International Labor Organization Convention 159. List of ILO conventions in force in the Russian Federation

[unofficial translation]



General Conference of the International labor organization,
Convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labor Office and meeting at its 69th Session on 1 June 1983,
Taking note of the existing international standards contained in the Retraining of Persons with Disabilities Recommendation, 1955, and the Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975,
Noting that since the adoption of the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955, there have been significant changes in the understanding of rehabilitation needs, in the coverage and organization of rehabilitation services, and in the legislation and practice of many Member States on matters within the scope of the said Recommendation,
considering that 1981 was proclaimed General Assembly United Nations International Year persons with disabilities under the slogan “Full participation and equality” and that a comprehensive World Program of Action for Disabled Persons should undertake effective measures at the international and national levels to realize the goals of “full participation” of persons with disabilities in social life and development, as well as “equality”,
Considering that these changes have made it advisable to adopt new international standards on this issue, which would particularly take into account the need to ensure equality of treatment and opportunity for all categories of persons with disabilities, both in rural and urban areas, in employment and social inclusion,
Having decided to adopt a number of proposals on vocational rehabilitation, which is item 4 of the agenda of the session,
deciding to give these proposals the form international convention,
adopts on 20 June 1983 the following convention, which shall be known as the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Convention, 1983.


Article 1

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term “disabled person” means a person whose ability to obtain, retain suitable employment and advance in employment is significantly limited by reason of a duly demonstrated physical or mental impairment.
2. For the purposes of this Convention, each Member shall consider it the objective of vocational rehabilitation to ensure that a disabled person has the opportunity to obtain, maintain suitable employment and advance in career, thereby facilitating his social integration or reintegration.
3. The provisions of this Convention shall be applied by each Member State through measures that are appropriate to national conditions and consistent with national practice.
4. The provisions of this Convention apply to all categories of persons with disabilities.


Article 2

Each Member State, in accordance with national conditions, practices and capabilities, develops, implements and periodically reviews national policies in the field of vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities.

Article 3

This policy is aimed at ensuring that appropriate vocational rehabilitation measures apply to all categories of disabled people, as well as promoting employment opportunities for disabled people in the free labor market.

Article 4

This policy is based on the principle of equality of opportunity for people with disabilities and workers in general. Equality of treatment and opportunity is maintained for men and women workers who are disabled. Special positive measures aimed at ensuring

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on professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people*

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
dated March 29, 1988 N 8694-ХI


Taking note of the existing international standards contained in the Retraining of Persons with Disabilities Recommendation, 1955, and the Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975,

Noting that since the adoption of the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955, there have been significant changes in the understanding of rehabilitation needs, in the coverage and organization of rehabilitation services, and in the legislation and practice of many Member States on matters within the scope of the said Recommendation,

Considering that these changes have made it advisable to adopt new international standards on this issue, which would particularly take into account the need to ensure equality of treatment and opportunity for all categories of persons with disabilities, both in rural and urban areas, in employment and social inclusion,

Having decided to give these proposals the form of an international convention,

adopts on 20 June 1983 the following convention, which shall be known as the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Convention, 1983.

Section I. Definitions and Scope of Application

Article 1

1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term “disabled person” means a person whose ability to obtain, retain suitable employment and advance in employment is significantly limited by reason of a duly demonstrated physical or mental impairment.

2. For the purposes of this Convention, each Member shall consider it the objective of vocational rehabilitation to ensure that a disabled person has the opportunity to obtain, maintain suitable employment and advance in career, thereby facilitating his social integration or reintegration.

3. The provisions of this Convention shall be applied by each Member State through measures that are appropriate to national conditions and consistent with national practice.

4. The provisions of this Convention apply to all categories of persons with disabilities.

Section II. Vocational Rehabilitation Principle and Policy
employment for people with disabilities

Article 2

Each Member State, in accordance with national conditions, practices and capabilities, shall develop, implement and periodically review national policies in the field of vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities.

Article 3

This policy is aimed at ensuring that appropriate vocational rehabilitation measures apply to all categories of disabled people, as well as promoting employment opportunities for disabled people in the free labor market.

