Recycling waste, a way to generate energy and save the earth. Energy from garbage - unlimited fuel Food waste for energy

MMinistry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

EE "Belarusian National Technical University»

Test by discipline


SUBJECT: "Methods of obtaining energy from waste"


Alekhno O.N.


Lashchuk E.G.

Minsk 2008


1. Fuel use of municipal solid waste (MSW)………………4

2. Biogas technology for processing livestock waste……..……..9

3. Energy use of water treatment waste in combination with fossil fuels………………………………………………………..16




IN Lately V different countries There is an active search for energy sources alternative to fossil fuels. For Belarus, this problem is not acute, but it is worth noting that in countries with highly developed energy sectors that have their own resources, specialists are conducting such research. Among effective ways obtaining energy can be obtaining energy from waste.

In general, it should be noted that this problem is multifaceted, because there is a huge amount of waste and they are all different. That is why it is impossible to cover everything in one work. In order to cover the topic of ways to obtain energy from waste, I will try to cover only a few of them:

Firstly, the possibility of using solid household waste as fuel;

Secondly, the possibilities of biogas technology for processing livestock waste;

Thirdly, the energy use of water treatment waste in combination with fossil fuels.

1. Fuel use of municipal solid waste (MSW).

One of the effective ways to obtain energy in the future may be the use of municipal solid waste (MSW) as fuel. The advantage of household waste is that you don’t have to look for it, you don’t have to mine it, but in any case it must be destroyed - which requires a lot of effort. Money. Therefore, a rational approach here allows not only to obtain cheap energy, but also to avoid unnecessary costs.

The targeted industrial use of municipal solid waste as fuel began with the construction of the first “incinerator” near London in 1870. However, the active use of solid waste as an energy raw material began only in the mid-1970s due to the deepening energy crisis. It was calculated that when burning one ton of waste, 1300-1700 kW/h of thermal energy or 300-550 kW/h of electricity can be obtained.

It was during this period that the construction of large waste incineration plants began in Madrid, Berlin, London, as well as in countries with a relatively small area and high population density. By 1992, there were about 400 plants operating in the world that used the combustion of solid waste to produce steam and generate electricity. By 1996, their number reached 2,400.

In our country thermal processing Solid waste began in 1972, when 10 first-generation waste incineration plants were installed in eight cities of the USSR. These plants had virtually no gas purification and used almost no generated heat. Currently, they are obsolete and do not meet modern environmental requirements. In this regard, most of these factories are closed, and the rest are subject to reconstruction.

Three such enterprises were built in Moscow. Waste incineration plant No. 2 (MSZ-2) was built in 1974 to burn unsorted municipal solid waste in a volume of 73 thousand tons per year. It had two technological lines, including boilers from the French company KNIM and electric precipitators.

The decision of the Moscow government to reconstruct MSZ-2 required an increase in the plant’s capacity to 130 thousand tons of waste per year while simultaneously reducing the amount of harmful emissions in environment and thereby improving environmental situation in the area of ​​the enterprise. To accomplish this task, the French company KNIM was again involved, which was supposed to develop and supply three modernized technological lines with a capacity for incinerated solid waste of 8.33 t/h each.

In addition, it was planned to use the heat obtained from burning municipal solid waste to generate electricity.

Based on the results of the operation of the reconstructed first stage of the plant, consisting of two production lines, it can be stated that all the above requirements have been met, namely:

1. The productivity of the MSZ was increased to 80 thousand tons of solid waste per year, and with the commissioning of the third technological line - up to 130 thousand tons per year.

2. Emissions of dioxins and furans were reduced to European standards (0.1 ng/nm3): firstly, by optimizing waste combustion on a Martin grate; secondly, by increasing the height of the boiler furnace, which ensures the necessary two-second stay of the flue gases at a temperature above 850°C for the decomposition of dioxins into furans formed during combustion; and thirdly, due to the introduction of activated carbon into the flue gases, which absorbs secondary formed dioxins.

3. European standards for the purification of flue gases from S02, HCl, HF are ensured thanks to the installation of a “semi-dry” reactor in the technological scheme of solid waste combustion and the introduction of lime milk prepared from fluff into it through a spray turbine High Quality.

4. By installing a bag filter, a high degree of purification of flue gases from fly ash and gas purification products was achieved: the dust concentration is less than 10 mg/nm3.

