, but against the organization. There are enterprises that do not throw waste into landfills, but recycle it. In this case, renovating your apartment will not harm the environment; on the contrary, something useful will be made from old bricks and plaster.

No one wants to pay extra money, but you can consider this service not as an expense, but as a savings. First of all, a law-abiding person will save his nerves and reputation. Imagine being caught throwing the wrong thing into a container. Will it be pleasant when employees of the management company scold you in front of all your neighbors, like a guilty schoolchild? We should not forget about the material side: the fine will be no less than 3,000 rubles, the services of a specialized company are much cheaper. And if you convert a utility room into a small store or hairdresser, then you become legal entity, and the liability will be much stricter - up to 100 thousand rubles. How many clients do you need to cut your hair to justify that amount?

There are three ways to dispose of construction waste:

  1. slowly throw it into a household waste container,
  2. enter into an agreement with the management company,
  3. contact a specialized company.

The first method need not even be considered: the consequences have already been said, and convincing a person who believes that laws are not written for him is a useless exercise. The second option is convenient, but in every house there will be residents who will strongly oppose raising tariffs even by a penny. They will prove with foam at the mouth that they have been living without repairs for 10 years, and they will not do them in the next century. The easiest way is to order the service yourself. You won’t have to strain yourself carrying heavy bags, you won’t have to run up the stairs with a broom and sweep up dirt from a torn bag. Specialists know where and how to properly remove construction waste.

No one wants to pay money; you can look for a way to save money. Find out if it would be cheaper if residents of several apartments in the same building want to take out the garbage. In large buildings there will always be several families working on renovations at the same time. Perhaps it makes sense to cooperate and remove all waste on one flight. Call different companies, find out about tariffs, discounts and promotions and choose the most profitable option.

A woman with several bags comes to the waste collection site, pours the contents of each bag into a container of a certain color, and throws the emptied bags into a plastic container. This picture can be seen in many countries, but for Russia such behavior is still a pipe dream. People throw cigarette butts and candy wrappers directly onto the sidewalk, throw cans with liquid contents into the container solid waste. Is it any wonder that there is dirt and stench around our houses? If we want to live a clean life, let's start small: we will properly dispose of waste.

Summer is a time not only for vacations, but also for renovations in apartments. Often, pieces of concrete, fragments of bricks and reinforcement are stored right at the entrance, and construction waste remains an eyesore for residents of high-rise buildings for a long time. Who is responsible for the removal of this type of waste and what sanctions are provided for negligence in cleanliness?

“There are three categories of garbage. These are household, large-sized and construction,- explained the head of the municipal unitary enterprise "Management housing sector» Mamikon VARTAPETYAN.Residents of high-rise buildings, of course, do not have to worry about self-collection of household waste.This is waste generated during human life.People pay utility bills and pay for the removal of this category of garbage, among other things. The same goes for bulky waste. Every year it becomes more and, by the way, this indicates an improvement in the standard of living. Fashion changes, not everyone is a lover of antiquity, people update the decor in their apartments. Everyone has the right to take their old sofa to the container site for management utilities it was disposed of. Wardrobe, refrigerator, washing machine“All this is home equipment, and the citizen does not have to pay a penny for its removal.”

“It’s another matter when they carry out construction work, for example, changing the layout of an apartment,- Vartapetyan noted. — Construction waste is generated during the process of repair, dismantling, and construction. If you end up with three cubic meters of bricks and concrete fragments after renovation, you must enter into an agreement with a company that disposes of it, or take it to the landfill yourself. I advise you to call a specialized organization that will remove the garbage, and not do it on your own. But often the best thing our residents can do is to put construction waste into bags and leave a huge pile at the entrance. In these cases Management company All that remains is to run around the apartments and look for who left the mountain of construction waste.”

According to the head of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "UZHKh", it is not difficult to establish who did the repairs even in a 100-apartment high-rise building. From conversations with residents, as well as from construction dust and traces, the culprit becomes clear quite quickly. “The problem is different. When offered to pay for unauthorized dumping of garbage, we are sent to hell,”- Mamikon Vartapetyan complained.

In such cases, management companies have to turn to Gosadmtekhnadzor for help. But it is difficult to influence negligent residents with administrative sanctions, noted the deputy head of the territorial department No. 28 of the State Technical Supervision Service for the Moscow Region, senior state technical inspector Leonid CHERNYAEV. To fine for unauthorized dumping of waste, inspectors need evidence base. To ensure that the violator cannot get away with it, photographs or video recording of the moment of dumping the garbage will be required. But do not forget that not only an inspector, but also a vengeful neighbor who you could, for example, flood in a last week. Chernyaev recalled that according to the law, the fine for citizens for dumping garbage in places not intended for this purpose reaches 5000 rub.

Thus, in order not to tempt fate and pangs of conscience, it is better to negotiate with a company that will remove and dispose of construction waste. For example, the services of the popular Odintsovo company Polygon West (tel. 8-495-941-63-26) will cost 3500 rub. for export of 8 cubic meters. construction waste. Manual loading of garbage is paid separately - 2500 rub. But the more garbage, the more expensive it is, naturally. If 20 cubic meters have accumulated. or 27 cubic meters construction waste, be prepared to pay 8000 rub. And, paradoxically, in this case the administrative fine for unauthorized dumping of waste will be cheaper.