Article 4

This policy is based on the principle of equality of opportunity for people with disabilities and workers in general. Equality of treatment and opportunity is maintained for men and women workers who are disabled. Special positive measures aimed at ensuring genuine equality of treatment and opportunity for disabled people and other workers are not considered to discriminate against other workers.

Article 5

Representative organizations of employers and workers shall be consulted on the implementation of the said policy, including measures to be taken to promote cooperation and coordination between public and private bodies involved in vocational rehabilitation. Consultations are also carried out with representative organizations of persons with disabilities and for persons with disabilities.

Section III. National measures to develop services
professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people

Article 6

Each Member shall, by laws or regulations or by any other method appropriate to national conditions and practice, take such measures as may be necessary to give effect to the provisions of Articles 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Convention.

Article 7

The competent authorities shall take measures to organize and evaluate vocational guidance, vocational training, placement, employment and other related services to enable persons with disabilities to obtain, maintain and advance in employment; existing services for workers are generally used where possible and appropriate, with necessary adaptations.

Article 8

Measures are being taken to promote the creation and development of vocational rehabilitation and employment services for people with disabilities in rural and remote areas.

Article 9

Each Member State shall aim to ensure the training and availability of rehabilitation counselors and other suitably qualified personnel responsible for vocational guidance, vocational training, employment and employment of disabled people.

Section IV. Final provisions

Article 10

Formal instruments of ratification of this Convention shall be submitted to the Director-General of the International Labor Office for registration.

Article 11

1. This Convention is binding only on those members of the International Labor Organization whose instruments of ratification have been registered by the Director General.

2. It shall enter into force twelve months after the date of registration by the Director General of the instruments of ratification of two Members of the Organization.

3. Thereafter, this Convention shall enter into force for each Member State of the Organization twelve months after the date of registration of its instrument of ratification.

Article 12

1. Each Member which has ratified this Convention may, after the expiration of ten years from the date of its initial entry into force, denounce it by a declaration of denunciation addressed to the Director-General of the International Labor Office for registration. The denunciation will take effect one year after the date of its registration.

2. For each Member of the Organization which has ratified this Convention and, within the period of one year following the expiration of the ten years specified in the previous paragraph, has not exercised the right of denunciation provided for in this article, the Convention shall remain in force for a further period of ten years, and thereafter it may denounce it by at the end of each decade in the manner provided for in this article.

Article 13

1. General manager The International Labor Office shall notify all members of the International Labor Organization of the registration of all instruments of ratification and denunciation submitted to it by members of the Organization.

2. When notifying the Members of the Organization of the registration of the second instrument of ratification received by them, the Director General draws their attention to the date of entry into force of this Convention.

Article 14

The Director General of the International Labor Office directs Secretary General United Nations for registration in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, complete particulars of all instruments of ratification and denunciation registered by it in accordance with the provisions of the preceding articles.

Article 15

Whenever the Governing Body of the International Labor Office considers it necessary, it shall submit a report to the General Conference on the application of this Convention and shall consider the advisability of including on the agenda of the Conference the question of its complete or partial revision.

Article 16

1. If the Conference adopts a new convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, and unless the new convention otherwise provides, then:

a) the ratification by any Member of the Organization of a new revising Convention shall automatically entail, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 12, the immediate denunciation of this Convention, provided that the new revising Convention has entered into force;

b) from the date of entry into force of the new, revising convention, this Convention is closed for ratification by members of the Organization.

2. This Convention shall remain in force in all cases in form and content for those Members of the Organization which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising convention.

The English and French texts of this Convention are equally authentic.