5. Thanks to the application of nitrogen oxide (NOx) suppression technology developed by State Academy oil and gas named after. I.M. Gubkin, the obtained indicators for their emissions are at the level of the best foreign samples (less than 80 mg/nm3).

6. During the reconstruction of the plant, three turbogenerators with a capacity of 1.2 MW each were installed, which ensured its operation without external power supply, with the transfer of excess energy to the city network.

7. Management technological process waste incineration is carried out by an operator from an automated workstation. Automated process control system is unified system control and management of both main and auxiliary equipment of the plant.

A fundamentally new waste incineration plant for Russia with a capacity of 300 thousand tons of solid waste per year was built in Moscow in the early 2000s. The plant consists of departments for preparing and sorting waste, burning non-recyclable solid waste, cleaning flue gases from harmful impurities, ash and slag processing, power unit and other auxiliary departments. The technological scheme of the plant for processing the non-recyclable part of the waste includes three technological lines with fluidized bed furnaces, boilers with a capacity of 22-25 t/h, gas cleaning equipment and two turbines of 6 MW each.

The plant has introduced manual and mechanical sorting of solid waste and its crushing. The technology allows, firstly, to select valuable raw materials for its recycling, secondly, to select the food fraction of waste for subsequent composting; thirdly, select raw materials that represent environmental hazard when burned; and finally, improve the thermal and environmental performance of raw materials intended for combustion. Thanks to this preparation, the lower calorific value of solid waste reaches 9 MJ/kg, and in terms of the content of ash, moisture, sulfur and nitrogen, the characteristics practically correspond to the characteristics of brown coal near Moscow.

However, it should be noted that the low steam parameters used in domestic waste incineration plants significantly reduce the specific indicators of electricity generation compared to steam power plants. The use of similar steam power and parameters in waste incineration plants is limited by the properties of the raw material: lump fuel, low melting point of ash and the corrosive properties of flue gases produced during combustion.

A significant increase in the efficiency of using solid waste as fuel for generating electricity and achieving specific indicators close to commercially used thermal power plants can apparently be achieved through partial replacement of energy fuel with household waste.

In this case, when burning brown coal at thermal power plants, it is advisable to use pre-furnaces for burning municipal solid waste with the direction of the flue gases produced in the pre-furnace into the combustion space of the existing boiler unit. When burning natural gas at thermal power plants, it is advisable to use an installation for gasification of solid waste with subsequent purification of the resulting product - gas and its combustion in the furnaces of boilers operating on natural gas. A steam power plant used at thermal power plants that has been used for years is preserved in its original form.

That is, it is proposed to develop a combined (integrated) layout of thermal power plants for combustion natural fuel and solid household waste. The share of solid waste in terms of heat can be approximately 10% of the boiler’s thermal output. In this case, only due to increased steam parameters and increased power of boilers and turbines, the efficiency of using household waste will increase by 2-3 times.

Essential economic effect can be obtained by reducing capital investments through the use of existing infrastructure at thermal power plants and reducing costs for gas cleaning equipment.

Important economic factor is also that energy fuel, including brown coal, which has almost equivalent energy indicators to municipal solid waste, must be purchased, but solid waste, on the contrary, is accepted with a monetary surcharge.

To solve the problem of limited fossil fuels, researchers around the world are working to create and commercialize alternative energy sources. AND we're talking about not only about the well-known wind turbines and solar panels. Gas and oil may be replaced by energy from algae, volcanoes and human footsteps. Recycle has selected ten of the most interesting and environmentally friendly energy sources of the future.

Joules from turnstiles

Thousands of people pass through the turnstiles at the entrance to railway stations every day. At once, several research centers around the world came up with the idea of ​​using the flow of people as an innovative energy generator. The Japanese company East Japan Railway Company decided to equip every turnstile at railway stations with generators. The installation works at a train station in Tokyo's Shibuya district: piezoelectric elements are built into the floor under the turnstiles, which generate electricity from the pressure and vibration they receive when people step on them.

Another “energy turnstile” technology is already in use in China and the Netherlands. In these countries, engineers decided to use not the effect of pressing piezoelectric elements, but the effect of pushing turnstile handles or turnstile doors. The concept of the Dutch company Boon Edam involves replacing standard doors at the entrance to shopping centers(which usually work on a photocell system and begin to spin themselves) on the doors, which the visitor must push and thus produce electricity.