The text of the document is verified according to:
"ILO Conventions and Recommendations"
vol.2, Geneva, 1991

Recommendation on vocational rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities

The General Conference of the International Labor Organization, convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labor Office and meeting in its 69th session on 1 June 1983,

Taking note of the existing international standards contained in the Retraining of Persons with Disabilities Recommendation, 1955,

Noting that since the adoption of the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955, there have been significant changes in the understanding of rehabilitation needs, in the coverage and organization of rehabilitation services, and in the legislation and practice of many Member States on matters within the scope of that Recommendation,

Considering that 1981 was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Persons with Disabilities under the slogan “Full participation and equality” and that a comprehensive World Program of Action concerning Disabled Persons should pursue effective measures at the international and national levels to realize the goals of “full participation” of persons with disabilities in social life and development, as well as "equality",

Considering that these changes have made it advisable to adopt new international standards on this issue, which would particularly take into account the need to ensure equality of treatment and opportunity for all categories of persons with disabilities, both in rural and urban areas, in employment and social inclusion,

Having decided to adopt a number of proposals on vocational rehabilitation, which is item 4 of the agenda of the session,

Having decided to give these proposals the form of a Recommendation supplementing the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Convention, 1983, and the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955,

adopts on 20 June 1983 the following Recommendation, which may be cited as the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1983.

I. Definitions and scope

1. Member States, when applying the provisions of this Recommendation and the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation 1955, should regard the term “disabled person” as covering persons whose opportunities for obtaining and maintaining suitable employment and promotion are significantly limited by reason of their evidenced by a physical or mental defect.

2. Member States, in applying this Recommendation as well as the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955, should consider the aim of vocational rehabilitation, as defined in the latter Recommendation, to be to enable disabled persons to obtain and retain suitable employment and to advance in career development, thereby facilitating their social integration or reintegration.

4. Measures for vocational rehabilitation should apply to all categories of disabled people.

5. In the planning and provision of vocational rehabilitation and employment services for persons with disabilities, vocational guidance, training, placement, employment and related services existing for workers in general should be used and adapted for persons with disabilities.

6. Vocational rehabilitation should begin as early as possible. To this end, health systems and other authorities responsible for medical and social rehabilitation should regularly collaborate with authorities responsible for vocational rehabilitation.

II. Vocational rehabilitation and employment opportunities for people with disabilities

7. Disabled workers should enjoy equality of opportunity and treatment with regard to ensuring the reality of obtaining, maintaining and promoting employment in a career that, where possible, meets their needs. personal choice and individual compliance with it.

8. When organizing vocational rehabilitation and providing assistance to disabled people in employment, the principle of equality of treatment and opportunity for male and female workers should be observed.

9. Special positive measures aimed at ensuring genuine equality of treatment and opportunity for disabled people and other workers should not be considered discriminatory against other workers.

10. Measures should be taken to promote the employment of people with disabilities that comply with employment standards and wages, which apply to workers in general.

11. Such measures, in addition to those listed in Section VII of the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955, should include:

a) appropriate measures to create employment opportunities in a free labor market, including financial incentives for entrepreneurs to encourage their activities in organizing vocational training and subsequent employment of people with disabilities, as well as reasonable adaptation of workplaces, work operations, tools, equipment and work organization, to facilitate such training and employment of persons with disabilities;

b) the government provides appropriate assistance in creating various types specialized enterprises for people with disabilities who do not have a real opportunity to get a job in non-specialized enterprises;

c) encouraging cooperation between specialized and industrial workshops in matters of organization and management in order to improve the employment situation of disabled people working for them and, if possible, help prepare them for work in normal conditions;

d) provision by the government of appropriate assistance to vocational training, vocational guidance, specialized enterprises and employment services for disabled people, run by non-governmental organizations;

e) promoting the creation and development of cooperatives by and for disabled people, in which, if appropriate, workers as a whole can participate;

f) the provision by the Government of appropriate assistance in the establishment and development by and for disabled people (and, if appropriate, for workers in general) of small industrial enterprises, cooperative and other types of production workshops, provided that such workshops meet the established minimum standards;

g) elimination, if necessary in stages, of natural, communication and architectural barriers and obstacles that impede passage, access and free movement in premises intended for vocational training and work of disabled people; relevant standards should be taken into account in new public buildings and equipment;

h) where possible and appropriate, promoting the development of means of transport that meet the needs of disabled people, delivering them to and from places of rehabilitation and work;

i) encouraging the dissemination of information about examples of actual and successful labor integration of people with disabilities;

j) exemption from internal taxes or any other internal charges imposed upon import or subsequently on certain goods, educational materials and equipment necessary for rehabilitation centers, production workshops, entrepreneurs and disabled people, as well as certain devices and apparatus necessary to assist disabled people in obtaining and maintaining work;

k) ensuring part-time employment and other measures in the field of labor in accordance with the individual characteristics of disabled people who, at present, as well as at some time in the future, will practically not be able to obtain full-time work;

l) conducting research and possible application their results to various types of disabilities in order to promote the participation of people with disabilities in normal working life;

m) the provision of appropriate assistance by the government to eliminate the potential for exploitation in vocational training and specialized enterprises and to facilitate the transition to a free labor market.

12. When developing programs for labor and social integration or reintegration of persons with disabilities, all forms of vocational training should be taken into account; they should include, where necessary and appropriate, vocational training and education, modular training, residential rehabilitation, literacy training and other related areas of vocational rehabilitation.

13. In order to ensure normal employment and, therefore, social integration or reintegration of disabled people, it is also necessary to take into account special assistance measures, including the provision of devices, devices and other individual services that enable disabled people to obtain and maintain suitable work and advance in their careers .

14. It is necessary to monitor measures for the vocational rehabilitation of disabled people in order to evaluate the results of such measures.

III. Organizing events at the local level

15. Vocational rehabilitation services should be established in both urban and rural areas and in remote areas and should be carried out, where possible, with fuller public participation, especially with the participation of representatives of employers' organizations, workers' organizations and organizations of disabled people.

16. Activities for the establishment of vocational rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities at the local level should be promoted through carefully designed public information measures in order to:

a) informing people with disabilities and, if necessary, their families about their rights and opportunities in the field of employment;

b) overcoming prejudice, misinformation and unfavorable attitudes towards the employment of people with disabilities and their social inclusion or reintegration.

17. Local leaders or local groups, including persons with disabilities themselves and their organizations, should cooperate with health authorities, social security, education, labor authorities and other relevant government agencies in identifying the needs of persons with disabilities in the area and ensuring that persons with disabilities, where possible, participate in public activities activities and services.

18. Vocational rehabilitation and employment services for people with disabilities should be integral part development of the area and, as necessary, receive financial, material and technical assistance.

19. There should be formal recognition of voluntary organizations that are best placed to provide vocational rehabilitation services and to provide employment and social integration or reintegration opportunities for persons with disabilities.

IV. Vocational rehabilitation in rural areas

20. Special measures must be taken to ensure that vocational rehabilitation services are provided to persons with disabilities in rural and remote areas at the same level and under the same conditions as in urban areas. The development of such services should be an integral part national policy rural development.

21. To this end, it is necessary, where appropriate, to take steps to:

a) designate existing vocational rehabilitation services in rural areas or, in the absence of such services, designate vocational rehabilitation services in urban areas as training centers for rural areas for rehabilitation personnel;

b) create mobile vocational rehabilitation services that serve disabled people in rural areas and serve as centers for disseminating information about vocational training and employment opportunities for disabled people in rural areas;

c) train employees of rural and local development programs in vocational rehabilitation techniques;

d) provide loans, grants or tools and materials to help disabled people in rural areas form and manage cooperatives or independently engage in crafts, handicrafts, agriculture or other activities;

e) include assistance to disabled people in ongoing or planned general activities on rural development;

f) assist disabled people in ensuring that their housing is located at a reasonable distance from their place of work.

V. Personnel training

22. In addition to specially trained counselors and vocational rehabilitation specialists, all other persons involved in the vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and the development of employment opportunities should receive vocational training or orientation in rehabilitation issues.

23. Persons involved in vocational guidance, vocational training and employment in general should have the necessary knowledge of physical and mental disabilities and their limiting effects, as well as knowledge of existing support services, in order to facilitate the active economic and social inclusion of persons with disabilities. These individuals must be given the opportunity to bring their knowledge up to date and to gain experience in these areas.