Such generator doors have already appeared in the Dutch center Natuurcafe La Port. Each of them produces about 4,600 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, which at first glance may seem insignificant, but serves as a good example of an alternative technology for generating electricity.

Thousands of tons of garbage are thrown away every day, polluting our planet. To correct the current situation, various technologies for processing waste raw materials are being created. Many products are sent to secondary production, where new products are created from them. Such techniques make it possible to save on costs when purchasing new raw materials, receive additional income from sales, and also make it possible to cleanse the world of waste components.

There are methods with which you can not only create recyclable materials, they are aimed at obtaining energy from waste. For these purposes, specialized mechanisms are being developed, thanks to which thermal resources and electricity are created.

Devices have been developed that can convert one ton of the most harmful waste into 600 kW of electricity. Along with this, 2 Gcal of heat energy appears. These units are currently in great demand, as it is believed that this is the most cost-effective and quickly payback investment.

Such mechanisms are expensive, but the investment financial resources provide further savings on materials and significant income from profits through the sale of energy. The invested amount will be repaid many times over by the income received.

There are several ways in which waste is converted into energy.

— Burning

It is considered the most popular method of solid waste disposal, which has been used since the 19th century. This method allows not only to reduce the volume of waste, but also provides auxiliary energy resources that can be used in the heating system, as well as in the production of electricity. There are disadvantages of this technology, which include the release of harmful components into the environment.

When solid waste is burned, up to 44% of ash and gas products are formed. TO gaseous substances can include carbon dioxide with water vapor and all kinds of impurities. Due to the fact that combustion occurs at temperature conditions at 800-900 degrees, then the resulting gas mixture contains organic compounds.

— Thermochemical technology

This method has big amount advantages when compared with the previous version. Advantages include increased efficiency when it comes to preventing pollution surrounding atmosphere. This is due to the fact that the use of this technology is not accompanied by the production of biologically active components, so no environmental harm is caused.

The generated waste is endowed with a high density, which indicates a reduction in the volume of waste mass, which is subsequently sent for disposal in landfills specially equipped for this purpose. It is also worth noting that the technique gives the right to process an increased number of varieties of raw materials. Due to it, it is possible to interact not only with solid variations, but also with tires, polymer components and waste oils with the possibility of extracting a fuel product for ships from hydrocarbon elements. This is a significant advantage, since the manufactured petroleum products are characterized by increased liquidity and a high price tag.

Negative qualities include spending on the purchase of technological units and increased demands on the quality of recyclable materials. The cost of the mechanisms through which recyclable materials can be processed is high, which symbolizes the large costs of equipping the enterprise.

— Physico-chemical methods

This is another process that produces energy from waste. Thanks to this manipulation, it is possible to convert the waste mixture into a biodiesel fuel product. It is customary to use waste materials as a derivative material. vegetable oils and processing of various types of fats of animal or vegetable origin.

— Biochemical methods

With their help, it is possible to transform components of organic origin into heat energy and electricity thanks to bacteria. The extraction and utilization of biogas, which appears during the decomposition of natural components of solid waste, is most often exploited directly at the disposal site. All the action is carried out in a reactor, where there are special varieties of bacteria that convert organic matter into ethanol with biogas.

Waste to Energy

At the international exhibition Wasma, all interested parties will be able to learn more about the world of recycling and purchase the appropriate equipment for themselves. The entire range of devices that can be used to extract energy sources from waste will be presented at the site.

Visitors receive unique opportunities:

  • Get profitable offer from famous companies. All trade marks are aimed at mutually beneficial cooperation and expanding their client base.
  • Get acquainted with several modifications of products at the same time, study them specifications and compare the indicators. If necessary, you can get professional advice on all issues that arise.
  • Contact service organizations that provide commissioning and service.
  • Purchase new devices or find the necessary components for existing equipment. The event will demonstrate not only the equipment, but also all the necessary components for normal functioning.

The site will be of interest to guests from different fields of activity, since energy resources are extracted from household or industrial waste; agricultural waste products are often used, along with products from the medical and petrochemical industries. When such waste mass is burned, biogas is formed along with pyrolysis gas. The exhibition will feature devices for such activities, which are commonly called pyrolysis complexes.

Receiving energy from living beings evokes primitive associations for many - with a horse carrying a load, or a hamster spinning a small dynamo through its wheel. Someone else will remember the school experience with electrodes stuck into an orange, forming a kind of “living battery”... However, in this regard, the work of our much smaller “brothers” - bacteria is much more effective!