24. The training, qualifications and remuneration of personnel engaged in vocational rehabilitation and training of disabled people must correspond to the training, qualifications and remuneration of persons engaged in general vocational training and performing similar tasks and responsibilities; Opportunities for promotion should be consistent with the capabilities of both groups of specialists, and the transfer of personnel from the vocational rehabilitation system to the general vocational training system and vice versa should be encouraged.

25. Personnel of the professional rehabilitation system for specialized and manufacturing enterprises must receive, as part of his general training and as required, training in production management, production technology and sales.

26. In cases where there are not sufficient numbers of fully trained rehabilitation staff, consideration should be given to recruiting and training vocational rehabilitation assistants and support staff. These assistants and support staff should not be used at all times in place of fully trained professionals. Where possible, provision should be made for upgrading the skills of these personnel to ensure that they are fully included in the number of staff receiving training.

27. Where necessary, the establishment of regional and subregional training centers for vocational rehabilitation should be encouraged.

28. Persons involved in vocational guidance, training, employment and assistance to persons with disabilities should have adequate training and experience to identify the motivational problems and difficulties that persons with disabilities may experience and, within their competence, to take into account the resulting needs.

29. Where necessary, measures should be taken to encourage persons with disabilities to study for occupations related to vocational rehabilitation and to assist them in obtaining employment in this field.

30. Persons with disabilities and their organizations should be consulted on the development, implementation and evaluation of training programs for the vocational rehabilitation system.

VI. Contribution of employers' and workers' organizations to the development of vocational rehabilitation services

31. Employers' and workers' organizations should pursue policies to promote vocational training and provision of disabled people suitable job on the basis of equality with other workers.

32. Employers' and workers' organizations, together with persons with disabilities and their organizations, should be able to promote the development of policies concerning the organization and development of vocational rehabilitation services, as well as research and legislative proposals in this area.

33. Where possible and appropriate, representatives of employers' organizations, workers' organizations and organizations of persons with disabilities should be included on the boards and committees of vocational rehabilitation and vocational training centers used by persons with disabilities, which make decisions on general and technical issues, in order to ensure that vocational rehabilitation programs meet the needs of various sectors of the economy.

34. Where possible and appropriate, employers' and workers' representatives in an enterprise should collaborate with appropriate professionals to consider opportunities for vocational rehabilitation and reassignment of work to persons with disabilities employed in the enterprise and the provision of work to other persons with disabilities.

35. Where possible and appropriate, businesses should be encouraged to establish or maintain, in close cooperation with local and other rehabilitation services, their own vocational rehabilitation services, including various types of specialist businesses.

36. Where possible and appropriate, employers' organizations should take steps to:

a) advise its members on vocational rehabilitation services that can be provided to disabled workers;

b) cooperate with bodies and institutions promoting the active labor reintegration of disabled people, informing them, for example, about working conditions and professional requirements that must satisfy disabled people;

c) advise its members on changes that can be made in relation to disabled workers in the basic duties or requirements of the relevant types of work;

d) recommend to its members to study possible consequences reorganizing production methods so that they do not unintentionally deprive people with disabilities of work.

37. Where possible and appropriate, workers' organizations should take measures to:

a) facilitate the participation of disabled workers in discussions directly at the place of work and in enterprise councils or any other body representing workers;

b) propose the main directions of professional rehabilitation and protection of workers who have become disabled as a result of illness or accident at work or at home, and include such principles in collective agreements, rules, arbitral awards or other relevant acts;

c) advise on activities carried out in the workplace and relating to disabled workers, including the adaptation of labor knowledge, special organization labor, determining professional suitability and employment and establishing production standards;

d) raise problems of professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people at trade union meetings and inform its members through publications and seminars about the problems and opportunities of professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people.

VII. Contribution of people with disabilities and their organizations to the development of vocational rehabilitation services

38. In addition to the participation of people with disabilities, their representatives and organizations in rehabilitation activities specified in paragraphs 15, 17, 30, 32 and 33 of this Recommendation, measures to involve people with disabilities and their organizations in the development of vocational rehabilitation services should include:

a) encouraging the participation of persons with disabilities and their organizations in the development of activities at the local level aimed at the vocational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in order to promote their employment or their social integration or reintegration;

b) the government provides appropriate support for the development of organizations of people with disabilities and for people with disabilities and their participation in vocational rehabilitation and employment services, including support for the provision of training programs for people with disabilities in the field of their social self-affirmation;

(c) Government support should be given to these organizations to carry out public education programs aimed at creating a positive image of the abilities of persons with disabilities.

VIII. Vocational rehabilitation within social security systems

39. In applying the provisions of this Recommendation, Members should also be guided by the provisions of Article 35 of the Social Security Minimum Standards Convention 1952, the provisions of Article 26 of the Employment Injury Benefits Convention 1964 and the provisions of Article 13 of the Disability Benefits Convention 1967. old age and in the event of loss of a breadwinner to the extent that they are not bound by the obligations arising from the ratification of these acts.

40. Where possible and appropriate, social security systems should provide for or facilitate the establishment, development and financing of vocational training, placement and employment programs (including employment in specialized enterprises) and vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities, including rehabilitation counselling.

41. These systems should also include incentives for people with disabilities to seek employment and measures to facilitate their gradual transition into the open labor market.

IX. Coordination

42. Measures should be taken to ensure, as far as practicable, that vocational rehabilitation policies and programs are coordinated with socio-economic development policies and programs (including scientific research and advanced technology) affecting labor management, general employment policy, employment promotion, vocational training, social inclusion, social security, cooperatives, rural development, small-scale industry and handicrafts, occupational safety and health, adaptation of methods and organization of work to the needs of the individual and to improve working conditions.

The text of the document is verified according to:
"Vocational rehabilitation
and ensuring employment of people with disabilities",
N 2, 1995

The General Conference of the International Labor Organization, convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labor Office and meeting in its 69th session on 1 June 1983,
Taking note of the existing international standards contained in the Retraining of Persons with Disabilities Recommendation, 1955, and the Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975,
Noting that since the adoption of the Retraining of Disabled Persons Recommendation, 1955, there have been significant changes in the understanding of rehabilitation needs, in the coverage and organization of rehabilitation services, and in the legislation and practice of many Member States on matters within the scope of the said Recommendation,
Considering that 1981 was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of Persons with Disabilities under the slogan “Full participation and equality” and that a comprehensive World Program of Action concerning Disabled Persons should pursue effective measures at the international and national levels to realize the goals of “full participation” of persons with disabilities in social life and development, as well as "equality",
Considering that these changes have made it advisable to adopt new international standards on this issue, which would particularly take into account the need to ensure equality of treatment and opportunity for all categories of persons with disabilities, both in rural and urban areas, in employment and social inclusion,

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ILO Convention 159 (Vocational rehabilitation and employees/disabled persons);

ILO Convention 177 (Home work)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Convention No. 155 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on Occupational Safety, Health and the Working Environment, which entered into force on 11 August 1983, defines the system for organizing occupational safety and health at the national and industrial levels. According to the Convention, employers are obliged to provide jobs, machinery and equipment, organize production processes, in accordance with established international safety standards, take measures to create appropriate services for the management and supervision of labor protection.

The Convention also provides for the provision necessary information bodies of public control over labor protection, training and consultations. In accordance with the requirements of the document, the employer is obliged to develop measures and means to prevent industrial injuries and conduct investigations and records of accidents and occupational diseases.

The ILO is one of the oldest international organizations, created in 1919. It is the main international coordinating body in the occupational safety and health industry. Ukraine has been a member of the ILO since 1954. A significant number of documents adopted by the ILO, ratified in Ukraine. Among them are the most important regulations that relate to fundamental human rights in the labor process. The ILO has a system of monitoring the implementation of the requirements of conventions and recommendations in member countries. The ILO project “Mobilization of enterprises and workers to prevent the abuse of harmful substances” is being implemented in Ukraine.