The “garbage problem” on a global scale is much more significant than it might seem to the average person, despite the fact that it is not as obvious as other environmental horrors that they like to talk about in various kinds of “scandals-sensations-investigations”. 26 million tons per year - this is only Moscow and only household waste! And even if we diligently sort everything and then recycle it, the amount of organic waste will not decrease, since they make up about 70% of all the rubbish produced by humanity. And the more developed the country’s economy, the more organic household waste there is. No amount of processing can defeat this terrifying mass. But in addition to household waste, there are huge volumes of industrial waste - wastewater, food production waste. They also contain a noticeable amount of organic matter.

A promising direction in the fight against organic waste that are overwhelming the planet is microbiology. What people don’t finish eating, microbes finish eating. The principle itself has been known for a long time. However, today the problem is its effective use, which is what scientists continue to work on. It’s easy to “feed” a half-eaten hamburger to microbes in a jar! But this is not enough. We need a technology that will allow bacteria to quickly and productively process thousands and millions of tons of waste without extra costs, without expensive structures and catalysts, whose cost negates the final coefficient useful action this process. Unfortunately, most technologies that use bacteria to process waste today are either unprofitable, unproductive, or difficult to scale.

For example, one of the well-known and well-developed technologies for processing waste using bacteria is the method of producing biogas, familiar to many foreign farmers. Livestock manure is rotted using microbes, which release methane, which is collected in a huge bubble bag. The system operates and produces gas suitable for heating the same farm through electricity generated by a gas turbine generator or directly by combustion. But such a complex cannot be scaled purely technologically. Suitable for a farm or village, for big city- not anymore. Plus, unlike manure, urban waste contains many toxic components. These toxic substances end up in the gas phase in the same way as useful methane, and the final “mix” turns out to be highly contaminated.

However, science does not stand still - one of the most promising technologies that are now of interest to scientists around the world (including, probably, the notorious British ones) is the use of so-called “electricity-producing bacteria”, which are one of the best waste eaters, simultaneously producing electricity from this unpleasant process from a human point of view. On the surface of the cell membrane of such a bacterium there is a protein called cytochrome, on which an electrical charge is formed. During the process of metabolism, the bacterium “dumps” an electron onto the surface of its cell and generates the next one - and so on over and over again. Microorganisms with such properties (for example, geobacter) have been known for a long time, but practical application their electrical abilities were not found.

What do microbiologists do? Andrey Shestakov, a researcher at the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University and head of the Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology, told Computerra about this:

“We take an electrode-anode, cover its surface with cells of electrochemical microorganisms, place it instead of hydrogen in a nutrient medium that we need to process (garbage, “garbage solution” - for simplicity we will do without details), and during the metabolism of these cells we from each of we will receive electrons and protons from them.

Then everything is the same as in a conventional fuel cell - the cell gives up an electron and a proton, the protons are sent through the proton exchange membrane to the cathode chamber to the second electrode of this battery, adding oxygen from the air “at the exhaust” we get water, and we remove electricity to an external circuit. It's called a Microbial Fuel Cell.

It’s a good idea to remember how a classic hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell works and functions. Two electrodes, an anode and a cathode (for example, carbon and coated with a catalyst - platinum), are located in a certain container, divided into two parts by a proton exchange membrane. We supply hydrogen to the anode from an external source, which dissociates on platinum and releases electrons and protons. The membrane does not allow electrons to pass through, but is capable of allowing protons to pass through, which move to another electrode - the cathode. We also supply oxygen (or just air) to the cathode from an external source, and it produces reaction waste - pure water. Electricity is removed from the cathode and anode and used for its intended purpose. With various variations, this design is used in electric vehicles, and even in portable gadgets for charging smartphones away from an outlet (such, for example, are produced by the Swedish company Powertrekk).

In a small container in a nutrient medium there is an anode with microbes. It is separated from the cathode by a proton exchange membrane made of Nafion - under this brand name this material is produced by BASF, which was not so long ago known to everyone for its audio cassettes.