Within the framework of the TACIS program for the purpose of cooperation in the field of labor protection of Ukraine with European Union the “Project for Assistance in Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health in Ukraine (in order to increase the level of efficiency)” was created, which provides for the improvement of the regulatory framework, the basis Information Center from agitation and propaganda and development of the mechanism of economic calculations at enterprises aimed at creating safe and healthy working conditions for workers.

Ukraine is a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the International Health Organization (IOH) and others specialized institutions United Nations and implements the regulations and recommendations approved by them regarding the health and life of workers.

Ukraine has ratified 62 International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions and implemented about 20 common projects, some of them continue to be implemented today.
Thanks to constructive cooperation with the ILO, the government of Ukraine and social partners have the opportunity to gain great international experience in the field of reform social and labor relations.

Ukraine is interested in further cooperation and receiving international technical and expert assistance. Such assistance is needed to develop an effective system of social dialogue, in particular through its institutionalization and legal support, reforming labor legislation and bringing it into line with international labor standards, as well as for developing the system state inspection labor.

Security questions from lecture 1

"International standards in the field of labor protection"

1. The concept of social partnership (social dialogue). Social partnership concept. Basic principles of social partnership. Parties of social partnership. Subject of social partnership.

2. Provisions that are negotiated within the framework of social partnership. What is the scope of social partnership? Legal model of social partnership in Ukraine and its legislative and regulatory framework.

3. What is regulated EU standards. Legislative framework of the European Union on labor protection issues?

4. What is the legislative basis for occupational safety based on? What regulatory standards exist? legal acts in the field of labor protection? .

5. Labor standards International Labor Organization. ILO Conventions and Recommendations. Basic ILO Conventions in the field of labor protection. Objectives of the ILO.

    Convention No. 11 on the Right to Organize and Association of Workers in agriculture"(1921).

    Convention No. 13 “On the use of white lead in painting” (1921).

    Convention No. 14 “On weekly rest in industrial undertakings” (1921).

    Convention No. 16 “On Compulsory medical examination children and teenagers employed on board ships" (1921).

    Convention No. 23 on the Repatriation of Seafarers (1926).

    Convention No. 27 “On the Indication of the Weight of Heavy Goods Carried on Ships” (1929).

    Convention No. 29 on Forced or Compulsory Labor (1930).

    Convention No. 32 concerning the protection against accidents of workers engaged in loading or unloading ships (1932).

    Convention No. 42 concerning Workers' Compensation in Case of Occupational Diseases (1934).

    Convention No. 45 “On the Employment of Women in Underground Work in Mines” (1935).

    Convention No. 47 “On the reduction of working time to forty hours a week” (1935).

    Convention No. 52 “On annual holidays with pay” (1936).

    Convention No. 69 “On the issuance of certificates of competency to ships' cooks” (1946).

    Convention No. 73 on the Medical Examination of Seafarers (1946).

    Convention No. 77 “On the Medical Examination of Children and Adolescents for the Purpose of Determining Their Fitness for Work in Industry” (1946).

    Convention No. 78 “On the Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons with a Purpose of Determining Their Fitness for Non-Industrial Work” (1946).

    Convention No. 79 “On the Medical Examination of Children and Young Persons with a Purpose of Determining Their Fitness for Work” (1946).

    Convention No. 81 on Labor Inspection in Industry and Commerce (1947).

    Protocol to the Convention No. 81 (1995).

    Convention No. 87 on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Rights to Organize (1948).

    Convention No. 90 concerning night work by adolescents in industry (revised 1949).

    Convention No. 92 on Accommodation for Crews on Board Ships (revised 1949).

    Convention No. 95 on the Protection of Wages (1949).

    Convention No. 98 on the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Collective Bargaining (1949).

    Convention No. 100 “Concerning equal remuneration for men and women for work of equal value” (1951).

    Convention No. 102 on Minimum Standards of Social Security (1952).

    Maternity Protection Convention No. 103 (1952).

    Convention No. 105 “Abolition of Forced Labor” (1957).

    Convention No. 106 “On Weekly Rest in Commerce and Establishments” (1957).

    Convention No. 108 “National Identity Document for Seafarers” (1958).

    Convention No. 113 on the Medical Examination of Seafarers (1959).

    Convention No. 115 “On the Protection of Workers from Ionizing Radiation” (1960).

    Convention No. 116 “On the Partial Revision of Conventions” (1961).

    Convention No. 117 “On the Basic Norms and Objectives of Social Policy” (1962).

    Convention No. 119 “On the provision of protective devices for machinery” (1963).

    Convention No. 120 on Hygiene in Commerce and Establishments (1964).

    Employment Policy Convention No. 122 (1964).

    Convention No. 124 “On the Medical Examination of Young Persons for the Purpose of Determining Their Fitness for Work in Underground Work in Mines and Mines” (1965).

    Convention No. 126 on Crew Accommodation on Board Fishing Vessels (1966).

    Convention No. 131 concerning the Establishment of Minimum Wages, with Special Consideration to Developing Countries (1970).

    Convention No. 133 on Crew Accommodation on Board Ships. Additional Provisions (1970).

    Convention No. 134 on the Prevention of Occupational Accidents among Seafarers (1970).

    Convention No. 140 “On paid study holidays"(1974).

    Convention No. 142 on Vocational Guidance and Training in the Field of Human Resources Development (1975).

    Convention No. 148 “On the protection of workers against occupational hazards caused by air pollution, noise and vibration at work” (1977).

    Convention No. 149 “On the employment and working and living conditions of nursing personnel” (1977).

    Labor Administration Convention No. 150 (1978).

    Convention No. 154 on the Promotion of Collective Bargaining (1981).

    Occupational Safety and Health Convention No. 155 (1981).

    Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention No. 156 (1981).

    Convention No. 157 “On the Establishment international system preservation of rights in the field of social security" (1982).

    Convention No. 158 “On termination of employment by the employer” (1982).

    Convention No. 159 “On Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities” (1983).

    Convention No. 160 on Labor Statistics (1985).

    Convention No. 162 “On occupational safety and health in the use of asbestos” (1986).

    Convention No. 166 on the Repatriation of Seafarers (1987).

    Convention No. 168 on the Promotion of Employment and Protection against Unemployment (1988).

    Convention No. 173 “For the Protection of Workers' Claims in the Event of Insolvency of the Employer” (1992).

    Convention No. 174 on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents (1993).

    Convention No. 175 on Part-Time Work (1994).

    Convention No. 178 “On the inspection of working and living conditions of seafarers” (1996).

    Convention No. 179 Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers (1996).

    Convention No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies (1997).

The ongoing process of ratification of ILO Conventions is of fundamental importance for the formation of labor legislation that meets international standards. Typical for Russia accelerated process the formation of new social and labor relations and the creation of appropriate labor legislation (in Western European countries, labor legislation was created over several decades).

As part of the implementation of the General Agreement between all-Russian associations of trade unions, all-Russian associations of employers and the Government of the Russian Federation for 2006-2009. It is proposed to ratify the following conventions.

    No. 42 “On compensation for workers in case of occupational diseases” (1934).

    No. 97 “On migrant workers” (1949).

    No. 102 “On minimum standards of social security” (1952).

    No. 117 “On the main goals and norms of social policy” (1962).

    No. 131 “On the establishment of minimum wages with special regard to developing countries” (1970).

    No. 140 “On paid educational leaves” (1974).

    No. 143 “On abuses in the field of migration and on ensuring equality of opportunity and treatment for migrant workers” (1975).

    No. 154 “On the promotion of collective bargaining” (1981).

    No. 157 “On the establishment of an international system for the preservation of rights in the field of social security” (1982).

    No. 158 “On termination of labor relations at the initiative of the entrepreneur” (1982).

    No. 166 “On the repatriation of sailors” (1987).

    No. 168 “On the promotion of employment and protection against unemployment” (1988).

    No. 173 “On the protection of workers’ claims in the event of insolvency of an entrepreneur” (1992).

    No. 174 “On the prevention of major industrial accidents” (1993).

    No. 175 “On part-time work” (1994).

    No. 178 “On inspection of working and living conditions of seafarers” (1996).

    No. 184 “On occupational safety and health in agriculture” (2001).