Here it is - electricity actually created by living microbes! In the laboratory prototype, a single LED lights up from it through a pulse converter, because the LED requires 2-3 volts to ignite - less than what the MFC produces. Although it takes quite a long time to get to the microbial biotechnology laboratory of Moscow State University in the deep basement through dusty and wild corridors, it is not at all a repository of antediluvian Soviet scientific equipment, as is the case with the vast majority of domestic science today, but is well equipped with modern imported equipment. Like any fuel or galvanic cell, the MFC produces a small voltage - about one volt. The current directly depends on its dimensions - the larger, the higher. Therefore in

industrial scale

Rather large-sized installations are assumed, connected in series into batteries. According to Shestakov, developments in this area began about half a century ago:“Microbial generators” began to be seriously studied at NASA in the sixties, not so much as a technology for generating energy, but as a effective principle recycling waste in a confined space

Today, Russian developments in the field of MFC are the fruit of joint efforts of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University and the M-Power World company, a Skolkovo resident, which received a grant for such research and outsourced microbiological developments to specialized specialists, that is, to us. Our system is already functioning and produces real current - the task of current research is to select the most effective combination of bacteria and conditions under which MTC could be successfully scaled up in industrial conditions and begin to be used in the waste processing and recycling industry.”

There is no talk yet about MFC stations being on a par with already proven traditional energy sources. Now the first priority for scientists is to effectively recycle biowaste, and not to obtain energy. It just “just so happened” that it is the electricity-producing bacteria that are the most “voracious”, and therefore the most effective. And the electricity they produce during operation is actually a by-product. It needs to be taken from bacteria and “burned”, producing some kind of useful work in order for the bioprocess to proceed as intensively as possible. According to calculations, it turns out that it will be enough for waste recycling plants based on microbial fuel cells to operate without external energy sources.

However, in Shestakov’s laboratory they are pursuing not only the “garbage” direction, but also another - purely energy one. A biogenerator of a slightly different type is called a “bioreactor fuel cell” - it is built on different principles than the MFC, but the general ideology of receiving current from living organisms, of course, remains. And now it is already aimed primarily at energy production as such.

What’s interesting is that while many scientists around the world are now studying microbial fuel cells as a means of destroying waste, fuel cells are being studied only in Russia. So don’t be surprised if someday the wires from your home socket lead not to the usual turbines of a hydroelectric power station, but to a waste bioreactor.

Biogas is a source of garden fertility. From the nitrites and nitrates contained in manure and poisoning your crops, pure nitrogen is obtained, which is so necessary for plants. When processing manure in the installation, weed seeds die, and when fertilizing the garden with methane fluent (manure and organic waste processed in the installation), you will spend much less time weeding.

Biogas – income from waste. Food waste and manure that accumulate on the farm are free raw materials for the biogas plant. After recycling the waste you receive flammable gas, as well as high-quality fertilizers (humic acids), which are the main components of chernozem.

Biogas means independence. You will not depend on coal and gas suppliers. You also save money on these types of fuel.

Biogas is a renewable energy source. Methane can be used for the needs of peasants and farms: for cooking; for heating water; for heating homes (with sufficient quantities of feedstock - biowaste).

How much gas can you get from one kilogram of manure? Based on the fact that 26 liters of gas are consumed to boil one liter of water:

With one kilogram of cattle manure you can boil 7.5-15 liters of water;

Using one kilogram of pig manure - 19 liters of water;

Using one kilogram of bird droppings - 11.5-23 liters of water;

With one kilogram of pulse straw you can boil 11.5 liters of water;

Using one kilogram of potato tops - 17 liters of water;

One kilogram of tomato tops produces 27 liters of water.

The undeniable advantage of biogas is the decentralized production of electricity and heat.

In addition to the energy conversion process, the bioconversion process allows us to solve two more problems. Firstly, fermented manure compared to normal use, increases crop yields by 10-20%. This is explained by the fact that during anaerobic processing, mineralization and nitrogen fixation occurs. With traditional cooking methods organic fertilizers(composting) nitrogen losses amount to 30-40%. Anaerobic processing of manure quadruples - compared to unfermented manure - increases the content of ammonia nitrogen (20-40% of nitrogen goes into ammonium form). The content of assimilable phosphorus doubles and makes up 50% of the total phosphorus.

In addition, during fermentation, weed seeds, which are always contained in manure, completely die, microbial associations and helminth eggs are destroyed, and the unpleasant odor is neutralized, i.e. the environmental effect that is relevant today is achieved.

3. Energy use of water treatment waste in combination with fossil fuels.

In countries Western Europe For more than 20 years, we have been actively engaged in practical solutions to the problem of waste disposal from water treatment plants.

One of the common technologies for recycling WWS is their use in agriculture as fertilizers. Her share in total number TSA ranges from 10% in Greece to 58% in France, with an average of 36.5%. Despite the popularization of this type of waste disposal (for example, under EU regulation 86/278/EC), it is losing its attractiveness as farmers fear accumulation in their fields harmful substances. Currently, in a number of countries the use of waste in agriculture is prohibited, for example, in Holland since 1995.

Incineration of water treatment waste ranks third in terms of waste disposal volumes (10.8%). According to the forecast, in the future its share will increase to 40%, despite the relative high cost of this method. Burning sludge in boilers will solve environmental problem associated with its storage, obtain additional energy when burning it, and, consequently, reduce the need for fuel and energy resources and investments. It is advisable to use semi-liquid waste to generate energy at thermal power plants as an additive to fossil fuels, for example, coal.

There are two most common Western technologies for incinerating waste water treatment:

Separate combustion (combustion in a liquid fluidized bed (FLB) and multi-stage furnaces);

Co-firing (in existing coal-fired power plants or in cement and asphalt plants) .

Among the methods of separate combustion, the use of liquid layer technology is popular; fireboxes with LCS are most successfully used. Such technologies make it possible to ensure stable combustion of fuel with a high content of mineral components, as well as to reduce the content of sulfur oxides in the exhaust gases by binding them during the combustion process with limestone or alkaline earth metals contained in the fuel ash.

We studied seven alternative options sludge disposal Wastewater, based both on new non-traditional technologies developed on the basis of Russian or European experience and having no practical use, as well as on complete “turnkey” technologies:

1. Combustion in a cyclone furnace based on existing but not used drum drying furnaces of wastewater treatment plants ( Russian technology- “Tekhenergokhimprom”, Berdsk);

2. Combustion in a cyclone furnace based on existing but not used drum boilers of treatment facilities (Russian technology - Sibtekhenergo, Novosibirsk and Biyskenergomash, Barnaul);

3. Separate combustion in a new type of multi-stage furnace ( western technology- NESA, Belgium);

4. Separate combustion in a new type of fluidized bed furnace (Western technology - “Segher” (Belgium);

5. Separate combustion in a new cyclone furnace (Western technology - Steinmuller (Germany);

6. Co-firing at an existing coal-fired thermal power plant; storage of dried waste in a storage facility.

Option 7 assumes that, after drying, up to 10% moisture content and heat treatment, water treatment waste in the amount of 130 thousand tons per year is biologically safe and will be stored in areas next to the treatment facilities. This took into account the creation of a closed water treatment system at water treatment plants with the possibility of expanding it with an increase in the volume of processed waste, as well as the need to build a waste supply system. The costs of this option are comparable to waste incineration options.


One of the main tasks developed countries is the rational and economical use of energy. This is especially true for our state, where there is a difficult situation with fuel and energy resources. Due to high prices and limited reserves of oil, gas and coal, the problem of finding additional energy resources arises.

One of the effective ways to obtain energy in the future may be the use of solid household waste as fuel. The use of heat obtained from the combustion of solid waste is intended to generate electricity.

Among renewable energy sources based on agricultural waste, biomass is one of the promising and environmentally friendly substitutes for mineral fuels in energy production. Biogas obtained as a result of anaerobic processing of manure and waste in biogas plants can be used to heat livestock buildings, residential buildings, greenhouses, to obtain energy for cooking, drying agricultural products with hot air, heating water, and generating electricity using gas generators. The overall energy potential for using livestock waste based on biogas production is very large and can satisfy the annual demand Agriculture in thermal energy.

It is advisable to use semi-liquid waste from water treatment to produce energy at thermal power plants as an additive to fossil fuels, for example, coal.


1. Bobovich B.B., Ryvkin M.D. Biogas technology for processing livestock waste / Bulletin of the Moscow State Industrial University. No. 1, 1999.

2. Shen M. Compogaz - a method of fermentation of biowaste / “Metronome”, No. 1-2, 1994, p. 41.

3. Assessment of the energy potential of using waste in Novosibirsk region: Institute of Energy Efficiency. -

4. Fedorov L., Mayakin A. Thermal power plant at household waste/ “New Technologies”, No. 6 (70), June 2006